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tv   Today  NBC  June 3, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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evacuation orders have been lifted. history made in mexico, where voters have elected the country's first ever female president. claudia sheinbaum is now projected to have an insurmountable lead. she's a climate scientist by profession and once studied physics and engineering at cal. well, the today show just moments away. however, we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms live at 8:00. the latest from the news conference happening moments on the corral fire good monday trump conviction making big waves over the weekend. >> it's the president's son in another courtroom today. it's june 3rd, this is "today." defiant. donald trump in his first interview post conviction with ominous words if he is sent to jail. >> i'm not sure if the public would stand for it. i think it would be tough for
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the public to take. at a certain point, there's a breaking point. overnight trump calls for the u.s. supreme court to step in. we'll have the latest. in the spotlight, hunter biden on trial, the case against the president's son on criminal gun charges getting under way today. we're live at the courthouse in delaware with what it means for the biden campaign. breaking overnight, living history. mexico elects its first female president. just ahead, how she shattered the political glass ceiling and what her victory means for major issues like immigration here in the u.s. closed. a popular california beach shut down after a swimmer is attacked by a shark. >> there was a massive all hands on deck movement of support today that's absolutely safe to say. >> this morning, how he's doing and the other swimmers being hailed as heroes today. sea change. inside the surprising new trend in the booming cruise industry, passengers getting much younger. >> always a good party.
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>> why millennials are setting sail in record numbers. all that, plus, unstoppable. >> two flips, three twists. look how high she gets. >> it's ridiculous. >> simone biles soaring to her record ninth u.s. championship title. >> mentally, i've changed a lot. so that's really nice. >> and rising stars making major statements of their own. >> and nailed it. >> on the road to the paris olympics. and it is time to celebrate, our plaza is turning 30 years old. ♪ livin' la vida loca ♪ >> three decades of unforgettable concerts, stars and surprises. >> let me ask you something. >> uh-oh. >> as we kick off a week-long plaza party today, monday, june 3rd, 2024.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with savannah guthrie, and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody, good morning, welcome to "today," nice to have you along with us on a monday morning. we're going to be "livin' la vida loca" on that plaza. >> yes, we are, girl. >> we're going to celebrate 30 years this week. >> this is this morning's crowd, we're going to say like we have every morning for the past 30 years. all week long we're going to be marking this milestone, we're going to have special events and surprises. if you're in town, come by, we're 49th, right between 5th and 6th. >> yes, we are. where we've been for 30 years. more on that in a bit. let's get to our top story. the political fallout from the trump, sentencing for him is now six weeks away. new polling shows half of americans think that guilty verdict was correct. 49% say trump should end his campaign. but it's also helped the former president certainly when it comes to fund-raising, he has raked in more than $70 million
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since the verdict. meantime, in a delaware courtroom this morning jury selection gets under way for the trial of hunter biden on federal gun charges. it marks another first in presidential politics, the first time a child of a sitting president will strand trial. >> two reports for you this morning, we'll start with nbc's hallie jackson. hallie, good morning. >> savannah, good morning to you. this is a moment in politics we've never seen before, the conviction of a former and perhaps future president. there is one familiar theme emerging, republicans rallying around mr. trump as he's making a public plea for an unlikely intervention by the supreme court, and looking ahead to his sentencing. former president trump overnight saying he hopes to take his case to the country's highest court, posting the supreme court must decide, as he now braces for what could come at his sentencing in six weeks. >> the judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. how do you face what that could look like? >> i'm okay with it. >> reporter: an extraordinary
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moment after his unprecedented felony conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records. the penalty is now ranging from probation to prison time, which is technically possible, legal experts say, but highly unlikely. >> i'm not sure the public would stand for it. i think it would be tough for the public to take. at a certain point there's a breaking point. >> reporter: the ominous sounding suggestion coming in an interview before mr. trump's appearance at a ufc fight saturday night. >> and i felt, i could have done it, i felt it would be a terrible thing, and then this happened to me. hillary clinton, i didn't say lock her up, but the people say it. >> reporter: in reality, though clinton was never convicted of any crime, mr. trump did say lock her up repeatedly. >> what she's done, they should lock her up. >> lock her up is right. >> reporter: since the conviction thursday the rnc says the committee and the campaign have raised $70 million online, a massive haul.
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>> there's no doubt this verdict has actually brought unifying our party. >> reporter: multiple polls this weekend find majority of americans agreeing with the guilty verdicts with the biden-trump race overall remaining deadlocked, as it's been for months, most top republicans falling behind the presumptive gop nominee. >> we have to fight back and we will with everything in our arsenal. but we do that within the confines of the rule of law. >> reporter: as president biden himself issues a warning about gop rhetoric. >> it's reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged. just because they don't like the verdict. >> back to politics. former president trump has joined tiktok, although he did try to ban it. what is behind that decision? what are the implications for the campaign? >> it's all about young voters, you won't be surprised to hear. the trump cam sane says that's who they want to reach with this
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move, and they in their words refuse to give any ground to biden, the biden campaign is already on the app after both candidates have taken steps to ban the app. mr. trump has that executive order in office, and president biden has signed into law a bill that would force a ban unless tiktok spun off. >> they both want to ban it, but while it's existing, they want those voters, hallie, thank you. another historic case that could impact the 2024 race. jury selection begins today at the trial of hunter biden on federal gun charges, the first child of a sitting u.s. president to ever face a criminal trial. and the stakes are high for him and his father. nbc's ryan nobles is at the courthouse in wilmington, delaware, ryan, morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning hunter biden entered this courthouse behind me just a few minutes ago, and also joining him, the first lady jill biden. we also have a comment from the president of the united states who said that he won't comment on a federal case, but he has
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boundless love for his son. this is not the position hunter biden expected to find himself in, the embattled son of the sitting president, very public about his struggles with drugs and alcohol, now facing the legal fight of his life, a fight that could end with possible jail time. the first son is accused of lying on a form to obtain a firearm, he checked a box in 2018 that claimed he was not an active user of a controlled substance. biden has pleaded not guilty of the charges. hunter wrote extensively about his struggles with substance abuse during that same period of time. prosecutors have signalled they plan to use hunter's own words against him from his memoir beautiful things, overnight the judge granting two prosecution requests, including barring a piece of evidence from the trial, the defense had wanted to show an annotated version of the atf form that it says was changed later by gun store employees. the trial may also publicly air embarrassing details of the biden family's private life. among the witnesses expected to be called, the widow of beau
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biden, the president's late son, hallie biden, whom hunter had a romantic relationship with. despite the difficult position the trial puts joe biden in, the president has not pushed his son away, inviting him to state dinners, spending part of the memorial day weekend with him, and publicly defending his son. >> first of all, my son's done nothing wrong. i trust him. i have faith in him. >> reporter: but republicans have used hunter's legal troubles as a political punching bag. aimed at his father. using it as the basis of an impeachment inquiry into the president which has largely fizzled. >> hunter biden is guilty of so many crimes he can barely keep track of them. # >> reporter: the allies are brushing off the potential political problems this trial presents. >> president biden commented as a loving father, add i would hope any loving father would do. >> so, ryan, how might this trial impact the president as he's on the campaign trail? >> reporter: well, hoda, even though there are signs that republicans have not been
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successful in tying hunter biden's legal issues directly to his father, there are other signs that it is taking a real personal toll on the president who is just worried about his son and instead of pushing hunter away, the president appears to be pulling him closer, just as his reelection campaign kicks into high gear. hoda? >> ryan nobles for us there in wilmington, delaware, thank you. we move now to the war in gaza. israel carrying out new air strikes overnight, even as pressure mounts on its government to accept a cease-fire deal outlined by president biden. raf sanchez is in jerusalem for us. raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning, the u.s. is making a major push to rally support for this cease-fire proposal, secretary blinken over the weekend speaking to leaders from across the middle east, including two members of the israeli war cabinet, but ultimately the fate of this deal lies in the hands of the leaders of hamas, and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu.
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overnight, the families of israeli hostages protesting in jerusalem. demanding israel and hamas agree to the sweeping cease-fire proposal laid out by president biden on friday. >> it's a road map. to an enduring cease-fire, and the release of all hostages. >> reporter: the three-phase plan calls for the freeing of all hostages, living and dead, in exchange for an end to the war, a cease-fire, and israel's withdrawal from gaza. hamas says it used the plan positively, but has not yet given a formal response. and while the u.s. says it's an israeli proposal, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not endorsed it publicly, saying ending the war before hamas is destroyed is a non-starter. while his far right allies threatening to topple his government if he agrees to the deal. the israeli leader also accepting a bipartisan invitation to speak to a joint session of congress for the first time in nearly a decade. but some democrats threatening to boycott.
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>> bring them home. >> reporter: over the weekend at the annual parade celebrating israel in new york marchers calling for the release of the hostages. among those still captive, israeli american hirsch goldberg polin, we met his parents in jerusalem as they await news of a deal. >> i certainly pray and hope, and i am optimistic, but i am nervous. i'm frightened. and i also just know, you cannot count your hostages until they're home, and you're hugging them. >> what is your message to the leaders of israel, to the leaders of hamas? >> i would beg the leaders to act like leaders, and part of being a leader is you put your people ahead of your own personal self-interests, and i would beseech all the leaders to do that. >> reporter: now, it remains unclear exactly where israel
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stands on this deal, a senior israeli official tells nbc news that president biden's description of the cease-fire proposal was, quote, not accurate, saying israel has not agreed to withdraw from gaza, that the white house is saying that if hamas agrees to this deal, they expect israel will too. savannah? >> raf sanchez in jerusalem for us, thank you very much. we welcome craig to the table. hi, craig. >> good morning to you. overnight results of a historic election are making worldwide headlines, claudia sheinbaum set to become mexico's first female president, winning in an apparent landslide, and those results could have a major impact, not only in mexico, but in washington as well. guad venegas joins us from mexico city. guad, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning, the preliminary count
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is in, the preliminary count, and officials say sheinbaum won between 58 and 56% of the vote, enough to declare victory overnight, a change for mexico as she celebrates this win. and she's facing a lot of challenges, that violence, that we've we saw during the election cycle and also will have to negotiate immigration policy with the u.s. it's been all celebration with a historic win. this morning, mexico electing the first woman president and first jewish president in its 200-year history. claudia sheinbaum, a close ally of mexico's current president, andres manuel -- declaring victory overnight, the election happening across the u.s. with 20 mexican consulates allowing voters to cast ballots. >> as a young adult it is really exciting to come vote for my own country. >> reporter: in mexico some voters waiting hours at polling locations. >> i think it's a necessary change, and it's a good sign of
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progress in society. >> reporter: sheinbaum is an academic who shared a nobel peace prize for her work on climate change, and it's the growing power of violence is expected to be her greatest challenge. hundreds killed at campaign events, mexico's drug cartels and gangs are thought to be behind the attacks. >> 20 years ago mexican drug cartels were just shipping drugs to the u.s. now they are doing business locally, and extorting people and government so they need to have a political base, and elections are the opportunity to increase the control. >> reporter: criminal organizations are also profiting from the smuggling of migrants to the u.s. with thousands arriving daily through mexico's southern border. the immigration crisis, a major issue for u.s. voters this november, and sheinbaum will become america's crucial partner to avoid another surge at the border. and moving forward it will be
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interesting to see what type of relationship sheinbaum will have with president biden or donald trump depending who win it is election in the u.s. she will be different, she's a fluent english speaker, also lived in the u.s. and might much more relevant for americans buff that english. and keep in mind mexico shares a border with the u.s. and is its most important trading partner. >> guad, thank you. fire crews in california are battling a massive wildfire this morning, about 60 miles east of san francisco. flames have scorched more than 14,000 acres and forced thousands of residents to evacuate their homes. near the city of tracee, temperatures expected to reach over 100 degrees this week, making conditions more difficult for firefighters, the cause of the fire still under investigation. >> 16 after the hour, time to say good morning to mr. roker. >> good morning to you guys, and good morning to you, and especially to all of our friends out west, we are talking about a
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lot of heat, redding, california to texas, 22 million people at risk for this heat, we're going to look at that more coming up in the next half hour. and we also have some severe weather to talk about, stretching from kansas all the way into oklahoma, we're talking severe thunderstorm watches, and warnings right now, this is all part of a system that's moving to the east. we have a risk of severe weather from wisconsin, all the way down into texas, for 23 million people, can't rule out a tornado or two, damaging winds, and hail, as this system moves east, look for a lot of instability, and moisture fueling these strong storms, especially from texas on into kansas, arkansas, parts of oklahoma, tomorrow, that front moves to the east, bringing a risk from iowa, missouri, on in to kansas, and then continues to move into the great lakes, the east, and the southeast as well, with flood risks increasing in the appalachians, why? because we're talking about some areas picking upwards of three to five inches of rain, but generally anywhere from one to three, from green bay to little
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rock, into nashville. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. ♪meow, meow, meow♪ [background cats singing] ♪meow, meow, meow♪ ♪meow, meow, meow♪ [background cats singing] ♪meow, meow♪ ♪the wet food cats ask for by name♪
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weather, guys. >> al, thank you. still ahead, a popular beach in california closed after a frightening shark attack. what we're learning about the victim who was bitten during his weekly swim. and the quick-thinking friends who saved his life. and then, a rather surprising trend in travel, the cruise industry we know is booming. well, many of those passengers, turns out they're millennials. what is drawing in that younger crowd? what it could mean for your next adventure at sea. but first, on a monday when it comes to life golden 1 credit union sees, you're crushing it. you nailed that audition.
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as well as the leading luxury brand without the $60 price tag. for stronger, healthier hair. ♪♪ if you know, you know it's pantene. ♪♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) good morning to you. it is 726 right now i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories, including a brand new update on that large wildfire burning east of livermore. good morning. i'm thom jensen here. tracey on the corral fire where we've got an update overnight. fire officials say they were able to get a containment line.
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around 75% of the fire now. still a little more than 14,000 acres. and we still only know about one home being destroyed, along with several outbuildings and some vehicles. but they're making progress. we'll have more on our midday show at 11:00 today. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. history is unfolding in mexico as the country elects claudia sheinbaum as its first female president in over 200 years, also a huge first in this election. mexican nationals living abroad were allowed to vote at consulates here in the bay area. however, after waiting for up to eight hours, many were turned down at the door. sheinbaum will assume her post on october 1st for one six year term. let's get a look at the forecast for this monday with meteorologist kari hall. and we're starting out with a lot of clouds. it's going to be cloudy throughout the day, but also slightly cooler than normal as we get a storm system passing just to our north. santa rosa will see a high of 79 and 68 in fremont, but tomorrow much hotter. take a look at how these
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numbers change going up in some spots nearly 20 degrees. we're going to see this blast of heat last a few days, so keep checking back in for those updates. laura. all right. thank you very much. and thank you for joining us as well. please join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. we'll have details on the brand new rate hike for one of the most popular streaming music services is also watch on roku, amazon fire tv
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♪ from nbc news, this is "today," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> you get a look at ground level here on 49th and the plaza on what is a lovely monday morning. >> that's right. it's a beautiful morning. we have a couple hundred people from all over the country. they have messages and all sorts of fun things. >> okay, guys. look at that.
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it's 7:30. that right there a very historic moment here at "the today show." katie and bryant kicking off the first broadcast from studio 1a. rockefeller plaza. that was june 1994. look at us how. we're celebrating 30 years on the plaza. they were very calm. >> they were. quite subdued back then. >> they were quite dignified back then. >> not anymore. >> what's happening now? >> right now, it's a rowdy crowd. >> it will be so fun to look back. we need a whole week to celebrate. we have surprises, fan moments, a reunion out there 30 years in the making. we're going to do that later. we have a lot of fun planned for this week. first, news to get to this morning. we told you experts were expecting a very busy shark season. well, over the weekend, emergency crews responded to one of the first attacks of the summer. >> this one happened near san diego. a 46-year-old man suffered significant shark bites during his early morning swim. liz kreutz has the details.
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good morning. >> good morning to all of you. yeah. this happened at a popular beach north of san diego. the victim is said to be part of a seasoned ocean swimming group that trains weekly. we spoke to his swimming buddy who was with him when the attack happened. she said the man punched the shark in the face to fight it off. she credits the quick action of their fellow swimmers with saving his life. a terrifying shark attack off the coast of california leading to a beach closure for swimmers and surfers. the incident happening early sunday morning in the city of del mar, where officials say a 46-year-old man suffered significant but non-life threatening shark bites to his torso, left arm and hand. >> when we saw like the guy swim back, it was really shocking. >> reporter: according to city officials, the man was with a dozen ocean swimmers who meet regularly to train, including his assigned buddy and swimming right behind him when she heard him scream for help. >> you said he punched the shark in the face?
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>> yes. he punched it in the face. he punched it in the nose. i do know he had a gash on his hand from a shark's tooth. >> reporter: members of the group immediately jumped into action along with aechld chld are doctor who just happened to be walking on the beach. together they assisted the man out of the water and helped life guards perform first aid. >> i think one of the swimmers may have had a tourniquet they swim with. >> reporter: within minutes medics were also on scene to tend to the bleeding. it sounds like a group of very brave, quick-thinking people helped save this man's life. >> yes, 100%. there was a massive all hands on deck movement of support today. >> reporter: the attack prompting closure signs on beaches within a mile of the incident and leaving many beach goers shocked. >> i have never seen a shark sign or have known of an incident to occur right here. >> we have lived here 50 years, and i have never seen a sign up before.
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>> reporter: last year 39% of shark attacks took place while people were swimming and wading in the ocean. and although the risk of unprovoked shark bites worldwide remains extremely low, the u.s. recorded the highest number of cases last year with 36 confirmed incidents. experts say the best way for swimmers to reduce their risk is to always stay in groups, use extra caution when in an area near sand bars and steep drop-offs, and avoid being in the water during dark or twilight hours. >> so how is the victim doing now? >> according to his assigned swimming buddy, he remained conscious the entire time. he is currently in recovery at the hospital. and amazingly he is expected to be okay. by the way, as for the water closure in del mar, a very popular beach that remains in effect until tomorrow. savannah? >> liz, thank you very much. >> glad the guy is going well. but to have the wherewithal to
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punch the shark in the face, not me. more trouble for ticketmaster. new details on a massive cyberattack that exposed the private information of more than a half a billion customers. what all concert fans need to know. but, first, we are setting sail with sam brock. an inside look at the booming cruise industry, and who's packing those ships. hey, sam. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning. it is my group, my people, the millennials driving this trend right now. they're now as well represented on the high seas as our parents and our grandparents. the crucial factors behind this cruise youth movement coming up next. your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. we're back at 7:39. we love some stix around here. this morning, in depth today, the booming cruise ship industry. >> after a blockbuster 2023, even more people are setting sail this year and the ages of chose who are setting sail might surprise you, younger passengers. >> apparently so. nbc's sam brock joins us now
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from port miami with more on the youth movement. hey, sam. >> reporter: happy to be the ambassador. craig, savannah, hoda, good morning. look, post-pandemic, the cruise industry has been crushing it. that is not exactly a secret, guys. but you might be surprised to know last year millennials made up about the same percentage of travelers as baby boomers. one fellow millennial said we don't have to wait until retirement to have go set sail. these experiences right now are pulling them in by the boat load. to take a cruise in 2024 means fine dining. entertainment and thrills on the high seas. it is a far cry from the shuffle boarding buffet days depicted on shows like "love boat" a decade ago. the love affair now includes pulsating beats, pool parties and many more millennials. >> as a millennial, with all the things we have going on in life,
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it just makes it easy. >> reporter: with a record breaking 31.7 million passengers setting sail last year, a figure that's only expected to swell to nearly 35 million in 2024, more than a fifth of cruise travelers are now millennials. almost the same figure as baby boomers and general xors. there has been a major uptick in first timers, like brooke. >> i love to dress up and get fancy. a good theme is always a good party. >> reporter: others like john and joey have been on lots of cruises. >> the room is very chic, very innovative. >> reporter: but they say today's experience trends younger and has tons of options. >> well, there is like 26 different restaurants now. >> reporter: that is a huge pull for you? >> yeah, it's a big draw. >> reporter: industry experts say cheaper, more reliable wifi also represents a sea change, especially for those that want to mix a little business with pleasure. >> wifi has gotten so good on cruise lines that people are able to stay connected.
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>> reporter: they're also finding discounts. loyalty programs and artist inspired voyages readily available. >> there is a taylor swift themed cruise. taylor swift is not going to be on board, but it is a chance for swifties to get together. >> reporter: if you talk to newer cruisers, like the grant sisters from st. louis, it's all about seizing the moment. >> maybe in our parents' generation, they had to wait to retirement to do some of these activities. in terms of our generation, it is like, let's get it in now. >> reporter: you think people in many ways are just prioritizing yolo, if you will? >> we are. >> yolo! sam, you mentioned those discounts. what are the best ways to find those deals? >> reporter: yeah, craig. it is a great question. there is a surprising number of outlets where you can find deals. let's start with some of the major airlines like american and united. they do offer cruise-related deals. also the ability to leverage your miles for deals. you have cruise branded credit cards if you're really hard core
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that allow you to build up points for cruises. american express has a cruise benefits program. you can get hundreds of dollars of credit once you get onboard. and costco offers discounted cruise packages. i know savannah is talking about $1.50 hot dogs. yes, you can buy that as well when you are at that store. guys in terms of the times, wave season is over. the best deals right now will be coming up on the holidays with the absolute optimal time to buy, cybermonday. >> we were talking about the costco dollar hot dogs remaining $1.50 since 19 # 85. >> i did not know this, wow. >> yeah. we were just chitchatting on it. and remember that time you went on a cruise with kathy. >> yes, i do remember. ♪ if they could see me now. >> you remember them all. >> al, you remember. >> kathy lee, you remember. come on, al? >> oh, gosh. i do. i will be channelling my inner captain stubing. let's do that. that's a little "love boat". >> oh, we know.
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>> i wasn't sure. >> the heat dome expands out west. we've got some really warm conditions, besides setting the stage for maybe some wildfires, we're talking about temperatures way above normal. las vegas, 102. denver today, near 90 degrees. chicago, 85 degrees today. tomorrow that heat continues from sioux falls, san francisco even up above average. and look at this western warmth right into the weekend. triple digits in vegas, reading, california and tucson, arizona, triple digit temperatures. way above average. look at the month of june, i should say. the western third of the country way warmer than average. normal here in the east and mid-atlantic. that's what's going on around
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weather. guys? >> al, thank you. guys, coming up next, look at her go. simone biles added another title to her record-shattering resume in the build-up to the paris olympics. how high does she fly? kaylee hartung is right there. tell us about it. >> reporter: yeah, guys. for the ninth time, simone biles is the all-around champion. just like a fine wine, she keeps
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getting better with age. when you see what she did at fort worth, you won't believe it. we'll show you all the excitement as we keep counting down to paris. >> and hoda has a morning boost cooking up right now. ♪ if you could see her now ♪ ly r adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness.
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7:48 am
i came here to find love, but instead i found a best friend. señor snuffles? you stole my sock and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. ♪ more dog ♪ centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. ♪ that last pass is perfect. >> oh, that's how you end it right there.
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simone biles. there's nelly and her husband there, too. what skills on full display this weekend at the u.s. gymnastics championship. carson joins him. her mother could not contain herself. >> that was a big event. obviously countdown to the paris olympics. simone took the title for a record ninth time. nbc's kaylee hartung was right there in fort worth for all the action. kaylee, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. start to finish, simone biles was absolutely dominant on the floor behind me. you could see her joy and confidence in every move and expression on her face. it was a big weekend for all of the country's top gymnasts, though, as the olympics picture is coming into focus. >> can't do it much better than this. >> reporter: simone biles is back on top, the gymnastics superstar surpassing her own record for the most national titles. your ninth national all-around title. how does that sound? how does that feel? >> just makes me sound old, to
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be honest. but it is nice to get back out there and have another championship win. >> reporter: her family feeling the emotions of every twist and flip. her husband jonathan owens diligently keeping score as she swept all four events, despite a couple early mistakes, biles able to bounce back, delivering a gravity-defying floor routine. >> look at how high she gets. >> it's ridiculous. it really is. >> reporter: and sticking the landing on her second vault attempt. with a dominant lead going into her final rotation. >> in theory, she could fall five times. >> reporter: she held tight on the uneven bars, finishing 5.9 points above second place. the win securing her spot at olympic trials later this month. the g.o.a.t., now one step closer to her third straight games. paris would be a chance at redemption after struggles with her mental health pushed her to withdraw from competition in tokyo three years ago.
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>> how different are you today? >> mentally i have changed a lot. so that's really nice. therapy is working. i know it is a crucial step in the right direction for me. >> reporter: joining her could be skye blakely. who landed in second place over the weekend. and kayla dicello who came in third. both hoping to make their olympic debuts. >> beautiful! >> reporter: still in the mix are jordan chiles and suni lee. who rounded out the top five. >> really, good from suni lee. >> reporter: and on the men's side, a remarkable comeback for brody malone, winning a national title less than a year after suffering a devastating leg injury in competition. now only one event stands between usa gymnastics biggest stars and a chance at olympic glory. and, guys, notably missing from all of this weekend's excitement, a favorite for team usa, shilese jones. she is a top all-around contender. an old shoulder injury flared up
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and she said she wanted to prioritize her recovery at the -- ahead of the olympic trials at the end of the month. guys, the olympic selection committee will have their hands full trying to make their selections here. >> one decision has been made, right? >> and done. >> i was just thinking i could watch a channel that was only simone all day long. and i realize that's called paris olympics. on nbc. we have that channel. >> i don't know who is better, watching simone or nelly. her mom. those reactions are top. >> her husband keeping score, by the way. that's cute. >> something to do to maybe keep your nerves still. let's get ready for a boost, guys. an exchange student currently living in michigan got the surprise of his life when his family showed up just one day before his high school graduation. >> how was it? are you so bummed that you had to leave? oh,
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oh, god! >> oh, man. >> hit him right there. >> lorenzo clearly was not expecting his mom and dad to be there, but of course they weren't going to miss that day for anything. >> coming up on "popstart," we will talk a little golf. john daley's life coming to a tv series. they've got the perfect casting down for it. . ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy®
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a physician specialist told me about axonics therapy. it's given me real, long-lasting relief from my symptoms. visit to get help arranging an appointment with an expert physician that can determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. get back to doing the things you love! good morning. it is 756 on marcus washington and i'm laura garcia. here's what's happening now, what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. firefighters making more progress. knocking down the corral fire just east of livermore. for a short time ago, they gave us a new update. the fire south of tracee is now 75% contained, with more than 14,000 acres burned. one home is destroyed. all evacuation orders have been lifted. two homes in
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east san jose are completely dis destroyed there. this is after a fast moving fire. it started yesterday afternoon in the garage of a home on quimby road. this is near eastridge mall. the embers then drifted, starting two more fires in an adjacent neighborhood, heavily damaging a third home. let's check the forecast for today with meteorologist kari hall. and we're starting out with a lot of clouds. you can even see the fog over san francisco. this is going to keep us cool as we go throughout today. as our high stay in the 60s here. as you make your way inland, we're talking about some low to mid 70s. but the big story this week will be the extreme heat coming our way starting tomorrow. look at how much hotter it's going to be. our valleys will be in the upper 90s and even triple digits. we'll talk more about that coming up next. back to you, laura marcus. all right. thank you very much. and make sure you join us for our 8 a.m. streaming newscast this morning. we'll have
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flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep!
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it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, defiant. donald trump issues a new warning after his historic conviction. >> i'm not sure the public would stand for it. i think it would be tough for the public to take. at a certain point, there is a breaking point. >> and calls on the supreme court to intervene with the sentencing just weeks away. in a delaware courtroom, hunter biden's trial getting underway today.
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we're live with the very latest. plus, ticketmaster trouble. the major cyberattack impacting millions of concert goers, hackers stealing private data from accounts. what you need to know before your next show straight ahead. then wedding season savings. as summer ceremonies get under way, a look at how you can save money whether you're throwing it, attending it, or saying i do. your full guide to major costs. all that, plus, da bears, guys drill travis kelce. >> when are you going to make an honest woman of her? >> there are certain things that are highly classified. >> and party on the plaza. we will kick off our 30th anniversary with special surprises today, monday, june 3rd, 2024. ♪ >> drove all the way from honolulu, hawaii for my 21st birthday.
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>> best friends celebrating our high school graduation. >> from florida! >> on a mother-daughter trip in missouri and michigan. >> today is our 35th wedding anniversary. >> visiting from peoria, illinois. >> corpus christi, texas! >> south carolina. >> orlando, florida! >> oregon city, oregon! >> at westpoint, mississippi. ♪ >> hi to my dad. we love you, pop pop! >> after 50 years watching the "today" show -- >> mom finally made it on the plaza. >> for my 70th birthday. >> how about that? we take it for granted. 30 years of this. that shot, that exact same shot on the plaza, smiling faces out there, much to celebrate every day. but we will definitely do it up big this week. 30 years of our plaza. >> let's get to our news at 8:00. we will begin with political fallout from the historic
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conviction of donald trump. on criminal charges. the former president speaking out in his first interview post verdict and also calling for the u.s. supreme court to step in. this also comes as hunter biden begins his trial on federal gun charges. that starts today. nbc's hallie jackson has it all covered. hallie, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning. you have former president trump posting overnight that the supreme court must decide in what would be an improbable intervention as he braces for his sentencing next month on that felony conviction of 35 -- 34 counts of falsifying business records. mr. trump says he would be okay with the possibility of house arrest or even prison, which legal experts say is not likely. listen. >> i'm not sure the public would stand for it. i think it would be tough for the public to take. you know, at a certain point there is a breaking point. >> reporter: since the conviction thursday, the rnc says the committee and the campaign have raised some $70 million online. that's a big haul.
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but majorities of americans agreeing with the guilty verdict with the biden-trump race remaining deadlocked. now, president biden's warning it's reckless to say the trial is rigged because they don't like the verdict. he is in wilmington, delaware this morning as his son hunter begins his trial there today after a deal with prosecutors fell apart last year. the first son is accused of lying on a form to get a gun in 2018 by checking a box confirming he was not on -- >> thank you. dr. anthony fauci will be back on capitol hill today to answer questions by house republicans about the origins of covid-19. lawmakers want to know if government-backed scientists were fully transparent about controversial virus research. and they want to find out if fauci's former aids tried to evade public records laws. this is fauci's first testimony since leaving his government job nearly two years ago. now to a major cyberattack
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affecting concert fans. live nation which owns ticketmaster says it is notifying users after hackers stole private data from accounts. it is the latest in a series from the company. brian, good morning. >> good morning, guys. live nation revealed part of its securities and exchange commission filing on friday. they promised to investigate, but it really couldn't have come at a worse time. the company now the subject of a cyberattack over a week after becoming the target of a federal lawsuit. ♪ >> reporter: new trouble this morning for ticketmaster, the world's largest concert ticket seller. parent company live nation entertainment confirming it's been hit with a cyberattack. >> oh, no. ticketmaster, oh no. >> reporter: hackers claim to have stolen the private information of more than 500 million users, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card details, according to a screen shot of the alleged
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ransom note circulating online. in a regulatory filed saying it first identified this on a database. a week later, may 27, the hackers tried to sell the data on the dark web. live nation and ticketmaster did not respond to a request for comment but wrote in the filing they are notifying users and working with law enforcement. >> it was opportunism, not sophistication. it is way too easy for malicious actors to be doing what they're doing, so we have to be investing in the actions of industry to do the basics in cyber hygiene. >> reporter: in the supposed ransom note a group called shiny hunters is claiming responsibility for the breach. it is the same group federal prosecutors say is behind dozens of other high-profile hacks of companies worldwide since 2020. >> i'm not getting tickets. >> reporter: it's the latest controversy for live nation and ticketmaster. ♪ >> reporter: after outrage over that taylor swift ticket sale disaster back in 2022 led to a senate hearing.
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>> it is a nightmare dressed like a daydream. >> reporter: a now a lawsuit from the justice department, 29 states, and the district of columbia, alleging the ticket giant is an illegal monopoly, and should be broken up. live nation calling that claim baseless, but this morning, fans are fed up. >> as if it couldn't have gotten any worse, this happens. >> and cybersecurity experts say if you have a ticketmaster account, you should change your password as a precaution. enable multifactor authentication. with the email and text messages. also be vigilant about monitoring your bank accounts for any unusual activity. and there is a government website. if you think your identity has been stolen, you can log on. >> i'm right in the middle of it. thank you, brian. they say baseball is america's favorite passtime, a game played in virginia this weekend might have the entire universe taking notice because it is called cosmic baseball. >> this is cool. >> right? >> players wore neon glow in the dark uniforms.
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the baseballs and the bats were also glow in the dark. this was met with such a hit from the fans. chili peppers say they have three more cosmic games for this summer. that would be fun. >> fun. >> that's cool. even the bases. snl's famed super fans back together, and they're getting to the bottom of the taylor-travis love story. you want to stick around for this in "popstart". but first christine romans with your money savings money guide to the busy summer wedding season. >> if you are a guest or the groom or the bride, i have a whole bunch of tips so you can save money, big money for wedding season this summer. that's after the break. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain.
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it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? two bars in one pack? or two cravings packed into one bar? (dad) sweet. (daughter) and salty! (vo) nature valley sweet & salty bars, in delicious flavors like dark chocolate, peanut, and almond. you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair? you need expert skincare. new dove scalp + hair therapy serum active skincare ingredients targets the source of beautiful hair.
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your scalp for visibly thicker, stronger, fuller hair. (vo) at dog chow we believe helping dogs live their best life... your scalp for visibly thicker, stronger, should be simple. that's why dog chow is made with high-quality protein and no fillers. purina dog chow. keep life simple new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. deliveries happen. oh hello, we didn't order that. uh, are you sure? this happens. socks! no! that happens. hey! get out of there! charlie's up to bat, and the pitch...
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(man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon (noel) did you know it's possible to have a heart attack at age 36? i didn't. here's a tip. if you smoke, it's totally possible. that's what happened to me. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts
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to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] >> love stings? ♪ love stinks yeah yeah ♪ >> love stinks. ♪ love stinks yeah yeah ♪ >> love stinks? ♪ love stinks yeah yeah ♪ >> love stinks! ♪ love stinks yeah yeah ♪ >> okay. >> that's up there. >> we love that. it's wedding season. "wedding singer" showed us you want to make sure you get what you paid for when it comes to the big day. >> after all, weddings can be super expensive, more so year after year. whether you are throwing one, attending one, costs can add up. >> they can.
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according to the knot guests spend up to $580 per wedding. attending the bachelor party, that's another $1,000 per person. and for those throwing the wedding, the average cost $35,000, and it jumps significantly depending on your location. >> nbc's senior business correspondent christine romans is here to help us bring the numbers down. >> yeah. >> 580 to go to a wedding. how do you bring that number down? >> absolutely, look, you've got -- as soon as you get the save the date, i call it the save the money card. if you start saving $10 a week, in six months you have 260 bucks. that will help you go all the way. just start saving right away if you are going to one of these weddings. also bank your credit card points. this is what i like to use all those perks and points for, for the actual event, for the flight, the hotel room. buddy up for the stays and gifts. a lot of people, couples and good friends, they get airbnbs, they try to keep the costs down that way. you can rent, re-wear or buy -- borrow attire. there are a whole bunch of
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"today" show producers who share dresses. >> "today" show anchors share out outfits too. >> you can buddy up for gifts? that's okay? >> you can. instead of everybody getting something for $100 or $150, you can get together and get a bigger -- especially if you are close to the bride and groom, get together and get a better gift, a bigger gift that they really on the on their list. >> these bachelorette and bachelor parties have gotten off the hook. you travel, go here. how do you get that under control. you feel like you want to go or you have to do. >> have the money talk, have the awkward money talk right away. tell the bride, tell the groom, look, could we use a google flight to find the best destination for all of us. where we happen to live. call the bars, the restaurants. they like your business. they say, hey, can you give us a discount on maybe a happy hour or something? byob assignments. this is like, hoda, you bring the tequila, you bring the mixers.
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i'm going to do the bagels on the sunday morning before we get on the airplane. stay out of the restaurants for every single meal if you can. it is okay to say no. a lot of brides and grooms will understand if you say, look, i have four weddings this summer. i don't actually have that much vacation time. it's okay to say no. you can say, i can't do it financially, but i really want to be there for you for the wedding. >> vendors can be expensive, a photographer, a deejay and all the rest. sometimes you think i have a small wedding. how do you bring those costs down? >> so bundle. the videographer sometimes does lighting. sometimes the dj does lighting. make sure you're not doubling up on some of these things and try to get a bundle. you can say no to the drone. i mean, come on. they put that in. it's really expensive. say no to the drone if you don't need it. maybe you don't need two videographers. but just really be brutal on the budget with what you need. when i got married, it was a still photographer, that was it. the day is the memory, right? don't let all of that extra stuff get in the way.
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if you don't want to. also for the flowers, this is amazing, wholesale clubs like sam's club and costco, you can order them and design the boutonnieres and the table settings. they come two days ahead of time. trader joe's, diy brides love trader joe's. so does al roker. every day they have new flesh -- fresh flowers. >> we get the bridesmaids together and make them. >> see if you can stock the bar yourself with costco, sam's club, tub of wine, sometimes the venue will let you do that. >> okay. well, hoda is bringing the at the -- tequila. what about the wedding attire? you can save significant money here. do sample sales. i got my gown at a sample sale, by the way. trunk shows. there is something called still white. it is a resale market with 80,000 wedding gowns. >> wow, what? >> 80,000 wedding gowns. if you don't mind, you can just re-wear somebody else's. facebook marketplace, a lot of people are looking for gowns on
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facebook marketplace as well. >> some tried and true ways, you have to cut your guest list. i guess that's really -- that's what it comes down to, sometimes. >> you can also think of it this way. you only have a certain amount of hours in that day. do you want to have a big guest list that you can't talk to somebody? or you get stuck talking to somebody for too long that you haven't connected with recently. so cut down the guest list. consider other days of the week. that's a really important one, too. tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, those are cheaper days to do. it helps to keep the guest list down because not as many people can come. you can cut transportation because you don't need all the busses and limos and all that stuff. look for where the money is. and, come on. do you really want your uncle lou to have the really expensive vodka? maybe you don't. >> well, start with it and then go down. start with the good stuff. taper off to the bad stuff. >> good stuff only for people in the dresses. >> and can notice, yeah, okay. thank you. all right. let's get a check of the weather
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and head over to al. >> i'm thinking about saying no to the drone. i never say no to a good drone. we are looking at wet weather making its way into the pacific northwest. strong storms. from minneapolis to kansas on down into oklahoma. we will be watching severe weather today for that region. 80s to 90s to 100s from texas all the way to the southeast. 90s down in florida. 80s in the mid-atlantic on into the ohio and mississippi river valleys. heavy rains from the great lakes. severe storms in the central plains. a lot of heat out west. rain and flooding with a few showers in the mid-atlantic states. beautiful day here in the northeast. that's what's going on aroun the d co
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that's your latest weather. time for a monday "popstart". >> thank you, uncle al. we will start with travis kelce. the nfl star has been dating taylor swift. did you know that? dating taylor swift. >> are you serious? >> pop start exclusive right there. they've been together less than a year. there is questions and speculation about potential marriage. this time it is comedian jason sudeikis who asked travis kelce what we're all wondering while appearing together during a sketch in kansas city. the charity fundraiser in kansas city. sudeikis made the crowd go nuts by interrogating kelce. >> travis, real talk, okay? just the guys here. trav, when are you gonna make an
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honest woman out of her? >> he gets it! >> travis not offering any answers, no. nothing there. >> a little embarrassed smile, but no answer there. >> yes, we were there. >> yeah. it is a great, great fundraiser. more about that coming up in the 3rd hour of "today". >> then you went from kansas city to chicago and finished season one of "the bear." the show we all love here. the hit drama follows an ambitious chef in chicago as he tries to elevate the chaotic family restaurant known as the original beef. that deli is based on a real life italian sandwich shop called mr. we've. and, al, you were there in chicago, went to mr. beef and he logged some of his thoughts. >> i thought you were kidding. >> well, pretty good. mr. beef, baby. nobody was swearing and yelling in there. what a concept. >> no one swearing. pretty good? >> yeah.
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>> yummy? >> yeah, i got hot and sweet peppers on the beef. the fries were pretty darn good. >> was cousin there? >> no. >> where else did you go? from kansas city to chicago. >> and then i came home. >> are you backstage with "wheel of fortune"? >> i am. i will be there. >> that's what we're talking about. this is it, everybody. pat sajak's final week. as host of the iconic game show after 43 years. thanks to pat's daughter maggie who works for social media, she is their correspondent there, she gave us a small look behind the scenes. >> a lot of people were asking what behind the puzzle board is like, so we will show them a glimpse. >> we can't show them a lot because there are a lot of things are highly classified. look at my water stand here. >> hold on, this is very important. >> look. it says pat's water. and here is -- >> the water itself. >> they just gave me enough to last the rest of the season. >> well, even his last week, pat keeping the secrets of "wheel of fortune" safe. good moments there. next up, roger federer on
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"popstart." long awaited documentary about his final days as a pro tennis player, officially premiering this month on prime video. it is called federer. it is billed as an intimate look at the end of his career, showing us a vulnerable and candid roger federer. guess what? because savannah is involved in the program, we got an exclusive look. at the trailer. thank you. let's take a look. >> i thought until this morning i had the emotions in check, but i can feel it coming up. >> you will play the labor cup. that will be the last match of his career. djokovic, murray, they will all be there. >> no, i will not have this feeling again. it is painful. >> a mountain of memories are flooding back to him right now. >> these are the nerves i will miss once i officially retire. >> finally, to the game of tennis, i love you and will
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never leave you. ♪ >> i love this trend. we saw it with derek jeter, michael jordan. these documentaries with the greats coming out for us fans. this looks like another oscar-winning type production. >> i'm speechless. it is going to be great. the last final days of him. >> maybe not supposed to be as 12 final days. >> they wanted to shoot it. i don't know if they were really planning on it being a -- they didn't know. it ended up being so iconic. >> you can watch that on june 20th. finally we talked about tennis. kevin james found his next role, playing golf legend john daly. there's a limited series about john daly in the works. he's a beloved member of the golfing community, won 19 pro tournaments, especially known
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for his driving distance as well as his outfits and in-your-face personality, faced alcoholism for much of his career and has been open about that struggle. kevin james no stranger to the golf course at all. big golf fan. we'll keep an eye on that series. pretty good. one last bonus item. kristen welker and her husband john welcoming a baby boy via surrogate on may 30th. savannah, nickname? >> jz. >> weighing in at 7 pounds, and big sister loving her new baby brother. big congratulations to john and kristen, we love you guys. >> sweet. >> that's your pop start. >> baby jz. coming up, tony, emmy and grammy winner ben platt live in studio. celebrating a brand new album, celebrating with us with a special live performance coming
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up after your local news, weather, and these quick messages.
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is it possible to be more capable and more practical? be able to perform here and here? make a statement while barely making a sound and command the world as well as what lies ahead. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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the amount of training, the sacrifice. >> we can face insurmountable challenges. >> i won last year, and i'm here to win again. >> he might have a shot. >> "american ninja warrior" tonight on nbc and peacock. ♪ back now at 8:30. it is a monday morning. let's talk about a very big week for us.
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so, guys, 30 years ago today, our studio 1a moved to this little corner of the world. >> wow. >> it was very cool. the plaza was born. >> a bouncing baby plaza was born. we are going to celebrate all week long. we are kicking it off with something special. thank you to the city of new york. our home for the past 30 years. rockefeller plaza is being temporarily renamed. should we do the honors? >> let's do it. >> down and away. >> down and away. ready? >> five, four, three, two, one. >> down and away. big plaza! >> wow. it could just stay, right, carson? >> we might have to earn our keep for the next 30 years. >> it is the "today" plaza. i love it. looks great. we have a big party out here every single day. in a moment, we will re-live what it's been like. over the last 30 years. an incredible reunion about to take place.
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>> very exciting. all right. anybody have strange dreams overnight? >> i'm glad you asked. sometimes they could be confusing and hard to decode unless you have an expert to help help you out. stig stick around for some fascinating conversations about the power and purpose of dreams. plus, ben platt, as you saw earlier is in the house putting his vocal skills back on the spotlight. new album out that's great. we have a taste of what he's got on that new album when he performs for us live. coming up on the 3rd hour of "today," we will get you moving on our monday morning with our fitness expert who will kick off our "start today" challenge for the month of june. before we do anything else, mr. roker, how about one more check of that weather? >> let's take a look for the week ahead. wet weather and severe storms. mid plains into the gulf coast, soggy conditions out west. as we get into the midweek period, the heat is on out west. above average highs in the plains.
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a stormy eastern sea board and east coast. and then as we get toward the end of the week, we're looking for that wet weather to hang . good monday morning i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to see temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s, even a few low upper 70s for the inland areas as we get a lot of clouds and some peeks of sunshine. but look at the change for tomorrow. big spike in temperatures will be in the upper 90s, and even triple digits for the valleys, while along the coastline it's also going to be much warmer with upper 70s and low 80s. we are going to have hot wea >> muchas gracias. we are going to begin the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of our "today" plaza. we will take it all the way back
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to the beginning. it is the summer of '94. just days after the opening of studio 1a. there was one man who was here who is still here in a sweet moment that happened. take a look. >> you guys have brought the youngest viewer to the "today" show. this is jordan. better give you back to him. how old is jordan? >> he's six months. >> what a guy. you are? >> maria. >> i'm gregory. >> very nice. because you guys brought our youngest viewer, we have for you some fabulous commemorative "today" show t-shirts. >> thank you. >> there you go. we will do this every friday. we will make up something for you to win your t-shirt. jordan, we will try to get one for you, too. okay? all right. thanks very much, guys. >> okay, al. guess who we found. >> who? >> three decades later, please welcome back the borell family. >> all right! >> look at how big you got,
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jordan! >> wow! >> hi, guys! >> isn't this exciting. >> you're the baby? >> he's the baby. >> wow! >> this is so crazy. >> oh, my gosh. so, craig, this is our baby. this is baby jordan. we're missing maria, your wife, your mom. she passed away. >> yeah. >> what would it have meant for her to think about you two being here and celebrating this moment? >> she would be elated. i tell you, we got up bright and early to get here to see your show in 1994. we came up for a trip my former business partner gave us. we came to see "the kiss of spider woman" with vanessa williams. then we came down here. jordan was crying, and we remember al saying, where is that baby? where is that baby? then 30 years later we get a call. first we wanted to know how did you find us after 30 years. so it's exciting. she would be excited to be here.
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>> how crazy was it when you got the call, jordan? >> i was very surprised. at first i thought it was spam. so this is the most unexpected result from that. i listened to the voice mail, and i was like, no way. >> how crazy has been it with al right now. al held and met so many babies. how is it seeing and talking to him in person? >> surreal. i was just along for the ride when i was first here. now it's circle back. good to see you again. >> why don't you just pick jordan up again? create that moment. >> i was thinking about that. that's going to be extremely awkward. we don't do that anymore. >> jordan, you were a baby. but growing up, is this something you would put in the vcr and rewatch this moment? >> yeah. the first time i saw the video i was somewhere between 12 and 15. i popped in the vhs and got to watch it. in high school, i got to talk to my uncle about it. he was saying how special the moment was. people work their lives to get on tv, and i managed to get on
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the first six months of my life. pretty nice. >> yeah. we did have t-shirts. we didn't have one for you at the time, jordan. so i think we got some new t-shirts. >> oh, wow. >> nice! >> here you go. >> thank you. >> wear these well. we hope you will think of us, and we will be thinking of you guys and your beloved mom, maria. as you wear those. really special to see you. >> jordan, we'll see you when you're 60. >> and then when you get on the smucker's jar, i will just be a floating head. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for coming back to see us. >> what a perfect way to start our celebration. all right. coming up, unlocking the power of your dreams. how we could harness them and even re-write our nightmares. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher
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that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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"you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me you just remember what your old pal said. you're never cool. boy, you've got a friend in me." everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. now through august 4th, 2024. vist the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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we are back with two big questions, why do we dream and what do our dreams actually mean? dr. raul is a dual-trained brain surgeon and neuro scientist from the city of hope in los angeles. he's opening the door to these questions in a new book. it is called "why you dream." it is a deep dive into the purpose and secret power of our minds dreaming. good to see you. this is so fascinating because i think people do wonder, you know, why do we do this. i have a question, some people wake up and go, i don't dream. i don't remember my dreams. what is the truth there? >> when you look at the brain electricity, if you put electrodes on the surface of their scalp, people that remember their dreams and don't, while we sleep, it is not a quiet time for the brain. it's using glucose. doesn't matter if you remember or if you don't. >> so the brain is firing all night long. >> there is a dreaming process going all night long, and it is robust. if you look at the electricity while we're talking right now
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and you measured it while we sleep, it's the same. it's as wild. >> that's crazy. a lot of times when you think you're sleeping, you're at rest. a lot of people get freaked out by their dreams. i found this fascinating, a part of your book that you say most of us if we're having romantic dreams, most of us are cheating in our dreams. >> yeah. that's not my study. when you look at the pieces -- >> what is that? >> when you look at the pieces out there, nightmares and erotic dreams are essentially universal. everybody has had them, okay? when you look at erotic dreams infidelity is quite common whether you are in a healthy relationship or unhealthy. that just gives insight to people, if you are in a good spot and you dream of an ex, that doesn't mean anything. but if you are secretly fantasizing about your ex, and you haven't moved on, that's a direct linkage. >> let's talk about nightmares. sometimes my kids wake up
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screaming. i think to myself, what are they dreaming about? what is that? tell me how it is when you are talking about children. >> the way i think about nightmares is to look at them at two groups. in children they arrive age 5, 6, and 7, and they almost always fade. it is a cultivation of the mind like teenagers become adolescents and there is a shift in the mind without a shift in the brain. i think that's what's happening with nightmares. i usually fade. i don't think moms have to worry about that. that is a cultivation. in adults an occasional nightmare is fine, but if they show up often and persistent and new, i would think of that as a vital sign, like a pain that doesn't go away. it could be a harbinger or predictive disease coming up such as parkinson's or lupus. it is something to discuss with your doctor. if you have persistent new onset nightmares. that's new information. >> that's totally interesting and fascinating to me. you think those nightmares may be actually connected to a physical disease? >> there is starting to be
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literature that shows lupus. rem behavior disorders. i want people to know in certain types of parkinson's the first warning flair is a change in nightmares 10, 15 years before. even if it's not common, i think it opens up a whole new way of our dreaming mind. >> i find it fascinating because you actually study the brain. you aren't getting anecdotal information. tell me how you are tracking these things. >> it's not just study of the brain. i'm a brain surgeon. i have operated on patients and stimulated their brains and they have recurrent nightmares. we know it comes from the brain. patients for decades have been woken up, sleep reports, dream banks. now they are doing it in the machines, the fmras because there is no radiation, you can volunteer. now you are do that with the surface electrodes. like you read an ekg from the surface of your heart, you can read electricity from the brain. they wake people up and try to connect the dots.
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>> can you change, the weird dreams, is there anything that you can do as a human being to try and fix or change? >> great question. this blew my mind, too. nightmares, you think that's happening to you. there is something called imagery rehearsal therapy where you can script and journal the direction of your nightmare going in a different place, a better place. you practice it the night before and rehearse it. people are reporting the ending can be less difficult. that's interesting because the treatment is also sort of feeding our imagination in a different way. i like the science behind that. >> i feel like sometimes i know i'm dreaming. in my dream, i'm like, this is a dream. i'm feeling that. that's common, i would imagine. >> one-third of people, it is called lucid dreaming. it's been talked about since aristotle. now we've got the brain scans and science to show, it is real. it can be cultivated. in my book with nine chapters, i ended up giving two to it. first i thought, wait, there is no way science can support that. but lucid dreaming is real. that's the feeling of having a dream and knowing it is a dream. usually that's in the rearview. when we think of a dream. >> the last time you had this
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show it was 15 years ago. look at you. you are back again. your book is fascinating. anyone who's interested in dreams and what they mean should check out your book. # a lot of science behind it. thank you. the book is called "why you dream". pick it up at >> i had the most amazing dream i was with ben platt. you had a new -- oh, it's really here. >> it's me. >> your album is here. in the dream you did a live performance. # >> that's going to be a reality, too. we'll get it next. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! ♪♪ there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! ♪♪ the citi concert series on "today" is proudly sponsored by citi. >> we're back with tony, emmy and grammy winner ben platt. >> that's right. he captured the attention of audiences. both on stage, and on screen, it's like peter kim too. >> back with his third studio
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album called "honey mind." ben, good morning. explain it. it is a state of mind. what does this mean? >> it is. it comes from a sort of strange conversation i was having with my fiance noah trying to describe to him what the inside of my mind looks like and the love and safety and protection of his love does. there is all these jagged things going on there in terms of stress and anxiety. i think when you have a person that doesn't necessarily make those things disappear or go away, it just coats them in something a little softer, warmer, easier, honey-like. >> soften the edges, i love that. >> it has a folky vibe. tell us about that. >> very much so. i wrote a lot of it in nashville. i was super inspired by the traditional americana sounds. crossed with a queer perspective. i like that combo. >> you are going to sing "all-american queen". tell us about the song. >> it is the pinnacle of that. it was my version of a "born to
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run" or "sweet child of mine" but just make it really gay. >> congratulations. >> thank you so much. let's take it away. >> thanks. ♪ ♪ he was born in the sticks ♪ ♪ right in the middle of fall ♪ ♪ he wants to be a cheerleader ♪ ♪ runs away from the ball ♪ ♪ a song in his heart and a collection of dolls ♪ ♪ there's a pale shade of pic on his bedroom wall ♪ ♪ he's got a whole lot of friends and ♪ ♪ a dry sense of humor ♪ ♪ never stays in the dark ♪ ♪ because he'd rather be free ♪ ♪ so he can line up the ♪ ♪ he's a coca-cola sipping ♪
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♪ true and tried stars and stripes ♪ ♪ just a home grown cowboy kissing valentine ♪ ♪ sweet as apple pie ♪ ♪ friday singles bar ♪ ♪ oh, baby and he's come to me ♪ ♪ watch him dancing the american dream ♪ all american queen ♪♪ ♪♪ he grows up in the spring ♪♪ takes his boy ♪ the red blooded all american queen ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ takes his boy to the prom ♪ ♪ when they crown him the queen make him bell of the ball ♪ ♪♪ when his mom starts crying ♪ he plans to kiss all his date snoit puts his hands on the wheel turns the radio on ♪
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♪ then he rolls down the window and sings along ♪ ♪ he's a coca-cola sipping sipping strew true and tried starts and stripes ♪ ♪ just a home grown cowboy kissing valentine ♪ ♪ sweet as apple pie ♪ ♪ the brightest single sparkle that you've ever seen ♪ ♪ oh baby and he's proud to be ♪ ♪ watch him dancing the american dream ♪ american queen ♪♪ ♪ a red-blooded all american queen ♪ queen ♪ red blooded all american queen ♪ ♪ didn't choose to shine this bright ♪ ♪ baby he was born with it ♪
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♪ but he'd choose it every time ♪ ♪ to be an all american queen ♪ ♪ he's a coca-cola sipping ♪ ♪ true and tried ♪ ♪ stars and stripes ♪ ♪ just a home grown cowboy-kissing valentine ♪ ♪ sweet as apple pie ♪ ♪ the brightest single sparkle that you've ever seen ♪ ♪ oh baby and he's proud to be ♪ ♪ watch him dancing the american dream ♪ all american queen ♪ we love a red-blooded all american queen ♪ >> yes. come on, ben. come on. that's the man right there. so fun. >> i was hearing a little g&r right there. >> i love it. >> thank you so much. honey-mind is available now wherever you get your music.
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you'll do another performance for us in our third hour. but first, this is "today" on
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we are back, guys. all week we are celebrating 30 all week we are celebrating 30 years of the "today" plaza. we have something special to mark the milestone. >> we are launching a collaboration with home sick candles to bring "today" in your home. in a brand new way. it is our sunrise candle. we wanted to represent what every day -- good day needs, a sunrise, that first cup of coffee, and your favorite morning show. >> here's the thing. these are limited edition candles with our smooth scent. coffee, caramel, got some vanilla bean. all you have to do is scan that qr code on your screen or go to for the chance to get yours. we should mention today earns a commission from purchases through our links.
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>> what do you think? >> wonderful, wonderful. >> that's nice. >> keep it. >> this is yours. you keep it. >> since you're giving them away. here. >> smells good. >> happy birthday. >> vanilla, coconut. almost like a little suntan oil. >> yeah! >> little marble red. >> come on, you love it. >> little bourbon. >> coming up on hoda and jenna, supermodel and mom ashley graham. first on the 3rd hour, more music from ben platt and more on mr. roker's big weekend at the big six. but, first, your weather and these messages. >> there's a heartbeat and it's this plaza. >> you never know what the plaza will bring. . today.
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good morning. it is 856 a marcus washington where firefighters are making more progress knocking down the corral fire. this is east of livermore. now, this morning they gave us a new update. that fire south of tracee, now 75% contained, with more than 14,000 acres burned. one home is destroyed, and the evacuation orders have been lifted. now, two homes in east san jose. well, they were destroyed after a fast moving fire. this one started yesterday afternoon at a home on quimby road. this is near eastridge mall. those embers then drifted, starting two more fires in a nearby neighborhood, heavily damaging the third one. happening now at thom jensen. he is near the fire lines there and he'll have more f
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," reaching new heights. simone biles once again proving why she is the greatest ever. >> look at how high she gets. >> it'sridiculous. >> taking home her ninth championship. we will break down her


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