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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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bay area that a clog in the plumbing caused water to overflow into a vacant apartment and knocked the elevator out of service. and they said, well, they're not allowing anybody in the building. i said, i gotta have my medicine. a severe asthmatic, seals says she suffered an attack shortly after she left her apartment. and then they brought me back in the wheelchair, and then they, put the ekg on my chest or the stickers and stuff. she recovered without going to the hospital for now. seals and the other residents are staying at three nearby hotels, waiting it out until it's safe to go back home. another apartment resident, vicky blackwell, didn't have time to pack before relocating to her hotel. she retrieved her motorized wheelchair this morning. i need to get some under under clothes and you know, that's the main thing. clean underclothes, blackwell said. apartment management called today to check on her and has been providing displaced residents with meals, water and snacks. the apartment management said they also
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delivered $300 gift cards to each household to cover the cost of potentially spoiled food. senior residents will also receive a partial credit on their june rent, their hotel stays are also fully covered. they did their job yesterday. they went out of their way and they were just over apologetic for this situation. oakley's mayor and vice mayor have also been coordinating donation efforts to assist displaced residents. in a statement to nbc, bay area mayor anissa williams said, quote, people will not be moved back in until the city is reassured that the building is safe and sanitary. in oakley, emma goss nbc, bay area news. we are following a developing story right now in north san jose. all lanes of westbound montague expressway are closed from 880 to mccarthy boulevard. that's following a deadly crash that killed a male driver. you can see the car crashed and got crushed underneath this box truck, killing the driver. it is
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unknown what led to this crash or how long traffic will be impacted. san jose police are investigating the city's 15th homicide of the year. it comes after a man was shot and killed inside an apartment in south san jose. it happened on blossom river way near oak ridge mall just before three yesterday afternoon, police say inside the apartment, they found a man who had been shot at least once. responders tried to revive him, but he was declared dead at the scene. investigators say they won't release his name until his family has been notified. so far, no word on any suspects or a possible motive in this shooting honoring those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. the oldest secular cemetery in california held a ceremony today to honor our fallen heroes.
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generations of veterans and their families gathered at san jose's oak hill cemetery today, in an emotional tribute to service and sacrifice. there was music, patriotic tributes and a moment of silence, all held in the veterans section of the cemetery. those in attendance included state senator dave cortese and san jose mayor matt mahan, along with current and veteran service members and families of local fallen heroes. these were america's sons and daughters. these were our friends, our siblings, our moms and dads. today, i hope that you will take a moment. a simple and intimate moment of silence with your loved ones and cherish them. there are many who all that they have left is the last letter home, a picture in a frame, or a special moment or keepsake to remind them of a loved one they can no longer hold. during the ceremony, wreaths were laid, representing
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the lives lost while fighting for our country. there were also veteran resources on hand. san francisco marked this memorial day at the historic presidio cemetery. bay area lawmakers, military flyovers and a presentation of the colors all paid tribute to the fallen service members. here's nbc bay area's sergio quintana in san francisco. at the oldest national cemetery on the west coast, the memorial day ceremony here has a certain order and familiarity. a local junior rotc group presents the colors. a coast guard helicopter performs a flyover, and as she has for the last few years, house speaker nancy pelosi will often take the podium at this event. she honored world war two veterans and acknowledged with every passing year, there are fewer and fewer of them. pelosi recently met with a group of them at the french embassy in washington, d.c. they had ten veterans there. one was 104. he was from baltimore, so we had a
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lot in common to talk about 104. there were several 102, 97, and the rest all so proud, so patriotic. marine colonel robert barnhart applauded those who observed this holiday with backyard barbecues. but he reminded this audience of the day's historical significance. memorial day is a reminder that every generation has had to fight to preserve what george washington referred to during his first inaugural address as an experiment in democracy. given the history of the presidio, the pomp and circumstance of memorial day celebrations here is always a big deal. but it's those silent moments when we see people at these grave sites paying their respects. that is the real reminder of why we observe memorial day. among those here natasha claire espino, who lost an uncle in vietnam. we need to have peace. people are dying everywhere. my uncle shouldn't have had to die at 21 years of age in another country, fighting
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for our freedoms, but i understand why we do what we do. we're beautiful country. but at what? sacrifice? claire has three generations of family who served in the us armed forces, she says, remembering each of them here at this event is the least she can do to honor their service. in san francisco, sergio quintana nbc bay area news. president biden also honored u.s. soldiers today near the nation's capitol, a special annual tribute at arlington national cemetery. vice president kamala harris and secretary of defense lloyd austin also attended. the ceremony began with the president laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. it's a site dedicated to fallen u.s. soldiers. president biden spoke at the ceremony, remembering u.s. soldiers who were killed while serving our country. america is the only country in the world founded on an idea, an idea that all people are created equal and deserves
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to be treated equally throughout their lives. we've never fully lived up to that, but we've never, ever, ever walked away from it. every generation are fallen. heroes have brought us closer. the president also spoke about his son, beau biden, who died from cancer after serving in iraq. in a new phase begins tomorrow and former president donald trump's hush money trial. it is closing arguments and people are already lining up for a chance to make it inside the courtroom. some set up tents as early as yesterday outside the courthouse when doors opened, the defense team of the former president will be first up. their goal is to convince at least one juror trump is not guilty. prosecutors will then go over their key points from the past four weeks. they say trump falsified business records in order to defraud and commit another crime, including hush money to pay off adult film star stormy daniels over their alleged affair. if convicted, trump's status as a first time
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nonviolent offender likely means he won't spend any time in prison. he could instead face probation and fines. an angry battle broke out in parliament in israel today, and it was sparked by the airstrike that hit rafah and killed palestinian civilians in the strike last night burned a tent camp where palestinian civilians were sheltering. at least 45 people were killed today, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed parliament in jerusalem, jerusalem and said the strike went tragically wrong. he said israel evacuated 1 million civilians from rafah before the strike and the deaths were a mistake. but opposing lawmakers shouted and interrupted netanyahu. he then turned the discussion to israeli hostages held by hamas. he says he's committed to bringing them back. shouts cut him off again, this time from family members of the hostages. israel defense forces say the civilian deaths in rafah will be under investigation. it is now the leading cause of death among
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children, gun violence and some physicians who called their organization on call for kids recently traveled to washington. their message gun safety is a public health crisis, not a political debate. nbc's alice barr has details from washington, d.c. walking the halls of the u.s. capitol, physicians with the gun violence prevention group on call for kids are on the same mission that drives their work in hospitals and clinics across the country, protecting children from gun violence in this country is a public health crisis. doctor ashley jaffe's family survived the 2022 july 4th parade mass shooting in highland park, illinois. she was shot in the hand her five year old son right there. i grabbed him and i shoved him under the bench and i wrapped my hand over his head and curled up behind him. he was screaming. he saw the blood dripping from my hand onto the sidewalk. and then we heard it again. pop, pop, pop.
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doctor jaffe's injury ended her hands on work as a pediatric rehabilitation medicine physician. i've seen unintentional shootings cause brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. i've seen siblings accidentally get a hold of an unsecured weapon and shoot their younger sibling. doctor jaffe has seen enough. she and more than 80 physicians and health care workers from across the country are calling on congress to pass an assault weapons ban, safe storage laws and universal background checks. joined by democratic senators dick durbin and chris murphy. we are losing a generation of children in this country to the trauma of gun violence in an effort to break through political barriers, gun owning doctors like pediatrician sandra mckay joining on call for kids. the greatest threat to gun rights is gun violence. she's conducting nih backed research with the goal of training gun shop owners. they don't want to be known as someone who sold the
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gun to the next mass shooter. doctors seeking to reframe a divisive political debate as a shared health care crisis in washington, alice barr, nbc news. the sports world is mourning the death of basketball legend bill walton, the 71 year old hall of famer and two time nba champion lost his battle with cancer today. towering at six foot 11, walton led the ucla bruins to two national titles. he also won two nba championships, first with the portland trail blazers in 1977, then with the boston celtics in 1986. off the court, the league says walton was a pro in the broadcasting booth, bringing both his wild and funny perspectives. walton passed away this morning surrounded by loved ones. he leaves behind a wife and four sons. still ahead, just 60 days remain until the olympics begin in paris. we're going to take you there next to show off one of the venues that will be home to a nontraditional
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sport and some of team usa's brightest stars are all about the fashion. the way they use clothes to show off their personalities. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. on this memorial day, some comfortable temperatures across the bay area 78 in santa rosa, a cool 60 in san francisco and 70 livermore to san jose. how much heat we're in for this ek and thewe
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that is not the only unique thing you'll see during these games. many of the venues are being constructed at landmarks around the city. our jessica aguirre is here with a tour de france. when you think of paris, you think of old world elegance. but at these olympic games, the city of love is going. urban street. it's famed place de la concorde, the largest square in the french capital, is going to serve as the venue for skateboarding and the newest olympic sport. breaking local at the end of the champs-élysées in the plaza where marie antoinette was executed. it is where
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borders will execute the heart stopping moves. now la concorde has been temporarily transformed into an open air arena where some 37,000 people a day will hang out to watch concerts, exhibitions and of course, the competition. it's in this park where petaluma's ministries is looking to carve, carve her way into olympic podium and where we hope to see bay area be girl levin throw down and win some hardware breaking. of course it's making its olympic debut in paris, so meddling would be rad. or as the french say, sean may. merci, jessica. well, every member of team usa has an official uniform to compete in, but if you catch the athletes off the field, you'll see that they could light up a runway with their fashion sense. walk in a room, all eyes on me, all eyes on me and staring at you. they're staring at me. nobody's asked you to walk for them. not yet. and i'm like, hold up now. i got a little catwalk to me.
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come on. fashion plays a huge role in my life. it lets me have a personality. it brings it to life. it fluctuates a little bit and it shows that versatility. so i've always knew i wanted to be different. i've always done my best to be different, to be unique. so i feel like my fashion has reflected that all. all my life. i take pride in what i wear. it's a representation of who i am. it's just a great way to express your creativity as well. i look so good, don't i? i look so good, don't i? i never follow a trend. i'm always the opposite. i'll go back in time if i need to. i just love being able to, you know, embrace things that maybe people never got to experience. i'm very diverse person, so i feel like different styles work very well on me. i like to dress up sometimes. i like to dress down like street style. i like to wear like designer things like sherpa material, like i'm obsessed. i have way too much of it. what clothes appeal to you? clothes that make me joyful, that are comfy, that are functional. pretty much what i'm
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wearing today. my biggest fashion rule is stop wearing socks with sandals. it doesn't make sense. and especially flip flops i love socks. what is it about socks? i don't know, like they just keep my feet warm. but what socks are you wearing right now, some white socks. i think. yeah, i think they're from target, i look good. i love it, very fashionable. so the socks with the flip flops. i know it's in. okay, let's talk about our weather. it's a long weekend for many people. maybe barbecuing right now as we speak. yes. just beautiful weather outside. even if, you know, you didn't have the day off. you get outside, you got that sunshine. it was just so comfortable out there. we're going to take you right now across the bay and show you what it's like in case, you did have to work, and now you're heading over to family and friends, we'll show you here as we roll throughout the bay area, san francisco right now at 61 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds. so it's still cool by the coastline, we'll be down
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here to some 50s through seven and also 8:00. if it's not san francisco and you're going anywhere near the bay. also relatively cool right now, 63 degrees under sunny skies and those 50s coming in as well, eight, nine and ten. and through the inland valleys. just gorgeous out here. we had some temperatures in the 80s today. right now 78 mostly sunny skies. we'll dip it down to 71 here at 7 p.m. and then those 60s also on the way here through eight and also 9:00. now high pressure as we roll through tomorrow is going to continue to keep it warm. that storm track. well off to the north. so with that storm track moving well up towards canada and alaska, it's going to allow this warm air to move in over california. but the other thing we're going to see tomorrow that's going to make it feel a little bit different, is we will have some fog that's forming throughout the bay area. so i did want to go ahead and get you a look at that. and you can see as we started off on your tuesday morning, as many of you head back to work, get back into your typical routine here.
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we'll see that fog through the coastline also moving into parts of the east bay, contra costa, alameda counties and for the south bay and some patchy clouds up here towards marin, napa, sonoma counties. we will see that clear back through a lot of the bay area as we head through tomorrow afternoon, except for some of that cloud cover lingering right there at the coastline. so overall, that's going to help to keep our temperatures from getting too hot. tomorrow we'll stay with some low 50s to start. i think overall that's a nice beginning here for us over the east bay. 53, san francisco 51. and right there in the north bay, we're going to be at 50 daytime highs as we move through tomorrow. going to stay right about near average. so down here in the south bay we're still coming in with some great weather that's going to put us at 75 in san jose, 76 in los gatos over to the east bay, 73 vallejo 75 danville now still cool near the bay 66 here in hayward, going to the beaches. 55 and half moon bay. so jacket weather along our coastline, then out here towards redwood city and palo alto. we'll be in the low 70s up to san francisco, 59 in the outer
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sunset, 63 in the mission, and right here through the north bay, 79 in santa rosa and back towards napa will be at 78. now, as we look ahead towards the upcoming weekend, we're still going to see that area. high pressure just kind of on and off as we head through this week. kind of just moving in and out, helping to keep some of that hot air in place and notice that our temperatures will actually get up to 90 on thursday. we'll dip it down a little bit this weekend, but certainly not cold upper 70s and low 80s. and then the way it looks next week, we could be into the hottest weather stretch we've seen so far this year with plenty of upper 80s. so we're doing really good here. but we know through the central us and the eastern half, there's been quite a bit of severe weather. i did want to show you tomorrow, next round of severe weather, primarily over texas, with a chance of tornadoes and strong thunderstorms. so any connecting flights through dallas will certainly have some delays right here in san francisco. even some 70s rolling in wednesday, thursday and friday. and for the inland valleys, we'll get up to that 90 on thursday. and looking
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really nice for the upcoming weekend. i mean, today it was just really beautiful. whatever you're doing with those calm winds and just blue skies, great day to be outside for sure. okay, thanks, jeff. well coming up, elon musk is getting a big boost as he looks to get more involved in the artificial intelligence race, the amount of money his startup has raised. we'll tell you next. and as we get closer to the paris olympics, we want to inoduc you to some of our bay area athletes representing team usa. that includes a lafayette native, danielle ambrose. the 23 year old kiteboarder is the daughter of two windsurfers. she made her international competitive debut in formula ki wheshe was just 14 years old, and she was the first member of us sailing to punch her ticket to paris
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funding. the company is called it's based in san francisco. musk founded it last july. today in a post on x, musk said the company raised $6 billion from investors. some of those investors include venture capitalists from silicon valley and a prince from saudi arabia. is now valued at $26 billion. musk says the money will be used to bring several new products to the market, and the boost will allow to compete with other big ai companies like openai, which is also based in san francisco. we are learning more about the murder of general hospital actor johnny walker. the 37 year old soap opera star was shot and killed early saturday morning. authorities say he was shot
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after approaching three men attempting to steal his car's catalytic converter. his mother says he was leaving his job at a bar with his coworker when he came into contact with the man in a mask. she says her son stepped in front of his coworker and then was shot. so far, no arrests have been made. armenians hmong and several other groups say u.s. race and ethnicity categories don't properly represent them. it comes after the federal government recently reclassified race and ethnicity in an effort to better capture the diversity of the u.s, but hmong, armenian, black, arab and brazilian communities say those changes miss the mark and do not accurately reflect how they identify themselves. the groups also say money, political power and even health could be at stake. just being lumped into the wrong column. it could mean a change in government funding that is distributed based on data. a special memorial, is getting close to the making,
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for memorial day, but will be available in september. it's a
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sculpture called a soldier's journey that remembers the 22 million people who died in world war one. for the past decade, the artist sabine howard has been making this monument. it will go up in pershing park in washington, d.c. it's made up of 38 figures that are mounted on a wall to portray the experience of one american soldier. you could see a soldier leaving his wife and daughter fighting in the war, witnessing men around him die and then coming back home in shock. the artist says the message is that service and sacrifice transcends all time and knows not one war and not one party. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. jessica aguirre joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. that is a powerful installation right now at 530, memorial day means the unofficial start of summer, but we're already seeing a seasonal uptick of


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