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tv   Today  NBC  June 10, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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yeah so tomorrow is going to be the hotter day. today we're seeing the temperatures coming up a few degrees compared to what we had over the weekend. we reached the peak of those highs for tomorrow afternoon inland. now we're not reaching the high without some problem here at the san mateo bridge on the flat section, there's a disabled vehicle. been there for a while, but now a crew has closed one of the lanes to remove that vehicle. so the arrow shows you just at the base of the high rise. that's where all the slowing occurs. hopefully that will clear in the next 20 minutes. wow. that's a tough picture to see. the today show is just moments away, but we are continuing today in the bay on roku, pluto and other platforms. live at eight. the all new updates made to the shake alert daring raid to free those israeli hostages. >> and the state of the americans still being held. it's june 10th. this is "today." mission accomplished.
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dramatic new video emerges of that israeli rescue operation and the joyful reunions between family and friends, eight months in the making. but in gaza this morning, outrage over what authorities there say were the hundreds of civilians killed in the operation. breaking just this morning, word the white house may negotiate directly with hamas to get american hostages out. we're live with the latest. the trial and the trail. donald trump holds his first campaign rally since the conviction and lashes out. >> they've weaponized the department of justice like has never happened in this country. >> the former president set to meet with his probation officer a key step before his sentencing. we'll have the very latest. back-to-back attacks. a weekend of terrifying shark encounters for swimmer just miles apart in florida. one victim losing part of her arm. another pulled to safety by onlookers.
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this morning the warning to vacationers with sightings skyrocketing. olympic snub. reaction pours in after caitlin clark, the biggest name in women's basketball, is left off team usa's roster. >> why is caitlin clark not in the women's basketball team. >> we got to do better. like come on. >> the star herself now weighing in. >> that's a dream. hopefully one day i could be there. i think just a little more motivation. >> inside the controversial decision. and is there a chance clark could still make it to paris? rodeo chaos. a bull jumps over a fence and charges into spectators. at least five people injured. the startling moment caught on camera and how that bull was finally contained. those stories, plus getting personal. a touching message from princess kate. amid her ongoing cancer battle. her personal apology for missing a royal event over the weekend and what she's saying about her possible return to public life.
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and celtics soar. >> washington drives. blocked by white! oh, what a block from derrick white. >> boston holds off a late charge by dallas to grab game two and a commanding lead in the nba finals. we've got all the highlights today, monday, june 10th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi there, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on a monday morning. >> good to see you. a lot of news to get to, starting with the details on the operation that freed four israeli hostages. and these scenes of their dramatic reunions with their loved ones they have not seen in eight months. >> it comes as officials in gaza now say that mission killed hundreds of palestinians. in the meantime, one of benjamin
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netanyahu's rivals says he is quitting israel's war cabinet citing the prime minister's handling of the war. meantime, breaking just a short time ago, nbc news has learned the white house has discussed the possibility of negotiating a deal directly with hamas to release the americans still being held hostage in gaza. we have it all covered with raf sanchez in israel. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. within an hour of being rescued in the heart of central gaza, those four hostages were flown by helicopter to this israeli hospital. three of them are inside getting treatment. but doctors here they are in generally good condition after eight months of hamas captivity and the chaos of that daytime raid. this morning, dramatic new details of the military operation in gaza that brought argamani, almog meir jan, andrey kozlov, and shlomi ziv. fell to his knees at the sight
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of his mother. while noa argamani telling israel's president, i'm so happy to be here. noa's screams heard around the world as she was kidnapped on october 7th. 245 days later, the idf says it stormed two apartments, finding the male hostages in one and noa in the other, giving the code words we have the diamonds. but the idf tells nbc news a vehicle carrying hostages broke down in an intense gun battle. noa loaded on to a helicopter taking off from northern gaza and landing into the arms of her father. we first met yakov on october 8th, just 24 hours after his only child was kidnapped. this weekend he told us i'm feeling wonderful. but in gaza, the health ministry says around 270 people were killed in the israeli raid, including more than 60 children. nora lost both her young sons, her husband in critical
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condition. our whole family is destroyed, she says. israel says hamas deliberately holds hostages in crowded civilian areas. just a day after the raid, israel's war cabinet breaking apart. benny gantz resigning, accusing benjamin netanyahu playing politics with the war. while there was celebration in tel aviv over the weekend, 120 hostages, including 8 americans are still in gaza. this morning news of a possible u.s. plan without israel to release them. u.s. officials tell nbc news the biden administration has discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with hamas to free american hostages if the current cease-fire talks fail. now that resignation by benny gantz means there are fewer
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moderates inside the israeli government to balance out the far right ministers deeply opposed by the cease-fire deal laid out by biden. gantz saying, this is not the time to abandon the campaign. savannah? >> raf sanchez in israel for us, thank you. let's bring in gabe gutierrez. tell us what we know about the u.s.' involvement in this rescue and why the u.s. thinks it might be feasible to negotiate directly with hamas. >> reporter: the biden administration confirmed the u.s. did not participate militarily in the rescue operation, but the u.s. provided intelligence in support of it according to a u.s. official. with knowledge of the matter. still, there are concerns that saturday's rescue may hurt efforts for a cease-fire free the remaining hostages, including eight americans, three of which are believed to have been killed. antony blinken is in the area today to try to secure a deal. the rescue efforts may make it more difficult. that's why the administration may negotiate directly with hamas to release the remaining american hostages, if the current proposal fails,
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according to u.s. officials. they say this latest rescue will only strengthen netanyahu's operation. instead of pursuing a cease-fire. one senior administration official calling this a very real option, citing the fact that hamas could have an incentive to deal directly with the americans because it would strain relations between the u.s. and israel and possibly put even more pressure on netanyahu. another reason, it might even pressure the prime minister to agree to a version of the current cease-fire deal. all of it could be a complicated path to take considering the potential backlash. the white house declined to comment. hoda? >> gabe gutierrez at the white house, thank you. in the meantime, donald trump's first presentencing hearing is being held today after the former president held his first campaign rally since being convicted in his criminal hush money case in new york. three reports for you. we'll start with hallie jackson. good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah. good morning to you. about a month out from his
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sentencing and just weeks from first debate, former president trump is back on the campaign trail, leaning into familiar themes and territory he hopes to win come november. in sweltering heat, former president trump's first campaign rally since his criminal conviction. >> wow! >> reporter: nodding to the guilty verdict. >> the people are watching, and they know a fake deal. >> reporter: but in a speech plagued by teleprompter issues. >> i got no teleprompters, and i haven't from the beginning. these people. >> reporter: mr. trump attacking president biden on immigration, which polls show is one of the most important issues to americans this election. the former president launching a new push to try to woo latino voters in nevada and beyond, blasting the president's executive action tightening security at the southern border. >> it is weak. it's ineffective. it's [ bleep ] what he signed. >> an expletive echoed by his audience.
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>> reporter: those attacks coming even after mr. president trump pressured them to vote against a bill earlier this year. for his part president biden is preparing to head overseas to focus on the international economy at the g7 summit in italy just after wrapping up a visit to france to commemorate the 80 at anniversary of d-day. his last stop, an american cemetery in paris, the final resting place of 2,000 marines killed in the first world war. >> the idea that i've come to normandy and not make the short trip here to pay tribute. >> reporter: it is the same cemetery mr. trump declined to visit in 2018. the white house at the time blaming bad weather. but reports later said trump blasted the war dead as losers and suckers. comments later corroborated by his then chief of staff john kelly, in which the former president denies to this day, like in this post online sunday. in france, president biden not mentioning mr. trump by name as he saluted the fight for
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democracy. >> america shows up when they're needed, just like our allies show for us. >> reporter: and as we look ahead to november, some new polling now shows this race remains basically deadlocked with mr. trump barely ahead nationally. but president biden very slight lead in key battlegrounds. bottom line, not a whole lot has change fundamentally in this case since trump's conviction. >> thank you. now to the former president's legal troubles as he awaits sentencing for conviction in his hush money case in new york. he's scheduled to meet virtually today with his probation officer. let's bring in laura jarett. good morning. this is typical in any criminal case. yet, this case is so atypical. tell us what to expect today. >> yes, anything but typical to have the former president facing this. he will be asked a series of questions by a female probation officer that we learned he will have his attorney by his side. that's being done virtually. that's highly unusual.
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but it would also be highly unusual to haul him up to the probation office. it's been disruptive to have his presence there from court. trying to avoid that. he will do it from mar-a-lago. asked a series of questions. tell me about what led up to the crime. tell me about your finance. all of these types of questions again sort of unprecedented in the situation like this. the judge does not have to take the probation department's recommendation, but he can use it as one of any number of factors. >> does the probation department recommend a particular sentence? >> yes, they're going to actually recommend anywhere from probation up to four years in prison. that's what he's facing. again, we've talked about, given his age, and no other criminal history or convictions, he's likely to get probation in this case. there is a lot of debate about whether jail time is on the table. >> a lot of people think the judge may well do so because of the underlying issues in this case in terms of election interference, the fact that he violated gag order ten times during the trial. >> if you look at past practices, that's what the judge
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will look at, past cases of people convicted of this crime, only one in the past five years has gone to prison. when this is the highest level crime they've committed. >> we'll be watching laura, thank you. all right. 7:12. let's turn to another case in the spotlight. craig, good morning. >> hoda, savannah, good morning to you as well. the jury that is hearing hunter biden's criminal trial could get that case as soon as today. the defense is still deciding if they plan to call any more witnesses after a week of intense and often painful testimony about the president's son's history of drug abuse and addiction. ryan nobles has been covering the trial for us. he joins us in wilmington, delaware. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. and we answered a big question here in court this morning. abbe lowell telling the judge that he does not want to change the jury instructions to reflect that hunter biden will not testify, which was a big question that has now been answered. this, as the case is speeding towards conclusion here in
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wilmington. after four days of grueling testimony from a long list of some of the most important people in hunter biden's life, the criminal case against him is speeding toward a conclusion. the prosecution alleges that the first son knowingly lied on a federal form checking a box claiming he was not an active drug user before purchasing a gun. they built the case by using hunter himself to tell the story of a four-year period of time where he was deeply controlled by crack. pulling clips from his audiobook "beautiful things." >> mainly, however, we just planted ourselves on the couch and smoked a ton of crack. >> reporter: the jury also heard from several of hunter's former romantic partners. his ex-wife, kathleen buhle, his girlfriend zoe and his late brother beau's widow, hallie all who had personal experiences with his drug addiction. testifying at one point, hunter was smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. but the defense has worked hard to plant a seed of reasonable
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doubt with the jury, arguing that the only period of his life that matters is the moment he bought the gun and checked that box. defense attorney abbe lowell getting hallie biden to testify she never saw hunter do drugs during the month of october when the gun was purchased. the defense called hunter's daughter naomi testifying that she viewed her father on the road to recovery at that time. he seemed really great, she said. and in the courtroom, every day but one, the first lady, jill biden, who even flew back and forth from france to support hunter in court. and overnight, the defense team asking the judge for clarification over the jury instructions, a sign that this case is speeding toward a conclusion. a reminder that if hunter biden is convicted, he does face jail time. craig? >> ryan nobles for us there in delaware. ryan, thank you. let's switch gears and go to the nba finals.
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boston taking game two after stopping an exciting run. the mavs led with a chance to cut the lead to three. just a minute to go, and then this happened. >> here's irving. washington drives. blocked by white. oh, what a block from derek white. >> after that block, the celtics jaylen brown drove down the middle, banked a layup. he sealed the win. final score there 105-98. boston now two wins from the title. game three wednesday night in dallas. >> how exciting. >> you are being proven right again. >> with that boston squad, it's hard. >> it was close there for a while. >> for a while. all right. let's get a check of the weather. mr. roker is standing by. >> well, we have hot weather to talk about again. good morning, everybody. out in california to the southwest, 18 million people under heat advisories, heat watches, warnings. look at the triple digits. redding into salt lake into the midpart of the week. phoenix will see temperatures in the triple digits as well, which
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is anywhere from 5 to 20 degrees above average for this region. now, we've got the jet stream in the trough to the east that keeps things cooler for today. out west, that upper ridge is strengthening. the high pressure moves to the east, and that will mean we'll possibly see record highs in the northeast over the next several days. in fact, we could see 91 degrees, our first 90 degree reading. here in new york city. mid-90s in d.c. low 90s in lexington. memphis will see temperatures in the 90s as well. so that hot air is starting to make its way toward the mid-atlantic. don't look at me like that, craig. that's what's going on around the country. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. vantages.
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yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. still ahead, alarming and rare back-to-back shark attacks just miles apart in florida. how the victims are doing, the
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heroes that raced in to help and what officials are saying with the season getting underway. and the decision everybody is talking about this morning. basketball superstar caitlin clark left off team usa's roster for the olympics. stephanie gosk has reaction to this story, including from caitlin herself. >> this news probably came as a surprise together with some disappointment for her fans. but competition to get on this team is fierce. there are some fantastic veterans in the wnba. we'll have all the details coming up. >> all right, stef. we'll get into it. but, first, this is "today" on
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"you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me you just remember what your old pal said. boy, you've got a friend in me." everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. now through august 4th, 2024. vist the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. are out in studio 1a. >> we got two comedy legends here live, julia louis-dreyfus. and steve will tell us about the return of gru and the minions. we have that and more coming up after your local news. >> banana!
7:22 am
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wildfire inside stoneman park that you can see the fire is out, but there are firefighters still on the scene just to make sure nothing were to flare back up within the next couple of weeks, cal fire will be boosting their staffing and their equipment to prepare for wildfire season. while today the city of santa rosa is declaring today to be the official start of their wildfire season. thanks, bob. police are investigating a shooting at a san francisco bart station. it happened around 730 last night in the plaza at the 16th and mission street. bart station, and it's not clear what led up to that shooting or if anyone was seriously hurt. we have calls out to police for more information. service was not disrupted. and let's take a look at your monday morning forecast with meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out cool and cloudy, but it will be a slightly warmer day. some of our inland areas are headed for the upper 80s, and then we'll see temperatures in the mid 90s for tomorrow. much hotter in the valleys. and then cooling down for the rest of the week after
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wednesday. we're looking at some highs in the 80s into the weekend, and san francisco will be in the mid 60s for today. up to 72 tomorrow, and then we'll bring it back to the 60s into the weekend. we will see a mix of sun and clouds in the return of our usual fog along the coastline. ginger. thanks a lot kari. well, don't forget to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. live at eight. the all new updates made to the shake alert app, and how much sooner you might get a warning ahead of the next earthquake. now you can catch us on several platforms, including, as well as our app. we'll see
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i did not take the time. i should have stopped, take the time to figure it out. take the time as well, like it's not enough. my husband as well was fighting for his own life. i had to raise my kids. i had to hide. i had to try to be a hero. feeling my body leaving me, holding on to my own dreams. and lying for me was -- like the burden was too much. >> too much to bear. >> lying to the people who got me where i am today. i could not do it anymore. >> wow, yeah. back now at 7:30. that's celine dion. we have an exclusive interview. she decided to be open and honest about a really rare diagnosis she had. i didn't know what had happened to her. she had something called stiff person syndrome, which to me i never heard of it. it can be so debilitating. in fact, she almost died from it. she talks about kind of clawing her way back and all the things
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she went through. it is an extensive interview where she's raw and unvarnished. you will see how she's doing in the end. >> so extraordinary. she didn't know if she would ever sing again. >> no, she didn't, and she had it for 17 years, and didn't know what was wrong. she worried her voice is gone. her body is failing her. she's tripping and falling. all these things are happening. but she's on the road back and it is extraordinary. >> we'll have a lot of interview tomorrow morning, but there is a full prime time conversation. it is a special hour, 10:00/9:00 central right here on nbc with hoda and céline dion. meanwhile, we have a lot to get to this half hour. we're going to start with that big news involving caitlin clark that a lot of folks are talking about. >> the basketball superstar confirming over the weekend she was not selected for team usa's final roster for the olympics. stephanie gosk joins us with more of that. >> good morning. if you are hoping to see caitlin clark sink those signature logo
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3s at the olympics, you may have to wait four more years. the decision, not official, has sparked debate as team usa gears up for paris. >> clark back-to-back triples for caitlin clark. >> reporter: while caitlin clark's first season in the wnba has been an offensive spectacle, it seems the record-setting rookie's performance won't be enough to propel her to the olympics in paris next month. telling nbc news clark will not be among the 12 players on team usa's basketball roster. clark speaking out about the decision on sunday. >> honestly, no disappointment. it just gives me something to work for. >> reporter: a determined clark also talking about it with the indiana fever head coach. >> hey, coach, they woke a monster. >> reporter: while no official announcement has been made, the leak is a letdown for some fans. >> why is caitlin clark not in the women's basketball team. >> we have to do better. come on. this is the michael jordan of women's basketball.
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>> reporter: clark's popularity has led to record-breaking viewership, crowds, and merchandise sales for the wnba. but some critics say on the court she's yet to live up to the hype. >> it's not her time. there are 12 more deserving women, if not more, in front of her. >> reporter: the american women have been undefeated since 1992. they have won seven straight gold medals. they are heavily favored to make it 8 in paris with a stacked veteran team set to include brittney griner. and diana taurasi. while usa basketball would not comment on the roster, two long-time but unnamed u.s. basketball vets told usa today there was concern over how clark's millions of fans would react to what would likely be limited playing time. that revelation causing frustration online. >> they were worried that too many people would be watching their games. >> reporter: when we sat down in april, clark said it's been her goal to join team usa. what would it mean to you to represent the country in paris this summer. >> yeah, that would mean everything.
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that's one of my dreams as a kid growing up with, you always want to want to be an olympic gold medalist. >> reporter: for now the young star says she'll embrace being a fan. >> it will be a lot of fun. >> so she didn't make the team. is there any chance she could see time in paris. >> well, small chance that her fans can kind of hold onto. the las vegas aces guard cell see gray had a foot injury all season. she is on the roster at the moment. if they decide she can't go to paris, there would be a slot open. you could potentially put caitlin clark in that spot, but that's uncertain. >> by the way, let's not gloss over the fact that women haven't lost since '92, not a single game. >> dream team. >> pretty remarkable. >> yeah, it's dominant with a capital d for sure, yep. >> thank you. coming up, we're going to take you inside pat sajak's final spin on "wheel of fortune." his message to fans after more than 40 years as the host of that beloved game show. >> first, though, summer
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beach season just starting, and officials are already sounding a new alarm about sharks after some back-to-back attacks in florida, another attack in hawaii. we're going to have the very latest right after this. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see.
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starting to heat up >> marissa parra joins us now with details on it. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, guys. definitely a scary situation over the weekend. it was in these waters behind me that a woman was attack by a shark in the middle of the afternoon. then just 90 minutes later, another attack on two teenagers just a few miles away. all of this, experts say, is extremely rare. in florida new shark sightings have swimmers on edge this morning. video showing a close call near destin, the fins of a massive shark seen just feet away from a man and a small child over the weekend. all in shallow waters. videos of close encounters like these going viral. the area on high alert after back-to-back shark attacks led to beach closures and red flag warnings near popular panama city beach. >> like getting struck by
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lightning. you don't think it's going to happen. and then two in one day, it is just insane. >> 45-year-old elizabeth was swimming near a sand bar when she was bitten by a shark, losing part of her left arm. 90 minutes later, police responded to a call about a second attack. this time on two teenage girls. one of the teens was critically injured with wounds to her hand and leg. this video shows bystanders jumping in to help rescue her, including two doctors in the lo. we were able to right place at the right time. >> she was in and out of consciousness from blood loss. we were able to apply tourniquets and pressure. >> reporter: though it's unclear whether it was the same shark in both incidents, experts say back-to back attacks are rare. >> it is unusual. i mean, they're predators. they make their living by eating other animals. >> reporter: on the same day as the shark attacks in florida, there was a different shark attack in hawaii. in that case a 25-year-old woman was hospitalized with serious lacerations. all of it weeks after 19-year-old fended off a five-foot shark with her bare hands in galveston, texas.
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>> as soon as the shark attacked me, my body naturally started punching it. >> reporter: authorities keeping a close eye on the shore from land, sea and skies, reporting a notable presence of bull sharks, urging beach goers to stay shark aware. >> we will be extra cautious and make sure we're super safe. >> all right. attaboy. marissa, what is the latest on the victims? are they going to be okay? >> reporter: that's such an important question, craig. we know the woman and one of those teens had been on critical condition on friday. but we're told, while they both still need treatment, they are expected to be stable. such an important and, of course, welcome news to their loved ones and their family. right, craig? >> indeed. marissa parra, thank you, thank you. all right. 7:42. mr. roker has a check of our weather. >> well, our friends down in florida will not have a lot of beach weather. that might be good news with all this we're talking about with sharks. front will dip across the southeast. slow-moving storms. we have a flood risk for a lot of the cities in florida.
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this boundary will linger, especially central florida, heavy rain to the south. some places picking up two inches of rain per hour right through wednesday. widespread flash flooding likely. in fact, we have a good risk all the way down to key west. we'll probably see an upgrade of that because we are talking about upwards of 10 inches of rain or more from south of orlando all the way down to key west. we will be watching that closely. we will get to your local
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>> that's your latest weather, still ahead, shocking moments on camera. a rodeo bull leaps into the crowd, charges into spectators. the very latest on how that all ended. plus, a touching new message from princess kate. amid her ongoing cancer battle. we'll have a live report from buckingham palace. and your morning boost coming up after this.
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centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. what's wrong with these people? there's barely any fruit in there. now welch's are made with whole fruit as the main ingredient. holy fruits. get the one with whole fruit. get welch's fruit snacks. (man) every time i needed a new phone, gi had to switch carriers.... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the wasn't easy. (lady) 35! (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days.
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representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. shop etsy until june 16th and get up to 30% off
7:47 am
centrum, powered by clinically father's day gifts that go beyond the classic go-to. save on personalized gear, and other things dads dig. when you want a one-of-a-kind gift to show him he's #1. etsy has it. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures,
7:48 am
dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. daly. with some news from the royal family. >> princess kate shared a new message amid her cancer battle after missing a beloved annual tradition. >> nbc's danielle -- is at buckingham palace for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you guys. well, trouping the color is one of the biggest royal events in
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the calendar, when hundreds of soldiers mark officially the birthday of king charles, who appointed princess kate honorary colonel of the irish guards. this is what they had to say over the weekend. princess kate speaking out in a letter explaining her absence from the rehearsal of a major event. >> i wanted to write to you to let you know how proud i am of the entire regiment. >> reporter: kate apologizes for missing the rehearsal of trouping the color. a 260-year-old tradition usually attended by the main members of the royal family. i appreciate everyone trouping this year has been practicing for months, she wrote. please pass my apologies to the whole regiment. however, i do hope i'm able to represent you all once again very soon. signed colonel catherine. >> i think even if we don't see her here on saturday and i think it is unlikely we are going to
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see her, i don't think we should read too much into that. >> reporter: the princess of wales hasn't been seen since march. when she revealed to the world she was undergoing chemotherapy. asking for privacy and time. during a d-day event last week, her husband, the prince of wales, was asked by a member of the public for an update. >> i was going to ask -- >> she'd love to be here today. >> reporter: the heir to the throne joining world leaders having to stand in for his father the king, who is also undergoing cancer treatment. >> i think the bond between charles and william is closer than ever. i think you're seeing a king and a prince of wales, a father and his heir working very much on the same page, very much in alignment. >> reporter: now, the man of the hour, king charles, will be attending trouping the color. that we know. not on horseback, like he normally would, but in a carriage. and for the record, his actual
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birthday is in november, but the event is held every year in june no matter the monarch's birthday. the reason is simple. british weather is simply too unpredictable. >> you're right, all right, danielle, thank you so much, we appreciate it. >> i thought those jubilees they celebrate all yearlong. why not? when you're royal, that's what you do. how about the morning boost? >> i got you guys covered. everybody can relate to this one. you know that feeling when you are freaking out because you lost your phone and that relief you feel when it's found. a good samaritan in spain found a stranger's phone. didn't hesitate. he stood up on a bench, he waved the device around. another man approached, used face id to unlock the phone, and then this happened. the crowd was excited for the discovery. it all happened during a celebration for the soccer team real madrid after they won the champions league final this past week. everybody celebrating. >> phone! >> that's great. >> amazing. >> well done.
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guys, it's june. it's father's day. coming up in "popstart," we will reveal our next big-time bracket challenge. we will need your help. best tv dad of all time. that's what we're unleashing today. we'll ask your help for that coming up. first, a check of your local news and weather. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ dsg family clothing and gear priced to win. only at dicks with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months
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756 i'm kris sanchez, and here's what's happening now. this is what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. newscast over in the east bay. fire crews are still at the scene of a brush fire in pittsburg. firefighters tell us it looks like it started in a warehouse for the pittsburg theater company off of john henry johnson parkway, and that
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happened shortly before five in the evening. now, although it only burned 55 acres, it came dangerously close to homes in the hours before cal fire and contra costa county firefighters got it contained. so starting today, cal fire is boosting staffing to peak levels up and down the state. all right, meteorologist kari hall they don't just pick it by the calendar date. yeah, we are seeing that the vegetation is dried out to a really low level. so anything that does catch fire may spread very quickly. we do have to be very careful, at least for now. we are seeing our morning clouds and cooler temperatures and it will be slightly warmer today with a high of 85 in san jose, 90 in livermore and concord, 93 in vacaville. but tomorrow, the more extreme heat will be hitting much more of the inland parts of the bay area back to you. all right. thank you very much, carrie. be sure to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast, starting in just minutes. we're talking about all new updates to the shake alert that could get you a warning minutes early ahead of
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the next big earthquake. you can catch us on all our platforms, as well as [ navigation ] stay straight for the next 200 miles. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪
7:59 am
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, new details. four israeli hostages rescued in gaza. inside the military operation to bring them home and new reaction from the white house this morning.
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plus, caught on camera. terrifying moments at a rodeo in oregon. a bull jumping over a fence and charging into the crowd, injuring at least five. we've got all the details straight ahead. and studio full of stars. we're joined by two comedy legends. >> get out! >> julia louis-dreyfus here to tell us all about her new dramatic role. and steve carell bringing back a fan favorite. >> hello, everybody! >> they're both here live. all that, plus pat's big spinoff. >> that's it. thank you all so very much. dick van dyke's big honor. >> a lifetime. 80 years in the business. i love you. good bless. >> and just in time for father's day, we kick off our top tv dad's bracket. >> act like a parent, talk like a peer. i call it peerenting.
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>> who made the list? it is all ahead in "popstart." today, monday, june 10th, 2024. from boise, idaho. >> on a birthday trip. >> hi, moma. >> celebrating our niece's graduation. >> best friends since 4th grade. >> happy monday from mississippi! >> peoria, illinois! >> fairfield, georgia. >> fort worth, texas. >> columbia, south carolina. >> tampa, florida. >> and goddard, kansas. >> today i turn 70 from indiana. >> sending love to my husband tom back in new orleans. >> from ice middle school. >> on our 8th grade trip in california. hello, california. hello, plaza. nice to have you all with us on a monday morning. >> uh-huh. >> bright and shiny out there. we'll get out there in a minute. let's get to your news at 8:00. we are learning more about that daring raid to free the israeli
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hostages in gaza. dramatic new video showing the rescue operation and the emotional reunions with family and friends. nbc's raf sanchez is in israel for us this morning. raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. within an hour of those four hostages being rescued in the heart of central gaza, they were flown to this israeli hospital. doctors say they're in good condition after eight months of hamas activity. they were rescued in a dramatic daytime raid. special forces storming two apartments simultaneously, around 200 yards apart. radioing the code words, we have the diamonds when they had the hostages and were racing to the helicopters. as you can imagine, the reunions here highly emotional. one hostage andrei kozlov
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falling to his knees when he saw his mother for the first time. another hostage's father died just hours before the rescue. died not knowing that his son was safe. but while there are celebrations here in israel, there is searing grief inside of gaza. the health ministry says around 270 people were killed by israeli fire during the raid, including around 60 children. israel says that hamas deliberately holds the hostages in crowded civilian areas. savannah? >> raf sanchez, thank you very much. a massive landslide the governor of wyoming is calling catastrophic. destroyed a section of a mountain highway. the landslide on saturday caused the roadway to collapse and crumble, leaving a massive hole near the teton pass. the road links idaho to wyoming and is a key route for tourists. thankfully nobody was hurt by that collapse. authorities say it is not clear how long it will take to reopen. >> there was a terrifying incident at a rodeo in oregon over the weekend. a bull jumping a fence into a
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crowd of spectators. nbc's emilie ikeda joins us now with details. the video is horrifying. >> absolutely. good morning to you. this all played out during the most popular event of the night. bull riding, fans stunned when the massive animal leapt over the fence and out of the arena. the shocking incident captured on multiple cell phone videos by people in the crowd. and a warning, some might find the video upsetting. a terrifying scene at a packed rodeo in sisters, oregon over the weekend. it happened during the final event of the night in front of a crowd of thousands. that's when a full-sized bull nicknamed party bus jumped over a fence, instantly causing chaos in the stands. danielle smithers took this video. >> i was panicked knowing that now this giant animal is out there. >> reporter: the bull storming into a concession area, striking some in the crowd, knocking over a garbage can and sending terrified patrons scrambling. >> we have a bull loose. we have one down.
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>> reporter: the bull then flipped an unsuspecting woman several feet in the air. you can see her tumbling head over wheels before slamming into the ground. five people sustained injuries. although, amazingly none were life threatening. the sisters rodeo association issuing a statement saying in part the rodeo announcer immediately activated the emergency response plan, adding that rodeo livestock professionals quickly reacted to contain the bull. >> he wasn't loose for more than 25 to 30 seconds. he actually ran through a gate that was at the end of the arena. and he went right back to where the rest of the bulls were kept. >> reporter: the professional rodeo cowboys association saying while radio is a very entertaining sport on very rare occasions it can also pose some risk. >> we're very fortunate nobody else was hurt, or hurt worse. >> organizers say the bull was checked out by vets and was not harmed.
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man, when you watch that video, it is really remarkable the injuries were not more serious. >> thank you, emilie. now to a scary scene over the weekend. a seaplane dramatically crashed into a small boat. the seaplane collided with the pleasure boat. look at that. the plane was trying to take off on saturday afternoon. officials say the two people on the boat were treated for injuries, sent to the hospital, but the pilot and five passengers on the plane were safe and not injured. canadian authorities are investigating how that all happened. still ahead on "popstart," father's day is six days away. who is the top tv dad of all time? you will help us decide when carson kicks off our next wildly popular bracket challenge. >> so popular. but, first, how happy are we? julia louis-dreyfus here with us. she has had an amazing career, that we know. she has a role unlike any she has ever taken on before. and we will talk to her about that and a lot more right after this.
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and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation.
8:09 am
supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. you'll never know what surprises you'll find with kinder joy. a yummy treat
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and new toys from illumination's despicable me 4. only in theaters. kinder joy, open a world of surprise. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. best food's real mayonnaise... every dollop is so rich and creamy it makes any sandwich delicious mmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise i met this lawyer. we went i met this lawyer. we went out to dinner. i had the lobster bisque. we went back to my place. yada, yada, i never heard from him again. >> you yada yadaed over the best part.
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>> no, i mentioned the bisque. >> boom with that timing. we're back with one of the many memorable moments from julia louis-dreyfus on "seinfeld." >> she has dazzled us for decades. she is taking a very dramatic turn in her latest film called "tuesday." >> she plays the mother of a teenage daughter that has a terminal illness dealing with loss and resilience in dealing with the unexpected. take a look. >> i don't know what i am without you. who i am without you. i don't know what the world is without you in it. i have absolutely no idea. and because of that, i think -- i don't know. i was scared. i was -- i was fighting for my own life, but i love you so much more than me. >> oh, my god.
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oh, my god. >> i thought you were going to make us laugh. >> that line, i love you so much more than me. >> right. well, i mean, what mother doesn't feel that way. this is parenting. >> this is a profound movie about love, the greatest love, motherhood and loss and grief. and it's so unusual, julia. i mean, it is called "tuesday." and it's -- how would you describe it? it is like a dark fairy tale. there's -- you tell it. i can't even put it into words. >> it is sort of a -- it is an adult fairy tale. a lot of magical realism, a lot of fantasy. in the story about -- but it is a grounded story at the same time about a young girl who has a terminal illness named tuesday. i am her mother, zora, and i'm in huge denial about the situation that we're in.
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and then death comes to visit in the form of a sort of other worldly macaw, believe it or not. >> a bird. when i first saw it, i thought, is this the angel of death? no. but it's a bird. this bird talks and connects with your daughter. ultimately it is about how you are coming to terms with grief. it is not the usual shirley maclaine saintly creature. she's complex. >> correct. she's making some really bad decisions. almost, i'm going to say subconsciously, she's not really in control of her decision-making because she's suffering so tremendously by denying what the situation is. and this -- this death character becomes sort of like in a strange way sort of like a death dula and takes her through. it's a wild story. >> we're excited because we're going to have you and your co-star on a little later.
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we can't wait to discuss all of that with you. we're so excited to be sitting with you. by the way. can we just say that? we wanted you on our show for so long. you are sitting here across from us. you are doing so many awesome, incredible things. >> thank you. >> your podcast "wiser than me" is one of our top listens because, finally, people are listening to women of a certain age. >> yes. >> why did you know that there was such a gap, a place that we needed to be? >> well, i mean, because i watched that jane fonda documentary that came out a few years ago, and i was struck by the profundity and the scope of her life and there is so much that she's done. then i thought, we're not -- we don't really hear from older women and the experiences that they have. we certainly hear a lot from older men, okay. but we don't hear from older women. older women sort of are less visible. and that's a huge resource that is left untapped. and i was thinking, god, i wish there was like a podcast or someplace i could go to hear
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conversations. i thought, there isn't one. i guess i'll have to do it. >> the conversations are so deep. there is so much to learn. you won a webby award. i think we have time to play your five-word acceptance speech. >> network television? >> we bleeped, i think. >> listen to old women, mother [ bleep ]. [ applause ] >> that's a home run. >> well said. just the best speech. did you ever feel like you were becoming invisible? we have interviewed so many great actresses here. and sometimes they say that, which is shocking to me. >> no. i haven't. but i am aware of the fact that it happens. >> yeah. >> and particularly women who are older than all of us. and then all of a sudden, you think, oh, wait, we haven't heard from -- in so many years.
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why is that? >> i love the question you asked, too, when you say how old do you feel? and you have gotten a range of answers. >> a range. >> some people say i feel 25. you have had guests that say i feel 82, 170. >> correct. >> that was fran lebowitz. >> the director of your film said when asked what age you felt said anywhere between 21 and 150. which i think is so amazing. i mean, would you say that about captures it? >> 150? i'm not sure about that but -- >> the wisdom i'm sure, yeah. >> one of the reasons i always wanted to talk to you is because many years ago i was diagnosed with breast cancer, and something struck me in that moment. i realized for the very first time in my life that my life had a beginning and an end. i had never actually visualized it until that diagnosis. it is like the world snapped into focus. >> yeah. >> i cleared away stuff i didn't want anymore. i held on tightly to the things i did.
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>> sure. >> what did you learn from your diagnosis? >> well, i would say the same, hoda. i mean, you know, i think that there -- when you are younger, there is kind of this arrogance of youth, of feeling like you do feel immortal. >> yeah. >> and then all of a sudden, you're bumped up against that and you're like, oh, wait a minute. this at some point is going to end. what? you don't go through life thinking about that very much. it puts into sharp focus priorities. did for me. >> did you make changes or -- >> maybe i made sort of an attitude shift about what my priorities were and how to sort of go forth. and a lot of this work that we're talking about today is sort of as a result of that, i think. >> yeah. i was thinking it because you're really -- you're outside your comfort zone.
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this isn't a dark comedy. this is a dramatic role and a very painful one. we just saw that seminal moment between the actor that plays your daughter and you. and to tap into that as a mother takes a lot. >> yeah, it does take a lot. >> did you feel like it kind of took that emotional toll? >> yeah, it did take an emotional toll. we were shooting on location and, you know, it -- it was hard to do. and i was -- there were a few -- a number of days in which i was sort of shaky a little bit. i don't know. everything felt -- i was anxious. and i had to call home a lot while i was -- because i was away from home, which made it harder, i think. but that's your job as an actor and, you know, you are, after all, pretending. but in order to do it well, you have to tap into authentic and true and honest feelings. >> how are your kids, by the way? how are they doing? >> they're great.
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thank you for asking, yeah. my kids. >> they're in their 20s, right? >> yeah. 27 and 31, yeah. >> 27 and 31. by the way, when you showed that clip in the beginning from "seinfeld," i was pregnant with my baby boy in that shot. that's why i put the magazine over my tummy. >> you had two pregnancies during "seinfeld" and you had to hide them. >> i hid the first one for sure carrying boxes and stuff. but in this situation, there happened to be a magazine, so i threw it on top of my tummy, but i didn't really care about hiding it that much. >> by the way, i hear you don't like watching the elaine dance, which troubles us because we love watching the elaine dance. >> good, i'm glad. >> oh, look, there it is. hide your eyes, julia. we love having you here. >> we're so happy that you came. thanks again. come back any time. >> thanks for having me. >> the movie is called "tuesday." it opens nationwide on friday,
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ironically, put you and your co-star will be on with hoda and jenna a little later. thank you very much. mr. roker? >> all right, guys. >> aren't you so excited? >> i actually shared a scene with julia in "seinfeld." >> that's right. >> al and i were in a scene together, that's right. >> that's right. he's not my boyfriend. >> that's right. >> interesting. i had two lines. that was it. anyway, a lot of heat stretching from california down through the gulf into the south and parts of florida with temperatures getting into triple digits. the feels like temperatures for today, full sunshine. great lakes into the mid-mississippi ohio river valleys. sunshine in the northeast and more heat out west. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.
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>> we get to the end here. we'll start with pat sajak. friday, the legendary "wheel of fortune" host bidding farewell to the beloved game show he hosted for more than 40 years, leaving with this sweet good-bye. >> it's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. i've always felt that the privilege came with the responsibility to keep this daily half hour a safe place for family fun, no social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing, i hope. just a game. thank you all so very much. and good-bye. >> i watched that. it was just beautiful. >> did you get teary?
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>> i did. >> we all gathered around and watched it. it was lovely. >> you can still watch reruns over the summer. >> next three or four weeks, yeah. >> and then next season his letter spinning partner vanna white will return with the show's new host ryan seacrest. next up dick van dyke hit a major career milestone becoming the oldest actor to ever win a daytime emmy. taking the trophy for a guest spot on days of our lives. he got a standing ovation from the room, accepted the win alongside his lovely wife arlene. >> i don't believe this. i feel like a spy from nighttime television. if i had known i was going to live this long, i would have taken better care of myself. >> are you kidding me? >> that's unbelievable. >> he's 98. >> he still goes to the gym. in fact, he was working out next to lenny kravitz. a couple of weeks ago. >> both in leather pants?
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>> next up, courteney cox, the "friends" star jumping in to this tiktok trend. parents online showing videos in response to their kids asking, how did you dance in the 1980s? moms and dads are showing their kids what the dance floor looked like 40 years ago. jennifer garner broke out her vintage moves. but courteney cox had one iconic '80s dance we're all familiar with. her's her take on that trend. ♪ >> i'm so glad she did that. >> me, too. >> yeah. her '80s were different. >> who can forget that moment? next up, "despicable me." our little yellow friends are back in action, illumination's minons and team usa track and field stars noah lyles, ryan crouser and anna hall teamed up to celebrate the coverage of the paris olympics and the release of "despicable me
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4." we have a "popstart" exclusive look. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ >> the olympics begin july 26th on nbc and peacock and see "despicable me 4". only in theaters, rated pg. >> that's good synergy there. that's symphony. >> it works. >> all together. >> no one does cross promotion like the peacock. >> it works. >> house of pain. it is in theaters july 24th. steve carell will be here to join us. >> right there. >> don't forget, the paris olympics kicks off july 26th. finally, there is a new "popstart" bracket starting today.
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we put a lot of emphasis on our brackets around here, maybe too much. with father's day coming up, we're taking a look at famous tv dads. it's a tv dad bracket, take a look at the field. it is a large field. we will start with the small screen icons. going old school, steve douglas from "my three sons" going up against charles ingalls from "little house on the prairie." in a cartoon contest, bluey's dad healer or homer simpson. >> it has to be homer. >> a runaway. we'll see how it goes with the votes. how about karl winslow from "family matters" against "full house"'s danny tanner. good luck, america. closing out. >> sorry, carl. >> the west coast side, happy days, mr. c goes head to head with eugene levy as johnny rose on
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"schitt's creek." heading out to the east now. doesn't get any easier in the east. >> co-stars up against each other. >> future father-in-law ed o'neill, al bundy for 11 seasons on maerd with children. and then dr. seaver going up against "black-ish." steve carell, come on now. >> tony soprano goes up against mike brady. mike brady. >> although, tony soprano. >> a monster versus an architect. >> and then jack
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♪♪ we are back yes! ♪ we are back at 8:30 on a monday morning. thank you so much for starting the week with us.
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crowd on the plaza, by the way, including two of our very special friends. look who's here. >> wow! >> there's minions on the plaza. >> okay. >> they're all dressed up. >> where there are minions, gru cannot be far behind. steve carell is here this morning. we're talking about to him about "despicable me 4." yes, there is an "office" spinoff coming. you name it. much to discuss. plus, ryan holiday is here to tell us about the call to action in his new book for how to live with integrity. >> okay. plus, beauty products from your mom or grandma's makeup bag that you ought to be trying. we will try out the classics that still hold up. then on the 3rd hour of "today," ten-time olympic winner katie ledecky will open up about her new project and her goals in paris as well. she's hoping to bring home a few gold medals, too.
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>> what is behind you? >> mystic mafia. >> what is it? >> it's a mardi gras crew. >> should have known. >> all right. well, okay. somebody turns up missing, i guess we'll know who to look for. anyway, let's show you what we've got as far as the week ahead. sunny in pleasant great lakes. into the mid-atlantic states staying hot out west. as we get toward the midweek period we are looking for warmer temperatures in the eastern half a soaker down in florida. toward the end of the week, we are expecting sunshine and record highs in the mid-atlantic, great lakes. rain returns to the central plains and the rockies, and a flood threat continues down through florida. we have a 13th birthday here. way to go, idaho. what is your name? >> alex? >> all right. happy birthday. wa
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yesterday up to 82. in mountain view, 73 in san francisco and 89 in santa rosa. the hottest temperature ukiah at 98 degrees and even hotter tomorrow. this will be the peak of the heat for the week as our temperatures turn moderate. for that heat risk index up to 97 degrees in concord, san jose 90 degrees, and tomorrow's high in all right. that's your latest weather. >> oh, al. coming up next, we will go one on one with steve carell. but, first, this is "tay" on od it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now at
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way. little gru junior is on the run. some of the kids are finding it harder than others to adjust. take a look. >> agnus, as your father, i command you to lie. >> no. e. >> no. >> yes, lie. >> huh-uh. >> you are walking on thin ice, little lady. why can't you be more like your sister, edith? she lies all the time. >> no, i don't. >> see? she's lying right now. beautifully, i might add. >> steve, good morning. >> good morning. >> you are a serious thespian right now, though. you're slaying uncle vania on broadway. >> yes, i am. >> you had a show yesterday. >> i did. >> are you ready to transition to gru? >> i don't know. it is a tough one. actually, gru and i'm in "uncle vania" right now. i do the gru voice. for uncle vania. it's a russian play. >> it kind of works. >> it kind of works. >> i think about gru coming back. this started in 2010.
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this is "despicable me 4." there have been minion offshoots. there have been origin stories. there's a theme park ride. there is a video game. did you know when you first started this that this had the potential to be an iconic role? >> the potential, yes. but did i actually think it would happen? no. we did it -- i loved the script. chris who produces these and is the leading force, he -- he came to me with this idea and this character. and i thought it was great. and the script was great. it was heart warming. it was funny. it was not condescending to children. there was a little bit of an edge to it, which i think kids liked. and i loved it. but you never know. you never know how it's going to turn out. >> what about the voice? were you given total free range to come up with the voice? and did you immediately know this is my gru or were there some rejects? >> i tried it out on my kids. i did a number of different voices. this is the one that stuck. this is the one that made them
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laugh. >> were there any that you can remember? >> i could invent one for the sake of this interview. hi, i'm gru. and that didn't work at all. >> that did not work. remember that time you tried that? >> no, it would have sunk. >> you have kristen wiig playing your wife. and your old office mate stephen colbert. >> yes. >> i just learned you guys were on the short-live ed dana carvey show back in the day. >> i've known steven longer than i've known my wife. we were at second city together. then dana carvey. then we were on "the daily show together." now i make appearances on his show. >> he makes appearances on "despicable me 4." >> and, of course, reunited with will farrell. >> yes. >> so in these animated films, you don't get to act across that person. >> no. >> but did you get to hear will's voice and what his maxine
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would be? >> only in my nightmares did i hear his voice. will is such a diva. because you don't see -- you know, it's not like filming on a regular movie. >> yeah. >> you just go in for the day, a few hours in a booth. but he would have trailers, and he would have his workout trailer. >> i heard that about him, too. >> he's the worst. >> wants a certain scent, an aura before he will come and do anything. candles lit. you guys starred together in a masterpiece of cinema, "anchorman." >> finally somebody asks about it. >> you thought i was going to ask about "the office," didn't you? >> no, i didn't. i was wondering what you might be referencing. >> i'm talking about "anchorman" 1 and 2. i'm wondering if there could be a 3? >> only if you are in anchorman 3. would you do a cameo? >> yes. could it be a speaking part.
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i don't want to be an extra. >> no. you are just going to do a teaser. you will just wave to the camera. >> coming up, coming up. >> please do "anchorman 3." it is a request not even a question. >> i would love to. >> there is a new "office" spinoff. you made it clear you are not in this office spinoff, but you support it. >> yeah. well, i worked with the lead in it. and he called me up and asked, he said, look, should i do this? and i said, yeah. i mean, it's greg daniels. you will have a ball. i think he will be great. apparently it is set in a failing paper company, which i think is a great idea. >> newspaper. >> yeah. >> not the failing dundler mifflin. >> no, newspaper company. >> i was like, someone has already done that whole paper thing. >> sell them. >> yeah, exactly. >> you know, you seem to have such a grounded persona, unless you are hiding a deep, dark side we don't know about. you have been in this business a
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long time. how do you stay normal? that assumes you are normal. >> that assumes a lot. i don't know. my wife and i don't really go to kind of the hoity-toity parties. do that sort of thing. we're very family oriented. that's where our fun is. that's where our lives live. >> it shows. >> i'm really wonderful. >> you really seem wonderful. >> yeah. you know, and i'm so glad you brought that up, about how grounded -- how grounded and humble -- >> did i say it right because you submitted that question beforehand. did i word it the way you were hoping? >> it's part of my writer. >> why are you so great? >> why are you so wonderful? >> but why? how? >> it just comes naturally. >> do you wake up like, here i am being wonderful again. >> i look in the mirror like, wow, look at you. fantastic.
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>> speaking of writers, you mentioned will farrell, what a diva he is. he's coming on tomorrow. >> good luck. >> would you write him a question, and i will open it live on air. >> oh, yeah. >> okay, here. so it is going to be -- you don't have to reveal it now. we will reveal tomorrow. >> can i write it in a bit? can i give it some thought? >> yes, you can. >> i'd really like it to be awful. i want to put him on the spot. >> i'm hoping that you will. because i have to do this interview. i need you to help me. otherwise i'll be like, will, why are you so wonderful? i've already used that question. >> i'll think of something good. >> and if you could write down an binding obligation i am going to be in anchor man 3, while you have your paper there. our lawyers are standing by. steve, thank you. despicable me 4 hits theaters july 3rd. >> coming up, ryan holiday is here, making
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and we are back with and we are back with best-selling author and philosopher, ryan holiday. >> she's sharing wisdom from conte contemporary blazers. among his 800,000 followers. there's me. there's political leaders, other celebs and world class athletes. >> his books sold more than 10 million copies in more than 40 languages. we love the title of his book. ryan, good morning. we should point out that carson is an uber fan. >> i'm a practicing believer of stoicism, which, by the way, the jerry seinfeld interview is shining a light on stoicism. tell us about stoicism in general. >> it is an ancient philosophy that's built around this idea we
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don't control what happens, we control how we respond to what happens. the stoics say that big, small, good, bad, that we always have this opportunity to practice one of the virtues, courage, self-discipline, justice and wisdom. >> okay. i'm thinking about the climate right now, and i feel like everywhere you look people are not practicing that, which you are describing. >> yes. >> how do you get that back in people's psyche? where has that gone? >> the problem is when we hear this word "justice," we think about what's going wrong in the world, we think really big picture instead of thinking about what we control. that's what stoicism is about, what's up to you and focussing there. if we stop thinking of justice as something we get from a judge or legal system but something we do, we see justice as a verb, not a noun, that's how we do it. we want to be the change we want to see in the world because that's something we actually effect. >> one thing i love about stoicism is this idea that when i was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, things like that, years ago when i realized, the
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average human forgets, we control how we frame something. >> uh-huh. >> when life throws us a curveball, we don't have to accept it for what it is. we can make a choice in the moment to how we frame it. that's part of what you talk about in a lot of your books. >> there's something incredible about the emperor of rome, 2,000 years ago, writing in a little journal talking about his anxiety and what he's worried about and saying you have to work for other people, you have to be honest. you have to be decent. this is a timeless thing. we know what we should be, and then the struggle is to get there in our day-to-day behavior. >> we're talking about good values, good character. is that something -- like i'm thinking about you. were you raised with these kinds of values? or is this something that you learned through all the research and readings? >> it's both. you hear these things from your parents. you hear these things in church. you hear these things from the great stories of history, and you see it there in the pages of philosophy. then you have to figure out
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which of these work for me. and then, most importantly, how do i apply this in my life. the stoics say you have to stop talking about what a good person is like and actually be one. >> these are the three -- these are good character. take responsibility, be your own referee and build community. >> yeah. the stoics say that character is fate. you know, when you pick your values, you have that sort of north star that you are aiming at. that's going to determine where you end up. even if you don't succeed in the way you want, it will make you a person worthy of success. whether you get it or not. >> you talk about a lot of this. momentum -- it is a latin phrase that literally translates to, remember, you must die. once you remove the morbidity out of that, it is a great way of thinking about your life because the more you are aware that today could be your last breathing on earth, the more it should determine how you act today, how you think today and how you live your life today. >> yeah. i think when you have -- when you take for granted that you can't take tomorrow for granted, you go, i'm not going to put off doing the right thing until later.
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i'm going to do it now. i'm going to tri to be the person that i know i'm capable of being because life is too short not to. >> i get why carson follows you. yeah, don't forget to get this book. it is a good called. called "the right thing right now." you can find it on our website thank you, ryan. all right. savannah, over to you. >> just ahead, the beauty products to borrow from your mom, maybe your grandma's medicine cabinet and the reason why they have stood the test of time.
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we're back at 8:50. today's style beauty trends come and go. but a few products stood the test of time. makeup and skin care items. you probably have seen on your mom or your grandmother's vanity. we have sara here with some of these tried and true products. sara, good morning. it is new beauty, but it's old
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beauty because it works. >> exactly. we're back to some of our old favorites, which is still here today. >> and the price point is good on a lot of these, too. which we have to love. let's start with this tried and true. ponds cold cream. this is a makeup remover. >> it is. it used to be used in old hollywood to take off the thick movie theater makeup. it is still used today. you probably saw your grandmother or your mother using this product before because it is a cold cream, which is a little bit more of the oils in it. but it removes any thick makeup without drying out the skin. we have seen the resurgence of these heavy clean cleansers coming out. this is the o.g. of it all. >> that is the o.g. >> it has a pleasant smell but it is not like overpowering. >> exactly. they do have fragrance free if you don't want to have that scent. >> i remember this from junior high with acne. you get the noxema out. you got it from your mom. >> you did. don't look at the bottle, you smell it, it instantly transports you to another time.
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>> actually, i really like this smell. clears out the nostrils. >> sinuses, everything. if you want a new summer cleanser, this will help clean out your pores. it does have a cream base so it's not too dry. which is why it stood out for so long. >> and if you want to have a teenage summer, this is your era. >> rosebud -- >> this is recommended to be used for everything. they used to recommend this for diaper rash. >> what? >> i know, crazy. it's been around for hundreds of years. you can find an anthropology across the street. it is great for lip balm, dry cuticles, your hands. >> really? >> yeah. the tin is so cute to use. it has a folksy look to it. it really works. >> i know. it is so cute. >> so it is still here. >> i love that. >> so do you remember this? probably like your grandmother using this when they would take the cap off and do the -- >> oh, my gosh. yes, yes. >> and then you would apply the product. this is estee lauder's
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foundation. >> why is it so tried and true? >> apply it once, don't think twice. truly, once you apply it to your skin, and i have been wearing it again, it doesn't leave. i would say it is a medium coverage and it stays on all day long and it looks flawless on the skin on top of it. >> you have the best makeup artists in the world, and they will have this maybelline mascara. it doesn't matter. everyone loves it. >> look at how many mascaras have launched over the course of the years. but we still see this pink and green, the great lash. part of it is because you have these bristles on the brush which are really fine. it is also heavy pigmented mascara. a little goes a long way. it nevers feel too heavy. and it gives you that lift and coverage you want. >> do you do the bottom lashes? >> i do. >> because some people do. some people don't. >> i do. one of the tricks you can do is put it on your top lashes and then gently close your eyes and it will transfer to your bottom lashes naturally.
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in you're an in between person. >> i like to do it, but then it ends up on the bottom of my eyes. >> if you just stay on top of the lashes, it will stay on top. >> eyelash curler. i have a love-hate thing with this. you get your eyelid once in this guy and you never forget. >> yeah, never forget. why they have that padding on here. so it doesn't hurt if you do get a little pinch. this has been passed around since the 1920s. it's still the same. great compression. you want to make sure you have one that has a nice arch here so all your lashes fit in and it works with the curvature of your eye. >> and you do it before you do the mascara, correct? >> correct. otherwise you'll get dry and brittle lashes. it is like the primer to your makeup, using primer before your mascara. >> talk about old school, the dove beauty bar. >> we cannot help but bring up dove. this is the first soapless cleansing bar ever launched. >> what do you mean, soapless? it doesn't have sulfates in it to dry the skin. it's very moisturizing. one-fourth moisturizer in it.
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it will be like the no frills, does what it's supposed to do, great for you product. >> and finally we have shalimar. >> do you remember this? >> i actually don't. >> it is so elegant. you might remember this from department stores. >> totally. >> it has a beautiful love story, very tragic. but this is where they pull their inspiration from, from the lovely story. >> it's so fun. memory lane. thank you. for these products and more, go to our website we're back with our 3rd and 4th hours. but, first, these messages and your local news. and 4th hours. but, first, these messas and geyo
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good morning to you. it is 856. i'm kris sanchez breaking news right now is contra costa county. firefighters are on the scene of a two alarm fire in pittsburg. it's happening at an apartment on crestview drive. our bob redell is at the scene now and says he sees at least several victims who have been pulled from that fire, their conditions not yet known. we are working to gather more information on this fire. we will have a live update in our newscast at 11:00. also happening now. police are investigating a shooting at a san francisco bart station that happened around 730 last night in the plaza at the 16th and mission street bart station. it's not clear what led to the shooting, nor whether anyone was
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i was three months old when it started. i was six years old. they said, "don't tell anyone." i needed help. they took pictures and videos. the images of me have been found over 36,000 times. they're on icloud now. i just want them gone. i think about the pictures and the videos a lot. the abusers who watch them. save them. or share them on icloud.
9:00 am
apple could help us. but they don't. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," shark attacks. two terrifies incidents in one day. swimmers seriously injured, beaches closed, and the busy


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