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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  May 29, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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resort and spa. two tickets to the hawai'i food and wine festival saturday night event at the sheraton maui resort and spa, and a rental car. enter today. a car accident can shatter your world, but a jacobian. myers. we want to help you get back to where you were before taking on insurance companies, hospital bills, medical care, whatever you need to get back to the life hi, everyone. i'm zm zblm and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, may 29th, 2024. behind closed doors. jury deliberations are now under way in former president trump's
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historic criminal trial. what could happen once the jury decide. breaking news, supreme court justice alito refuses to recuse himself from trump-related cases going before the high court after reports he flew two controversial flags outside his home. on the upside. consumer confidence is finally on the rebound after months of decline, but americans are still worried about their wallets. and happy campers, it can be stressful picking the right summer camp for your kid, our parenting expert joins us with ways to make that decision a little easier. >> memorial day has passed a. unofficial start of summer is here. we'll start by getting into the major news of this hour, the day of jury deliberations in the criminal trial of former president donald trump. >> trump's fate is now in the hands of these 12 jurors, seven
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men, and five women. >> they'll decide if mr. trump was involved if falsifying business records in order to cover up hush money payments to stormy daniels, in an effort to influence the 2016 election. leading us off this hour is dasha burns outside the courthouse in lower manhattan and also with us is charles coleman. dasha what's the lastest from court right now in. >> reporter: well, we got a little bit of news from the courtroom and i'm standing close the devices. the jury just rang the courtroom a moment ago, a note with a question or a verdict. i'm keeping a close eye. in the meantime, we got this stack here of papers, this is -- these are the jury instructions that the judge gave to the jury this morning, this is what is guiding them in their deliberations right now, as you can see, pretty hefty here, a
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pretty complicated set of instructions because of the nature of the case, the judge instructed the jurors on the basic defense of falsification of business records is to the more complicated step in this case of making that falsification of business records that's typically misdemeanor why that's a felony in this case and why the prosecution is alleging it's used covering up another crime, election interference, he went through each of the counts explaining what needed to be proven, the trouble for this jury, though, they can't have this in this room with them. but what they can do is maybe what they're doing right now is sending a note for more clarification on these jury instructions or asking for some other assistance as they deliberate. >> dasha, thank you.
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charles, the jury instructions, trump is accused of falsifying business records, many counts in the first degree, the prosecutors say, they argue that he intended to commit an election crime and instruction, the line in jury instructions although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant promote or prevent the election by any unlawful means. >> the easiest way i can put it, you have to agree on the destination, you have to agree on the starting point which is that you falsified the business record, the route you take to get there you don't have to be unanimous on, there could be any number of reasons or crimes that you were trying to conceal if you will that you can use to satisfy what's necessary in order to come to a guilty verdict. that's all that means, the jury will have -- has a multitude of
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different crimes in front of them they can select from. >> charles, we just heard from dasha, the new development, the jury has sent something to the judge, whether a question or a verdict, walk us through what kind of questions the jury can answer. >> an instruction on the law, how do you define intent, evaluate credibility, they want clarity. you can get a question about, can we get a readback of the testimony from this witness on a particular issue? because different jurors are recalling stuff they heard differently. any question on law or fact. ultimately the judge will make the decision as to how he responds to the questions after consulting with the attorneys. >> lots of charges they have to go through. charles coleman, thanks so much.
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dasha, thank you. convicted killer scott peterson is facing a judge again today as he fights for a new trial. >> his attorneys want new dna testing on pieces of evidence from the original murder investigation. he was convicted of killing his pregnant wife lacey back in 2002. nbc news correspondent liz kruetz is at the courthouse. you've been inside the courtroom per today's hearing, what have you heard? >> reporter: the hearing is going on right now, in fact it's slated for the fuel day, we have heard are the l.a. innocence project, they've laid out their case in a pretty compelling way for new dna testing. we've also now begun to hear
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from the prosecution, under way right now making the case against this new testing, that this has been well litigated. overwhelming evidence against scott peterson that got him convicted. he's joined via zoom from prison, he's taking notes, listening very closely, his attorneys are focusing right now on this burned-out orange van that was found in modesto, the morning after lacey was found. they want to find out if lacey's dna was on that bloody mattress. now, the prosecution, they're laying out why they think that's not necessary, they said the testing was already done on this mattress in 2019 and that no blood was on it.
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l.a. innocence project and specialized in genetic testing they say those results were inconclusive. that's their argument. we're still waiting to hear the rest of this hearing today, guys. >> all right, liz, thank you so much. all eyes are on the economy this hour after new consumer confidence data shows that americans are feeling better about the economy for the first time in months. >> coming from the conference board a business research group, but some lingering areas of concern for your wallet. joining us now is christine romans, we just showed a number there, give us the explanation if we can show it again. >> that number has been going down three months in a way, this rebound was notable because frankly people had been feeling pretty sour about the economy, picking up here a little bit here and underpinning that number, the improvement, the job market has been so strong and
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pretty fundamental about how you feel about the economy. people are more likely to buy a car or an appliance last month. >> people don't think of the economy as the fed numbers but as going to the store. some major chains are making some steep cuts, what might that indicate about how things are leaning. >> price pain, so now, i feel like we've reached this point where consumers are walking if they're seeing higher prices, a lot of these major chains are slicing prices this summer. we heard from walgreens, they're going to be cutting prices on a whole bunch of stuff, because people are tired of paying higher prices. ceos know, if there's a better deal across the street they're going to go across the street. >> five months away from the
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election, how will this play into the election in terms of consumer sentiment. >> unemployment at 50-year low. an economy growing this quickly. that would be a slam dunk for the incumbent president. but people still feel uncertain. their own personal economy is doing well they're worried about what's going to happen next. we know that people say that the economy is issue number one. 1 in 4 americans haven't made up their mind on who they're going to vote for in this race. >> hopes that fed would lower interest rates some times soon. what's behind the pause? >> the economy is strong and inflation is being sticky here,
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so for now it's higher for longer for rate and christine, thank you. time now for today's money minute. a major oil merger. >> and wu tang's rarest album will be played for the public. conoco agreed to buy marathon in an all-stock deal. google search, closely held secret since its inception, consequential system for the web, an online leak claims to show thousands of internal documents related to how it works. google has yet to comment on the alleged leak. and starting next month the only copy of the wu-tang's album
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will go on display at an australian art gallery, for ten days visitors will be able to hear the album, on loan. really curious if it leaks out and anyone else gets to hear what it sounds like. >> julia, thank you. coming up, major league baseball is making a major change to its record books, what's behind the change, more than a century in the making. plus, all criminal charges against the world top golfer has against the world top golfer has been dropped, what the i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve
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opening arguments are under way in san francisco in the state trial of the man who broke into the home of former house speaker nancy pelosi, david depape is facing 13 years to life in prison for attacking pelosi's husband with a hammer two years ago, he's pleaded not guilty, nbc news correspondent steve patterson joins us now from los angeles, i was just talking about the state charges but he was already sentenced yesterday for alleged crimes in a federal case, he got 30 years, tell us what's going on in the
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state case. >> reporter: kate, right to think that the evidence presented in the state trial which is happening now will be similar to what was presented in the federal trial, the difference, the federal trial was focused on nancy pelosi's role as a federal official. the charges were attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault of an immediate family member of a federal official. the state trial will almost exclusively focus on the two charges to now seven charges in the state trial, going from attempted murder, first degree burglary, elder abuse, assault with a deadly weapon. seven in total. if he's convicted he's looking at 13 years to life in prison. so similar the defense was trying to argue this covered under the double jeopardy statute in the state saying the
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crimes were so similar in both trials he shouldn't be tried for a second time. opening statements are today. we're going to have a trial and ed there will be presented as such. >> steve, thank you. charges against the world's number one ranked golfer scottie scheffler have been dropped ending a nearly two-week long saga in louisville, kentucky. nbc news correspondent maura barrett joins us now, how exactly did the prosecutor explain this major decision? >> reporter: this was explained very quickly in court, it all unfolded very fast, basically the prosecutor said there wasn't enough probable cause to pursue the case, rule number one for prosecutors is not to go forward with the case if there's not enough probable cause, we only
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have a video from the traffic camera and the dash cam video. the officer in question didn't have his body cam on, i want to hear a little bit more from the prosecutor in court today. >> based upon the totality of the evidence, my office can't move forward in the prosecution of the charges filed against mr. scheffler. mr. scheffler's characterization that this was quote big misunderstanding, closed quote is corroborated by the evidence. >> the attorney went on to explain they did a series of interviews with police and witnesses over the holiday weekend this past weekend and that's how they came to their decision to ask the judge to bypass all of those charges today. as a reminder the arraignment was on monday. >> maura, what are scheffler and his attorneys saying about today's announcement and have we heard anything from a police union or anything in. >> reporter: right, before we
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came on air, scheffler posted a statement on instagram, he wrote, i wish to put this incident behind me and move on. police officers have a difficult job and i hold them in high regard. this was a severe miscommunication and in a severe situation. scheffler's attorney also added today, they have the grounds to file a lawsuit against the police department if they could they're choosing not to because scheffler wants to move on. additional evidence for the police department, there should be more evidence that was included in the investigation that we filed an opens record request. >> maura, you mentioned that potential lawsuit, is there any indication that scheffler may decide to file. >> it doesn't seem like it. the taxpayers in louisville would be responsible for funding
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that type of lawsuit and scheffler doesn't wish that, he wants to focus on his career, basically scheffler's attorney indicated yet again that scheffler was a victim in this and they're looking to close the book and move on. >> maura, thanks so much. coming up, why one of golf's biggest stars said she's stepping away from the sport at just 29 years old. she made an emotional announcement ahead, that's coming up on "nbc news daily" keep watching us streaming keep watching us streaming free 24/7 right here on n bcmy dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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on nbc news daily. i'm audrey asistio. there's a new turn in a court case that's unfolding right now. convicted murderer scott peterson is back in court for an ongoing bid to clear his name. focus today is dna testing . peterson's attorneys say it was not part of the original murder investigation, and it could have changed the outcome. 20 years ago, nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab is at the courthouse in redwood city. well, the question that scott peterson's attorneys are posing in court this morning is how much of a difference would dna testing have made in the original murder trial and scott peterson's conviction when scott peterson was in court once again this morning, he joined virtually, as he has in the past. you're seeing some file video of his past court appearances. he joined from mule creek state prison, where he is
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currently serving his life sentence for the murder of his wife, laci, and their unborn son, connor. now, peterson did not say much in court, his attorneys instead arguing on his behalf that dna testing is critical in this case, which has either not been examined before or not with a level of technology that exists now. defense attorney paula mitchell from la's innocence project arguing the need to test evidence on a mattress found inside a burned out van found near the peterson's modesto home as well as other pieces of evidence that washed up along san francisco bay. legal expert stephen clark believes that this is just one hurdle of many that the defense will need to overcome. i think it's going to be an uphill battle for the peterson defense team, even if they get a new trial. but what they're trying to say is, is that if they can establish that laci peterson was still alive in modesto when scott peterson went fishing, that is a completely
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alternative theory of the case and could point to scott peterson's innocence. the dna expert for the defense is also in court today, as is the sister in law of scott peterson. janie. now, prosecutors at this point are making their case that saying that peterson filed his first motion for dna testing back in 2013. that was also followed by a second motion. this time around is the third time that peterson's defense team is asking for dna testing. there is also overwhelming evidence, the prosecutors say that point to peterson and his guilt in this case are ian cull is still in the courtroom and will have updates on our later evening newscasts in redwood city, ginger conejero saab nbc bay area news. all right, ginger, appreciate that update. just hours ago, protesters chanted outside company headquarters in san ramon. they called on chevron to divest from operations in palestine and israel. while the conflict continues, the pro-palestinian activists are part of a group
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called the oil and gas action network group, sent us this video of their rally. you can see some protesters tied themselves together with chains they gathered to disrupt the annual chevron shareholder meeting happening inside that building. protesters say chevron is fueling the attacks in gaza by supplying israel with light and power. chevron representative this morning said that the ceo acknowledged those protesters. meanwhile, governor newsom is making a bay area visit to address our climate and crisis and the future of artificial intelligence. less than an hour ago, he delivered an address at a uc berkeley event focused on a climate action partnership between the u.s. and china. and then, at 2 p.m, he's scheduled to speak at the joint california summit on generative ai. it also takes place at uc berkeley, and the event focuses on how ai technology can better serve people living in california. well, there is no shortage of sunshine here in the bay area today. we've got warm weather and clear skies. today. here's
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meteorologist kari hall with the details. today it's going to be nice. sunny, not as windy, but slightly warmer for the afternoon. in fact, in morgan hill we're looking at a high today of 83 degrees and 79. in san jose, the wind at times picking up to about 15mph. and then for the east bay, we're anywhere from 87 in antioch to seeing some mid 80s in danville and walnut creek. low 80s for martinez and upper 70s for oakland down to fremont. and we'll be in the upper 70s for palo alto and 71 in san mateo. daly city will see a high there of 67 and low 70s in san francisco, downtown and in the mission district. our north bay temperatures will be in the mid 80s. we'll take a look ahead to the changes we'll see over the next few days. in our 7-day forecast in about 30 minutes. sounds good kerry. thanks so much and thank you for joining us. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. we'll be back once again in 30 we'll be back once again in 30 minutes with m
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." north korea launched more than 200 balloons across the border into south korea carrying trash, bottles, old batteries, forget leadser, leaflets and other waste, south korea issued a government emergency disaster alert urging citizens to refrain from touching the objects and report any more incidents to the military.
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apparently, this has happened before. between 2016 and 2018, but south korean news media reports this is largest such launch of these waste balloons. a new underwater vessel is being developed to visit the titanic shipwreck, one year after the. billionaire real estate larry conner and patrick leahy planning to use two-person submersible. and a historic correction to the history of baseball. the mlb has officially incorporated sta tis ibs from so-called negro lesion into its statistics. black players weren't integrated
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into the majors until jackie robinson joined the brooklyn dodgers back in 1947. under the amended records joshua gibson has become the all-time leader in multiple batting categories. some breaking news from the criminal trial of former president donald trump. >> jury deliberations began to today and the jurors just delivered their first note to the judge requesting a recap of witness testimony. let's get right to dasha burns outside the courthouse and with us in studio is danny cevallos. dasha, what do we know about what's in that note? >> reporter: so, four requests from the jury in that note, number one, they're requesting david pecker's testimony, the publisher of the enquirer regarding a phone conversation with donald trump while pecker was in an investor meeting. the trump tower meeting with
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cohen in 2015 and they want cohen's testimony about that trump tower meeting. they also want pecker's testimony about his not finalizing the transfer of karen mcdougal the playmate who alleges an affair with former president. not transferring her rights to mr. trump. what happens next from here, guys the jury is going to be brought back in and they're going to hear a reading of those traps scripts, of that testimony, there's a palable, nervous energy in the room, according to our colleague lisa rubin, both legal teams are going through their binders looking for these moments that the jury is requesting, the jury will be brought back in, the court right now is also looking for that testimony to make sure they can read all of that to the jury, this also suggests, guys, that the jury does have a laptop
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in there that has some evidence, it doesn't have the transcripts on there, though. >> danny, they're asking for key portions of cohen's testimony and david pecker's testimony, can we glean anything from these questions if. >> it's always hard to read the tea leaves of what jury notes are all about, but it seems to me you might have in juryroom some disagreement or people remembering different things about the testimony of these key witnesses. that's why they come in and get the testimony read to them again. but, they're definitely looking at pecker who by all accounts in my view was really the star witness in a way that michael cohen wasn't. he had a lot of testimony and he was more credible than cohen, his testimony was but tres by all the documents and the meetings. it doesn't surprise me too much, they want to hear testimony from
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cohen and pecker. >> it's not out of the norm for a case like this, given the amount of evidence, 4 counts they're considering. >> i expect we'll see a lot more notes. they'll have questions about the law, i suspect. the first of many notes. the jury instructions very complicated. some more breaking news today, supreme court justice samuel alito said he will not recuse himself from two cases involving former president donald trump. >> some congressional democrats wanted alito to step aside over reporting about controversial flags flown outside two of his homes. nbc news correspondent, julie tsirkin. justice alito sent two letters
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to lawmakers earlier today, what did they say. >> reporter: he sent two letters this amp by sources they received the letter in the 1:00 p.m. these are two letters because they are two letters that were sent by one house democrat and the second was sent by a pair of senate democrats, those that sit on the powerful judiciary committee, of course, another democratic on the panel who has launched investigations not only into justice alito but clarence thomas as well. i want to read you part of what alito had to tell the democrats. quote, as i have stated public i have nothing to do whatsoever with that. the second letter, again,
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doubling down -- tripling down alt this point. saying my wife is fond of flying flags, i am not. she's totally responsible for having flags put them up. it's because of this that he says he will not recuse because his wife acted as a private citizen here. >> julie, both the house and the gnat aren't in session today, any reaction to what he's saying that he's not recusing himself. >> reporter: i'm told the democrats are looking at this, they received the letter a few hours ago they're definitely going to respond in some way but we don't know when that response will come but we know that democrats are frustrated by alito. we have a tweet from senator richard blumenthal. he said, sad but not surprising alito's refusal to recuse. he calls for chief justice roberts to, quote, show some
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spine and step into the breach, step into alito's position and replace his place on court. >> julie, thank you. now to today's daily health, an important head's-up as we head into summer and spend more time outdoors. a risk that mosquitos could be carrying dengue fever. >> reporter: a quarter inch long, up to a mere 25 days mosquitos carrying dengue can inflict enormous pain. >> it started in the evening and soon after that the high fever started. >> reporter: this doctor got it vacations on the caribbean island of curacao. >> initially i thought i had
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broken my ribs. >> reporter: she had all the symptoms including the hallmark pain. it sounds like your whole body was breaking down. >> it was. >> reporter: this year, it's breaking records in the americas, 7.8 million suspected cases reported so far up more than 230% from last year, with severe outbreaks in brazil, argentina and puerto rico. they track the global reach at the university of florida. how is dengue transmitted. >> through the bite of female mosquitos. >> how rare of them in. >> in the backyard from florida to pennsylvania. simple numbers game, shorter winter season, the longer they're biting the longer the
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exposure. >> we're on the hunt for those dengue-hunting months -- mosquitos. >> they do really well and as long as it can hold water and it's enough water for about six, seven days. >> reporter: to fight the city of gainesville uses mosquito-eating fish and insecticides. >> the second time you get dengue it can be much more serious. >> reporter: information and science, weapons to stop a deadly disease. anne thompson, nbc news, gainesville, florida. pro golfer lexi thompson has shocked her fans announcing that she plans to retire at the end
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of the year, the 29-year-old is one on sport's biggest stars but she said she's at peace with her decision and she's opening up about her struggles with mental health. here's kaylee hartung. >> being out here can be a lot. it can be lonely. sorry if i get emotional. >> reporter: fighting back tears, professional golfer lexi thompson at just 29 years old saying she's at peace with the decision to retire at the end of this season. >> you know we're not perfect. we're humans. words hurt. and it's hard to overcome sometimes. >> reporter: one of the biggest stars in the sport for more than a decade, thompson qualified for the u.s. open when she was just 12 years old. >> i know it would be an awesome experience coming here at such a young age, and it is. >> reporter: her first of 11 lpga wins came four years later. >> a victory for the record books, and lexi thompson is a winner on the lpga tour at just 16 years of age. >> reporter: now after months of
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deliberation, she says it felt right to make this announcement ahead of the same tournament where her career began. >> especially with what's happened in golf. as of recent, too. a lot of people don't -- they don't realize a lot of what we go through as a professional athlete. >> reporter: over the weekend, the golf world was devastated by grayson murray's death by suicide. murray openly struggled with his mental health. thompson says she has, too. >> it's an ongoing battle to continue to put yourself out there in front of the cameras and continuing to work hard and maybe not seeing the results you want and getting criticized for it. i have struggled with it. i don't think there is somebody out here that hasn't. it is just a matter of how well you hide it. >> reporter: and now she's looking forward to the future. >> there is more things to life than going to a tournament every week and doing the same training every day. there is just more to it. >> reporter: kaylee hartung, nbc news. still ahead, parents, listen
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up. it's not too late to choose a summer camp for your kids. one expert will share her tips for picking the right one for your
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in today's modern parenting going to summer camp can be a fun and beneficial experience for kids. it gives them a chance to make
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new friends, learn new skills. >> for parents choosing the right camp is sometimes difficult, especially since there are so many factors to consider. joining us now is parenting coach beatrice. before we get into choosing the right camp, the right fit, can you tell us the benefits for sending your kids to camp. >> letting them build friendships outside of the ones they'd typically form at their home environment and the opportunity to do something they have never done before. try something new. most camps encourage new adventures. of course, building autonomy outside of the home. something that can be hard to do as a parent, where a camp can offer that same benefit. >> i love that. i loved camp growing up.
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what should parents consider when picking up specifically a day camp versus a sleepaway camp. >> the two. main things, is your child ready developmentally and their personality? can they handle being away for an extended period of time? can they handle being gone from mom or dad for that length of time? that's something to consider. secondly, consider their personality, are they an introvert or extrovert? figure out your child's personality to determine which one would be more beneficial. they're not all for everyone. you have to decide based on your child's personality. >> i live in new york where a lot of people do sleepaway camps, if you're going for the first time, how do you prepare
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them for being away? >> well, conversation. first, you have to have a conversation and khune kate with your child what that may look like, it's not going to look the same for everyone. do some research, look at it and determine what will be best for them but definitely communicate the needs of what's expected, what it will look like, what's expected of them in the camp environment. >> and, beatrice, what if your kid goes to camp and get homesick or if the parent feels separation anxiety. >> it's natural per a child to feel homesick, reassure them that's okay, call them and communicate with them, if the camp allows it and make sure, hey, it's okay that you're homesick, it's fine. but if they're really struggling and having a really hard time allow your child to come home. if you're struggling yourself as
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a parent you know have a conversation with other parents and communicate with them and say, hey, how did you get over this hurdle and what did you do to help you get through it? reach into your tribe. >> yeah, summer camp can be expensive, can i ask about affordable alternatives in. >> so, i love this idea, i don't know how feasible it is for everyone, but i do like a camp of the neighborhood, where each person may decide to host a camp for the day, it's basically free and you're hosting five, six children for one day and they can go from house to house, that way you're only in charge of one day but you get four or six other days that you don't have to be responsible for, you have to get six other parents to agree to this as well. >> i like that. >> during covid my kids ran a camp for a couple of the
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neighbor kids, because everything was shut down. it was really fun. >> beatrice, thank you so much for those tips. speaking of modern parenting some exciting news i'm going to be hosting a special town hall on the challenges facing parents in this increasing complex digital world. scan the qr code right there. scan the qr code right there. i'll ge you aiv an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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uhhh. katie! i knew i'd find you here. i know, it's wild. i'm you from the future! anyway our doctor figured it out. all that constipation with belly pain that keeps coming back, it's ibs—c. she said linzess could help you get ahead of it. whatta you say? yess! get ahead of your ibs—c with linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once—daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms... belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. imagine...what could relief from ibs—c mean for you? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save.
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audrey asistio. well, next steps in the state trial for david depape are unfolding as we speak. he is the man a federal jury found guilty of attacking nancy pelosi's husband, a federal judge previously sentenced to up to 30 years in prison for attacking paul pelosi with the hammer in the couple's san francisco home. depapes attorneys yesterday argued that the state charges should be dropped due to double jeopardy. the judge deferred a ruling saying that the trial should proceed. depape did get a chance to speak yesterday as part of his federal sentencing, but the judge sentenced him to the same punishment 30 years in prison. well, the summer heat isn't going away anytime soon. there's a lot of sunshine to look forward to. here's meteorologist kari hall with your forecast, we can expect warmer temperatures in the inland areas with highs in the upper 80s, even up to 90
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on thursday. but then the weekend is coming back to some more seasonable weather with low 80s our morning starting out in the low 50s and then it does look like we're going to start to heat up ahead as we go toward the middle of next week. but in the forecast for san francisco for the rest of the week, we're going to see highs in the low 70s, starting out with a few clouds but quickly clearing out. we may see more of the clouds and fog for the weekend. that will help bring down the temperatures just a bit, but not seeing as much in the way of the major changes that we are going to see for the inland areas, we are going to see temperatures ranging wildly all across the bay area looks great, carrie. thank you. people in milpitas are on alert today after a mountain lion sighting early this morning. the unexpected visitor was caught on a security camera. you see right here. got a little too close for comfort. happened around 2 a.m. near dixon landing road at the friendly village mobile home park, near the bart tracks. police are telling people to use caution.
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moving out of his home when he noticed something strange. nbc bay area's consumer investigator chris chmura stepped in to help. take a peek at eric thunes, former pool. these pictures were on a pool rental app. well, here's the problem eric didn't put them there. you see, he put his home up for sale and moved before the sale closed. well, in the interim, an imposter plucked the photos from eric's real estate listing and posted the pool for rent. then eric's security camera captured strangers arriving to swim in it. eric contacted us because he said the pool rental app wasn't responding. how could somebody post a listing without verifying that they actually own the property? we held the app accountable. we enlisted our intern, grace to test its security measures, and now the
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startup says it is changing its policies to watch our full story right now, and to see how you can try to protect your backyard from imposters, visit our website, slash responds. and if you have a similar experience to share, please do snap the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form. thanks, chris. if you're making weekend plans, don't forget giants are set to play the yankees this friday at oracle park and you can watch the action go down right here on nbc. bay area coverage starts at 7 p.m. and a heads up for commuters headed to for the san francisco sunset district northbound 19th avenue is now closed for pothole repairs between sloat and taraval. the lanes shut down at 9:00 this morning. they're set to open back up at 3 p.m, but the same closure will be in effect tomorrow. and on friday. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. we'll see you here once again at 430 with more here once again at 430 with more news until then, take care
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1:00 pm
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