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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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nbc bay area sky ranger overhead. this area, it's near jennings and carroll avenue, where streets are blocked off due to police activity. you can see a half a dozen police officers, at least on the scene. emergency crews are there as well. we are working to get more information on what type of investigation is going on, but in the meantime, you are asked to avoid this area. we will keep
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you posted and another live look. from this area you can see police just standing there exchanging information. we are making phone calls and once we get it, we will get you more information on air as well as on our digital platforms. is also taking on ticketmaster and live nation. the justice department filing a lawsuit to break them up. but does that mean ticket prices to concerts will go down? good afternoon everyone i'm janelle wang. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our ian cull is talking to industry insiders and concert goers about this lawsuit. we're also tracking other stories on this thursday, including flames ripping through a mobile home in just seconds. the investigation, now underway in pleasanton after a man was killed in that fire, also in the right place at the right time, a man rescues a toddler from a burning car in contra costa
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county. our jodi hernandez talks to that man and shares with us this incredible story and budget cuts coming to the south bay. the move the state wants to make that could impact crime victims in santa clara county. but we're going to begin with that new lawsuit aiming to change how concert tickets are sold. and some say it could reshape the live entertainment industry. the department of justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against live nation and ticketmaster, saying the ticket seller is a monopoly, and that caused high ticket prices. but some analysts don't think it will change much. nbc bay area's ian cull has been digging into this story. so what is the department of justice claiming? yeah, so the attorney general is basically accusing ticketmaster and its parent company, live nation, of illegally squashing competition. he alleges the company controls 60% of concert promotions at major venues and about 80% of ticketing operations through ticketmaster. those are figures
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that live nation disputes. the doj says that that has led to higher face value ticket prices and fees. it has also decreased competition. fans hope it will make it cheaper to go to concerts. i have no idea where these fees go to, but yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. i think if it was, you know, up to the certain venues that the artists perform at, that would be, you know, break up the market a little bit. what is live nation's response to this lawsuit? yeah. so the beverly hills based company calls the allegations baseless. as you can imagine, it says the doj ignores key factors like increasing production costs and surging artist popularity, saying its profit margins are actually just above 1. and live nation claims the lawsuit won't fix ticket or service fees. music industry insider bob lefsetz claims that while many people want fees included in the price, artists actually don't. that way, they can set a lower ticket price and make ticketmaster look like the bad guy for charging more. these
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fees don't go into the straight into the pocket of ticketmaster. this is what makes the show happen. so the promoter fee okay, all the things having to do with the building, security, etc. also wrote in part calling ticketmaster a monopoly may be a pr win for the doj in the short term, but it will lose in court because it ignores the basic economics of live entertainment, such as the fact that the bulk of service fees go to the venues, and that competition has steadily eroded ticketmaster's market share and profit margin. now coming up at 530. hear from the attorney general about the suit and legislation in congress that could change how tickets are sold. okay, a lot of us are following this story closely. thanks so much, ian. see you then. in other news, we may never know what started this fire yesterday in redwood city. that's what firefighters are saying tonight. the flames ignited at the sims metal recycling center around three yesterday afternoon. it sent smoke into the air as far south as gilroy. firefighters say it started in a scrap metal pile.
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all those scraps are fed through a shredder and come out extremely hot. that means anything that may have led to information about the cause was likely destroyed by the heat. the fire was put out around 530 and prompted air quality warnings around the bay. firefighters in the east bay are investigating a deadly overnight fire at a mobile home park. it started just before midnight at the hacienda mobile home park on vineyard avenue in pleasanton. when firefighters arrived, the mobile home was already engulfed in flames. an elderly man trapped inside died at the scene. his wife was able to escape, taken to the hospital with minor injuries, our bob redell spoke with the couple's next door neighbor, who didn't want to appear on camera. did you know your neighbors? oh, very much, very well. your thoughts on the man who passed away? oh i'm so sad and i'm praying for my their family.
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praying for kathy and richard was a dear man. fire crews remained at the scene early this morning to clean up and investigate the cause of this fire. now to an incredible story out of contra costa county. a car crashed, rolled over, then caught fire on highway four. and that's when a man driving by stepped into action to rescue a three year-old girl. our jodi hernandez talked to that man today. she joins us live. and jodi, thank goodness he was driving by at that moment. yes, it really is a good thing. 40 year old troy white tells me he was driving his own young daughter home from soccer practice tuesday evening, when he came upon the crash scene right here along highway four at the 160 junction. that car was flipped over on its side and was on fire. his daughter screamed, somebody is in the car and so he immediately pulled over and jumped into action. the former marine ran to the wrecked car
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where the mom had just managed to crawl out. he saw a three year old little girl trapped, buckled in her car seat with her feet dangling. she was saying, help me, help me, and i don't like this. as her panicked mom was screaming. now, white says he struggled with the car seat straps, but he was finally able to unbuckle that little girl and lift her to safety. just moments later, the car exploded and became a complete engulfed in flames. the former marine says he instinctively went into what he called go mode, and is grateful he was there to help jodi. looking at the video is terrifying. i can't believe a three year old was trapped inside. how, how, how are mom? how is the child doing tonight? well, i was able to talk to the mom via text today. they're still in the hospital getting checked out, but they're doing relatively okay. i guess the little girl had some cuts to her face, but the mom says that she cannot express how appreciative
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she is to troy and her family is just so, so grateful. she says. because of him, her daughter, her name is paisley, will get to celebrate her third birthday. she told me that he's now part of their family and she calls him a true superhero for sure. oh, look at her face. she's so precious. okay jodi hernandez along highway four, thank you so much. in other news, people in san francisco's alamo square are continuing to rally around a neighbor whose home was gutted in a fire. that neighbor was also targeted in recent weeks, receiving racist packages in the mail. terry williams parents had to be rescued from the home after it went up in flames tuesday morning, seven people were displaced in the cause of this fire is still under investigation. neighbors quickly organized a fundraising campaign for the family, which has raised more than $75,000. a separate fundraiser was actually set up after those racist packages were sent. that one has raised over
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$100,000. they're also organizing a block party and donation drive this sunday on grove street in fillmore. police are still investigating to see if the fire and racist mail are connected. miramar park. santa clara county sounding the alarm the state's budget deficit could make a bad situation much worse in the south bay. the county is already facing a $250 million budget deficit next fiscal year. and governor newsom, who is trying to solve the state's own budget deficit, is proposing to cut what are called excess era funds. that's property tax money left over after funding schools for the year. for santa clara county, that's about $36 million a year. now, county executives and community leaders are warning the loss of those funds could have a big impact on agencies that help victims of rape, human trafficking and other crimes. we're going to go back to the days that we put a
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band aid on this issue, where we provided emergency shelter for a few days and then went on to the next survivor for other counties in the bay area are facing a similar cut in funds, including san francisco and marin counties. the governor's office said it would have the state finance department respond to our request for comment. we have not heard back yet. the state legislature will make the final decision on what cuts to make. okay, let's take a look at our forecast now. another beautiful day. wait, i just noticed we look like twins. we kind of do this sleeveless. the sun is still out. a bit chillier though than it was earlier this week. it is. and you know we've had that sort of cooling factor. it's about 60 degrees right now in san francisco. notice some low clouds. but aside from that we've had sunshine. and let's talk about why we're seeing the cooling in your microclimate forecast. and it is due to a system just to our north now, right now in san jose, it's a bit warmer into the interior, 75 degrees. but even so, i mean, compared to some of those 80s that we saw earlier at the start
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of the workweek, certainly feeling the comfortability of the 70s right. satellite right now, you can see we've got mostly clear conditions and just to our north, if i zoom this out, we do have a low pressure system. now, the influence of that is primarily going to bring that cooling that we talked about. but also breezy winds which you might have already noticed, especially around the coastline. so let's take you through your friday outlook. of course, as we inch closer to the weekend at around 7 a.m, we're going to wake up to 40s and 50s throughout the bay area. you'll notice mostly clear conditions. don't have to worry too much about that may gray for tomorrow, but by the afternoon we're talking 12:00. we're going to be in the 60s for most areas, including concord, upper 60s, 68, 65 down through the south bay and daytime highs for tomorrow are going to be running a few degrees cooler than even what we saw today. most of the 70s will be in through parts of the tri valley. notice down through the south bay. we're talking upper 60s in the forecast for tomorrow, so what's going to happen with those winds? well, we're going to notice some of the breezy winds start to kick up, especially later into tomorrow evening.
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we're talking right around your dinner time. you'll notice 20 to 25 plus around the city up through parts of the north bay, stretching down through the south bay as well. so make sure to join us once again at 5:00. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is going to have a closer look. not only at your weekend forecast, but of course, we've got memorial day weekend ahead, inching closer to next week as well. coming up in just a few minutes. janelle a three day weekend for many. thank you so much. vianey new concerns over real looking fake videos. they're surfacing online. the steps you can take to avoid falling victim to a deep fake. also an historic launch. nasa is getting ready to send a new satellite into orbit. vna rejoins us to explain how it will help with our climate in crisis. but before we head to break, we want to know what trending story would you like to see later in this newscast? i have a poll up right now on my instagram stories, and you still have a little bit of time to vote for one of these three stories. are you spending more shopping, more money shopping online? celine dion documentary
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a trailer is released and tiktok rolls out new rules. we'll tell
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! you mission. nasa and noaa held a virtual meeting this week to preview the upcoming launch in june as part of a series of advanced geostationary weather satellites. here to explain that and give us some insight is our own vianey arana. what will this satellite right be tracking? what kind of data? yeah, and this is important data that then we receive and the scientists take a deeper dive into it. so this is the last in the series of four shows. our series now go stands for geostationary operational environmental satellites. and the team has spent years building and testing components to make sure that they can get through the harsh conditions. of course, during the launch itself. so how far is the journey? well, this satellite will reside 22,236
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miles above earth. the series uses abi, known as advanced baseline imager. it's the primary camera, basically, that provides fast and accurate data to help track things like the earth's weather, climate, oceans, and the environment, and having technology in the goes satellite, whether it goes r or goes u and future technology early detection is everything. and we think about a satellite. the first thing you think of is a cloud. we see more than clouds, and lightning detection is a key to some of our early warnings for the fire weather community. so a lightning strike in a dry area in a time of the year that could cause a fire, that's an indicator to us that that there could be a potential fire started. so why is it historic? well, the launch, it's because it will carry something new. it is the first operational compact kearny street graph known as c core one, which basically is a solar telescope. it looks at the outer atmosphere
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of the sun known as the corona, which is where extreme space weather originates. that's so interesting. it captures so much important information that could give you folks like meteorologists, a heads up of these storms that are coming. when is it set to lift off? well, you know, this is scheduled right now, pending any weather, of course, june 25th at 516 eastern time. and it's going to be aboard the spacex falcon heavy rocket from nasa's kennedy space center in florida. here's the thing. once it makes it to orbit, it actually changes the name. it goes from goes-u. it will be renamed as goes 19. and they tend to do that depending on the sort of data they begin to gather, replacing old geostationary satellites and of course, we'll keep you posted on the launch itself. and hopefully we get some fantastic information back. it's so fast we can gather data every 30s. wow, they're really quick. quick. okay, thank you so much. and veena also mentioned it can track hurricanes. yes. and noaa actually issued a warning about hurricanes and the season. it's predicting this year more storms than average will turn into
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hurricanes. scientists say the ocean and atmosphere are warming up due to global warming. and in fact, they're reaching near record temps and that makes it more likely for storms to pick up wind speed and form hurricanes. noaa expects an 85% chance of an above normal hurricane season in areas near the atlantic ocean. hurricane season officially kicks off next week, and goes on until november . travelers are getting a head start on memorial day weekend. triple a says today will be the busiest travel day for the holiday weekend. a lot of travelers at sfo this morning, things are moving smoothly there. triple a says this afternoon and evening are set to see travel times increase by 84. the agency says this year's overall memorial day travel numbers are inching closer to a 2005 record of 44 million travelers. prices are not much higher than last year, so we're not paying much more for flights, hotels and car rentals.
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in fact, it really obviously depends where you're going for flights. but if you're willing to fly basic economy and maybe have a layover, you might be able to score a pretty cheap flight, especially if you book a for a flight that leaves tuesday or wednesday. those are the cheaper days. caltrans has a warning for drivers heading to tahoe today. there will be delays on 80 because of emergency construction starting in colfax and extending to the nevada state line. caltrans plans to pause construction tomorrow afternoon through monday, but if you do take off today, these projects may add 30 to 40 minutes to your drive time . cracking down on deep fakes. the feds are looking at ways to protect us from getting duped, especially with the presidential election coming up. here's today in the bay's marcus washington with more. well, the fcc is considering a new rule which would require the disclosure when using ai in political ads. also, as the election season ramps up, you may see increasingly outrageous information in your social feeds
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and on the internet. some of them might be deep fakes. now, you know, those are those very real looking fake videos created with someone's likeness or voice and some made with i often say or do something the real person might not. now, according to a recent survey by palo alto based identity verification service, 72% of consumers worry about falling victim to a deep fake. 60% of consumers believe they know a deep fake when they see one, the chief technology officer at jumio says. you have to look very closely. there's movements of the face, things like details around the eye that is not perfect. there's also unnatural movements of the head as it moves across the screen. and of course the voice. there can be a pauses that are unnatural. there can be inflections that are natural. so there's definitely mechanisms both visual and auditory, that
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can be used to detect deep fakes. and of course, if you combine that with just plain old common sense. now he says, famous people aren't the only ones that can actually fall victim to deep fakes, because there are hundreds of deep fake or face morph programs that almost anyone can use to actually create fake videos and try to trick just about anyone. now for stories like this, make sure you join us for today in the bay. we start at 5 a.m. on air. you can also watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we're on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. i'm marcus washington, back to you. it's getting tricky. it's also important to look at the source who's putting out this video. you can kind of tell if it's something sketchy or not. it's tough to do. yes, garvin, what's coming up at five? well, janelle, we've got a story. kristie smith went to san bruno today and the stories in san bruno, but i think it's something we can all relate to. it has to do with parking downtown now, it appears police weren't writing a lot of tickets for unpaid meters, so people
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just took up the spots all day and the businesses were unhappy. so what do you do? of course, they started writing more tickets and well, you guessed it, no one else is happy about it. kristie is going to sort it out for us and it is graduation season, and there is a graduation at the center of tonight's bay area proud segment. but it is different. in fact, it's the first of its kind. it's for a group of formerly incarcerated finishing a program aimed at making them currently employed in the tech world. very special ceremony. can't wait to see it. thanks garvin. thanks. still to come, the top trending story as voted by you on my instagram poll. also how about skiing this memorial day weekend? the last tahoe ski resort still open? we'll tell you about it when we come back
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from overseas. the chinese owned platform will block state
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affiliated videos from appearing outside of their home country. the policy comes after a brookings institution study found that russian accounts began posting more messages in english and in spanish. foreign propaganda is not uncommon on social media, especially during election years, but tiktok is upping its security after concerns from u.s. lawmakers and a looming possible ban here in the u.s. as always, i'll post links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram stories. memorial day always kicks off summer, but today many are heading up to tahoe, hoping to hold on to winter. that's because palisades tahoe is providing a last chance weekend for diehard skiers and boarders. it's the only ski resort still operating in the tahoe basin. memorial day is the final day. employees at palisades tahoe say now is a perfect time to come to enjoy the mix of summer and winter. i mean, right now it's great for those dual sport days.
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you can go skiing in the morning, then you can go water skiing in the in the afternoon or mountain biking or whatever, whatever floats your boat. honestly, it is a great time to be up here at palisades tahoe. very true. but if dual sports is not your thing, don't worry. palisades tahoe is hosting its annual made in tahoe festival this weekend. there you can enjoy music, food, local arts and admission is free. that's going to do it for us at 430. garvin thomas and gia vang are here working on the 5:00 newscast. they'll join you in two minutes.
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despite of a major budget shortfall, the bold promise from the mayor to keep vital services going in spite of the city needing hundreds of millions of dollars. also, an east bay school board president is fighting for his job after
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trustee threatens action against him. how our investigative units reporting has opened a real can of worms and frustration over a paid parking system in downtown san bruno. why? some believe it's excessive and possibly hurting business. the news at five starts right now. thank you so much for joining us. i'm garvin thomas and i'm gia vang. we begin with breaking news in san francisco. we are tracking a police shooting in the bay view neighborhood. our sky ranger is overhead the area near jennings street and carroll avenue where streets are blocked off. you can see right there a large police response. you are being asked by police to avoid the area. now at this point, police will only say an officer involved shooting occurred, but thankfully nobody was hit by gunfire. we have a crew on the scene and we'll be bringing you more details as we get them on air and on all of our digital platforms. and more breaking news this is a long
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highway four in antioch, contra costa county fire tells us approximately 20 acres of brush is burning along the highway, and it has the potential to spread very quickly. this is near hillcrest avenue and highway four, not far from the antioch bart station. right now, there is no word on any evacuations. we will, of course, update online and on air as we get more details. well, the city of oakland is facing a nearly $300 million shortfall in the next two years. but today, the mayor says she's found ways to close the gaps. nbc bay area's velena jones explains how the mayor says she can do it without major impacts to public safety, essential services, or even layoffs. i will protect city services. my budget will not reduce public safety. my budget will not close firehouses or libraries or recreation center. that's the promise from oakland mayor xiang tao as she claims the city has successfully found ways to make up


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