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tv   Today  NBC  June 5, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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we mentioned with another day of extreme heat. it includes that heat advisory for much of the bay area, and that advisory remains in effect through tomorrow night. for many inland areas, everyone is advised to, of course, never leave your kids or pets in vehicles. limit your outdoor activities, use sunscreen and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. drink a lot of water. you can't say that because that heat is coming. yeah, we're looking at a high of about 100 degrees today in inland parts of the east bay and north bay. cooler for the weekend. all right. well, thanks for joining us here for today in the bay today shows coming up next. join us for our streaming newscast at 8 a.m. you can find it at good wednesday we are following breaking news. >> an overnigh good wednesday morning. we are following breaking news. >> an overnight attack on a u.s. embassy in the middle east. it's june 5th. this is "today."
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shots fired. a gunman targets the u.s. embassy in lebanon. the suspect captured after a lengthy shoot-out. several people we'll have the very latest. injured as investigators search for a motive. breaking overnight. president biden arriving in france to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. but still trading jabs with donald trump here at home from border security to trump's conviction. a live report from paris. and we go one-on-one with the president's national security adviser. on trial. the first witnesses called in the federal gun case against hunter biden. prosecutors using his own words as evidence. >> i had no plan. >> his ex-wife expected to take the stand today. we are there live. breaking news, amanda knox
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convicted of slander just moments ago after returning to an italian courtroom. the 36-year-old woman breaking down in tears. inside the case against her and what her attorney is saying this morning. >> all that, plus the heat is on. another day of brutal temperatures on tap. records from texas to california, and it is about to get even hotter. your full forecast straight ahead. and this is 30. >> welcome to studio 1a. >> we're throwing a party on the plaza, celebrating three decades of the biggest concerts. ♪ ♪ >> halloween's most creative costumes. and the best part of all, you. >> oh, my god! >> i don't know what to say. >> the unforgettable moments we have shared with many more on the way today, june 5th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie
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and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. there is our window on the world. >> we see you. >> we have been waiving at this crowd for 30 years. we will celebrate with a big look back today. >> it is going to be a lot of fun. but we do have a lot of -- oh, there's al just taking a lap like he usually does. we have a lot of breaking news just coming in. an italian court reconvicting amanda knox of slander for accusing an innocent man in 2007 of killing her roommate. it is a surprising twist in the 20-year-old case against the exchange student. a shooting attack outside the u.s. embassy in lebanon. president biden arrived in paris this morning after saying it is uncertain whether israeli forces
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committed war crimes in gaza. that was in a new interview. in a moment, we will talk to white house national security adviser jake sullivan. he's traveling with the president. we will begin with the breaking news from beirut. half sanchez is there. raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. what we know at this point is that around 8:30 a.m. local time, gunfire was reported near the entrance to the u.s. embassy in beirut. lebanese media say the shooting lasted for around 30 minutes. now, the u.s. embassy is saying all of its staff are safe and accounted for. the u.s. official says it does appear that a security guard suffered non-life threatening injuries. there were lebanese troops stationed nearby. they shot and wounded a gunman taking him into custody. they are saying he is a syrian national. we do not know at this point whether he acted alone or whether there are more shooters still at large. and we also don't know his exact
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motivation. but this is a moment when there is widespread anger across the middle east towards the united states because of its support for israel in the war in gaza. this is also a moment when the fighting against israel and iranian-backed hamas is intensifying earlier this week. there were serious fires in northern israel caused by rocket fire. and benjamin netanyahu visited the border yesterday. he warned that israel is prepared to launch a military offensive into lebanon if necessary. savannah. >> raf sanchez in the middle east for us. thank you. in the meantime, president biden arrived in france this morning kicking off a four-day visit where he'll mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. his trip coming amid the
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backdrop of gaza, global security concerns and the 2024 presidential race. peter alexander joins us now from paris. hey, peter. good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. the visit comes at a pivotal point in the presidency five months before the election. amid those two raging conflicts in gaza and ukraine. overnight we learned that president biden will meet with volodymyr zelenskyy to discuss all aspects of the war, including a move that comes days after the biden administration gave them permission to do so. this morning the president arriving in paris, preparing to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. in a new interview with "time" magazine, president biden warned other leaders are concerned about a potential trump victory in november, saying there is not a major international leader i attend that a world leader pulls me aside and says, he can't win. you can't let him win. saying if elected he will retaliate against his political opponents by prosecuting them in
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court. >> does that mean the next question does it to them? that's the question. it is a terrible, terrible path that they are leading us to, and it's very possible it will have to happen to them. >> reporter: president trump criticizing the new border when illegal crossings surge pass 2,500 a day. >> this is a public relations executive order. it's meaningless. >> reporter: a nearly record 10 million migrants crossed into the u.s. since president biden took office. the president making the move blaming republicans months after they blocked bipartisan border security bill at the urging of mr. trump. >> i'm doing what i can on my own to address the order. >> reporter: the president is also under pressure to bring the israel-hamas war to end. when asked my "time" magazine if israeli prime minister netanyahu
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is prolonging the war, the president said, i'm not going to comment on that before adding there's every reason for people to draw that conclusion. but on tuesday, he appeared to backtrack. >> prime minister netanyahu played politics with the war. he's trying to work out a serious problem he has. >> reporter: the president was asked if israeli forces committed war games in gaza, responding, it is uncertain. the white house saying israel itself is investigating but adding the u.s. has seen no indication that's the case. >> reporter: and tomorrow president biden will travel to normandy to tout america's alliances and to commemorate and honor the sacrifices of brave heroes and veterans, sacrifices they made 80 years ago. savannah. >> peter, thank you. joining us now from paris, jake sullivan. mr. sullivan, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let me start briefly with this breaking news out of
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lebanon, an attack on a u.s. embassy near beirut. what can you share with us about what you know? >> reporter: well, savannah, we have been in real-time contact with nbc beirut. all american personnel at the embassy are safe and accounted for. one local lebanese guard outside the compound was wounded. he's receiving care now. and we're working closely with local authorities to ascertain what exactly happened here to ensure there is no continuing threat and we will do all we need to do to protect our people. >> obviously there is a conflict in the north that israel has with hezbollah and inside lebanon and that's a piece of the larger puzzle here in the middle east. where do things stand on this potential cease-fire deal announced by the president on friday? it was described as an israeli proposal. then it seems like they backed off from it, kind of distanced themselves. is it still a live proposal on the table for hamas? >> yes, it is.
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it's still a live proposal and an israeli proposal, and israel is a ruckus democracy. they reconfirmed repeatedly, as recently as today, that that proposal is on the table. now it's up to hamas to accept it, and the whole world should call on hamas to accept it. the g7 companies called on hamas to do the deal, get the hostages home. that's what president biden is focused on. >> let's talk about immigration because the president announced there is an executive action banning most asylum applications once they reach the threshold of 2,500 a day. it gives you a big headline, a tough on the border headline. but immigration officials tell our reporters, analysts say there is really no ability to carry this on beyond a certain level. they don't have the facility, the money, the manpower to hold migrants in detention or fund
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their deportations back to their home countries. >> reporter: well, first we believe that this action the president took yesterday to bar migrants who enter unlawfully from seeking asylum will help our border patrol agencies manage the border in a more orderly way. at the end of the day, it is not a complete solution because the only complete solution is one that includes congress stepping up on a bipartisan basis and providing the funding that president biden asked for, for more agents, more facilities, more capacity. congress is not acting on that and it's not acting on that because republicans in congress refuse to put that bill on the floor and vote on it. the president has asked again, including in his speech yesterday for that to happen. we'd like to see that happen on a bipartisan basis. >> fair enough. but why did the president wait
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so long to address immigration? i mean, these border problems are not new. this is the final six months of his first term. why wait? >> reporter: well, first of all, as the president said in his remarks yesterday, he's taken a series of actions at the border. secondly, and this is critical, he put forward a comprehensive proposal to the congress that actually the administration worked with republicans on. that proposal was agreed to several months ago after pain staking negotiations. and the proposal republicans agreed to, they decided not to vote for because the leader of their party -- >> that's all true, jake, but even that was six months ago. >> said don't vote for it. >> that is true. but even that was in december. i mean, the president has been in office since 2021. this immigration problem is not a new one. >> well, as i said, in his speech he laid out a series of steps he has taken at the border to increase capacity, to deal with mexico and other countries to reduce the flow. to try and get the numbers under control, to flow resources to
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our communities so they can deal with the problem as well. also, savannah, one of your questions was if he has to act on his own, his law enforcement and border patrol agents don't have anything they need. which is why they need more resources from congress. that required preparation and execution. that's what the president had been focused on since that border deal didn't come through so when he made his announcement yesterday he made it after a period of intense preparation so that it could be an effective policy. the right and also getting it from the left. one democrat said the president has denied trump's asylum ban. in denying asylu >> we are getting criticism from the right you expect. you are also getting it from the left. one democratic congressman said the president revived trump's asylum ban in denying asylum applications. isn't biden doing precisely what he excoriating president trump for doing when he was in office? >> reporter: well, first, there's a major difference between what the president has done and what his predecessor did, he did not put kids in
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cages like president trump did. >> but the denial of asylum applications. >> and, critically, it does not shut down asylum. what it does is say if you come across the border illegally, you are barred from making an asylum claim. and the president has gone further than any president in generating those pathways so that people looking to come here to this country with a legitimate claim to come here can do so effectively. it is night and day the difference between the policies of this administration and the last one. but the president is not going to shirk from stepping up to take enforcement action he believes is necessary to ensure order at the border. >> a lot on your plate as always. jake sullivan, thank you very much. >> reporter: thanks for having me. all right. that's an interesting conversation. we will have more in our next next half hour on d-day. right now, look who is at the
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table. >> yes. good morning. a second day of witness testimony getting underway this morning at the trial of president biden's son hunter after opening statements that saw prosecutors and defense battle over the key issue in this case. did hunter biden knowingly lie on a form to buy a gun? ryan nobles is at the courthouse for us in delaware. good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning to you. it could be another difficult day for the biden family in the courtroom has hunter biden's ex-wife is expected to be called to the witness stand. his testimony comes after yesterday when the president's own voice served as a witness to the prosecution. prosecutors pitted hunter biden against himself. >> by now i possessed a new super power, the ability to find crack in any town in any time no matter how unfamiliar the terrain. >> reporter: they pulled excerpts of his book where the president's son details his
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painful battle with addiction. >> i know moment to moment -- >> they argue that in the book biden himself described a four-year period of his life where he was plagued by addiction. hunter is accused of lying on a government form. maybe he wasn't an active drug user before purchasing a weapons. biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges. prosecutor derek hynes telling the jury we would not be here if you were just a drug addict. he crossed the line. but warned the jury to look beyond the salacious details of hunter's book and zero in on the moment he checked off that box arguing it does not look like, quote, someone that was smoking crack every 20 minutes. the prosecution also introducing as evidence the controversial laptop hunter left at a repair shop in delaware. it is filled with texts and whatsapp messages to demonstrate
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a pattern of addiction. hunter's painful past will continue to be a theme throughout the trial. expected on the witness stand wednesday, hunter's ex-wife, and hallie biden, the widow of beau, with whom he had a romantic relationship. an example of how tense things are here in wilmington, yesterday hunter's current wife confronting a trump aide at the courthouse and accused him of being a nazi. a sweltering heat wave is gripping parts of the country. temperatures soaring as much as 25 degrees above average. the city of san antonio has opened up 30 different cooling stations for people who need an air-conditioned place to stay. tomorrow is going to get even
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worse in some places. phoenix is forecast to break a 129-year record, hitting 113. aren't you glad your mom is visiting? >> i know. it's a dry heat. does not make you feel any better. >> heat is still heat, and it is exceptionally hot. records are likely to fall this week, especially by the time you get to friday. so here's the setup. you have this area of high pressure. it's just pumping in the heat from the south. it extends all the way up into the pacific northwest. but the hottest of the temperatures will be out in the deserts southwest. 10 to 20 degrees above average over into california, too. it is a dry heat, but it is still exceptionally hot with the records falling especially on friday and all of these areas with the red dots here. we're looking at las vegas, reno, grand junction. we will see the temperatures stick around all through the weekend, too. with 31 million people under heat advisories or heat warnings. just want to point out some numbers here.
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for today, albuquerque, 95. las vegas 108. tucson 105. tomorrow we're getting up to 111 in las vegas. up in elko, 96 degrees. as we look into friday, saturday, sunday, temperatures are in the triple digits. then you go into texas where your feels like will be around 110 degrees because of that humidity. that's the weather around the country. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
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and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you so much. still ahead, guys, we're following breaking news this morning tied to the amanda knox case after her emotional return to an italian courtroom. keir simmons is right there. hey, keir. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning to you. amanda knox hasn't been inside an italian courtroom for almost 13 years, and we watched her break down into tears embraced by her husband. we'll have the details coming up. ahead of the 80th
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anniversary of d-day we are with americans as they make the trip back to the beaches of normandy 80 years later. their stories in their own
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just ahead, one of our favorite lists. >> i know your vote already, hoda kotb. what will be the favorite song of the summer, 2004. a first look at the contenders after your local news, weather and these messages. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh... with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. (♪♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. good morning to you. it is 726 right now i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories. a small group of pro-palestinian supporters at stanford are occupying the
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school president's office. this is video sent to us by those protesters. the school tells us it's an unlawful gathering. but because stanford is not in session, their protests will not likely have an academic impact. we'll have a live report in our streaming newscast coming up at 8 a.m. i'm bob redell. we're outside the livermore public library. this is one of several designated cooling centers that will be open today as temperatures, at least here in livermore, are expected to hit triple digits. the national weather service has issued a heat advisory for much of the bay area, specifically the inland areas, and temperatures are expected to range anywhere from 90 to upwards of 100 degrees. that heat advisory, in effect through tomorrow. let's talk about that heat with meteorologist kari hall. and you can look at your microclimate as our temperatures today will be slightly hotter than it was yesterday. up to 100 in morgan hill, 102 in vacaville, napa
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reaching 101 degrees, even warming up in san francisco to 80 degrees. but we will be cooling off for tomorrow, especially near the coastline. but we're still going to have some hot temperatures, triple digits in ukiah and clear lake, and some low 90s for the tri-valley will be in the low 90s for the south bay, and it looks like it will be a nicer weekend ahead. laura. all right. thank you. and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m, we'll talk with a cal fire battalion chief about the added fire risk during this extreme heat. join us on roku, amazon fire tv xumo streaming platforms, including and our app
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♪ >> oh, man. we were shaking it there. it's 7:30. this is a week-long celebration of today's plaza. our 30th anniversary rolling on. remember halloween? we remember. we're going to stroll down memory lane in our next half hour. we're going to look back at 30 years of halloweens and parties and costumes and concerts and all of that. >> party like it's 1994 there. >> that's right, girl. >> all right. we have a lot to get to, including the breaking news we mentioned. >> for the first time in more than a decade now, amanda knox returned to an italian courtroom overnight where she has been reconvicted of shrapb slander for wrongfully accusing an innocent man of murder. >> nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons is in florence for us. >> reporter: good morning to you. amanda knox flew all the way
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from seattle to here, believing she could put one last accusation behind her. instead, we watched as her husband embraced her as she wiped away tears and was too emotional to come out and talk after failing to once again fully clear her name. this morning a shocking verdict for amanda knox, convicted for slander. knox had been trying to clear her name. back in that courtroom for the first time in almost 13 years. her lawyer speaking to us moments later, saying she's too emotional to talk publicly for now. >> amanda is very upset. very surprised of the outcome of the decision. >> reporter: this is her after her roommate was murdered. today's case another retrial. this time knox accused of slander for allegedly saying a
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man took part in the murder. she later recanted. the bartender spending a few weeks in jail. knox made the allegation during interrogation by police following the murder. meredith was found half naked with 40 stab wounds. police searched the student's bloodstained apartment and soon arrested amanda and her boyfriend who she had been dating for a week. they would spend four years behind bars, face three jury trials, and she would testify to being hit by police. her interrogation without a lawyer. one of the officers gave me a smack and said remember, remember, she told the court today. she was finally freed and exonerated by italy's highest court. the real killer has served a 13-year sentence. but for amanda knox, no end to what she calls a nightmare. >> what is your next step? will you appeal? >> we have a right to appeal. this is a court of appeal decision. but before taking on this issue, i would like to renegotiate.
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>> reporter: amanda knox served three years in prison here. she was also told to pay legal fees and compensation. >> thanks. keir simmons there for us there. thank you. >> let's unpack this with laura jarrett. no jail time for her, but it is a criminal conviction of slander that still stands. >> this was to be a symbolic outcome for her either way since her liberty is not at stake. she cede this was the last remaining thread. since the murder conviction, she was cleared of that. but the slander conviction about her pointing the finger at somebody else that had nothing to do with it, somebody who had to serve jail time, that was the thing she wanted to get clear today. now that did not happen. >> so she claimed she was coerced during that time. she was browbeaten and blurted this guy's name. but they didn't believe it this time. >> remember, there were a couple different statements. so the police typed up two
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statements that the court of appeals said they were not allowed to consider. she also did a handwritten note. that the court was allowed to consider, and in that note is where she did point the finger at this bar owner that had nothing to do with it. >> is the case over now? >> it's been a journey. we have seen a lot of turns and twists, it's gone up and down on appeal. her lawyers saying today they want to see the actual reasoning. in italy, they read the result and he didn't get a written decision. he wants to see how the court outlined it got to this result before he says whether he will appeal or not. >> is that available? >> yeah. i think for some people it is surprising this is actually in criminal court. the court did suggest she does need to pay this man for what happened. it is unclear whether he will be actually able to collect any of that money from her when she's going back to the united states. >> laura, thank you. coming up, an exclusive
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interview with the ceo of america's largest carmaker, general motors. all drivers want to hear what she is saying about the future of the industry, electric vehicles in particular and the push to make those evs more affordable. first, an emotional journey to france for a group of d-day veterans, a trip 80 years in the making for some of them. nbc's kelly cobiella traveled with them. hi, kelly. >> reporter: good morning. yeah. some of these men are coming back for the first time since the end of the war. one of them told me 80 years ago feels like yesterday. we will share some of their remarkable stories coming up after the break. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years
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because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. back now at 7:20 with "in depth today." as we speak depth today." as we speak world war ii veterans are returning to the shores of normandy, france, where they mark tomorrow's d-day invasion. >> they were joust young men, teenagers when they changed the course of history. >> kelly cobiella is there for us and has their remarkably inspiring stories. hey, kelly. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yeah, this was a pivotal day in u.s. history. the beginning of the end of world war ii. 150,000 allied troops took part in d-day. today fewer than 200 u.s. veterans from that day are still alive.
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some of them making the long journey back here for what is likely their last reunion. a hero's welcome for the men who helped change the course of history. back on french soil, saluted and celebrated, most returning for the last time. these veterans were young men, some teenagers eight decades ago, all here on that fateful day. >> what do you think, floyd? >> i think it's great. let's keep going. >> reporter: floyd blare is 103. dick rum turns 100 on the fall. he was just 19 on a transport boat taking tanks to shore. >> to me, it looked like every ship and boat in the world was right out there. >> dead bodies were already just washing to shore when i got there. >> this was to be the longest day.
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>> reporter: june 6th, 1944, d-day, the u.s. and its allies stormed the beaches of normandy, breaking through nazi defenses, lead to allied victory. the number of those still alive disappearing fast. the average age now 100. ed is back for the first time at 104 years old. on d-day, he bombed a key bridge in san lowe. it was only his third mission. were you scared? >> oh, yes. as you approached the target, the bombs would be going off around you. i hope i don't have one with my name on it. >> reporter: along this 50-mile coastline on d day, more than 4,000 allied troops died in the first 24 hours. ed wrote home the next day. >> dear mom, just a few lines to tell you we are all okay. we flew mission number 10 on d
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day. >> reporter: for so many of these vets, coming back is a chance to revisit the past. dick rum kept a journal all those years ago, saving mementos. >> reporter: what's this? >> this is a piece of shrapnel. >> reporter: it is also a chance to honor friends that didn't make it home, remembering the past with a message for younger generation. >> i want to learn to live together. respect your fellow man and quit doing this stupid fighting. >> reporter: dick and floyd say this will be their last trip to these beaches, a place where even 80 years later they're still remembered as heroes. and they really are superstars here. everywhere we went, people stopped them. they wanted to take pictures, get autographs, salute them sometimes with tears in their eyes. this trip for them wouldn't be
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possible without the best defense foundation. they brought 48 vets over this year. they also have a large medical team to make sure the vets are in good hands. and, guys, some of the vets you just met will join another elite group tomorrow, awarded with france's highest military honor, the french legion of honor. guys? >> wow. >> kelly cobiella. >> moving. thank you very much. what do you think about it? >> you know, we throw the word "hero" around a lot, probably too much. but when you look at these men who were teenagers back then who literally saved the world. >> i thought his advice for all of us, stop the stupid fighting. >> yeah. we saved the world for you. don't break it. come on. >> all right. well, salute to them. let's get another check of the weather. >> incredible story. we do have a lot of severe weather in the forecast today, especially in areas where we
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have been seeing severe weather recently. seems like this is the trend for storms to move through dallas and travel through louisiana and into mississippi, too. this is where we have our stronger storms this morning. also the torrential downpours. that could lead to flash flooding ahead of the cold front moving into this afternoon and into the ohio area, that's where we could see stronger storms with wind and hail pop up, too. this will move up and down the east coast as we go into thursday, bringing quite a bit of rain with
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forecast. >> all right. thank you, dylan. still ahead here, the unexpected career move just announced by alec baldwin, bringing his family to reality tv. carson has got that story in "popstart". all right, and hoda has a morning boost that is double the fun, right after this. >> uh-huh. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer,
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get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at this delectable knorr ramen noodle recipe will put an end to your drive-thru dinner rituals. throw that knorr bouillon in that tasty combo of delightful carrots and the rich touch of bok choy. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. (man) every time i needed a new phone, make your own i had to switch carriers...
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(roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the wasn't easy. (lady) 35! (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. this is a craft 170 years in the making. (sniffing sound) for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. it's something we pride ourselves on at folgers... ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation ♪ yeah, i said folgers. (♪♪) is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®. ♪ it's hard to put it into words ♪
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♪ when i tried i felt absurd, ♪ ♪ you light the rooms of my soul ♪ ♪ and i tell myself not to lose control ♪ ♪ i'll take it slow, but it's hard to do ♪ ♪ when you're a lion like me and a lion like you ♪ ♪ you got the hands that i wanna hold ♪ ♪ you light the rooms to the house of my soul ♪ carson is here. hoda kotb. >> oh, yeah. i got you covered. i got a sweet one for you guys, all right. check out these twin boys. they were born just a few months ago. their mom posted this on tiktok with the caption, my twin boys discovering each other for the very first time. like wait a minute, you look like me. mom said the heart was exploding.
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she sees best buds forever. >> they're off to a good start. >> like the kelce brothers. >> sweet, sweet. >> that's pretty good. >> that's adorable. >> then the older brother went and leaned over and gave a wedgy to the little one. coming up on "popstart," three decades filled of unforgettable moments on the today plaza. that's the name of the street this week, too. >> i think it should be permanent. >> i think so, too. >> can you petition the mayor, carson. >> i'll do it during the commercial break, savannah. thank you. we will talk about those moments and more, but first a quick check of your local news and weather. t one of these? great. done. anything else? no. golf clubs? not for me, for a friend... yeah, yeah, of course... anyone impressed with how fast that was? yeah, totally! i know, i went to dicks... my cleats! thank you! i love you! wha... i-i went to ever heard of it? girl 2: yeah, i told you about that. ( ♪♪ )
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it wednesday morning. it is 756 right now. i'm laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. breaking and happening now. here's a look at what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab. we're live on stanford's campus, where an ongoing pro-palestine protest is
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happening right now. university officials have confirmed that protesters barricaded themselves inside a building which houses the office of the school's president. and just moments ago, we saw santa clara county sheriff's officials detain around five students. it is believed that more students are still in that building. we will have more details on our upcoming. newscasts. that newscast coming up at 8:00 online. let's check the forecast with carrie, a hot one. yes, absolutely. this is going to be the hottest day we've had so far this year for a lot of the inland valleys, as our temperatures hit the triple digits in vacaville, the hottest at 102 degrees. meanwhile, san francisco also warming up with a high of 80 today and 101 in napa, san jose can expect a high of 92 degrees by tomorrow. we start to see some of these numbers coming down and that will be the trend through the weekend. we'll be talking about that more in the next newscast. laura marcus again, join our today in the bay live streaming newscast starting in just
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minutes at 8 a.m. we'll also talk with a cal fire battalion chief about the added fire risk during this extreme heat. join us on roku, a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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coming up, overnight attack.
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shots fired outside the u.s. empaw embassy in lebanon. the gunman in custody. an investigation underway. we're live with the very latest. plus, record highs. millions under heat alerts once again from texas to california. temperatures soaring into the triple digits, up to 25 degrees above average. your full forecast just ahead. then the sun is out, and the debate is on. ♪ ♪ >> what is the song of the summer? ♪ ♪ >> we have got your first look s at the season's candidates. and let's celebrate. the "today" plaza is turning 30, and we're looking back at some of our favorite moments from the concerts -- ♪ ♪ do you remember ♪ ♪ >> to special surprises and everything in between. so get ready to party. today, wednesday, june 5th,
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2024. ♪ ♪ >> celebrating our 50th anniversary. >> logan turns 18 today. >> from richmond, kentucky. >> it's claire's 8th grade graduation trip. >> from columbia, south carolina. >> today is my 55th birthday. >> visiting from decatur, alabama. >> iowa. >> colorado. >> and fulton, mississippi. on a mother-daughter trip from bartlett, tennessee. >> on a trip from monroe high school in wisconsin. >> happy 30th, today plaza! [ applause ] >> welcome back to "today." nice to have you with us on this wednesday morning. beautiful day out there and lots of smiling faces, too. >> what a good day to come on the plaza, by the way.
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a day we're really celebrating. >> we will start with the breaking news at 8:00. the middle east tops it. an overnight attack at the u.s. embassy in lebanon. the suspect captured after a lengthy shootout. raf sanchez is in israel with the latest for us. raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. here is what we know. around 8:30 a.m., gunfire was reported outside the embassy in beirut. the shooting went on for around 30 minutes. jake sullivan spoking to "today" a short time ago says all american staff are safe and accounted for but that a local security guard was wounded and is being treated in hospital. now, there were lebanese troops stationed nearby. they shot and wounded a gunman, taking him into custody. they are saying he is a syrian national. it is not clear at this point if he acted alone or if there are other gunman still at large.
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we also don't know his exact motivation. but this comes at a time when there is widespread anger across the middle east directed at the united states because of its support for israel in the war in gaza. and this also comes at a moment when fighting is intensifying between israel and iranian-backed hezbollah militants. this morning, general motors remains committed to shifting to all-electric vehicles, even as ev sales have slowed. she sat down with tom costello for an interview. hey, tom. she's marking a big milestone. >> that's right. 10 years as ceo. listen to this. a record 1.2 million people now drive electric vehicles. and barra says she's convinced evs are the future. first of all, congratulations. 10 years now as the ceo of general motors. >> well, i can't believe it's been 10 years.
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>> mary barra has one of the toughest jobs in america, leading the country's biggest carmaker through the electric revolution, and she insists she's not letting up. >> well, we do want to make sure that we have a planet to hand down to to our children and our grandchildren and their grandchildren. we think this vehicle is a game changer, so let's jump in. all right. >> barra and general motors are betting big on a new electric version of general motor 's equinox suv. >> you don't want people thinking of this as an suv but rather as, what, a mid-sized suv? >> it has a lot of pep. and it happens to be an ev with over 300 miles of range. >> reporter: 300? >> yes. so that -- really, when you get over 300 miles, people stop working about range. so range anxiety goes away. >> reporter: it has slowed ev sales. the average goes for $50,000.
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gm is betting the sweet-spot is to attract middle america is 30 to $35,000. the price of a new equinox suv ev with a tax break. >> this is a big purchase for consumers when they are buying a new vehicle. this is the largest segment in the globe, is in that price range. >> reporter: g m's silverado has a 440 mile range. former president trump has criticized evs. are you concerned that if president trump becomes president again he could undermine the progress of evs? >> we worked with the trump administration. we worked with the biden administration. but the plan we're in, the strategy that we're executing is one that we think is right for the long term. >> reporter: bottom line, gm is still putting the gas pedal down or accelerator down on evs? >> absolutely. we will give customers a choice. >> reporter: yeah. six years ago, she said gm would
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stop selling gas powered engines by the 2030s. she now says it will take time. gm reached out to us to say the company is still, in fact, committed to going all electric by 2035, 11 years from now. guys, back to you. >> all right. we will mark our calendars. tom costello, thank you. if you have been wondering what kerry sanders has been up to since he retired from nbc last year, we have an update for you. apparently kerry has been playing a little baseball. and he showed off his skills before last night's miami marlins game. >> now heading to the pitcher's mound for our ceremonial first pitch of the game, please welcome from the national televised nbc "today" morning show, kerry sanders. >> kerry worked here at nbc for 32 years covering everything from elections to legal trials to hurricanes and the occasional turtle release on live television. he retired last year. but kerry, as you can see there,
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making us proud. >> way to go! >> a perfect strike there. something close to it. so kudos and congrats to our friend, kerry sanders, who could pick up another job, it looks like. >> he looks good. coming up on "popstart," let the debate begin. carson is revealing the first contenders for the songs of summer. and then we look back at 30 years of memories made on our plaza, the biggest stars, the biggest concerts, halloween fun and so much more. we look back right after this. against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it's my cue to help protect them.
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choose acid prevention. choose nexium. ah, bookstores. i've read that one, i've read that one, —i've read that one! —i didn't read that one, —i didn't read that one. —hey,can you get this? because i left my wallet way in my back pocket. my pleasure because i earn unlimited 2% cash back. wow, this is fascinating: did you know whales and barnacles have a parasitic relationship? oh, i know about parasitic relationships— let's go barnacle. off you go. unlimited 2% cash back, the wells fargo active cash credit card. we are back on this wednesday morning. we are back celebrating 30 years on this plaza. >> it's so fun. every day this is the best part of the day. it is such a special
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place. it is the heartbeat of our show in so many ways, from the can concerts to halloween and many more to come. so join us as we look back at our plaza's first 30 years. ♪ ♪ >> we love meeting people and having them come here. it feels like a family reunion every single morning. >> i like inside the studio. but this with everybody, this feels like home. >> people are always so excited to be here. see? ♪ ♪ >> i think having a window is in the dna of "the today show." that's how it all started. >> we were in a big glass football. like a fishbowl. >> when we brought back the
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studio, it was reconnecting with those roots. >> welcome to "today" on a monday morning. welcome to studio 1a. >> their friends and family can see them back home. >> it was katie, bryant. it was just so magical. >> i can't believe it's 30 years. >> like, this is the spot right in the middle of midtown. guys, was it so fun? was it fun? >> the most memorable musical moments have happened right here. the very first "today show" concert in the plaza, earth, wind and fire. ♪ ♪ do you remember ♪ ♪ >> imagine you look over there and beyoncé is performing. you don't have to imagine it. it happened. >> ricky martin lit this plaza up. ♪
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♪ >> and i wasn't even here and i remember it like i was. >> my favorite part isn't just the music. it is always meeting everyone who comes out. >> hello, my people! my people! >> they're celebrating an anniversary. they're celebrating a birthday. they want a hug from al. >> then you might just run in to somebody from high school. >> looks like you have a yearbook there. >> yes, savannah. >> look at that hair. she's not just your friend. she's your sister. >> sorority sister. >> you never know who will show up. ms. kenny was my fifth grade teacher. >> and you are her son? >> yes, sir. >> please send my love. >> you want to meet more inspirations? who are they?
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>> savannah and hoda. >> oh, my gosh! >> i don't know what to say. >> oh, my god. this is my man right here. we created trl together. >> i, of course, had the guys who kissed on live tv, which spawned the "will & grace" episode that i got to star in. >> you never know what to expect when you come on the plaza. >> halloween always, always epic. ♪ ♪ >> it's like we're kids again. ♪ ♪ >> i still wake up screaming when i think about me as charlie brown. frightening. >> this plaza is where jenna and i achieved our lifelong dream of being dallas cowboy cheerleaders. ♪ ♪
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>> roll the montage. >> the united plates of thanksgiving. >> team usa on our plaza. >> the philadelphia eagles have taken over. >> we should roll in to work like this every single day. >> this is normal. >> we really have had some deeply meaningful moments out here. >> who runs the world on our plaza? girls do. >> we have one thing in common, all survivors. >> first ever class to graduate on our plaza. >> for dreams to come true. >> there is a heartbeat, and it's this plaza right here.
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>> your eyes light up when they see the people that they wake up with every morning. my eyes light up. >> something different every day. ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪ ♪ >> and that's the magic of it. >> happy 30th! wow! 30 years on this plaza, you guys. >> we do. and we should point out, we're missing al roker because this is really his plaza. he's the king of the plaza. >> they should name it al roker plaza. >> i love it. >> and it's because of you guys every single morning. thank you guys for coming. >> thank you to our producer, too. how about we make some new plaza memories, dylan? >> i think we will have to finish this going around the horn. that's al's thing. if he was here, he would do it. but first a check of the weather and what you can expect. out west today, first, record highs are likely where temperatures are up around 109 degrees in phoenix. the heat index is cooler because of the dry heat. you go over into texas, temperatures in the upper 90s.
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it will feel 115 degrees or so. elsewhere across the country, 80s and 90s pretty much everywhere. our best chance of heavy rain today will be through the ohio river valley. we could see heavy storms and possibly some flooding around texas, louisiana and into mississippi, too. that's a look at the weath across the couernt in honor of al roker, we're going around the horn. let's go. let's get you going. we're going, we're going. come on, everybody! we got a lot of stuff to get around here.
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we've got the plaza. hello, everybody. we've got palm trees on the plaza. yes! whoo. we did it. >> yeah, you did. >> well done! >> in heels. >> in heels, very impressive. >> all right. mr. daley. >> very impressive. all right. we will start "popstart" with alec baldwin. their family will be the subject of a new reality series on tv. the couple promising to invite viewers into their home for the family's quote, ups and downs, the good, the bad, the wild and the crazy. coming weeks before alec baldwin is set to stand trial in the 2021 "rust" shooting. seems like odd timing for this. alec baldwin appreciates his
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privacy, but a reality show invites a lot of unwanted attention. next up billboard. it is that time of the year again. the music giant has officially launched 2024 songs of summer. do you guys have your favorite songs already? >> uh-huh. >> let's see who made the list. count them down, 5 to 1. we'll start with "espresso" at number five. huge song. sabrina carpenter. "a bar song tipsy" took fourth place this week. >> fourth? it will move up. >> you will will it up the charts. >> we are, we all are. >> tiktok is a big part of all these songs. >> no one hit wonder, by the way. great artist. works with beyoncé. fantastic. >> changing country music.
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>> tommy richmond, 24 out of richmond has a breakout hit thanks to tiktok, "million-dollar baby." you hear the high falsetto. i don't know. >> i like it. >> can we turn it up? >> okay. >> turn me up in the booth. coming in second place, kendrick lamar's hit "not like us." you might know it as the surprising chart-topping drake dis track. this is part of the beef with drake. >> it's a great track. >> this might have ended that. finally, just the first week of summer, post malone and morgan wallen's collab "i had some help." we knew it was teased forever on social media and people waiting for the song to come out, and now it is. i think this is a good start to summer. these are all the songs percolating in social media and elsewhere. >> it is crazy that taylor is not on this list, though. >> it's shocking. >> 30 songs were just released. she has such a high volume of work.
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next up the order of the "peaky blinders." netflix announcing tommy shelby's story set to continue now. oscar and golden globe winner cillian murphy returning as the british leading gangster in the original series, had six hit seasons. murphy saying in a statement yesterday, this is the one for the fans. the british series premiered back in the u.s. in 2013, became a huge streaming hit for netflix. details about the plot, nobody knows quite yet. it is all being kept very tightly under wraps, but we will keep our eyes peeled for that. >> like it is such a good show. i need a movie. >> okay. >> did i say his name right, cillian murphy? >> cillian. >> cillian murphy. >> i want to get it right. we strive in "popstart," and we will strive in this. i do it to myself, i don't care. no shame in this game. want to get a man's name right.
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next up, "the traitors." let's go. it's coming back. we have a "popstart" exclusive video revealing season 3 and it's stacked with icons, top competitors and notable public figures. >> dorina medially. chrishell stouss. britney haines. danielle reyes. bob the drag queen. wells adams. chanel ayan. gabby windey. dylan efron. tony vlachos.collins. jeremy collins. delores castania. robyn dixon. bob harper.
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sam ashhari. tom sandoval and nikki garcia. well, there you have it, dearies, this is sure to be the most treacherous season yet. >> i thought we were just going to watch the whole show. i thought it was episode one. the tv producer in me wants to see pictures of these fine folks come up so i could put a face to the name. love allen cumming, though. >> what is it? reality stars fighting each other? >> no, it is like a murder mystery. >> somebody did it. >> somebody murdered somebody? >> somebody did it, pretend. >> let's just roll the show. let's just watch the show. we'll see the whole thing. all right. that is coming to peacock soon. hoda, real quick, it is wednesday. you have an episode of "making space" that just dropped. she has this advice for young women.
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let's talk about this. >> my best advice for those girls is do whatever you can to get off of social media because even for someone like me, who is a world renowned model, who has been told countless times how beautiful i am, i still can go into the comments section and i will feel really bad about myself. and that is a place that is so dangerous that you aren't able to stop your kids from doing that if they have accessibility. and, so, for that girl who is really like having a hard time, erase it. >> i'm not that familiar with ashley, but i was watching her on the 4th hour with you guys, and i love what she has to say about young women. she has good messages. >> she's brilliant on beauty. she became a supermodel and she thought she was defined by being the bigger girl. she is full of optimism and hope and she has a lot of faith in her. it was just a beautiful conversation. i think she will make, even for
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grown-ups reading her kids' book, it's really enlightening. >> scan that "making space with hoda." every wednesday new episodes drop. shout-out to ashley. >> well done. great "popstart". >> really good. >> exhausted. >> still going. still ahead, some creative and fun ideas for your next dinner party. how to bring a taste of italy to your kitchen. no expensive flight to rome required. >> i'll take one. >> there will be wine and pasta, but first, your local news.
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♪ ♪ >> you just don't have any of
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those moves in your body. that's what that is! ♪ ♪ >> hey, everybody, welcome back. it is 8:30 on a wednesday morning. we are kicking off the next 30 years on the plaza. we got an amazing crowd out here. >> oh, yes! >> 30 years, plus one day. >> it starts right now. guys, coming up, jenna is here to introduce to the brownstone boys. these are popular home renovators putting history in the spotlight in their new york community, and they put her to work on one of their projects. she is very crafty. she cuts flowers even from her neighbor's yard. >> she's a gardener. >> you heard that story, yeah, yeah. >> i believe that's called stealing. >> and then speaking of steals, our friend jill martin is here with some steals and deals on summer essentials from must have beach towels to this breezy neck fan she's sporting right there.
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>> i want it all. >> you can get it from jill. >> and then we have the cook book author here to make us feel like we're all on an italian vacation. look how good those tomatoes look. >> i'm in. later on the 3rd hour, craig is saying i don't know how you raise three boys in a new york city apartment. well in today's big dare, he gets to find out because i challenged mr. melvin to babysit my boys all day. >> a little spoiler. i will say this. her boys could not be more well behaved. so well behaved. that's true. >> that's not what you told me this morning. >> well, we can't wait to see that. dylan, you have a check of the weather? >> yes. today does look like a nice day in the northeast. most of the heavy rain is
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farther inland, where we will see some pockets of heavy rain. storms likely down along the gulf coast today. it is beautiful out west, although extremely hot. we have the sun. temperatures up to the 90s. so brutally hot for some. very, very humid down across texas where it will feel like it is around 110 degrees. that heavy rain will hit the east coast tomorrow, and we could s. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures will be heating up quickly in the valleys. we are going to have the hottest day we've had so far this year. for some spots up to 102 degrees in vacaville, napa. back up to 101 degrees. oakland in the upper 80s and low 90s for san jose, while morgan hill will hit a high of 100 degrees for tomorrow. temperatures come down just slightly for some. definitely some relief near the coastline and for the pen and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan.
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thank you. coming up next, jenna's adventure with the brownstone boys, helping their community along the way. she has a sweet story of their success. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now at and we are back at 8:35, and we've got master home renovators making a big name for themselves. >> jenna bush hager, you wear so many hats. >> yeah. construction hats, and gardening gloves. when barry and jordan first blogged about their brown stone renovation, they could never imagine the success. now they're known as the brownstone boys, helps others create their home sweet home.
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meet barry and jordan. together they're the brownstone boys, helping their brooklyn new york community and beyond. restore and renovate historic homes. >> they really don't make them like they used to. >> it's such a privilege to be able to work in them and uncover the beautiful original features and bring them all back to be the star of the show. >> we work with our clients usually from the purchase of the home all the way to move-in day. for us, it is something so special. >> we're the brownstone boys. a >> it was actually our second date. we biked around brooklyn. >> we realized we had a goal to buy an old house and go through this big restoration of it. seven months later we had our place that needed lots of work, lots of tlc.
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>> barry and jordan blogged about their big renovation, and to their surprise, the community rallied behind them. >> we were just getting bigger and bigger and answering people's questions. eventually someone asked us if we could help them do their project. we said yes and had our first client. >> the couple took a leap of faith and quit their day jobs. jordan was a baker and designed ice cream shops. barry was in software sales, but had a lifelong interest in architecture and real estate. >> we've done now 25 historic properties in the last six years. >> that is crazy. >> it's wild. >> what do you think it says to people who have a perfectly mapped out plan of where they want to go? >> i think some of the best things come unexpectedly. you never know where life is going to take you. we took the plunge and honestly never looked back. >> the brownstone boys are now releasing their first book. "for the love of renovating". do you have three pieces of advice that you would give to somebody that is, like, okay, i
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want to renovate. how do i do it? >> spreadsheets are our best friend. >> the next thing is timing, understanding how long it takes. >> when it comes to the design part, save that for when you are designing your special place. inspiration is everywhere. >> barry and jordan took me inside for a tour of one of their current renovation projects. >> this staircase, for example, we would strip the entire staircase and all the original details. >> how amazing is that? >> so here we are in the cellar. there is a lot of work going on here, so it is a hard hat area. >> okay. >> so we have one here for you. >> thank you. safety first. >> something we're excited to share with you is this newspaper is now framed and we're gifting this to the client of this house, but we found it during the renovation during the demolition. this newspaper dates back to 1906. >> oh, my gosh. i hope they're not watching. >> and they even recruited me to
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help out with the renovation. >> here we have four colors that we are deciding between. so we need to paint some samples. grab a brush and -- >> -- roll up your sleeves. just like that i was renovating. >> which one is your favorite. >> this. >> that's a gorgeous color. >> this is a good start. thanks for helping. >> i can be your unofficial brownstone girl. >> any time. >> wow! >> that's cool. they're very cool. they should have a television show. for sure. >> i think they should, too. and i might get into renovating. >> you looked so happy there. >> you do like home stuff like that. >> i like home stuff. >> i think anybody that is saving the old history of our country is amazing, right? >> aren't you editor-in-chief of "southern living". >> well, i'm a contributor once in a sale. >> she gave you a promotion. >> she has credentials. >> by the way, y'all, should we
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say that jordan first fell in love with renovating because of the brownstones because of "sesame street." do you remember all the brownstones? "sesame street" was filled with brownstones. y'all can get their book at your local bookstore. >> i like how they discover the history, too. >> and i'm going to go back and try to garden. >> hgtv. it has that history element. >> gardening is next. >> i'm just a one-woman show. "you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me you just remember what your old pal said.
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boy, you've got a friend in me." everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. now through august 4th, 2024. vist the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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jill's steals and deals is sponsored by sponsored by wells fargo credit cards.
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credit cards made for the way you live. that's real life ready. >> all right. we're back with "steals & deals." and this morning we are helping you stock up on some must haves for the summer with great items up to 85% off. joining us is our pal and today lifestyle and contributor jill martin brooks. scan the qr code below. did you say 85% off? >> yeah. are you ready for a good time? let's start with these neoprene bags. which are fabulous. they retail $158. the deal is $69 with free shipping. that is 56% off. all right. look at the fabulous colors. >> love them. >> you get the tote and you get the detachable pouch. >> love it. >> and these are like your workhorse bags. >> that strap, very important. >> yes, thank you. a cross body bag that you can detach. so a lot of different fun colors, a lot of organization. you can beat this up. it is your every day bag for summer. $69 and free shipping. 56% off. >> let's cool off, girl. >> a triumph. this i wore all weekend.
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this is a fan. this is the lowest fan. so it's the infini breeze neck fan with brace. do you feel it. the retail is $52.99. it has a two-hour battery life. it has three gauges. and i'm looking -- i don't want to be hot or cold, too cold. i don't like that question. >> this is like perfect. >> right. and it is malleable, so it will go around your neck. and it comes with a traveling case as our director is pointing out right now. >> so you can be on the beach reading a book and everyone is burning up and you're not. >> look at how cool that is. i love it. >> love it. >> now, these towels are great. they have a velour front. you can get them with an initial. the deal is $24. 30 by 60. i love an oversized towel. beautiful prints with the monogram. exciting mix and match prints if you are having a barbecue. a great gift. >> can i tell you what i love about these? they are not the thick beach towels that you have to jam in your bag.
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they're thin but comfy. i like that. >> yeah, with two little kids running around. >> katy perry. hello, katy perry. >> she has flip-flops? >> she does. and they're beautiful sandals. they have memory foam in the heel, which is what i really like. the deal is $39. it's 51% off. they come in all these different colors. easy day to night shoe, especially in the metallic if you are looking for a neutral. these are so great. again, their final sale. i wear a 9. i got a 9. so go true to your size. >> by the way, i also see this part between your toes is soft. you know when you put on a pair of flip-flops and they kill you? these are good. >> the black, the white, all neutral. >> so the nadri cz earrings. they come in 18 karat plated gold.
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and the stones are cz. no one knows the difference. >> do you have them on? >> yeah, i got them on. when someone says, are those real? you just say, aren't they fabulous? and no one knows the difference. this is one earring in three. look on our website. we have tons of different iterations of this. great, great, great for summer and for year-round. so this i love and our producer loves because the moisturizer has spf in it. the beauty serum and spf 30 face cream duo. 85% off. i just want to give you a little info because this is skin care. it was founded by two mom who said they want to use science to fight the signs of aging. it is great for summer year-round and it has vitamins a, b, c, d. so if you just put this on you, you feel what it's going to do -- >> not only does it feel so
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buttery, it also smells kind of citrusy, which i love. >> which i love because your might time routine and morning routine should be habitual. >> 85% off on this? >> yes. >> we have the adorn tote with pouch. go for a fun color if you can. the foldable neck fan with place. the monogrammed beach towel. amazing gift. the katy perry collection the sammy sandal. love those. the nadri cz earrings. love those. and the serum which is under my skin care. even though i woke up late today and almost missed the show. >> you woke up late? >> yeah. >> that never happens to you. >> i shut the alarm off and went back to bed like i didn't have a live show. >> you just breezed right in. >> breezed right in. >> head to so you know, today does make a commission on some of the purchases through our links. mrs. guthrie. >> thank you. coming up, the next best thing to an actual vacation in italy, we have catherine here for ideas for a fun and delicious dinner party. italian flair, italian flavors. but,irst, this is "today" fon
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you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. now, you're stuck behind this guy. as he uses the pharmacy line to purchase half the store. including a ceramic dolphin figurine. without a price.
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(over loud speaker) price check in pharmacy. ♪♪ all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. ♪♪
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♪ we are in the mood this morning on "today food." we will bring a taste of italy to your kitchen. her brand-new cook book is all about casual entertaining for friends and family. catherine, it is so fun to be here with you. >> thank you so much for having me. >> i love to throw a party and have this theme. >> turning 30 in the plaza, oh, my god. >> exactly. we're doing a diy spritz bar, which is fun. how do you set this up? >> this is my favorite and most sparkling ways to start a dinner party. you can choose your own adventure. the first thing you need is our italian liquors. i look for a range of options. something bright and citrusy. so we have all the different flavor profiles from bright and citrusy to bold and earthy. >> okay. >> so which one do you like to start off with?
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>> i like a citrusy drink, i think. >> let's do it. then we also have lots and lots of ice. super important. more than you think you need. >> yes, for sure. >> we have sparkling water. and last but not least, you have to think about how you want to garnish your spritz. >> what do you do with the olives? >> i like to pop it right in. it is a nice, salty bite at the end of your cocktail. >> all right. >> are you feeling that? >> yeah. why not? the party has already started over there. >> oh, yeah. yes. cheers. >> what kind did you get? yours looks different? >> cheers. >> okay. >> oh, nice and refreshing, too. okay. so now we have a couple of dishes. i love, by the way, the table setting is so pretty, so bright. so this is with tomato. tell me about this.
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>> it is an italian tuna sauce that's light, citrusy and zesty. it is great on the best summer tomatoes. honestly, even if your tomatoes are not that great, it will make them shine. >> you can hide them. >> you can hide a mediocre tomato, yes. drizzle it all over and finish with flakey salt and pepper. >> oh, yeah, the flakey salt is how you nail it. how do you like the tonnato sauce, everybody? >> love it. >> you can use it as a dip or as a smear on sandwiches. >> okay, great. and it is super easy to make? >> tinned tuna, tinned anchovies, mayo, capers. mustard, lemon -- >> i see you have red chili flakes. >> yes. definitely garnish with red chilly and flakey salt, and honestly, that's it. >> okay. that's beautiful. i will take a bite. what's our next thing that we
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will start? >> so burrata is such a perfect food on its own. it needs so little. one of my favorite, no fail, no cooking, no thinking appetizers. i like to accessorize it with whatever is in season. and then honestly all you need to do is take the burrata and tear it over the top. that way everybody can kind of dig in and get their own piece of burrata. and then we will finish it again. we're sensing a theme of olive oil. >> okay, great. that's beautiful. >> and the snap peas, did you grill them or anything? are they raw? >> absolutely raw and just sliced thinly. just slice them up. >> okay, great. >> and then our final little dish we have, olives. but you're adding something to it. >> so i like to think of olives as the little black dress of the dinner party. they are always welcome. they look great everywhere. >> they do. >> they taste great with everything. and honestly, you can just take a jar of olives from the grocery
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store, pop them in your cutest bowl, drizzle with olive oil, and that will be perfect. >> what is this, feta cheese? >> yes. >> if you have the time, i love to marinate mine. and then i like to pour them over cheese. >> oh! >> and this makes for a really special olive moment. that's a little bit heartier. >> yes. >> and then people can scoop it up with fresh bread. >> that is beautiful. okay. should we go over to our plate here and ask our tasters how they're enjoying? >> delicious. >> i feel like i'm sitting on the amalfi coast having vacation. >> we do look like we're on vaca. catherine, where is your chair? >> let's raise a glass and cheers! there we go! thank you for coming on my italian vacation. >> grazie! >> see you guys at the vatican. >> okay.
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the book is called big night out, out today. if you are in new york city, you have the two shots. you can find the recipes and more on our website we are back with our 3rd and 4th hour. why are y'all standing? just being polite? >> yes. >> look at their beautiful manners. i love that. but, first, a check of your local news, weather and these messages. i'm going to dig in. ♪ ♪
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good morning. it is 856 on marcus washington. a live look for you this morning. this is at stanford's campus. that's where a small group of palestinian protesters occupied the president's office this morning. now, in a statement, the school called it an unlawful assembly. within the last hour, the sheriff's deputies announced at least a dozen people are now detained. stanford did say that there would be little academic impact. we do know that the school is scheduled to start spring finals next week. our ginger conejero saab she's on campus following those developments, she'll have a live report for our midday newscast. you can see more right now on our home page. also at midday, the latest on the microclimate weather alert with temperatures in
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," convicted. breaking news this morning.


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