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tv   Early Today  NBC  June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am PDT

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wouldn't want me to say that. [ laughter ] >> reporter: friends, family and prosecutors gathered, as well as aaron who despite having no memory of what he witnessed, in the end prevailed. do you think you were some kind of an agent of justice here, aaron, that -- that it should come to you finally to be the one to find her? >> yeah, i think -- i mean, god had a -- god had a plan, that this is what he wanted. you know, i was -- i was ready to do it, to be able to find her, after all these years. i think god had his hands on it. he wouldn't have let all this happen for no reason. that's all for now. i'm lester holt. a shake-up in israel. netanyahu rival benny gantz resigning from the war cabinet over the lack of a post war plan
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in gaza. what it means for the israeli prime minister as condemnation grows over the civilian death toll in gaza. former president trump sets a meet with a probation officer today after his conviction in new york. what he is telling reporters in his first rally since that guilty verdict. a catastrophic collapse. a major mountain highway near jackson, wyoming vital for tourism now completely shut down after a massive landslide destroyed parts of the road. how long it might take to rebuild. first it was ncaa, now some high school athletes may be able to make money from their name, image and likeness thanks to a new florida law. and a case some might find a little nutty. a class action lawsuit against coldstone creamery over a lack of pistachios in her pistachio ice cream. the other flavors the suit says are just a crock. it's monday, june 10th.
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"early today" starts right i know. good morning. i'm frances rivera. we begin this morning with a political shake-up in israel. after eight months of war, opposition leader benny gantz has left the emergency unity government that was formed right after the october 7th hamas attack on israel. gantz followed through on a promise he made weeks ago to exit the war cabinet if prime minister netanyahu did not present a credible post car plan. this comes amid mounting international outrage after saying israel killed nearly 300 civilians in an operation to rescue four hostages at a refugee camp. this man said his five children were injured in the attack, which also destroyed their home. >> we have nothing to do with hamas. i was taking breakfast with my family here. why you send the helicopter to bomb us?
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>> we go now to claudio lavanga. good morning, claudio. bring us up to date on the latest. >> good morning, frances. well, that rescue operation, as you saw, was carried out in an area that was densely populated with palestinian refugees, and at least according to the health ministry, at least 275 people were killed, including 64 children and 700 others were injured. now we don't know how many civilians were among them, but during the operation another three hostages were killed, one of which they say had a u.s. citizenship. but of course we don't have independent confirmation of that yet. there was also a resumer in the aftermath of that operation that israeli special forces used as a base the fear that was build by the united states just off the coast of gaza to deliver aid. but so far both the u.s. and israel have denied it. now the news of the hostages'
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release was of course received with jubilation all across israel. but as you mentioned, that did not stop benny gantz from leaving the war cabinet. now gantz did demand since may the families of israel, benjamin netanyahu to come up with a post war plan. when they failed to materialize on saturday, well, he decided to quit, saying that benjamin netanyahu is in the way of real victory for israel and called for elections this fall. netanyahu responded on his x account saying this is not a time to abandon the campaign but to join forces. frances? >> claudio lavanga for us, claudio, thank you. donald trump is expected to speak with a new york probation officer today. three source tell nbc news the former president will have a virtual interview from his home at mar-a-lago. this comes after mr. trump held his first rally since his conviction. nbc's vaughn hillyard has more. >> reporter: former
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president trump turning the campaign trail into a defiance tour. >> vote for trump. we want a felon! >> reporter: on his first campaign swing since his guilty verdict since falsifying business records. >> the people are watching and they know a fake deal. >> reporter: speaking to a crowd of several thousand in 100-degree heat under the scorching las vegas sun, the former president's rally coming under the shade of legal setbacks. nbc news learned on monday the former president is scheduled for a virtual sit-down interview with a new york city probation officer, a key first step for his sentencing and potential jail time. the officer will evaluate trump's level of remorse, his financial background and mental state and provide a report to the judge to help him determine the sentence that he will hand down to trump on july 11th. >> they've weaponized the department of justice like it's never happened in this country. >> trump publicly showing no regrets and over the last week he's repeatedly equivocated on whether he'd seek revenge on his perceived political enemies. >> based on what they've done i would have every right to go after them.
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>> it's a terrible, terrible path that they're leading us to and it's very possible that the it's going to have to happen to them. >> reporter: he called for the indictment of members of congress who worked on the january 6th select committee, and over the last year, he has called for the indictment of district attorney alvin bragg, who oversaw his new york prosecution. >> would you want him to seek retribution against those who brought these charges against them? >> of course. they should go to jail. if you're going to make false -- if i made false accusations, i'd be thrown in jail in two seconds. >> he's not going to get angry. he's got too much to fix. he's not a vengeful person. >> our thanks to vaughn for that report. closing arguments are expected today in the trial of president biden's son. hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to illegally buying a handgun and lying about his drug use on a government form. hunter and his legal team took the weekend to decide whether he will take the stand in his own defense. if he does decide to take the stand, his testimony would be
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the last heard by the jury. a guilty verdict could mean probation or up to 25 years in prison. wyoming issuing an emergency declaration after a mountain road collapsed near jackson. a massive chunk of the teton pass plunged 70 feet down the mountain. crews say a crack started forming thursday and then expanded rapidly before collapsing over the weekend. the road is vital for the tourism area that is now closed indefinitely. over the weekend, there has been a spate of shark attacks in the united states, and two happened miles apart with two people seriously injured. marissa parra reports from florida. >> reporter: video captured by a florida spear fisherman showing close encounters of the shark kind. filmed on the same day, the beaches nearby in walton county, florida closed after back-to-back shark attack within miles in one day. >> you don't ever think it's going to happen. it's like crazy. >> reporter: on friday, before
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1:30 p.m., a woman swimming near a sandbar bit in her midsection and arm. then an hour and a half later, just four miles away, two teenages girls seen fighting for their lives after another shark attack. >> and when i looked back over my left shoulder, i saw the water filled with blood. >> reporter: two doctors visiting florida on vacation saw the scene unfold and jumped in to help. >> we were able to apply tourniquets and apply pressure and get in the response, it was a team effort. >> reporter: it's unclear whether it was the same shark in beth attacks. >> extremely unusual to happen in the same afternoon within four miles of each other. >> reporter: statistically speaking, attacks on humans are rare. but friday's florida shark attacks comes on the same day after an attack reported out hawaii and in galveston, texas, where 19-year-old damiana humphrey had to fight a shark off with her hands. >> as soon as the shark attacked me, my body naturally started punching it. it was in the face, i did that,
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and it ended up swimming away. >> we're only going about knee-deep. >> reporter: back in florida, adds walton county officials assess next steps, warning flags line the beaches. is it safe for people to go in the water today? >> safe is a relative term. but i don't think people should be hysterical. only they need to be aware of their surroundings and look out for each other. >> thanks to marissa for that report. it is a stormy start to the week across the south. let's turn to nbc meteorologist bill karins who is tracking the threat for us. good morning. see you. >> great to see you too, frances. it was a pretty quiet weekend. we didn't have a lot of severe weather to deal with, or tornadoes for that matter. but we're going toe watch latt of rain this week. here is situation. we have a stalled out front. we're going get a lot of tropical moisture heading up, especially towards florida. today is not too bad. isolated strong storms florida, around the jacksonville area. but as we go into tuesday and wednesday, maybe thursday even into friday, we're going see this tropical moisture lingering
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over the same areas. we're going to get training of rain and thunderstorms. that's tuesday. you kind of get the idea here. we're mostly focus from tampa, orlando southwards, especially concerned with southwest florida. marco island heading to the fort myers. the computer models are saying maybe someone could get close to a foot of ra temperatures a little cooler along the gulf coast. i think it will be welcomed rainfall late in the afternoon. yeah, frances, florida probably has the worst weather in the country this week. >> wow. okay. thanks for watching it, bill. we'll see you in a bit. earl seller back in a minute with a game-change decision for high school athletes in florida. and dallas, we have a problem. how the celticgrbes abd a two-game lead in the nba finals against the mavs. s for it to grow?
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meet new pantene pro-v miracles. with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, infused with ingredients like biotin & collagen. strengthens hair bonds and repairs as well as the leading luxury brand without the $60 price tag. for stronger, healthier hair. ♪♪ if you know, you know it's pantene. ♪♪ i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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a game-changing decision in florida. the state will now allow high school athletes to earn money off their name, image, and likeness, similar to nil deals for college colledge athletes. sam brock talked to a top recruit about what it means for athletic programs. >> reporter: on a field filled with some of the nation's best high school talent -- >> wow! >> what a throw. >> does it again. >> reporter: vernell brown iii isn't just snaring touchdowns. soon he'll be snagging deals after florida just became the latest state joining more than 30 others in the district of columbia to alowell high school athletes to cash in on their name, image and likeness, or nil, once it's ratified in july. do you feel like you're being part of something momentous now as you watch the rules change? >> absolutely. i think the nil passing was a great thing for me, myself, and
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other high school athletes. now we're kind of able to benefit off our performances and the platform we have built. >> what does it change on a day-to-day basis, if anything? >> personally, i don't think it should change anything. >> i don't go to clubs. i don't go to bars. >> reporter: not the prep work and not the purpose, but brown and adidas just unveiled a game-changing new deal. >> the addie 07 class of 2024 was just named. it's a selection of the seven most elite football flathletes the country. >> it's such a huge opportunity for him and the other six athletes that are involved in it. >> reporter: does that feel extraordinary to you? >> absolutely. >> absolutely. i'm extremely grateful for it. >> reporter: brown's father is manager and mentor for former florida gator anthony richard and seen nil transform the sports world and open doors. >> after all the sacrifices the families have made, how critical is that? >> i think it's extremely
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critical. i think having this opportunity to set yourself and your family up. it may not be necessarily financially. obviously there is a financial piece to it. but i think the platform. bringing more notice. >> reporter: and the platform has explode. the nfl network now airs these games from ot-7, the group providing a stage here for the group's best players where brown's south florida expressed afe, a pipeline for nfl talent is competing and gaining exposure. >> the first nfl network game, four touchdowns. a lot of good publicity from that. healthchecking to build my brand. >> so you picked a good time to crush. >> correct. >> reporter: while the massive attention has raised the profile and earning power of high school athletes, some florida coaches still have questions. >> the fabric of college athletics is completely changed. i hope that doesn't the that to the fabric of high school athletics. >> reporter: there are guard rules from the products students can't endorse to no use of
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school equipment, names or property and their guardians or parents have to agree. while brown's skill is still the driver, he said players can now take advantage of their abilities off the field too. >> just like professional athletes put that time and hard work, in i think high school athletes put it in as well. i definitely think there should be some benefit for them that pays off for their hard work and ultimately give us a financial jump-start in life. >> and our thanks to sam for that report. still to come, red bull gives you wings, and in some x rspp t t mavetaenakeshe top spot at the podium at the canadian grand prix. we have the full recap after this.
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doncic goes right at tatum, throws a wild pass, stolen by brown. holiday all alone. holiday throws it down. >> the celtics are riding
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holiday rode all the way to a two-game lead. boston cruised to their second straight finals victory on sunday, thanks to 26 points from jrue holiday and strong defense throughout the night. the mavericks did their best to keep the contest close with another 30-plus effort from luka doncic, but they couldn't seal the deal. they'll have their next chance to score their first win when the series moves to dallas for game three on wednesday. you got to look at this perspective, the celtics have not lost since game 2 against the cavs that was on may 9. they're a good team. i saw the first quarter last night. i got to go to bed! hopefully dallas can make it an interesting series. it's 2-zip. hopefully. i don't want the season to be over. >> just like that. we'll see if they get that momentum back. all right. well, caitlin clark always in the headlines lately. she is content that her history-making 2024 won't include an olympic gold medal. on sunday, the superstar told
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reporters she bears no disappointment for being left off the roster for the paris olympics. clark said she'll be rooting for her fellow players, and that her omission gives her something to work for. the lineup of team usa is expected to include veteran stars like brittney griner and diana tracesy. it would have upset veterans more deserving. >> she's had so many wins. when you have something like her saying something to work for. >> she can wait four more years. the red bull driver and reigning f-1 world champion here is showing their stuff. max verstappen proved you don't need wings when you do have speed. so this is it. the red bull driver and reigning world champion took home the win at the canadian grand prix. verstappen traded the lead at the rain-slick track in montreal
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with george russell and orlando norris. verstappen was able to take advantage of falling behind the safety car, but didn't give up the lead after that. the thrilling finish gives the belgian and dutch driver his 60th win. so that right there is what victory looks like. >> they had one of these cars in times square and they saw it. you won't believe how low to the ground and how small. they are going so fast. scary. >> that's the physics of getting them to do their thing. when we come bk,ac waffle house serving up higher employees soon. and why cold stone is facing a lawsuit over nuts. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes.
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bounty, the quicker picker upper. ♪♪ thank you agent state farm. like a good neighbaaa, state farm is there. cut! hey arnold, i'm hearing “neighbaaa” - it's “neighbor.” that's what i said. neighbaaa. let's go again! like a good neighbaaa, state farm is there. cut! neighbaaa. still no. neighbor. neighbaaa. -br. -baaa. get me out of this choppa! like a good neighbor, state farm is there. cut! . here's what's making headlines this morning. kia is recalling nearly 463,000 of its telluride suvs. the motor controlling the power seats can overheat and catch fire. the company is also urging owners to park cars outside away from other structures. 2020 through 2024 models are
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impacted. waffle house plans to increase servers' pay at its restaurants nationwide over the next three years. that's according to a report from huff post. a new york woman has filed a class action lawsuit against cold stone creamery after finding out her pistachio flavored ice cream didn't contain actual pistachios. the suit named other flavors for estimate reason including mint, orange and butter pecan. a federal judge has given the go ahead for the case. did you . 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair... if you know, you know it's pantene. skin feeling rougher than sandpaper?
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don't let it ruin your day. try new dial exfoliating body wash... ...with a touch of creamy cocoa butter and orange extract. reveals soft and healthy- feeling skin after just one shower. dial up your day. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. it's gotta be tide. from a life-saving gift to a very special delivery for a ups driver. jose diaz-balart has good news to help kick off your week.
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>> reporter: talk about a special delivery. that's beloved ups driver ricky mcwoods, retiring after 42 years on the job. >> i'm going miss you guys more. >> thank you, thank you. >> reporter: neighbors on his route in missouri celebrating him, so grateful for his decades long dedication. >> they can make or break us. and these people have made me. [ applause ] >> and there were these cheers for kailey bunuelos. she had to miss her own graduation because of a recent kidney diagnosis. so harris methodist hospital threw her a party to mark the milestone. it's a moment kailey and her mom brandy will also cherish. >> it was a beautiful moment.
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and i was very grateful. to each and every one of them who put that together for her. >> they all just started cheering for me. i felt so empowered in that moment. and here is a little boy who is getting a new lease on life thanks to his preschool teacher. >> she is a perfect match. >> are you serious? >> yeah. >> this is the moment carissa fisher showed up with the life-saving surprise for ezra tozak and his mom ezra, who has had health issues all his little life, needs a new liver. >> i'm going share my liver with you, buddy. >> reporter: and as carissa told them, she donating part of her own. how do you, karen, thank carissa? there aren't words. there is no way to express our gratitude. and we cry and we laugh and we smile. it's just incredible. >> reporter: an incredible act
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of kindness making a huge impact for the rest of his life. what kind of person would do that? what kind of person are you, carissa? why would you do this? >> i am a helper. and knowing him was just a huge bonus for us. and so it's going to be nice to be able to see him grow up and he can make another difference in the world somehow. >> kindness and love always win. thank you so much for watching "early today." hope that was a great start your week. i'm frances rivera. have a great monday. we'll see you right back here tomorrow morning. for no youw,
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former president trump to meet with a probation officer for the first time this morning. how it could impact the sentencing in hihu


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