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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  May 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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all counts in his hush money trial. we have the latest from the courthouse. there in new york. and the reaction in the political world. our political analyst, larry gerston is going to be joining us. he'll talk about how today's verdict impacts the upcoming election, and we are following other local news today, including how san jose police found an escaped inmate. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks for joining us. i'm audrey asistio and i'm raj mathai. former president trump guilty on all 34 felony charges. he's the first american president ever convicted of a crime. but his presidential campaign is going full speed ahead. we could tell you donors are flooding his website. his supporters are rallying around him. mr. trump says his trial and verdict was a fraud. jury reached a unanimous verdict after 9.5 hours of deliberation. prosecutors charged him with falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up hush money payments he made to former
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star stormy daniels during the 2016 election. this was a rigged, disgraceful trial that the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people, the 12 everyday jurors vowed to make a decision based on the evidence and the law and the evidence and the law alone. sentencing is set for july 11th. mr. trump says he is planning to hold a news conference tomorrow morning at trump tower in new york city, so november 5th is election day. will today's verdict impact the vote? joining us now is our political analyst larry gerston. larry, historically this day is obviously significant, but do enough people care or even agree with the significance? that's a great question, raj. we've done some polling on this. about 55% of the nation has watched this thing closely. so right off the bat, you've got close to half
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who say what's going on, okay. and i say that because it's not going to make much of a difference. these guys one way or another. then you look at the people who have watched this and you see that, that, that chart in front of you. what about it? you've watched it. is it going to make a difference? and 76% of those folks say no. but then you get to 24, by the way, divided almost evenly between republicans, democrats and independents who say, yes, it will change our votes. now, these become kind of small percentages on the face of it. but when you think about states like arizona, michigan, places like that, of course, georgia, where the vote was decided by ten, 20,000 votes, suddenly there's something going on here. yes. and so, yes, for those states, we could see an impact. yes. small things do add up in these races. we're not sure if he's going to serve any prison time here. we'll find out next month or in a couple of months. but we do know, as a convicted felon, once he is, that he is
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eligible to run for president. any curveballs though, coming this coming his way in the next several months? well, the first is if he is convicted, he can't vote for himself because florida law prevents people who are convicted of felons from voting for themselves, so he will not be able to vote for himself. beyond that, we have to see where the new york courts go. he's going to appeal. we know this. this probably won't be decided until, well into 2025. there are a couple of links along the way. the judicial claim in new york unlikely that this appeal will go to the us supreme court simply because the us supreme court deals with federal issues and this seems to be a state issue. so his future is tied up with the new york courts and the longer this goes on, of course, the more this becomes some kind of an issue. of course, his followers will vote for him no matter what. his detractors will vote against him no matter what. and the folks who always watch for in this kind of situation are the independents. which way will they go? we saw already that first poll. that's the group to watch over the next few months,
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he has such a passionate base here of his supporters, this guilty verdict already sparking the fundraising efforts really in real time right now. could this actually cement a victory for donald trump in november? will we look back at this day, may 30th, and say that was the turning point? well, we don't know. of course we don't know. we know this much. yes. this is a fundraising opportunity for him. and he'd be foolish not to take it. and he's wise to take it. he will no doubt gather several millions of dollars just from this event alone. but let's remember right now he's behind biden in fundraising by behind by about $50 million so he can catch up. but but one thing we need to know money does not always speak in elections. so even if trump is able to rally his base and those around him for unprecedented amounts, that doesn't mean that money will make the difference again. raj we want to watch the independent voters. how are these folks swayed? one war, one way or
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another by the kinds of things we've seen out of this convicted conviction that will tell us a lot, and we'll trace it between now and november 5th. you can bet on that final question for you. i'm guessing they're in the rooms of the white house right now debating this very thing. what's president biden's strategy moving forward, really, in the next 24 to 48 hours? most people believe that it's going to be very low on this thing, that he's not going to say too much to the system has worked this kind of thing and let trump do whatever he wants to do. we can expect to see a question like this come up at the june 27th debate, and it will be fascinating to see how both trump and biden respond to that question. then we haven't gone through this ever before. larry gerston, thank you for your time and your insight. have a good evening. all right. roger and larry, a lot of people are probably wondering what happens next from a legal standpoint. donald trump can still run for president, but will he be able to vote for himself? and what happens if he goes to prison? so let's go to bring in now, nbc
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bay area's ian cull actually got to speak with law professors about the verdict. ian, talk to us about what the ramifications are here. yeah. and i think, you know, you answered it there that a lot of people have that question. can he still run and serve? and the answer is yes. now another question when it comes to, would winning the white house prevent him from having to serve any prison time? you know, nobody can say with 100% certainty on that bottom line, this has never happened before. so not everyone agrees on the answers to these questions. an nbc review of thousands of similar cases showed very few people convicted of similar crimes ever spend much time in prison for them. those obviously, though, did not involve a former president. there are also questions about whether mr. trump will be able to vote for himself as you heard larry gerston talk about in florida, convicted felon cannot vote. that's where the former president lives. but he was tried and convicted in new york, where only convicted felons, basically behind bars, could not vote. so there's still some uncertainty there. i spoke with a uc law san francisco professor to get his thoughts on whether the presumptive republican nominee will actually spend any
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time behind bars. he has been convicted of the lowest level of felonies in the state of new york. so so while theoretically it's possible to get as much as four years in jail or in prison for each of these counts, there's no chance whatsoever that's going to happen. more likely would be a suspended sentence and perhaps a significant fine. and all of this comes as mr. trump is scheduled to visit san francisco for a fundraiser next thursday, cnbc reports. it will be held by longtime venture capitalist david sax. tickets for the event start at 50 grand per person and go up to $300,000, and is expected to be held at sax pacific heights home. now, we also know the president will certainly use today's events on the campaign trail, in fact, minutes after the verdict, mr. trump was already calling himself a political prisoner, asking supporters to donate. okay. all right. and as we know, a lot of people are already
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making it happen. they're donating, crashing his website even. that's what his campaign reported. yeah, that the, the donation website was actually crashed at one point. so, developing story and we're certainly going to be on top of it. sounds good. ian, thanks so much. and we of course, will continue our coverage of this breaking news in our 6 p.m. newscast. we'll have reaction from various lawmakers as well as an interview with a political professor. she's going to be breaking down what this means for both republicans and democrats moving forward. audrey, other headlines tonight. an escaped inmate is back behind bars and two women are accused of helping him escape. daniel zavala was found by sj pd officers at a south san jose hotel last night. he had escaped the hollister jail in san benito county on tuesday after jumping over a barbed wire fence. zavala's girlfriend and another woman were arrested as well. he's now back at that san benito county jail. well, elon musk will testify about his purchase of x, formerly known as twitter. the us securities and exchange commission is investigating
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potential violations of securities laws regarding his $44 billion deal to buy the san francisco based social media company. the hearing will happen later this year and will last up to five hours. if musk needs to reschedule, he'll have to obtain a court order or the sec's written consent. raj million dollar set aside for inflation relief payments will soon be going back to the state. i'm consumer investigator chris cabrera will explain how to get your money before it's gone. next i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. after some 90s today, we're dropping it to 85 in san jose, 70 by 8:00. we'll show you how hot for tomorrow and the unusual rainfall coming to the west coast next week. we'll detail that for you as
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jot down a plan that would provide solar power incentives for low income earners. the state utilities commission voted today to end a program for community solar projects. the program incentivizes low, lower income customers who can't afford solar power panels, gives them credit to subscribe to, use energy from small scale, battery powered facilities instead. last year, the commission significantly reduced incentives for schools, businesses and apartment buildings to install solar panels. well, you might have money waiting for you, but tomorrow is the deadline before the state takes back millions of dollars set aside to help families deal with inflation. let's bring in our consumer investigator, chris kamara, who tells us about an update, to see if some of that money is yours or mine or audrey's, and the deadline here chris. that's right. the state is going to take some of this money back saturday, june 1st. it was money set aside for 40,000 people as inflation relief payments, 40,000 people. that's a lot of folks like this sap center full plus what a couple thousand raj
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right. you think? yeah. so as we reported last week, the state will move more than $367 million from what's called the better for families fund into the state's general fund which lawmakers get to spend. well, some of that money was administrative costs that the state didn't end up spending. but 20 million bucks is cash that the state couldn't get to those 40,000 people. so how do you tell if you're one of the 40,000, if you didn't get a payment from the state back in 2022 or aren't sure, i got a couple options for you. first, you can visit the state's middle class tax refund website. the qr code on screen right now will help get you started. make sure they have your current address if you can get through. that is option two. you can message the franchise tax board using its my ftb chat option three you can call money network. that's the state's vendor and their number is on your screen right now one (800) 240-0223. and we hear you
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people have told us they are having trouble getting through again. 40,000 people is a lot of people. i think folks are getting the message. keep trying. remember if you haven't gotten a payment but think you qualify, you got to contact the state today or tomorrow and we're going to keep the pressure on so that they hopefully start answering the phone. if you were sent a prepaid debit card, by the way, good news, the state says your money is safe until 2026. even if you haven't activated that card or spent all that money. now, say you got a card. you remember that part, but you lost it. well, you can call the money network to try to get them to reissue it. now, if you're having trouble getting through with those questions about those cards, let our team know you can scan this qr code on screen right now, and you can fill out our consumer complaint form. by the way, on our website right now, our team has just put all of those resources we talked about to help you get your money or find out if the state is about to take back your money. you're always so helpful. we try
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. i mean, a couple hundred bucks a piece, a thousand bucks doesn't matter. that's real money. yeah, yeah. every bit. it's a lot of people. that's two sap centers. is it two sap or one oracle park? there you go. because i thought it was like like 30,000. what is sap what's what's sap 18,000 is sap 42,000 is oracle live fact check. yeah yeah he was on it. that's good information. thank you chris. yeah. see at seven we're going to talk about it at seven. we'll see at 7:00 okay jeff take it away. it's hot. yeah yeah. temperatures up into the 90s out here across parts of the bay area. today we are going to start to cool it off as we head throughout this upcoming weekend. but we're also talking about rainfall for parts of the west. let's take it into our live skycam view and our microclimate, weather and look at this view here. from sutro tower to the golden gate bridge, we have a little bit of haze off out here towards the distance. might get a little bit of patchy fog overnight, but the big story again was the heat. look at this concord up to 91. not good enough for the record thankfully, so we would have had to get up to 100 degrees. livermore hit that 90. santa
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rosa 88 along with san jose and san francisco coming in at 70. now that 90 in livermore. and really, for a lot of the bay area, we haven't seen temperatures this hot since well into last year. back on october the 19th, when livermore got up to 93 degrees, i did the math here. that was 224 days ago. keep in mind our average high is 77, so well above those average highs. so it was all about this area of high pressure sitting across the west that helped to bring in this warm air from the south. but tomorrow we're going to see just a little bit of a change here. the storm track is going to move slightly more off towards the south. it's going to knock down some of that hottest air. so we're still in for a warm day. but just not going to be quite as hot here throughout the bay area. and it's really kind of signaling some larger changes that will eventually get us into some rainfall, which i'll get you more details on here coming up in about a minute, but let's roll it into those morning temperatures. we're going to begin here into
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mostly sunny skies on your friday forecast coming our way. and it's just kind of happening fast for us here. 56 over the south bay san francisco 53 double fives for the north bay as we move through the day tomorrow. numbers down a few degrees, but as i talked about here, still going to be a warm day. really nice light winds, 88, in milpitas, 86 in downtown san jose over to the east bay, 74 in oakland. make it into a few low 90s out towards brentwood. antioch discovery bay. but then in walnut creek, a cooler day at 87 and for oakland, 74 coastline, of course, chilly 59 and half moon bay down to palo alto 84, san francisco low 70s in downtown and the marina. feeling that chill at 63 and the north bay here 87. in sonoma. so as we move this forecast ahead, the next thing that we're looking at here is that cooler weather by this weekend. check it out. temperatures in the 70s in livermore. so going to be absolutely beautiful by monday down to 77. we see it spike up back up pretty quickly here by
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tuesday and wednesday with 90s returning possibly close to 100 next wednesday. then those numbers should start to drop off. so thankfully that next pop of heat is not going to be for an extended period of time. but as we head into monday, here's the real interesting thing. we'll see a system off to the north, a late season system. it's going to get some rainfall near the california oregon border. for us, it's real close right now. we're keeping it dry in the forecast. but look at it just off to the north here. we could see anywhere from a half to two inches of rainfall. so i'll closely monitor that certainly in the next couple of days. we've got to make any changes to this. we will let you know. but right now it looks like an increasing cloud cover by monday, which could feel kind of strange with that 84 degrees. so we've got more looks at this forecast coming up at 6:00 tonight. nice to get some heat in here, but nice to also see it drop a little by the week. yeah i saw that 95 you listed there next week. yeah. so we'll keep an eye on that one. thank you jeff. all right up next these are special times for a stanford
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golfer fresh off of winning a national championship. she
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major championship. it's been an exciting week for meghan. yeah, the stanford sophomore just helped the cardinal win its second ncaa title in three years. and now oh by the way, she's playing in this week's us open. here's nbc's anthony flores. mission accomplished for stanford coach our national
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champions. last week meghan and her stanford teammates celebrated a national title. this week, the cardinal's sophomore is teeing it up in a major championship. the u.s. women's open. had to get over here pretty quick and ready for another big week. so, definitely will be more celebrating of the national championship after this week's over. gaffney is making her third u.s. women's open start as an amateur after winning medalist honors at a qualifier just outside of sacramento. she make it. she did. the stanford all american made national headlines three years ago at the olympic club in san francisco when she earned a spot in sunday's final pairing as a 17 year old on her way to finishing tied for 14th. what was that experience like for you and how will you draw off that experience heading into this week? yeah, it was super cool. it's a lifetime memory, but every us opens a different one and has a different set of
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challenges. gaffney is one of several golfers in the championship field with ties to the bay area. lucy lee, who was born in stanford, and sabrina iqbal from san jose, also earned a tee time by qualifying. both are celebrating ten year milestones. iqbal won the california state high school individual title as a freshman in 2014. the same year lee became the youngest qualifier in u.s. women's open history at 11 years old. it's really cool to, look back on it and see how far i've come and, be reminded of it every time i play the us open. i know i can come out here and compete, and just be patient, trust my game. and anything that happens this week is going to be a learning experience for me. i'm going in expectation free. but plenty of possibility out there. so i'm excited. this year's open is being played at lancaster country club in pennsylvania. the opening round got underway today. the third
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and fourth rounds can be seen this weekend on nbc bay area anthony flores, nbc bay area. all right. we have a three women to cheer for now. got that right. that's pretty cool. up next, more than a half a billion people who use ticketmaster had their information stolen by hackers. we'll tell you if you norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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patient is a worker at a dairy
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farm in michigan. this is the second case in michigan and the third in the u.s, but scientists say there's still no sign that the virus is spreading. person to person. health officials say all of the patients had pink eye. but in this newest case, the patient also had a sore throat, cough and congestion. cdc's performing genetic testing on samples of the virus to see if it is mutating. those results are expected to be released in a few days. well, there's a good chance you've used ticketmaster before or you still actively use it. data was allegedly stolen from 560 million ticketmaster customers. hackers who call themselves shiny hunters say they stole data from ticketmaster users around the world. the hackers are demanding $500,000 in ransom payments to stop the data from being sold. it's still unclear if anyone in the united states was impacted. the australian government says it's working with ticketmaster to address the issue. the fbi is also helping with this investigation. the irs is expanding its free tax filing
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program next year. this comes after a successful pilot program more than 140,000 users filed using direct file last year. the agency says it saved more than $5.5 million in tax preparation fees. direct file was made possible by resources from president biden's inflation reduction act. well, it's a move that's drawing criticism from olympic organizers. the international boxing association plans to offer prize money to athletes who medal in paris. last year, olympic organizers stopped recognizing the iba, calling it a rogue league or organization, saying it failed to complete reforms on government's governance, finance and ethical issues. now the organizations are at odds again. the iba plans to give cash prizes to boxers who win olympic medals. the ioc does not support this $100,000 for gold, 50 k for silver and 25 thou for bronze. olympic organizers say the federation should use the money instead to support athletes
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around the world. hey, speaking of the olympics, less than 60 days? yes. before our jessica aguirre heads over to paris. yeah, that's going to be a controversial call there, isn't it? all right, let's talk about today. right now at six. is it a bellwether moment in american history? donald trump becomes the first president ever convicted of a felony. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. and they know what happened here. after just nine hours of deliberation, a new york jury finds the former president guilty on all 34 counts in his hush money trial. reaction erupting across the country tonight. this is the legal system working and this is this is how america is supposed to work. he's an innocent man. those people didn't know what they were doing. we continue our coverage tonight of what comes next for the former president and what it means for the november ballot. the news at six
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starts right now. good evening, and thanks for being with us on this thursday. i'm raj mathai and i'm jessica aguirre, 34, counts all guilty. the former president set to be sentenced in new york this summer, just days before he's going to be announced as the official republican nominee for the presidency. that jury in new york city reached its decision after two days of deliberations. after hearing from more than 20 witnesses over more than six weeks, prosecutors charged mr. trump with falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up hush money payments he made to former star stormy daniels. this was during the 2016 election. mr. trump did not testify. reacting to the verdict tonight, though, attacking the trial as a partizan prosecution in a deep blue manhattan state, he's expected to appeal. and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end and we'll win because our country has gone to hell. we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess. crowds outside of that courthouse


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