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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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have just arrested three people in connection with the murder at pleasant hill park santiago jacobo was found stabbed to
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death. you might remember back in february. he had just finished a custodial shift at pleasant hill park. well, today, police arrested concord resident pablo gutierrez morales and antioch resident vanessa vera aguilar and jasmine ruiz. officers say the motive has to do with the relationship between one of the suspects and jacobo. we do have reporters following the story. we'll bring you more information as it comes into our newsroom. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we do have an update today from uc santa cruz as well. after police make 80 arrests on campus. we're also tracking other stories on this very busy friday, including a major update in the shooting at an oakland high school graduation. three kids are now accused of the violence. last week. we do have new information we're getting from investigators. we'll tell you all about it in just a little bit. also, a yogurt billionaire
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is getting into the brewing business. huge buyout of san francisco's historic anchor brewing company. what we're learning about the old brewery's future and whether its taps will flow again. camp mint was there and was cleared from campus amid a clash between police and protesters. university says around 80 people were arrested as the chp and officers from as far away as san francisco moved in. and that confrontation is still going on as we speak. and there are reports that the camp has already returned and from that protest, ian, what's the latest out there? yeah. audrey. well, after a heavy police presence throughout the day, most most officers, actually all the officers, from what we've seen, actually cleared out around 3:00. and demonstrators
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are back to blocking the main entrance to uc santa cruz. here it is a much more joyful crowd right now, as opposed to what happened overnight. now we'll show you some video. now just after midnight, officers from several agencies declared this as an unlawful assembly and swarm the protesters camp in riot gear. the camp was set up on may 1st in the quarry area, then moved closer to central campus last week, where demonstrators began blocking the main entrances today. dozens were arrested after many of them locked arms and refused to leave. police zip tied their wrists and walked them away. one student called it a major escalation. they started brutalizing students, started putting their hands on them and using force. i think that this level of police force being used against like, quote unquote, like unlawful protesters is like it's ridiculous. this escalation on the part of the university is entirely unnecessary. i think they're going to get really, really bad optics from this.
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okay, ian, what's the university saying about the decision to involve law enforcement out there? well, the chancellor posted a letter to the community this morning saying after repeated unanswered calls to clear the camp and remove the blockade from the entrance, they decided to request law enforcement's help. she wrote in part, this decision was not made because individuals demonstrated it was because they have chosen to do so through unlawful actions. adding an emergency vehicle was prevented from entering a facility on tuesday where a toddler was in distress, saying those moments could be the difference between life and death and death. she also wrote while some actions by individuals fall within the first amendment protection, many other activities over the past weeks did not and should be called what they were unlawful disruptions, vandalism, and intentional harming of our community. in fact, all classes were moved online here starting tuesday, there are two weeks left in the current semester. as
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we come back out here live, you can see that there are some people gathering here once again , the main uc santa cruz sign here as their main entrance has a bunch of supplies now that have just come in in the past hour, there's a lot of food, a lot of water. so it's unclear if the protesters plan to once again, set up a camp right here, or perhaps in the quarry or where they were overnight before police broke it up. but they're out here and, shouting and getting lots of attention from drivers and support passing by, we'll bring you the very latest to throughout our newscasts on this. audrey. i'll send it back to you in the studio a lot changing within the last couple hours. ian, thank you for the latest. appreciate it. we'll see you later on this evening. meanwhile, pro-palestinian protests intense defy in san francisco. now this as president biden announced israel had accepted a new plan to establish a permanent ceasefire in gaza. dozens of faith leaders and worshipers gathered outside senator alex padilla's office in
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the city, calling for the u.s. to block further aid to israel and a permanent cease fire. interfaith praying started at the ferry building this morning, and then the group marched half a mile to padilla's office on bush street. outside, people sang, prayed, chanted, calling for peace in gaza. they also responded to president biden's new cease fire plan. we appreciate that president biden is finally so many months in calling for an immediate and permanent cease fire. everybody wants the israeli hostages to be released, but we also want the palestinian prisoners, which far outnumber the hostages, to be released. and what we need urgently is for the bombing to stop and aid to flood in. we need medical aid, we need food aid and we're going to need reconstruction aid. and so president biden has said that he will work towards all of these things. we need to see him actually do that now. pray. an organizer also says that they
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left a letter with senator padilla's staff asking for a meeting to discuss their demands. we did reach out to senator padilla's office, but did not yet hear back. we do have new details in into our newsroom this afternoon out of oakland, three young people have been arrested in connection to a shooting at a high school graduation ceremony. this happened last week in the parking lot of skyline high. three people were injured in that shooting, but are expected to recover. east bay regional park district officers say that one suspect was found with a loaded gun and arrested immediately. the two others were caught about an hour later. police say two groups leaving the graduation ceremony had gotten into a fight, and that is when the shots were fired. we are told the suspects may also be tied to a nearby carjacking. okay, here's a story now about a big san francisco comeback. anchor steam brewery broke hearts and taste buds when it closed down last year. you might remember, but it has found a
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buyer and will soon reopen. good news for the city and likely for former employees as well. our business and tech reporter scott budman has been tracking this story for us. joins us now. scott, i'm wondering how did this happen? because anchor steam was bought not too long ago, right? right. it was bought back in 2017. andre by a japanese beer giant. and it really didn't do all that well afterwards, especially during the pandemic. and so last year, it actually closed down what some thought for good. this is what the facility looks like now. they used to have parties in that lot with open taps. now everything is really quiet. but a man named hamdi ulukaya, a billionaire who owns chobani yogurt. yes, i know that yogurt. and he's come in and says, every time i visit san francisco, i try, you know, he loves the city. he found out about anchor brewing and said, this is a company that has potential that can make a comeback. so he stepped in and bought it. he didn't say what the price was.
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now in sapporo, beer bought it back in 2017. they paid a reported $85 million. surely it's worth a lot less? we don't know what he paid, but a lot of the former workers that we've stayed in touch with since, after all, they were out of a job. not all that long ago. say they're excited. he says he wants to bring many of them back, get the taps rolling and do it right there in san francisco, where anchor steam still has many facilities. there on haro street. so that's what he has planned. he's going to bring the employees back. just get those taps flowing again, just back to normal. or is he going to add anything new to it? or. i'm sure there will be some changes and some new things. he really didn't lay out a big plan. he spoke on his twitter page to say, here's what i want to do and here's why i love the company and why i love san francisco. i want to bring this back and bring the employees back. and there is something attractive about an independent brewery. people like it. they like to support it. san francisco, i'll bet, is giving people deals right now because lord knows they need good business. mayor london breed released a statement talking about how wonderful this deal
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will be. and so there are a lot of tailwinds to help this guy out. he obviously has a lot of money because of the sales of chobani yogurt that's made him so wealthy, and now he wants to put some of it into this brewery. and it is really good news for san francisco for that whole area. we spoke earlier to a few businesses that had opened nearby right about the time anchor steam closed down and they said, would they love to have the clientele, young and old, to come back and dine out at the restaurants and then, you know, maybe have a cold one afterwards. and so you can see how it all sort of would come together. sure well, there you go. that's big news today, scott, thanks so much. looking forward to your full story at six. all right. we'll see you then. still ahead preserving filipino culture and history in the south bay. i'm going to introduce you to a woman working to share that legacy with the bay area. also, as we head into summer, some great news about our reservoirs. vienna is going to be joining us and tell us all about it with that story. but before we head to break, we want
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to know what's trending. story would you like to see later on in this newscast, i will pull up right now on my instagram. a lot of you have voted, but if you haven't yet, still have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories right here. celeb lookalikes ad controversy costco hot dog price or massive clear lake algae bloom? we'll tell you lake algae bloom? we'll tell you all about the story. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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what winter has given lake shasta a large boost. this is, of course, a big deal because the lake's a big player when it comes to our water supply. so just how much water did it receive? meteorologist vianey arana is here with the latest numbers for us. hi, vianney. hi. i think it's always a fantastic time right around the drier months to check in on how we're doing levels wise. now. shasta, of course, is california's largest state reservoir, and it's important for things like irrigation. you said it our water supply, but especially during those warmer months. and
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i want to show you some new images that we're receiving here. and you can see them on your screen here. now, after drought conditions impacted lake levels from 2019 to 2022, these landsat satellite images show april 24th, 2022, when it was only 39% full. that is image you see here. now compare that it's swiping there to may 7th of 2024. you can see just how much fuller it is with a 96% of total capacity and a 114% of average for this state. now, heavy rains in 2023 paired with meltwater. and of course, our sierra snowpack also plays a key role in helping fill our reservoir. so that looks really good. that was a great just showing us that. but vna obviously summer's almost here. with that in mind. you know, less rain, less water. where do the reservoir levels stand, heading into the drier months? well, you know, we've got over a thousand reservoirs in the state of california alone, but here are some of the big players. so notice lake shasta, lake oroville, lake oroville is at 100% right now. the four largest reservoirs are
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sitting at about 92% of capacity. so we're doing fantastic reservoir level wise. now you might see some of those numbers lower than others. and that's because some of these get lowered for seismic activity throughout the year. and it's something that we of course, also look for potential impacts. once that sierra snow melt also becomes a component of it. but we did check in with valley water to see what their thought process was. as we inch into the summer months. and here's what they had to say. so our water supply looks great. we know the next drought is coming, so we have to be prepared. that's why we're investing in infrastructure. we've got, you know, many projects that we're investing in to make sure that our water supply is reliable. here in santa clara county, because we know with climate change that things are going to be different. we're going to have hotter and drier, summers and years ahead of us. and so we need to be prepared for that. and looking at different types of water supply resources, including recycled water and purified water adaptation and preparing for the future is
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always going to be a plus. absolutely. all right, pg&e, thank you for that update. got it. take a look at this. 80 years after d-day, one bay area world war two veteran is getting a new honor. this is staff sergeant jake larson, lovingly known as papa jake. his grandchildren help him share his memories of the war on social media. lives in oakland, and enlisted in the u.s. army back in 1938 when he was just 15 years old. in fact, he got in by lying about his age. he was in normandy, france on june 6th, 80 years ago on d-day. and now, decades later, to commemorate that historic day, papa jake will take a special flight back to france along with other world war two veterans. he told us he has a message to share when he gets back to normandy. all the guys. that landed there are gone
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. i'm back here honoring those guys that made it possible for me to get here. they gave their life. we honor them as well. his flight to france leaves this sunday while papa jake is in normandy. he and 50 other veterans will be honored with parades and ceremonies. of course. well deserved. while all month long we have been celebrating asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month, and today we are continuing to amplify those voices here in the bay area. so i want to introduce you to a south bay woman who has made it her mission to preserve and share filipino american history in the bay area, its bay area history. many don't know about. san jose's japantown was once known as pinoy town. this is actually a picture of a
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friday night during the early 1930s. this mural is located at the corner of sixth and jackson and eugenio grew up in san jose. she's now an educator and filipino-american community leader, and there were filipino american businesses that once thrived there. fast forward to today. this is now a place where gio and other fil-am community leaders like to meet to figure out ways to preserve filipino american history in the bay area and share it with others. our job is to promote and keep on telling the stories of our people. it's rogelio's passion to know where you're coming from is to know your identity, to know yourself, to know your roots, to understand your story right? whether outside a restaurant or in front of city leaders. so many discussions have resulted in change in the community, such as naming a park after filipino americans a few years back. and i told them, you know what? this is historic because there's nothing named after us really. now there is delano manongs park is on
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gemelli way in east san jose. for them to say this park is ours, you know, it's a place for them to just feel like it's home, like that's meaningful. speaking of home, regina also founded the filipino american cultural social justice school of san jose five years ago, bayanihan and which means youth heroes. i kid you not, the second day of enrollment, we sold out and we had to open up another class. it just shows you how much our community lacks and how much our community is looking for these types of programs for our children, a place where kids of all ages could feel at home learning how to speak tagalog and cook filipino food, among other things. i don't fault you at all. there's also lola weavers, a business that came into fruition after regina when a friend came up with the idea. filipina unaware, made by grandmothers in the philippines all by hand. they are from abra, which is the northernmost
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province in the philippines, so they're from the mountainous regions. a way for fil-ams to where their culture while also giving back to their roots. it's like, how can we show our culture and show that pride if we don't have access to it? so i think it's a beautiful thing that, you know, we're helping the community back home. as well as providing the bay area access to filipino american history and culture. regina, whose life mission community and i feel like that's my home. and for me to give back to, to a community that gave me so much right. i feel like it's my calling to give as much as i can back, they asked and she is a wonderful woman and it really is like her. her heart. it's all her heart. her mission to just make a difference. and, you know, just honor culture. yes, for sure. beautiful person to highlight. great story audrey. thank you so much. what's going on? i know it's friday. happy friday. happy friday. we're working a lot of
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stuff for the 5:00 news, including paul pelosi. he takes the stand again and faces his attacker. this is trial number two for his attacker, david depape. it's underway right now in san francisco. depape was already convicted on federal charges for attacking mr. pelosi. he's now facing state charges. the husband of the speaker emerita took the stand today, and our reporter was in the courtroom for his testimony. and if you want to buy a house, now may be a good time as any, even with the high interest rates, housing prices continue to skyrocket and are reaching new highs. we're going to break down the new numbers and the average down payments people are putting down all that and more coming up at 5:00. all right. sounds good janelle. we'll see you in a little bit. still to come top trending story as voted by you on my instagram poll. and first pitch is just a couple hours away. giants on nbc bay area up next, the stylish tribute to a legendary slugger. but the team is debuting toni
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hot dog combo. so you may have heard costco recently went through a leadership change hiring a new chief financial officer, gary millerchip. that led to speculation that changes could be coming to keep up with inflation. but millerchip put those rumors to rest yesterday during his first earnings call with investors, he says that they are not touching the hot dog and soda combo. it's safe at just $1.50, as you may know, same price it's been since 1985. i-5. it's been that way for a while now. as always, i'll be posting links to the other stores you voted for on my instagram. v&a is back to let us know how it's looking outside and it's just another beautiful day. it's nice and that hot dog combo is elite because who best to cook after grocery shopping? nobody. everyone knows you got to just eat out at that point.
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kids love it. yeah. and weather wise right now, we've been getting a preview of summer with the 80s, and we've even got some 90s still right now. notice in san jose 83 degrees and through danville 88. how about concord and fairfield 94 degrees. now today it is a bit warmer. as we inch closer to the weekend though, we're going to get a brief cooldown and by brief i really do mean brief satellite radar. right now you can see for the most part, areas north of california are pretty clear. we do have that marine layer that is expected to make its return heading into tomorrow morning for your saturday, so keep that in mind. but overnight lows right now we're at about 83. the skies will remain clear for inland areas. we're going to dip down into the 60s waking up likely in the 50s. so not too cold. san francisco you can see. there it is. we've got the low clouds hanging out already. and another thing you likely notice if you're out and about in the city were the winds. we've got wind speeds from the west northwest at about 24mph, and we're going to dip down into the 50s. but as you head out for your saturday, i do want to show
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you daytime highs. so i said a brief break, slight cool down, upper 70s, low 80s into the interior, 60s for san francisco. and then you'll notice inching into sunday, we are going to start to warm up once again as we inch into next week. we do have what looks to be a pretty decent heat stretch in store, especially after monday into tuesday. also, by the way, beautiful weekend to head to lake tahoe. if you had any plans to be up there. it's going to be in the 70s with cold overnight lows in the 40s. join us again at 5:00 for an extended outlook in the forecast. audrey. all right. deanna thanks. let's go ahead and take you outside now for a live look at oracle park. aaron judge and the yankees are in town as the giants get ready to host a three game series. but it's also the night giants are going to launch new apparel honoring the legacy of one of the team's greatest players. check it out. team worked with artist rob zilla for this willie mays tribute. mays is one of the last three living players of the historic leagues team. says hoodies, shirts, more clothes with zilla's design will be
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available at the giants dugout store. this is part of the mlb's tribute to the leagues. earlier this week. might remember, mlb added the league stats to its official records, and you can watch tonight's game right here on nbc. bay area coverage starts at 7 p.m. thank you so much for joining us at 430. janelle is working on the 5:00 newscast next. we're
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testifies once again against the man already convicted of brutally attacking him. what mr. pelosi said as the state trial of david depape is now underway. also, one day after being found guilty on all 34 counts against him, former president trump unleashes about his hush money trial while president biden also lets his feelings known and its bottle rock with a latin flair. the new music festival that is kicking off in napa valley. good
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friday everyone. the news at five starts right now. thanks so much for joining me. i'm janelle wang. first the federal trial, now the state. paul pelosi, the husband of house speaker emerita nancy pelosi, takes the stand again and faces his attacker, the man already convicted once for assaulting him with a hammer . nbc bay area's robert honda was in court as paul pelosi took the stand and has the latest from san francisco. it was a pretty tense scene today when the victim came in to testify against his attacker in court, but now the attention on the attacker is not about whether he did it. but why. 82 year old paul pelosi walked slowly but steadily as he entered san francisco superior court to take the stand in the state trial. a 44 year old david de pap, during questioning by prosecutor sean connolly, pelosi explained how on october 28th, 2022,


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