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tv   Today  NBC  June 1, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning. thank you for starting your saturday with us. good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. president biden coming out swinging attacking former president trump over his rhetoric of the conviction.
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>> it is all ahead on the race to the white house. it's the 1st of june. this is "today." indignant. >> it is a very sad thing that's happening in our country. and it's a thing i'm honored -- in a way i'm honored. >> former president trump hoping to turn his criminal conviction into a political asset, railing against the historic trial that made him the first commander in chief in american history to be found guilty. president biden speaking out for the first time on the jury verdict, blasting his rival's repeated insistence the fix was in. >> it's reckless. it's dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> we're live with what's next in this historic case. pathway to peace. >> it's time for this war to end. >> president biden laying out a new three-part proposal that could end the war in gaza and bring the hostages home. but are the u.s. and israel on
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the same page. ready for liftoff. boeing ready to launch a manned spacecraft to the international space station for the first time ever. it would be a giant leap for the embattled company. we're live at the launch site. >> jenny with a shock. jennifer lopez abruptly cancelling her concert tour that was set to begin next month. what she's telling her fans this morning. all that, plus shining stars. simone biles and suni lee dazzle at the u.s. gymnastics championship overnight. biles standing atop the leaderboard, while lee competes in the all-around for the first time in more than a year after battling serious health problems, and it is looking likely they will both on the way to paris. today, saturday, june 1st, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news,
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this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." thanks so much for joining us on this fine saturday morning. we're thrilled to have joe with us a little early at the table here while peter is on assignment. the countdown to paris is on. >> simone biles, usually athletes are at their peak for three or four years, this would be her ninth u.s. championship. looking forward to what's ahead. >> so exciting. we have a busy saturday morning ahead of us. today is the official start of the 2024 hurricane season. forecasters say they expect it to be a really bad one thanks to warming ocean temperatures as well as la niña. angie will break it down for us later this morning. we begin with the former president going back to the place prosecutors say started it all as he awaits sentencing after the jury found him guilty on 34 felony counts.
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we'll break down what's next legally for the former president in a few minutes. but first, vaughn hillyard joins us with the latest on mr. trump's reaction to the verdict. good morning. >> good morning. mr. trump only gave limited remarks immediately after leavin courthouseg th followinge verdict yest following the remarks w the verdict. yesterday, was different. the remarks were met with a direct response from the current president. >> reporter: an indignant donald trump awaiting sentencing after multiple felony convictions this week as he raises the stakes on the november election. >> november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. >> reporter: the former president speaking for more than 30 minutes on friday at trump tower where the catch-and-kill scheme was first hatched, making the case he's a victim of the trial. >> it's a very sad thing that's happening in our country, and it's a -- it's a thing i'm honored -- in a way i'm honored. >> reporter: mr. trump
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acknowledging the possibility of jail time. >> i don't feel 77. i like him to say, gee, we have to have a little sorrow for this man. >> reporter: it was a jury of 12 new yorkers who unanimously found him guilty of falsifying business records in order to cover up a hefty payment to stan yells before his 2016 victory. for the first time since the start of the trial, president biden responding to the verdict. >> they found donald trump the guilty on all 34 felony counts. not only will he be given the opportunity as he should to appeal that decision, just like everyone else has the opportunity. >> reporter: trump falsely accusing biden of orchestrating his trial. >> this is all done by biden and his people. >> it's reckless and dangerous and irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> reporter: nbc news' kelly o'donnell following up on his remarks.
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>> donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what is your response to that, sir? >> reporter: biden responding wordlessly with a grin. meantime, duelling sides gathered outside trump tower in midtown manhattan with tensions increasing around the country over the former president's prosecution. >> no one is above the law. >> i think he is guilty of being the best president ever. >> he embarrassed himself -- >> reporter: mr. trump's former confidant, michael cohen, who first turned on his former boss in 2018, speaking out after providing three days of testimony in the trial. >> he believed that by destroying me, that that would exonerate him from his crimes. >> reporter: as prominent republicans again line up in mr. trump's defense. >> i think trump benefits from this. i think they elected him president last night. >> reporter: mr. trump said it raised $52 million in the 24 hours after the verdict. the former president spending the weekend at his golf club in new jersey before returning to fund-raisers next week. his public campaign appearances
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after the verdict are not scheduled to take place until two weeks from now. laura and joe. >> vaughn, thank you. former president trump has said he plans to challenge the conviction. legally, what is next for him? >> it will be a long road. while the trial stretched on for weeks, the jury's verdict came relatively quickly. any appeal is likely facing an uphill battle and could drag on for months if not longer. >> first, historic verdict. now a vow to challenge it. >> we will be appealing this scam. we will be appealing it on many different things. >> former president trump's attorney, todd blanche, telling savannah he is confident they will get a win on appeal. arguing the case was doomed from the start. pointing to the jury pool in deep blue manhattan. >> we didn't think we would get a fair shake in manhattan and we didn't. >> reporter: blanche taking aim at juan merchan for not recusing himself.
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he contributed $15 to mr. biden's 2020 campaign, and his daughter is a political consultant. >> we felt there was an actual bias this judge had. even if not an actual bias, a perception of bias. >> a new york appeals court upheld the decision for merchand to stay on the case, but the most fruitful possible grounds for appeal? legal. including the fact that the prosecutors relied on the novel theory of a misdemeanor books and records charge to a felony. zeroing in on a star prosecution witness michael cohen. >> i do not think michael cohen should ever be somebody who can be relied upon to convict somebody. >> reporter: the jury reached the verdict after instructed twice they could not convict on cohen's word alone. cohen reacting to the verdict. >> i let out just a gasp of air. this has been a long time coming for accountability. >> reporter: the former president expected back in court
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for sentencing on july 11th, facing up to four years in prison, but probation more likely given the low-level conviction, his age, and no other convictions. nothing in the constitution preventing him from running or winning re-election. >> laura, when i think of this historic moment in u.s. history, i'm always going to remember you standing outside the courthouse saying the word guilty over and over again 34 times. walk us through that moment. take us behind the curtain. >> people are seeing me in the moment reading it. it was a little bit of whiplash. we heard the jury was going home. i was standing there stuffing my face full of gummy bears stress eating waiting to find out. i thought, okay, we'll go home early. it was a completely different thing when we heard the verdict was coming in. you see me looking down there. a lot of folks wondering what am i looking at? we had our star reporter in the room feeding me the verdict in real-time.
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we could not wait to find out what would happen afterwards. he's feeding me notes as the counts are coming in. i see them populating. you hear me pause at one moment because i couldn't find it and we didn't want to rush ahead. it wasn't until count 20 or so, you could hear the crowd roaring. it sort of hits you what's happening in that moment. >> throughout the process, we appreciated your expertise and you guided us through that moment beautifully. >> thank you. appreciate it. let's turn to the war in gaza and hopeful news after eight months of fighting. on friday, president biden laid out a three-part peace plan hoping to end the conflict. we have allie raffa with more. what can you tell us about the plan? >> reporter: joe, good morning. president biden on friday endorsing an israeli-backed three-stage proposal for a cease-fire, in return for the
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release of hostages. the first phase involves a cease-fire for six weeks. when israeli forces withdrawal from populated areas in gaza and some of hamas's has tajs would be freed in exchange for palestinian prisoners in israel. civilians could return to their homes and a surge of humanitarian aid, potentially 600 trucks every day would flow into gaza. the president cautioning many more details need to be worked out before phase two, and that would include hamas' release of all living hostages and a permanent end to hostilities. the third plan is rebuild gaza and return all remains of deceased hostages to their families. the president making his boldest call yet for peace in the ongoing war saying it's time for this war to end and for the day after to begin. >> allie, that is the strongest language we've heard from the president, specifically calling for the war to end. how will he try to get that message across to israeli
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leaders? >> yeah. the president is making a direct plea to israel's government urging it to accept the deal and exit gaza after dramatically weakening hamas. >> hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another october 7th. carrying out another october 7th. that was one of israel's main objectives in the war, and quite frankly, a righteous one of war. >> president biden vowing continued u.s. support for israel and forging peace in the region. >> allie raffa, thank >> will israel and hamas go along with the peace plan as the fighting rages on? we have josh lederman with more. >> reporter: israel has a new proposal to hamas, but it is not clear if the u.s. and israel are on the same page about what is in the deal. prime minister netanyahu is saying conditions have not
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changed and the war will not end until the hamas military and governing capabilities are eliminated. that was not part of what president biden laid out. frankly, it's hard to see hamas agreeing essentially to its own elimination. israel is not saying if it has agreed to withdraw all of its troops from gaza despite netanyahu saying repeatedly that israel would have to control gaza's security for the foreseeable future. we are hearing from hamas, in a statement saying president biden's speech is positive, hamas said they are ready for a cease-fire and letting all of the displaced palestinians go home. laura. >> this is happening as the fighting intensifies in gaza. what is happening on the ground? >> reporter: the israel military confirms the troops are in central gaza and expanding operations there with special forces drawing on intelligence to conduct targeted raids on hamas. they say israel has operational
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control over the egypt/gaza border. the u.n. says more than 1 million sheltering in rafah have fled for their safety. >> thank you, josh. g it can >> boeing is hoping to make records in an a few hours when it hopes to can launch a manned spacecraft to the international space station for the first time in its history. we have marissa parra with more. why is this so important? >> reporter: joe, for starters, this is historic. starliner is set to lift up a from cape canaveral, and we have not seen anything lift off from here since 1968. there is a lot on the line for the starliner launch. we have seen this delayed. over the years, we have seen software glitches and parachuted complications, and last month we saw the launch scrubbed hours before the launch because of a valve, and we heard of a helium leak. today, we not only are seeing weather looking very strong for
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a launch today, but in the latest briefing, we heard from nasa and boeing and all expressing heavy confidence that starliner, powered by the atlas 5 rocket, will be taking astronauts into space today and then on to the international space station. you see them there on your screen. this will mark the first time the boeing starliner transports astronauts to the international space station, something spacex has been doing since 2020. boeing could be another option for nasa and a rival to spacex. all of this as boeing is under separate scrutiny for the commercial airline program. there are questions about quality control and separately we heard about production delays. simply put, there's no room for error, not just for the public confidence in the boeing brand, not just for space exploration but for the two astronauts at the center of all of this who are set to be launching into space in just a matter of hours. joe. >> exciting moment. marissa, thank you. time for our first check of
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the forecast. for that, let's get to angie lassman. how is it looking? >> good morning, guys. it is looking rainy for folks this morning. nashville and in the midwest. we will see a couple of things happening here. we see that rain start to move to the east. we also start to see the thunderstorms build back across the plains. that's where we will see most of the severe weather today. mostly, we are quieter than in previous weeks. we are still going to have all of the impacts on the table. the isolated tornado will be there. amarillo and dodge city included in that today. tomorrow, the northern plains has the potential for the stronger storms. the hail, up to an inch, wind gusts over 60 miles per hour, but again, just an isolated tornado possible. places like minneapolis, sioux falls and omaha in the afternoon and evening hours of sunday. here is how it is all playing out. that rain will continue to move to the east. that will leave you soggy across
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the great lakes and into the tennessee valley. the severe risk is confined to the plains. folks there will need to have a way to get those alerts. by the time we get to tomorrow, the rain moves into the mid-atlantic with isolated scattered showers. otherwise, we see afternoon thunderstorms across the and that's the look at the forecast. laura, you will be happy to know, it will be a gorgeous day
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in new york city. >> finally. >> on a saturday. still to come for you, jesse kirsch is following this baseball team that's playing at the college world series this weekend, but get this, the school has now closed its doors forever. jesse. >> laura, good morning. the school effectively doesn't exist now. the team is down to its final strike. who are the panthers playing for? we will have the answer to that coming up on "saturday today."
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for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. still to come on "today," an announcement from jennifer lopez abruptly cancelling her tour. and pat sajak's daughter gives fans a behind the scenes tour of "wheel of
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, june 1st, i'm chris chmura in for kira
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klapper. san francisco's beloved beer brand is getting a new life and a new owner. anchor brewing shut down last year after 127 years in business. but now it's coming back because a billionaire is buying it. i think the best time of san francisco is yet to come. i can't wait to get back to work. that was chobani yogurt ceo hamdi ulukaya announcing it on to x, aka twitter, yesterday. he didn't say how much he paid for the brewery, but said his goal is to revive and modernize the brand. former anchor employee tell us. tell us that they are happy to see the deal. i think it's pretty poetic that another person with a good amount of money is coming in and saving the brewery from closing forever. the new owner didn't give a timeline for when the brewery will reopen, but he said he hopes to have the taps flowing as soon as possible. if a brewski is in your future. the
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question for today is do you need to have it on ice? cynthia, what do you think? well, i think it's going to be for people that live inland. a good beer drinking day. but we have some changes coming along the coastline. but hey, i think people just, you know, enjoy any kind of drink. no matter the weather. this morning we're starting off with temperatures in the 50s. there are a few patchy low clouds through parts of the bay area out toward san francisco. we're starting with some low fog as well, temperatures running anywhere from about two to maybe seven degrees cooler. we are seeing some changes with a late season storm up to the pacific northwest, so we'll talk about how that's going to change the weather here for the bay area this weekend, and then some heat coming in next week. kris need the ice then. cynthia, thanks very much. coming up this morning on today in the bay, protesters return to uc santa cruz after police arrest dozens of them. we'll explain why they are standing their ground. we're going to have that story, plus all your other top stories coming up at 7:00. please do
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join me and cynthia then. right now, we're going to send you back to the today show live from new york it is such a work of art to get to witness this vault right
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here. we may never see it again from a female athlete. >> here we go. >> and there you go. >> we are back on a saturday morning, june 1st, 2024. you see there simone biles doing what biles does best. that is the yurchenko double pike. helping to bring biles to the top of the leaderboard at the u.s. gymnastics championship. i have a gut-belly weird feeling watching her. >> flawless. the weekend competition and another qualifying event on the way to the paris olympics leaves no doubt that biles is on the team. and suni lee with the strong showing in more than a year in her round. you can watch the final day of the xfinity championships tomorrow night on nbc and
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streaming on peacock. we will practice our yurchenko double pikes and triple pikes. step by step. >> welcome emilie ikeda to the table for non taylor swift news. >> maybe a little taylor to come in a moment. i want to get to the latest on this half hour. retired admiral is facing bribery charges. robert burke was the second highest ranking officer in europe and russia and most of africa. burke helped to secure a contract in exchange for a job paying him $500,000 a year which he started ten months later. his lawyer says his client intends to plead not guilty. and the mother of the former first lady passed away. marian robinson was a life-long
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resident of chicago until her son-in-law became president. she made the move to care for her granddaughters who were 10 and 7 at the time. michelle in her memoir called marian her rock knowing her daughters were safe. marian robinson was 86 years old. the kansas city chiefs celebrated at the white house to accept celebrate the super bowl championship. patrick mahomes hopes to do the same again before he awkwardly tried on the helmet. harrison butker was standing on the risers there.
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travis kelce was called up to the mic. >> my fellow americans. >> kelce's better the half, taylor swift, in europe, for her eras tour. >> what? >> somehow, some way, we find a way to bring taylor back to the table. >> she played a role in helping the team win. >> true. let's keep the sports theme going. a college baseball team from alabama fighting for survival today. they have a do-or-die game in the college world series one day after the school closed the doors forever. jesse kirsch was there to take in the action. jesse, good morning. >> reporter: joe, good morning. the birmingham southern panthers were fired up in the cleveland suburbs. the team came up short last night. they have another chance today to keep the remarkable run
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going. keep this storybook finish going to the season and the question is will we see them advance beyond today? >> goes the other way with it. breen can't come up with it. >> reporter: they started the college world series with a loss, the birmingham southern panthers have plenty to celebrate. >> what is motivating you? >> we have a lot to play for. >> reporter: last night, 168-year-old college shutdown with financial challenges. the baseball team is still swinging for the fences. >> the one thing i want to challenge you to do is not quit. finish strong. >> reporter: they have. going 19-4 after getting the bad news and earning the spot at the division iii championship tournament. along the way, the team gained
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national attention and adding a crew and a topps trading card and bringing in donations to charter their own plane. guaranteed one more plane today, the birmingham southern baseball outlasted birmingham. some players don't know where they will study next year. >> what is it like balancing that with trying to win the world series? >> i put it in the back burner. focusing on what we have left. >> what are they playing for? >> for me, for one more day. do it one more day. wear the jersey one more day. >> reporter: this morning, thanks to the group of unflinching athletes, their school now rejoicing extra innings. at this point, it is all gravy. by the way, the team came close last night. it was the ninth inning with two runners on and got-ahead runner at the plate, but could not capitalize the three batters and
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striking out one after the other. two went down looking which is never fun when you are a fan of the team. we will see if they can turn it around today. guys, this is something they will remember and the community will remember for a long time. >> no kidding. one more day. jesse kirsch, thank you. i can't wait to see that documentary. >> it will be good. >> what an inspiring team. yeah. angie is back with another check of the forecast. angie, today is the first official day of hurricane season. how is that shaping up? >> it is. we have over 180 days to go until the end of the season. unfortunately, most of the outlook for the season so far is showing it will be above normal season. we have this one recently from noaa with an 85% chance of that. it will be a sure-fire season. what is impressive is the warm sea surface temperatures across
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the atlantic. we are coming in 17 to 25 named storms. the greatest number they have forecasted in the outlook. of those, 8 to 13 becoming hurricanes and 4 to 7 becoming major hurricanes. impressive season ahead of us. the average is well below where we are standing for the outlook. remember, it just takes one
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and that's the look at the forecast. guys. >> angie, thank you. just ahead, this is good news for families who buy inhalers a (mom) let me see my new grand-dog! (mia) say “hi grandma”! (mom) you're feeding him, blue buffalo, right? (jack) nah, we got purina one. it's all the same stuff. (mom) not really. blue life protection formula's got deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, oatmeal, barley... (mia) well purina one has chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal... (jack) [laughing] looks like we're switching to blue! (vo) switch to blue. and feed your dog like family. [♪♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. welcome to the wayborhood. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes!
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when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they're not sitting. -and it rocks... you need to sit down. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. we are back on a saturday morning here with "your health." big news for anyone who needs an inhaler.
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>> starting today, there will be a cap on the price you pay for the medication which is a life saver for main families. >> anne thompson has more. >> reporter: teresa cannot remember when she did not struggle the the with asthma. inhalers delivers the medicines to her lungs. this healthcare worker cannot always afford it. how often have you gone without refilling? >> i have went months. i try to do as best i can or use my breathing machine. >> reporter: rationing is not an option for kya. her 6-year-old son needs his inhaler twice a day. >> the last one he was on, they wanted $500 a month. >> when you started this, how much was the inhaler? >> when he started, $10 a month.
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>> reporter: following government pressure, two of the companies will cap prices at $35 a month. one-third will join by next year. dr. allen says this will help 30% of patients in the detroit area who cannot afford the cornerstone of the care. >> this is a great step in the right direction, but a band-aid on the costs of the pharmaceutical and drug prices. >> reporter: high prices he says plays a role in the asthma care with black americans 30% more likely to have asthma than white americans. to take advantage of the price cap, make sure your doctor is aware and check to see if your inhaler is included and if you can't get it for $35 as the pharmacy, go to the manufacturer web site for help. for this family, it is not enough. >> i wish we could go back to the price we were paying.
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>> $10. >> i can't control that. >> reporter: for medicine that is priceless. anne thompson, nbc news, detroit. >> this is not discretionary. this is life-saving medication. you have done so much reporting. >> it is a need for these people. they cannot just give it up. >> what do you have in "popstart" today? the great willie nelson still making new music at 91 years young. years young. i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem...
5:45 am me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. it's gotta be tide. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. c'mon, c'mon, it's wish time, baby. i'm kinda in the middle of somethin'. but i did the whole “rub the lamp” thing- and i'm doin' the whole “dunkin' cold” thing. this is not how this is supposed to go.
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the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. shop the memorial day sale at sherwin-williams and transform your space with color! get 30% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $34.29 find your new color, may 24 - june 3. shop online or visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store! feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut
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and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. we are back with "popstart." emilie. >> first up, disappointing news for jennifer lopez fans. star announced on friday she is cancelling her summer "this is me" tour. she shared the news saying i'm heart sick and devastating about letting you down. please know i would not do this if it was not absolutely necessary. according to the newsletter, lopez is taking the time off to be with family and friends. the speculation of trouble with her marriage and disappointing
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reception total o album release. and willie nelson dropped the 75th studio album which comes after bluegrass. this is shaping up to be a big one with the festival kicking off june 21st. he will have an all-star lineup with bob dylan and maren morris. >> what is his secret? >> doing what he is doing. finally, can i have a "w" for "wheel of fortune" as we head into the final week for pat sajak. his daughter is giving us a behind the scenes look at the world of "wheel." >> a lot of people are asking what the puzzle board is like. >> we cannot show you a lot.
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there are certain things that are highly classified. show this. it says pat's water right there. >> the water. >> they gave me enough to last the rest of the season. >> highly classified. they're keeping the magic of the big board under wraps. he announced last june this season of "wheel" would be his last after four decades of host. you can catch the final episode of "wheel of fortune" this friday, june th. >> what a legend. >> i want to see behind the board now. >> it's classified, joe. still to come, it's panda-monium with giant pandas coming back t
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we are back this week with the big news that had a lot of people talking. >> giant pandas are coming back to the smithsonian national zoo in washington. >> the national zoo has not had giant pandas since last november when the last three returned to china. >> now they're back. nbc's tom costello has more. >> reporter: a jungle gym is going in. new climbing structures and hammocks and pools. while, 7,500 miles away in china, two 2-year-olds are spending days tumbling downhills and eating bamboo. within a few months, they will catch a transatlantic flight to washington, d.c. >> we will make it a happy place. >> reporter: the 2y50er 2-year-
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both described as panda teenagers. something really special. bao's family lived at the anything al zoo before. >> bao's mom was here and grand parents were here? >> that's right. we are excited to have a cub coming from the family line. >> reporter: for 51 years, those black and white fur balls were the biggest stars at the national zoo. >> so excited to see the panda. >> reporter: then last november, heartbreak. panda-monium came to an end. the loan greement with china expired. the national zoo sent home the last three pandas. >> i miss you. i want to cuddle with you. >> reporter: the panda programs at the national zoo and san diego zoo is part of the
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breeding and conversation program and its working. going from 1,000 50 years ago to 2,000 this year. >> we have accomplished so much that one of our jobs was to crack the code on reproduction. you have to make more of them. >> reporter: last november, panda keepes flew back to china. now she is preparing for the new arrivals. >> we get to watch them go from sub-adult to adult and get to see all of those years and the way they really develop their personality which will continue to change as they age. >> reporter: china's ambassador was at the zoo wednesday. >> i encourage everyone to care for china-u.s. relations as you care for pandas and jointly ushering in a peaceful and prosperous future.
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>> reporter: perhaps a little panda de tante isn't so bad. for "today," tom costello, nbc news. >> i was in san diego when they said good-bye to the pandas. people were emotional. to bring them back is incredible. >> from endangered to vulnerable is great. that will do it for us this saturday morning. we are off next saturday for the french open finals. we will see you back here in two weeks. >> you are compecompeting? >> i have a mean forehand. >> prove it. >> have a great day, everyone. enjoy your weekend. thank you so much for joining us on this saturday. frurz since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this?
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wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. ♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved.
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it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. good morning. it's 557. thanks for joining us on this saturday, june 1st, i'm chris chmura
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sitting in for kira klapper. san jose mayor matt mahan delivers his state of the city address. today. we can give you a live look at the city of san jose. the city right now is facing a $52 billion budget shortfall. could that mean budget cuts or layoffs? we're going to find out today. mahound mehan plans to lay out his solutions for the deficit. then he'll make his budget public next monday. this week, the way we're balancing the budget is we're using our homelessness and affordable housing dollars more flexibly to meet the urgent need on our streets, and we're eliminating vacant roles. but that doesn't mean job cuts. that doesn't mean layoffs or cutting existing jobs. it means not expanding our workforce at a time when we simply can't afford to. once the budget is unveiled, city council members will hold a vote the following week. the budget is supposed to be adopted june 18th. the state of the city will be at 9:00 today at happy hollow park. all right. here's cynthia with a look at our forecast. good morning everyone. well, we
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are off to a mostly clear start up there in the north bay overlooking petaluma this morning. a bit breezy as we make our way down into fremont, we've seen the flag waving there, but look at this. the june gloom has arrived in san francisco. it's cloudy there this morning and also a bit breezy as we go throughout the day. the temperatures are going to drop because of that onshore wind that's coming in later on. starting around lunchtime and continuing into the afternoon. so if you have any outdoor plans, make sure everything is secure. those wind gusts could range anywhere from about 15 to 35, maybe 40 miles an hour, especially up there in the marin county coastline. as we take a look at what our headlines will be, it will be a slightly cooler weekend carrying us into about monday, but then into next week. temperatures could be reaching the triple digits. i'll talk about that coming up at seven kris 40 miles an hour. wow, cynthia, thanks very much. coming up this morning on today in the bay an unusual cleanup on interstate 880 in oakland. that is meat tons of it that spilled from a truck during the evening
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commute. well, here's the thing. the truck didn't stop, and authorities will. they want to find it. we'll have more. plus all your top stories coming . narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. sheinelle: coming up today on "wild child", we're wandering through wildlife parks and zoos to see how professional care


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