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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 28, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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excitement team announced it's already hit more than 12,000 season ticket deposits. pretty cool, 4500 of those since the team's brand launch just two weeks ago. valkyries are the first wnba expansion team since 2008, and will begin play next year at chase center. we have to wait till next year, i know. oh my god, can we like, do it like now? oh, that's gonna be fun. before we go, jeff, how are we looking wednesday morning? mostly clear temps in the 50s to start by the afternoon, a hotter
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86 thursday, hottest day of the week. so far 90. and then we'll dip it a little this weekend. but don't worry, the sun and the warm weather is going to stay with us. it looks gorgeous. thanks for joining us. we hope to see you back here tom [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- doja cat, winston duke, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 1964. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's fantastic. thank you so much. enjoy yourself. welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome, to "the tonight show." you're here. you made it. [ cheers and applause ] i'm so happy. i'm excited about this. doja cat is my guest tonight. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. we had tiger woods last night, doja cat tonight. [ scattered cheers ] honestly, i'm gonna be bummed if john cougar mellencamp isn't here tomorrow. i'm just gonna be bummed. [ cheers and applause ] well, guys, today is may 1st. and you know what they say, april showers bring may flowers. [ cheers and applause ] yep. by the way, those are the -- two more porn stars that will testify in trump's hush money
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case. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ "april showers take the sta -- you know may flowers?" ♪ speaking of the hush money case, i read that in an effort to stop trump from falling asleep in court, his lawyers have been giving him a number of different devices. [ laughter ] a number of devices. so far, the only thing that can keep him awake is an ipad playing "bluey." he's like, "all right, i've seen this one. this is the -- it's very sad. but i like it. it's --" [ laughter ] his lawyers are running out of ideas to keep him awake. they even hired a kindergarten teacher to stand in the front of the courtroom like, "eyes on me. eyes on you. [ laughter ] okay, eyes on me. eyes on you." yep, trump's lawyers are trying to keep him awake using different devices. and one of them is already for sale to the public. check this out. >> are you having trouble staying alert and awake? then you've got to try the all-new trump shock collar. [ laughter ] the world's first human shock collar disguised as a red necktie. >> so, this frees up more of our capacity to -- [ electric shock ] >> it works in the courtroom
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and on the campaign trail. you can set it to low. >> saudi arabia and russia will -- [ electric shock ] >> or high. [ electric shock ] >> ah. [ electric shock ] ah, ah. >> the trump shock collar. [ electric shock ] stay woke. >> jimmy: oh, there you go. stay woke. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] stay woke. but today, trump had a day off from his hush money trial. so, he held campaign rallies in michigan and wisconsin. yeah. after campaigning all night, he's going to show up in court tomorrow wheeling in an iv bag filled with diet coke. [ laughter and applause ] yep, during one of his rallies today, trump recognized a vegan restaurant owner in the crowd. let's see how that went. >> we're honored to be joined today by shana gray, who owns a a vagan restaurant. supposed to be really good. i'm not into the vagan stuff, i must say, but i'm going to have to try this. when i -- when we come here, in a short period of time, into
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milwaukee, we're going to come and try that vagan food. i don't know if i'm going to like it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "my favorite president was ronald vagan. he's the best. you know what they say, 'viva las veegas.'" [ laughter ] some more political news. tonight, in d.c., president biden attended a campaign reception at the mayflower hotel. biden walked in, was like, "i remember when this was a ship." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ thank you. thank you very much. biden was back in d.c. after campaigning yesterday in delaware. i'm just going to say it. mr. president, if you don't have delaware locked up by now, it's probably never gonna happen. just move on, okay. [ laughter ] you're from there. we got delaware. it's all -- any other state. yeah. did you guys see this? disney world is going to host an exhibit of george w. bush paintings. [ light laughter ] every kid's dream to go to disney world and ride the george w. bush exhibit. [ laughter ] disney world's like, "what? you guys said you wanted something with no line." there you go. [ laughter ]
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some business news. mcdonald's said that their team of chefs from around the world are creating a new larger burger. >> whoo! [ laughter ] one guy was like, "they better not make it vagan. [ laughter ] if they make it vagan -- if they make it vagan --" [ laughter and applause ] "'cause there's no way -- i don't know if i like the vagan, but, you know, sometimes you don't like the vagan." [ light laughter ] get this guys, martin -- it's become a bad jerry lewis. yeah, yeah. "vagan. and you know i wouldn't, but --" [ light laughter ] guys, get this. martinelli's just announced a a recall of some of their apple juice due to high levels of arsenic. >> steve: oh. [ audience groans ] >> jimmy: apple juice with arsenic? or as putin calls it, apple juice. [ laughter ] guys, i saw that linkedin just debuted their first three online games. [ laughter ] people are like, "i didn't sign up to linkedin to play games. that's why i signed up for 'the new york times.'" [ laughter ]
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i don't think it's a good idea, 'cause people are now sending their resumes through "fruit ninja." [ laughter ] hey, i heard about a man in florida who was arrested after he allegedly threw pasta at another driver during a road rage incident. yeah, even worse, the guy had a a blood ragu level of .02. that's bad. [ laughter ] well, finally, crocs just teamed up with busch light to release a line of all-terrain sandals and clogs. this is exciting. the last time crocs and busch light teamed up, they invented my uncle. [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a big show tonight. she is a grammy winner and a a multiplatinum-selling artist. i know. ow! [ cheers and applause ] i love her, too. i love her, too. her new deluxe album, "scarlet 2 claude" is out now.
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doja cat is here. "scarlet 2 claude." [ cheers and applause ] she's here. we're going to talk to her, and she is going to perform later in the show. so, that's great. i love it. [ cheers and applause ] and he stars in the new movie, "the fall guy," which is in theaters and imax this friday. winston duke is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] it's going to be a big movie. we were saying this -- last night, i said, 'cause we had tiger woods on, and we were saying how many boxes of wheaties he was on. he was on 14 boxes of wheaties. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i think i should be on the box of wheaties. let me explain why. >> steve: all right. i'm listening. >> jimmy: well, i'm -- we're doing -- i'm gonna co-host the closing ceremony at the olympics this year, in paris. [ cheers and applause ] i cannot wait. i'm honored. i'm freaking out. i think the cover of wheaties would just make it perfect i'm -- if i'm representing america. >> steve: yeah. [ light laughter ] you should be on the cover of wheaties.
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>> jimmy: i should be on the front -- the cover of wheaties that they call it. yeah. 'cause growing up, it was always these olympic greats, but you know, you have to wait 'til they win gold. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: this will give them a a little kick, a little boost, before the olympics even happen. >> steve: yeah, 'cause they know you're going to be there. >> jimmy: well, i mean, no, once people win the gold, then they'll be on the cover of wheaties. >> steve: sure, but -- >> jimmy: the cover. but i -- [ laughter ] >> steve: you don't want to be on wheaties page six. >> jimmy: no, you don't want to be on the back of the wheaties. i'll do the back, too. i'll design -- i'll design some fun mazes and stuff. >> steve: oh, yeah. >> jimmy: give some fun things to play and some trivia on the back of the wheaties box. it's always been a dream to be on -- in fact, i was on a fake box of wheaties. [ light laughter ] 'cause in times square, they have, you know, one of those fun things you can go in and you pose. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: so, i posed with a a golf club and i was on the fake cover -- fake box. why do i keep saying cover? [ laughter ] you -- you made me say cover. a fake box of wheaties. but i love wheaties. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. i think i should -- we should make a campaign. >> steve: i think you should do it. go for it, man. what's stopping you? >> jimmy: i don't know. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ clapping rhythmically ] ♪ [ clapping rhythmically ] >> steve: great. oh, he's sending out a mail. [ mimicking phone ringing ] >> steve: "hello, wheaties." >> jimmy: hey, what's up? it's jimmy fallon. >> steve: "uh, yeah?" >> jimmy: yeah, i was just wondering, who's, like, going to be on the cover of your wheaties box, let's say, i don't know, july. >> steve: "the cover of the wheaties box this year?" >> jimmy: like, june, julyish. >> steve: "probably some olympians, maybe. like --" >> jimmy: i never heard of that person. >> steve: -- "simone biles." >> jimmy: simone biles would be great. but do they want to wait after she wins the gold, maybe? >> steve: "well, we already got it figured out." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: "we already --" >> jimmy: well, i just wanted to throw my beret into the ring, if you know what i'm talking about. >> steve: "i do not. i do not know what you're talking about." >> jimmy: i was joking 'cause usually it's throw you're hat in the ring, but it's -- i'm going to paris to do the -- >> steve: "yeah." >> jimmy: hello. >> steve: "hold on one second." [ mimicking call disconnected ]
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>> jimmy: oh, did he hang up on me? [ cheers and applause ] [ dialing noises ] [ mimicking phone ringing ] >> jimmy: they're not gonna -- they're not gonna pick up. [ mimicking phone ringing ] [ laughter ] not gonna pick up. >> steve: "hello? hello, wheaties." >> jimmy: "hello, this is simone biles." [ laughter ] >> steve: "what's your name again?" >> jimmy: "simone biles. simone biles." >> steve: "some small bowels?" >> jimmy: no, simone biles. [ laughter ] "i was just -- i was just gonna say, maybe push my cover --" >> steve: "sure." >> jimmy: -- "if you could, to like, after july." >> steve: "sure. who would you -- sure, who would you want in place of your cover?" >> jimmy: "jimmy fallon?" >> "jimmy fallon, the guy?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the what? >> steve: "the guy who does the stuff, you know?" >> jimmy: the guy? >> steve: "yeah, the guy who breaks all the time in the sketches, that guy." [ light laughter ]
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>> jimmy: yeah, the guy that breaks -- the guy that laughs -- the guy that laughs at himself in the sketches. >> steve: "oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, i love that guy." >> jimmy: i think that would be really fun. >> steve: "yeah. wait a second. this isn't simone biles." [ rim shot ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fingers crossed. why not? call wheaties. >> steve: do it. >> jimmy: guys, i'm very excited. this saturday is the kentucky derby. all right, this is a big deal. [ cheers ] it's time, once again, for the kentucky derby hat give away. here we go. [ fanfare trumpet ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ kentucky derby hat giveaway ♪ ♪ kentucky derby hat giveaway ♪ ♪ kentucky derby hat giveaway ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: that is right. every show this week, we're partnering with ford to give one lucky audience member a a style-rific -- style-rific? -- kentucky derby hat from the derby hat starting gate. since this is -- [ cheers and applause ] since this is day three, let's open gate number three. here we go.
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hey, bud, nice to see you. [ drum roll ] >> good to see you. >> jimmy: ready for this? wow. [ cheers and applause ] that's beautiful. it's a work of art. now let's see who is going home with tonight's hat. everyone look at your seat number. if i call your number, i need you to jump up and let me know where you are. quest, can i get a drum roll, please? who wants me to pick their number. it's a good hat. [ drum roll ] 306. [ cheers and applause ] yes. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, hi. >> hi. >> jimmy: nice to see you. [ cheers and applause ] >> nice to see -- >> jimmy: come on. thank you so much for -- you were halfway down. >> what should i do now? >> jimmy: no. what's your -- your name's
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rafael? >> hi, i'm rafael. i'm german. and i'm -- oh, my god. i'm gonna throw up. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: don't throw up. don't throw up. rafael, welcome. >> yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: i'm so happy you're on the show. >> oh, my god, yeah. >> jimmy: how long are you going to be here in america? >> until saturday. and i have a heart attack. >> jimmy: that's when the derby is, saturday. >> oh, how exciting. >> jimmy: so, do you have a hat like this to wear? >> no, not yet. >> jimmy: do you want to try it on right now? >> yes, totally. >> jimmy: here you go from germany. this is fanta -- you can take this back with you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you look great. >> how do i look? >> jimmy: look how good you look. you look fantastic. >> whoo! >> jimmy: look at us. come on, that's what i'm talking about. that's buddies for life. give him a round of applause. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: thanks for coming to the show, bud. he looks good. that's all the time we have. thanks to our lucky audience member. thanks to everyone at ford. we'll be right back with doja cat, everybody. looks good. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ clapping rhythmically ]
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[ beeping ] ♪ bitch i said what i said i'd rather be famous instead all that gets to my head ♪ ♪ i don't care i paint the town red ♪ talenti mango sorbetto
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is made with a hundred percent real fruit. -with alphonso mangoes. -yeah, i know. -oh? -right? -mmm-hmm. talenti. raise the jar. ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [droids beeping] [loud indistinct chatter] ♪ [message received tone] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ [find my chime] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [find my chime] [in unison] - hey! ♪ [thud] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ i'm your overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead
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knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a grammy-winning multi-platinum selling artist whose new deluxe album "scarlet 2 claude" is out now. [ cheers and applause ] everyone, please welcome doja cat. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. welcome back. [ cheers and applause ] come on, welcome back. you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you've been on the show before as a musical guest, but never as a talk guest and i'm very excited to talk to you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'm very interested in you. >> i thought you never wanted
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to talk to me. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. yeah, right. let's start from the beginning. how did it all begin? no, when actually -- how did it start? did it -- did you always know you were gonna be a musician? >> no, i mean, i danced, so i wanted to make music i could dance to. and i failed at that for, like, maybe two years. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> and then, i started to get good after a while. but i started when i was like, 16. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you gotta start somewhere. >> good. >> jimmy: you gotta start somewhere. you just came out with a deluxe version of your album, by the way. [ cheers and applause ] "scarlet 2 claude," deluxe. you're performing "acknowledge me" tonight for our audience, which is great. thank you so much for doing that. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: you're gonna -- next month, you're gonna kick off the european leg of the "scarlet" tour. [ scattered cheers ] >> yes, we are. >> jimmy: what can fans expect for this? >> um, without spoiling it, i wanted it to be kind of modeled after hair, that's the theme,
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hair is the theme. >> jimmy: yes. yes. >> so it's gonna be a very hairy show. >> jimmy: yes. [ light laughter ] yeah, i see, that's the theme. that's what we're going with. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we're going with hair. yeah, that is -- >> yeah. i don't know if that does anything for anyone, but that's basically -- [ cheers ] >> jimmy: no, it did, trust me, people were talking a lot. but did you base it off of any -- what live show -- do you remember your first concert? how 'bout that? >> i do. i remember, um, when i was, i don't know, maybe like five, i went to the getty center. and there was earth, wind & fire playing 'cause my mom loves earth, wind & fire. >> jimmy: oh, i love that, yeah. >> and -- it sounds like a lie, but i was pulled up on stage. because we were in the front, and like, obviously like, a a tiny little peanut like this, going -- [ screaming ] like, they're gonna -- you know, whatever, i get it. >> jimmy: you made your stage debut with earth, wind & fire? that's so fun. and that was with -- that was with your parents took you there? >> yeah, that was with my mom. >> jimmy: your mom took you there. do you remember your first concert without your mom? >> um, i was with my mom for
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this next one, but beyonce was my second one. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: these are good concerts. and were you front row at beyonce? >> no. i was the opposite of that. [ light laughter ] i was way up in the back, on the -- whatever, the rafters, whatever you call them. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, the nosebleeds. >> and i could barely see. her hair was just like this and like swinging. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're like, "i can hear beyonce." >> i saw a tiny little beyonce. but it was great. >> jimmy: that's all you needed. you only need that much beyonce to get inspired. why not? yeah. >> yeah, that was enough. >> jimmy: yeah. last month, you headlined coachella. you were the first female rapper to ever headline coachella. [ cheers and applause ] a little history. just making a little history, no big deal. but i want to talk about it, because if we're going to talk about hair, i want to talk about that performance. you did this unbelievable performance with you and your dancers were amazing. and i was -- [ cheers ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: no, i was with -- i was just -- i was with my friend the other day, and he was like, "did you see this from coachella last night?" i go, "i didn't see anything." he goes, "watch doja cat." and it's you -- i want to show everyone a clip. just take a look at what you
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did. [ scattered cheers ] ♪ ♪ we are enemies we are foes who are you and what are those ♪ ♪ ♪ you are gross percocet got you playing with your nose ♪ ♪ yeah ay how my demons look now that my pockets full ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now that's what i'm talking -- that's a show! that is a -- that is a hairy, live show. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i want. that's what we want! [ cheers and applause ] but not only are you the coolest, but you're also the coolest. you -- you brought me -- [ laughter ] [ cheers ] you brought me the outfit to -- to look at. but i was thinking maybe i could even just try it on. could i fit into this? >> yes, i think so. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know if i can -- >> you got it? >> jimmy: i don't know. ♪ [ cheers ] >> don't look at my ass. >> jimmy: is this the front?
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is this the front? >> i don't know, i think -- yeah. >> jimmy: that's the back? or is that the front? >> just do it any way. do it any way. i think it's going to work. >> jimmy: okay, all right, here we go. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] is that how you do this? >> i like that. that's creative. ♪ >> jimmy: okay. >> and then, button in the front. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: this is -- i shouldn't do this. what kind of outfit are you making me wear here? there's no front? okay. oh, yeah. oh. it's a jacket. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] oh, my god. >> yeah, you got that? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is it. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: give me a nice "you" thing to do. ♪ oh, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] doja cat, everyone. ♪ "scarlet" -- "scarlet 2 claude" is out now. doja cat and i are doing something fun after the break. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ what's love but a second-hand emotion ♪ ♪ what's love got to do got to do with it who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be.
12:00 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. we're here with our pal, doja cat. now, doja -- [ cheers and applause ] doja, you're obviously a great singer. you can also sing in so many different styles. so with that in mind, it's time for a "musical genre challenge." here we go. ♪ musical genre challenge ♪ >> jimmy: now how it works is we're going to take turns hitting this here button, okay? which activates the random genre generator. [ smack ] oop. [ laughter ] >> where's the generator? >> jimmy: i didn't turn it on yet. [ laughter ] i turned it on now. all right, now, it's on. it's going to land on one
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random song title, and one random musical genre. okay, so whoever's turn it is has to sing that song in that style. okay, i'll start us off, i'll show you what's up. here we go. [ beeping ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: all right, "what was i made for," billie eilish, i know that song. disco. like, to make that song fast? what do you like -- do like a -- ♪ like a bee gees vibe? ♪ [ clapping in time ] ♪ ♪ i used to float now i just fall down i used to know but i'm not sure now ♪ ♪ what i was made for ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ what was i made for ♪ here's good. that's good, thanks, dude. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i used to float ♪ all right, this is fun.
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doja, it is your turn. go ahead, push the button, let's see what you got here. [ beeping ] [ audience ohs ] [ cheers ] >> i don't even know the lyrics like that. >> jimmy: "watermelon sugar." >> i know enough lyrics. >> jimmy: hi, it's harry styles. garage punk. roots? ♪ [ cheers ] >> can we -- can we do one thing? can we distort my voice for this? just a telephone filter. ♪ yeah. ♪ watermelon sugar high watermelon sugar high watermelon sugar high watermelon sugar high ♪ ♪ su-sugar high watermelon sugar high ♪ ♪ ow ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love it. >> i think that -- that works. that's fine. >> jimmy: he should do that. >> that'll do. yeah, he should. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, that'll do. >> remix. >> jimmy: yeah, that was the remix right there. right, i love this. okay, here we go.
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i don't know how i'm gonna top this one. here we go. [ beeping ] [ cheers ] >> okay. >> jimmy: okay, "texas hold 'em," but -- i know that, beyonce, i know that. okay, thanks, that's the lyrics, yeah. but as an '80s emo. maybe like a -- like a -- '80s i'm trying to think of who, like -- ♪ yeah, okay. >> yeah. ♪ ♪ this ain't texas ain't no hold 'em lay your cards down down ♪ ♪ park your lexus throw your keys up stick around round round ♪ ♪ i'll be damned if i can't slow dance with you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ come pour some sugar on on me too and it's a real life boogie it's a real life hoedown ♪ ♪ don't be a "b" come take it to the floor now ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ don't be a "b" don't be a "b" don't be a "b" ♪ ♪ just be a yonce just be a yonce just be a yonce just be a yonce ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "just be a yonce." all right, doja, take us home. [ beeping ] [ cheers ] we -- i think you might be good. well, 'cause you were like a a music theater kind of kid. >> a little bit of a theater kid. i'm adjacent to theater kids. >> jimmy: you are, yeah. >> i didn't take any acting classes whatsoever, or anything like that. i just was around them enough to absorb their lifeforce energy. >> jimmy: would you -- by the way, would you do a movie? would you act in a movie or something? >> yes. absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] yes. >> jimmy: what would you -- what would you -- what would you do? >> it would have to be like a a "john wick" situation where i -- [ cheers ] >> jimmy: oh, i like this. >> i never die. that's -- that's like -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah, that's the only thing in your contract, yeah. i think you got this.
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all right. >> one of those. >> jimmy: "paint the town red," this is your jam, broadway genre. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ bitch i said what i said i'd rather be famous instead all that gets to my head ♪ ♪ i don't care i paint the town red ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ red bitch bitch ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you had to do that at the end? that's all the time we have for "musical genre challenge." give it up for doja cat. we're talking to winston duke after the break. ♪ i said what i said i'd rather be famous instead ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ geico covers dead batteries with their easy app and 24/7 help.
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you've reached a dead end, monster! uhhhhh... no kidding. dead batteries are the worst. but no worries, geico gives me even more coverage and 24/7 help. see? wait a second, you're not frankenstein's monster! no, that's his cousin trevor. did you try the spooky castle up the road? [intense music] good idea, thanks. you folks have a great evening! whatever you need, from coverage to service, get more with geico. ♪ is you with me now? ♪ ♪ then biggie-biggie-bounce ♪ ♪ i know you dig the way ♪ ♪ i sw-sw-switch my style ♪ (holla) ♪ people sing around ♪ ♪ now people gather 'round ♪ ♪ now people jump around ♪ ♪ go, get ur freak on ♪ ♪ go, get ur freak on ♪ ♪ go, get ur freak on ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a fantastic actor who you can see in the new movie "the fall guy" which is in theaters and imax this friday. everyone please welcome, winston duke. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: it is great to see you, bud.
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you look fantastic. please, have a seat. enjoy yourself. you always have -- you know we were giving out kentucky derby hats to our friend, rafael, from germany earlier. [ cheers ] and you always have a great hat game. >> oh, my god, man. thank you. and that last segment -- >> jimmy: wasn't that great? [ cheers ] she's -- she's unbelievable, right? >> incredible. and the hat, the full getup. >> jimmy: she had the hair suit, i -- i have a couple of pictures of you in cool hats. this is -- explain this one to me. this is -- where are we? >> so, i was -- [ cheers ] so, i was at the marni show in milan. and marni is known for being very playful, right? >> jimmy: love 'em. >> really big colors or wild textures. and usually you only need one piece. >> jimmy: that's it. >> yeah. and you stand out. >> jimmy: yes, always. >> i didn't do that. >> jimmy: no. [ light laughter ] you did the whole outfit. >> i go big or go home. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] you look great. >> so i did the whole thing and it turned into this character,
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that i love. >> jimmy: do you have a name for the character? >> i call him federa. >> jimmy: ah. federa? >> federa. which is italian for pillowcase. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> i thought he was -- i thought he like a "knives out" type of detective and he puts all the cases to bed, you know what i mean? [ applause ] >> jimmy: i love this. i love that. i have some other fun hats of you. explain this fun hat right here. that looks fun. >> oh, yes. so this one -- this one is by a a cool hat company called ruslan baginskiy. and they're kind of famous for making the renaissance tour hats for beyonce. [ cheers and applause ] those big, silver ones. yeah. the big, silver ones. and this is their mushroom hat. i love this one. >> jimmy: mushroom hat. yeah, i don't think i could pull a hat like that off. >> i think you can. >> jimmy: no, i could pull a a hair suit, maybe. a full yeti suit, i could do that. but a mushroom hat i don't think -- >> i think jimmy fallon can do anything he wants. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: no, no. >> they don't give just anyone
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a show. >> jimmy: no. what is this guy here? >> oh, man. >> jimmy: this one -- >> that's anita max wynn. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now this -- >> anita max wynn. >> jimmy: now this is a a gorgeous -- this is -- i've never seen a a hat like this. [ light laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: and this hat's not something can you just wear -- do you wear it out all the time? >> yeah, so this is when i feel a little rock 'n' roll. so i wore it to the isabel marant show. and it's by the same company as the mushroom hat. and i called it "anita max wynn" after that, you know, inside joke by drake that one time. >> jimmy: oh, that's -- yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so that's who you were here. this is your character for this? >> anita max wynn. [ light laughter ] yeah. >> jimmy: this one you brought with you. >> i did. >> jimmy: you have it over there, i believe. let me -- >> you know, i actually brought you both. [ cheers and applause ] because i wanted jimmy to try on the mushroom. >> jimmy: i get to try it on? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> oh.
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you know. take a ride. >> jimmy: i don't know if i can do it. i don't know if i can pull it off. >> i think you're pulling it off. >> jimmy: i -- i think it looks like i have -- no, it looks like i have a rug. that someone flipped a pizza dough on my head. >> no, i love it. i love the texture. >> jimmy: no, i'm not gonna be a good -- i can't pull this off. this is -- >> what about "anita max wynn"? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm tryin' a lot of looks tonight. this is -- ♪ i'm your private dancer ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it does look like a a tina. >> it does. it feels very tina turner-esque. [ cheers and applause ] oh, yeah. oh. ♪ give it to us. ♪ ♪ what's love got to do got to do with it what's love but a second-hand emotion ♪ ♪ what's love got to do got to do with it who needs a heart when a heart can be broken ♪ >> jimmy: oh, i'll take the
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tina hat. [ cheers and applause ] magic. >> not the high octave. >> jimmy: magic. no, no, no. magic. dude, thank you so much for always coming and playing and we -- we appreciate this. >> i love it, man. >> jimmy: i love you. dude, every time you're on. can we talk about "fall guy"? >> of course. there is that. >> jimmy: there is that to talk about. you and ryan gosling. >> yes. ryan gosling, shirtless for most of the movie. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: "fall guy" ryan gosling. >> go see that. >> jimmy: it was the original title of the film. >> yes. >> jimmy: ryan gosling shirtless. >> for most of the film. >> jimmy: for most of it. >> it was a mouthful, so. yeah. >> jimmy: did you ever work with him before? >> no. but you know ryan gosling has been around forever. he's almost an institution now. at this point. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i remember watching him as "young hercules." remember that show on fox? back in the day. >> jimmy: i don't. but i do remember -- only because i talked to him recently about this. but i don't remember "young hercules." >> i do. i used to run home from school just to watch that show. because i loved the "hercules" show. >> jimmy: yeah. >> remember "hercules" and "xena" was big. >> jimmy: i remember "xena," yes. "hercules," i remember, yeah.
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>> and then they made the kids show. >> jimmy: oh. >> so that ryan gosling. "young hercules." >> jimmy: i knew him -- i think i saw pictures of him with like mickey mouse. >> yeah, mickey mouse club and -- >> jimmy: with justin timberlake. >> and then watching him grow and doing "the notebook." >> jimmy: "la la land." >> what do you want? >> jimmy: he's unbelievable. but, you guys, you have good chemistry. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: you're a good guy. i mean, did you remember just the first day, going like, "oh, we're going to hit it off"? >> well, i went in there with a a plan. >> jimmy: oh. [ light laughter ] >> i had to -- >> jimmy: very smart. >> well, thank you. i try. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i wear hats, i have plans. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a good quote. >> so i went in there, i was like, i'm going to like break down the wall, and i'm gonna like make this guy my friend. so like the first day, we're like reading through our scene and i stop midway. and i went, "you've got beautiful eyes, man." [ laughter ] and he's like "get out of here. shut up. stop it. you're crazy, man. you're crazy." and then, ever since, we've been really good friends. >> jimmy: get out of here. >> get out of here.
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>> jimmy: that's so funny. >> so it's just like one of those things where i think he just knew he had a good playmate, right off the bat. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and a lot of what we did was improv. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: not the -- not the movie lines though, right? that was written, right? because your character has movie quotes. >> no, no. we came up with that on the spot. >> jimmy: no way. that's the best -- my favorite part. besides shirtless ryan gosling. but you -- the other -- your character hypes him up by saying these famous movie quotes. >> yeah, yeah. from "fast and the furious," mostly universal quotes. because we gotta clear the movie. >> jimmy: that's smart. i didn't think about that, yeah. how do we describe what "fall guy" is about. >> so "fall guy" is about a a group of filmmakers making a a movie. something goes terribly wrong on set. and the stunt team has to employ their stunt moves to try to solve this crime. so they're kind of like fledgling superheroes, like, feeling their way through this -- this mystery. >> jimmy: that's so fun. we always love having you here,
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bud. i want to show a clip. here's winston duke and ryan gosling, in "the fall guy." take a look. >> if this was "the fugitive" and you were harrison ford? the bad guys would be closing in. >> i call tomahawk. >> damn it. >> you stay alive. stay alive, no matter how long it takes. no matter how far. i will find you! >> "last of the mohicans." >> ah! stunts! >> jimmy: come on. that's right. winston duke, everybody. "the fall guy" is in theaters and imax, this friday. [ cheers and applause ] the best. doja cat performs for us after the break. stick around, everybody. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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12:28 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: performing "acknowledge me," from her deluxe album, "scarlet 2 claude," once again, doja cat! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i hide my face
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and run far away i get crazy angsty when you get under my skin ♪ ♪ the power it takes to make me cry that way baby i hate me when you get under my skin ♪ ♪ another glass broke the other glass technically it wasn't me i'm sober now ♪ ♪ you get all in a mood when it's overcast i get all in a mood when it's over cash ♪ ♪ i'm over that you notice that other couples be cussin' and fightin' over tabs ♪ ♪ baby take another tab come and hold my ash don't you ever in your life ♪ ♪ call me doja cat i don't sign -- on my coffee dates i emptied out your ♪ ♪ mother -- coffee-mate i could show you crazy if you call me cray i ate a -- for you ♪ ♪ don't you
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you out here actin' like you sniffin' on some carly rae ♪ ♪ cartier on you but you barkin' like you cardi b you ain't stupid but you probably ain't ♪ ♪ as smart as me i told the concierge to change the lock for the apartment key ♪ ♪ i hide my face and run far away i get crazy crazy angsty angsty ♪ ♪ when you get under my skin the power it takes to make me cry that way baby i hate me ♪ ♪ when you get under my skin i stopped poutin' i stopped cryin' the chef made breakfast ♪ ♪ check the center island dhl package came i don't have to sign it the toilet seats poppin' ♪ ♪ open when i walk by 'em put it to bed close the black-outs you wouldn't treat ♪ ♪ your mama like that in a black house hats off to that i can't cap now ♪ ♪ admit you hate seein' me
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with all them plaques now security around the clock you gotta back down ♪ ♪ and put the bag down turn your -- 'round now that you got it front and center ♪ ♪ face the facts now this what you get for leavin' bitches in the background ♪ ♪ quote bitches end quote ah ah ah i hide my face and run far away ♪ ♪ i get crazy angsty when you get under my skin the power it takes to make me cry that way ♪ ♪ baby i hate me when you get under my skin ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is how you do it. that is how you do it. come on.
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that's what i'm talking about. that's what i'm talking about. doja cat! that's a standing o. "scarlet 2 claude" is out now. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to
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doja cat, once again! [ cheers and applause ] yeah, fantastic. winston duke, and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you, roots. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- joel edgerton. star of "under the bridge," actress lily gladstone


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