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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  May 31, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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time low. her worries stem from the way global regulators handled doping at the tokyo games, 23 chinese swimmers tested positive for a performance enhancing drug, but chinese authorities said that drug entered their systems through contamination. none of the swimmers faced penalties, and some were still allowed to compete. ledecky says this year she wants to see improvements to the system and hopes the tokyo case is reexamined. and don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. janelle, as you know, there's big news in the middle east. a possible breakthrough for peace in gaza. president biden announcing a plan for a permanent ceasefire that israel has agreed to. how demonstrators here in the bay area are reacting to this big news. also, police say they've arrested the people who opened fire at a high school graduation ceremony in oakland. and we continue our series of
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amplifying asian american, native hawaiian, pacific islander heritage. and we're going to show you the newest cultural district in san francisco that has taken years to reach this point. welcome back, everyone. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. is this the turning point today president biden announced that israel has agreed to a plan to establish a permanent ceasefire in gaza and free the remaining hostages being held by hamas. all this in exchange for hundreds of palestinian prisoners. his announcement comes as dozens of people demonstrated outside of senator alex padilla's office in san francisco. here's nbc's emma goss. organizers of today's pray in tell me they left a letter with senator padilla's staff. they also left this message painted in front of his office, calling for the u.s. to halt further aid to israel. our offer
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, our minds, our freedom. they marched together from san francisco's ferry building friday morning. faith leaders and worshipers from dozens of congregations representing jewish, muslim, catholic, christian, buddhist and hindu traditions. the main demands we essentially have are we are asking our senator padilla to call for a cease fire, to end any additional arms sales to israel, and to demand an end an occupation of palestine. outside senator padilla's office on bush street, demonstrators painted their message along with a quote from pope francis on the street as speakers offered prayers, songs and chants for peace in gaza. we want everyone to live. that is why we are calling for a cease fire. they also called for the safety and release of the remaining hostages being held by hamas and palestinian prisoners detained in israel. they are demands that president biden's newly announced cease fire deal would meet. president biden has said that he will work towards all of these things. we need to
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see him actually do that now. in february, padilla was one of 70 u.s. senators whose vote helped pass a $95 billion bipartisan package that included sending additional military aid to israel as well as humanitarian aid to civilians in gaza. today, pray in organizers also encouraged supporters to fast for a day this week, both as a way to focus their feelings and grief and to show how serious that we are. there are people starving in gaza, and it's just kind of a solidarity. senator padilla's office did not respond to our request for comment. happening right now, another rally for palestine, this one organized by the arab resources organizing center, or arocwe, that's at the federal building here in san francisco. emma goss, nbc bay area news this morning, a massive protest encampment cleared from the campus of uc santa cruz after a clash between police and
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protesters. tonight appears those protesters have already returned. the university says around 80 people were arrested as a chp. officers from as far away as san francisco moved in overnight. the camp was set up on may 1st, but last week moved closer to central campus, where demonstrators began blocking the main entrances. protesters say what happened overnight was a major escalation. they started brutalizing students, started putting their hands on them and using force. i think that this level of police force being used against like, quote unquote, like unlawful protesters is like it's ridiculous. police cleared the area around three this afternoon, and protesters immediately moved back in and started blocking entrances again. the uc chancellor posted a letter to the community this morning saying after repeated unanswered calls to clear the camp and remove the blockade from the entrance, they decided to request law enforcement's
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help. the statement went on to say, quote in part, this decision was not made because individuals demonstrated it was because they have chosen to do so through unlawful actions. we have an update now on a story we've been following in oakland. three juveniles have been arrested in connection with that shooting at oakland's skyline high school. that shooting was last week during a graduation ceremony, three people were injured in the shooting, but they're expected to be okay. east bay regional park district officers say one suspect was found with a loaded gun and arrested immediately. the two others were caught about an hour later. again all three were juveniles, police say two groups leaving the graduation ceremony gotten into a fight and shots were fired. the suspects may also be tied to a nearby carjacking. we are celebrating asian american native hawaiian pacific islander heritage, and today we are highlighting the newest cultural district in san francisco. approved by supervisors in 2022. it will
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celebrate pacific islanders nbc bay area's gavin introduces us to a woman with an incredible back story leading these efforts. yeah, i'm a hood chick. and what? right? gaynor and silitonga is the leading force behind the development of san francisco's pacific islander cultural district. it covers parts of visitacion valley, portola and excelsior. right now , this is the leland corridor, this happens to be part of our pacific islander cultural district. our hope is to definitely sit here and have more pacific islander owned businesses to display some of the flags from all 24 islands. so what is your vision for this area, this cultural district? cultural to give a sense of belonging, but then also like learning the ways of how you can navigate the systems here in america, the vision that i have with our cultural district is just true equity. we didn't really realize what disparities
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were. 73% of us live in low income housing. silitonga grew up in the mission and hunters point, the oldest of six siblings, her family roots are samoan. i am blessed, i am. it's something her sister captured in this documentary for a samoan, which means the samoan way of living. i come from a very great, amazing, dysfunctional family. like sort of that white picket fence or american dream type stuff. but just in the projects where my grandmother, our elders, i think they did a great job at making sure we didn't have to, you know, want while there's that story, there's also another side of her childhood that's more troubling and painful. she joined a gang, became an addict, and started selling drugs. i mean, i was already angry. i didn't know what gangs were, but i was very in tune with this group because they were the first ones that i told this secret to that secret? a cousin molested her and when i
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told them one, it was a big relief. two, they taught me to how protect myself. did anything violent ever happen to you? yes i was shocked twice, you know, stabbed 15 different times, rape three. you know, separate times. how do you find yourself out of something like that? you know, to be honest, you don't. this is where a whole bunch of us just to hang out. she instead integrated it with who she is with the help of people in the community willing to listen like the visitor she saw one day while attending balboa high school, when riots were everyday occurrences and this guy was named, is named rudy corpus. found out about this guy, and he was the first one that i could say. okay, you know what? i'm gonna listen to you. what do you want? nobody ever asked us what we want, right? so we started united players. it was just a school club, you know? and now it's like, you know, it's grown. it's, you know, huge. it was to
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tackle that violence. but letting us take that you know that chance. yeah the in charge of it right. silitonga began directing her pain towards advocacy. and that brought me to my healing point. in 2017, silitonga founded salt pacific islander association resource hutt, a one stop shop to help the community with all services such as public safety, housing and youth leadership. this is a coalition of different groups and different voices. i have been blessed to be embraced and loved by my latino community. my african american community, my asian, you know, community. pacific islanders make up less than 1% of california's population, according to the regional pacific islander task force. almost 3 in 10 pies in california live in the bay area and despite those numbers, silitonga is hopeful. i feel very confident for our future because i was always so worried,
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like we were about to be extinct, you know, and one thing that i see with our people, you know, is this momentum, this sense of like, oh my god, we belong here. and i don't think a lot of our youngsters, you know, know her for what she does. pastor sweetie williams is one of the community's elders. silitonga looks up to as she helps design this district. that's an image you know, for any any child, you know, to go after and mimic her work. what are your hopes for this district ? we want our own people to realize that. that we need to be, you know, standing alone. you know, and find help for our people and educate them on how we got to where we're at right now. what do you feel with everything that you've gone through to do this kind of work today? how i feel now is like, i understand or i feel like i understand what my purpose is, but it'll be like the next generations after us. and i want
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them to have the best in the pacific islander cultural district. gia vang nbc bay area news. two viewers are out cash thanks to companies that never even offered them any service. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds next. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. as we look ahead into the weekend. tomorrow morning, we'll see a little bit of patchy fog near the bay and the coast. australia. when that gets out of here and the unusual storm system hitting the west coast in
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with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at we've got an answer for that. chris kamara our consumer investigator stepped in and steps here. now chris. happy friday jennifer in the south bay said she paid $39 to join a wait list for a pilates class. but a slot never opened up. and so
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here's the thing. she expected the studio to refund her 39 bucks, considering she didn't get anything for her money. but that didn't happen until jennifer contacted us and we contacted the studio next. carroll in palo alto asked for our help getting herself out of a contract. she says she never signed a cell phone company, said she was on the hook for 20 bucks a month for the next 24 months for terminating their agreement. well, carroll said there was no agreement and she wasn't their customer. that plea fell on deaf ears until we made carroll's case for her. she's now free from that $480 mistaken debt. carroll, jennifer and 927 others have contacted us so far this year. you can to snap the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend. chris thank you. and speaking of the weekend, it is here and you are the straw that stirs the drink when it comes to the weekend. i like that we got i'm thinking of many drinks here. me too, i know. okay, we'll save that for later. and
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we are looking at some awesome weather on saturday and sunday. and then by monday, changes that are quite unusual out here across the west to start off june. we'll talk about that here in just a bit. but let's take it out to our live ballpark camera. look at that. we're zoomed in to get a look at that action there as the yankees and the giants go at it right here on nbc at 7:00 tonight. so we've got all your coverage for you right now, a comfortable 69, a little bit of a breeze out of the west northwest at 16. we could see some of the breezes kick up to about 20 to 25 during the game. and then we'll eventually drop it here to 57 by 8:00 tonight. again that game right here on nbc bay area now across the south bay. it's also been warm today. temperatures in the 80s right now looking good 82 degrees. and we're in the 70s here at six, seven and eight and then 60s later on tonight. the thing we're tracking here as we head through this weekend though is the storm track. it's going to start to move a little bit
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closer towards us tomorrow. so i'm seeing numbers drop about 4 to 8 degrees just because there's some milder air with it. but here's the thing. let's zoom out, get you a wider view of the pacific, and look at all of this storm activity. this is quite unusual here, for the end of may, start of june to get this kind of activity this low in the hemisphere. now eventually it's going to bring some rainfall out here. i've got more looks at that here coming up in about a minute or so. but let's roll it into tomorrow morning. we're going to start it off with some areas of fog near the bay and the coast. most of that should clear back by about 10:00 in the morning. i just know if you're headed to any of our beaches around san francisco or half moon bay will likely hang on to a few patches of fog into the afternoon. otherwise, sunny skies here throughout the bay area. this will mean temperatures tomorrow morning. starting off in the 50s. get you down to double fives in the peninsula, 54 in the tri-valley, and some very similar weather for the east bay, san francisco and the north bay. daytime highs for tomorrow, with those numbers dropping off 4 to 8 degrees.
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it's going to make it a lot more comfortable out there and you still don't lose some of that warm air. that's just been kind of nice for us to get lately. 82 in concord, 78 in san jose, 78 in martinez, low to mid 80s. right out there towards napa and santa rosa. okay. let's fast forward it into this storm system by sunday. this thing is hitting seattle. portland. most of washington and oregon. then by monday look at that. that rainfall is actually going to be hitting eureka as well. we're going to be just on the outside edge of this. certainly some cloud cover. i'm not seeing any rain right now, but we're going to closely monitor that this weekend because of how much rain we're going to see off to the north. look at the colors here and the key at the top. we're talking about 2 to 3in for a lot of zones, maybe even four inches up towards the mountains. and right near the california oregon border at the northern coastline. could even be in on about two inches for some spots. so it's out of our area right
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now. but again, we're going to be closely watching it here as we head into monday's forecast. okay. other thing we've been tracking is the severe weather. doing any traveling through the central u.s. some strong thunderstorms could delay you again tomorrow right here on the 7-day forecast in san francisco. 60s coming on back this weekend. then we get a little drop in temperatures next tuesday and wednesday, low to mid 70s. and for the inland valleys we are going to 92 tuesday and wednesday night 95. so it's toasty. there's some heat coming in. i'm i'm thinking of the drink that i might be stirring this weekend would have some lime in it. that's a perfect idea. put it that way okay. oh as a garnish. as a garnish i got it. all right. thanks, jeff. up next, we have a new coach in town. how san jose state's new football coach is preparing for his first season. and that includes renewing an old school rivalry against stanford. stay
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and stanford will face off on the football field. this is how it should be. next season is going to happen on national tv. it's a game the spartans new head coach hopes will become a regular event like it used to be back in the day. here's nbc's anthony flores fall camp is still a couple of months away for the san jose state football team, but there is a buzz around campus. they have a new football coach, and this fall they're going to renew a bay area rivalry with their neighbors to the north. stanford how's
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hawaii? good. taking advantage of his break, ken niumatalolo is seeing his family on the islands 27. it won't be long before the spartans new head coach is back in the bay area, and back on the football field. it's been awesome. you know, i've enjoyed being here. people have been great, the love the city of san jose, the players, the staff here. it's been amazing. coach niumatalolo is the all time winningest coach in naval academy history. with 109 wins in 15 seasons. he comes to san jose to replace brett brennan, who left for the same job at arizona. at navy, he ran the triple option with the spartans. their offense will be more like the run and shoot. i don't think it's a challenge, but it's the first thing that you have to do when you come in as a new coach or as any coach, you got to establish your culture and how you do things. the type of young man here, you know, they were in
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the program, the guys that we've added in the short time we've been here, i feel like it's going to give us a chance to have a successful year, and the upcoming schedule is generating some excitement. for the first time since 2013, the spartans will take on stanford, and they get to do it at home in their regular season finale. what does that mean to your program to get them back on the schedule? i'm excited about it. you know, we have a great amount of respect for them. coach taylor is a great coach, a great football program, a great university. you know, we're two local schools here, close side by side. i mean it only makes sense. coach is hopeful that games against cal will be added in the future. the spartans report to fall camp at the end of july. they kick off the season august 29th in san jose. anthony flores nbc bay area all right, good luck to coach and the spartans next season. it's orange friday and there's an extra buzz at mccovey cove. you know why the yankees are here. let's take a live look from our oracle park center field camera. there you go. the giants and yankees kicking off a
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three game series. the yankees taking bp right now. tonight. new york's star studded lineup on the field. the yankees with the best record in the american league. the giants are route to winning ten of their past 13 games. flamethrower jordan hicks pitches for the giants. you can watch the game right here on nbc bay area. our live coverage begins from the ballpark at 7 p.m. still ahead, a possible attack at the olympics thwarted what paris officials believe a teenager was prepared norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc.
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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18 year old russian man earlier this month. they say he was planning an attack during matches at the saint etienne soccer stadium. the french interior minister says the suspect was inspired by extremist ideology and was prepared to die as a martyr. the texas supreme court has rejected a legal challenge to the state's strict abortion law. the ruling was unanimous by the nine republican justices. it comes after a state district court judge granted a temporary injunction last summer, which would have allowed women in the state with complicated pregnancies to get abortions. now, the group of women who filed the lawsuit wanted to force clarification and transparency as to the precise circumstances in which these exceptions are allowed. the
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women said they were denied abortions that were medically necessary because of pregnancy complications. texas law prohibits all abortions except to save the life of the mother. doctors who violate it can lose their medical licenses, face fines and prison time. as his term winds down, west virginia senator joe manchin announcing today that he is leaving the democratic party, the two term senator announced he's registering as an independent. in a statement, senator manchin said he's making the move to, quote, stay true to himself and remain committed to put country before party. manchin's second senate term is coming to an end. he previously announced he would not seek reelection. political experts say he may be positioning himself to run for governor of west virginia. severe weather in north texas. high water and flooding are causing all sorts of problems for several communities in dallas. for example, the city worker found himself stuck in waist deep water after driving into a soccer field. a rescue team was able to safely pull him
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out. crews are also busy removing downed trees near the rock lake spillway and take a look at all the water gushing over that spillway. after four days of rain. people on social media are comparing it to a mini niagara falls and more storms are expected to pass through this weekend, and residents are bracing for more possible flood damage. it's pretty intense. i have a sister out in dallas, so she says it's intense pouring there a lot more news ahead. audrey asistio joins us now with what's coming up next. janelle and raj right now at six from yogurt to craft beer. anchor steam has a new owner, the billionaire founder of chobani. so what it means for the legendary bay area brewery also, hey, is somebody paying sympathy to this devil and it's so and totally and completely unfair to my family and to the memory of my daughter. his request denied. a judge rejects the request from notorious killer richard allen davis to overturn his death sentence. we'll tell you what
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happened in court and a lot of concern in a neighborhood in oakland after a grass fire, neighbors think illegal fireworks may be to blame, and they're demanding action from the city. the news at six starts right now. good evening, and thanks for being with us on this friday. i'm raj mathai and i'm audrey asistio. thank you for joining us. warm weather, dry brush and illegal fireworks. not a good combination as we head into the summer months. nbc bay area's velena jones is in the oakland hills, where the flames were, and they were actually caught on camera. we heard a huge boom blast. i wasn't really sure and i was asleep. i got up, went to the window and there was a wall of flames across the street. fireworks are what triggered that boom, likely sparking a grass fire on a hill near skyline boulevard and cumberland heights around 10:00 last night.


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