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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  June 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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arises. two fires sparked today alone. how this year is already outpacing last year. and we're tracking another warm up across the bay area how hot and dry things are going to get tomorrow . plus, apple's new eye is already sparking drama. why elon musk says his employees will have to leave their iphones at the door. and the opposite of high tech, the creative way a stranded windsurfer got himself rescued from a remote local beach. good evening, i'm raj
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mathai. we're live in a few minutes with cal fire and with jeff ranieri as our weather might turn dangerous. but we start tonight with some of the headlines that we are watching. a violent outburst in oakland involving three teenagers, two separate shootings that left all three young men dead. and it happened early this morning. in the overnight hours, a 16 year old was shot and killed on filbert street. a half an hour later, paramedics responded to an 18 year old antioch man who had been shot at nearby 102nd and international a short time later. police say a 17 year old who was involved in that same shooting showed up at a local hospital. sadly, all three men died of their injuries. the idea of losing three young people in our community that, like you said, just were getting, they're sea legs under them and just starting their life to have their lives taken at such a
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young age is absolutely tragic. the police union's president is blasting what he says are public safety cuts in the mayor's latest budget proposal, writing, quote, reducing the number of police officers at a time when we are experiencing such high levels of violence is a step in the wrong direction. we need more resources and support to ensure the safety of our residents and businesses. now, the mayor's office issued us a statement disputing that claim, saying no current officers are being cut in mayor tao's budget. a wild weekend in san francisco. as you see this. take a look. a car on fire right in front of pier one on the embarcadero, about 200 cars were involved in this rolling sideshow early sunday morning, and police chief bill scott says several cars were towed but didn't give us a specific number. today you see the crews there painting over their pier, one painting over the graffiti. neighbors are fed up. i mean, we heard the fireworks, so we went outside to
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check it out and saw a bunch of cars and one on fire and that wasn't the first time they were here before. i think last year. yep, they keep coming back. police say one of the issues is how fast these sideshows reassemble after they're broken up. the scene at the embarcadero just moved about five miles away to the mission district, and when police broke up, that scene, they say new sideshows popped up in oakland. and vallejo. well, also on this monday night, get ready. bay area fire season is off to a fiery start. now is the time to prepare your homes and your yards. according to cal fire, california has already seen more than 700 wildfires this year, burning close to 42,000 acres. you see the numbers behind me here. after a quiet couple of years, things are ramping up, including at least two fires today. this one sparked in the foothills of east san jose this afternoon off higuera road. dry
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brush and a couple of outbuildings burned. the main building housed some cars, but crews were able to quickly knock this down before spreading to any homes. not just in the east san jose foothills. another fire this afternoon east of petaluma, about two acres. you can see just kind of how dry that grass is there. cal fire will be suspending burn permits for the north bay starting june 17th, and santa rosa officially declaring today as the start of its fire season. the fire department will begin its annual weed abatement inspections, signaling people to get their homes and families prepared. it just means that we have to pay attention. it's going to be a lot. it's going to be a crazy season. i think especially we have four kids, so everybody needs to know where to meet up. they're all different ages. during the last fire season, we had evacuees at our house, so we had family who lost a house. we were very familiar with. fire season. yeah, it's almost like
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getting ready for an earthquake. getting ready for fire season here. let's bring in chelsea burkett, a fire prevention specialist with cal fire. chelsea thanks for being with us. today has been busy already. this year has been busy. what's the forecast as we go into the heart of fire season, thank you for having me, it's we're already starting to see an uptick in fires throughout the state and specifically in the santa clara unit, our unit covers five counties here in the east bay, and we've been quite busy. it's actually been quite a difference in numbers compared to last year. chelsea. it's interesting because as you know, we've had two straight rainy winters, which is great news to end our drought. how does that impact our fire danger? does it help or does it hurt, well, with rain, precipitation comes an increase in vegetation growth, so it does, you know, increase the vegetation that's susceptible to burning throughout the state. and with these increased temperatures, especially that we've seen over
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the past couple of weeks, and we're seeing these past couple of days, it definitely, dries out the fuel a lot quicker, especially with all the winds that we see here over in the east bay and makes the fuel a lot more susceptible to fire. yeah, and it's going to get real hot tomorrow. as you know now, santa rosa today officially declared fire. season begins in that city. does cal fire declare an official start time? and i know you guys cover the whole state, but do you declare some sort of bay area unit that this is the beginning, not particularly. we see every year as what we consider a fire year, we have more increased, times of fire activity, but we work very hard to make sure that all of our resources, all of our personnel are prepared and we're constantly training, especially here in the east bay. we work really hard with our multiple cooperators, including san jose fire and gilroy fire, contra costa, alameda county. we work with multiple cooperators to ensure that we're all on the same page when a fire happens.
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chelsea, as you know, or as you might know, police departments have a real hard time recruiting new officers. does cal fire have challenges recruiting new people to come to come help you? you know, we continue to keep working. we have been working really hard to recruit new people and encourage people to come join cal fire, and we continue to increase our staffing. chelsea burkett, thanks for your information. thanks for your time, and we hope to speak with you down the road as well. have a good evening. thank you. you too. we are also tracking this warm up that we're talking about. let's bring in jeff ranieri. how hot are we talking about at beginning tonight and tomorrow? basically right, jeff. yeah we're under this heat advisories. you can see on the maps here for the north bay, east bay and also for the south bay. so those numbers are certainly going to be on an increase here for us across the bay area. let me show you how things are going to be playing out for us here. as we head through tomorrow. we're going to have temperatures in the upper 50s. then as we head through later on tomorrow, we'll get up to 87 at noon. by 1 p.m. we're up to 92 now. this heat is not
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expected to last too long. we're in here for a one day event of this heat and then this system. that's helping to bring the hot air that's going to be moving off towards the east, and the storm track begins to move closer. so that is what is going to help to drop our temperatures. we're going to be back down to 83 on thursday here through livermore and then we'll stay in a pattern here of some low to mid 80s as we head through the next couple of days. now looking beyond this, what could help us out with the fire danger is a major shift in the pattern. now. this is for next week. we have a system out here in the pacific by 1030 next monday. okay, that's june, the 17th. and then that actually could bring us some rain chances here by june the 19th. it doesn't look like a lot of rainfall, but at least for us. but a lot of the west could get in on this unusual rainfall of a half to one inch, including lake tahoe. for us right here, right now, it's looking like trace amounts to a quarter inch next tuesday. now it's still very early out on this, but we're going to continue to track that into next week because we even
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get a few raindrops out of this. and that will at least help to lower the fire danger immediately in that forecast. pretty pretty interesting to hear. thank you jeff. we'll see you in a few minutes. one more note here about our fire danger. a father and daughter are in critical condition tonight after a fire tore through their pittsburgh apartment. this is on crestview drive. it started around 8 a.m, trapping the two inside. firefighters found them both unconscious, but were able to revive them using cpr. we trained for this, and there's no doubt that it can. it can be intense when you get here, but the training helps you work through it. the crews work well together and we have a good response from this area. so we had crews on scene quickly and everyone knew their job. a rescuers carried that young woman downstairs and helped the man out a window and down a ladder. the cause of this fire is still under investigation. okay, let's move on now. it's the silicon valley's latest feud started by what else? artificial intelligence. we got some big hitters here. the newest drama began late today after apple
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rolled out its new ai offering called apple intelligence. get that, not artificial intelligence. apple intelligence. it's a new partnership between apple and san francisco based openai. apple is now tapping into machine learning, either by talking to an improved siri or asking chatgpt, which is run and owned by openai. at today's worldwide developers conference in cupertino, the developer said they're eager to test drive this new technology. i'm hopeful that you can use siri to tap into that personal context and ask, like, father's day is coming up. you could ask, hey, my dad likes to hike. he's this tall. hey, help me find some some suggestions that may fit within my budget. everyone or many people are excited about it, but then we have this a tweet from elon musk saying that if apple integrates openai into its operating system, which apple plans on doing, apple devices will be banned at his companies.
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musk is concerned with privacy and data being shared with openai. let's bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman, who is at apple hq today. first of all, apple and openai. these are two heavyweights now. are you surprised? are you impressed? what was your takeaway? what was everyone's takeaway out of there? i think it made sense. apple really wants to get into the ai game. it hadn't done it really before now and it does it both with siri, but also with a more established ai company, that being openai, which has a lot of funding, a lot of talented people, and now you can either choose siri or say, hey, i want to use openai to solve this question. and it makes sense for openai as well. now it's on all of these iphones, which gives it credibility. and we will finally find out, really, what are we all going to use ai for? and is it ever going to make money if i guess on track record, if it's one company that can realize, oh, that's why we like it, it would be apple. absolutely we talked about elon musk arguing that this is a privacy issue. valid. what he said, and i'm guessing
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kind of punk people's excitement today. well, a little bit of a puncture of the balloon but also a little bit valid. i mean, one thing we don't know about ai is really just how much data we are going to have to give these machines for them to learn enough about us to help us find presents or anything like that. because, right. the more data we give the machines, the more it knows about us and can can adapt, adapt and adjust, correct? right. so we have to decide how much data do we want to give of our private lives so they can adapt and adjust and help us out? openai ai is doing this. it's scraping the internet right now. apple is going to be doing that to an extent. it says it's going to be very concerned about privacy. but elon musk, who's already feuding with openai with his own ai company that he created after leaving openai, i there's a lot of tied into this, and they are all fighting. and it'll be interesting to see if apple or if elon musk actually makes, say, tesla employees turn in their iphones, tesla or twitter or spacex or anything else. i don't know if it gets that far,
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but this is the latest battle and it is now getting a little bit of drama. you've been going to, oh, by the way, when does this start? when does this get on my iphone? all this chatgpt stuff later. this tomorrow or no, not right away. it'll be later this year. siri updates. and by the way, i should tell you this updates on your iphone. if you have a 15 or whatever's coming out new. so for example, i still have a 14. i wouldn't get this yet. the 15 and above, and that's going to be something that apple will use to try to get a lot of people to update to the new phone. so be aware this could take a while before it gets a whole lot of that's always the end game. final question for you. you've been doing these apple launches for what, 15 years, 20 years, usually there's some star power there. i know sam altman of openai was there, who's a who's a rock star now. and of course, tim cook was that kind of the extent of it? mostly no bands today or anything like that. but raj one thing i did notice, steve wozniak was there today that's sort of old school silicon valley to see him shaking hands with sam altman, who represents the new silicon valley, was perhaps something of a passing of the torch and the
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technology. it's not just hardware anymore, it's what you put on that hardware. and ai is the hot new thing. pretty incredible. good wrap up. thank you scott. thank you. appreciate it. up next, how a san francisco couple teamed up with annette investigative unit to keep the landlord, their landlord, from kicking them out. they've been in that apartment for decades. is also a scene straight out of a movie. how a stranded surfer was able to get himself rescued with some quick thinking. we'll show you what he did. you're tching nbcwa
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for four decades. this comes after our investigative unit exposed the story. the couple received an eviction notice in 2021, saying that their landlord was taking the property off of the rental market. ben and kathy wong, now in their 70s, believe the eviction was retaliation. you see them there. they had recently challenged years of rent increases that they believe broke the city's rent control laws. so instead of leaving, they chose to fight the eviction and they reached out to us. after we aired their story, the couple received an outpouring of support. we've learned now that their landlord has dropped the eviction order. you can breathe. you know, it was like we had been holding our breath for months and months. we're just so
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thankful for all of you. very sweet here. joining us now is our investigator, reporter hilda gutierrez, who has been following the story. okay this is good news. eunisses you see them smiling? how long have they been there? for decades now. they have been there for over 40 years. the husband was there since he was a child. amazing. okay, so the landlord, did he react or she? did she react to public pressure or the city? or why all of a sudden say you're not being evicted? it's always difficult to say precisely what's going through their mind, but what we can say is that this happened after we air the story. and the couple did receive an outpouring of support from neighbors, from friends. the attorney does tell us that he believes that it would have been difficult for the landlord to prove that they had an intent of moving back into the property, as he had argued. and there was also the timeline of retaliation . they only received the eviction notice after they contested the years of what they believe to be illegal rent increases. wow. now there are city laws and bylaws and programs to help. not just this couple, but a lot a lot of
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families from being evicted unfairly. correct? absolutely. and at this point, unfortunately, one of the programs is at risk is called the right to counsel program. and it's at risk because of city budget cuts. this program funds nonprofits like the ones that also help this couple and they help them state, obviously, and fight the eviction. the attorney tells us that it cost about $6,000 to fight a case like this. sure. that's a lot of money for legal fees, correct. but it also costs way over $20,000 to have someone housed again once they become unhoused because of an eviction. so there is a bargain there. but that program might be cut in the city budget. that program might be cut despite its 92% success rate. so it's a very successful program. so we're going to also be on top of that to see what happens. and we're going to see you back at 11:00. for more on this story we'll have the full story at 11. okay thank you. have a good evening. let's move on. now. this sounds like the scene out of a movie. quick thinking and good spelling
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helped a windsurfer. this is an incredible story. the guy was trapped on a remote beach in santa cruz county, near davenport. he wrote out the word help on the beach. it worked. he used rocks to write out the word help. a private helicopter pilot spotted it and called for help. cal fire sent a chopper to bring that guy to safety. it was. it was a good feeling. you know, being there and being able to help and, just get him out of there. yeah. pretty, pretty cool story for sure. not your everyday, you know, rescue. it's like a tom hanks movie. in an extra twist here. firefighters say they had just done a training run for something like this earlier that day. all right, let's take you outside now. a live look at oracle park from our exclusive center field camera. the giants are back at home hosting the houston astros tonight. jeff is going to come back
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that dream is coming true for george johnston, the fourth. he's heading to paris to cover his first olympics. the kid is just 11 years old. so let's talk sports. we know this guy. johnson hosts the g4 sports talk show on youtube. he's already a correspondent for nickelodeon's nfl slime time. and next month,
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yup, he's covering his first olympics. as long as almost none of them are injured, we should be fine. yeah. you know, what are your other favorite olympic sports to watch? i really like watching swimming because the athleticism that it takes for you to be a good swimmer, it's really it's really cool to watch. and then my sister is also getting to gymnastics. so that's becoming a sport that i'm watching a lot more. he ss like he's 25, right? he's a way to go. the opening ceremony is, i think, 46 days away. nbc bay is your home for all things olympics right now. in fact, we have all the information about our local athletes. we've posted it at nbc bay man, that guy is good. he is. excuse me. that kid's good. yeah, he's he's ready with the facts. tell us about the heat, jeff. oh, we are looking at some hot weather building in for tomorrow from the system off towards the south. it's going to build in that weather from the desert southwest. let me show
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you more on that. and what it's going to mean in our forecast here. we will start it off tomorrow with some areas of fog. so be on the cool side. temperatures in the 50s. and then as we roll through the day tomorrow, we're going to see some heat. but the hottest temperatures certainly isolated out towards the inland valleys, especially inland contra costa, alameda counties. we'll get up to 97 in concord, 97 in livermore, san jose, not as hot, but a warm day, 92 up to napa 93 downtown san francisco 74. now it's not going to last long. it's just one day of heat tomorrow in concord, we're down to 83. on wednesday, 79 thursday, and plenty of low to mid 80s over the next ten day forecast. speaking of what's coming ahead, look at this by next monday, june the 17th, we have an unusual storm. we're tracking offshore that may actually bring us some showers by next tuesday, a june the 18th. so we are continuing to monitor that. we'll have more updates in the days ahead. but again, we get over tomorrow and we've got some nice comfortable
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pre summer weather coming our day through the next couple of days and plenty of 80s. a little one day burst of heat. we can handle that. thanks jeff. as we wrap up kit hoover just getting started with access hollywood. well on tonight's access we've got more on why princess kate is breaking her recent silence amid her cancer battle as celine dion now emotionally reveals why she felt she had to finally tell fans the truth about her stiff person syndrome. plus, we're on the red carpet at the daytime emmys, which of course brings out all the soap stars. but this year's event had a solemn tone due to the tragic murder of general hospital star johnny wagner. we're going to have the beautiful memories shared by the friends who knew johnny best. then all the minions are back for despicable me four. but it's the first time that will ferrell has joined the cast, which means he's reunited with anchorman costar steve carell. and oh, does this pair have stories to tell? all that just moments away on access hollywood? back to you guys. thas gog to be funny. thanks, kid. tonight on prime time here on nbc, american ninja
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warrior at eight, followed by the weakest link at ten. then our 11:00 news live and local. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00, for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our esteemed director, will adams. happy birthday. will, thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening. and we hope to see you back at 11.
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7:30 pm
tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> johnny was a true gentleman. that's what i'll always remember. >> the tragic death of johnny wactor. the love flows from his daytime soap stars. plus when kelly clarkson it gets personal. >> hey, my life is not going super great. >> i do hope to represent you all once again soon. >> kate breaks her silence during her ongoing cancer battle. what had her speaking out. and 17 years struggling with stiff person syndrome, cele


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