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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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highway four in antioch, contra costa county fire tells us approximately 20 acres of brush is burning along the highway, and it has the potential to spread very quickly. this is near hillcrest avenue and highway four, not far from the antioch bart station. right now, there is no word on any evacuations. we will, of course, update online and on air as we get more details. well, the city of oakland is facing a nearly $300 million shortfall in the next two years. but today, the mayor says she's found ways to close the gaps. nbc bay area's velena jones explains how the mayor says she can do it without major impacts to public safety, essential services, or even layoffs. i will protect city services. my budget will not reduce public safety. my budget will not close firehouses or libraries or recreation center. that's the promise from oakland mayor xiang tao as she claims the city has successfully found ways to make up for a $170
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million budget deficit this year and solve an additional $175 million shortfall coming next year. my midcycle budget adjustment is fiscally responsible. it's disciplined and maintains our focus on the issues that matter most to oaklanders. those issues outlined in a press conference today are what the mayor calls her five priorities. they include creating a safe city, economic development, and addressing a long standing structural budget deficit, including starting the budget process sooner in the future, the mayor adds. the sell of the city's share of the coliseum complex is helping to close the gap. we're just thankful that you know that the stars kind of aligned. however, at the end of the day, we'll still be working towards making sure that we address the structural deficit. cuts will include freezing around 100 city positions, reducing non critical contracts and streamlining some services. but the mayor says it avoids critical impacts. oakland fire
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was anticipating we won't be closing firehouses and that's an incredible gift. grateful to escape the cuts this time. the president of the oakland firefighters union explains the department still needs more funding to keep pace with the city's growing needs. we're already at a tipping point where we have barely enough resources to handle all of our need, and were we to close firehouses like it looked like we might have had to. that would have had dire consequences for the citizens? well, council members have not seen the detailed budget yet. i just want to make sure that the numbers that are being presented financially are accurate and evaluated, and don't come back a month later and tell me what? guess what? we're still $60 million short. councilman noel gallo is hoping the concrete numbers show where money is being spent and saved. we budgeted so many positions from public works all the way up transportation, but we never filled them. so what happened to all that money in the year?
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well, the mayor outlined her priorities today. we won't get to see the actual details of the budget until it's released tomorrow. from there, city council will have until the end of june to pass it in oakland. velena jones nbc, bay area news. a late night move in antioch to strip the title of board president from a school district trustee. that board president says it's an attempt to silence him for holding the district, and the superintendent accountable for how they're handling worker bullying complaints. given the clear violation of the board policies and protocols, i'm calling for a censure resolution to be included in next month's governing board meeting and to add a discussion item to consider the potential removal of board president hernandez from a position as president. and that motion follows our investigative units report last month, where several workers accused the district's maintenance director of bullying them. they filed complaints against ken turnage with the district. turnage moved a desk onto a roof as punishment.
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you're seeing that photo here. that's according to one complaint. the workers believe the superintendent turned a blind eye because she's close friends with turnage. she hasn't responded to that claim. board president antonio hernandez called for her own. her resignation as well in the district, has since hired a third party investigator to look into the reports. last night, board trustee mary rocha accused hernandez of putting the district's reputation in jeopardy with his public criticism of board president hernandez. behavior is disrespectful and flies in the face of our board policies. the system, the school district, people. anyone can tell me what i should or shouldn't do. but the only thing i know truthfully in my heart is that the way to reach unity is by doing what i know is right for our employees and our students. okay, so what happens next? board members will discuss removing hernandez as president at their june 26th meeting. but last night, they also decided to consider another a wider third party investigation into how the district as a whole is handling
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employee concerns. a new paid parking system on the peninsula is raising concerns and frustrations. some business owners says it's excessive and they may be even hurting their business. nbc bay area's christie smith explains one of the problems is not everyone agrees what the problem is or the solution. there's so many issues. it's a real big mess. rebecca milano owns one love cafe in san bruno. she says recent parking changes in the area are a real concern. the changes started with kiosks being installed on downtown streets, with a new rule for anyone looking to park. one hour is the minimum you either by one hour for $1.50 or two hours for $3. there's no other options. so even if you're going to be here for an hour and a half or a little over an hour, you're forced to pay for two hours. anyone. parking is also required to enter their license plate number. rebecca says she's seen the impacts. i opened in october of last year and my business was
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consistently growing 25 to 30% month over month. i saw a 25% decrease the minute that the meters started. residents have also raised concerns about technical problems with the meters, and some say the new paid parking rules have also led to more people looking for free spots in nearby neighborhoods. the intent was to increase the circulation of our downtown so that people can get in and do their shopping and then go ahead and move on. and so that would open up the spaces for more people to shop. marty medina is a council member and says they have heard the complaints. we've heard the calls for additional green zones, staff currently have a number of things already that they're working on. we just completed our budget, and so as some time to allow them to kind of look at the next thing. so i think what's going to help them out with that would be the data that they're obtaining. there's a residential parking permit program that aims to address some of the issues. a subcommittee was formed to address impacts to neighbors and determine what it would take to
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address it. now, the police department is sounding off as well, saying they want to clarify where the program is at. however, they also say it's doing what it was supposed to do , which is ensure turnover so others have a chance to park and not everyone is complaining. a merchant told us off camera that the new system is working, and that more customers are now able to easily cycle in and out. but others say this solution just creates new problems. i would like to see the old system back two hours. maximum parking if you exceed that then you get a get a ticket in san bruno. christy smith, nbc, bay area news well, sam bankman-fried is reportedly back in california tonight in a prison in fresno county. he's the founder of ftx, a collapsed cryptocurrency exchange company who was convicted of fraud and conspiracy. a judge sentenced bankman-fried to 25 years in prison in march. the wall street journal is now reporting that law enforcement moved him from a
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jail in new york yesterday, and that he's now at a facility in the town of mendota in fresno county. that is a 2.5 hour drive from his parents home in stanford university. now, the wall street journal reports the move is against his wishes. he requested to stay in new york while he files an appeal. it's the second day of jury selection in the state trial against david depape, and already some of the difficulties in picking a fair, impartial jury in such a high profile case are becoming apparent. depape is the man accused of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi's home and attacking her husband with a hammer, as nbc bay area sergio quintana explains, nearly half of the set of jurors and alternates were dismissed. many of the potential jurors say they heard the initial headlines describing the break in at the pelosi house and the attack on paul pelosi, but that was 18 months ago, and most say they haven't paid much attention to it since. still, nearly half of the seated jurors and alternates were dismissed for a number of reasons, including personal hardship and even mental health reasons. more than a few were
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asked about their personal biases about conspiracy theories and former president donald trump. a couple jurors say they no longer talked to family members who talk about conspiracy theories, and one juror claims a friend of his was personally targeted by trump supporters online. probably the most surprising part about today's questions by prosecuting and defense attorneys of the potential jurors, is how many of them have been victims of crime themselves, or whose close family members have been in a case where defendant david depape is accused of breaking into the pelosi home, one juror said it reminded him of a recent burglary he suffered where he caught the burglar in the act. another juror said he was attacked by someone as he got off a bus and another said his wife was recently a crime victim. if the jury selection continues tomorrow, opening arguments will be heard next wednesday. david depape is facing eight felony charges in state court, including attempted murder and burglary, in san francisco, sergio quintana nbc, bay area news. extremely dangerous. that is what the u.s.
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attorney general is calling a social media post by former president trump. trump wrote the post last night. it said the department of justice authorized the fbi to use deadly force during its search of his mar a lago property for classified documents. it comes after the fbi documents for that search were unsealed today. u.s. attorney general merrick garland said the section trump is referring to is used in all search warrants. the allegation is false, and it is extremely dangerous. is the document that is being referred to in the allegation is a justice department standard policy limiting the use of force? and in fact, it was even used in the consent annual search of president biden's home. trump has pleaded not guilty to charges that he willfully retained national defense information that was found at mar a lago. now, the trial for that case has been indefinitely postponed. still ahead. making
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it in the bay remains difficult, but there is a bit of good news involving mortgage rates, how far they've dipped, also making the most out of a second chance. recent graduates are benefiting from a new program aimed at helping those who got out of prison. our bay area proud segment is next. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. comfortable day out there today and also tonight. but look at this much colder ahead and wind even tracking a little bit of drizzle. we'll take it through
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interest rates have once again dipped below 7. that's according to new numbers released today by mortgage finance agency freddie mac. the agency said the rate now averages 6.94. it could be good news for a slumping housing industry and for those struggling to buy a home. existing and new home sales fell last month, and the number of new housing starts also dropped. tonight's bay area proud includes a story of redemption.
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but of course, for a person who redeemed, they must have first fallen. and that's the case with a number of people in our story. but thankfully for them, there are those dedicated to helping them make the most of their second chances. so i think a few of you will be speaking. most graduations cap off an achievement that a few years in the making. but the one joe b-men is taking part in, well, it represents a bit more than that, like half his life. it was a little more than half of my life. yeah. joe was just 22 years old when he was convicted of murder and sent to prison. he would spend the next 24 years there. you know, part of me felt like i deserved to be there, you know, that i deserved to die in prison. you know, i can't undo or make up for. there's no such thing as evening the scales. but if joe couldn't even the scales, he decided to use his time in
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prison to tilt them in a positive direction, which started with changing himself. i didn't want to be the person who took another life. i didn't want to be that person anymore. i couldn't i couldn't look myself in the mirror and be that person. so joe spent years working on his anger and mental health issues. but that's not all he worked on. joe had had an interest in computers since he was young. he even started writing software back when he was just 12, and so he took advantage of the limited resources in prison to learn even more writing code in notebooks and even this calculator i wrote full on apps, typing on those tiny little calculator keyboards, literally thousands of lines of code. this is the pillar one classroom, which is why when joe was released a little more than a year ago, he couldn't have landed in a better place than here. each fellow has their own room crop or creating
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restorative opportunities and programs. was just launching ready for life, a comprehensive residential program based in oakland aimed at turning the formerly incarcerated into the currently employed in the tech world. it's a very challenging program. in addition to classroom trainings, there were real world tours of silicon valley companies. you know, here i am. you know, i'm at this campus with all these engineers and, just wondering, how was this my life? you know, i mean, because not so long ago, i was staring at concrete walls, no matter how many naysayers we have to battle, we're going to continue making that pathway. but now, as part of ready for life's first graduating class, joe and the dozen other graduates can now stare at their diplomas instead, each one being given a second chance to make a positive contribution to society. more groups like that are needed for society. for joe,
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it starts this week with an apprenticeship at the sap academy for engineering. it's an opportunity to look back at something i can be proud of, instead of all the things that i can look back on and not be proud of. to put it mildly, crop was actually started by four inmates at soledad correctional training institute while they were there. it's really i mean, i just scratched the surface. it's a remarkable group for what they do for these inmates, getting them back into society. and i spoke you heard briefly from the executive director, director, tara loy harper, and i asked her, like, you know, this is just 8 or 9 people out of thousands. and she's like, hey, if we prove this is the model, we're not going to we're not going to be able to handle all of them, but it'll spread, right. it's like like silicon valley start small and then takes over. one matters. one matters. yes, absolutely. talk about turning your life around, though. absolutely all right. talk about this weather that we've all been waiting for, right? yeah. it's just been so
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nice. how do we feel about 60. yeah, we're down with that. okay it's warmer. i know everyone wants a little more convincing on that one. it's going to be kind of hard to get into much colder weather, but it's not going to last all memorial weekend long. let's take it into that microclimate forecast. and as gia was mentioning yes. so beautiful outside today. look at the blue sky here in san jose, checking in at 74 degrees. a little bit of a breeze out of the northwest at 14. later on tonight, those 60s return and also some cloud cover. now we're going to see that cloud cover move in from a system we've been telling you about. all week long. and this one is going to sweep across pretty quickly. starting tomorrow also into saturday. so not only colder temperatures picking up the wind and also some drizzle moving back into the forecast. so let's take it into the timeline here, through tomorrow morning. it will be the chance here of maybe some spotty drizzle. best possibility down towards the southern coastline. but notice clouds coming back for the east bay, south bay and peninsula. and then we're going to clear it
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out to a good amount of sunshine through tomorrow afternoon. we'll see another round here of maybe a little bit of drizzle in the morning on saturday. more widespread in the way of cloud cover, but here we go as we head through saturday afternoon. then we'll start to get in on some sunshine and that would continue for sunday and also memorial day on monday. so we've got the clouds. we have the drizzle. other thing to contend with here will be that wind. i do see it tomorrow morning. anywhere from 20 to about 45mph, gusting the highest at the coastal areas. we'd stay with some of this on and off wind through tomorrow afternoon, and the same thing goes here for saturday morning. and then i really see any kind of wind getting out of here as we head through sunday and also monday's forecast. so we got a little bit of a speed bump here to go friday and also into saturday. then after that things are lining up, lining up really nice here for us. so as we take it through tomorrow morning we're going to start it off with temperatures here in the low 50s. with those clouds returning, this will put us to
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53 in the east bay and the chilliest, though one exception there would be the north bay down to 48. so jacket weather not only for the morning, but check out these daytime highs. i mean this is just unbelievable to get into this kind of weather here in the end of may. we're going back down into the 60s. i mean, this is like a 20 degree temperature drop from where we were earlier this week with upper 80s for highs. so you're going to feel it. you're going to notice it especially down here in the south bay 67 in cupertino. let's move it to the east bay up to vallejo 6868 as well in pleasanton, 63 in hayward i got you at 65, in redwood city, san francisco, 57 in the marina with those gusty winds. and for the north bay, 67 in mill valley. and we'll hang on to some low 70s here for sonoma and also into napa. we've been tracking that severe weather nationally. another round tomorrow, midwest down to dallas, texas, even for the southeast. looking at some strong thunderstorms, maybe even some more tornadoes on my 7-day forecast, i think sunday and
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monday is going to be the best days of our three day weekend ahead for us, and to next week really looks like some smooth sailing. we'll get warmer but doesn't look to be too hot. so here we come on the cool weather. it's just kind of jaw dropping. after we had those upper 80s earlier in the week, so kind of a last blast for us. there's some 70s in there. just depends on where you go. yeah, yeah okay. jeff. thanks. sure. well coming up, car insurance rates spiking the highest in 45 years. why there is a silver sliver of optimism for you moving forward and for our bay area proud series. we always love to tell stories of acts of kindness, generosity and compassion. if you know someone who has done something kind for someone else, please let us know about it. you can send an email to bay area pro
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steer, but there could be relief on the way. insurance costs are up more than 22% from a year ago. that's the largest annual increase since 1979. that's because insurers saw losses due to higher vehicle prices, increased repair costs and more accidents as driving trends return to normal. however, bank of america economists say those costs are slowing, which means your premium probably won't fall. but the rate of increases should slow. tesla ceo elon musk says he doesn't support a tariff on chinese made electric vehicles. the biden administration announced last week that it was placing a 100% tariff on chinese electric vehicle imports, but musk told cnbc that neither he nor tesla asked for the tariffs. he made the statement during the via tech conference today in paris.
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musk said he also doesn't agree with tax incentives for e-vehicle e e-vehicles. tesla has been struggling this year due to weaker consumer demand and increased global competition, most notably from china. revenue slumped in the first quarter by the most since 2012, and the stock price is down almost 30. well, another setback for a boeing spacecraft hoping to take astronauts to space. the latest teline on when itim
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with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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rocket ships to. oh, okay. and now the company is trying to launch some astronauts to space on those rockets. but it's not going as planned. the company has been planning to launch its star liner spacecraft with astronauts on board for the first time. the goal is to send two pilots to the international space station. but nasa delayed the launch earlier this month because of a faulty oxygen relief valve. they rescheduled it for this saturday, but delayed it again due to a helium leak. the new launch date is under discussion. if successful, nasa would certify boeing for more missions. don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. jessica aguirre joins
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us now with what's coming up at 530. we've got a lot going on right now at 530, a potential major change to the way you buy tickets to a concert. live nation and ticketmaster are being sued by the department of justice. what the doj claims and how the experts are reacting to that suit. also, a man is dead and his wife injured after flames engulf a mobile home. the details we're learning at this hour and how long does it take for police to respond to emergencies on a public bus? we investigate a delay in calls for help and why those calls don't go straight to police. the news at 530 starts right now. thank you so much for joining us. i'm garvin thomas and i'm jessica aguirre. a showstopper from the department of justice. a lawsuit that could change how concert tickets are sold. and it could be a game changer for the live entertainment industry. the doj joining state attorneys general in an antitrust suit against concert giants live nation and ticketmaster, alleging the ticket


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