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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  May 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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out 11, a staple in the bay area community now gone, a fire destroys a food hall in the east
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bay. we're live with reaction from business owners and what investigators are now saying about a potential cause. good morning to you. thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington and i'm ginger conejero saab. we'll get to that big fire just moments from now. but first, we are following breaking news out of the east bay. that is where california high school is on lockdown now. san ramon police sending out this post on ex officers are now providing extra security there at the school. that's because they say a staff member received a call threatening them, threatening violence. police are right now providing a secure perimeter around that school, as well as the san ramon olympic pool and aquatic park. k-9 units are also at that scene, searching for potential explosives on campus. now this is a developing situation. if more updates come in throughout this newscast, we will pass those along to you as always, you can check for the latest 24/7 on our website,
11:02 am, as well as our app and back to that popular food hall in the east bay, destroyed by an overnight fire. you can see. take a look at these flames it ripped through, causing a lot of damage. nbc bay area's bob redell live from the scene for us this midday in castro valley. and bob, i know you spoke to one business owner. what does she have to say about this? well, marcus and ginger, she says that when she received a text overnight and there was a fire here at the lake chabot public market, where her food business is located, she was first was thinking, oh, it's just a dumpster fire. then of course, she arrived and she saw this, something she was not expecting. it was a three alarm fire that, as you could see, took out part of the roof, gutted the inside and left behind smoldering ruins. i don't know, it's like i'm shocked right now. i don't even know what to say. suki lin's hopes for a rebound in her business was incinerated an early morning
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fire destroyed the lake chabot public market, where lin opened her poke bar just nine months ago. after a slow winter business was finally starting to pick up. yesterday, we peaked right, and then i was expecting today. oh, today is a nice day, sunny thursday. i was like, expected good sales today. yeah, one of the owners is, you know, childhood friend of mine. we grew up together, you know, went to high school together. so this is a pinnacle in the community. the alameda county fire department went inside the market and fought the flames for about the first hour. but just before 330 this morning, had to pull out because the roof started to collapse. firefighters did stop the fire from spreading to a mechanic shop next door and homes on the backside, but could not stop it from destroying this beloved business in castro valley. it's really sad to see this happen. we tried the best we could. the battalion chief tells us there was an open natural gas line
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feeding some of the flames last night, but doesn't know if that was the cause or result of this fire and investigator still needs to figure that out. the battalion chief did tell me that this fire does not appear to be suspicious. us reporting live here in castro valley, bob redell nbc bay area news. well, a follow up this midday that escaped inmate is back behind bars. now. investigators say that he walked away from a hollister jail earlier this week . he was captured in san jose less than 24 hours ago. the san benito county sheriff says more arrests are coming, possibly now . nbc bay area's thom jensen live for us outside of the san jose police department. and tom, the sheriff is really giving a lot of credit to those san jose police officers for really helping catch that escapee. he sure is. good morning. marcus. yeah, i talked to him just a short time ago. and sheriff eric taylor again. thanks, san jose pd, other agencies and the public for helping locate and arrest 37 year old daniel lopez
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zavala. san jose pd says officers from its special operations division arrested zavala without incident at a south san jose hotel last night. his girlfriend, who police say helped him escape, is also in custody after that operation at the hotel san benito county, jailers said they saw zavala jumping a barbed wire fence tuesday morning at the jail in hollister, and then a manhunt was underway involving several agencies. sheriff taylor tells nbc bay area this morning that his deputies arrest another woman this morning who assisted zavala, and more arrests could follow. i'm sure it's tempting to help those that were close with when they're on the run from from law enforcement, but we're definitely going to try to make an example out of these people because, you know, you gotta just, encourage your loved ones to do the right thing and turn themselves in and face the charges that they're up against when you want to start helping them evade capture, then, we're going to come after you to. as soon as he was arrested, san
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jose pd turned zavala over to san benito county deputies. and this morning he's back in that same jail in hollister that he escaped from tuesday morning, along with those two female suspects who also now face felony charges. we're live in san jose, tom jensen, nbc, bay area news. thank you. tom. a live look in sacramento. that's where happening right now. state regulators are meeting. so they're coordinating the shooting down of the plan to provide solar power incentives for low income earners. the state utilities commission, they're set to vote on whether to end that program for community solar projects. the program incentivizes lower income customers who can't afford solar panels to give them credit to subscribe to use energy from small scale, battery powered facilities. instead. the last year, the commission significantly reduced incentives for schools, businesses and apartment buildings, as well as to install those solar panels. now we are following this meeting. of course, we will
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bring you the decision if it's made during this newscast and we continue to wait on the jury and former president donald trump's first criminal case, all eyes on the courthouse in new york city. meanwhile, scott mcgrew says that there is a lot of misinformation about that case online. some of that misinformation coming from big names, misunderstandings, either accidental or deliberate. i'll get to those in a moment. as far as the case goes, the judge in the case is told trump to stick around the courthouse in manhattan. the jury is entering its second day of deliberations. our catherine doyle is in the courtroom, says trump is nodding off as the instructions to the jury were reread. trump of course, charged with falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment made to an adult film star to silence her claims ahead of the 2016 election that they had had an affair many years earlier. trump denies the affair. this morning, the jury asked the judge to
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reread them. part of the jury instruction. new york law says they cannot have a copy of the jury instructions with them in the jury room. it's an unusual law. the jury instructions aren't secret. you can print them off the internet. new york law says they can ask all the questions, though they want about the jury instructions. ask them to be reread, and they just don't get a copy. now, some people even some pretty well known politicians, claim it was the judge's decision to withhold the instructions. and that's not true. it is the state law. the jury asked both yesterday and today to go back over testimony from the first witness in the case, david pecker from the national enquirer. now, what's interesting is the jury wants to hear the parts of the testimony about the election, not about faking the business records. but the second part of the charge, which means they may have made a decision on the crime itself. here's what i mean. you have to decide whether trump is guilty of faking business records. then you move on to whether trump did
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that to meddle in the election that takes it from a misdemeanor to a felony that the jurors are asking questions about. the second part, the election meddling might mean they've made a decision about the actual charge brought that brought everybody to court. trump, meantime, spoke as he arrived at the courthouse this morning. it's so corrupt. nobody's ever heard of anything like this. it's called pick'em. it's like the lottery pick em, you pick them, and you don't have to be. even though in a criminal case, you have to be unanimous. you don't have to be. just give a couple of votes because the judge, unfortunately, is corrupt . all right. so here's what he is talking about. the prosecution says that the trump committed a crime by falsifying business records. that's the did he do it? prosecutors say trump did it to cover up important information from voters. that's s the why and election meddling that brings the crime up to a
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felony. the how did he meddle can be one or a number of different actions, so long as he took one of those actions. it's this category right here where the jury doesn't actually have to agree, so long as they agreed that this did happen. we continue to wait for word from the jury. we will, of course, break in with a special report. the moment we know they have a verdict. back to you. thank you, scott, and new at 11 elon musk is agreeing to testify about his purchase of the social media company x, formerly known as twitter. the us securities and exchange commission is investigating potential violations of securities laws regarding musk's $44 billion deal to buy the platform, court filings show. he will be questioned for no more than five hours later this year. now, if he needs to reschedule for an emergency, he will either have to obtain a court order or the sec's written consent. now to a live look in san jose. this is
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where happening right now. leaders are issuing a new call. this is for greater transparency when it comes to hundreds of millions of dollars in recent homeless funding, a new state audit finds. san jose has not adequately accounted for spending of $300 million. this is over the past several years, two council members, including district seven beyond dwan, are calling for the comprehensive san jose audit to ensure that that money went to the proper places. we deal into the weeds and find out where is that money, where did it go? and we need to if it's gone to other jurisdiction that doesn't belong to them, we want to make sure we recover that. the audit will also call for new accountability and the city's response to homelessness and exploring options to improve it. in response, san jose mayor matt mahan said that he was thankful the council members are demanding accountability, adding that it part end quote. i couldn't agree more, which is why my budget requires the city
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manager to create public dashboards, accounting for both the expenditure and impacts associated with every dollar of homelessness spending. end quote , a cybertruck powered coffee shop. well this one is not a creation from tesla. stick around for a look at the big idea dolling out a whole lot of java in the south bay, and temperatures are starting to ramp up in san francisco, hitting the high in the next hour. but things are just getting going for some of the inland areas. we'll talk about where we'll hit 90 and a look ahead to the weekend coming up in the microclimate forecast. and as we head to break, i want to remind you the giants are set to battle the yankees tomorrow at oracle park. and our coverage starts at 7 p.m. right here on nbc. bay area stay right here. more ahead for you this midday.
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ruling, and it could make it harder for state regulators to pressure advocacy groups. the decision means the nra may continue to pursue its lawsuit against a new york official who urged banks and insurance companies to cut ties with the gun rights group following the 2018 mass shooting at parkland, florida, at a high school, 17 people were killed in that shooting. the trial, involving the man convicted of attacking speaker emerita nancy pelosi's husband is continuing in san francisco this midday. in yesterday's opening statements, prosecutors wasted no time getting to the most graphic evidence they showed video to the jury of david depape hitting paul pelosi in the head with a hammer at his san francisco home . the convicted attacker's public defender did not dispute the evidence, but instead asked jurors to consider depapes many state at that time. prosecutors say paul pelosi could take the
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stand as soon as tomorrow. depape was previously sentenced to 30 years in prison for the attack, as part of a federal case. now to another live look out in san jose. this is where mayor matt hahn is. mehan is looking for people to help beautify the neighborhoods. he kicked off a new adopt a block program just about an hour ago. people will sign up to keep their streets clean, with litter kits provided by the mayor's office. now, the litter kit includes a litter stick, neon safety vests and gloves. last year in san jose, there were 300% increase rise in volunteerism across the city. mehan detailed the responsibilities if you apply for that program, residents can sign up for this pilot program and adopt a street and their neighborhood, committing to a weekly or monthly walk down the street with one of our fancy litter sticks, where they will be able to pick up litter, we'll give them gloves, a vest, trash bags, and their commitment is to
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pick up any litter or trash they see on their block. each one help one in their neighborhood, right? so residents there will be able to apply in person at the mayor's office. and this will be on saturday at the mayor's state of the city address at happy hollow park. there we go. well, it'll be nice to take a walk throughout san jose maybe this weekend. enjoy the weather, and also do some good for the community by picking up some of that garbage anywhere around the bay area. as you're out walking, you know, see a little something, pick it up. yeah, you know, it's going to be beautiful out there. we're just helping to make things look even more beautiful. and we've had some warm temperatures. take a look at where we are right now. we are seeing the warmest spot right now in dublin. it is 80 degrees, but we're at 66. in oakland and 76 in san jose. mid to upper 70s. for much of the north bay you can see these temperatures are all over the place or at 65 in san francisco. and when you compare what we're
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feeling right now to yesterday, at this time it is already 5 to 8 degrees above where we were yesterday. and so it's a little bit more warm out there, and it's going to heat up even more so as we go into the afternoon. morgan hill, it's at 75 now. we're up to 80 in the next hour and we will see the high temperature in the upper 80s for today. so yes, it's going to be a warm one, up to 83 in dublin and 89 in concord. look at fairfield 91 this afternoon. and we're going to be in the mid to upper 80s for much of the north bay. and then tomorrow it's very much like today. not many changes. cool coastline, hot valleys, but the weekend we all get a little bit of a break. we're going to see those temperatures coming down. so livermore will see a high of 7578 in napa and 68 in san mateo . los gatos will see a high of 77 degrees. so when was the last
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time we hit 90? in san jose? it was on october 19th. that was the last time we had some low 90s. why am i bringing this up? well, because we have 90s in the forecast and i know we're not looking forward to it, but we are going to be approaching june, so we just have to get ready. at least we do once again, have a nice and comfortable weekend coming our way. temperatures in the mid 70s, but next wednesday and thursday we're looking ahead to that possibility of seeing some 90s. of course, things could change between now and then, but it does look like we're going to see a strong area of high pressure building, and that's going to heat up those temperatures. looking at our 7-day forecast, expect it to be hot today in the inland areas and then coming down a few degrees for the weekend with upper 70s for saturday and sunday. more clouds on monday, but then right after that, those temperatures will be in the upper 80s and low 90s. san francisco will see temperatures
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in the 60s throughout the weekend into early next week, and we're looking at some mid 70s by next wednesday. may also warm up a little bit more as we go into the middle to end of next week. and now let's turn to our climate in crisis. more children in california will soon be riding on green school busses this week, the epa, along with the biden administration, announced funding for over 530 school districts in the u.s. to get a fleet of electric school busses. now, that includes some right here in the bay area like alameda unified, fruitvale elementary, and oakland, san mateo union high school and cabrillo unified in half moon bay. clean transportation, especially for youth, helps improve air quality in and around the schools, and it also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. and experts say it can actually help boost the child's academic performance. bipartisan alignment that there is an important need to invest
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in our kids in making sure that their environment is as clean as possible, and one of the sources that children deal with throughout america are the diesel emissions from school busses. some of the other climate projects students are working on include composting, avoiding food waste and preventing plastic pollution. the epa administrator administrator also says there will be more schools across the u.s. getting heat pumps to help cool and warm schools efficiently. for more stories like these, visit our website, and click on the climate in crisis tab. ginger thanks a lot. kari. well, it is time to have a brew to full day a cyber truck powered coffee shop is making waves in silicon valley. nbc bay area cinthia pimentel has an up close look at this new mobile shop, which stopped by our station this morning. well, tesla cybertruck's turn heads no matter where you are in the bay
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area, but we've got a latte explaining to do with this one because it brews coffee. it's all powered right here. and we have mabel and ming, co-owner of moon wake coffee roasters, who actually used to work in tech but then poured all of their ideas into this. tell us a little bit about that. yeah, so ming and i used to work in tech. we both quit our jobs. i quit my job last year, and ming quit his job earlier this year to really invest all of our time and effort really into building this experience and eventually, you know, our coffee shop and roastery to share our coffee with people. it's just a much more human experience. you know, being able to meet people and see their reactions and be able to get that feedback and hopefully make people happy with our coffee. so, you know, that's something that we were really passionate about and decided to take that on as a full time endeavor. you've made the morning crew very happy with all of this. we've had a couple of onlookers and ming, tell us about the design, why you went with this truck and how you really powered this 200 pound
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espresso machine. tell us about the technology behind this. yeah, so we were actually serving coffee at a farmers market for a while, but we knew we needed more volume. so the whole build is centered around this huge espresso machine, which is a commercial two 40 volt machine that you would find in a cafe. and since the truck has, you know, 9000w of power and two 40 volt output, it kind of checked the box for us in terms of the requirements. and so we just welded this platform together that this is bolted to and everything folds up, slides in and out. it's super nimble. and this was just the right truck for the job. so that allows you guys to pretty much go anywhere. if people wanted to , you know, come up to this and enjoy your very delicious coffee. by the way, where can we find you? yeah. so you can find us on sundays at the cupertino, deanza, college farmers market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. we'll be there as we are building out our cafe roastery, which is opening hopefully later this year in west san jose. but in the meantime, come by the farmers market. we'll serve you a cup
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and you can come chat with us. well, thank you a lot for being here with us. this morning. the coffee was delicious and we wish you guys the best, you know, with your future shop and everything in between. for now, i'll send it back to you too. it has been a really jolty kind of morning out here, but very delicious. i'm cinthia pimentel, nbc, bay area news. thank you for that, cynthia. well, happening now. today is the deadline for boeing to tell federal regulators how it plans to fix safety and quality problems, which have plagued the aircraft manufacturer, the faa, requiring boeing to produce turnaround plan following the blowout of the door panel on the alaska airlines flight back in january, whistleblowers accused the company of taking those short, short cuts. it's also claiming that boeing says that they dispute those claims. the faa has limited production of the 737 max, boeing's top selling plane. now, we do have an update on some breaking news
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remains on lockdown. police now say they are escorting students and staff outside of classrooms to the front office, prompting that lockdown status. now this started because, they say a staff member received a call threatening violence. police are also providing a secure perimeter around the school, as well as the san ramon olympic pool and aquatic club. k-9 units are also currently on scene searching for potential explosives on campus. and as always, you can check the latest on all right. well, thank you for joining us for our midday newscast. we will se you back heree
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