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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  May 30, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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the roots right there from philadelphia pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jennifer connelly, chat and music from indigo girls,
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an all new "closer look." featuring the 8g band with jay weinberg. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're all doing well. and now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. when one of former president trump's lawyers asked stormy daniels yesterday if she hates trump, daniels said, quote, "yes." so, as it turns out, trump does have a type. [ laughter ] president biden today visited gateway technical college in wisconsin, an appropriate choice for joe biden, the safety school of presidents. [ laughter ] "the new york times" today published a report on independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr.'s health issues, including a dead worm in his brain. or as that's known in libertarian circles, a running mate. [ laughter ]
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in a new interview, former president trump said the south dakota governor kristi noem has had, a quote, "rough couple of days." yeah, she needs more bad press like she needs a hole in her dog. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] if you see me wincing, it's because i know what's coming. [ laughter ] that's right. former president trump said that south dakota governor kristi noem has had a rough couple of days. said noem, "who said rough?" [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] [ applause ] i hope those aren't "hooray, it's over" laughs. former house speaker paul ryan said in a new interview that he will not vote for former president trump and will instead write in a better candidate, like that dead worm in robert f. kennedy jr.'s brain.
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[ laughter ] after a meeting with house speaker mike johnson yesterday, amid her attempts to remove him from power, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene told reporters that the ball is in johnson's court and added that she is, quote, "so done with words." really? based on your state of the union outfit, i thought you were a huge fan of words. [ laughter ] you have more words on you than a southern woman's kitchen. [ laughter ] norwegian cruise line recently announced it's partnering with a specialty travel company next year to host an 11-day nude cruise for 2,300 passengers, including up to two women. [ laughter ] "oh, pam, why'd we do this?" that's right. norwegian cruise line is partnering with a specialty travel company to host an 11-day nude cruise. and i can't even decide what the most horrifying part -- oh, right, the limbo. [ laughter ]
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and that was the monologue, everybody. we are off and running. [ cheers and applause ] we got a great show for you tonight. she's an academy award winning actress you know from "a beautiful mind," "requiem for a dream" and "top gun: maverick." she's currently starring in "dark matter" on apple tv plus. jennifer connelly will be here, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] they are grammy award winning musical icons whose career documentary "indigo girls: it's only life after all" is out now. amy ray and emily saliers of indigo girls are here to chat and perform for us later in the show. [ cheers and applause ] before we get to all that, it's been a humiliating week for maga politicians as donald trump came face-to-face with stormy daniels in his criminal trial and one of his leading vp contenders, south dakota governor kristi noem was grilled repeatedly after she got caught lying in her book. for more on this it's time for "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: trump's trial keeps making history. it's already the first ever criminal trial of an
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ex-president. it's the first time an ex-president has been found in contempt and threatened with jail time, and now it's also the first time an ex-president has come face-to-face with a porn star he had an affair with while she describes the position they were in, the silk pajamas he was wearing, and the magazine she spanked him on the ass with. [ laughter ] i mean, unless you count the time john adams was caught in a compromising position with adult daguerreotype model rocky waters and a copy of the "farmers almanac." [ laughter ] oh, they left that out of the paul giamatti mini-series. "oh, abigail, i am vexed. and horny." [ laughter ] good news for giamatti, all the kinky stuff they took out of john adams, they put right into "billions." [ laughter ] i have a sincere question. how are they going to teach this era of history in high school? they can't say most of the words. a frazzled gym teacher will have to cover it in sex ed. "all right, kids, settle down. we're going to be covering stds here today. the dos and don'ts of safe sex. and -- all right.
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45th president of the united states." [ laughter ] seriously, how are teachers supposed to handle -- even news anchors can't report the news without turning red. >> in the courtroom, our reporters in there are sending us notes, updates every second that they can. and mr. trump's defense attorney, susan necheles, is saying, quote, "we're informed the second witness today worldwide stormy daniels. we want to renew our objection to her testifying particularly about any details of any sexual acts." that is mr. trump's attorney there. "do you mean more than just, we had sex," judge merchan asks the defense attorney, susan necheles. "yes, your honor," necheles says. so judge merchan there establishing that, beyond we had sex, is what they're talking about. hoffinger, the prosecutor says "they're being careful to admit some details that are, quote, 'too salacious.'" again, this is where we are as a country right now that we are having this discussion and this debate in the courtroom. prosecutors is also saying,
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quote, "in terms of the sexual act, it will be very basic." i can't believe i have to read this on television. [ laughter ] it's not going to involve any descriptions. >> better you than me, jake tapper. >> it's not going to involve descriptions of anything in particular. [ laughter ] >> just read it. read it on the screen. >> seth: they're bullying jake tapper. [ laughter ] i'm surprised his voice didn't crack. "it's not going to involve any descriptions of --" "say the words, dork, sexual acts!" [ laughter ] journalists are reacting to the news the way my friends and i reacted when the principal caught us looking at a "playboy" during recess. "you hold it, jake." "no." "you're the one who found it." "who's this loser on the cover anyway?" [ laughter ] "no wonder they left this one in the woods." here's what they wouldn't say. a prosecutor told the judge that any sexual descriptions elicited from her team would be very basic and include no descriptions of genitalia. i had two different simultaneous reactions when i heard this. "thank god" and "why not." [ laughter ]
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because when someone says "we're going to talk about his genitalia, but don't worry, we won't get into specifics," it's impossible to think, but what -- why? what are the specifics? [ laughter ] i -- really, don't get me wrong. i really don't want to hear about donald trump's weird penis, but also, i kind of want him to have to hear it. [ laughter ] someone reading a description of your weird penis in court sounds like a dream you'd have after eating a hot pocket you found on the train. [ laughter ] it would be so funny to hear it described with him in the room. just for the chance during stormy's testimony trump would sneak a glimpse down at his pants and the courtroom artist would capture the moment. [ laughter ] or maybe just be so nervous as she was describing it that they would add sweat drops from a "cathy" cartoon. [ laughter ] all in all, it was not a fun day for trump and it'll only get worse on thursday when stormy returns to the stand. now, she's there to establish her credibility as a witness and recount what happened, given that it's essential to the
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alleged crime. but fox news host sean hannity thinks prosecutors have an ulterior motive. >> why was she in the courtroom? she was there for one reason. and this should scare every american. she was there to humiliate and embarrass donald trump. >> seth: look, if you don't want an adult film star testifying in a trial of a former president, don't vote for a president who slept with an adult film star. and you might say, "but i didn't know." you might say -- you might say, "i didn't know he slept with an adult film star before i voted for him." and the reason you didn't is because he paid her off so she wouldn't tell anyone. and that's why she's in court. and that's the reason. the fact that he's also humiliated and embarrassed is what's called, the legal term, a bonus. [ laughter ] also, sean, you don't need a grand conspiracy to humiliate and embarrass donald trump. you just need to play video clips of donald trump. no one could embarrass him more than he's embarrassed himself. he definitely dances like nobody's watching. [ laughter ] he dresses like darth vader if the death star had a softball team. [ laughter ] there's nothing stormy daniels or anyone else can say that would be more embarrassing for donald trump than this.
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>> we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will -- oh. [ laughter ] >> seth: true story. that's the same noise trump made when stormy spanked him with the magazine. [ laughter ] "hit me one more -- oh." [ laughter ] so, trump was humiliated in court and yet he was somehow not the most humiliated republican politician this week. because there's also south dakota governor kristi noem. you might remember her as the leading trump vp contender, who in a book, with her name on it, volunteered the information that she once killed a puppy. out of nowhere. no one forced it out of her. she sat down at the old remington and thought, "what's a good yarn for my new book?" [ light laughter ] "something that lets everyone learn what makes kristi tick. oh, right. blew dog's brains out." [ typewriter noises ] [ laughter ]
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"hello, typewriter repair shop?" [ laughter ] "i think mine's haunted." [ laughter ] "how long does he want me to play the typewriter?" [ light laughter ] "until he stops moving his fingers? but i'm not looking at him." [ laughter ] oh, boy. well, in the same book where she bragged about killing a dog, she also claimed to have met north korean leader kim jong-un. and now it turns out that did not happen. >> in the aptly titled memoir "no going back" noem writes, "i remember when i met with north korean dictator kim jong-un. i'm sure he underestimated me having no clue about my
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experience staring down little tyrants. i had been a children's pastor after all." and tonight the governor's team is admitting that the story is not true. kristi noem never actually met with kim jong-un. >> on sunday the book's publisher said the passage is being removed at noem's request. >> as soon as it was brought to my attention, we went forward and have made some edits. >> seth: "as soon as it was brought to my attention" is such a weird thing to say about a book you wrote. [ laughter ] so clearly, what we're finding out, noem did not actually write or even really pay attention to what was in this book, when it was being written by some other person. did they at least tell the ghost writer who kristi noem was or did they just hire a coked up hollywood screenwriter and tell them to go nuts? [ snort ] "yeah, man. so she's from north dakota, so this book could be a real snooze. i'm thinking we put in that she stared down kim-jong-un and also, maybe, i don't know, should we say she shot a [ bleep ] dog? [ laughter ] should we do that? you want to sell books or you want to sell books?" [ laughter and applause ]
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but even if noem wanted to claim the book was written entirely by a ghost writer, oh, is that -- earlier the typewriter. [ laughter ] does sound effects think that's what a ghost writer is? [ laughter ] but even if noem wanted to claim the book was written entirely by a ghost writer who made up the story without her knowledge, that wouldn't hold up either because she read the audio book. she even posted clips of herself recording it. >> perhaps the most significant takeaway so far is that more freedom, not more government, is the answer. >> seth: probably knowing noem, she would probably say, "as you could see in the clip, i wasn't wearing headphones. so there was no way to hear the words coming out of my mouth." [ laughter ] so, noem presumably made up this story, or at the very least, read the part about meeting kim jong-un and didn't raise any objections about the fact that it didn't happen, and now she's going on what can best be described as a humiliation tour,
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where she tries to promote the book in interviews but ends up getting grilled. every interviewer across the political spectrum has been fairly asking her the same simple straightforward question, did you -- did you, though, meet kim jong-un. and she keeps giving the same robotic answers. >> did you meet kim jong-un? >> well, you know, as soon as this was brought to my attention, i certainly made some changes. >> so, you did not meet with kim jong-un? that's what you're saying? >> i've met with many, many world leaders, many world leaders. i've travelled around the world. i've travelled around the world. i should not have put that anecdote in the book and at my request, they removed it. >> that specifically didn't happen? >> i'm saying that i'm not talking about that meeting. i'm not talking about my meetings with world leaders. >> it's a simple question. did you or did you not meet with kim jong-un? >> that's -- that's the answer that i have for you is that i'm -- it will be adjusted and as soon as i became aware of it, that content was removed. >> why did you remove it? is it because it's untrue? >> because -- no, i been -- this is something that i think is -- i'm not going to talk about.
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i don't talk about personal meetings with world leaders. and i'm gonna continue to stay there. >> but clearly if you're taking it out of the book, it's because it's untrue. >> i've given you my answer. no. and that's not the answer. i would say that, you know, this is something that i asked to have adjusted and have the content and that name removed. and that is truly what the action has been. >> so, you didn't have a conversation with kim when you were at the dmv? >> i don't have conversations about by conversations with world leaders. >> but the anecdote indicates that it happened, right? >> i'm not going to talk about my conversations with world leaders. >> seth: man, she nailed it. [ laughter ] put the controversy to bed. this is the smoothest pr tour i've seen since prince andrew claimed he lost the ability to sweat in the faulklands war. [ laughter ] it's amazing that virtually every interview she's done on every network from cbs to fox to newsmax goes the exact same way. i bet when she sits down to dinner with her family, even her kids are like, "but did you meet kim jong-un?" [ laughter ] obviously she didn't.
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she lied, got caught lying, and now she's removing the anecdote but is doing this bizarre thing where she just won't admit it, leading to mind boggling exchanges like this one. >> you said you -- when you learned of it, you immediately took action. you recorded the whole book and the audio book. you read this whole passage out loud. why didn't you take it out then when you read the audio book? >> you know, i've travelled for years. i've been involved in policy for almost 30 years. and so, i've gone all across the world. i've met with world leaders. >> so you didn't realize when you recorded the audio book? >> when it was brought to my attention, and it was -- i had asked the publisher if they would remove the name and they did. >> okay. i just -- but you didn't answer my question. when you record -- you posted pictures and video of yourself recording the audio book. when you recorded your own audio book, you didn't notice this passage? >> i'm not going to discuss about my meetings with world leaders. >> i'm not asking you to. i'm asking you about recording the audio book. >> did you want to talk about something else today? >> no, i just wanted to know -- i mean -- i -- we're just trying to get a straight answer from you. >> you did. >> seth: she's digging a hole so deep she could bury a dog in it. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] [ applause ]
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kristi noem's getting grilled harder than criminal defendant donald trump. not only is she making trump look good by comparison, she's making kim jong-un look good by comparison. [ laughter ] for all we know, she was going to meet him and then right before, he said, "wait, isn't that the lady who killed her puppy? no thank you." [ laughter ] "i'm a monster but i'm not that." [ laughter ] arguably the worst part for noem is that she's been told multiple times to her face by right wing media figures that she's no longer in the running to be trump's vp. >> governor, if you asked me a month ago who's at the top of the list to run with donald trump, i would have said your name. if you asked me that same question this morning, i don't even think you're on the list. >> oh, my goodness. >> oh we'd be consumed with emails saying, i won't vote for this person. i won't vote for trump if he puts her in the vice presidential spot. >> well i tell you, stewart, i'm sorry you're not hearing from real americans that live on farms and ranches. >> seth: she's right. real americans know what life is like on the farm, herding the cattle, tending the soil, lying about meeting kim jong-un. [ laughter ]
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you know, down home, salt of the earth stuff. i'll admit that my knowledge about farm life begins and ends with the song about old mcdonald, but as far as i can remember, there wasn't a verse about a dog that ended with a bang bang here and a bang bang there. [ laughter and applause ] but this is the perfect encapsulation of the maga movement. it always leads to humiliation, it's a lesson everyone who has ever associated themselves with donald trump has learned. if you want to be in his orbit, you have to be willing to trade your dignity. and trump himself is now experiencing that reality firsthand. althought, from what we've heard in court, he seems to be enjoy being humiliated. when stormy testified, he could be heard saying -- >> oh. [ laughter ] >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll be right back with jennifer connelly, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu,
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>> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back again on drums tonight, he's a four-time grammy nominated drummer who began his career at age 17 with bruce springsteen and the e street band. for the last decade, he was behind the kit for metal band, slipknot. now catch him on tour with skate punk legends, suicidal tendencies. for more information, check him out on instagram. jay weinberg is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much, jay. our first guest tonight is an academy award winning actress you know from films such as "a beautiful mind," "requiem for a dream" and "top gun: maverick." she stars in "dark matter" which is streaming now on apple tv plus. let's take a look. >> what was the name of that hotel that we stayed in? >> with which? >> you remember last thanksgiving we stayed in that hotel. you were obsessed with it. what was it called? ♪
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>> mahakal. >> mahakal. that's it. mahakal. it was beautiful. we loved it. ♪ >> seth: please welcome back to the show jennifer connelly, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back. >> hi. thank you. so nice to see you. >> seth: that was a really good, creepy clip. [ light laughter ] >> yeah. something's brewing. >> seth: yeah. it's tricky because this is -- this is a book i read, a science fiction book i read that i loved. >> yeah, it's of the same title. >> seth: and i'm very happy that it was adapted into a book, but it's tricky to find a clip because there's so much to the story. and i feel like that was a really good one because you're like, "what's going on with these two?"
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>> yeah. 'cause -- the basic premise is there's a guy and he's abducted into an alternate version of his life. meanwhile, someone else is living his life. so -- >> seth: i like that that's the excuse i'm going to give my wife when i can't remember a hotel we stayed at. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: i'm gonna be like, here -- "long story short, i have been abducted." >> yes. [ laughter ] >> seth: did you -- were you -- we had your costar, joel edgerton here yesterday. and he said one of the nice things about this adaptation is that, blake crouch, who wrote the book, is also the show runner and wrote the scripts for the show. that must be a nice thing to have somebody who originally came up with this, you know, very unique idea also on set. >> it was amazing. you know, it's different -- shooting a film, the director is really the person, your go-to person on set. and in the show, we have different directors. we had, you know, one director who did the first three episodes and then you have a different director for the next two, you know, in different blocks. but blake, who is our show runner and who wrote the novel and wrote many of our scripts was there. he was the person.
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he was the, sort of, the through line. so, it was wonderful. it was wonderful having him there. and i think for fans of the book, they know, they know that it's really his vision. he's part of every decision. >> seth: i think especially -- i don't want to be hard on them as a fan base, but i do think science fiction fans also sometimes in particular like to know that it is in a safe pair of hands of the people who came up with the idea in the first place. >> yeah. of course. if you love a book, you know, you want to feel that it's adapted in a way that's faithful -- >> seth: and i did love the book and i do think it's a wonderful adaptation. did you know of the book, like when it first came to you, how much did you know? >> no, i didn't -- i hadn't read the book. and i obviously subsequently did and really enjoyed it and referred back to it many times, you know, because it was like a great -- it was like a journal for my character to have, you know. >> seth: it's also, and i think this is true of all the best sci-fi that it's -- you know, there's a lot of big ideas, but it's also about really human stuff. it's about like family and marriage and grief. >> yeah. >> seth: did you field like the groundedness of it is also what makes it so much -- >> that's a part of what i loved about it. i mean, yeah, he's kind of -- he's traversing these incredible
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worlds, but he's doing that -- he's also navigating the landscape of his marriage, you know, and, sort of, the choices that he's made in his life, you know, as he's wondering, like, you know, "should i have done this? should i have made this choice? should i have had a family? what if i had pursued my career?" and that's kind of playing out. the sort of domestic questions are playing out in this really spectacular way. >> seth: you -- i would imagine, even if you don't like watching yourself on camera, you must be fascinated to see how something in a sci-fi world looks when you watch it again. >> yeah, well, there's -- like in this, there's so much i wasn't a part of and i didn't see. you know, like all of that other world that he's in as he's, you know -- and also interesting is it was -- it's different realities but they're different versions of his own city that he keeps going back to, which i thought was pretty cool. and i wasn't part of that stuff in the show. so it was really fun for me to see. >> seth: that's great. >> all of that. yeah. >> seth: now we talked to joel yesterday about what other path.
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if he hadn't -- because, again, this is about the choices you make and where you end up. if he hadn't been an actor, what would he have done? he pretty much admitted he'd -- i think he would just -- he has no other skills. i mean, that's -- [ laughter ] i'm paraphrasing. >> well, he's really talented as an actor. >> seth: he's really good at acting. >> so, that works out well for him. he's really, really good at it. >> seth: yeah, but it does seem like a giant step down. a career two for joel. what about you? do you think about like what else you could have done? >> you know i actually thought about it in this version of my life because i started working when i was so young. i started working when i was 10 years old. >> seth: that's crazy. >> and it wasn't, like -- it wasn't something that i had pursued. like i never even did a school play. like i didn't even watch movies. i was, like -- it was my mom's idea and i started working. and then at a certain point, when i got a little bit older, i was like, "do i really want to do this?" like this isn't what i chose for my life. but i -- well, here i am. so i rechose it. but after investigation and really thinking about it. >> seth: that's good. your children actually have a --
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they have a take on what would be a good second career for you. >> oh, yeah. my son, stellan, he thinks that i would have been a pretty good detective. [ laughter ] >> seth: i think that tells us a lot about what kind of mom you were. [ laughter ] >> exactly. i'm like, "i'm not sure that's a compliment." am i really like hypervigilant mom who sees everything? [ light laughter ] >> seth: do your kids give a lot of feedback on your work? are they honest? >> they haven't gotten to see a lot of it, to be honest. >> seth: i guess that's true. >> which is probably for the best. >> seth: yeah. you haven't done a lot of -- yeah. >> they watch this show actually, and they really enjoyed it. and they said very nice things about it. >> seth: great. [ light laughter ] >> agnes, you know, they all have grown up coming to work with us. agnes is the most vocal and cut throat. yeah. they'll come and they'll like sit at the monitor and put headphones on and listen and watch. yeah, she'll sit there and watch. and she is really -- she does
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not mince words. so, she'll be like, "yeah, mom --," i'll come up after, she'll be like, "yeah, mom, so in that take, you put your hand on his shoulder. not working. try another --" [ laughter ] "next take try not doing that." i'll be like, "okay." [ laughter ] "sure. thanks." and she's right. she's usually right. >> seth: oh, really? >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: oh, that's the heartbreaking thing. >> i know, right? [ laughter ] >> seth: my wife has advice all the time and the most heartbreaking thing is how right she is. >> is she? >> seth: you know though, you're being hard on your work. my kids are eight, six, and two. you know what their favorite movie is? >> what? >> seth: "house of sand and fog." [ laughter ] it maybe seems like you've gotten it a little bit better than your husband. when paul was here, he said that he went on -- maybe it was the netflix account or some account where they changed the icon, his icon, it was paul bettany, wonderful actor, to his face and they changed the name to "worst avenger." >> yeah, it's true. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] it was like, his avatar, there's a picture of him as vision. he plays vision in -- yeah.
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and there's a picture of him, and it says, "worst avenger." >> seth: i will say -- >> it's true. it was very funny, though. >> seth: it's very funny to burn your dad in a way that you're not there when he finds out. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: like you got to have a lot of confidence as a kid to be like, "he'll get there, eventually." [ light laughter ] "this will age fine." >> yeah, they're good at that. they're good at those kinds of pranks. i have one -- we have this -- well this is a long story, maybe i shouldn't go into it. but we have this painting that i loathe that someone gave us that's an oil painting of my husband that's, like, they took -- was it, like, a playgirl thing? was it burt reynolds? >> seth: oh, yeah. i remember, yes. >> the famous picture? the cover? >> seth: where he's like leaned out, yeah. >> so they did an oil -- had commissioned an oil painting of that with my husband's face on it. >> seth: yeah, that's no good. >> and it's so disturbing to me. [ light laughter ] and paul tried to put it like over our mantle and i took it down and i hid it, and then it became this game where then he'd find it and he'd put it someplace else. and then now it's become a game with the kids. and they torture me with it. so last time, i'd hidden it, and
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i found some place really good where they'd never find it. and i went to go to sleep at night. and they, while i was out, they had rigged it with fishing wire. [ laughter ] it was hanging from the ceiling. like i'm looking up and it was -- >> seth: that's really good. there must be a moment where you're like both mad and also, like, "you know what? i'm really proud, yeah." >> i'm proud. a little proud, because that's a good joke. [ laughter ] >> seth: anybody who puts the time in, you're like, "you do love me." >> i know. [ laughter ] >> seth: thanks for being here. congrats on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> seth: such a delight. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> seth: jennifer connelly, everyone. "dark matter" is now streaming on apple tv plus with new episodes available on wednesdays. we'll be right back with indigo girls. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if you're living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go unscripted. good to go on a whim. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment
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talenti mango sorbetto is made with a hundred percent real fruit. -with alphonso mangoes. -yeah, i know. -oh? -right? -mmm-hmm. talenti. raise the jar.
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♪ >> seth: our next guests are an iconic grammy award winning folk rock duo who have been performing together more than four decades. their new career spanning documentary "indigo girls: it's only life after all" is available on demand now. let's take a look. >> there was something about our queerness, the forcefulness of our energy, that was a turn off to a lot of those folk clubs. >> i had this feeling that where we needed to be, to really do what we wanted to do, was more in the world of alternative and post-punk because we would be free to have influences that were different and to play loud and to have crowds that were ruckus and to express ourselves in this bigger way. and we didn't have to be polite
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women that were singing and sitting down with our little guitars. >> seth: please welcome to the show indigo girls, amy ray and emily saliers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show. it's such an honor to have you both here. >> it's good to be here. >> seth: very exciting time with both the documentary and then of course, "closer to fine" featured in the "barbie" sound track. what a cool thing that must have been, to be a part of. >> i mean, it fell out of the sky. [ light laughter ] at first we were like, "barbie?" i don't know we've got to check our political consciousness." [ light laughter ] and then it's like -- "greta gerwig? okay." >> seth: yeah. what about with the documentary. did you have hesitation about sort of, you know, doing a film about the last 40 years of this
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incredible career? >> you know, when we met alexandria bombbach, the director, we just had a really good feeling about her and had seen her other films. and our basic, you know, reply to her about a documentary was, we wanted it to be sort of about the community and not really like a vanity piece, just about indigo girls. and she was down with that. and i think that was her vision too. we just had faith in her. we kind of handed everything over to her and it's her baby. she did it. >> seth: how soon into your career, emily, did you realize the community you had with your fan base? >> well, at first our community was our parents, because they were the only ones that, like -- i mean, we started in high school. we got fake i.d.s, we started playing in bars with the blessing of our parents. but little by little -- >> seth: no hesitation on the parents back in the day? [ light laughter ] >> no, but i mean, you know -- >> well, there was one -- a couple of gigs maybe. >> we called them fern bars. you know, like, sort of, applebee type places. >> seth: okay, gotcha. [ light laughter ] >> they always had ferns. so we played a lot of those, but the truth is -- >> seth: fern bars! >> yeah. that's what we called them.
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>> seth: okay. >> but the truth is that very early on we found a community of musicians -- like athens was rich with music and atlanta was rich with music and there was a lot of support in the communities. there was a lot -- like a real motley crew and diverse group of people, musicians who hung out together. so very early on when we started to play, we found a community. then when we started to do small acts of activism like finding about a local, like women's shelter or women and children's center, we found, "oh, let's just play music and raise awareness." a little bit of money. we never could raise very much at that point. and then give a voice to this place. and then once -- then we really started to find our community through our activism. >> seth: that's really great. you mentioned athens. and you went on tour early on with r.e.m., which must have been some pretty big shows. and you guys were repaid the favor back to community. i know brandi carlile would go out on tour with you in the early days. was that something -- was it nice to be able to, you know sort of, throw that ladder down to the next generation?
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>> i mean, it's the way we were brought up. you know, like, we played during people's breaks when we were kids and they let us have gigs with them. and then -- and it's not just like -- we're not like "oh, let us help you up." it's more like, we find people that we're just big fans of. we heard brandi's music. we were like, she's amazing. you know, we had this band called the shadow boxers, three 5 human. like i mean -- the list goes on. we've had lucy wainwright roche was just touring with us. so it's just -- people we really love their music and then sometimes it's someone like brandi who becomes huge. >> seth: yeah. that's really nice. >> yeah. >> seth: did you -- going back and looking both at archival footage and looking at early songs you wrote before -- maybe even before you recorded your first album, was there anything you found cringey to read? [ light laughter ] i think -- you know when you think about young people writing, that's often can be like, "oh, son of a gun." [ laughter ] >> there are songs that we'll never play again. i mean, they're so cringey. and then there -- i mean, i even can think of a song that we still play where i actually changed the lyric because i
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couldn't stand it anymore. [ laughter ] it was so terrible. >> seth: and do you -- does the audience know. are they singing along and they're like, "woah, woah, woah?" >> well, because we're very transparent, i'll say, like, "guys i'm going to change the lyric right now, so you're going to notice it if you know the song." and then it's like that -- >> seth: gotcha. and do you, be honest -- do you feel like when they hear the change, they're like, "oh, thank god she changed it." [ laughter ] >> probably. >> seth: yeah, okay. gotcha. yeah. nobody is like purist, they're like, "woah, this is way better." >> yeah, yeah. like, "what took you so long?" [ light laughter ] >> seth: it also seems like you have an incredible wealth of photos, old photos. was this something you guys were doing maybe more than another young band was doing at the time. were you aware? or did you just like the idea of capturing what you were going through? >> for me, i mean my dad was an archivist, like a hoarder of like film and photography. he had a dark room and i learned a lot about photography and film from him. i was obsessed with doing that just for us, just for me, just for us.
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and then when he passed on, my mom handed me a bunch of boxes of things. and it was, like, a plethora of videotapes. and then fans would send us stuff. and i just kept everything. you know, and then sony had some great archives of our stuff. so it's -- and emily and russell, our manager. adrian, his son, everybody worked together and we just -- yeah, we had a lot of stuff. i took pictures a lot. >> seth: you mentioned you started playing together in high school. metten elementary school. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> seth: this is a real, be nice -- you know, if any elementary school kids are watching. [ laughter ] you never know who your career-spanning partner will be. >> i mean, that is true. >> seth: do you have any memory of the day you met or do you just, kind of, remember the era you met? >> i had this little band called the blue skies. we were in seventh grade, i guess. i was aware of amy because she was that other girl who played guitar in elementary school. >> seth: yeah. >> but i don't remember the moment or the first time. because we really didn't become, like pals until we went to high school together, which started at eighth grade where we were. >> seth: okay. >> and we joined the chorus and
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then we became like really like best friends and then that, all the playing together and learning songs and our a.p. english teacher, ellis lloyd, who supported us, it all sprung out of that. >> seth: wow. >> i do remember seeing her in the cafeteria with the blue skies. across at a table or something. i just have this memory of seeing her singing and thinking, like, so much more than i can do right now. i'm going to do learn how to do that. >> seth: i -- i -- mostly i'm just like, "i can't believe i didn't go to that high school." [ laughter ] like i never walked in the cafeteria and was like, "is that the blue skies?" [ laughter ] i'm so glad you guys are going to stick around and do some music for us as well. [ cheers and applause ] amy ray, emily saliers, everybody. "indigo girls: it's only life after all" is on demand right now. we'll be right back with a performance from the indigo girls. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that's why we protect all your vehicles here.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: this summer they embark on two major tours with melissa ethridge and amos lee. back to perform "what we what to be" off the musical film soundtrack "glitter and doom." here are indigo girls. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ who are you when you are on your own
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all by yourself coming home ♪ ♪ do you take off the clothes that you wore to work peeling the paint ♪ ♪ from the wood do you dream in the dark of the roots and trees the scars and ♪ ♪ all the uncovering yeah whenever that shame tries to bury you i hope you will find ♪ ♪ your way through remember i am i am i am ♪ ♪ when the face on that moon is just a deadpan for your rhyming, when its just denying ♪ ♪ yeah we get to be what we wanna be when the sun in the morning is just a reason ♪ ♪ to keep on sleeping when you're just breaking even ♪ ♪ yeah we get to be what we wanna be ♪ ♪ youre more than the worst thing you've ever done you're more than the ♪ ♪ worst thing youve ever
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known i'll tell you mine and you tell me yours and we will know ♪ ♪ we are more and remember when you feel you go astray who made the rules ♪ ♪ for us anyway yeah we get to be what we wanna be ♪ ♪ when the face on that moon is just a deadpan for your rhyming, when it's just denying ♪ ♪ yeah we get to be what we wanna be when the sun in the morning is just a reason ♪ ♪ to keep on sleeping when you're just breaking even ♪ ♪ yeah we get to be what we wanna be ♪ ♪
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♪ all i know, yeah all i know when i let go of all this woe ♪ ♪ you'll be my valentine of sorts i'll be love's echo and reports ♪ ♪ together we'll dance under that turning sky like tumbling bats as the stars arrive ♪ ♪ and the face on that moon is gonna laugh and swoon and flightless birds ♪ ♪ will find their groove cause we get to be what we wanna be ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah we get to be what we wanna be
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when the sun in the morning is just a reason ♪ ♪ to keep on sleeping, when you're just breaking even remember i am i am i am yeah we get to be ♪ ♪ what we wanna be hey it's good to be you and it's good to be me ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: indigo girls everyone! indigo girls: it's only life after all and "glitter and doom" are out now. for tickets go to we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ”fracture (instrumental) by apashe & flux pavilion ♪ ♪ [bird caws] commuter: “whoa” ♪ siri: “continue straight." [bird caws] [commuter groans] siri: “you're still on the fastest route.” [commuter groans] [bird caws] commuter: “aghhh” [music stops] [debris crashing]
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests jennifer connelly. amy


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