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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  May 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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authorities are vowing to clear out protesters blocking a campus entrance. we are there. with the simmering tensions involving
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demonstrators and law enforcement. also, the arrest made in the process. good morning. thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington and i'm ginger conejero saab. laura garcia is off this morning. we begin in santa cruz where more than 100 police officers in riot gear confront palestine solidarity demonstrators demanding they leave the uc santa cruz campus. and after many of them refused to leave, police began zip tying wrist and walking them away. nbc bay area's thom jensen is on campus following what we know so far. this has been going on for a long time, since midnight, when police arrived on campus here at uc santa cruz. and you can see now they have pushed all of the demonstrators off of the campus. they have taken some away with their wrists locked in, zip ties, driven away in vans and busses. the demonstrators demand the uc system divest in israel completely, something it refuses
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to do just after midnight this morning, chp officers backed up by officers from several different agencies in riot gear, began swarming around the demonstrators, who resisted and told the officers they're on the wrong side of history in this, police action. a short time ago, we were able to talk to some of those demonstrators before they were pushed off the campus, who were still locking arms in a large scrum and refusing to leave. they crushed us. they've been assaulting us since 12 a.m. they've been hitting women, grabbing people by their hairs, taking our shoes. they took our phones. they deployed 150 units to our campus. for what? what are they even doing here? a uc santa cruz spokesperson told nbc barry in a written statement that the encampment, which has been here since may first, was unsafe and demonstrators refused several requests to break down the encampment. she said unfortunately, some refused and many are being arrested. we do not have that official report on arrests or what charges might be filed against some of these
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demonstrators who were taken away with their wrists in those zip ties. but we hope to get more information from police later on today in santa cruz. tom jensen, nbc bay area news. breaking news this midday, a judge rejecting a resentencing bid. this is made by notorious killer richard allen davis. in 1993, davis kidnaped and murdered 12 year old polly klaas in petaluma. he abducted her just during a slumber party at her mother's home. her body was found two months later in sonoma county. davis now 79 years old. his attorneys argued that a recent law invalidates the sentencing enhancements from his prior convictions. also new at 11, four people are recovering this is after they were heard on board a santa cruz county metro bus. chp says that the crash involved seven vehicles happening along highway 17 near the cat's, which is near los gatos. that agency says that the bus driver came up on a traffic
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issue that was stopped, and that's when they say he was unable to stop in time, causing that crash into several vehicles. four people on board that bus, including the driver, were hurt. there's no word on the conditions. want to go over to mike inouye because he has been tracking the backup there and it's still causing some backup. mike. it is. there's definitely backup. what's not definite is the current status of that second lane, where the bus and the other vehicles were located. on that video, bottom of the screen, you see the sensors, and i just noticed that they're starting to change from red to orange and yellow, which means speeds are improving past the scene, still jammed up for about 6 or 7 miles. so you undoubtedly will have a slow drive and delays from santa cruz up into los gatos. that's the direction from the beach into los gatos. but there may have just been a clearing the last couple of minutes. i'm waiting for the confirmation. let's say by the next half hour things should start to move better. it's going to be jammed on the summit as well as bear creek road, but both of those roadways are open north 17 i believe they're clearing the last of the vehicles for the second lane of
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traffic. back to you. thank you. mike former president donald trump is speaking out after a historic verdict that convicts him on 34 counts of falsifying business records. prosecutors argued his actions were meant to cover up his hush money payment to adult actress stormy daniels. days before the 2016 presidential election. now, jurors returned the verdict yesterday following nearly ten hours of deliberations. trump's attorneys are promising to appeal. here's a bit of what trump had to say at a news conference in front of his supporters this morning. this is a scam. there's a rigged trial. it shouldn't have been in that venue. we shouldn't have had that judge. he should have allowed allowed us to have an election expert. we had the best expert, most respected expert, head of the federal elections commission. he was all set to testify. he was waiting for two days for trump's sentencing is scheduled for july 11th. a few days before the republican national convention in milwaukee
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. meanwhile, president biden is also speaking out. this is for the first time since that verdict came down. in his remarks, the president referred to the former president's rhetoric that he was treated unfairly by the justice system. and it's reckless. it's dangerous, and it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it literally is the cornerstone of america. our justice system, the justice system, should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. it's as simple as that. that's america. that's who we are, and that's who we'll always be. god willing. meanwhile, trump's attorney spoke out this morning on today. his defense lawyer, todd blanch, said that he's not surprised by the outcome. we fought this case for over a year
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before we started trial in april, and a lot of what came into trial and evidence and a lot of what didn't come in is, is a reason why the jury obviously reached the verdict. they did so shock and surprise at what happened. not not really. i mean, i think we didn't think we were going to get a fair shake. now, he says that the evidence included tax records which were not allowed. and blanch also said that the judge limited trump's team in cross examination. now we also spoke with a political science professor with san jose state about the verdict yesterday, doctor melinda jackson says that the decision will not have an impact on former president trump's support. among his base, but it could prove challenging when trying to garner new support from voters. a normal politician would be focusing on. let's just move past this, let's talk about the issues. i think it's unlikely that donald trump will do that. he really does seem to fixate again on his own
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sense of grievance, and that plays well with his base. but i don't think that's going to win him new votes, which is what he needs to win the election in november. our coverage of the story continues online at we have an entire section dedicated to it. just click on the donald trump tab on the trending bar and you can read more about the hush money case, as well as more reactions to the verdict and what happens next. brand new details. three young people have been arrested in connection to the shooting at an oakland high school graduation ceremony happened last week in the parking lot of skyline high school. three people were injured in that shooting but are expected to be okay, the east bay regional park district officers say two of the suspects were taken into custody shortly after it all unfolded there, and the third showed up at a hospital with gunshot wounds. police say that two groups leaving that graduation ceremony were into a fight, and that's
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when shots were fired. also just in, google is making adjustments to its ai search feature. this after errors went viral and a blog post google head of the search said that it's scaling back while making those improvements. the search giant says the tech produces, quote, some odd and erroneous overviews, end quote. and it's made more than a dozen technical improvements. new at 11, anchor brewing is getting a new billionaire owner. chobani founder and ceo hamdi ulukaya has acquired anchor's assets. now. those include beer recipes. the potrero hill campus, and all brewing equipment in the deharo street warehouse. he says he has plans to modernize and reopen the brand, which closed last year after 127 years in operation. the price that has been paid has not been disclosed. well, happening now. a new warning for people in one fremont neighborhood where at least one mountain lion is on the prowl. security video this
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week right here showing the big cats scaling the fence. and another case a cat was seen stalking an area. this is where someone's front door is. it's not yet clear if it's the same animal the video is from earlier wednesday in an area south of warm springs neighborhood. now here is a better look at the location of each of those sightings. a mobile home park on dixon landing road and another siding and farm meadow way. this is two miles away. police are telling neighbors don't run if you see a mountain lion. instead, put your hands up. make yourself look big, and possibly make loud noises to scare the cat away. just into our newsroom, tesla is recalling more than 125,000 vehicles. the national highway safety administration says it's due to a malfunction in several different models. when it comes to its seatbelt warning system. the group says tesla failed to comply with federal safety requirements, acts as their warning light and the chime it may not coincide when drivers
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are unbelted. tesla will release an over-the-air software update to fix the issue deployment of that expected to start next month. all right, let's take a look outside for you. where are we? san francisco beautiful start to our friday, which leads into the weekend meteorologist kari hall has a look at that forecast for us. we always want to know going into the weekend okay. can we do all the activities that we want to do. and there's so much going on this weekend. there are so many festivals and fairs and the weather is going to cooperate. it looks pretty nice out there as we take a live look outside in san jose, our temperatures are heating up and it's going to be a warm end to the month of may with temperatures in the inland areas in the upper 80s. again for this afternoon. it will be slightly cooler for the weekend, and we're watching some storms across the pacific northwest going into next week. temperatures ramp up and it's going to feel very much like summer as we get a look at what we're seeing right now. heading out for lunch in san francisco. it's in the upper 60s. it's in the upper 70s, but we're already
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at 88 degrees in vacaville, and we're going to see a high of to the low 90s there. we'll take a look ahead to those cooler temperatures in our weekend forecast coming up in a few minutes. thanks a lot, kerry. rejecting a challenge ahead for you during our midday newscast. the key ruling made in texas impacting women's reproductive rights plus, celebrating a milestone in life saving medical care. we marked the last day of aanhpi month by highlighting the critical work one health service provides to an underserved bay area community. and as we head to break a reminder for you, our giants are set to battle the yankees tonight at oracle park, and coverage starts at 7 p.m. right here on nbc bay area. we'll see you there then, but stick around. we've got more ahead for you this midday
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to strict new abortion laws. 20 women sued the state, arguing
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the near-total abortion ban stopped them from getting the medical care needed for their pregnancies. now, back in august, a judge allowed texans with complicated pregnancies to get an abortion if their doctor made a good faith judgment. but the attorney general appealed, and this morning, the state's highest court ruled the medical exceptions in the law were broad enough. now, this midday, we also continue to amplify the a nhp community, and we're shining the light on a nonprofit which provides health care for underserved community members. mike inouye has more for us. yeah, we're talking about asian health services. it's celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. the service has locations all over alameda county, and they provide what it calls the whole patient health care, like primary dental and mental health services. and they mainly focus on caring for asian community members regardless of income, insurance or immigration status and one special service. the patients especially appreciate is they provide care
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in the language. the patients speak, like korean, mandarin, vietnamese. we spoke with the ceo, juliet liao. she told us more about it. i mean, we have patients that come over 30 miles just to come to see us because they know that they can get a provider that speaks their language, but also because we tailor our services to our community's culture. we also spoke to one woman who receives care at asian health services, and she says she goes there specifically because they speak shanghainese, along with 13 other languages. they just, service is a perfect, we were underinsured ■when she came to us, but, asian health services helped us clean up her insurance so that she can get some health care. so they provide more services for the entire community. they also advocate and support for people impacted by asian hate. they motivated and mobilized immediately after
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covid as well. they sponsor legislation, they spread awareness, and they provide programs to help victims navigate their emotions, perhaps even to report the crimes. i'm honored to emcee their gala. in fact, this year, their 50th anniversary celebration is held later in september. now we have many more stories online. at our website. you just head over to nbc y area karma and py to see them. back to you. thanks a lot, mike. okay, this is something you probably didn't know, but tomorrow is international dinosaur day. yes, there is a day for that, and for many people, it really is a day to get out and celebrate ancient natural history. well, most people didn't know that. but nbc bay area's bob redell he's getting a head start on that celebration at the alameda county fairgrounds. yeah, ginger marcus. and you know, when you come to these dinosaur exhibits, you're going to see replicas of dinosaurs like the edmontosaurus right here. i've got the styracosaurus over here, the
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albertosaurus, my favorite right there, the drunk asaurus. but here at jurassic quest, they have achieved a first they've brought back to life a real dinosaur. this is crystal. this is erica. erica, what are we looking at here? this is amazing . this is baby trixie. she's one of our three babies that you get to pet and take photos with if you come to visit us. and what kind of dinosaur is she? she's a triceratops. yes. the crowd favorite. and how old is she? six weeks. may i? yeah. of course. my god. oh she loves pets. holy cow, this is so cool. and is she? i brought a fern from my backyard. she's a herbivore, all right? she loves her plants. oh look at this. so cute. does she make any noise, or is she just. no, she's really nice and nice and calm and gentle. just like babies at home. all right, we're looking at video of the rest of the exhibit. and you have a lot of kids, obviously, who are coming here. i remember going to a dinosaur phase as a kid. i don't think i was that into it, but you say a lot of kids, boys and
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girls are very much into it and they try to put you guys in your place sometimes. yes, they love telling us random facts about dinosaurs. sometimes we don't even know. and we've heard a lot of dinosaur facts, but they they love telling us that setting us straight. so it's beautiful. it is beautiful because why you want to leave them learning. yeah. we want to continue learning and continue just, you know, the exploration that's in kids that sometimes you you don't have that as a kid or as an adult. so it's good to foster that for children. yeah. all right. jurassic quest is here at the alameda county fairgrounds in pleasanton. throughout this weekend. you can take a look at your screen there. we've put the website up, and if you say or insert the magic word on the website, you get 10% off. and that magic word is fossil. all right. hey, thanks for having us here, this morning, here in pleasanton, bob redell, nbc, bay area news. all right, i don't know, but my babies aren't quiet and calm like that dinosaur. they might. they might have a good time out there, though. yeah. oh yeah. the dinosaurs.
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there's just so many events going on. we're going to go over some of the events this weekend. and i know you want to know how the weather will be for all that's going on. it's been kind of worn these past couple of days for some in our inland areas, but still staying cool in san francisco. so look at the range we have here already. we're in the upper 60s and san francisco. it's 82, in dublin and palo alto is at 73 degrees, and our high temperatures are anywhere from low 60s near the coast to low 90s in fairfield. so if you're anywhere around the bay and along the coast, it's still a really nice day. but in the valleys you're thinking, okay, i think i have to turn on the air conditioning right now. it's getting a little warm, but we will see the return of our natural air conditioning and slightly cooler temperatures tomorrow. so in san jose instead of mid 80s, we're in the upper 70s. dublin and fremont is going to be in the low 70s in martinez and napa. we're up to 79 degrees, while san francisco still in the mid 60s, and we're looking at still some nice and
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mild weather there and a little bit of a cool down compared to these past couple of days for sunday as well. really cool temperatures tonight out at the giants game. it's only going to be in the upper 50s. and look at the wind gusts that are still pretty high at about 15 to 25mph. so that wind and that temperature is going to make it feel quite chilly. but you'll have some much more comfortable weather for redwood city's music on the square tonight. and at 6:00 when it begins, it will be in the upper 60s, but it will be cooling off quickly, so don't forget the jacket as you're heading out there at the san leandro cherry festival tomorrow. parade starts at 10 a.m. it will be right at about 61 degrees, so still jacket weather and we will see a mostly sunny sky and temperatures headed for the upper 60s as we go throughout the day. the san mateo county fair also happening this weekend. upper 60s with sunshine. really nice weather there and also slightly warmer for the walnut creek art and
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wine festival at heather farm park will be in the upper 70s and low 80s throughout the weekend in napa, we've got the la onda music festival that's going to be on saturday and sunday, and it's also going to be sunny, and we do have some warmer weather ahead. take a look at san jose's temperatures for next week. going from 70s this weekend to possibly our first 90 degree day since october. we are expecting a major heat up through the middle of next week, and that also continues into next wednesday and thursday. marcus and ginger, thanks a lot, carrie. happening now. all lanes are open again on northbound 101 near san antonio road in palo alto. this after an early morning deadly crash. the chp says someone stalled in lanes at around 3 a.m. and called 911 to report they struck something soon after. two other cars hit the stalled car, and that driver died. the two other drivers were not injured and all lanes at this point have been
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reopened, and we are less than 24 hours away from the start of pride month ahead on nbc bay area news at midday, the symbol of unity is now flying, and one bay area city ahead of next month's celebrations
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grabbed headlines 20 years ago. it was given a new life with this year, thanks to a group of women who band together to honor another young woman who was born in los gatos, who was brutally murdered. now all of them were stalked by the same man. i said, this guy has done this before. he'll do it again and he will kill someone because he almost killed me. keith morrison, as you see there, talked with terry hall. she was living in the bay area when her daughter, kristi johnson disappeared after going to meet a man for a bogus movie audition in southern california.
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the man who killed kristi could have faced the death penalty. now, morrison says a plea deal means her murderer may soon be paroled. for some reason, they decided that they'd be okay with life, with the possibility of parole after 25 years, making the assumption that he'd never get paroled anyway. and under the rules that existed at the time that he was first convicted, that might have been true. but then they changed the rules. so that somebody over the age of 50 who had been behind bars for 20 years was entitled to a parole hearing. and that was him. and he was very, very skillful at working these systems. so that's when the women decided, if we don't do something, this psychopath is going to be on the streets again . you have to watch dateline tonight at 9 p.m. to hear the full story surrounding the death of kristi johnson, find out how women victimized by the same predator stood up to make sure he never struck again. well, tomorrow is the first day of june and the first day of pride
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month. new at 11. you can see here the streets of san francisco already looking a little more colorful. and just an hour ago, the beacon grand hotel in san francisco unrolled the pride flag down the side of the building. and the best spot to check it out is the south side of union square by the macy's. well, it looks like the weather's cooperating. look how beautiful union square look with that flag blowing in the wind. all of that sunshine we're going to see continue into the weekend. and we're going to bring back some cooler temperatures. so it won't be so hot in the valleys. we're going from upper 80s to low 80s. and that extends at least into monday. almost perfect. it's great. well, thanks so much for joining us for our midday newscast. our next one coming up for you at 4
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