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tv   Today  NBC  May 29, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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during the murder investigation. also today, a heads up for drivers moving through san francisco's sunset district. this is a live look at northbound 19th avenue starting at 9:00 this morning. the normally busy street will be closed between sloat and taraval. the closure ends at 3:00 in the afternoon, but the same closure will be in effect tomorrow and friday. they're doing some roadwork there, so hopefully you'll appreciate it later. and good outlook weather-wise for us. yeah. looks great. it's going to be a little bit warmer today. that means a lot more sunshine, but temperatures for some of our inland areas will be headed for the mid 80s. take a picnic outside. hey early early pick a basket. all right. that's what's y. have g here on today in the good wednesday morning.
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all eyes on a new york city that caused dozens of civilian deaths. straight ahead, the white house standing by its allies. >> maybe some people forgot what happened on october 7th, but we haven't. >> our live report from the region. battered. another round of destructive storms tear through the south and more than half a million people without power, and the next risk of severe weather
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already on the move. al has the full forecast. her story. the life and tragedy of nicole brown simpson taking center stage. her sister speaking out on the woman they knew. >> and for the first time live, their reaction to the death of o.j. simpson. those stories, plus retirement shocker. lexi thompson, one of golf's biggest stars, announces she's stepping away from the sport at just 29 years old. >> a lot of people don't -- they don't realize a lot of what we go through. >> inside her decision and what's next. and together again. brad pitt and george clooney teaming up for the first time in nearly 20 years. we've got a first look at their highly anticipated new movie, today, wednesday, may 29th,
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2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is today with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on a wednesday morning. great duos in history, laverne and shirley, and just like batman and robin, george and brad back together again. >> yeah. that film we're about to do is an action comedy. when those two are together, it's magic. so let's wait and see. in the meantime, it was a round of storms down south. a home under construction devastated. hundreds of thousands still don't have power. it could be out for days. we will have a live report and also al's full forecast. we will get started with the story of the day. president trump's hush money case heads to the jury today. prosecutors and the trump defense team taking their team
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during closing arguments yesterday, wrapping up at 8:00 last night. right now the judge is giving the jury their legal instructions, and then the deliberations will begin. >> this comes after chaotic scenes outside the courtroom. clashing with actor de niro when he spoke at an event planned by the biden campaign. >> so what will today bring? nbc's senior legal correspondent, laura jarrett, has the latest. >> good morning. we have finally reached the beginning of the end. both sides told the jury that the verdict should be quick. but their closing arguments should be anything but. the trump side calling trump an innocent man, while the state accusing him of trying to subvert democracy. donald trump's fate resting in the hands of 12 after both sides wrapped up a marathon of closing arguments. >> this is a very dangerous day for america. >> the prosecutor imploring the jury to use, quote, common sense arguing the former president conspired to corrupt the 2016
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election by ordering michael cohen payoff stormy daniels so she couldn't derail his campaign, saying we'll never know if this effort to hoodwink the american voter made a difference. but that's not something we have to prove. what prosecutors do need to prove, 34 invoices, ledger entries, invoices and check stubs were all fallsfied. the state highlights these references to a legal retainer with cohen that never existed. lies, a bonus paper trail meant to disguise the real reason for silencing daniels. blanch argued cohen was trump's attorney. that retainer language is not false, not evidence of any
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conspiracy orchestrated by mr. trump as he was too busy running the country in 2017. blanch urging the jury to see the state's case resting on one man, cohen, branding him the greatest liar of all time, telling jurors you can't somebody to prison based upon the lies of michael cohen, drawing a sharp rebuke from the judge since prison time is not required if the jury convicts, instructing them to disregard it. while outside the court, a bizarre circus-like scene, robert de niro clashing with trump supporters. >> you are gangsters. >> you're washed up! >> the actor joining capitol hill officers on hand as surrogates for president biden as nbc news reports the biden campaign tries out a new strategy, no longer shying away from drawing attention to trump's legal issues. >> well, that was the whacky scene outside the courthouse. how about inside? you were there for all those arguments. >> yes. they started out very alert as usual, paying attention. they're all awake. by the end of the day, when we
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got to that 8:00 p.m. hour, some of them twirling their hair, rubbing their faces. you can understand. these are human beings. they have been listening to dense legal arguments. the prosecution is so worried about covering the waterfront that it went on and on. the defense was long, too. we'll see if they punish them move past it now in the deliberations. >> it is a long day in court. the seats are not known for their comfort. talk about the highlights for each. >> i think the defense did an effective job essentially saying the idea these records were falsified is in their records -- words are just absurd. they say the way they put in the legal retainer language is a dropdown menu in the accounting software trying to take the sting out of the idea this was a criminal conspiracy. i think the prosecution did an effective job trying to confront michael cohen's damage. look, we didn't choose him. this is someone donald trump chose because of the way he lied.
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they both had high points, but it went on for a long time. >> laura, thank you. long days ahead if the jury goes out this morning. also this morning, israeli forces are continuing to push deeper into the southern gaza city of rafah, despite growing international pressure over the war and that deadly weekend attack on a tent city. the white house saying while the president's red line was not crossed, it is monitoring developments by the hour. nbc's raf sanchez is in tel aviv. good morning, raf. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. an israeli official tells nbc news that israel submitted a new cease-fire proposal to american and qatar mediators. but right now there is no cease-fire in sight as israel steps up its military offensive in rafah and pressure mounts on the white house to step in. this morning with israeli forces pushing to the heart of rafah and growing numbers of palestinian civilians killed, the white house facing questions on president biden's red line and if israel crossed it. especially after that strike
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over the weekend, killing dozens in a firestorm at a camp in rafah. >> we don't want to see a major ground operation. we haven't seen that this morning at this point. >> how many more charred corpses does he have to see before the president considers a change of policy? >> we don't want to see a single more innocent life taken. i take a little offense at the question. no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. >> reporter: but more casualties yesterday after a new strike on this tent encampment killed 21 people, according to emergency services in hamas-run gaza. most of them women and children. the idf denies the tents were in a safe zone. israel also releasing an initial investigation into the weekend attack. the idf says it used small bombs to target two hamas commanders, but that a secondary explosion started the enormous fire.
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>> our munitions alone could not have ignited a fire of this size. >> reporter: the idf says hidden hamas weapons may have caused the blast but offered no firm evidence. a gas tank could have sparked the flames. the pentagon confirming that the u.s. military has been forced to suspend aid delivery into gaza by sea after a section of its temporary pier broke apart in bad weather. >> reporter: and that american pier had only been operational for two weeks before that. the pentagon saying it will take another week to repair. that is a major blow to the humanitarian effort in gaza at a time when the rafah crossing the main line for food crossing, remains closed. hoda? >> raf sanchez for us there in tel aviv. raf, thank you. here at home, hundreds of thousands dealing with widespread power outages after another round of severe weather tore through the south. texas hit with flooding rain again.
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more storms looming in the forecast. al has the details on all of that in a second. sam brock joins us from north of houston this morning. good morning. >> reporter: yeah, savannah. good morning. at one point the number of customers with no power in the state of texas topped a million. that's now being restored. we're just outside of houston. officials hearsay a straight line storm, savannah, swept through the region, caused this whole area to collapse. except for one 16-year-old. at this point right now, just the latest tragedy for our nation and many communities that are storm ravaged and trying to collect themselves. overnight, colorado slammed with a vicious hailstorm. while on tuesday, it was texas taking the brunt of the damage. from trees threatening homes in houston to a 120-year-old church going up in flames, the result of an apparent lightening
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strike. to this home under construction in magnolia, texas collapsing as workers escaped except for a 16-year-old worker stuck inside. >> the loss of life is heavy on all of us. >> reporter: wind gusts topping 70 miles an hour, forcing houston's airport to order a ground stop. while powerful winds pushed this american airlines airport away. american reporting no injuries adding its maintenance team is conducting thorough investigations of the plane. motorists try to get to work. also in the mix, golf ball-sized hail. and torrential rain slamming neighborhoods and businesses. >> california's earthquakes and florida's hurricanes. we're not safe any where. it's a shame. >> reporter: local officials say four other people were also electrocuted by a downed power
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line. thankfully, they are all expected to survive. meanwhile, millions under a slight risk of severe storm, savannah. that does include parts of texas. >> let's go to al with more on this. >> good morning, guys. things drying out a bit in texas before we get another round of these storms coming in. we have two systems that will be affecting the u.s. one storm over the canadian maritimes, cooler showers for the northwest and northeast. this second storm will be cominging in today and tonight, a strong cold front pushing into the plains. stretching from colorado all the way up into the dakotas and these storm impacts, large hail, low tornado risks but damaging wind gusts again. 60 miles per hour. tomorrow that severe weather shifts to the south, returning to texas again from colorado all the way to dallas. we're looking at heavy rain. there could be some flash flooding possible with this system.
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7 million people at risk from abilene to dodge city as well. multiple rounds of thunderstorms, torrential rain. that saturated soil will enhance that flood threat. in fact, we're looking from texas into oklahoma with anywhere from three to five inches of rain as we get into friday. we will be watching the potential for flash flooding very closely in this area. guys? >> all right, al. thanks. a lot more to get to. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. folks, there is positive move for the economy this morning. consumer confidence rising in may for the first time in three months, signaling that americans are feeling better about where things stand, but there are some lingering areas of concern when it comes to your wallet. nbc's senior business correspondent, christine romans, here to break it all down for us. christine, always good to see you. it is usually a mixed bag with you, christine. there is a little good news, a little not so good news. consumer confidence up in may. what does that tell you right now?
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>> it tells me a strong job market is really supporting people's finances here. when when you talk to people, more people said they were looking to buy a car. more people said they were looking to buy appliances. those are things that suggest you have confidence in your paycheck. so you saw this number rise and it is showing you the labor market is underpinning everything here. also, the stock market is hitting record highs. people with investments in their 401(k)s, at least on paper are feeling a little better here, and you saw that in that report here. >> let's talk about the housing market because it's sluggish and the interest rates continue to dog it. >> that was one thing people said was a problem. they thought interest rates were too high and they didn't think they could come down too soon. that's good if you are trying to get in there. 6.94%. >> people are just used to 3%. >> i know. and there is not enough houses on the market. you still have inventory. there's more people that want to
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buy a house than there are houses on the market. that's the real disconnect. but you are starting to see energy in the urban areas. people are getting in there trying to buy homes again. >> so confidence is on the rise, and that's a good thing. what about what americans are actually seeing in their bank accounts? how is that changing? >> affordability is a real problem here. people look at child care. they look at health care costs. they look at all these things in their life, car insurance, health insurance and they just feel like they're being nickelled and dimed. affordable is a problem here. i have been going to swing states talking to, you know, people that clean hotel rooms and small business owners, people all up skp down the job spectrum, and people say -- they do different things. they say they feel lousy about the economy but they're spending their money. they're acting as if they have confidence in their job and the economy but they feel lousy. so there is this anxiety disconnect that has been the story of the post-covid economy. we'll see how that plays out five months, six months into the election, how do people really feel about the economy.
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they are doing one thing and saying another. >> that explains why credit card debt is so high right now. the surprise announcement that's shaking up the golf world. 29-year-old lexi thompson, one of the lpga's biggest stars revealing she will retire from full-time golf at the end of the season. that announcement comes days after grayson murray took his own life, intensifying the spotlight on pro athletes and mental health. kaylee hartung joins us with more. good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. since she first joined the pro tour at 15 years old, lexi thompson has been a star. with that success, thompson says her life as a golfer has been a whirlwind of constant attention, scrutiny and pressure. now she's choosing to step away from her storied career saying there are more things to life. >> being out here can be a lot. it can be lonely. sorry if i get emotional. >> reporter: fighting back
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tears, professional golfer lexi thompson at just 29 years old saying she's at peace with the decision to retire at the end of this season. >> you know we're not perfect. we're humans. words hurt. and it's hard to overcome sometimes. >> reporter: one of the biggest stars in the sport for more than a decade, thompson qualified for the u.s. open when she was just 12 years old. >> i know it would be an awesome experience coming here at such a young age, and it is. >> reporter: her first of 11 lpga wins came four years later. >> a victory for the record books, and lexi thompson is a winner on the lpga tour at just 16 years of age. >> reporter: now after months of deliberation, she says it felt right to make this announcement ahead of the same tournament where her career began. >> especially with what's happened in golf. as of recent, a lot of people don't -- they don't realize a lot of what we go through as a professional athlete. >> reporter: over the weekend, the golf world was devastated by
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grayson murray's death by suicide. murray openly struggled with his mental health. thompson says she has, too. >> it's an ongoing battle to continue to put yourself out there in front of the cameras and continuing to work hard and maybe not seeing the results you want and getting criticized for it. i have struggled with it. i don't think there is somebody out there hasn't. it is just a matter of how well you hide it. >> reporter: and now she's looking forward to the future. >> there is more things to life than going to a tournament every week and doing the same training every day. there is just more to it. >> reporter: the lpga commissioner says the tour and its fans will be celebrating thompson throughout the remainder of this season. thompson says she is super fired up to finish it out, to enjoy every walk she has left and to win. guys, she will be teeing off at this week's u.s. open, u.s. women's open. it gets underway tomorrow with coverage on nbc, usa and peacock. savannah. >> thank you. i'm sure it was not an easy decision. >> no, no, certainly not. all right.
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7:19. let's go over to mr. roker and get a check of the weather. >> guys, rest of the country, beautiful sunny skies. unsettled weather in the northeast. record highs down through florida. we'll look at that coming up in the next half hour. looking at some severe storms also up through the northern plains. sunshine over the west coast. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on.
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you so much. still ahead, nicole brown simpson's sisters speaking out in the first live interview since the death of o.j. simpson. >> we will talk to them about their family's decades long journey in public and in private. how they're noring their sihost
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still ahead, it's the 10th anniversary of "fixer upper." and chip and joanna gaines coming to studio 1a to celebrate.
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>> we will talk about the new project they're launch coming up after your local news and weather. ♪♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪♪ ♪♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪
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causing big traffic backups in the south bay today in the bay's bob redell has been there live all morning long. this is where 880 meets 101 in san jose. what's the latest, bob? well, caltrans says it could be another hour or two. what? they're trying to do is offload this overturned big rig up. there was roughly 40,000 pounds of strawberries. they want to get that weight off so they can upright this. we are at the northbound 101 connector to southbound 880. and also the northbound 880 northbound 101 connector. both connectors shut down because this big rig overturned last night. solo vehicle accident chp thinks the driver might have been going too fast. driver is okay. but again, the issue is just getting all these strawberries offloaded and sadly they're having to throw most, if not all of them away. but to get this reopened in time for whatever is going to remain of the morning commute, for how to get around this, i'm going to send over my buddy mike inouye mike. hey bob, thanks for the updates on the scene there. so it's a little bit confusing, but
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basically 101 to 880. just avoid the area if you can and you can because traffic outside of that one closure, that one crash, well that's a lighter than you might expect. northbound 680 takes folks up and you can cross over at auto mall or mission or 237 280 comes up. 87 now seeing a little more traffic than typical, but really the south bay showing a pretty typical pattern for this time of day. nothing extreme. laura, back to you. all right. and don't forget to join us for today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m, including bargain basement, the new bid to buy shuttered 99 cent stores only here in the bay area. we're going to watch on roku, amazon
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slater pulling it. on the back
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♪ ♪ slater pulling it. on the back edge. kelly slater! wow! >> we're back at 7:30. unbelievable action out of tahiti. this is the pro surfing competition. even though it is 10,000 miles from paris, that's the venue that you are looking at that's going to be held during the olympics. >> i volunteer for coverage. i will learn everything about surfing. >> i bet you do. you can catch more of that competition today at 1:00 p.m. eastern at of course you will see it here during the olympics. which, by the way, if you are counting, according to the eiffel clock outside, 58 days away. >> wow! >> until we go to paris. >> can you say it one more time? it makes me smile. >> let me try it. reporting live. it rolls off the tongue. >> it does. >> all right. meanwhile, a lot more to get to on this half hour.
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we will start with this renewed spotlight on a case that has drawn worldwide attention for nearly a decade now. >> it's been nearly a decade since the murders of nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. now nicole's family is speaking out. >> her beloved sisters are here with us live this morning to talk about their new documentary, their work on domestic violence prevention, and they will share memories of their sister, but first a bit more about their journey. >> i feel like i kept my nicole really private for so long. >> three decades after the shocking murder of nicole brown simpson, her family and friends now opening up in a new lifetime documentary. >> i think it is important that people get to know my sister. >> the 1994 murder of nicole brown simpson along with her friend, ron goldman, would lead to the arrest, trial and acquittal of her ex-husband. >> if it doesn't fit, you must
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acquit. >> it wasn't about nicole. it wasn't about ron. it was about who could win. who played the best win. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> the not guilty verdict despite denise brown's emotional testimony about o.j.'s abuse of her sister. >> he threw her up against the wall and then he grabbed her. >> in 1997, a jury found simpson liable for the wrongful deaths of ron goldman and nicole in a civil trial. simpson passed away last month. nicole's family and friends say the public never understood the extent of o.j.'s violence, which they say nicole documented in secret journals. >> she had a diary, essentially a list of abuse by simpson. this still gives me chills. >> nicole left o.j. and filed for divorce two years before her death, but her friends say he continued to harass and threaten her. >> o.j., he was kind of spying on her a lot. he was like stalking, hiding in
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the bushes. she always thought he was going to hurt her. she always knew it. >> now after multiple films and tv series focussing on o.j. simpson, nicole's friends and sisters say it is time to remember a woman whose life was so much more than a crime story. >> you never get over losing a friend that way. >> i honestly believe that this world does not know who nicole brown was. >> and joining us now are nicole's three sisters, denise, dominique and tania. good morning. good to have you here. it takes a lot of courage to open up this box of grief, opening up the photo album, hearing nicole's voice, why, denise, why was this is moment? >> you know, i tried to do it 10 years ago. a woman came to me and says, you
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know, everybody wants to know who nicole is. they want to remember her. they want to -- they want to get to know her. and i said, yeah, 20 years didn't feel right. then we tried 25 years. i said, no, it just doesn't feel right. then i said, you know what, 30 i think is going to be right. i asked my sisters, and i said, do you guys want to do this? do you want together and humanize nicole and let the world know who nicole really was, and everybody agreed that this was the right time. >> there were so many surprising things to me in the documentary. we thought we knew about her and the case, but we didn't. the extent of the domestic violence starting on day one when she first went out with o.j. simpson, going through her entire marriage, things a lot of you guys witnessed to a part -- there was a part of this documentary that was so jarring to me. it was when she was pregnant and a friend said o.j. had said to nicole i do not want you to give birth vaginally and i don't want you to breast-feed. the control was apparent there. >> yeah. >> and people didn't really understand the extent of the domestic violence, did they?
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>> they didn't. and we didn't understand the extent of domestic violence then. we didn't even know what domestic violence was because our family, we grew up with, i want to say, like a bubble. we didn't grow up with domestic violence or hear our parents scream and yell at each other. all of a sudden, we were watching this documentary and you see everything that happened to her. >> it was documented. >> she documented. she left diaries. there were pictures. you were a witness. >> yeah. >> you were a witness. >> well, i took those pictures of her. okay, when i was in her bathroom one day, nicole and i were getting ready. we were in the bathroom. i opened up her bathroom door and i found a polaroid when she was very young. i looked at it and said, oh, my god, nick. she goes, oh, isn't that wonderful? the makeup artist painted a black eye on me. i said, wow, that looks so real and i threw it back in the drawer. then she called me in 1989 and said, denise, will you come up
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and take pictures of me. and i just went whoa. >> dominique and tania, let's bring you into this. while this documentary is being made, it has not yet been released. o.j. simpson dies. i can't imagine the feelings that must have risen been you. can you talk about your reaction? >> it was very overwhelming. it was very complicated, very confusing and at the same time so, so sad. i was really emotional. we didn't know if it was true when we heard the news, and then we turn on the tv and it was confirmed that he had actually passed away. i was so sad for the children. >> yeah. >> i was so sad for them. >> you have kept a relationship with sydney and justin. >> yes. >> that's the thing that when you look at this, you think about a 5-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl sleeping upstairs while their mother is killed and what they have had to carry in their life. >> exactly. >> how have you tried to keep
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that relationship alive? and how has that affected your relationships with your sisters on this couch and your relationship with what you have come to believe about o.j. simpson? >> well, i think that originally was nicole was killed, i just realized that i had a very close relationship with nicole, and i was very close with sydney. and i realized that it was what nicole would have wanted me to do was to step in. so, you know, we were kind of in a little bubble where we lived. we lived in a gated community. we played. we went and ate together. we went to the beach together. at the same time i would go to work in the morning, i would drop them off from school, i would go to work, pick them up, we would go to the beach. it was just something that was done. and now i'm involved with them and their families and their children. >> denise, what was your
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reaction when you learned that o.j. died? >> well, i think everybody knows how i felt about him. i think the whole world knew how i felt about him. >> on that day, how did you feel? >> on that day i was happy. when i heard the news i was like, oh, my god, finally. but then it kind of sunk in and i go, wait a minute, there is sydney and justin. so that's when i -- i was like, wow, okay, i'm happy for me. i don't have to look over my shoulder anymore. >> were you afraid of him? >> no, no. i wasn't afraid of him. but, you know, you just kind of -- he was just always there. you know, his presence. they were always talking about him in the media, things were always going on. but then it was that sadness for the kids because now they don't have a mom or a dad. >> uh-huh. >> so, yeah, it was hard. that was tough. >> how was that navigating that, tania? as you grew up, you were the baby sister. >> the tallest baby. >> in a lot of ways, you felt like you were just getting to know your sister, grownup to grownup. >> yeah. i think that's where my grief came in, my sadness. i could cry right now. i was just getting to know her.
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i know. our lives were intersecting, you know. she loved when i was 8 years old. then i go to school and go to college, and i just -- i was kind of getting to that point in life where, hey, nic -- i went to uc san diego. hey, i'm going to come by and let's do lunch. i was getting to that point where i could hang out with my big sister, but yet i'm coming into adulthood, too. i was 20, 21 going on 17. i was a late bloomer. yeah, that's where my pain comes from. >> you know, i think people are going to learn a lot about nicole. like savannah said, they will hear her voice for the first time. they will watch her as a fully formed person because often you know it through the lens of o.j. what are you hoping people are going to glean from this? >> i really want people to get to know who nicole was. >> yes.
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>> and actually, you know, you want to humanize her. you want to be able to hear her voice and her stories, her recounting these stories, talking to sydney when she was a baby, talking to -- actually, it was the first time that i heard the 911 call. >> was on this? >> yeah. >> you didn't hear it during the trial? >> i heard it in 30 years. this was the first time i heard the 911 call, and i was like, oh, my gosh. >> in its entirety. >> in its entirety. >> and not just a clip. >> never heard it. when they were playing it during the trial, i left the courtroom because i did not want to hear it. i couldn't hear that voice, that scary fear. >> we only have a few seconds left, but i wonder what you think about this concept of justice because o.j. simpson was acquitted for these crimes. which is not the same as saying he was innocent. he liked to say i was found innocent. he was not found innocent in a court of law. he was not. a great percentage of americans
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believe he killed your sister. he later served time in a las vegas prison for another crime. he spent the rest of his life free, but notorious and not beloved anymore. what's your concept of justice? do you feel you ever really got it? >> oh, gosh. >> i don't -- i don't know. i'm going to talk like how my mom would say this. she's like things just happen the way they were supposed to happen. that's something she would say. >> yeah. >> just it panned out the way it was supposed to. >> what do you think, denise? >> well, i just think that, you know, it did. it happened the way it happened, and you can't change that. we tried to keep her, you know, her legacy alive going out and speaking out about domestic violence and doing this documentary. i think this is a huge part of that full closure, that full circle of, okay, nicole was there. nicole was a beautiful mom. she was a beautiful woman. then she was gone all of a sudden, she was murdered. now what we want to do is bring her back in this as that
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wonderful human being that she was. >> if someone asks you, do you think o.j. killed your sister, you say? >> i don't answer it. >> you don't. why? >> because of the children. i don't need to be vocal and say that i believe it or that i don't believe it. i just -- it's -- my focus is completely different. >> how old are the kids now? >> they're adults. >> what do they think about this? i mean, they will watch this. they will see this probably. >> i don't know. are they going to watch it? we don't know. but they do know about it. i mean, we did not keep a secret from them at all. we wanted them to know that we were doing this, and we wanted to, you know, let people get to know your mother and, you know, because we -- we loved her so much and, you know, the short time that they had with her was -- i mean, she was such a loving mom. i mean, i just remember her car
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being taken to the shop and there was french fries in the gear shift. i mean, it was like she didn't care about things. >> ferrari was her station wagon. >> it was all about the kids. it was all about the kids. that's what we want people to know. >> that is her legacy. >> thank you, guys, so much. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you for being here. a pleasure to have you. >> thank you. we want to let everyone know that the life and murder of nicole simpson will debut across two nights june 1st and 2nd. it will be on lifetime. if you or somebody you know is a victim of domestic violence, you can always call the national hotline 1-800-799-safe or visit the thank you. >> thank you, again, to the brown sisters. and we're back right after this. . otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking.
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>> it's breathtaking. it will happen tonight and in a couple nights, too. let's bring in al. >> yeah. may not be as great tonight because of the cloud cover. record highs down through the gulf. sunshine around the great lalak. sunny sk and that's your latest weather, guys. >> still ahead, the multitalented rumer willis. she's a new mom. she has big plans for her return to the stage. she will tell us about that and how motherhood has changed her. also, how her dad is doing.
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how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. good morning to you. it is 756. i'm laura garcia, and i'm marcus washington. happening now here's what we're working on for our 8:00 streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab in redwood city, where scott peterson is expected back in court today in an ongoing bid to clear his
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name. attorneys for la's innocence project have filed motions requesting new dna testing on evidence gathered during the murder investigation. prosecutors are opposing the motions for dna testing from the defense, saying they will not hand anything over unless ordered by the court. court begins at nine this morning. we will bring you the latest on air and online at i'm bob redell here in san jose with a potentially major impact to the morning commute. you can see northbound 101 connector to southbound 880 is shut down, as is northbound 880 connector to northbound 101. because of this, right here, a big rig that overturned overnight. it's loaded with at least 40,000 pounds of strawberries that has to be offloaded before this big rig can be uprighted and sent on its way. so you're looking at a potential impact well into the morning commute, and let's see how it's affecting that morning commute. mike. yeah, we're looking at it still not upright and making progress, but not
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uprighting. the crash over there affects these ramps here 101 and 880. so you know what folks are avoiding that i believe. and they're taking 680 northbound a little heavier than normal build there but really jammed up now 280 getting over toward 87 as an alternate to get just past that whole structure. also in the area, the biggest commute impact is are here on old bayshore highway. back to you. thanks, mike. make sure to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscasts, starting in just minutes at 8 a.m. a discount deal the new bid to buy shuttered $0.99 only stores, including those right here in the bay area jnoi
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow.
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anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ it's 8:00 on "today".
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coming up, deliberation day. the former president's legal fate set to rest in the hands of the jury following yesterday's marathon and closing arguments. >> this is a very dangerous day for america. >> we'll have the very latest. also ahead, breaking news. >> we're so excited to see the pandas. >> we're live with an exclusive announcement from the smithsonian national zoo about the cuddly friends making their way to our neck of the woods. >> i miss you. >> the details straight ahead. and magnolia milestone. chip and joanna gaines are here celebrating the 10th anniversary of "fixer upper" and sharing some news about an exciting new project live in studio 1a. all that, plus brad and george. nicole and zach. >> i'm trying to impress you, and i know i don't. >> and "wicked" and "lego "? >> yeah. >> it's all coming up in
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"popstart," today, may 29th, 2024. ♪ >> on our 8th grade trip in elk grove, california. >> hi to my mom in nebraska. we love you, grandma! >> mother-daughter trip. >> today is her birthday! >> visiting from north carolina. >> columbia, tennessee. >> st. peter, minnesota. >> toledo, ohio. >> and wyoming. >> best friends for 75 years. >> celebrating shania's graduation. >> from the illustrious tuskegee university. >> look at those happy faces on our plaza. look at that sliver of sunshine on the plaza. so happy to have you along with us. middle of the week wednesday morning. >> we're getting to that point where you get the summer crowd. folks are out of school, yeah. >> summer crowds are the happiest crowds, yeah. >> let's get to president
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trump's criminal hush money trial. jury deliberations set to begin today after a marathon day of closing arguments yesterday. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarett is there. >> good morning. we have reached the end. the jury set to hear those critical instructions on the law in this historic case. this after the state and the defense made their final appeals to jurors. those closing arguments stretching well into the evening last night. the prosecutor accusing the former president of a conspiracy to corrupt the 2016 election and then covering it all up, hiding his tracks through 34 internal records he said were falsified. the defense saying those checks and ledger entries weren't falsified. it was all the biproduct of an accounting software taking the state to task for relying on michael cohen to connect mr. trump to these crimes. the prosecution acknowledged his baggage saying the state didn't pick him up at the witness store.
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the jury instructions this morning expected to last roughly an hour and then the jury can take as long as they need to reach a verdict, guys. >> laura, it will be a long day. thank you very much. a building explosion in youngstown, ohio. officials say a gas leak is likely to blame. that explosion blew out the bottom floor of a 13 story building that housed the chase bank. seven people are being treated at the hospital, one of them in critical condition. an investigation into the exact cause of that explosion still underway. >> well, we have a "today" exclusive from the smithsonian national zoo in washington. folks, this is a good one. giant pandas are returning to the zoo after that tearful good-bye last november when the last three resident pandas returned to china. nbc's tom costello is at the national zoo this morning with this fantastic news. tom, hard to overstate what those pandas meant to the national zoo for more than half a century.
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>> reporter: absolutely. the pandas have been critical to the national zoo's identity, and this city loves the pandas, right? we have had tours coming from around the world for five decades, but they have been gone for six months. months. this morning "today" is breaking the news. the national zoo says china is sending two pandas to the zoo. they will be here by the end of the year. at the smithsonian national zoo, a sort of panda jungle gym is going in. new climbing structures, rocks, hammocks and pools. while 7,500 miles away in china, two 2-year-olds are spending lazy days tumbling downhill and eating lots of bamboo. within a few months, they will catch a flight from washington, d.c. >> we will make it more fun and a happier place for them. >> reporter: those 2-year-olds
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both described as panda teenagers. and something really special. his family has lived at the national zoo before. here is the family tree. so his mom was here and his grandparents were here? >> that's right. we're so excited that we're able to have a cub that is coming from this family line. >> reporter: for 51 years, those black and white fur balls were the biggest stars at the national zoo. >> we're so excited to see the pandas. >> reporter: then last november heartbreak. panda-mania came to an end. just as u.s.-chinese relations grew tense. the national zoo sent home its last three pandas. >> i miss you. i really want to cuddle with you. >> reporter: the panda programs at the national zoo, the atlanta, memphis and san diego zoos are part of a global breeding and conservation
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program. and it's working. going from a thousand wild pandas 50 years ago to 2,000 today. plus 800 in zoos worldwide, with pandas moving from endangered to vulnerable. >> we have established to much. one of our jobs was to crack the code on giant panda production. if you want to see the species, you have to make more of them. >> reporter: last november, the panda keeper flew with the pandas back to china. now she's preparing for the new arrivals. >> so we'll get to watch them go from sub-adult to adult and get to see all of those years and the way that they really develop, their personalities will continue to change as they age. >> reporter: back here at the national zoo, and we broke the news minutes ago. now the national zoo just put up the signage. the pandas are returning. this long agreement will be in effect for ten years. if the pandas have cubs, those cubs might go to china by the age of four.
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listen, the other zoos around the country, san diego zoo says they are expecting two cubs -- or two pandas later this year. atlanta must return its four pandas this year. and san francisco says it's also going to be getting pandas but no time line yet. right now the national zoo here in washington by the end of the year. craig? >> the pandas are coming, all right. tom costello with that breaking news and the exclusive. that's exciting news. >> yeah. we called it bear-akin news. get it? big news from major league baseball, the league confirmed yesterday that negro league staff will become part of the official record to have their accomplishments recognized. that means josh gibson, who is considered one of the best players of all time, will now lead multiple categories, including batting average and slugging percentage. gibson actually moves ahead of
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ty cobb and babe ruth in those categories. >> a lot of folks have long considered him to be the best baseball player in history. i'm glad he's getting his due. all right, guys. let's have a boost. a college graduate at the university of west georgia got a lot more than his diploma at a commencement ceremony. he was surprised by this announcement. >> now, malik has a lot of people. but one special guest has shown up all the way from cosova where his mom has been deployed as a member of the georgia national guard. [ applause ] >> that's malik's mom, made it just in time for his graduation. okay. you can tell how much it meant there. that was a big day. malik, by the waya four-time member of the dean's list and
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earned a degree in special ed. >> he's got it all. >> that story just got better and better. that's a good one. still ahead, carson has lined up a special "popstart." we have top story exclusives this morning, some sneak peeks at new shows. >> look who is here, guys, renovation royalty. the queen and king of the fixer upper here to talk about their big shows and big milestone anniversary. what's next for them and their family right after this.
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(katie) he devoured it. clearly he was a big fan. it's healthy, and he loves it. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) c'mon, c'mon, it's wish time, baby. i'm kinda in the middle of somethin'. but i did the whole “rub the lamp” thing- and i'm doin' the whole “dunkin' cold” thing. this is not how this is supposed to go. the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food,
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it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ >> no application fee if you apply by may 31 at university of maryland global campus, offering online and hybrid courses and lifetime career services. learn about our more than 125 degrees and certificates at bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. ♪ ”fracture (instrumental) by apashe & flux pavilion ♪ ♪ [bird caws] commuter: “whoa” ♪ siri: “continue straight." [bird caws] [commuter groans] siri: “you're still on the fastest route.”
8:14 am
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with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. are you guys ready to
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are you guys ready to see your house? >> yes. >> so nervous. >> oh. >> oh, man. >> it is gorgeous. >> yeah. >> oh. >> that's how it started. that was the very first episode of "fixer upper." can you believe it's been 10 years now? they haven't changed a bit. >> not one bit. the show, of course, was so crazily successful, turned them into household names. they have a brand-new series "fixer upper: the lake house." we have a sneak peek. >> now with this lake house, it feels significant that this project landed on our ten-year anniversary. >> like it was really meant to be. all right, babe. here we are, girl. let's go to work. we did it.
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we've got the lake house. >> i love it. >> oh, chip and jo, good morning. >> good morning. >> yeah. i know. guys, it's been 10 years. >> crazy. >> do you know what we have? your first casting tape. >> one out of ten people in the market will appreciate this -- >> oh, gosh. >> look at us. >> can you even imagine? >> i feel like i -- can i talk over this thing? >> yes. >> i feel like these -- can i talk over this? >> yes. >> i feel like these presidential scenarios to where these guys go into office and then four years later look like they're 200 years old. i feel like it. we look like babies. and now we feel some version of that, to where you like feel like, wow, ten years. it certainly has created quite
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the evolution on my face. you know? >> so much has happened. you have five kids now. we were just talking. i mean, your little one, the baby, is about to go off to kindergarten. you have the older one in college. >> almost second year in college. >> what is it like to be raising your family, becoming really just household names? faces recognized immediately and keep that family together and try to keep it as normal as you can? >> for us, the kids, family, that's what grounds us the most. and that's been what's even before the cameras. we always just moved together, if that makes sense. like our life and -- >> little pack, little herd. >> when fixer started, you saw that as our kids were always with us. always just trying to bring them in on the journey, no matter what it looks like, but knowing they are the most important thing. >> you have a good way, you have a good rhythm about you because sometimes being in the spotlight for a long, long time just changes things. i think you guys have had the ability, at least for now, for a minute, to take a step back and hit pause and to regroup. and you are doing that now, this summer. so tell us why you decided that
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was important for your family, why is it something that you needed to do? >> i think for that same reason you just sort of hit on. it is like the idea when you run these races, you know, and it feels like there is one marathon after another. you finish your marathon in the practical sense. in theory, you take a week off or go recover somewhere. but in life you don't ever know where the starting line is and where the finish line is. you don't know when to take these breaks. joe and i have tried our best to take these opportunities to -- >> what does a break look like for y'all? >> i think sometimes it is just a weekend of doing nothing. sometimes it is that intentionality, though, of saying we are going to take a break. and in some ways, it is more of a season where we're still working but we're saying no to other things. so i think that's the ebb and flow. even a fixer we loved started as that and evolved into something simpler that just works better for our family. >> yeah. >> it is just that evolution of -- >> i feel like we have been
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interviewing you for about ten years. it is interesting to see your evolution because joanna, you were so shy. you got quieter! >> i'm the extravert. and before it was exactly opposite. >> you had the lamp shade on your head and joanna was, like, hm. it is wonderful to see. >> crazy. >> look ahead in ten years. what do you guys see happening for you and your family? >> i'm turning 50 this year. we're celebrating our 21st anniversary literally here in new york. >> so crazy. >> we were in new york city honeymooning. now here we are on "the today show." to your point, we feel like to some extent we have grown up together, but then the next ten years is like i'll be a 60-year-old old man. possibly a grandfather. >> i'm modeling my life after
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larry king. so i think i will be this larry king-like character walking across the stage with my 18-year-old, but also a grandparent on the other side. >> oh, that's great. >> it will be interesting to see what life brings us. >> good luck with the lake house show and everything else. y'all are a lot of fun. >> y'all are the best. thank you for having us. >> you can catch the premier on the magnolia network. where else? hgtv. >> and you will come back on the 4th hour. we got you covered. >> yes, ma'am. >> mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> we have a fixer upper. what could you do with this? because we really need some help back here. oh, no. we need some help back here. >> oh, no. oh, no. >> this used to be the orange room. it is just a mess. we need help. >> we can't take a break because we got work to do. hey, babe, never mind. we can't take a break. >> it's had it on the first floor. it's the worst. anyway, beautiful weather around
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the great lakes. showers and storms down through texas. looking gorgeous, lots of sunshine. that's your latest weather. big "popstart". >> i got to power through before you renovate the orange room back here. first up, george clooney and brad pitt, first onscreen project together in 16 years. the movie is called "wolves." the sneak peek, well, it is not really giving anything away.
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take a look. >> let me explain what's happening. >> yeah, that's it right there. clooney plays a professional fixer hired to cover up high-profile crime when a second fixer, and that's brad pitt, shows up. and the two lone wolves forced to work together. >> the movie is called "wolfs," not "wolves". >> trying to power through. this is nicole kidman and zac efron. a surprising romance kicks off comic consequences for a young woman played by jody king after her mother and her movie star boss get together. here's a "popstart" exclusive sneak peek. >> is this what you do just to have dinner? >> is this what you wear to
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dinner? >> you're so easy to talk to. what is it about you? i think it is because i'm trying to impress you, and i know i don't. >> this thing with my mother, this gross sexcapade thing, it's over! >> bye! >> bye. >> you're not jack and rose. just get out of the car! >> there's kathy bates, oscar winner. "a family affair" starts streaming on netflix june 28th. >> looks good, right. a lot of intrigue there. next up, "wicked." dropped the official trailer. it was huge. 24 hours, 75 million views. the folks at lego now recreating the video shot by shot. >> what? >> guess what? another "popstart" exclusive sneak peek. >> are people born wicked? or do they have wicked thrusts
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upon them? >> you're green? >> i am. >> you thought they were made out of actual bricks? >> no, i thought -- >> you thought somebody made the entire trailer out of actual bricks? >> that's what she said was going to happen. >> power through. you said it. >> that comes with the caveat that's an animated lego version. >> anyone can animate. i thought it was a brick by brick construction. >> not anybody can animate. but i know what you mean. this is me powering through. one more exclusive. camp snoopy, if there's time. charlie brown and friends taking on an adventure-filled summer in "the great outdoors". >> "popstart" exclusive? >> yep. >> that's the best. >> what should we do? >> roast marshmallows, hiking, go canoeing.
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why can't i have a normal dog? >> camp is supposed to be about the fun and excitement of being with friends. and a true friend makes the good days better. being there for others is the greatest accomplishment of all. >> savannah thought "camp snoopy" was all of us. remember halloween? you thought we were all in the peanut gang. apple tv plus. you can check that out. >> the worst halloween ever. >> check it out. >> are you okay? >> rumer willis, we will talk to her about family, an exciting new chapter in her life and
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golden 1 credit union agrees, it's never too late to try something new or pick up an old pastime. we know you're up for adventure, that's what you're here for. the golden 1 member cash rewards+ card lets you try the things you love with your true love. when you can enjoy the rewards of every experience that comes your way, what are you waiting for? dive right in. golden 1 member cash rewards+ card. life is a journey best dreamed together.
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you will never carry the load alone. >> let's roll out!
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>> just glad you came home. "chicago fire" tonight on nbc and peacock. ♪ we are back. we are back. it is 8:30 on a wednesday morning. giving some extra camera time to this terrific crowd on our little corner of rockefeller plaza. how are we doing, guys, on the crowd? everyone good? everyone good? >> there is so much happening right now. >> so much. >> so much happening. all right. hi, guys. just ahead in this half hour, we have rumor willis. she has a new residency at the carlisle here in new york. she talked about life as a mom and how her mom and dad are doing. >> all right. we have adrianna brach along with a new batch of "today best-sellers," from summer staples to a soap that does more than just clean your skin,
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carson. it loves you. it loves you back. >> it is about time. then we have a question about cheese. can it be part of a healthy diet? experts say yes if you know which type of cheese to choose. we will give you your guide to one of the best nutritional concerns. all things cheese coming up. >> cheesy! coming up, we have tony goldwyn talking about his new film "ezra." >> yeah. just over the bridge in jersey. >> well, jersey is that way. >> whatever. folks, we also have a can't-miss story for you tomorrow. oh, this is good. we're finally getting our wish. so mr. roker here had a very special mission with nasa. while preparing to orbit the moon, the next artemis crew invited al roker to train with them. >> no way. >> the question is, does he have the right stuff? we're goi if he does, we're going to send him to outer space.
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we're going to send him to outer space. >> that's right. dylan actually started a gofundme page to get me going. >> all right. back here, i want to introduce you to, this is the parker family. where are you from? >> grapevine, texas. >> who goes to grapevine high school? >> i do. >> who went to grapevine high school? >> we both did. >> any famous graduates from grapevine. >> just one we know. mr. gaines. >> oh, you mean chip gaines? you mean, like the chip gaines that's here right now? what's he like? what's your name? >> how are you doing jason. long time no see. is this your crew? oh, my gosh. last i heard from you, you had just gotten out of prison. is this -- is this accurate? okay, sounds about right. all right. i'm proud of y'all. keeping it altogether despite those slight obstacles you had to wrestle through. >> staying in the family. >> that's true. that's true. the downtown hot spot, i
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remember. downtown grapevine. >> jason was chip this shy in high school? same, same personality? >> exactly the same. exactly the same. he's not changing for anybody. >> love it. >> wow, wow. what a compliment. thank you, jason. >> thank you for being here. al, what about the weather? >> i've got to show you. i find this hard to believe, but this young lady, what's your name? >> kate. >> and, kate, is it true that it is your 80th birthday? >> yes, it is. >> you look fantastic. >> yeah. this is your husband? >> yeah. >> what is your name? >> mike. >> are you the secret to her youth? >> yes, absolutely. >> well, i can't believe you are only 20 years from a smucker's jar. you look fantastic. as far as your weekend is concerned -- i want to have what she's having. the eastern third of the country, severe storms down through the mississippi river
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valley. we move into saturday, and we are looking at another great day on the eastern coast. showers from the southern great lakes all the way down to the gulf. warm out west. and then sunday, sunday, beach day up and down the eastern seaboard. more storms in the ohio river valley good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall today. lots of sunshine. and our temperatures will be heating up quickly. so we're headed for the upper 70s in the south bay. 79 in dublin and low 80s in much of the north bay. but we're still keeping it comfortable near the coastline. and that's what we'll see tomorrow, even as the valleys get a little bit hotter closer to the upper 80s and low 90s. but it will be a little bit cooler folks from new orleans, hoda will find them. she was here ten years ago. >> yeah. >> 2014?
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>> can't beat it, girl, yes. i was here for my 48th, and i'm 58 this year! >> we got a who dat here! >> this is my birthday crew. >> happy birthday, crew. all right, guys. coming up next, rumer willis on her return to the stage and her beloved father's health. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the citi concert series on "today" is proudly sponsored by citi. >> we're back. it's 8:38 with a multi-talented rumer willis. she's about to embark on a project here in new york in a highly anticipated residency at the iconic cafe carlisle. it is her first time hitting the stage since she took on the role of mom.
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rumer, so good to see you. >> you too. >> i want to talk about being a mom because i know that little girl of yours is down in the green room somewhere. let me talk about the carlisle for a second. this is a big deal. it is an iconic spot in new york. >> very. >> you will be on stage singing >> yeah. >> how do you feel about that? and that's kind of your vibe on stage? >> you know, i got to perform there eight years ago. and i feel like i didn't even realize at the time how big of a deal it was. >> yeah. >> and it's -- it's just so -- it is such an iconic new york place. to be able to come back also from this new place that i'm in now as a mom and just all of these things that i have learned in the last eight years, i feel really excited to come back with a more groundedness in myself. >> one of the most -- you said so many beautiful things and we will talk about your cute baby in a second, but one of the things your little
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1-year-old daughter did was she gave aquiet confidence that maybe you didn't always have onstage. >> yeah. i think i always used to feel a bit nervous sometimes or i had that almost imposter syndrome. >> yes. >> and would have moments of going -- >> can i do this? >> yes. and there is something about becoming a mom that just -- i don't know. i have this kind of i can do it. >> you can do anything. >> i had her at home, so i think also that kind of gave me a -- >> wait, what? >> yeah. i had a home birth, so i feel like that kind of gave me a little more. >> why did you do that? >> i wanted an experience i could control. all my sisters were there and my mom. if you go to the hospital, you can only have one person. i wanted to have my partner and my family. >> you wanted everyone around. >> exactly. >> so being a mom has probably changed you in so many ways. and i'm sure it's also changed your parents. >> oh, yeah. >> what has it been like for them, for your mom and dad to have this little baby in their life?
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>> it is so nice. honestly, seeing them with her, it just -- it almost unlocks all of these childhood memories because being a grandparent i think is the best. they have all of the love and joy without any of the responsibilities. so they get to just spoil her. >> looking at your dad with her is making me emotional. >> so sweet. >> by the way, how is he? i got to interview his wife about what he's been going through, the dementia. how is he doing? >> he's so good. i got to see him right before i came out. lou is just starting to walk a little bit and she walked over to him. it is so nice because i feel like my dad is just -- lake he's a girl dad through and through. it almost unlocks that kind of little kid girl dad thing. he's so sweet with her, you know. i saw him with my sisters, my little sisters. >> so you are seeing that all come back again? >> yeah. >> it must be great to see all
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the love he is getting. i always think about that for him and for you. >> yeah. >> you have noticed that? what have you seen? >> i think what's amazing, and it is such a testament to who he is. he's so beloved. what's lovely is people will stop me at the street or at the airport, whatever it is, and are so effusive about how much they love him, how much of an impact he's had on them or just that they're sending love to our family. it really makes me a proud daughter, honestly, to just see how much love he's getting. and also just that our vulnerability and transparency as a family about what he's going through, to me, is to important because if it could have any impact on another family that is struggling in any way with something like this or bring more attention to the disease in hopes of finding, you know, i don't know, cures or anything that can be of service to anybody else i think is really important. >> your family is doing such a
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beautiful service. that little girl. everything is going right for you right now. enjoy the carlisle. >> thank you. >> i hope everyone comes to see you. you will be fantastic. rumer will come back and visit us on the 4th hour. make sure if you are in town, catch her at the carlisle residency. that's june 4th to june 8th. mark your calendars. hey, savannah. hoda, thank you. coming up next, want to avoid a summer of itchg bug bites?in is it possible to be more capable and more practical? be able to perform here and here? make a statement while barely making a sound and command the world as well as what lies ahead.
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♪ we are back with a we are back with the must-have items on our may today best-seller twist. our shop today editorial director adrianna brach is here to share some of her favorites. you can shop along by scanning our qr code. good morning. >> hey, good morning. >> it is getting cool.
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>> let's get comfy and cool. when it comes to summer dressing, i always say look for linen fabrics. this is combining the best of both worlds. i love rayon because it is soft and super comfy. so love these. these are our best-selling pant right now. if you are looking for pants this summer, linen is the way to go. these are our favorite right now. they have the wide leg, the elastic waist. you can dress them up and dress them down. >> okay, great. and then the t-shirt. >> okay. you can never have too many fashion basics in your closet. this t-shirt is awesome because it combines a tank top and a t-shirt with this cap sleeve. if you want a breezy, easy piece to pair with your pants or any shirt you have, the cap sleeve is the way to go because you get more of a polished shirt and extra arm coverage. this comes in over a dozen colors. i think certain styles and sizes are on sale right now for 50% off. >> you want that tank top look, you can put something over it. >> exactly. >> okay. this is the soap that loves you back. >> okay.
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this soap is awesome because it will not just cleanse your skin. it has skin care ingredients that will help brighten and lighten your skin. this is made with vitamin c, which is known for brightening dark spots, any hyper pigmentation that you might have and tumeric, an ingredient that could help with scars. it could help with acne scars. it also helps with discoloration like around your knees, anywhere you want. this is a great do-it-all solution. from head-to-toe, this is the beauty secret that's under $5. love the color. nails. >> so nails. this is a nail aid. this is a keratin treatment. it helps build the proteins in your nails. if you are like me and you do gel manicures, this is a great polish in between. you can also use it with nail polish. you put it on as a base coat and use it as a topcoat. this is a great solution. the brand says it starts to work in three days. so you will see shiny, healthier
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nails. >> okay. you guys posted this on instagram. i was obsessed. how does this work? mosquitos love these. >> if you are a mosquito magnet like me, this is the thing. it is a shark tank product. it is a mother-daughter brand. really cool, easy product to get rid of bug bites right away when they happen without messy creams or chemicals. you put it on your arm. i think we have video of our producer doing it. and it literally sucks out the venom or stings. you can put it on a key change. really easy to use. people love this thing. >> you do it the second you get bitten? >> yes. it has over 90,000 reviews on amazon. people are obsessed with this. >> alien tape? >> it is a popular product for the moment. it is double sided, acrylic. so you can use it to hang things
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on multiple surfaces. you can use it on corners of your rug. so it is like an easy do-it-all solution. >> is it clear? >> it is clear. it is thick and double sided. the brand says you can wash it and reuse it over and over again. but it works on most surfaces, so kind of an easy, no-brainer for the home. >> thank you. you can purchase any of these items by scanning the qr code or go to >> thank you, savannah. up next, vanessa is here to help us make maybe a healthier choice when it comes to all things cheeses. we will get to that. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this, everybody. we are back wit this, everybody.
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we are back with a beloved and wild event. u.k.'s annual cheese rolling competition. participants racing down a steep hill there after that wheel of cheese. naturally, that brings us to a great segue here, to our brand-new series "what is the we will start with cheese. do you know the average eats 42 pounds of cheese each year? which cheeses should you choose? are there villain cheeses and good cheeses, hard and soft cheeses? we will find that out with vanessa. always great to see you. >> nice to see you. >> okay. let's start with the cheeses here. >> yeah. >> why don't we just break the ice with the question of in general is cheese healthy or is cheese unhealthy? >> cheese is totally healthy, right? it is a good source of protein. there is moderate fat. >> you are saying that like ice cream is healthy if you have a tablespoon a year. >> you can have more than a
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tablespoon of cheese and it's still a part of your healthy eating plan, of course. >> look at al roker, already getting into it right here. >> parm is my favorite. >> i guess people look for a high-protein cheese who are health conscious. >> sometimes what i do is i will take a fiber cracker. i will spread cottage cheese on it, and then i will add olives. nice protein, nice fat. a little crunch from there. it is not just boring. >> if you skip out on let's people eat it with fruit or however you do it. >> if you skip out on let's say the carbs and potatoes. i like it with my eggs. >> yeah. i always want to have some kind of carb in there. if you don't want to have bread or potatoes, you can always have fruit. yeah, yeah. >> let's move on down here. what if you want to cut down on sodium. >> yeah. >> so ricotta has 136 milligrams of sodium per half cup. but think about cheddar.
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half cup of cheddar is over 700 milligrams of sodium. >> it looks like dessert. >> yeah. sometimes i will take a waffle and put ricotta and a drizzle of honey and i will have that for breakfast. just that monotony of getting out of boring things. use cheese like a vehicle. add fiber to it. have it as your extra protein. have it be forward in your breakfast. >> so do we have to be concerned with hard cheeses versus soft cheeses? we have the parmesan, which is hard, the ricotta. what's the difference health-wise? >> it's like processing. harder cheeses, you think of k cheddar or swiss. they have low lactose. you start to, as you age, not be able to break lactose down. this is a really great option. also, most people can tolerate 250 milliliters or eight ounces. so you can just train your body to do that. but these are very safe and also quite flavorable. >> let me go back to the sodium questions. was the ricotta low on sodium? >> low. >> how do you know that? >> i studied to become a dietitian, and i have a lot of these things in my mind that are not useful.
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for example, eight olives is one serving of fat. you're welcome. >> oh, my gosh. veritable wealth of knowledge. what is this here, brie, soft cheese? >> brie is always this villain, but that's because we bake it and wrap it in a dough. we also want to add jam to it. >> come on in, get in on this cheese. >> i love this for us. this is good, yeah. >> when people come out to your house, is this spread better to put out than chips and guac. or cheese and crackers? >> totally. people will get more full. they will not waste space on chips, right? and then they can enjoy the dinner that's later. >> i'm getting whatever you accompany with the cheese is an important part of eating the cheese. >> that's right. you want to have more fiber. you want to slow down digestion. >> al eats the rhine there? is that healthy? >> i like the taste. >> no judgment. >> what is your favorite cheese,
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uncle al? >> i do like the brie, but i like a good cheddar. >> i like a blue cheese in my salad. underrated, but delicious. >> are the triple creams. are they -- >> higher in fat. >> super fatty? >> higher in fat. like a good fat, the way we should be putting cream in our coffee. it's not bad. it's good for heart health. when you overdo it, then you negate all the benefits. >> all right. finally, i don't know why this is here. >> feta. everyone is trying to buy low-fat feta. feta cheese is already low fat, so you are paying extra money. feta is delicious, very flavorful. >> we got to go, but how much cheese should we be eating in a week? we can't eat it -- >> i eat cheese every day. >> oh, my god. >> yeah, every day, guys. >> thank you. for more of these healthy good selections, check out our website,
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we are back after your local good morning. it is 856 on marcus washington. well. breaking news. pro-palestine supporters are gathering this morning outside of the chevron shareholders meeting. it's taking place at the headquarters in san ramon. and they actually sent us this video. now there's no traffic impact and chevron not commenting, convicted murderer scott peterson will appear virtually in a hearing on his legal team's attempt to win a new criminal trial. that hearing is taking place in redwood city. now peterson is serving life in prison for the murder of his wife, laci, and their unborn son, connor, 20 years ago. he's now confined outside of sacramento. attorneys say that la's innocence project filed motions requesting new dna testing on evidence gathered during the murder investigation. that includes a mattress found inside a burned out van found near the peterson's modesto
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home. happening now. our ginger conejero saab. she's at the courthouse. she'll have a live report for us during our midday newscast. also at midday. the latest on a big rig crash impacting traffic in the south bay. that track truck carried 20 tons of strawberries. the early morning crash closed tw transition rampso
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," giant news. a "today" exclusive.


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