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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  June 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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favorites 96.5 coit. give me one good reason why i should call the law brothers. how about three great reasons? you should call us one. it's easy two. it's fast three. the results call us. we're the law, brothers. call now hi, everyone. i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. >> today, monday, june 10thth, 2024. the final point, hunter biden's criminal gun case should be in the hands of the the jury. what we heard during closing arguments after president biden's son was not called to testify. preparing for sentencing,
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former president trump is meeting with his probation officer today after hiss historic criminal conviction. what make this is typically standard step anything but. finally home, four hostages are reunited with their family the and friends after that dramatic raid over the weekend. what america is considering now to free others. and mission possible, all across the globe, service members have taken in stray animals, but bring home, that's a major challenge. meet the group going into war zones to reunite longs lost companions in today's good news. that's a story brought to us by kate snow. another great year around the sun. happy birthday. >> thank you. glad to be here. jury dlixs are set to begin. >> the jury is getting the case after both sides made their closing arguments earlier today. the defense rested this morning without calling hunter biden to testify.
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hunter biden faces three felony charges for allegedly having a gun while using illegal drugs. he's pleaded not guilty. >> justice correspondent ken delaware lay yan is outside the courthouse in delaware. and here in studio danny cevallos. ken, what did we hear from both sides in closing arguments? >> reporter: the prosecutor started by aknowledging the high profile members of the biden family in the courtroom, including the first lady, saying that's not evidence. he went on to talk about the difficult evidence that came into the trial about hunter biden's drug use. he said the evidence was personal. it was ugly. it was overwhelming. it was also absolutely necessary. the areas of disagreement in this trial are pretty narrow. both sides agree hunter biden was addicted to crack cocaine and bought a handgun in 2018. the defense is arguing he didn't knowingly lie on that form when he said he wasn't using drugs at
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the time. the prosecution offered a rap of evidence to contradict that, including text messages from hunter biden's own hand. what they didn't have was testimony or photographs or that kind of explicit evidence showing him using drugs and a lot of sirge evidence. they brought that point home in closing arguments. in defense, hunter biden's attorney just sought to poke holes and raise reasonable doubt in that. he also spoke to the larger fairness of this case. really seeking to appeal to the jury to question, was anyone harmed here by the purchase of this gun, and is this really the right result. we'll see how that goes in a few hours. >> ken, thank you. danny, let me turn to you. i'm interested in on your take on what ken just said. if they are trying to argue he wasn't hurting anyone, that's not what the law is in question here. >> not at all. you can't make the argument, no harm, no foul. there's a statute.
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which is the firearm form he had to fill out. when you're on the defense and the facts are against you, you make whatever argument you're allowed to without an objection from the other side. we don't get to pick the facts. the prosecution get to pick whatever facts they want to bring a case. that's why they choose very carefully. that's why they win the vast major thety of their cases. >> hunter biden did not testify. what impact do you think that will have on the jury's decision here? >> that's a great question. i really believe in modern times especially that you can instruct the jury all you want about how you cannot hold it against the defendant for not testifying. the reality is that everybody wants to hear from the defendant. but the truth is, very rarely do defendants take the stand. even intelligent defendants like hunter biden, who are legally trained, they cannot really hold their own usually against a prosecutor who has all the rules of evidence on their side. and all the tools the documents,
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all of them are aligned against the defendant. it's too insurmountable. >> danny, ken, thank you both so much. now to a significant appointment today for former president trump. >> he's meeting with a probation officer for the first time following his guilty verdict in the hush money trial. nbc news was first to report on the scheduling of that meeting over the weekend. two weeks ago, trump game baim the first u.s. president ever found guilty of a crime. a jury reached a unanimous verdict finding him guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records. >> let's bring in dasha burns. what exactly is the purpose of this meeting with the probation officer? >> this is a really important step in the presentencing process. and the report that the probation officer provides to the judge is going to help the judge make some decisions when it comes to sentencing. the probation officer is going to ask the former president everything from the standard questions that are part of this process like about his mental
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health history, his financial history. they might ask about the lead up to the crime that he was found guilty of. they might ask about his living situation. all of those details. and try to assess if there may or may not be any remorse that the former president is feeling. >> sorry, i thought we were going to some sound there. how does this impact the former president's campaign? >> regardless of what the sentencing is, any sentence is going to have an impact. there's the possibility of jail time. it's very unlikely. but it is on the table. the more likely scenario, probation. even under probation, there's certain conditions like he cannot associate with anyone with a criminal record. at this point, there are dozens of people in trump's orbit that have been indicted. some have been found dwlt. people like steve bannon have
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been a long-time adviser. rogerstone, paul manafort, who was rumored to potentially be helping out with the rnc. all those folks are people he could not associate with under certain conditions of probation. >> looking ahead, what's next for trump and this case after the probation meeting? >> so the probation officer will submit their recommendation for sentencing. trump's defense team is also due to submit their sentencing requests this week on thursday. from there, wael also get the prosecution sentencing recommendation and july 11th is when sentencing will actually happen. >> da burns, thank you so much. secretary of state antony blinken is in israel today hoping to make progress toward a cease-fire agreement. it's his eighth trip to the region since the hamas attacks. the biden administration is looking to pressure israel and hamas into accepting the three-phased plan it laid out last month. >> all this comes after the
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emotional moments over the weekend. four israeli hostages were reunited with their families. now we're learning new details about their dramatic rescue. matt bradley joins from jerusalem. secretary blinken now meeting with israel's prime minister and defense minister about a potential cease-fire. nbc news also learned that u.s. officials have discussed a potential unilateral agreement with hamas to free american hostages. what more do we know? >> reporter: it sounds as though we have contradicting information, and it's not that unusual here. we heard from secretary of state antony blinken. ann tree ya mitchell said to him, is israel already approving this plan? ever since joe biden introduced it himself saying it was israel's plan. we heard from blinken that israel has already approved the plan.
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if israel goes ahead of hamas accepts it, it becomes the rule. it becomes the law of the land. and there will be this swap. we have heard from benjamin netanyahu once again. he doesn't sound like he's going to be agreeing with the plan. he told this to local israeli media. he said any plan that ends the war in the gaza strip and doesn't dismantle or destroy hamas first is not a plan that israel is going to be accepting. that isn't exactly what blinken's suggestion is saying. it's more of a road map towards the possibility of discussing a permanent end to the fight, but it doesn't sound as though blinken has the buy in from bln bn from the israeli government that he seems to be projecting to the public. >> we also have new details about the rescue of those four hostages from gaza on saturday. what have we learned there? >> reporter: it sounds like this was just a blistering gun battle. as we mentioned, there were more than 270 palestinians killed,
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according to the ministry of health. there were some 700 injuies. among the dead were dozens of children. this operation took weeks and weeks to plan. it required a lot of intelligence sharing. we don't have any details on what kind of intelligence was shared. and this was something that required training. there were training on these mock ups. so this was a big, big operation. and a lot of the palestinians have said they just came in shooting. that's why the death toll appears to be so incredibly high for the rescue of just these four. we put all of this together, take it together, this is just not a practical way of going about freeing the other 80 hostages who are thought to be alive in the gaza strip. we're talking about so much man power, so much planning and effort. every time they do one of these raids, their intelligence capabilities are going to be decreased because hamas will learn more and more.
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so as far as the israel theys are concerned, this is a victory, but it doesn't necessarily mean that benjamin netanyahu and his partners in government are going to be able to achieve their twin goals of destroying hamas and freeing all the hostages. >> really important point there. matt bradley, thank you. it's time for today's money minute. kia is issuing a major recall. >> coldstone creamery faces a lawsuit over nuts. kate rooney joins us now. >> so kia, let's start there, they are recalling half a million suvs because the front seat could catch on fire. that's according to documents filed with the national ntsb. the control switches in the front power seats can become misaligned and stuck. that could lead to small electric motor that moves the seats to run continuously and overheat. ikea is teaming up ro block
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saying they plan to pay ten players to work in the coworker game. it's a virtual store employees will perform tasks including serve meatballs or helping find furniture. workers can get promoted or move departments just like in the real world. and coldstone hit with a class action lawsuit over pistachio ice creep. a woman in long island claiming that customers are being duped at stores because the ice cream doesn't actually have miss tash owes in it. president parent company arguing in court records that the case should be dismissed because a detailed list of the ingredients are published online. back to you. >> i feel like it hasn't had nuts for a long time. >> what about mint chocolate chip? >> thank you. coming up, a catastrophic landslide shutting down a critical mountain highway indefinitely. the tourist hot spot left scrambling. plus an organize that helped
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to help ill patients fund their surgeries shut down. surgeries shut down. how introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place
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and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help.
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ask your doctor about breztri. authorities in wyoming are scrambling after a key road to a major tourist destination collapsed over the weekend. this is what's left of the highway. 10,000 vehicles use this road every single day. this video was released by the governor who has now declared an
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emergency due to the collapse. nbc news correspondent dana griffin joins us now. i have been to yellowstone -- we don't have dana at this moment. should we hold off? i'll turn it back to you. >> thank you so much. let's turn to an important investigation on an organization that was built on the mission to help critically ill patients raise money for life-saving organ transplants. patients around the country say that mission has failed. now they are fighting for their lives and to get back the hundreds of thousands of dollars they raised. >> reporter: kathy needed a double lung transplant. >> i knew i couldn't walk from here to there without gasping for air. >> reporter: for years she used a well-known charity to raise $13,000 for her medical expenses without issue. but in april, she checked her account and the money was gone. >> you didn't know they had shut down. >> no. >> reporter: the nonprofit had
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abruptly closed. donna sinclair says she lost $11,000 raised with nft for treatment following her double lung transplant. >> how did that feel? >> horrible. >> reporter: her daughter started a facebook group for dozens of other patients. the national foundation for transplant was in business for decades helping patients raise funds for organ transplant procedures. nbc news reached out to several leaders of the company and ultimately seth received this statement saying closure was a difficult but necessary decision citing economic strain post pandemic, health care inflation and rising operational costs. but they dispute patients' claims that the money raised was earmarked for specific individuals. >> they did use a very particular choice of words when they say nft also creates and
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maintains a personal online fundraising page for each patient. >> what stands out to you about it? >> that it's personal to that patient, not a general fund to help patients like this patient. >> reporter: it's not just the monetary loss. it's about the process% of losing life altogether. >> if i don't get a kidney, i'm going to die. >> reporter: eric and his wife spoke to us from his hospital bed where he is facing dialysis complications. he lost over $4,000 when nft closed. lost. >> now i have hope. >> but she's worried for others like kathy, who is now in organ failure and may not get funding
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in time. >> you have a lot of life to live. >> i do. i'm still functional. i don't want to be nonfunctional like i was before. >> reach out in you have been impacted. let's go back to dana griffin. we were just about to talk to her. i was just about to ask. i have been to yellowstone. this is a key road forment some people who commute in from the western side of the park. >> reporter: absolutely. you have thousands of people who live in idaho who because they can double their salary by working there. i spoke with one gentleman who says his commute is usually two hours each way. he thinks it's going to take six hours because of the extra time it's going to take to get through there. this started on thursday with an
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8-inch crack which grew 10 to 12 inches. they shut down the road. this was a catastrophic failure. but it's also a catastrophic disruption to the lives of so many people who commute. even the schools are offering options to work remotely during the last week of school. >> dana griffin, thank you. still ahead, bull kaugt on a still ahead, bull kaugt on a i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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working with your body to promote digestive health. with so many ways to enjoy, benefiber is your fiber, your way. get rid of bugs as soon as you see them with zevo sprays. zevo uses essential oils to eliminate up to 20 household insects, plus it's safe for use around people and pets— - anywhere — anytime. - gotcha. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.
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bailey i'm candice nguyen. we are starting with breaking news. firefighters in the east bay are battling a fierce fire. it happened this morning at an apartment on crestview drive in pittsburgh. now, crews had to pull out two unconscious people. bob redell is at the scene with how firefighters are picking up the pieces. reporter a neighbor tells us this is a father and his juvenile daughter who, according to the fire department, are unfortunately both in critical condition. the man was breathing on his own on the way out of the burning apartment to the ambulance, but i watched rescuers perform cpr on the daughter. we've learned that they were able to get her pulse back, which is encouraging news. this is cell phone video of the fire shortly after it started, around 815 this morning here at the pittsburgh park apartment complex, the contra costa county fire protection district tells me that the fire started on the first floor of this apartment unit, and it sent heat and smoke up to the second
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floor, which you can see that smoke pouring out of the upstairs window. now, when firefighters arrived, they knew that one person was trapped upstairs. one crew fought the flames downstairs, while another crew climbed into the second floor, where they found not one but two people unconscious, both needing to be rescued. they were able to bring the young woman down the stairs and the man down the ladder outside the front window, a friend of the family tells me a son who was also at home, was able to get on his own. i thank god for people that come and help us and you know, work to make this world you know, better and save us and help us. we train for this and there's no doubt that it can it can be intense when you get here. but the training helps you work through it. the crews work well together and we have a good response from this area. so we had crews on scene quickly and everyone knew their job. going into a burning building is obviously very dangerous, even for firefighters who are properly equipped. no firefighters were hurt during this rescue con fire does not
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know if the apartment had smoke alarms. they are still investigating the cause. the initial impression is that this is not suspicious. now the past several hours have been very busy for these firefighters. last night they were fighting a 50 acre wildfire just about a mile and a half from here. and then this morning, this apartment fire where they had to rescue this father and daughter here in pittsburgh, bob redell nbc bay area news, hoping that family is able to recover. thank you. bob a rally is taking place outside the san francisco federal building right now. it comes as a federal court hearing is taking place, specifically, a lawsuit accusing the biden administration of being complicit in genocide by providing israel with weapons for the war in gaza. the original lawsuit was filed by palestinian rights advocates back in january, but the judge decided this wasn't a case. it had authority over, we're we're going to keep pressing. we're going to keep pressing in the
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courts. we're going to keep pressing on the streets to demand that the biden administration stop sending the weapons that are furthering this genocide. the demonstrators are expected to stay in front of that building for the rest of the hearing today. now, the heat is here to stay this week. here's meteorologist kari hall with what to expect. we are starting out the week with some mild temperatures, but then by tuesday, the heat advisory will be back for the inland valleys from san jose to livermore, all the way up through the north bay, where we are going to see those temperatures reaching into the 90s and even some triple digits. but we do still have some time to prepare today, as our temperatures will reach into the 70s for the peninsula down to the south bay. we're in the mid 80s, upper 80s for morgan hill and in livermore, as well as concord 90 degrees with some upper 80s for much of the north bay. tomorrow we will see those temperatures ramping up even more with a high of 100 degrees in vacaville and some upper 90s for concord, while fremont will see a high of 86 degrees, and
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we'll be tracking the rest of our forecast. get a look coming up in about 30 minutes. thanks so much, carrie. now we have some wild video of a sideshow in san francisco over the weekend. take a look at a car on fire here in front up here. one near the ferry building. it happened overnight on sunday, but this was only the first part of all this. the crowd moved to valencia and cesar chavez in the mission district. that part of the sideshow lasted for about a half an hour before police were able to break it up. now that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back in fast forward. i'll be back in just 30 minutes with more news. ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪
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bolt of of the bottom of hourt. here are some of the stories making headlines. big gains as europeans cast votes for the european parliament. it's one of the major legislative bodies of the european union. after projections showed a far right oposition group making gains in france, president macron the called a national election for later this month in an attempt the to reestablish his authority. a shift inside the eu may make it tougher to pass new
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legislation including responses to security challenges, climate change and industrial competition. >> the princess of wales made a rare public statement as she appears to work on her health. princess kate wrote a letter apologiing for mill misting a pill military parade over the weekend. there was speculation the ceremony might be her first public appearance since march, where she revealed she is receiving cancer treatment. in the letter she thanked the parade members for their work saying she hopes to return to her duties soon. a new york city subway stop may soon get a name change to honor the lgbtq rights movement. the new york state bill would change the name of the scare station in manhattan's greenwich village to be renamed the christopher street stone wall national monument station. the move would commemorate the riots in 1969, an event known as the catalyst for the modern day lgbtq rights movement.
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the bill now heads to governor hochul's desk. artificial intelligence is coming to the iphone. apple just announced a new partnership with open ai, the makers of chatgpt during an annual conference today. they are launching apple intelligence. here's a sample of how it would work. >> suppose one of my meetings being rescheduled for late in the afternoon, and i'm wondering if it it's going to prevent me from getting to my daughter's play performance on time. it can process the data to assist me. it can understand who my daughter is, the play details she sent, the time and location for my meeting, and predicted traffic between my office and the theater. >> nbc news business correspondent brian chung is at apple headquarters in california. i don't know whether to be scared or thrilled or what is this change to the iphone going to mean. how is it going to change our lives?
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>> we have so many americans using apple devices on a daily basis is. there's millions of iphone users in the united states alone. when you talk about a software push that could come later on this summer, that will include the product called apple intelligence, this could change the way we interact with our phones. that's how apple is billing it. you just saw one example of the types of things they are suggesting. this is not robo cop stuff. it's basically aming up the ability of series to skerve as an artificial intelligence cure rater. being able to ask, help me find that restaurant that my wife september me by text. this is what's happening here. >>. >> you do wonder, did apple address concerns that a might give us inccurate information?
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>> these are real concerns given what google had shown a few weeks ago, where there was criticism of its product offering some bad recommendations. most moets bliss saying how do you keep the cheese from sliding off the pizza. it suggested using glue. this was a pr disaster. am might be trying to avoid that. and again, there's going to be beta testing. mail-in ballot they want to get out the bugs in that process as well. >> what about personal information? so where he's saying i need directions because i have to make my daughter's birthday party or whatever. is that personal data protected when you're interacting or could it go out to the universe? >> it's critical because siri has access to everything on your phone. any sort of intelligence goes hand in hand with thousand hay described it with privacy is. that's something that they are
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saying we're not going to give all the information. only whatever is relevant to the question you're asking. >> brian thank you. basketball superstar caitlin clark is speaking out after she was not chosen for the team usa roter for the paris olympics. that sparking a major debate among fans. stephanie gosk spoke with clark and asked about her ambitions and join us now. what should we know here? >> i think a lot of fans are probably surprised and disappointed. if you were hoping to see caitlin clark sink threeses at the olympics, you may have to wait. the decision has sparked debate as team usa gears up for paris. >> clark, back to back triples for caitlin clark. >> reporter: while caitlin clark's first season has been an offensive spectacle, it seems the record-setting rookie's performance boent be enough to propel her to the olympics in paris. a source familiar with the matter telling nbc news clark
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will not be among the 12 players on the preliminary women's basketball roers. clark speaking out about the decision on sunday. >> honestly, no disappointment. it's something to work for. >> reporter: a determined clarks also talking about it with the indiana fever head coach. >> they woke a monster. >> reporter: the league is a letdown for some fans. >> why is caitlin clark not in the women's basketball team? >> come on. this is the michael jordan of women's basketball. >> reporter: clark's popularity led to record crowds and merchandise sales for the w na. but some say on the court, she's yet to live up to the hype. >> it's just not her time because there are 12 more deserving women, if not more, in front of her. >> reporter: the american women have been undefeated in competition since 1992. and have won seven straight gold medals. they are heavily favored to make it eight in paris with a stacked
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veteran team set to include brittney griner. while usa basketball would not comment on the roster, two unnamed u.s. basketball vets told "usa today" there was concern over how clark's millions of fans would react to what would likely be limited playing time. that revelation causing frustration online. >> they were worried that too many people would be watching their games. >> when we sat down in april, clark said it's been her goal to join team usa. >> what would it mean to you to represent the country in paris this summer? >> i think that would mean everything. that's one of my dreams growing up. >> the young star says she will embrace being a fan. >> i will be watching and cheering for them. it will be a lot of fun. >> stephanie gosk, thank you. oregon, a terrifying incident at a rodeo this weekend was caught on camera. one of the bulls jumped a fence into a crowd of spectators. rodeo organizers say several people were injured.
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emily earth connect da has more. >> reporter: a terrifying scene in oregon over the weekend. it happened during the final event of the night in front of crowd of thousands. that's when the bull jumped over a fence instantly causing chaos in the stands. danielle smithers took this video. >> i was panicked knowing that now this giant animal is out there. >> reporter: the bull storming into a concession area striking some in the crowd, knocking over a garbage can and sending terrified patrons scrambling. >> we have a bull loose. we have one down. >> reporter: the bull flipped an unsuspected woman several feet into the air. you can see her tumbling head over heels before slamming into the ground. five people sustained injuries according to the fire department, although amazingly, they say none were life threat account. the sisters rode you association issuing a statement saying in part, the owe radio activated
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the emergency response plan adding that professionals quickly responded to safely contain the bull. >> he wasn't loose for more than i would say 25 to 30 seconds. he actually ran through a gates that was at the end of the arena and he went right back to where the rest of the bulls were kept. >> reporter: the cowboys association saying while rodeo is a very entertaining sport, on rare occasions, it can also the pose some risk. >> we're just fortunate that nobody else was hurt or worse. >> reporter: nbc news. we are less than 50 day was from the start of the paris olympics. and the city of light is going for gold when it comes to green power. nbc news reporter chase kain show us how. >> reporter: the olympic flame lut up the famous beaches of normandy and soon it will help light up the entire paris olympics thanks to these.
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>> it's important because today we are facing a global climate crisis. >> reporter: he manages this wind farm, one of the largest utilities, which teamed up with paris 2024 to power these summer olympics with 100% carbon-free electricity. >> for the first time, we will be able to show that for hour by hour, the electricity that has been used by the infrastructure of paris 2024 has been produced in the power plant. this is a huge step towards decarbonization. >> this year's super bowl in las vegas was the first to be powered entirely by renewables and the paris olympics have been working for years to go even further. they built six wind farms and two solar plants along with adding solar panels to the roofs of stadiums at athletes village and a temporary arare floating on the river. >> this is one of the main legacies. with renewables, it goes one
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step beyond. you don't build new capacity just for two weeks. it doesn't make sense. >> reporter: ahead of paris 2024's sustainability efforts, all this wind and solar is perm the innocent providing clean, green energy for decades. the most surprising part to me, it involves how we bring the games to you. the satellite and broadcast trucks usually run on generators so there's an uninterrupted signal. but paris 2024 decided to install direct connections to their power grid at all of the olympic venues and that's helping broadcasters reduce our emissions too. >> that's about 2.6 gallons of fuel just to broadcast. when you add all those things up, we managed to bring down the emissions of our energy operation by 80%. we're leaving that as a legacy. >> reporter: it's like the first steps. the next olympic games will be held in different countries,
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they will see france as an example. coming up, inside the mugs to reunite service members with the stray animals we take in when they are deployed. a sweet story.
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we have good news today about the generosity of strangers. helping one soldier reunite with the puppy he found when he was deployed far away from home. >> hey, everybody. >> david recorded this video months ago when he was serving on a peace-keeping mission in eastern europe. he had been out on patrol when he noticed the puppy rooting through the trash. >> i had a couple beef jerky sticks in if my pocket. i gave it to him and he chomped away. i don't want this guy staying out in the cold. >> how instant was your connection? >> it was instant. he would always hang out with me. >> he helped toby and toby helped him. >> sometimes you're not going to have the best day, but when we see a dog that's happy to us, that brings us a smile. >> he's not alone.
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>> all the soldiers are working. he wants to play football. >> all around the world, members of the military have taken in stray animals. >> this is eva. >> but when their deployments end, they can't take animals on the flight back home. so that's where a group called paws of war comes in. >> couldn't not give him a good chance at a good life. >> seeing videos, strangers donate thousands of dollars to pay for the journey to the u.s. so far their kindness has helped bring more than 700 dogs and cats to safety. >> logistically getting them back is extremely challenging. it's mind boggle the for the average person, but we get it done every single time. >> about two weeks ago, david waited anxiously to greet toby on u.s. soil. >> what was going on inside? >> oh, my gosh. that's toby. that's the guy you pretty much found in a trash area and you're
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bringing him to me. >> now they are set is theed back in san antonio with his parents and two other dogs. >> do all dogs get along now? >> inseparable. >> after some medical issues overseas, toby is a healthy puppy. >> it's awesome getting that sense too keep going. >> look how happy he is just to have his ears rubbed. >> he's living the life right now. >> bye, toby. >> i love it. joining me now is the cofounder of paws of war, who you heard from in the piece. and also with us is a very special guest. sammy. hi, sammy. thank you for being here. i almost felt like i saw you getting a little emotional watching the piece. >> it is emotional looking at some of those dogs and cats that made it here.
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>> what is the emotion? >> the reunions knowing that they are here safe. knowing that they changed many of these military members' lives. knowing these animals are safe now. >> it's both. it's the animals safe, but they have a profound impact on our service members. >> they do. because they shared so much overseas together, good, bad or indifferent. they came back together. >> tell many me a little bit about sammy. >> sammy became a stray when her mom was killed over in the middle east. she was just a little thing. she needed somebody. and a.j. was able to, he's a soldier who was able to actually take her in and get her back to health. he reached out to us and said i need her to leave now.
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she needs to get to america. i'm going to be deployed here a little longer. she's no longer safe. get her home to my family. i will be home soon. she just arrived in america. >> welcome. welcome, sammy. she's beautiful. >> it must -- you said in the piece, it's so hard to do this. there's so much -- there's customs, red tape, all these rules and recommendationlations. you make it happen. >> we do. we make it happen. no matter what it takes, what it costs, that's one of our biggest challenges is the cost. >> it's a lot. >> service members don't have the money to pay for it. we never charge them, but it's challenging. >> people can donate. and people have generously donated to paws of war. >> yes. tell me about that. tell me about the people come out of the woodwork and give money to get them here. >> those are the heros that are making this work. giving us a few dollars just to make these missions happen. >> i just really appreciate you sharing all this with us. it was something i didn't know about personally. i hope that now a lot more people will know about paws of war. robert, it's so good to have you with us. to find out more information
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about paws of war, you can visit their site. it's now we want to hear from you. do you have a good news story that we should feature here? connect with me on your favorite social media platform. there's much more news ahead. you're watching "nbc news daily." before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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when we have new photos into our newsroom of a truck that caught on fire this morning. it happened in napa county in front of the adventist health saint helena hospital. cal fire sa its crews quickly contained. contained that fire to just the truck here. no injuries were reported, but it's not yet clear what started that fire. now it's going to stay a bit warm for those firefighters, but we could see some relief by the end of the week. meteorologist carrie hall has your forecast. today we're going to see highs in the inland areas in the upper 80s. a little bit warmer than it was over the weekend, but definitely not the hottest in the forecast. we're headed to the mid 90s for tomorrow afternoon and spots like the tri-valley, santa clara valley all the way up to sonoma valley. we're going to have some hotter temperatures and still pretty warm on wednesday. but as we approach the end of the week into the weekend, it's going to be nicer with more seasonable weather mornings in the low 50s and highs in the mid 80s. while
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san francisco still looking at some milder weather here. we'll see a little bit more sunshine in our tuesday forecast and highs up to about 72 degrees. but the rest of the week it's cooling down a few more degrees and a nice weekend ahead. thanks, carrie. now a lot of frustration in the south bay as thieves are now targeting mailboxes in side post office. it's a story you'll only see right here on nbc bay area. laila gibson got her p.o. box at the willow glen post office to protect her mail from theft, but when she made her weekly visit, her mail inside all gone. a usps postal investigator told us gibson's p.o. box is just one of the break ins reported at that postal office, and that they're now working to figure out how many more there possibly are. some possibly not even reported yet. investigators say they believe p.o. box break ins aren't that common, but they are on a rise. they say here in the bay area i see the post office as an added layer of security.
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okay, it's i'm thinking it's protected. it's government property. so that's why i got at a post office box. and to have this happen, i mean, it was really shocking. so frustrating. now if caught the thieves face federal felony charges which could result in five years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine. we'll be right back in one minute
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using southwest airlines hotel website. as you can see right here, it's actually a partnership with well, here's the thing, rosemary paid 2294 bucks, but when she checked out her hotel receipt said her stay cost $1,704. that's a $590 difference. rosemary wanted to know why and she wanted to get
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that money back. she said she tried, but got nowhere, so she contacted us. we contacted it turns out rosemary's receipt was a glimpse at the cash that can change hands behind the scenes. when a travel agent like books a hotel for you. when we asked about rosemary's bill, told us an invoice was mistaken, only given to the customer that incorrectly displayed the wholesale room rate and not the correct net or customer rate. booking went on to say it would issue a courtesy refund of $310 as a goodwill gesture. if you have hotel hiccups, let us know. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint fill out our consumer complaint form when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups.
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1:00 pm
ea canning, and this is dateline daytime on nbc. you can lose a child without knowing it, in a second. and it wasn't an if. it was a, when are they going to tell us that she's not coming home? this is not what was supposed to happen. andrea canning (voiceover): the note was under her blanket. i saw it sticking out, and i grabbed it. andrea canning (voiceover): their daughter was a runaway. veronica kasprzak: i'm frantic because i didn't know how to find her. andrea canning (voiceover): they called police, they searched, and then a jogger found a red shoe


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