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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  June 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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after attending a high dollar fundraiser hosted by some big names in tech. good evening everyone. i'm jessica aguirre, in and out in less than six hours with cash. former president tonight. back on the move. mr. trump's private jet touched down at sfo shortly after 6 p.m. this evening. and then it was off to a tony mansion in pacific heights neighborhood for a reception and a dinner starting at 50 k a ticket. his visit, an all day event for his supporters as well as protesters that campaign stopped just one week after he became the first president in us history to be convicted on 34 felony counts. nbc barry's pizza rados is live in park heights for us. pete yeah, and former president trump's motorcade leaving this area about 30 minutes ago. and it really just
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punctuated a day of rallies and counter protests for the former president, who president trump's motorcade arriving this evening in san francisco's pacific heights neighborhood for a fundraiser at the home of venture capitalist david sachs, with guests paying anywhere from 50,000 to $300,000 for tickets. his supporters tonight have been waiting for hours to get a glimpse of the former president. they do not have tickets to the event, but hope to show their support from afar. it's all over the state. it's not, it's not just san francisco. it's not just l.a. it's the state of california. and his arrival leading to an eventful day of rallies and protests across the city with many of his supporters driving into the city this afternoon for a rally near fort mason. i'm here to see trump. okay, we have been studying trump for years. he's been in the white house before, and they were met with counter protesters
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who see mr. trump in a much different light intensity. and this is who they admire and love . i don't want to use the word cult, but i'll be happy to do whatever you do. just like they're the same group heading to pacific heights, where tensions picked up between trump supporters and protesters, one of whom lives in the neighborhood. he's not a fan of the former president and questioned his supporters tonight after mr. trump was convicted of 34 felonies just last week. this is a criminal and they're sucking up to the biggest criminal on earth. some of these people talk about law and order constantly, are kissing up to the biggest criminal in the entire country. now the former president is heading to southern california the next for yet another fundraiser here in california. and we'll see if his campaign releases numbers on this fundraiser in the coming days. we're live in san francisco. pete serratos, nbc, bay area news. okay, thank you very much. what we're hearing tonight is that it was $12 million haul. that's how much the trump campaign raised. harmeet dhillon, attorney and republican party official, posted these
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photographs on x showing a behind the scenes look at the fundraiser from inside. her post says there wasn't an empty seat in the house. okay moving on. after some blazing summer heat, the clouds are rolling back into the bay area, and that means a slight cool down before the weekend you're looking at right now is video from sutro tower. cam above san francisco. gorgeous. they're taking right about sunset. let's bring in our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri. jeff, you said i was going to start to cool down. we saw that already today. what can we expect for the weekend. we are in for more of those temperatures dropping as we head through the next couple of days. and look at how much it tumbled today. we went from 98 yesterday in santa rosa, down to 82 from that record setting, 102 in concord down to 91, and a decent drop in san jose from 92 to 82. now, the fog really helped those numbers to drop. and you can see on the live scan right now, we're still hanging on to the fog here that's moving throughout the bay area. it's helping everyone to push down back to a chillier 53 here in santa rosa. 55 san francisco and
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even some 60s here across the inland valleys. now, as we head through tomorrow, we keep the fog. but we're also looking at a storm system out here in the pacific that's going to contribute and add in some cooler air. so check out this forecast here. it's even looking better for us on our friday forecast. we'll start it off with 50s and fog and by the afternoon some low 80s. i'll take you right through that weekend forecast coming up in about 15 minutes okay. see you then. thank you jeff. another mountain lion spotted in the south bay late this afternoon. san jose sent out another warning for a big cat spotted near kelly park, which is right next to the happy hollow zoo. now, this marks the fifth reported sighting in just the past eight days. those sightings spread out all over san jose. so the question is, is it the same animal or is it more than one animal? nbc bay area's jocelyn moran joins me in the studio now. so what do the experts think? one, two. how many? it's hard to tell. they think it is one right now, but they're still determining that. but experts do say it is a reminder that the bay area is mountain lion habitat. and although it's rare,
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they can show up in more residential areas. but neighbors tell us tonight they are worried and are taking precautions. tonight, neighbors in san jose are feeling a bit uneasy. the city of san jose posting on x today that a mountain lion was spotted near kelly park, the fifth sighting in eight days. police spent wednesday night in the area of l.a. drive, following several reports of a mountain lion sighting there. this video, taken by a neighbor last night around 940, of what looks to be a mountain lion walking in front of a driveway of a home. magda serrano saw the video and lives near the home where the video was taken. she's lived here for more than 20 years and says she's never seen a mountain lion in the area. but after last night, teniendo la la guardia no vamos a la guardia porque sabemos porque no sé si ya se agarrado. she's keeping her guard up and will put her pets in at night. and last night's mountain lion wasn't the first caught on camera on may 31st home surveillance video near 24th and santa clara streets showed this puma walking by a truck while a small dog
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barks at it, and two days earlier, two separate videos captured by home surveillance cameras in milpitas show a mountain lion. at one point, it hops a fence. sean whittemore lives near kelly park and has heard of the recent sightings. i think it can't be dangerous for a lot of people here. he's keeping his cats indoors tonight. i think it could definitely be pretty dangerous. i mean, they're just small animals, so they could be easy prey. normally, i feel pretty confident that they can hide in the trees, but against a mountain lion, i'm not too sure about that. experts say it's a good idea to keep your pets indoors at night. looks to be the same individual just moving through an area. so i mean, we don't see sightings too much, but it is important to remember that this is a species that is not, it's not in their biology to stay in the same area for a long time. so, i mean, this animal is probably already moved on or will move on within a couple of days. she adds that this is happening as more of their habitat is being lost. if you do see, a mountain lion, very important that you don't run, don't turn your back, just
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make yourself look big, make lots of noise, start yelling, and that is usually enough to keep the to get the animal to go away. all right. so adding on to that, what can you do if you come face to face with one of these cats? the experts say you should never approach them. you should back away slowly and stand tall, making lots of noise, and try to look bigger by waving your arms and making noise. do not ever turn your back and run away from them because they may chase you. so good recommendations there, jessica. okay. thank you. a last minute proposed change for california so-called junk feet law. tonight, that junk fee law is expected to go into effect july 1st, and it would prohibit businesses from charging hidden fees, things like concert tickets and hotel rooms. but today, state senator bill dodd introduced new legislation that would allow restaurants to continue to charge fees outside of the listed menu prices. if they disclose those fees on their menus or on their displays has to be seen. we spoke the executive director of the golden gate restaurant association during our 7 p.m. newscast, and
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she talked about what kind of fees restaurants are charging diners. there's the type that we've had for over 50 years. that's an auto gratuity that would be applied to a large party, that is something very common. if you had a large party or growing up as a kid, and that would normally go towards the service staff the other way is you all see this a lot, particularly in san francisco, is a healthy a san francisco or a surcharge to help offset the cost of doing business in san francisco, lawmakers say that bill could be adopted within the next month, while several state charges have been dismissed against david depape. he's the man attacked who attacked paul pelosi in his san francisco home . a judge sentenced apap to 30 years in prison for federal charges last month, but now he's being tried again on state charges. today, the san francisco public defender's office says three of those state charges were dismissed because they fall under double jeopardy. those charges include attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. now, depape will still go on trial for five other state
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charges. he has pled not guilty to all of those. that trial is expected to resume on june 14th. two people convicted in the deadly shooting of an east bay home depot worker were sentenced today. that shooting happened back last april at the home depot on johnson drive in pleasanton, which is right off of 580. a gunman killed a loss prevention worker, blake mohs, while he was trying to stop two shoplifters under a plea deal. the shooter, benicia knapps, will serve 19 years to life for second degree murder and enhancements. david gilroy, the getaway driver who fled with naps, two year old in the car, will serve a little over seven years. mo's mom, lori, spoke at the sentencing today. this doesn't bring him back, but this takes our life back. our our lives are no longer ransom by the justice system. we no longer wait for the next court date. and then when we got a conviction, we don't wait for the appeal date. we don't wait for a change in law or a jury
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tampering claim, or some other crazy thing that will continue to hold our lives captive. mo's mom went on to say that she wants to start a new chapter in her family's life, where they become advocates for the victims of violent death. while it was a horrific crash in redwood city, one that left two young girls without their parents at the wheel was a 17 year old. tonight, though, a major decision that that driver will not be tried as an adult. nbc bears ian cull spoke with the victim's family outside of court today. today, nearly a year and a half after a crash killed greg ammon and his wife grace spiridon, a judge decided the driver who allegedly did it will be tried in juvenile court. there's no winners here. every everyone lost. we spoke with greg ammon's brother mike, who was in the courtroom. the decision means if the driver is convicted, he will likely be released when he's 25. it's disappointing, but i don't know what justice really looks like in this scenario, this certainly isn't it. but i don't know that
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the court can actually, bring us the justice that that we would want. the victim's family points out the defendant was 17 years and nine months old and was allegedly street racing when he triggered the fatal crash. police believe the two racers were going over 80mph down el camino real in redwood city when they hit the family's car. the two twin girls, who were seven years old at the time, were injured in the back seat but miraculously survived. they're now being cared for by an aunt. the family has filed a civil lawsuit against this driver and driver of the other car, 23 year-old kyle harrison, as well as their parents and the passengers in both cars for what they call recklessly racing. aman hopes the case will spur more parents to talk with their teens about the dangers of speeding and racing. you know, there's two people that lost their lives. you know, due to ultimately a teenager behind the wheel of a car and there's, you know, graduation coming up and plenty of opportunities to
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succumb to peer pressure, and i just hope this can be, you know, a reminder and a wake up call to parents out there giving their kids keys to cars. the driver's family declined to comment. the da can appeal the judge's decision on otherwise. the case will head to trial in juvenile court in redwood city, ian cull nbc. bay area news. a decades long fight over berkeley's people's park may finally be over. california supreme court ruled that uc berkeley can go ahead with its plans to build student housing there. now, the fight over people's park dates back to 1969, when the park, which is owned by the university , first became a hub for local protests and demonstrations. two years ago, uc berkeley started construction on a new housing complex at that site, but that construction quickly came to a halt because of protest. two local organizations eventually sued the school, saying students living downtown would make too much noise in what's already a packed area. state supreme court ruled today that a new law enacted in 2021 invalidates
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those claims. okay, we're back in 60s just ahead after multiple rate hikes. pg&e wants you to pay for a $6 million ad campaign to educate you on why critics argue they should be using their own money for that. instead, we investigate. and another scary run in with the wild animal. not a mountain lion, but a black bear apparently trying to join in on a high school football practice, and that fog's returning as we head through tomorrow morning's commute, we'll show you how lonthisg
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campaign for you on your dime. that's what pg&e wants. an ongoing $6 million ad campaign it says falls under safety communications that critics say the utility plans to pull that ad money from a special fund that should only be used to prevent the company from
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sparking wildfires. nbc bay area's investigative reporter jaxon van derbeken has the story in his continuing series, the high price of power. to make our power system safer and more reliable, you may have seen this commercial featuring pg&e ceo patty poppy. we're transforming your hometown utility from the underground up talking about undergrounding 10,000 miles of power lines across 21 counties. the ambitious effort, she says, makes us safer. and it's less expensive in the long run. pg&e recently told state legislators it wants customers to pay for its $6 million safety communications campaign, born out of a pool of funds known as the fire risk mitigation memorandum account. critics say that's not what the fund is for, and the company should pay for those commercials out of its profits. it's outrageous to charge customers for promotional advertising that only promotes
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the utility. katie morrison is with the ratepayer advocacy group turn. the number one thing that people complain to me about regarding their utility is that they see all these pg&e advertisements, and they assume that they, as customers, are paying for them. and they asked me, are they paying for them? pg&e told us the ads are in response to customers wanting to know what it's doing to boost wildfire safety and system reliability, while poppy boasts that the utility is buried hundreds of miles of power lines, critics say much of the 600 miles buried so far covers already burned areas. turns out that this is not the first time pg&e has sought to pay for ads with wildfire money. regulators have authorized it to charge customers for $15 million in wildfire funds. for ads between 2020 and 2022, pending review. the utility says those ads are designed to educate customers on how to stay safe in the face of wildfire risks and the actions
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pg&e is taking to keep them safe. but the latest ads featuring poppy are clearly different, says one former regulator. the ads, not about wildfires. it's about pg&e. steve weissman is a former cpuc regulatory judge. now, with the goldman school of public policy at uc berkeley. the ad is going to be focused on the company and not on wildfire prevention. then the company and its shareholders ought to pay for it, not the customers. still, pg&e has been resisting calls from ratepayer groups like turn to require utilities to spell out who is paying within ads like this one safe, reliable and affordable energy system. meanwhile, the $6 million campaign continues, even as pg&e has yet to formally seek to pay for it with wildfire dollars. jackson vanderbeken nbc, bay area news so could this be a fix to the bay area housing crunch? santa clara county is making it easier for you to
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build a new home right in your backyard. we're talking about what's known as those accessory dwelling units adus. you used to call them in-law units. they're smaller homes located on the property of a larger home. this week, the board of supervisors signed off on a proposal hoping to speed up the building process. the reason is because now you can choose from two pre-approved plans one model 800ft■!s, the other is 1200 sque feet. you can build the adu unit without the pre-approved plans, but that's just going to take you longer to get the approval. okay, if you're planning to take caltrain this weekend, there are some gaps in service you're going to watch out for on saturday and sunday. caltrain is stopping service between san francisco and san jose company also limiting the number of busses going from the san jose diridon, palo alto and millbrae stations. it's all to test its new electric fleet. caltrain has stopped service before the testing, but the company says this will be the last public shutdown before the fleet officially gets on the tracks. as for the new electric fleet, that's expected to start taking passengers in september. okay,
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check this out. it is wild. yes, that's a bear. high school football players coming face to face with that black bear right when they're practicing football happened at truckee high. they say not their first run in with an animal on the field. players say this actually happens every now and then when the animals cross the field to get back into the woods. the bears showing up in populated areas very common. it's prompted the state to work a conservation plan to minimize conflict between humans and black bears. in this case, the bear just scooted along and the kids went back to practice. can you imagine? wow no. maybe he wanted. maybe he wanted to sign with the team. yeah. i mean, he had a he had a clear run for the touchdown at that point. right? so man, our temperatures are continuing to drop off here across the bay area back down to 55 in san francisco livermore 64. we're going to stay with this cooler trend in the forecast as we roll through tomorrow. we basically have this storm system in the pacific. it's got some milder air with it that's beginning to move closer.
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and you combine that in with the fog. numbers will continue to drop. but also acting like a big roadblock, keeping any kind of super hot air well away. let me show you more details on what that's going to mean as we head into your microclimate forecast. and let's get it into that friday morning. and we're going to begin here with some fog at the coastline. the thing that's different is the chance of some patchy fog right up towards the inland valleys of the north bay, east bay, and some of that for the south bay. but most of this, as you'll see right here, is going to clear back by the afternoon, except at the beaches. so if you're headed to the beaches, look out for that chilly fog to linger for us. now. morning temperatures are going to be colder with that west to north west breeze coming on in, and so drop us down to 58 in the south bay. look at the north bay after some 70s to start in the morning this week we're down to 52 and i have it right here at 55 in the east bay. let's take it to those temperatures. we're going to be right about near average down here across south bay. leaves us with 83 in san jose, 85 in
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milpitas across the east bay. instead of those record 183, a lot better in concord, 74 in hayward peninsula. got you to 62. in daly city, 74 redwood city, a san francisco, a chilly 58 here in the marina and 64 across downtown. and for the north bay up to santa rosa. 75 back here to napa, 77. all right. weekend is just upon us. maybe you're looking for something to kind of put in the plan for your saturday or sunday. we got two events for you. first one here, novato art and wine festival. saturday and sunday. upper 70s mix the sun and clouds. maybe it's not that, but you're headed out to sonoma raceway for the toyota save mart three 5080 on saturday and for the big race on sunday. sunny skies 81. that's right where we want to be. we've had years in the past where you've been in the triple digits, so perfect weather out there at sonoma raceway on the 7-day forecast. we'll hang on to 60s and san francisco right through this weekend. then a few 70s as we roll into early next week and right here for the inland
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valleys. we are going in the mid 80s. saturday and sunday goes a little hotter next week, but nothing like the heat we had this week. the way it looks right now, the cooldown was perfect, just as you said. just on time. all right. thank you. all right. after filing for bankruptcy, red lobster closing more bay area restaurants. but rapper flavor flav trying to help give the company a boost. and we have jimmy. hey, everyone. ariana grande is my guest tonight. she's here to talk and perform. plus, we have ron howard and richard gadd and jessica gunning from baby reindeer. it's a great show tonight. happening now. crews have gotten the upper hand on a wildfire burning in napa county. we're talking about the crystal fire. it started yesterday near saint helena. it is now %90
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financial problems, the restaurant chain filed for bankruptcy last month. it says business failed to return to pre-pandemic levels, so it shuttered dozens of locations. part of the restructuring plan includes shuttering more locations, including some here in the bay area in milpitas, pittsburg, san jose and vallejo. a judge still has to approve those particular closures. meanwhile, hip hop and reality star flavor flav doing his part to try to save the company rapper posted this picture on instagram went quickly viral, buying the entire menu of red lobster. he said he ordered everything in hopes of helping save the crustacean chain. okay. nba finals officially underway and free throws will equal free food. chipotle offering freebies during every game of the series between the dallas mavericks and
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the boston celtics. here's how it works. when a player makes all of their free throws, chipotle will post a code and phone number on x, and the first 500 people to text that code will get a free entree. still ahead, highlights from game one how the bay area's newest baseball team just made history in oakland ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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texas against the rangers. meanwhile, the a's had an afternoon game in oakland against the seattle mariners. a's could not muster much of an attack, though, scoring no runs on two hits. seattle with the a's three to nothing. oakland ballers took home the win tonight after one for their players made history. yeah, how about that to start the game off with a strikeout. kelsey whitmore is the first woman to start a pioneer league game. she threw three innings against the yolo high wheelers tonight. whitmore has been a trailblazer for women in professional baseball. she was the first woman to sign a contract in the atlantic league, and played two seasons with the staten island ferry hawks before signing with the ballers. by the way, the ballers won 9 to 8 nba finals.
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got started in boston tonight. the celtics taking on the dallas mavericks. celtics did not look like they suffered any lingering effects from a week long layoff. racing out to 21 point halftime lead. celtics win easily 107 to 89. game two is suay againnd norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way.
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you know which one we're talking about? i do. we are talking about the full house home in san francisco, located at 1709 broderick street in the lower pacific heights neighborhood. the three story home could be yours for $6.5 million. jeff we pool our money, we can do it. also up for sale handprints and concrete stone of the full house cast. unclear how much it should be noted. oh, there it is. most of the full house was filmed at warner bros. studios in los angeles. so really, it was the exteriors of the home in san francisco. there it is. it looks nice. remodeled it. that's not the way it looked before. no kids were running around. not at all. i could easily do that and live there. but we we're going to need a lot more help than just you and i. yeah, a lot,


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