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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  May 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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across the street and hit that white van over there and went all the way up into the beauty shop. right now, at 11, an
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overnight shooting in oakland ends in a chaotic crash. new details. we're just learning from police. good morning, and thanks for joining us for a midday newscast. i'm laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. we'll get to that deadly shooting just a moment. but first, new at 11. a judge in san francisco rules the sentencing for paul pelosis attacker. david depape, will stand at 30 years in prison. this comes after he was given the opportunity to speak in court following his guilty verdict. we, in fact, have a live look outside the federal courthouse in san francisco. the new developments just coming down within the past hour. while in court, depape spoke for about five minutes. he apologized for his actions and says he recently reconnected with family in canada for today's hearing was held because a judge never allowed depape the opportunity to speak when he was sentenced earlier this month. the duration of that sentence did not change. meanwhile, opening statements
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are expected to begin tomorrow into perhaps state trial. jurors were sworn in last friday, but his attorneys are arguing that the state's charges should be dismissed, citing double jeopardy following his federal conviction. new at 11 the search is on for an inmate with a violent past who escaped from a county jail in hollister, danielle. lopez zavala escaped from the facility in the afternoon while doing janitorial work at the jail. the san benito county sheriff's office says he is a known gang associate. he has a criminal record, which includes felony gun charges and child abuse charges, as well as other drug related counts. well, the search continues this mid-day for the person responsible for that deadly shooting in east bay overnight. police are now confirming the victim later crashed a car in san leandro, and is believed to have been the only person inside of that vehicle at the time. nbc bay area's bob redell has the latest on the investigation still developing at this hour.
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we've spoken to another witness to this crash, and they tell us that the man who was shot about a mile away crashed into this white van that was parked, and that white van then hit. if you look to your left, the green pickup truck where a man was sitting inside, that man is okay. the man who was shot in a crashing behind these vehicles where he ended up passing away here at the scene, we are on macarthur durant in front of the soundtech music karaoke shop. now, this all started around 1120 last night. about a mile away in oakland on macarthur and 98th. that's where police were responding to reports of shots fired. an officer on the scene told our photographer that someone was shot while sitting in a car, you should be able to see in the video the dozens of shell casings on the ground at that location. after the shooting, the victim drove himself to the location where i'm at again, about a mile away, their vehicle crashing into that white van which crashed into
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this building, and obviously that green pickup truck as well, the black car that the victim was driving wrecked up on the sidewalk, where again, he was declared dead from his gunshot wounds because it was really loud. and so the guy was sitting in the car. i couldn't vaguely i could see him, but i couldn't get a good look at him. but he wasn't moving at all. so apparently he must have been dead because that car had to be going over 100 and some miles per hour. you know, it was going crazy again. no one was in the white van. the person was parked in the green pickup truck. he's okay, but of course, the man who was shot and ended up crashing here has passed away. we have reached out to oakland police. so far there are no reports of any arrests here in san leandro. bob redell nbc, bay area news. thank you for the latest there, bob. also developing now san jose police investigating after a homicide leads to an hours long standoff. it happened along north 20th street and julian near coyote creek. investigators say they received reports of a shooting at a home around 6:00 last night. officers say they
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engaged with a man who had barricaded himself inside the home. he eventually surrendered to police. around 2.5 hours later, a woman was found dead inside that home. in the meantime, concord police were kept busy. last night, with a barricaded suspect still not clear what happened yesterday, but our crews were there as officers ordered a suspect to the ground and then took him into custody. the three hour standoff ended at about 9:00 at night in someone's front yard on rosebrook court. the incident also triggered a shelter in place. no one else was injured. new developments calls are growing to fund a proposed bridge at what's considered to be one of california's most dangerous train crossings, nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab live for us in burlingame on that caltrain station. so ginger, what do you know? good morning to you. marcus. will leading this push for some improvements to this intersection at state senator
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josh becker. we'll hear from him in just a little bit. but i do want to show you the intersection of california and broadway here in burlingame. this is that dangerous intersection that you were just speaking about. and this is where the proposal is centered. the proposal, the proposal is asking to build a grade separation or a bridge of sorts to minimize a number of collisions at this intersection. 22 collisions since 2014, according to state senator becker, to be exact, have happened at this intersection. now with over 10,000 at grade crossings in all of california. so this one here on broadway is currently ranked as the number one highest priority project statewide by the california public utilities commission or the cpuc. the project would cost around $70 million. now, as mentioned, we spoke to state senator becker earlier about plans to include $100 million in state budgeting for a planned grade separation that would already include renderings, as
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well as similar ideas for two other peninsula train crossings. it's really critical that it be funded now because we're leveraging federal funds in this great separation project, say, in burlingame. this is now a $300 million plus project, 320 million. so this money from the state is only a small part that's leveraging federal funds. now, those two other places along the peninsula, one would be in mountain view and the other would be in palo alto. both of those would cost around $20 million. this one in burlingame costing more at $70 million. but if it is approved, that groundbreaking would happen next year, as early as 2025, and it would really make quite a change here. as you can see, it is a very busy, busy intersection, so a lot of people would be interested to see how this all plays out. marcus, that it would be ginger conejero saab for us. thank you ginger. well, new at 11 a san francisco supervisor raising concern about
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a new wave of overdoses across the country, which are triggered by tranquilizer used on animals. the matt dorsey sent a letter to san francisco's department of public health and the police asking if officials are monitoring the modern treatment. iodine. this is mixed with fentanyl. this comes as hundreds of people have been hospitalized in philadelphia and chicago, the state's counter drug task force announced it seized nearly 6 million pills containing fentanyl across california. this includes busts made at ports entering along the southern border, closing arguments are underway this midday. in the first criminal trial, a former president donald trump. this new video of him walking into the manhattan courtroom this morning, the defense just wrapped up its arguments. at one point, trump's attorney listed ten reasons why the jury should have reasonable doubt. prosecutors are now presenting their arguments. trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up an alleged affair in 2016, with adult actress stormy daniels. trump
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has been very vocal lately on truth social over the past few days, and federal prosecutors wanted the court to gag him for some of it. but the judge said no. scott mcgrew continues our coverage. that gag order you're talking about is in the federal documents case in florida, where trump is accused of keeping classified u.s. documents and then hiding them when the authorities asked about them. the trump camp has been making a big deal about boilerplate language found in that search warrant that discusses the use of deadly force. trump supporters say it's proof there's a plot to harm trump, when in fact it's just language often found in any search warrant. the federal prosecutors in the case worry that could put those involved in the warrant and the search in danger, and ask the judge to prohibit trump from making false or incendiary statements about law enforcement. the judge, who is usually quite slow with decisions, this morning, said no
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gag order. trump is complaining about the order in which the closing arguments are going. in today's criminal trial in new york. defense first and then the prosecution, he says on truth social. that's unfair. and it should be flip flop. but that's just the order it always goes in. he's also said the house head of the house freedom committee, one of his closest allies groups is, quote, bad for the usa. here's bob good showing his support for trump outside the courthouse about a week and a half ago. but trump is now endorsing the congressman's opponent in the upcoming race. much to the surprise of congressman good. and trump may have opened himself up to more lawsuits from that writer e jean carroll. for some reason known only to him. he brought her up in his memorial day statement, which read happy memorial day to all, including the human scum. the contrast to his opponents memorial day was striking president biden at the tomb of the unknown. trump posting about
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the jean carroll case. the lack of evidence on a dress and saying he never met the woman in the case, though that statement goes to the core of the previous civil cases against him. carroll saying he sexually abused her, trump saying they never met. the court found trump liable of sexual abuse and defamation. carroll's lawyers say all options are on the table as far as another lawsuit. back to you. thanks, scott. let's take a live look out in san jose for you. this midday sun is shining bright. how the temperatures outside with meteorologist gary hall, of course, been monitoring that for us. looks nice. it looks nice there, but as we see behind us it is cloudy, foggy over the golden gate bridge. so we are going to have our microclimates today where temperatures are cooler near the coast and starting to warm up for those inland areas and spots where we are seeing sunshine like dublin, and also where we are seeing the clouds, it's going to be cooler as we go through the next couple of
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hours. so we're seeing upper 50s there. it's 58 in oakland, but it is 69 in san jose and 70 in concord. vacaville, where it's 75 degrees and still some cool air in parts of the south county. and then as we go through the next several hours, san jose will start to warm up, headed for the mid 70s. really pleasant weather here, but it's also going to turn windy and that's when we're going to see our temperatures dropping once again. cool weather today, but it's about to warm up. we'll talk about that coming up in the full microclimate forecast in just a few minutes. lauren marcus. all right. thanks, gary. well, a dead end for community solar project. the head on today in the bay. the new proposal pg&e could soon be voting on in the negative impact that it could have. plus picking up the pieces deadly weather leaves multiple states cleaning up following the memorial day weekend. an update on the promise the white house is making in the wake of the devastation in
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gaza by sea. this comes after its temporary pier system suffered damage due to bad weather. a united nations official tells nbc news it could take a week to repair. well, spain, norway and ireland are set to formally recognize palestine as a state. spain's prime minister made that announcement in a televised address today. he said that spain will not recognize any changes to pre 1967 borders unless agreed by both parties. the government of spain will approve the official recognition of palestine as a state. with this decision, spain joins the more than 140 countries that already recognize palestine. this is a historic decision, one that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between israelis and palestine's . the spanish government is expected to formally approve the
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recognition later today. pope francis issuing an apology. this is after using an offensive slur toward gay men. sources tell nbc news that it happened during a closed door discussion with italian bishops last week. that group was discussing an issue of admitting homosexual men into seminaries when the pope used the italian term, which represents a vulgar way to refer to a gay person. now, during this morning, a spokesperson said in part, quote, as he has had the opportunity to state on several occasions in the church, there is room for everyone, for everyone, end quote to decision 2024. in a special election being held today in berkeley, four candidates are vying for a city council seat vacated after kate harrison abruptly resigned in january. the election covers berkeley's fourth district solely. alpert currently serves on berkeley's rent stabilization board. ilana auerbach is a community organizer. ruben
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hernandez story is chief of staff for fellow council member terry taplin and igor tregub. works in climate policy. harrison's term runs through 2026. voters can vote in person at the morse block building on shaddock av avenue, one of the largest teachers union in the u.s, comes to a reported agreement with governor gavin newsom. we agree that we can't go back to where we were, tell lawmakers and governor newsom to pass a state budget that protects public schools for our students and communities. it was part of an ad released by the california teachers association. it blasted what it described as billions of dollars in cuts to school spending. politico is now reporting the governor has reached a deal with the union. the previous plan would have lowered the amount guaranteed to schools in the state by nearly $12 billion. the reported new deal includes a guaranteed five and a half dollars billion to schools in the future. the governor is trying to close a
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$38 billion budget shortfall. insiders speculate state regulators this week will shoot down a plan to provide solar power incentives for low income earners. now, the state puc meets thursday and a new editorial, the chronicle suggests board members will consider ending a program allowing people who cannot otherwise afford solar power panels to receive credits by subscribing to clean energy produced elsewhere. advocates believe that it would doom future community solar projects. commissioners not tipping their hand on which way they may in fact decide. well, the holiday weekend included severe weather, slamming millions from texas to new england. more deadly tornadoes are causing chaos in multiple states. nbc news's maggie vespa is in kentucky. one of the many places in recovery mode this midday. you might be able to hear it. the cleanup is underway here in kentucky, with millions of americans across the country. sadly, again waking up
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to jaw dropping damage like this, this house is completely torn apart. and family tell us, believe it or not, a couple in their 90s rode out a tornado sitting on that bed after they couldn't make it down to their basement in time. family also tells us that couple is okay. having survived this latest round of violent spring weather nationwide over the memorial day weekend, we saw now, by our count, more than 70 reported tornadoes across close to 15 states nationwide. the death toll now at at least 24 people killed. five here in kentucky alone. and that's according to the state's governor, who said one reported twister was on the ground for, they believe, close to 40 miles at one point. we also saw severe damage in other states across the plains, like arkansas, oklahoma and texas. the white house confirming overnight president biden has already promised federal aid to the governors of those states and of course, we know this has been an exceptionally violent spring and this morning, the
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numbers really highlight that year to date, we've had now more than 1000 reported tornadoes across the country, making 2024 the second busiest start to a year for tornadoes ever recorded. maggie vespa, nbc news, dawson springs, kentucky. wow. concerning pattern there. meteorologist kari hall is here. more severe weather is actually right now hitting other parts of the u.s. yeah. so now we're seeing it in texas. and i was seeing some crazy video coming out of dallas earlier this morning. the airplane kind of skidding and just torrential rainfall and high winds. and we're still seeing this threat moving closer to houston as we are looking at a map. and all of those little icons there show current any kind of storm damage reports. it could be downed trees, it could be hail, it could be wind. we're getting at this point already within the past six hours, 125 reports of severe weather across parts of the midwest and to the south.
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and now that storm continues to once again push closer to houston, there is a very large severe weather possibility. there with severe thunderstorm watches now moving into louisiana as well. but this unfortunately continues to affect a lot of people with tornadoes as well as straight line wind damage. so we'll be monitoring that and looking at the pacific northwest, it's just been really soggy. and we have another round of a storm that's coming onshore. and that's what's been moving off towards the east over the past several days. we've seen several of these storm systems coming on the west coast and then just getting more intense as they move into the midwest. we're going to see some breezy winds today, even though overall, our weather is quiet, it's going to start to become very gusty for the evening in san francisco, we could see winds at 30 to 40mph, and even in some of the hills it's going to be windy. but all of those high winds are transporting some cooler air even into the inland areas. so we're a little bit cooler than
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what we typically see. and we're headed up to 79. in morgan hill will be in the mid 70 in san jose and low 70s for parts of the east bay like fremont, 71 degrees 79 in antioch and in oakland today, 68 for a high temperature san mateo will be in the mid 60s. and in san francisco, we're in the low 60s today. it's starting to clear out a little bit for parts of the city. and in the north bay it's up to 81. in santa rosa, but mostly mid to upper 70s. and it still remains active as we see a couple of more storm systems moving into the northwest. but some of that cooler air will help bring down our temperatures for the weekend. after a quick spike in the heat and then next week we're looking at a quick build of that heat. once again. so we're going to just see our temperatures going up and down a look at our 7-day forecast for the inland areas and spots like san jose and concord. we're going to see those temperatures go from upper 70s up to 90 on thursday. coming down for the weekend. and in san francisco, nice little warm up for the end
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of the week, but it will be back to normal in time for the weekend. marcus and laura. all right. thanks so much gary. well happening now. bottlerock music festival 2024 just ended on sunday, but organizers already announcing the dates for next year. it is may 23rd through the 25th of 2025. some of those tickets already on sale next year. event also takes place over the memorial day weekend. let's take it right now are limited to full three day tickets at this year's prices, $426 for general admission, including those fees, the lineup will not be out for at least a few months. putting down the microphone and picking up a paintbrush. saying over her shoulder, we'll meet again someday on the avenue, tangled up in blue. a piece of art by bob dylan sells for six figures ahead on nbc bay area. details
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behind the sale and when you can see him perform live here in the bay area, along with a few other outlaws downo t
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nvc acts from all over the world will be trying to get the judge's approval to move on, to compete for $1 million prize was well worth it right there. but you know what a big twist this season. all four of those judges don't get just one, but they get two golden buzzers to send acts straight to the live shows. moving okay, you're watching right now. extreme ballerina ashley montagu of new york city. wow. okay, so this is exactly the type of talent those judges love to see. if you want to see it allmake sure you watch tonight. america's got talent. it's going to be right here on nbc bay area. that followed by password and nbc bay area news at 11. crazy balance. wow. well,
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hey, new at 11 for you are a rare bob dylan painting. just sold for nearly $200,000. it was an abstract work composed by the rock icon in woodstock, new york back in the 60s. rr auction announced the sale on the legendary musicians 83rd birthday on friday. dylan has been known for his artwork, with his paintings gracing the cover of several albums. he's currently on tour for the summer as part of the outlaw music festival with willie nelson and john mellencamp. they actually play at shoreline amphitheater in mountain view on august 3rd, so there's your chance to go see that legendary icon. what you missed was kerry trying to figure that painting out. what is that? go that way. i saw a cat upside down. so
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when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent. show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have plenty of
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