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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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by the people. guilty on all counts. donald trump becomes the
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first former president to be convicted of felony crimes. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. you just saw it on nightly news. a new york jury makes history finding former president trump guilty of falsifying business records. the jury found mr. trump guilty on all 34 counts, making him the first former us president to be convicted of felony crimes. prosecutors charged him with falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up hush money payments he made to adult film actress stormy daniels during the 2016 election. the jury reached a unanimous verdict after 9.5 hours of deliberation. trump stopped to speak to reporters before leaving the courthouse today. this was a rigged, disgraceful trial that the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. while this defendant may be unlike any other in american
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history. we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict, in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, by following the facts and the law. so here's what we know. sentencing will be held on july 11th. that's four days ahead of the republican national convention. he does still face three other felony indictments, but this is likely the only trial that will conclude before the november election. so you're probably wondering what happens next from a legal standpoint. well, donald trump can still run for president, but will will he be able to vote for himself? and what happens if he goes to prison? so many questions. so let's go ahead and bring in nbc bay area's ian cull, who spoke with law professors about the verdict. ian first question for you. what are the ramifications here? yeah, well, we should start with this. you know, nobody is 100% sure because this has never happened before. meaning the answers to some of
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those questions depend on who you ask. but in my case, i talk with a law professor at uc law in san francisco, david levine says that, yes, donald trump, as you said, can still run for president and become president. he questioned if trump would be able to vote for himself because he lives in florida, where someone convicted of a state felony is barred from voting. but since trump was tried and convicted in new york, unless he's in prison on election day, he would likely still be able to vote for himself. new york prohibits those serving time behind bars for felony convictions from voting, but once they're out, they can vote again, he adds that trump would not be able to pardon himself if he becomes president, because this is a states case and presidential pardons only apply to federal crimes. levine says that trump will certainly appeal after the july 11th sentencing, which could delay any sentence. but he also says the 34 felony counts in this case are only considered low level felonies. in new york state and indeed, as a first time offender for a nonviolent felony, i think,
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frankly, it's unlikely that he will actually have a sentence imposed that would require him to go to prison. more likely would be a suspended sentence and perhaps a significant fine, now, a jail or prison is possible, but we won't know until justice mershon tells us in july. okay, so, ian, this all comes as the former president is actually going to be heading to the bay area next week, right? yes and make no mistake, he is hitting the campaign trail now that he won't have to be in court every day. multiple reporters at the nbc network level are reporting that, and his schedule certainly showing that he's going to be in san francisco for a fundraiser next thursday. and so far, what we've learned is the fundraiser will be held by longtime venture capitalist david sachs, according to an invite reviewed by cnbc. tickets for the event start at $50,000 per person and go up to 300,000, and is expected to be held at sachs
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pacific heights home. so you can certainly expect traffic delays in that area. and protesters and the former president is already turning today's events into a fundraising opportunity, which is something we've seen in the past. within minutes of the verdict, his campaign site redirected to a page to donate where trump declared that he was, quote, a political prisoner . okay, all right. a lot happening for sure. ian, thank you for updating us. sure. we're going to see you later on this evening as well, bringing us the very latest. see you back at 530. all right. we'll see you then. okay. let's go ahead and bring in our political analyst, larry gerston. now, larry, we saw at the top of our show former president trump saying that the real verdict will come election day, november 5th. so what do you make of that? well, he's right, i mean, there's a lot of things that can happen between now and november 5th, and certainly today is a historic event in many ways rivaled perhaps only by the resignation of richard nixon in 1974 from watergate. but there's a lot of water under the dam, as they say, and much of it's going
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to come out over the next few months. as former president trump makes his case, that that he was, found guilty, unfairly. the appeals process, which could go well into next year, and, and the nation as a whole is sitting back and judging how this fits in with everything else that they know about donald trump. sure, a lot will develop, surely, in the next months, larry and of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. right? do you think today's outcome changes anyone's opinion heading to the election? well, we saw public opinion poll that came out just a couple of weeks ago. that very question was asked, you know, will this change your vote if in fact you find that president, former president trump is found guilty? and you know what, for three for three fourths of the public will make no difference. but 24% said they would likely vote against former president trump if he found if he was found guilty. now that's divided about half republicans and half independents. but look, that may be a small percentage, 10 or 11%
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of each kind. but you go from state to state, where 20,000, 30,000, even 50,000 votes made the difference. and guess what? suddenly that chunk becomes major. so we have to see people right now are reacting, to the moment, if you will. this will sink in. some will say it's more serious than they think right now. others will say it's not as serious, but clearly this put an extra element into an already very contentious presidential election. you got that right, larry, i have to ask you, how long will this go on, and will it have any political ramifications down the line? well, it's going to have political ramifications as we just don't know what they'll be. but but the fact is, we know that former president trump will appeal and it's perfectly reasonable under these circumstances. and he's entitled to do that. so it will go up the appellate court system, if you will. but in new york, in new york. okay. and i say that because the only way that the us supreme court can touch this is if at the end of appealing this
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up, the new york, chain, if you will, judicial chain, the us supreme court thinks there's a federal constitutional issue at stake. that's a long shot is possible. but the appellate system, largely for former president trump, will not be related to the us courts. and as professor levine said earlier, if the conviction sticks because it's a state, event, a state, found guilty situation, he cannot overturn that as president, okay, so it's a state event. larry, thank you so much. thank you for your insight and your time, as always. really appreciate it. i was going to say state situation, but from coast to coast reaction as you could imagine, is pouring in on trump's guilty verdict. and that includes in washington, d.c, where political leaders and lawmakers are weighing in. so let's go ahead and bring in nbc's alice barr live on capitol hill for us today. alice, what are you hearing out there? audrey? so a lot of reaction, as you can imagine, pouring in here in washington. we've heard from
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the biden campaign and they have said that the verdict today shows that no one is above the law. they're also very quickly zeroing in on this idea that the only way to truly defeat former president trump is at the ballot box and urging people to get out there and to vote. what's interesting is that's essentially the same thing that former president trump said when he stepped out of the courtroom. he said, the true verdict is going to come on november 5th from the people. so both sides, the two men that are going to be facing off in the november election already looking ahead to that point and the sort of not just the legal ramifications we're seeing today, but the political effects that are certainly going to echo out from here. we've also heard we can note from some of your folks out there in california, senator alex padilla on ex saying, in the united states of america, no one is above the law, including a former president. donald trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts by a jury of his peers in new york, representative adam schiff said that despite his efforts to distract, display and
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delay and deny, justice arrived for donald trump all the same in representative barbara lee, saying that donald trump is now a convicted felon. i commend the brave public servants that work to perform their civic duty under extraordinary circumstances. we have also heard from house speaker mike johnson here on capitol hill. he called this shameful. he said that this was a political persecution rather than a legal prosecution. and we've also heard from the trump campaign that their fundraising site crashed out immediately after the verdict came down from all the people that were going on to donate. so there's no question that his campaign is going to be working to capitalize on the verdict. oh, they're surely keeping busy with this one. alice, i'm wondering, are you hearing any breaks in the ranks of republicans? are they all standing firm in their support of the former president at this point, standing firm in their support? and i think that was to be expected. this is the presumptive republican nominee. there's been overall a rallying
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behind him. and we've heard certainly from a whole lot of close allies that really feel that this was a political process. and they're echoing what we've heard from former president trump all along, that he is being targeted because he is the presumptive republican nominee. we always need to point out, he said outside the courtroom today, that this is a biden directed, persecution. we always need to point out that these are state charges. this was not in any way involved involving federal officials, but certainly that has been the party line up and down the board. all right. nbc's alice barr live for us on capitol hill today. thank you for that update from out of there. okay we're going to go ahead and talk about social media accounts. they've been pouring in. we've been paying attention to them ever since the news broke this afternoon. and our kris kimura joins us now with some of the posts we've seen. chris, what's catching your attention? audrey it backs up what alice was just telling us. we're going to start here with eric trump, the former president's son, who writes on x, the former twitter that may
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30th, 2024 today might be remembered as the day donald j. trump won the 2024 presidential election. next, we have representative marjorie taylor greene not writing any words, but instead the trump advocate here and longtime supporter is posting an upside down american flag, a sign of distress, and people in her party have been posting that a fair amount today. representative barbara lee, what alice just said she wrote, writes that donald trump is now a convicted felon. just one bit of nuance there. he's technically, legally speaking, not actually a convicted felon in new york until he is sentenced. moving on, we have speaker mike johnson saying today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheered as the convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges. and former speaker kevin mccarthy end here. back in california, president trump's only crime is running against joe biden in 2024. the american people see right through this weaponization of the legal system. audrey, our team is looking for more reaction, and we're going to
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have that throughout the evening . back to you. sounds good. chris, thanks for sharing that. nbc's jay gray is in new york right now outside the courthouse, gathering more details and reaction. he's going to be joining us with what he's learning coming up at 5:00. we're also tracking local stories this afternoon, including an escaped inmate on the run for a few days, is caught in san jose, where he was finally tracked down. and who he was with and demanding more transparency. the san jose city leaders asking for answers after $300 million goes unaccounted for. but before we head to break, we want to know a trending story. would you like to see later on in this newscast? i have a pull up right now on my instagram. still have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories. you see right here. squeeze on oj french open goes booze free, or french open goes booze free, or a new perk for pri ( ♪♪ )
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daniel lopez zavala last night after they found him at a hotel in south san jose. he jumped over a barbed wire fence to escape the hollister jail on tuesday. police also arrested his girlfriend and another woman for helping him escape. but we're definitely going to try to make an example out of these people because, you know, you gotta just, encourage your loved ones to do the right thing and turn themselves in and face the charges that they're up against when you want to start helping them evade capture, then, we're going to come after you, too. zavala is now back at the same jail he escaped from in hollister. several san jose leaders are now calling for a massive audit to see how the city spends the money earmarked to address homelessness. this follows a recent state audit of san jose that showed more than $300 million in funding for the homeless projects is unaccounted for. today, a group of audit supporters gathered near the
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infamous encampment known as the jungle. the group says it will propose the city audit at the june 11th city council and demand san jose spell out its exact responsibilities in dealing with the unsheltered. they made that announcement even while being heckled by some local homeless advocates. we owe it to our taxpayers to be transparent, accountable and responsible with their money. people are not about for too long. we have talked about homelessness and yet nothing has changed. advocates for the unsheltered say that the city is hypocritical in calling for an audit. yet still spending money on encampment sweeps and so-called warehouse shelters. the two sides are expected to resume the argument at the june 11th council meeting. all right, now to new numbers reminding us just how hard it is to make it in the bay. we've seen another
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month of record housing prices in the bay area, and two of our local counties have the median home selling for at least two $2 million. so business and tech reporter scott budman is here now. scott, tell us about these latest numbers. what you got? well, why don't we start with the numbers, audrey? because they are sky high and continuing to grow, even as we've seen some more homes come out on the market, which we often do in spring. we see more buyers than sellers. and this is the result. san mateo and santa clara counties each topping 2 million. this is for a typical home, so there are some less, some more. but the average median right there $2 million san francisco very near that. alameda, 1.5 million. contra costa just shy of $1 million. and that is again for the median home. it just shows you how much money is out there, because that is what these homes are going for. i know every time we do these stories, you get to speak with a real estate agent. what are they saying about these numbers? well you know, we do ask to say, hey, what are you hearing from? from people. and they're hearing that for every seller. and we're starting to see more sellers for
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a couple of reasons. it's spring. that means people are more willing to put their houses on the market and at those prices, people are just saying, well, i've waited long enough. it's time to cash in and either move or go. perhaps downsize. but when they do, there are more buyers. there's actually more money on the sidelines per house. so a home that goes on the market for, say, 1.6 or 1.7 agents tell me they often get 2 million, 2.2 even more, because there's just so many bidders for these things. and it's intimidating if you've saved a certain amount of money. sure. and you find a house for that price only to get outbid because there are people with more money and multiple bids, and it's just intimidating and it's frustrating for a lot of people. and so perhaps they end up renting for longer, which makes it harder to save money. and the down payment, if you think about it, 20% on a $2 million home is $400,000, and that is just a huge amount of money and intimidating. check to write. it's a lot. and i think about it and i you know, i was a potential home buyer at one point. it gets a little
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discouraging once in a while. were you able to speak with some of those buyers today? yeah. and they say exactly that. and they say it's discouraging. and depending on how close or how far they are, if you're young and just starting to save and you look ahead and you say 2 million is the median price, you start to get discouraged and think, i just will never be able to do this. and there is a class of people that's growing that are saying, we may just have to rent forever. and that's really too bad because this area, the bay area, thrives on young people that start companies and do these things that create jobs and value. and if we're scaring them away because they can't imagine as a, you know, new family or something, being able to buy a home, you know, we all lose. and so the only good news from any of this is that there are more houses coming on the market, because this is the season for that. we're starting to see a little more construction, but just not enough to keep up with the demand. okay. all right. well we appreciate the latest on the numbers scott. just so we're aware and we know what's going on. more bidding again. all
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right. thank you. you bet. elon musk has agreed to testify about his purchase of x, formerly known as twitter. the us securities and exchange commission is investigating potential violations of securities laws regarding musk's $44 billion deal to buy the social media company. court filings show that he'll be questioned for no more than five hours later this year. if he needs to reschedule for an emergency. he'll either have to obtain a court order or the sec's written consent. all right. i want to go ahead and turn to our weather. now. i am with our meteorologist, vianey arana vienna. it just feels like summer. and i'm not complaining. a preview of summer like temperatures, for sure. yes, 87. you can see, compared to 4 p.m. yesterday, we're running about five degrees warmer. and that's the case for most spots. so let's get right to your microclimate forecast. so we can talk about that. regina. we were expecting to see these warmer temperatures today. this will continue into your friday forecast. but look at this. we do have some 90s right now on
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the map, including concord at 90 degrees down through south san jose, 90 degrees. look at novato 90. meanwhile, in the city we're talking upper 60s there. and we've got a couple of upper 80s. so what's the temperature change compared to the past 24 hours? well, we're about five degrees warmer in san jose but 11 degrees warmer in novato. so you can see on satellite mostly clear conditions throughout the entire bay area. now, we've seen these clear skies. this is going to play out as well into the overnight early friday morning hours. but into the weekend we will be seeing the return of that marine layer, especially around the coastline. let's get to your friday forecast for tomorrow at around 7 a.m. we're going to wake up to those 50s, mostly clear skies, and then as we inch closer towards that lunch hour, we're talking noon. here's what we can expect. temperature wise. notice how quickly these temperatures begin to bump up into the 80s by the time we get to, you know, 12 1:00, we're going to be in the 80s for most of the interior, and then we're going to max out in some spots once again in the upper 80s and a couple of low
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90s. now we're going to keep the sunshine lingering through your friday and saturday forecast. the biggest change i see into saturday and sunday is the return of the marine layer. but in case you're wondering, we do have some storms that stay to the north and early june right now is showing serious warmup. we're talking inland heat. this could set us up for a first kind of hotter stretch of temperatures. make sure to join us once again at 5:00. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is going to have more details on the upcoming heat we can expect. audrey. sounds good. fiona. thank you. still to come,
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is now a permanent perk of your prime membership. the tech giant announced today that grubhub plus subscription will now be included to its prime services, with no additional cost. amazon had been offering the food delivery service under a one
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year free trial that costs more than $100. once renewed orders will have to be more than $12 to be delivered for free. and as always, i will be posting links to the stories you voted for on my instagram. thank you for voting! okay, so this is pretty cool. husband and wife quit their south bay tech jobs to launch a coffee shop called moonwalk coffee roasters, but it's not your usual coffee shop. it's actually all powered by a tesla cybertruck. so we got a chance to talk to the couple today who stopped by nbc bay area this morning. just a much more human experience, you know, being able to meet people and see their reactions and be able to get that feedback and hopefully make people happy with our coffee. so you know, that's something that we were really passionate about and decided to take that on as a full time endeavor. so you can check out the truck and get some coffee every sunday. we're told at the farmers market in cupertino. thank you so much for joining us. at 430. jess and garvin are
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working on the 5:00 newscast next, and we are back in just two minutes.
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has determined that former president donald trump is guilty on all 34 counts in his hush money trial. we'll have a report from outside the manhattan courthouse, where history happened today. also, how are republicans in the bay area reacting to this verdict? we're going to talk to local leaders as they look ahead to how it could impact the general election and in other news, mexico, just days away from electing a new president. and for the first time, it could be a woman. how the local mexican community is gearing up and participating in this historic vote. the news at five starts right now. thank you so much for
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joining us. i'm garvin thomas and i'm jessica aguirre. guilty on all 34 counts. an historic day in new york as former president donald trump becomes the first u.s. president to be convicted of felony crimes. the verdict came down just about three hours ago. the jury deliberated for 9.5 hours total before coming to their decision, finding mr. trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. this, of course, all stems from a hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels. near the end of the 2016 presidential campaign. in comments to the press on his way out of the courthouse, mr. trump maintained his innocence and made it clear that he believes this verdict will not slow down his run for the white house. this was a rigged, disgraceful trial that the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people run down. sentencing has been scheduled for july 11th, just days before the republican national convention


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