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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  May 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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this whole hospital is dedicated to taking care of children. so all i do is operate on children. all our anesthesiologists do is take care of young children at stanford, we strive to provide the most cutting edge technology as well as the best available care for the patient. even a simple procedure to a complex one. this really makes a difference in the child's life for years to come. i'm danger, a gimmick and insurance ads used to scare you, but not triple a since we don't use gimmicks. why are you here? outsmart scare tactics and hi, everyone, i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right
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now. ♪♪ today, thursday, may 30th, 2024. pins and needles, the nation awaits a verdict in donald trump's historic criminal hush money trial. jury deliberations now in their second day, the questions the jurors have been asking and what they could reveal. breaking news, chief justice john roberts says he will not meet with democratic lawmakers about their concerns over justice samuelalito's refusal to recuse himself from two big cases. flight fight, three black men walked onto a plane. then they say the airline kicked them off along with every other black man on board. we'll dig into the new racial discrimination federal suit against american airlines and how the company is responding. and defensive driving, a man with a suspended driver's license zooms into his court hearing from behind the wheel. >> so just give me one second. i'm parking right now.
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>> wait until you see how the judge reacts to that. >> we certainly had some reactions to seeing that. >> you're going to want to wait for that story. >> for sure. we're going to start this hour with day two of jury deliberations in the criminal trial of former president donald trump. >> the jury is making their way through more than three weeks worth of testimony and evidence. today the jurors were read parts of testimony from two of the prosecution's most high profile witnesses. former tabloid executive david pecker and trump's former attorney and fixer, michael cohen. >> the jurors also asked to the judge to repeat part of the all important jury instructions as well as speakers and headphones in the jury room in order to listen back to evidence. nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard outside the courthouse in lower manhattan, also here with us on set, nbc news legal analyst kristen gibbons feden. let's start with you and take a step back here, i think some of these rules may seem archaic to people. why can't the jurors have the instructions and the transcripts
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of the testimony with them? >> it's interesting you say archaic. not all states follow that, some states including pennsylvania where i also practice the jury can have the written instructions. but in new york, the purpose behind keeping the jury instructions as well as the transcript in the purview of the court is to allow and ensure collective participation in the distributive process of the jury jurors. it allows the court to be the leader and arbiter of what evidence goes in and how. >> as if people aren't reading one on one, they're having to listen collectively as a group. >> that's right. >> so vaughn, let me go to you. what parts of cohen and pecker's testimony did the jury and to hear again, and why might that be significant? >> reporter: it could be significant because it has to do directly with the allegation that donald trump violated new york election law. it goes back to the 2015, 2016 conversations between donald trump, michael cohen, and david
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pecker of the "national enquirer," and as the prosecution has alleged, these conversations were the beginning of what they say was the conspiracy to suppress the salacious stories like that of stormy daniels before the 2016 election, and when you're looking at the 34 felony counts that donald trump is facing, he is facing 34 felony counts for the falsification of business records to conceal an underlying crime. that underlying crime is the violation of the new york election law to promote his own candidacy through unlawful means. and so this would suggest to the extent that we can try to read any tea leaves from what the jury is interested in is that they are at least engaged in conversation behind closed doors about the second tier of the law that the prosecution is alleging that he broke. and so for them, at least they would suggest that the jury is not just simply focused on the falsification of business records, but also on the underlying crime and that they are looking deeply at those conversations that pecker and cohen had with trump. >> yeah, vaughn, thank you.
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kristen, so let's dig into that a bit. vaughn just talked about the parts of the testimony we've heard from. the prosecution specifically asked the jury to focus on pecker's testimony, and they seem to have done that and be doing that. >> it indicates that they're being conscientious, they're looking at the testimony. pecker testified weeks ago, and so them kind of listening to pecker's testimony again alongside cohen's testimony, i think they're also looking for consistencies, but again, as vaughn pointed out, this is the heart of the prosecution's case, and by asking for that particular testimony, it really highlights the evidence that talks about donald trump's direct knowledge, his alleged acts in alleged conspiracy, and it shows that he really did empower cohen to be his fixer and really execute on this catch and kill scheme, and therein lies the underlying heart of the prosecution's case. i think it bodes well for the prosecution, and as you
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mentioned, that's exactly what they wanted the jury to focus on, and so it sounds like they're looking at evidence in line with the prosecution's narrative. >> all right, really helpful analysis, kristen gibbons feden and vaughn hillyard, thank you both. a california judge has cracked open the door slightly for scott peterson in his latest long shot bid for a new trial. >> peterson is in prison serving a life sentence without parole after he was convicted of murdering his wife lacy and their unborn child connor two decades ago. the 51-year-old appeared virtually in court yesterday. his legal team pushed for new dna testing over several pieces of evidence it says were previously overlooked. >> valerie castro joins us now. out of all of those pieces of evidence, the judge ruled only one of them can be retested, dna tested. what is the defense hoping that this dna test might accomplish? >> the defense is hoping there could be some evidence that could potentially exonerate scott peterson.
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they brought forward 14 different pieces of evidence that they wanted to be retested for dna. the judge denied the request on all of those pieces except for one. there is a piece of duct tape that was found on laci peterson's pant when is her body washed ashore in the san francisco bay. so the defense is hoping that there could be some dna on that piece of duct tape that is not that of scott peterson's, that is not that of laci peterson's that could potentially point to another suspect in this case. the defense says that piece of duct tape was tested back in 2004, however, those results were inconclusive, and so the defense is hoping that perhaps with advances in testing technology that they could find some sort of new evidence or extra evidence on that piece of duct tape. there's no telling what state that dna could potentially be in if it's even viable at this point after so many years. >> so valerie, with all that said, what happens next? >> so there's still no time line as to when this will all take place. there will be a hearing in july,
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and that's when the court will decide the parameters as to how this testing will take place, where it will happen, when it will happen, and after that we could know more about when that piece of duct tape, that one piece of evidence out of the 14 pieces could potentially be tested for new dna. guys. >> valerie castro, thanks so much. and we're following breaking news involving the supreme court, chief justice john roberts says he will not meet with senate democrats about the flag controversy involving justice samuel alito. >> alito has declined to recuse himself from two january 6th-related cases. this all comes after reporting that revealed controversial flags were flown outside two of alito's homes. similar flags were flown by people who stormed the capitol on january 6th. justice alito says his wife hung them, and she is responsible and he is not responsible. nbc news senior washington correspondent and anchor of "hallie jackson now," hallie jackson is here with us in studio. good to see you.
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>> you too. >> so chief justice roberts is responding to two senate democrats who said we want to sit down and talk this through. what did he say? >> in this new letter he's saying thanks but no thanks. such a meeting would not be advisable. the format proposed a meeting with leaders of only one party who have expressed an interest in matters currently pending before the court simply underscores that participating in such a meeting would be inadvisable. he also says in this letter -- and this goes back to the issue of the recusal or the nonrecusal from justice alito, he says it is his decision on whether to step aside or not. that is the way that the code of can you think the is set up for the supreme court, that newly put in place code that was instituted last fall. it is enforceable from the justices themselves. alito lays out a long list of reasons why he is not going to step aside from these key cases involving january 6th defendants and trump's immunity case.
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he said he didn't fly those flags. his wife did. he goes on to say my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not. he makes very clear, he asked her in one instance to take down a flag for a few days. she did not. as far as the appeal to heaven flag, which we showed, green pine tree, white background. it's rooted in the revolutionary war. it has since become a symbol of christian nationalism and linked to support for former president trump, justice alito said he didn't know about that connection and neither did his wife at the time. he says as far as the other flag, the one on the left side of the screen here, it's long been seen as a symbol of distress. he says his wife flew it after a very nasty, as he says, neighborhood dispute with somebody who was a neighbor that apparently followed her down the street. she raised that as a sign of protest in that instance. >> we've heard from the chief of the highest court. then there's also the court of public opinion. when it comes for the supreme court, they're not doing too well. 39% approval rating. that's according to a market law school poll released just last week. how might this flag controversy further impact the way the
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public is viewing the court. yeah, that remains to be seen as far as polling and how that impose. the numbers you just showed are indicative of where the american people are. it is very consistent with polling that's been done over the course of the last couple of decades showing that now in the years since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade, they've hit a near record low approval rating. it's been typically in the past, 50, 60%, et cetera. very different now, and this is something that democrats are keenly aware of. you saw the judiciary chair dick durbin say, hey, part of this in his letter, saying part of this is the crisis of confidence that the american people have in the supreme court because of the optics of what democrats perceive as ethical lapses. republicans don't see it the same way. some have expressed support for justice alito saying hey, you have every right to recuse, and former president trump himself has come out several times in the last 24 hours praising alito for his decision not to step aside. >> hallie jackson, great to have you. you don't want to miss hallie jackson coming up on "hallie
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jackson now." that streams live starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern on nbc news now. let's head over to today's cnbc money minute, a potential deal between apple and open ai. and how much would you pay for one of john lennon's guitars? my husband would pay a lot. pippa stevens joins us. >> hey, kate and zinhle, open ai has reportedly struck a deal with apple to integrate its chat bot into the ios 18 operating system. the information first reported the news and says that microsoft's ceo satya nadella is concerned about the potential conflict with its open ai partnership. microsoft has invested more than $13 billion in open ai. nearly 2 million bottles of fiji water sold on amazon are part of a recall. the u.s. food and drug administration said fiji found elevated levels of manganese and bacteria in 79,000 cases of the water sold between february 1st and march 3rd.
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99% of the affected bottles never even left the warehouse. and one of john lennon's guitars from his time with the beatles just sold for $2.9 million aft auction. that makes it one of the most valuable pieces of beatles memorabilia. the 12 string acoustic guitar known as the hootenanny was believed to be lost for over 50 years until it was discovered in someone's attic in england. it was used in the recording of the albums help and rubber soul. kate, would your husband have paid that much? >> absolutely not. >> father's day is coming up. that could be a good gift. coming up, are you in the market for a new home? the resurging trend that could the resurging trend that could help lower your next mortgage my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop.
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welcome back. we're learning new details this hour about how aircraft manufacturer boeing plans to address serious safety concerns that have plagued its production process in recent years. the faa had given the company 90 days to come up with a plan after that near catastrophic door plug blowout back in january. nbc news correspondent priya is a rooeter has been following this. what more do we know about how boeing plans to practically address these issues? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, zinhle. the faa and boeing had been
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talking about this plane for the last 90 days, though it wasn't really a surprise to the faa. they did conduct a joint press conference where they revealed some of the details of that plan, which include having more faa safety inspectors inside of the boeing production facilities. prior to this, the faa would choose a random airplane to do a safety inspection. they would assume that if all the procedures and protocol were followed with that airplane, it can be assumed that boeing was replicating that with all their other aircraft. they're actually going to be doing safety inspections on each and every aircraft before it gets sent into the field in flight operations. they're also going to require boeing to have a safety management system, which includes a mechanism for employees to anonymously report any safety observations they might see that are concerning to them,reprisal. so let's take a listen to what faa administrator michael whittaker had to say about boeing's plan. >> this plan does not mark the end of our increased oversight
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of boeing and its suppliers, but the beginning of the next chapter we will not approve production increases beyond the current cap until we're satisfied. >> reporter: and so as you can see there, one of the most noteworthy things about this press conference is that boeing will not be able to increase the levels of production on aircraft, and that's important because heading into this very busy holiday travel season, that could impact the flight availability and flight schedules. >> helpful reporting, priya, thank you. we're learning new details about the shocking murder of soap opera star johnny wacter who was best known for his role on general hospital. his co-worker at a local bar is now breaking her silence about what happened during last weekend's shooting in los angeles. nbc news correspondent morgan chesky has more. >> the co-worker there for the final moments of soap star johnny wachter's life speaking
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out. sharing her story for the first time since the 37-year-old soap opera star was fatally shot last week. joy revealing that she is the colleague shielded from deadly gunfire. following their bar tending shift from downtown los angeles, when the pair walked up on a group of car thieves, who authorities say were attempting to steal the catalytic converter from wachter's car. when they approached the man, wachter asked them to leave, adding, quote, johnny kept his cool. hands open to his sides in peace. then she says the shooting happened with wachter in front of her. johnny was between me and the man who shot him. as i heard the shot ring into the night, he forcefully tumbled back into my arms, and as i grabbed for him, i shouted honey, you okay? and he only responded, nope, shot. joy saying that she and wachter toppled onto street where she tried to hold his body up as she was screaming for help and screaming at him to stay with me. joy says a security guard tried
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to perform cpr on wachter, adding that although his wound was extreme, writing, my god he fought to stay. the l.a. county medical examiner confirming wachter's cause of death as a gunshot wound to the chest. wachter's mother scarlet confirming to nbc news overnight that anita joy was the co-worker her son shielded from death. >> thankful that when he died he wasn't alone. >> reporter: wachter's family and friends now pleading for justice. earlier this week, his ex-fiancee releasing this emotional video. >> these criminals can't keep being on the street. >> reporter: now anita joy writing her only peace was that, quote, i was with him and my only other peace will be seeing these awful men brought to justice. morgan chesky, nbc news. morgan chesky, nbc news. before u my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes,
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heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪♪) bailey i'm audrey asistio just hours ago an east bay school went into lockdown. we are learning that staff at california high school received a phone call threatening violence. san ramon police sent out this post on x after they learned about this phone call. officers are now at that high school, california high school. they're searching the campus, including parking lots and sports fields, k-9 units that detect explosives are also searching that school as that lockdown continues, officers are escorting all students and staff outside of the buildings to the front office. this, of course, is a developing situation and we will continue to bring you
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updates as they come in. we'll also have the latest on our website, nbc bay area .com. a staple in the east bay is now gone. fire destroyed a food hall overnight. nbc bay area's bob redell joins us from the scene in castro valley. and bob, you spoke to one of the business owners. what is she saying? reporter when one of the business owners got a text overnight that there was a fire here at the lake chabot public market, where her business was located inside, she thought at first, maybe it's just a dumpster fire. she was not expecting this site right here. there was a three alarm fire that took out the roof, gutted the inside and left behind smoldering ruins. i don't know, it's like i'm shocked right now. i don't even know what to say. suki lin's hopes for a rebound in her business was incinerated. an early morning fire destroyed the lake chabot public market, where lin opened her poke bar just nine months ago. after a slow winter business was finally starting to pick up. yesterday,
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we peaked right, and then i was expecting today. oh, today is a nice day, sunny thursday. i was like, expecting good sales today. yeah, one of the owners is, you know, childhood friend of mine. we grew up together, you know, went to high school together. so this is a pinnacle in the community. the alameda county fire department went inside the market and fought the flames for about the first hour. but just before 330 this morning, had to pull out because the roof started to collapse. firefighters did stop the fire from spreading to a mechanic shop next door, and homes on the backside, but could not stop it from destroying this beloved business in castro valley. it's really sad to see this happen. we tried the best we could. the battalion chief with the alameda county fire department tells us there was an open natural gas line feeding some of the flames last night, but doesn't know if that was the cause or result of this fire. an investigator needs to figure that out. the battalion chief did tell me that
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this fire does not appear to be suspicious here in castro valley. bob redell nbc bay area news. right, bob? thanks san jose city leaders are calling for greater transparency when it comes to funding the homeless. this comes after a new state audit found that san jose has not accounted for the spending of $300 million over the past few years. two council members, including district 7 billion dwan, are calling for a comprehensive san jose audit. they want to make sure that the money went to the right places. we deal into the weeds and find out where is that money? where did it go? and we need to if it's gone to other jurors, that doesn't belong to them. we want to make sure we recover that. the audit will also call for new accountability in the city's response to homelessness and explore options to improve it. okay. hope you get a chance to head out and enjoy another day of sunshine. here's meteorologist cory hall with the forecast as we take a look at
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our forecast and what to expect. the warmest days of the week will be today and tomorrow, but it does cool off a little bit for the weekend and next week it gets hot once again feeling like summer as we go into the month of june. our high temperatures today are anywhere from mid 80s in los gatos to mid to upper 80s for the tri valley and fairfield. the hottest temperature on the map here 91 degrees and upper 80s for santa rosa, san francisco will be in the upper 60s looking at tomorrow's forecast will be in the mid 70s for oakland with a high of 90 in fairfield, while morgan hill will see a high of 86 degrees. and then on saturday it looks pleasant for your outdoor activities. we'll check out our 7-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. looks lovely carrie. thanks. some bay area streets are getting a makeover. san jose mayor matt mahan is putting together a team to help beautify the neighborhoods. projects called adopt the block launched just a couple of hours ago. people can sign up to keep their streets
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clean with litter kits, which are provided by the mayor's office. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back in 30 minutes with more news. until then, have a more news. until then, have a great day. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing
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don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines. a 58-year-old brooklyn man
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is under arrest after he allegedly tried to hit people on the sidewalk outside of a jewish school. police say around lunchtime yesterday, the man drove his car onto the sidewalk while yelling anti-semitic words at the people nearby. he was arrested moments after the incident and has been charged with hate crimes. fortunately, no one was hurt. new york mets pitcher jorge lopez is being cut from the team after his outburst following an ejection. during wednesday's game, lopez was seen throwing his glove into the crowd. according to initial reports he then yelled that the mets were the worst team in the league with some expletives. lopez now claims he was calling himself the worst teammate in the league. and take a look at this, a michigan man was told to turn himself in after he was caught on camera driving with a suspended license. it actually happened during his virtual court hearing earlier this month. take a look at the moment corey harris joins the call. >> mr. harris.
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>> hello. >> are you driving? >> actually, i'm pulling into my doctor's office actually. >> this is a driving while license suspended? >> that is correct, your honor. >> and he was just driving and he didn't have a license. >> jail records show that harris did indeed turn himself in that evening. he was eventually released on bond. another hearing on the case is scheduled for next week. three black men are suing american airlines claiming they were victims of racial discrimination. >> according to the lawsuit eight passengers in total, all of them black were asked to leave a flight prior to takeoff over an alleged body odor complaint made by a white male flight attendant. >> we're the only ones getting taken off. >> the complaint also alleges that it appeared that all of the flight's black male passengers had to be ordered off the plane.
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american airlines for its part says the claims do not reflect the company's values and has opened an investigation into this incident. joining us now, nbc news correspondent emilie ikeda who's been following this story for us. so walk us through what allegedly happened in this case? >> yeah, so the lawsuit is calling this blatant and egregious racial discrimination. according to the lawsuit this group of people had been going from actually california to new york. they had a layover in phoenix. they didn't know each other. they weren't sitting near each other. three of them are suing american airlines, alvin jackson, emmanuel jean joseph, and xavier veal. they were forced off because what they later learned, because of a complaint of body odor, and their cell phone video you're seeing on your screen now, it really captures, it's very palpable just how confused, bewildered, they're just in complete disbelief as to what was happening as they were being ushered off the plane. you can hear comments like we're the only ones getting taken off the plane.
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i paid for the flight just like everybody else. here's more of their reaction. >> it was horrifying. it was like felt like i was in prison. i was walking down and people were staring at me, and i was going to get at the guillotine and my head was going to get chopped off at the end of it. >> after those men were forced off the plane, they were let back onto the same flight and took the flight to gifk which resulted in an hour-long delay. >> is american airlines saying anything about this? >> we reached out to them for a statement, it said our teams are currently investigating the matter as the claims do not reflect our core values or our purpose of caring for people. the lawsuit alleges this is not an isolated incident. pointing to 2017 when the naacp issued a travel advisory for black passengers warning them against traveling on american airlines because of a string of possible racial incidents on the airline. >> emilie ikeda, thank you. florida's pandemic-fueled population boom appears to be busting.
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people who moved to the sunshine state from across the u.s. are now putting up for sale signs for a number of reasons. nbc news senior policy reporter shannon pettypiece traveled to florida to find out why. >> this is beautiful. you know, you can't ask for a nicer setting. >> reporter: months into the pandemic, dennis kole sold his connecticut home and like hundreds of thousands of americans headed to florida, many drawn by the state's lower taxes and sunny skies. >> it's not the panacea that i had in my head. >> reporter: but now he's preparing to put his florida house on the market and move back north. >> you have political issues in florida that are just ugly. we have costs skyrocketing. >> reporter: florida has been among the fastest growing states in the nation since the start of the pandemic. in 2022 alone, more than 700,000 people moved there, but at the same time nearly 500,000 left. the largest number since the great recession. we spoke with dozens of former
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florida residents who have recently left the state, among the reasons they gave, a soaring cost of living. florida has had one of the nation's highest rates of inflation. last year car insurance was up 24%, and homeowners' insurance jumped 42%. home prices have risen 60% since 2020. >> they love the blue skies and the dolphins and the water, but this comes at a price. >> reporter: john has spent two decades selling florida real estate. >> are you getting a lot of calls from people who moved down here during covid who are now looking to leave? >> yeah. we are. >> and what's the number one reason they're giving? >> politics. politics. >> reporter: florida has recently enacted some of the most conservative legislation in the country. including a near total ban on abortions and restrictions on how race and sexuality are taught in schools. >> my in-migration people want to move here due to politics. my out migration people want to move out due to politics. >> reporter: a spokesperson for florida governor ron desantis said that under his leadership, florida led the country in
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domestic in-migration in 2022 and saw the highest population growth rate in generations. >> look, this has always been a transient state. people come and go. that's normal. i think our policy has attracted folks. >> reporter: for kole who considered himself a moderate conservative when he moved to florida, the state's political shift to the right has contributed to his decision to leave. >> whether it was fighting with disney, the whole lgbtq thing, it's just that there are so many things that make it uncomfortable for a lot of people to be here. >> reporter: leaving him and others looking for a brighter future outside the sunshine state. shannon pettypiece, nbc news, st. pete beach, florida. >> shannon, thanks. let's talk about the price you pay, in some cases it is getting lower. lots of big name companies are slashing price tags from fast food restaurants to pharmacies. >> walgreen's is just the latest retail giant trying to win over customers by cutting prices this summer. nbc news senior business
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correspondent christine romans joins us now to tell us where we can find the best deals. christine, we all want to know this, what are some of the most popular items being marked down right now, and most importantly, where can we find them? >> it's so amazing. they're calling it the summer of savings. it is two, three years into this inflation story where prices just kept rising. people are voting with their feet. they're going across the street if it's cheaper there. walgreen's knows this. you've got a whole bunch of household good items, personal care items at walgreen's that will be cheaper including some one a day gummies for men and women. those will be a little cheaper. the squish mallow pillow guy will be down four bucks, if you have that kind of disposal income to buy that stuff. pool toys for kids z, and we've talked about the fast food wars. that's going gang busters as well. i mean, you can bundle items for $4 or $5 at a lot of different places here. so again, value is on the menu, pun intended for the summer, whether it's at your pharmacy or whether it's at the
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drive-through. >> not the healthiest value, but okay. >> okay. i sound like such a -- >> okay. we understand there's good news on gas prices too. >> so watching gas prices carefully here, and last night they fell one penny. they're just about where they were last year this season, so when everything else is higher year-over-year, gas prices are right exactly where they were really last year, and they're down over the past month. and frankly, the white house released a whole bunch of gas from a strategic reserve recently, and the idea for that is to keep a lid on gas prices, especially in the northeast. the good news is you're not going to see that seasonal spike you sometimes see in gas prices. we don't all run out to go on our driving vacation in the summer anymore, post-covid, we're kind of like taking vacations all the time. you don't have that seasonal spike this summer that you're so used to. >> we've got to talk about a breakfast staple orange juice. >> i'm working on this story,
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orange juice prices are up 42% this year. they're at all-time highs and production in florida has been decliing for years because of storms and because of some plight, and florida growers are scrambling to try to make it better there. but the bigger story is brazil. brazil has had warmer weather, really chaotic weather events and wildfires, production in brazil this year is forecast t be the lowest since 1989, brazil is the biggest orange juice producer in the world. you're going to see higher prices at the breakfast table. consumers might start switching to other juices in the morning if they have sticker shock. >> is that something you're touching on on "nightly news". >> it will be on "nightly news". >> let's put the full screen up. you can catch that nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. one of the biggest hurdles to buying a new home can be getting a mortgage. the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage is just under 7.3%, but there's a lesser known
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type of mortgage out there, and some home buyers are using it to save big bucks. nbc news business and data correspondent brian cheung shows us how. >> reporter: house hunters aren't exactly holding their heads high with mortgage rates where they are. >> interest rates are absolutely out of control. >> may i suggest a tree house? >> what? >> everybody talking about oh, you need to buy a house. buy a house, yeah, until that mortgage rate goes up, until that escrow payment just sky rockets. >> reporter: for some home buyers hope. christopher and ashley sutton purchased this home in february, even though mortgage rates are around 7%, the suttons were able to pick up the previous owner's rate at 4.7%. >> something called an assumable mortgage. >> john is the agent who got creative to make it happen. >> assumable mortgage is where the buyers assume the existing mortgage that the seller already has in place, instead of the buyers going out and getting
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their own mortgage. >> reporter: the suttons were able to take over the previous owner's mortgage, who had bought the house when rates were in the range of 3%. so in 2024, the suttons picked up this house at a rate about half market rates, meaning big-time monthly savings. >> you have a thousand, 1,500 for sure. >> an estimated 12.2 million loans might be eligible for assumable mortgages. that's about 23% of homes, which could cover these right here in northeast maryland. that's because many va loans and in the case of the suttons, fha loans are eligible for assumable mortgages, but many conventional mortgages are not. another challenge, the borrower needs to cover the equity built in the house. the previous owner had only built about year and a half worth of mortgage payments but were having to move to florida for work. >> one more of those stars that had to align for this to work. >> reporter: assumable mortgages may not be right if the current owner has paid off a large stage
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of the house already. the suttons said the process involved a lot of paperwork too, but in the end, it landed them their dream home. >> what's your favorite part of the house? >> blue. >> that it's blue? >> that it's blue? brian cheung, nbc news, northeast maryland. >> brian, thank you. coming up, how to tap into an athlete's mind-set and how that could help you
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in today's mental health check, we're focusing on sports on and off the field. >> yesterday we told you about professional golfer lexi thompson, she shocked fans and the world by announcing her retirement from the sport after mental health concerns. now the ad council is out with a new ad campaign. >> it features athletes sharing the rituals that help them stay grounded. >> there's steps you take to lift us up, to keep us going. because being your best isn't just about taking care of your body, it's about taking care of your mind and mental health. >> joining us now, dr. william smith of the huntsman mental health institute, which helped create that campaign you just saw, and also tim o'connell in the bottom corner of your screen, he is three-time pro rodeo world champion bareback rider. tim, good to see you, and dr. smith, thanks for being with us.
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dr. smith, what do you want people to take away from this campaign? >> what we want people to take away that the huntsman mental health institute and the ad council have come together for an exciting campaign to showcase our professional sports athletes and organizations that show the rituals that they have about how they take care of not only their physical body, but their mental aspects of life. they have rituals, healthy rituals that makes them compete at a high level, but they understand that if they aren't grounded with their mental strength, that they can't perform at their highest levels. >> tim, let's dig into some of those rituals with you. i think of simone biles, michael phelps opening up about their mental health journeys. talk to us about why you specifically chose to be part of this campaign and what your ritual is. >> well, i specifically wanted to be a part of this from just something that i personally went
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through. in 2020, which i think is one of the hardest years in my generation's history, i was in the lead for my fourth world title in five years for 284 days of the year, and they crowned the world champion on the 285th day and i was surpassed in the final day, and i really felt at that time because i was so invested in my sport, and i didn't take care of my mental health. i took care of my physical and everything else to be an athlete that in that loss, even though i was reserve world champion, i felt like i let my family down, my friends down, and i was just a shell of myself for a long time after that until thankfully my wife talked me into seeking out a sports psychologist, and with her help, she helped me realize that my brain and my mental state of being was just as important as my physical state of being, and she helped me see the things that i can control in my sport and the
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things that i cannot control in my sport. >> tim, really appreciate you speaking out about this, right? and sharing that. how do we to both of you maybe tim first, how do we ask our friends, our colleagues about their mental health. >> i think in my journey, it's just opening up to your friends and family. talking about the things that are going on inside your head. i mean, no one really knows what someone's going through unless you sit and hear from them, and for me, there's a lot of athletes in my sport that go through the same thing as me, and we just don't talk about it. our background as rough and tough rodeo cowboys and cow girls, you just pick up and keep going on, and i think it's easier to talk about it and we can help each other be better. >> given what tim said, we all struggle with the same things, what are some resources people can look at if they're
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struggling or just trying to talk through their mental health? >> one thing that we have to remember, tim is a role model in this regard, not just as a professional athlete, but as a human being and if tim can have problems and struggles and he reaches out to someone, his wife or to a mental health care provider, that that is the first step towards mental health. so what we have to do is make it personal, share our experiences. let other people know that we all have good and bad days. when you have good and bad days, you normalize this. we have to remove the stigma around mental health. >> so good, dr. william smith and tim o'connell, such a pleasure to have you. thank you for sharing your stories. >> appreciate what you're doing here, it means a lot. here, it means a lot. >> there's much when anyone in this house wears white, it doesn't stay white for long. white? to art class? that's risky. art has no rules, mom. huh. white with coffee? a dangerous endeavor. white? to soccer? i'm not gonna slide tackle. he's gonna slide tackle. but now with tide oxi white,
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we can clean our white clothes without using bleach even works on colors. i slide tackled. i see that. keep your whites white even without bleach with tide oxi white. we got this. it's got to be tide. (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. wow. try d-incredible, isn't it? from vol-yeah. well, with your home, auto, boat and rv all bundled with progressive you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road. hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance. my dry eye's made me a burning,
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. [♪♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. no, my denture's uncomfortable!
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dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. on nbc news daily. i'm audrey asistio and we are following up now on a story about an inmate who escaped from a jail in the last 24 hours. police did track him down and he is now back behind bars. this is the inmate, daniel lopez zavala. he escaped from a hollister jail earlier this week in san jose. police say that a special operations division arrested zavala at a san jose hotel last night. police say his girlfriend, who helped him escape, was also at that hotel. she was arrested as well. sheriff eric taylor tells nbc bay area another woman who helped zavala is also in custody, and he says more arrests could follow. i'm sure
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it's tempting to help those that were close with when they're on the run from from law enforcement, but we're definitely going to try to make an example out of these people because, you know, you got to just, encourage your loved ones to do the right thing and turn themselves in and face the charges that they're up against. when you want to start helping them evade capture, then, we're going to come after you, too. so now zavala is back in the same jail he escaped from. he's with the two female suspects accused of helping him. okay rest of the week is looking warm and sunny, so let's go ahead and hear more about the 7-day forecast from meteorologist kari hall. we are looking at hotter temperatures for today and tomorrow mid to upper 80s during the middle of the afternoon, but at least we do see those temperatures cooling down nicely. back into the low 50s. and it's going to be a pleasant weekend with upper 70s in the tri-valley, as well as the north bay in napa and sonoma valleys, and then into next week, we're bracing for some hotter temperatures that will start to move in by next
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wednesday, with the possibility of 90s in the forecast for san francisco expected to be in the 60s throughout the weekend. cool evening temperatures as well, breezy winds and at times some clouds and fog. it does look mostly cloudy on monday, but then once the skies clear, we'll see those temperatures warming up through the middle of next week. looks so beautiful,
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the money had planned to put toward helping families deal with inflation. consumer investigator chris chmura is here to tell us how many payments are on the line, and who needs to take quick action. the state will take back money this saturday, june 1st. money set aside for 40,000 people as inflation relief payments. as we reported last week, the state will move more than $360 million from the better for families fund into the state's general fund. well, some of that money
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is administrative costs that the state didn't wind up spending. but $20 million is cash. the state couldn't get to those 40,000 people. so how do you tell if you're one of the 40,000. well if you didn't get a payment from the state back in 2022 or aren't sure, we have a couple options. first, you can visit the state's middle class tax refund website. scan the qr code on screen. it'll help you get started. make sure you have your current address. by the way, option two you can message the franchise tax board using its my ftb chat. option three you can call money network. the state's vendor, their number (800) 240-0223. remember, if you haven't gotten a payment but think you qualify, you need to contact the state today or tomorrow. if you're having trouble with these cards, let us know. snap the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. all right, chris, thanks so much. i know that was a lot of
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information, but you could always go on our website, for all of chris chmura stories. well, that does it for this edition of the fast forward. we'll see you at 430 with much more news. until then, have a beautiful day outside. take (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay if you spit blood when you brush,
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. ashley: the details are so crazy. i couldn't make sense of it. andrea canning (voiceover): a successful young couple ambushed, they said, in the dead of night, attacked,


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