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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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hear that number. that's longtime oakland city council member noel gayo, reacting to a new report published in the new york times that found 73% of oakland residents live near a recent fatal shooting. i get those calls daily, late at night. during the night, the article mapped every gun homicide since 2020 and found 47 million americans nationwide living within a quarter mile of gun violence. when asked for comment on those numbers, the mayor's office said they feel the city is turning a corner and noted crime numbers have come down 30% compared to last year. and based on our population, we ought to have 803 officers and not 690 officers. so we need to do a better job in bringing more police, force to the streets of oakland. opd has been approved for 712 police officers since 2023. but the latest proposed budget calls for freezing vacant
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positions, which would leave the department with just 678 sworn officers and the oakland police officers association, says that number doesn't factor in the roughly 80 officers that are currently on leave. this cold disaster as the debate over where to cut funds to balance the budget continues. a small group rallied in front of city hall today. they're accusing mayor tao of significantly reducing funding for public safety, fire and city services. the mayor is not being honest, to be frank. if you look at the budget, we have a huge gaping hole from the mismatch. clement street and she is drastic cutting. in a statement, the mayor's office disputes many of the demonstrators claims, saying in part the mayor is investing in public safety and clean streets while avoiding severe service reductions to city services. they add. mayor tao is also addressing a long ignored structural budget deficit that
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predates her administration. meanwhile the group anti-police terror project believes opd is getting too much money and are concerned over possible cuts to public works, human resources and the city's growing debt. we're going to push back hard on on the idea that when both the city and the state are facing millions of dollars of debt, that what we need to do is yet one more time increase. use the oakland police department budget by millions of dollars here in oakland. velena jones nbc, bay area news. let's get now to our continuing coverage of former president trump's hush money trial. the jury of seven men and five women started deliberating. mr. trump's fate earlier today. the former president is accused of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments after a few hours of deliberation, the judge said. the jury sent a note they ultimately wrapped up for the day without reaching a verdict. nbc's jay gray is in new york with the latest jay. good evening. after about 4.5 hours
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of deliberations in this high profile case here at the criminal courthouse in lower manhattan, the jury has now gone home for the day. jurors went behind closed doors around 1130 this morning and remained behind closed doors for a majority of that time. but signaled that they had a couple of questions for the judge in this case. they first asked if they could have some testimony, reread specifically testimony from both the first and last witnesses in this case. the first question surrounded national enquirer publisher david pecker's testimony. they wanted to hear testimony about a phone conversation with former president donald trump during an investor's meeting. they wanted to hear his testimony regarding karen mcdougal and they wanted to hear his testimony about a meeting in trump tower, the fourth question was about the testimony from the key witness for the prosecution, the former attorney and right hand man for
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donald trump, michael cohen. and again, they wanted to know about his meeting in trump tower. that was followed just moments later by another question surrounding the jury instructions that judge juan moshan gave the jury this morning before they went into deliberations. now, those instructions lasted about an hour. it's not clear if they want the entire instructions reread or just a portion of those instructions. what the judge says is we'll do all of that, but we'll do it in the morning, go home for the day. during the deliberations, the former president must remain not in the court room, but in the courthouse. and so he was at the courthouse the entire time. of course, he has voiced his displeasure with this trial repeatedly today, saying that the trial is, quote, rigged, a disgrace and politically motivated. also criticizing judge marson, saying at one point it was because of his instructions to the jury that,
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and i'm quoting again here, even mother teresa couldn't beat these charges. the jury again, going home for the evening, they'll be back in the morning at 930. the judge says they can deliberate until 6:00 at the latest, so they'll get back to work here. and that work will begin with a rereading of that testimony we talked about, as well as part of the instructions or perhaps all of the instructions, which would again take about an hour. that's what happened here today. that's the latest here in lower manhattan. i'm jay gray. now back to you. thank you jay, we will continue to follow the proceedings as they unfold in the next few days to the. to alert. we'll send alerts straight to your phone. that's if you have our downloaded app. nbc bay area. or go to our website at opening statements today in david papps state trial. he is a man facing charges that he broke into the home of former house speaker nancy pelosi and attacked her husband. both sides laid out their case. the district attorney's office has video of his break in and of the actual
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attack on pelosi, as well as depapes own statements about why he did it. depapes public defender says they want the jury to consider his mental state at the time. here's nbc bay area's sergio quintana in san francisco. assistant district attorney sean connolly's opening statement jumped right into the serious injuries paul pelosi got when he was hit in the head with a hammer and the disturbing police body camera video when officers arrived and witnessed the attack, drop the hammer. nope. hey hey hey hey, what is going on in there? the prosecutor also talked about this video of depape breaking into the pelosi home through a backyard patio door window. this is a case that has plenty of evidence, including david depapes own statements to detectives in court. deputy public defender adam lipson did not dispute the evidence or the stated intentions of his client, instead, he asked the jury to consider depapes mental state. at the time of the attack and made it clear that depape never threatened to kill anyone, including paul pelosi. defense attorney and former prosecutor
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randall knox says that's an important point regarding the attempted murder charge to pap is now facing attempted murder. requires a specific intent to kill. if at the worst, it could be attempted voluntary manslaughter. if he did not have the state of mind necessary to intend to kill him with a level of malevolence. the first witness on the stand is san francisco police officer colby wilmes. he's one of the first responding officers and described details captured on his body camera video as well as efforts to arrest a pap after the attack. his partner, officer karl cagney, also took the stand today, prosecutor say paul pelosi could be called to the stand as early as friday. now, along with attempted murder, david depape is facing seven other felony charges, including burglary and assault with a deadly weapon at the san francisco hall of justice. i'm sergio quintana. nbc bay area news. san francisco is making an
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investment in downtown with affordable housing. the mayor joined community leaders to break ground on two new apartment buildings in the so-called east cut neighborhood downtown. the two buildings will be called transbay block two, and they will include units for low income seniors, families and the formerly homeless, while including spaces for supportive services, affordable care, child care, and retail will represent an opportunity for so many of our seniors and families and people who represent different income levels. it will represent an opportunity for them to call the downtown home, too. both buildings are expected to be finished by 2026, housing up to 800 people. it's part of the city's 30 by 30 goal to bring in 30,000 new residents and students to downtown by 2030 to revitalize the area. it could also be easier for seniors in the east bay to find a home. the waitlist is now open for the fremont oak gardens, an affordable housing complex financed by the city. it's in
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the irvington district on driscoll road. the complex offers single bedroom units for low income seniors, making 31 to $41,000 annually. anyone 55 and up can apply until june 12th. continuing on the theme of housing, the number of people trying to get a loan for a home has slowed down as interest rates heat up. last week, mortgage applications dropped 6% to their lowest level in three months. that is according to the mortgage bankers association. this comes as the average rate for a 30 year fixed mortgage jumped this week from 6% to over 7. mortgage rates have ticked up on the hopes of positive inflation news, as the fed could possibly slash interest rates next month. okay, nissan is telling owners of its older cars to stop driving them. the company issued a do not drive warning for nearly 84,000 older model cars. regulators have recalled the airbags in those cars. the warning covers certain nissan sentra, pathfinders and the xfinity qxe4 vehicles made
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between 2002 and 2006. the cars contain takata airbags that were recalled in 2020 due to a risk of exploding. the national highway traffic safety administration says 27 people have been killed by defective takata airbags, and at least 400 others have been hurt. now owners of the affected cars are advised to not drive them until the recalled airbags have been replaced. still ahead, trying to make the olympics a family affair. we'll introduce you to the three bay area siblings who have their eyes on paris. also, while that family dreams of the olympics, another olympian ends her quest for more gold. why gabby douglas will not be in paris this summer. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. temperatures warmed up today. we got back up into the 80s. look at this. santa rosa 86. well above the average of 78. concord also at 88 and livermore 86. we're going to go even hotter as we head through tomorrow with 90s on the way, speaking of
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which, check this out in livermore. last time we had 90 degree temperatures was way back on october the 19th when we hit 93. that was some 223 days ago. so hang on. that warmer weather is on the way. we've got full details on exactly how hot it's going to get and your microclimate. and we're tracking those tempeture trends all thera
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u.s. gymnastics championships. that means she has ended her bid for the paris olympic team. a representative for the 28 year old gymnast says she sustained an ankle injury during training this week. she was supposed to compete in three of the four events at the championships in fort worth, texas, after failing to qualify as an all-around competitor, douglas became the first black gymnast to win the olympic all around gold medal at the london games in 2012 and in 2016, she helped the u.s. women to their second consecutive win in the team event, garnering her a third olympic gold. such a shame for other olympic hopefuls, though, paris is still a possibility. tonight we're going to go poolside for a
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family friendly water polo face off now to have one olympian in the family is great, but three it's a possibility for the usa's woodhead siblings from marin county. we head to southern california, where the men and women team train to talk family competition and olympic dreams. here's jessica aguirre. meet the woodhead siblings. great dylan works in off a post. quinn and the youngest, ella. growing up in marin county. all three were in the pool at a very young age. i swam on the swim team competitively when i was like four years old and barely made it across the pool sometimes. a lot of my amazing memories from childhood are with that water polo community. it starts with mom and dad for sure, putting us in an environment, helping us grow as athletes and as people. mom swam at stanford, dad wrote at cal. we would go to cal football games every weekend growing up because my dad was a
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cal football fan. my sister and i were always the stanford fans. dylan was the cal fan, and then dylan initially kind of made that first jump to stanford. the kids all chose stanford, and in a family of athletes, things got competitive. definitely learned to hold my own. like they're not going to let their little sister come in and show them up. quinn would cheat. he would cheat a lot. when we were growing up at board games especially, i'm more competitive is the better way to say it. i would say dylan is late to everything, no matter how many times you try to get him on time. if we're going somewhere, i'll tell him 15 minutes early. we'll still be late. these days, the team usa siblings are training in southern california. dylan and quinn have been practicing together and competing against each other for most of their entire lives. they're about two years apart. no one can be as honest as quinn can. no one can push me as hard as quinn can, and i can't. no one can get the best out of quinn like me. throughout our childhood, throughout life, we've kind of helped each other's weaknesses. ella just finished her freshman
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year at stanford and is one of the newest members of the women's senior national team. simply being on this team and having the honor of being a part of this training group, you feel the pressure to improve yourself and help propel the team to become the best they can be. all three are hoping to get that golden ticket to paris. dylan was in tokyo for his first games in 2021, but i think paris, i'm looking forward to competing. i'm looking forward to trying to win a medal, i'm looking forward to like the excitement around it . there's just a different feeling you get when you play at the olympics and i think having someone that you've played your whole life with would be such an advantage. seeing him on that stage, though, is definitely inspiring and just cool as as a little brother and ella's been dreaming of wearing that usa suit since she was a little girl. i have a picture up in my house of me in a usa swimsuit wearing a 2024 gold medal. so
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yeah, it's a dream. i'm going to be in paris. whether i'm on the team or not. on the team supporting. hopefully both of my brothers. i think there's going to be a lot of woodhead fans in paris. are you ready? we are less than two months away. watch the opening ceremony only on nbc bay area are very lucky. our very own jessica aguirreill in paris covering the games leading up to and durg the olympics. you can find profiles of all ooc athletes. just go to slash, you guessed it, olympics. i am so excited. me too. imagine if you're that family you have three olympic hopefuls. oh, wow. that's incredible. i know, it's just, the anticipation, the build up to all of that, the pressure to i know. yes. all of that. what if some make it and others don't? that'd be tough to handle. yeah it would weather forecast out there. they should
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average temperatures in the 70s. but the thing we'll be watching out for is potential of maybe getting into some heat waves during the time the olympics is happening. just a few years ago, they got up as hot as 108 degrees. a lot of the facilities don't even have any air conditioning. they're working on harnessing geothermal energy from the ground to help to cool a lot of the facilities. so again, heat waves, that's going to be the thing we'll be watching out for as those olympics start of course, with all the athletes and our coverage. okay. back here across the bay area, no heat wave, but certainly a little bit of an early summer sizzle out here across the bay area up to 87 right now in concord, 83 in livermore, 80 in san jose, not nearly as hot. and half moon bay because of that ocean breeze. and, well, that's the way you like it. some cool 50s right now out in half moon bay. we're going to stay with a similar picture tomorrow. although temperatures are going to go just a few degrees hotter because of this area. high pressure building in closer. so more warm air that's actually going to tip those temperatures
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into the 90s. okay. for tomorrow morning, we at least started off on the cool side here. 53 for the peninsula. mostly sunny skies got you down to double fives here for the east bay. san francisco 51 and for the north bay 52. temperatures through tomorrow down here across the south bay. not quite 90s, but you're going to get bumped up here to 87 in san jose. real close in los gatos at 89, over to the east bay. this is where our best chance will be, antioch. concord, livermore, pleasanton, danville, all in that 90 degree and higher club out towards the bay. 80 in hayward. oakland. a warmer 78 up to the coastline 63 and half moon bay. then you get out to redwood city. will be at 84 tomorrow. san francisco, no 80s or 90s. but this is a nice day for you in downtown, in the mission, with temperatures in the low 70s and for the north bay, we should get up to 90 here in napa and also for santa rosa. now this is going to be just a one day event. the way i'm seeing it right now, because by
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the time we get to friday's forecast, it's a subtle change. but the storm track is going to move just a little bit more to the south with some milder air. it's going to push some of that hottest air a little bit away from us. so we're still looking at warm weather, just not as hot. you can see the trend here in concord. we'll go down to 86 on friday. low 80s this upcoming weekend. we'll pop it back up to some low 90s next wednesday and thursday. then we should see it dip. so this is the best kind of heat. we get it for just a little bit, and then we get into some more comfortable weather out here across the nation, we are tracking more severe weather through the central u.s. tomorrow, especially here from dallas to lubbock. that's where thunderstorms could get strong. maybe even some isolated tornadoes and also any kind of flights out towards washington and new york. the chance here of thunderstorms as well. on the 7-day forecast, we'll hold on to those low 70s in san francisco all the way through friday's forecast. then some 60s this weekend, and my forecast here has low 80s for the inland valleys this weekend. and then again, we see it pop back up by
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next wednesday. now looking into next week, the other thing we're watching out for is maybe some thunderstorm activity moving in from the south. maybe by next thursday or friday. chances look really low right now, but that's something we're kind of keeping our eyes on in the background. thank you very much, jeff. well, hey, coming up, if you're planning to take bart to san francisco this weekend, expect some delays. the closures
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a line between the 24th street station and daly city, so there will be a free bus service between those stations on saturday and sunday. green line service will be canceled, and
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there will be no red line service from millbrae to daly city. bart crews will be working to replace aging rail and installing new power equipment and lighting. bart says to expect delays up to 30 minutes. if you're in that work area. well, all year long we work to clear the shelters. today, the shelter has visited us. i'm kind of devastated. i miss this, but we had some special visitors at our nbc bay area studios this afternoon. look at them in honor of mental health awareness month, humane society silicon valley brought nine little puppies and a husky mix to hang out for some puppy therapy. there's the husky mix. yeah, it's got a comment. okay, we gave her team a bit of time to decompress. of course, we talked to the humane society about the important role animals can have on our mental health of our volunteers, who actually wasn't doing too well mentally, they were very down in the dumps. kind of felt like they were, at their wit's end. and, you know,
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they started volunteering with us, working with the shelter animals, spending time with them. and their mental health has greatly improved. oh, man. every single one of them needs a home. you guys, if you don't have a pet and aren't in a place to adopt one, you can still get some puppy love. the humane society has a program called doggy day out. you can volunteer to take an adoptable pup out on an excursion to get them out of the shelter. we'll post more information about how to get involved on our website .com. please adopt i adopted it's been one of the best decisions in the last ten years. amazing. ditto same here. so ellen, remember her? well she's ready for her last comedy show, how the former talk show host and comedian is making her last s
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fans before stepping out of the spotlight. yeah, a few weeks ago , elon announced an hour long netflix comedy special set for later this year, and today, elon told fans about another rare chance to see her perform. it is a farewell tour called ellen's last standup. it will kick off in san diego in june and then make its way across north america. elon will make a stop
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in san francisco at the masonic on saturday, july 20th. put that on your calendars. tickets will be available starting tomorrow. crazy. she was part of our lives every single day and then haven't heard anything for a while from elon. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. audrey and raj joins us now with what's coming up at 530. hey, guys, here's what we're working on. good evening. the latest from scott peterson. could he get a new trial? the high profile convicted murderer looked on virtually in court today. the court in san mateo county, the key evidence under the microscope. and it's all about dna. plus, look at this. a big rig turns over, causing a serious headache for south bay commuters. for most of the day, the reason? it took crews hours to clear the backup. and a big cat spotted in backyards. the scare in the south bay as police search for a mountain lion. news at 530 starts right now. thanks for joining us. i'm audrey
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