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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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threatened by a postal worker. the scary encounter that made a few south bay neighbors fear for their lives. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio. welcome to nbc
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bay area news at 4:30. our robert honda has been working on that story for us all day. he's going to be joining us in just a little bit with what he's learning this afternoon. we're also tracking other stories on this monday as well, including honoring those who lost their lives while serving our country. emotions running high today for memorial day. loved ones and veterans remembering those they lost. plus, san jose state professor is suspended. why? she says it's all related to the pro-palestinian protests on campus and we are just 60 days away from the 2024 paris olympics as the big event inches closer, we got a chance to speak. see right there with warriors coach steve kerr. he's leading the usa men's olympic basketball team. how he is getting the super team ready to defend their gold medal. but we are going to begin this afternoon with new details about a deadly car crash in san jose. right now we are learning about how it is impacting the roads. police say that the crash happened just before 2:00 on montague expressway and o'toole
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avenue. we are learning that one male driver did die on the scene, and now all westbound lanes on montague expressway are closed from highway 880 to mccarthy boulevard. so that is an area you're going to want to avoid. it's not clear what caused this crash or how long the roads will be closed, but we of course, are going to keep tracking this story, and we're going to bring you the latest as soon as we get it. in other news, neighbors in sunnyvale are approached and threatened by a man who seemed to be a postal carrier. and robert honda has been following this story for us from last week. robert, what are you learning today? well, first of all, we're here at sunnyvale public safety and officials did confirm that he was or is an active, mail carrier. and he was working his usual rounds. and then at some point, he suddenly stopped and got out of his vehicle and started gesturing and talking to himself. apparently a couple was driving down the street and they stopped
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because they couldn't get around him, and then they started shooting the video that you're watching because they didn't know why he was doing it, but he was directing his attention at them and started making threatening statements like, i'm going to shoot you, i'm going to kill your wife, and i'm going to, you know, shoot everybody in the car. and he was using his hand gestures like this. and then, when they sort of tried to figure out what to do, he escalated and started making sort of racial remarks, including saying, go back to the country where you belong and things like that. they called the police. the police arrived to remove the couple. and then they say that the, male carrier made similar gestures and similar threats to the officers, and they tried to talk him down. he fled. they caught up to him, they finally called on a canine, a police dog. and the mail carrier used pepper spray and injured the dog. so they finally ended up having to subdue him, and they arrested him. and now
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he faces a number of different counts, including one charge of, felony making a criminal threats. and so that at this point, that's where that case is right now. wow. definitely a lot happening there. surely. very disturbing and scary situation for that couple that shot that video. robert, we are getting reports that the man was possibly experiencing some kind of mental health emergency. so if that is what happened, how will that impact this case? yeah, the sunnyvale public safety officers, when they arrested him, they classified him as a 5150 case, which meant that there are some mental health issues involved. and so that means that he had to go into a, what would be considered basically involve pre, hospitalization and, was held for up to 72 hours. and as is typical in that kind of a case involving mental health, very few details have been released about his status since then. but of course, that is one of the reasons why they're doing that
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is because everyone is trying to figure out why this active mail carrier suddenly started behaving this way, all right. well, robert, thank you for that update. really appreciate that. i know your full story airing later on in our evening newscast. so we'll see you then. thanks so much. okay investigators are looking into what caused a lumber yard in oakland to catch fire. that's what you're looking at here. this fire started just before 8:00 last night at the economy lumber yard on high street, just off of 880. it quickly grew to a four alarm fire, destroying a warehouse at that site. we do know that more than 75 firefighters were called in. the fire has since been contained, but it is still too dangerous for fire investigators to go inside and determine the exact cause. firefighters are planning to be on scene all day today to put out any hot spots. we're taking you to san jose, san jose state professor says she is now suspended in connection with recent activities tied to pro-palestinian activists, saying he, akhil, is a justice
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study professor who also served as co-chair of the palestine arab and muslim caucus of the cal state teachers union. in a letter posted to instagram, she says that the school suspended her over her recent support for protesters. the chronicle reports that she violated an article of the collective bargaining agreement with cal state schools. letter indicates that directed that she directed students to violate harassment policies and disrupted academic learning. school says it doesn't respond to personnel matters. union is now calling for her reinstatement. all right, so the combination of new variants and the summer travel season have led to an uptick in california covid cases. so with more people traveling, very few wearing masks, doctors say that they're seeing more covid cases over the last couple of weeks here. but the good news is, even as more of us travel for the summer, we haven't gotten close to the number of cases we saw last
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summer. that's according to doctors. but the newest subvariants now account for more than half of all covid cases. doctor peter chin-hong says that you should keep up with your vaccine updates, especially if you are elderly or are immune compromised. now take a look at this. the annual hillsborough memorial day parade and music festival is back on in the peninsula. you see right here. mounted police escorted the parade through the city, ending with a carnaval and music festival at north school. they also held an observance ceremony honoring those who gave their lives to our country. and a lot of reminders throughout the bay area today of memorial day. what memorial day is really about. not just a day at the beach or a backyard barbecue. it is a day to remember and honor those who gave their life for our country. nbc bay area's ian cull joins us now after covering these events. ian you were in walnut creek, where i understand they tried something a little different today. yeah, they did. and, you know, there were a couple
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hundred people there at civic park downtown. veterans and civilians joined to remember family members and friends who died too young in war. the mayor shared that 32 soldiers from walnut creek died in world war two. 11 were lost in korea, 17 died in vietnam and two in iraq and afghanistan. now walnut creek did do something new by having council members read letters from military families in the city about what this day means to them. my brother, lance corporal anthony john pepper, has been missing now for 56 years. that last time he picked me up and swung me around on the parade ground. i have this wonderful community of other gold star families who understand. and just eight days later, he was killed by a sniper's bullet. he was 26 years old. surely a tough, emotional day there in walnut creek. and this was just one of dozens of events across the bay area. yeah, i mean, it's really incredible how many cities hold memorial day events. i guess
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it's not surprising, but still, just to see what they put out in all of those events. i also stopped by memorial park in san ramon this morning. each veteran there was asked not just to stand and be recognized, but to step forward when the song of their military branch was played, they were given a special commemorative coin, a token of a community's appreciation. the girl scouts provided flags for people like rebecca johnson to plant in the ground. the current service member planted hers with messages for loved ones, ensuring they'll never be forgotten, and then in afghanistan, there was an attack on an armored bus from our base that was taking soldiers and civilians and killed everyone instantly. and so since then, memorial day has even been more of more important to me. a deeply emotional day, an event there. and you'll hear more from both of those events in our full story coming up tonight at six. all right. we'll see you then. ian. thank you. as you know, summer, just around the corner. and that means it is going to get hot. so up next, we are
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breaking down a new noaa report about the impacts of the heat. and it is a big job for warriors coach steve kerr this summer leading the men's olympic basketball team. and our raj mathai got a chance to speak with him on how it feels to rally this team of superstars to another gold. but before we head to break, we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on in this newscast? have a poll up right now on my instagram. a lot of you have already voted. thank you so much. but for those of you who haven't, so have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories, right here. musk's new startup valued at $24 billion bruce springsteen postpones concerts or dallas crowd boos travis kelce during an nba game. we'reoing to g
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we're warehouse right now because our chris chmura has been working on a number of olympic stories because, as we know, we are 60 days out from the olympics high kris. hello.
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so what's going on here? so our team will pack up for paris in here. meanwhile, team usa is already packing up. and you ever heard that old adage that an army runs on its stomach? yeah, i heard that before. yeah, yeah, i think team usa does too. so coming up at 530, we're gonna look at the unusual cargo and it includes a ton of food to literally fuel team usa. they have 34 pallets full of stuff that are headed to paris. and we're going to walk you through the cargo list. it's fun. so excited for that. see you then. all right, chris, see you then. bye bye. all right. take a look at this. now quite the dog rescue and the potrero hill neighborhood of san francisco. firefighters say raccoons chased a dog named cushy pup off of a cliff last night. he became stuck at the bottom. was hurt. you can see one firefighter was lowered down on a rope and cushy pup is brought back to safety. we are told he is back with his owners and is doing okay. all right. turning now to our climate in crisis, today is the unofficial start of summer. but
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june is of course right around the corner and according to a study by climate central, the season is getting hotter across the u.s. meteorologist vianey arana is here now to vienna. tell us what we can expect this summer. yeah, you've likely, you know, noticed over the years when we get into these heat stretches, how dangerous things can become. but, you know, one thing that we do know for sure is that noaa's summer 2023, according to, was one of the hottest on record. so that was just about a year ago. and as we know, this can heat lead to heat related illnesses. and it's one of the leading, you know, death caused is across the u.s. so let's talk about the latest study, which shows that since 1970, summers have warmed in 230 u.s. locations by 2.5°f on average. now, more frequent extreme heat is not only an indicator of climate change, it is also the leading cause of weather related deaths across the u.s. and even around the world. experts warn that as our climate warms, risky heat gets here earlier and then it ends up
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lingering later. so we'll see, you know, warmer stretches sooner than expected. and then that then will lead to it lingering a little bit longer. and even though, you know, the perfect weather really the past couple days here across the bay. oh yeah. fantastic. we do have some warmer weather ahead. okay. so talk about that with us now. like the trends in the bay area. what do they show. yeah i do want to show you some graphs that climate central provided showing the trends that we've seen in san jose and san francisco from the start of 1970, and what some of those trends showed essentially, is that we've seen significant warming across the u.s. if you notice, in the cups up top, we've got a lot of red and a portion of the west coast. look at that. and then if i kind of zoom this in a bit closer, this is taking a look at san francisco specifically. if you notice look at the trend. since 1970, we've seen summer warming. average temperatures go up not only in san francisco but also in inland areas like san jose. in addition to seeing daytime highs much warmer than average, we're also seeing warmer nights as well. and what that means is
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those overnight lows. look at this warmer summer nights by as much as three degrees in some areas in san jose. that trend basically means that we don't really get that relief that we typically see. you know, whether you're around the coastline, you're trying to get away from the heat. you head to the beach or at night you think, oh, it's nighttime, i'm going to get away from the heat. but that trend right now is showing a boost and will definitely keep you pointed to that warmth that's coming in the upcoming days. i've definitely noticed that boost over night. so yes, it is definitely getting warmer vna thank you. hey speaking of the summer, we are now just 60 days away from the start of the summer olympics. just 60 days and warriors coach steve kerr is going to lead a super team into paris, which includes warriors superstar steph curry. our raj mathai c right here sat down with coach kerr at chase center. he told raj that he doesn't plan to coach the us men's basketball team. past paris may remember he was an assistant in tokyo back in 2021, when team usa won its fourth consecutive gold. team usa will meet in las vegas on
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july 5th for the first time for practice and exhibition games before heading to paris. for me, this is a one time deal and i couldn't be more excited about it. how could i not be excited to coach this group of guys, with this coaching staff in the olympics in paris? it's an incredible opportunity, i can't wait. do you deal with any in this situation? is anyone lobbying for playing time, or is there any egos involved or because it's team usa? because it's such an important platform? is that kind of out the door? yeah, i think one of the cool things about team usa is these guys get away from their normal nba environment, where you know, they are, the leaders of their teams get to usa basketball and the 12 guys carry that torch together and in a lot of ways they bond because of the individual responsibilities they
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all share with their own teams, a lot of ways, i think playing for usa basketball is a relief. it's a chance for them to just be part of a group and, and not have to be the man you think steph will see that? does he already sense that or does he have no idea what's coming? i think steph sees it. he's played in the world cup. he has not played in the olympics, but he's he's been a member of team usa and so he understands the process. it's kind of a six week sprint, from the first practice to the last game. so exciting. and per usual, this team will be stacked with the best players in the league. steph curry will be joined by 11 other nba stars, seven already have olympic gold, including lebron james and former warrior kevin durant, and just 60 days now, make sure you are right here with us where you'll be able to watch the opening ceremonies only here on nbc bay area. well, this
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memorial day, a group is honoring fallen service members by pushing themselves to the limit. here's today in the bay's marcus washington, a national movement focused on movement brings home the spirit of memorial day. for a lot of people. fans of the military base workout called rucking have a special way to honor fallen service members today. now it's called the murph challenge. it's a special workout named after a fallen navy seal lieutenant michael p murphy. he was killed in action in afghanistan 19 years ago. now, since that time, that workout honoring his sacrifice and service has really become popular for athletes all over the world. rucking. it's a workout done with added weight using the principles of crossfit. a former green beret who's current company endorses that training calls it a test of physical and mental endurance, honoring the sacrifice and service of the fallen. before you get to the barbecue and the beers and the and the family fun, you can you can honor all who have fallen. and that's the
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true kind of meaning of what memorial day is. and then you can get on to your, your celebrations and, and a wave your flags proudly. okay. so if you're interested in the workout, here it is. the workout includes a one mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and another mile run and all of it wearing a weighted vest. good luck! now for more stories like this, make sure you join us for today in the bay. we start at 5 a.m. on air. you can also watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we're on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. got to get ready. all right, i'm marcus washington. back to you. of course, marcus. thanks. i'm at the anchor desk now with our janelle wang working on the 5:00 news. hi, audrey. unfortunately, there's still evacuated. more than 60 seniors kicked out of their senior apartment complex in contra costa county because of a power and plumbing issue. now they're staying at nearby hotels until they can return home. what
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apartment management is doing to try and make things right again? and we're exactly 60 days out from the opening ceremony of the olympics in paris. our own jessica aguirre will be in paris, but tonight she has a preview of a new venue in the heart of historic paris in the bay area, athletes hoping to be there competing for gold. all that. more coming up at 5:00. can't wait. all right, janelle, thanks so much. we'll see you in a little bit i still to come top trending stories as voted by you on my instagram poll. just one story. also a home from a famous movie is on the market. you recognize it? we're going to take a look inside the home take a look inside the home alone house ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ )
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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a company from the bay area is climbing up the ranks. you may have heard of it x i. elon musk last year and in a post on x today, musk shared that the company just raised $6 billion from investors. so x i is now
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worth $26 billion. some of the investors include venture capitalists from silicon valley and a prince from saudi arabia. musk says that the money will be used to bring products to the market and do more research. this, of course, puts x i in a better position to compete with other big ai companies, such as openai, which is also from the bay area and as always, i will be posting links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram. and as always, thank you for voting. okay, so the that starred in the classic movie home alone, it's actually not up for sale. if you've seen the movie, then you know it's where macaulay culkin, who plays the character kevin mccallister, accidentally left alone during christmas time. he was stuck in that house. he had to fend off burglars with some tricks. you can see the exterior looks pretty much the same, but the inside it's been changed to look much more luxurious. house is in illinois, about 30 minutes from downtown chicago. price 5 million bucks. you know what though, for bay area? i know i would have put that number way
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higher. we've seen, what, 2 million kids? yes. 5 million. that's a dream for people in the bay area. yeah. that stuff. all right. how's the weather looking? i did get to step out for too long today, but it felt good. yeah, good range of temperatures. we've got 50s in san francisco right now. notice upper 60s, 70s. and there's still some 80s on the map. but at least the dry weather has remained, which has been very pleasant to see that sunshine over the weekend we had perfect weather. if you notice on satellite radar, we do have some cloud cover areas, you know, mainly in through central and southern california as well. for the north of us, we had a comfortable temperatures. it wasn't too cold, too hot. notice we still have some clouds lingering right there around the coast. expect to see that once again for tomorrow at times, especially in the early morning hours. but let's look at your temperature trend for san jose. beautiful clear skies. right now we're at a nice 72. and if you look at the overnight lows, we're going to cool off only into the 60s. now we do have a light breeze from the northwest at about 14mph. meanwhile, in san francisco you can see some
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cloud cover there. there goes that marine layer, a little bit of a breeze there from the west at about 18mph. but we'll see that cloud cover increase overnight. and make sure to join us once again at 5:00. chief meteorologist jeff for new year's can have more details on your extended workweek outlook coming up. audrey sounds good. vanna thanks, and thank you so much for joining us at 430, janelle is working on the 5:00 newscast next, and we are back in just two minutes.
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her home after being forced to evacuate the new timeline, they're now being given. also, we remember our fallen heroes on this memorial day from san jose to san francisco and across the country will highlight the special ceremonies. and we are just 60 days away from the opening ceremony of the olympics in paris. we'll have several stories throughout this newscast
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featuring local olympians, including one taking part in a new event not usually associated with the olympics. the news at five starts right now. thanks so much for joining me. i'm janelle wang. another night at a hotel. we are continuing to follow a story we first told you about last night in oakley. more than 60 seniors had to evacuate their apartments because of a plumbing and power issue. apartment management says it hopes to get them back in their homes by late tomorrow or early wednesday. here's nbc's emma goss. when i came out yesterday morning to get on the elevator, it wouldn't work. so i kept pushing the buttons and pushing the buttons and say, oh, you got to be kidding. lois seals visited her apartment this morning to get some necessities, but she can't stay there. she's one of 44 households in the senior apartment complex who evacuated sunday afternoon when the fire department ordered a power shut off. a spokesperson for the apartment management tells nbc
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bay area that a clog in the plumbing caused water to overflow into a vacant apartment and knocked the elevator out of service. and they said, well, they're not allowing anybody in the building. i said, i gotta have my medicine. a severe asthmatic, seals says she suffered an attack shortly after she left her apartment. and then they brought me back in the wheelchair, and then they, put the ekg on my chest or the stickers and stuff. she recovered without going to the hospital for now. seals and the other residents are staying at three nearby hotels, waiting it out until it's safe to go back home. another apartment resident, vicky blackwell, didn't have time to pack before relocating to her hotel. she retrieved her motorized wheelchair this morning. i need to get some under under clothes and you know, that's the main thing. clean underclothes, blackwell said. apartment management called today to check on her and has been providing displaced residents with meals, water and snacks. the apartment management said they also


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