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tv   Early Today  NBC  June 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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president biden sets his hi sights on the southern border.
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dr. fauci testifying in a heated hearing. is russia targeting the paris olympics? what experts are revealing about the country's attempts to disrupt the summer games. mlb rocked bid noy anothe gambling scandal. marching to the beat of inflation. why spotify is jacking up prices for the second time in a year. and he's still iron man. robert downey jr. hinting that he's not done with his most iconic role yet. it's tuesday, june 4th. "early today" starts right now. good morning. i'm frances rivera. we begin with a new border crackdown by president biden. nbc news has learned the president is expected to sign an executive action today that would shut down the southern border when migrant crossings
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are surging. nbc's alice barr joins us from d.c. hi, alice, good morning. this could close the border as soon as today? >> reporter: that's correct, frances. according to three people familiar with these discussions, the white house is expected to announce a sweeping executive action that would allow the president to temporarily close the border if the number of illegal crossings reaches 2500 a day. there are currently more than 4,000 illegal border crossings every day, according to homeland security, suggesting a shutdown could go into effect immediately. the border would reopen when the number falls below 1500. two sources say the white house has explained this new policy to lawmakers but stressed that some details were still being finalized. former president trump has repeatedly slammed president biden on the campaign trail over his handling of the border. the new restrictions are similar to some mr. trump tried to enact
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in 2018 that were struck down in court. one source says the white house studied what was done under the trump administration and tried toavoid those same legal challenges by carving out exceptions for unaccompanied children and victims of trafficking. the shutdown would not block migrants who present themselves lawfully for asylum at ports of entry, and nbc news has been told that the white house reached out to mayors of border communities to invite them to today's executive order signing. >> alice, thank you. dr. anthony fauci was grilled by lawmakers about the covid pandemic with tense moments on the hill. the face of america's coronavirus response hit back at republican attacks about the lab leak theory and the specifics of social distancing. here's ali vitali reporting. >> reporter: dr. anthony fauci in the hot seat. >> you belong in prison. >> i am so sorry that you are subjected to those level of attacks. >> reporter: house republicans pressing the former face of
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america's pandemic response on past covid restrictions, including that rule, americans should stay six feet apart. >> wearing a mask, maintaining six feet of distance. >> reporter: fauci told the committee behind closed doors that six foot rule sort of just appeared, meaning there were no clinical trials done. >> do you think ha ruthat sort just appeared is substantial justification for the rules that we saw? >> when saying it just appeared, it came from the cdc. >> and you didn't feel an obligation as the lead scientist at the nih to challenge that? >> i've challenged the cdc multiple times. >> publicly, you challenged them on the six-foot distance rule? >> it is not appropriate to be challenging a sister organization. >> reporter: republicans pressing him on covid's origin. >> do you you agree that there was a push to down play the lab leak theory? >> not on my part.
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>> really? >> really. >> wow. >> wow. >> i think most of the country would find that amazing. >> look at the facts. i've kept an open mind throughout the entire process. >> reporter: fauci emotional, talking about the threats he and his family still face. >> it is very troublesome to me, it is much more troublesome, because they've involved my wife and my three daughters. >> reporter:time hasn't healed these political wounds. meanwhile, andrew cuomo will testify before the committee next week. back to you. >> ali, thank you. opening statements will begin today in delaware where the president's son is facing federal gun charges. hunter biden is accused of lying on a golf fovernment form. first lady jill biden made a surprise appearance in court, supporting her son during jury selection. and president biden released a statement saying as president he
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will not comment on the case but as a father he has boundless love for his son. four hostages are dead, israel says. the bodies are still in hamas custody in gaza. the idf assessment is based on intelligence gathering. the four men who were killed in khan yunis months ago during a period of bombardment. authorities are investigating whether they died in israeli airstrikes like hamas claims. out of 124 remaining hoostages, 43 ware dead but hamas says the number is even higher. there are troubling new reports of how russia is allegedly planning to disrupt the olympic games with disinformation and cyber attacks. >> reporter: with paris gearing up for this summer's olympics, two reports warn of russian
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disinformation targeting the games, including fake videos aimed at spreading fear of violence and damaging the reputation of the olympics, produced, a microsoft report says, by prolific russian influence actors. this bogus documentary posted last summer titled olympics have fallen, feeltatured a deep-fake tom cruise. one says russia is the most likely primary state actor to target the olympics with a disruptive cyber attack. president putin furious with france for its support of president zelenskyy and putin angry at the ioc. >> the olympics is just a great target is you are russia. russia has a long-standing beef over the expulsion of russian athletes. >> reporter: paris has invested
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billions to beef up security, facing challenges not seen since london 2012, from protests to cyber attacks. warning cyber criminals will be attracted to such high-profile events, and the chance to target the public with e-mail fp scam. this week here in paris, experts, including from the u.s., will gather for an annual cyber summit, predicting a spectacular games and a wave of cyber attacks. >> keir, thank you. the addresses and phone numbers of michael cohen's wife and children have been published online. it's the most recent incident of so-called doxing of opponents of former president trump. cohen is mr. trump's former fixer and lawyer, and his testimony was central in the hush money case. cohen condemned the doxing, calling it sad and stupidity.
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mr. trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. he will be sentenced on july 11. back here at home, crews continue to battle the corral fire in san joaquin county. it is the state 's largest wildlife wildfire so far this year. one house was destroyed and two firefighters injured. it has been fueled by 40 mile-per-hour winds. it is 85% contained, and it's not known what sparked the flames. the eheat fueling the wildfires is not going anywhere yet. >> good morning to you. the heat alerts are in effect for 29 million people across that region. it stretches into parts of texas well. las vegas, phoenix, all under those heat alerts at this time. and we'll see a lot of those lasting through the workweek. upper 80s for cleveland.
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running a little warm for st. louis. but really, the most impressive of the heat is focussed across parts of the southwest. as we get through the next couple days, we'll see these temperatures building into the triple digits for las vegas. palm springs will hit 110 degrees. albuquerque well into the 90s. tucson, 105. by the end of the workweek we're concerned for the record-breaking heat. a lot of those records across this region. 110 on tap for palm desert by thursday. 112 as we get into friday. las vegas will tap out at 112. and phoenix more of the same. 112 both thursday and friday. by saturday, 109 on tap. temperatures, of course, will be a big story, but through the day today we're looking at this afternoon, potentially strong storms for 19 million people under the severe wrrisk. the main threat is the hail and wind gusts.
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tornado threat is on the low end. minneapolis to kansas city, dallas to alexandria and jackson . mostly sun ny skies from philadelphia to washington and down through richmond. that's a look at your forecast, back to you u >you. >> reporter: beaches were closed in del mar, california after a 46-year-old man was bit on the arm, hand and torso by a shark. the man was rushed to the hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. a witness says the man punched the shark in the face to fend it off. "early today" is back in a moment with a blockbuster deal. and another major league
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mbngcaal gali snd. inez, let me ask you, you're using head and shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. tiny troy: he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align.
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spotify fans won't like the sounds of the company's latest announcement. but first, paramount on the verge of a blockbuster merger. let's get to cnbc's charlotte reed in london for the details. >> good morning, frances. paramount shares traded higher after cnbc reported that a merger with sky dance could be announced within days. this would come after months of discussion. a sweetened offerfrom sky dance and offers from apollo and sony pictures. the deal is said to be awaiting final approval from sherry redstone who is expected to speak today at the company's meeting. paramo paramount produced "top gun:
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maverick" and is worth $8 billion. now, from tv and movies to music. spotify is increasing its price in the u.s. again, just a year after it announced its last increase. but it is raising prices so the company can, quote, continue to invest in and innovate in product features. so, from july, the premium subscription will go up $1 to $11.99. and family is increased from $16.99 to $19.99. the student is the only one that is not changing and will remain at $5.99. as spotify has already increased fees to international customers last month. now to the latest developments in the legal drama that rocked baseball. ippe ip ippei
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ip ippei mits hawra is expected top to toto bank fraud in order to pay off illegal sports gambling case. mits hawra's case is not the only one involving baseball. padres infielder marcano is being investigated. nbc news has not independently confirmed that the probe is related to alleged bets last season. marcano potentially faces a lifetime ban from the sport if found that he bet on games involving his own team. he has not commented on the allegations. still to come, a double dose of marvel news for all you true believers. we have a first look at the new venom movie, and what robert downey j ir.s saying about possibly suiting up as iron man once more.
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this is not just delivery (♪♪) this is knowing even superheroes... can use a sidekick. (♪♪) walgreens. (♪♪) this is not just a pharmacy. (♪♪) this is living the care in healthcare. (♪♪) walgreens. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight.
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it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. [♪♪] for 8 grams of fiber, if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24.
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♪ major tom to ground control ♪ ♪ stepping through the door ♪ >> you mean it? >> no! >> they're taking things personally in the first trailer for "venom, the last dance." new cast members incwill be included. you wonder where this is all happening? technically it does not take place within the mcu avengers universe, but in different post-credit teases, another
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post-credit tease he's transported back. we'll have to watch and see where he actually ends up. i love the tie-in. >> sometimes i need a flowchart. i don't know what's going on or where we're at. but it looks good nonetheless. on monday, robert downey jr. sat down with jodie foster. foster got down to brass tacks at the end of the interview and asked the newly-christened oscar winner if he would ever consider returning to one of his most famous roles. >> would you consider putting the suit back on again for tony stark? >> it's crazily in my dna. ive a iv >> he got a sendoff in the end game. a heartbreaking finish to that movie. i would be thrilled to see him come back. he's an icon in this and makes the whole series. >> he is the mainstay, the actual lifeblood when it comes
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to that, in my perspective. so they need to figure something out, bring him back, right? when we come back, toyota hitting the brakes on some production. and details on a sonic deal that will have you feeling groovy. out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks
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as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. to 50 years with my best friend. [sfx: gasp] [sfx: spilling sound] nooo... aya... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. (♪)
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join the millions who're feeling the power of osteo bi-flex®, the #1 pharmacist recommended joint care supplement. (♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper. schwarzkopf has 125 years of professional hair expertise. that's why i trust them to create the perfect blonde. to help you tell your story and feel more like you. ♪♪ schwarzkopf. what story will you tell? this charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth. charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. charmin, enjoy the go. ♪♪ thank you agent state farm. like a good neighbaaa, state farm is there. cut! hey arnold, i'm hearing “neighbaaa” - it's “neighbor.” that's what i said. neighbaaa. let's go again! like a good neighbaaa, state farm is there.
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cut! neighbaaa. still no. neighbor. neighbaaa. -br. -baaa. get me out of this choppa! like a good neighbor, state farm is there. cut! here's what's making headlines this morning. toyota's chairman apologized for massive cheating monday on certification tests for seven vehicle models, as the company suspended production of three of them. testing involved the use of inadequate or outdated data in collision tests and incorrect testing of air bag inflation and rear seat damage in crashes and more. elon musk's x officially allows not-safe-for-work content on a platform. you may share consensually produced behavior. instagram may be taking a page out of youtube's book. they are testing out a feature
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that stops some users from scrolling for a brief period of time to watch an ad. only some users can see the features in its testing phase, but it could become permanent. sonic is rolling out new groovy fries. they are offering any size for $1. "early today" will be right back. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. sfx: [birds chirping] for nourished, lightweight hair, the right ingredients make all the difference.
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new herbal essences sulfate free is now packed with plant-based ingredients your hair will love. like pure aloe. and camellia flower oil. and none of the things it won't. hair feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. plant power you can feel. new herbal essences sulfate free. a great american city finally firing on all cylinders again. detroit is making a comeback
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thanks to an old train station. >> reporter: in the heart of detroit, the once-bustling michigan central train station sat abandoned for decades. what is this building a sebasymbol of? >> in many ways it's our ellis island. >> reporter: then it went through years of decline. but now detroit is changing again. the city announcing its first population increase in over 60 years. and later this week, following years of renovation, the ford motor company reopens michigan central. the kickoff concert live streaming on nbc universal's peacock as they celebrate a train administration transformed into the heart of mobility campus. how does that make a difference? >> we're in a war for talent. it becomes much easier, i think, when we have a place like this,
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and you can say to people, this is where you'll be working. >> reporter: all of this as electric vehicle development super charges detroit's tech scene. the new campus already home to startups like an all-electric atv maker. other states offered better incentives to investors, but he chose detroit. >> we're having a surplus with the freedom. >> reporter: and for this detroit native, michigan central has meant training for a new career in ev charging. what is it like to see a space like this in motor city? >> i think it's great. it's good for our community. it gives opportunities. >> reporter: with hopes that motor city can once again drive change. jesse kirsch, nbc news, detroit. thursday marks the 80th anniversary of d-day, and commemorations are already kicking kicking off in normandy. a pair of parachutists jumped out of planes above the
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now-peaceful skies. president biden will head to normandy to take part in the ceremony. coming up later this morning, the start of stream-flation. why some of the most popular streaming services are raising prices and how can you save big. and an exclusive interview with michael richards, better known as kramer from seinfeld. looking at the highs and lows of his career. we thank you so much for waking up with "early today." i'm frances rivera. have a fantastic tuesday. we'll see you right back here tomorrow morning. for now, your news continues right here on nbc and our nbc stions. at
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flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. the president preparing an executive action on the border, allowing him to temporarily close the border if too many migrants cross illegally. th


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