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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  June 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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heading to the ballot quite yet. the county register of voters will now send the results of its random sample to the county board of supervisors, which is expected to order an impact report before placing it on the ballot. where many say it faces an uphill battle. i once read that sticking your hands in the ground is like shaking hands with your ancestors. 76 year old kathy threlfall says her connection with her family's 243 acres is deep. my great grandmother and great grandfather, her great grandparents were once sharecroppers on the land, and it's felt like home all her life. it's the story of my life. you turn off the highway and you relax you. you have this feeling of letting go of a lot of hustle and bustle. that's why threlfall
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has refused to sell her property to california forever. the group of investors who hope to build a brand new city in threlfall's rural solano county neighborhood. i'm pretty skeptical. i think it's really easy to say no to anything, but the reality is that we've spent the last 20 years saying no to everything in solano county and in california, and it's gotten us nowhere being secret about what they were doing. while the opposition is vocal, california forever ceo jan cermak says he's confident his plan will succeed. he says prospective employers have signed letters of intent to build there, and says they'll soon be unveiling plans addressing concerns about water and transportation. the number of people who are yes on this is going up every single day that we see in the numbers, and you see that in the endorsements for the initiative as well. it's not a wasteland. and this ground is getting ready for the next big thing. threlfall says east solano county has been producing
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wheat, barley, rye and meat for generations and hopes that will continue. she's urging voters to consider the proposal with a critical eye. it's a campaign. what do we think about campaigns? we take it with a grain of salt. we hope that the best man wins in solano county. jodi hernandez, nbc, bay area news let's move on now to talk about our other big headline, a burst of heat across the bay area. it triggered heat advisories and an increased fire risk. this is a good spot to be in the fountains there in downtown san jose, which was into the 90s. also in the south bay, we spotted a crew delivering ice that looks cool to the smoking pig restaurant in san jose. they tell us their ice machine broke in this heat. i always think about the people working in those kitchens. we want to look outside right now. look at this little bit of relief coming from our sutro tower camera. things are cooling
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off for now and chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is tracking the temperatures and we are looking forward to getting a little bit of a break. yeah, it should be pretty substantial here as we head through the next two day forecast. so i think everybody is going to be on board with this. we'll still have some warm temperatures inland, but not nearly as hot or as uncomfortable. so right now heat advisories continue here through the entire central valley from chico down to bakersfield. and of course, right here in the bay area. we just got our official daytime highs in. and here's how we stack up. livermore hit 101, pleasanton 100. walnut creek 100 campbell. ouch. 100 for you as well. and concord right there at 100. how does it stack up against records? not quite good enough. we would have had to reach 105 in concord. also 105 in livermore. san jose would have needed to hit 99 and san francisco 92. nonetheless, still very warm out here. we're going to continue with this heat advisory through 8:00 tonight. other thing is elevated fire danger here. some low humidity tonight, 15 to 25. and a little
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bit of a north breeze coming at 5 to 15mph. now in that forecast as we roll through the next two days i am tracking some larger changes in the pacific. i'll show you exactly how much cooler we'll get that forecast in here in about 15 minutes and get you ready for that weekend ahead. jeff, we'll see you shortly. now with the heat, we often have power issues. we are tracking a large pg&e outage in fairfield. more than 5300 customers are without power right now. difficult without ac in fairfield. it's unknown if the heat is the reason for these outages, but for now, pg&e is estimating power could be out until after 10 p.m. oh, that is hot. all right, so a reminder, even when we're not on the air, we are here to help you track that heat. download our free nbc bay area app to get the latest weather alerts sent straight to your smartphone. any time of day or night. if you choose. one of the most infamous cases in the silicon valley was back in court today, lawyers for former theranos ceo elizabeth holmes are trying to get her out of
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jail today. they had 15 minutes to plead their case. 15 minutes is not a lot of time. our business and tech reporter scott budman was there. scott, we both covered this trial, and i understand this had a very different feel. yeah, it really did a different feel, a different courtroom. kris different rules. lawyers for elizabeth holmes and sunny balwani, who are both currently in prison for crimes they committed while running palo alto biotech startup theranos, pled their case to a group of federal judges today in san francisco. now, both holmes and balwani will have to wait to see if the arguments convince the judges to set them free. it was called silicon valley's trial of the century, but the appeals process and the theranos fraud case moved to san francisco. so the hearing coming nearly two and a half years after a jury convicted both for orchestrating a blood test scam that shook silicon valley today, attorneys representing elizabeth holmes and sunny balwani plead their
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case in court. balwani's attorneys speaking to us afterward. mr. balwani didn't get a fair trial. his legal team arguing their client was unfairly targeted and should get a new trial. the government didn't want the jury to hear the actual words of what miss holmes said to investors, and the testimony that came in was false . i think mr. balwani deserves a new trial, and i hope the court sees it that way. neither holmes nor balwani was in court, but billy evans, holmes partner, did show up along with her parents. legal analysts say it's not likely either holmes or balwani will have their case overturned, but that doesn't seem to dim interest in the case. so many people have so many opinions about this case, so absolutely it it shouldn't in some ways. but the reality is we're human and high publicity cases. absolutely are different. this certainly was one of those analysts tell us it will take a while, usually before the judges in an appeals case decide
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whether or not to give those guys another trial. no specific date to issue the ruling. holmes, currently in prison until august of 2032. balwani until 2034. so how holmes today? like does she have any reason to tick? it's interesting because the judges started out by saying, hey, this happened the evidence was overwhelming and so it didn't seem like it started. and even in 15 minutes, like you'd say, that all isn't all that long. they were on the clock. but the judge did say that, you know, this actually could be an interesting case. she said there is something to the fact that holmes may have a say in this, and a chance to have another trial. again, breadcrumbs. at this point, most lawyers tell me it is rare to see one of these things reversed. so now we just have to wait to see if even the little bit of hope that they got from the judge today pans out, and you two will be back in court. if there is another trial. i know that early mornings, late afternoons for
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sure. thank you scott. you bet. well, scott has been following the theranos saga for years now, and he always posts the latest updates on his account. if you haven't already, follow him at scott budman. amid a recall effort, alameda county district attorney pamela price is on damage control after a series of criticisms. recall supporters are calling on the da's office to fire one of their employees after a video posted online showed him shouting at people at a recall event last weekend. he can be heard calling them a violent gang. in a news conference today, the district attorney, pamela price, called the actions freedom of speech and has no plans to punish the employee. he called the family's goons. then he called the families a violent gang. she's okay with that. that's fine. but what she doesn't understand, they're representing her. we don't fire people for exercising their first amendment rights, and we certainly don't believe that there should be a double
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standard. defending her decision to not charge 59 year old robert baraka in connection with the january stabbing, she's facing criticism from the sheriff's department for that decision. county voters are set to decide this coming november whether or not to recall pamela price. well, the south bay is gearing up for a big public party this weekend. we're talking about a rave music festival scheduled for saturday at discovery meadow park. raves have mixed reputation over the years, with loud electronic music and pulsing lights, but there's a growing trend toward holding them during the day in open spaces. some have raised concerns after the recent rave in san francisco. that was just last weekend. a lot of complaints about the pounding music organizers for san jose's events say this one's going to be different. it's from 2 to 9 p.m, we're going to be done. it's going to be daylight the entire time, there's no neighborhood that can even hear
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us during the entire, duration of the festival. well, we should see organizers expect about 5000 people, with some coming as far away as several other states, including texas. an investigation is now underway on treasure island after a possible explosive device was found there . police say they got a report this morning about something suspicious. near treasure island road and hillcrest road. you can see here from sky ranger. the area looks to be a construction site. police are asking people to avoid that area, and for months now, san francisco mayor london breed has been working on a plan to bring the famed and beloved giant chinese pandas back to the city zoo. she says the beloved animals are a key to her ongoing effort to help the city rebound economically after the pandemic, and today, she got a key vote of support from the voters. board of supervisors, nbc bay area sergio quintana is live at city hall tonight with the details of breed's plan to panda plan. easy for me to say.
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well, you know the mayor's plan involves raising millions of dollars in private funding to build a panda habitat for them at the san francisco zoo, pay the expenses to get them to san francisco, and then also to care for them. and today's vote from the board of supervisors, basically, the rules that the mayor needs to follow in order to raise that money. mayor london breed says the san francisco zoo has already been consulting with the san diego zoo about the mayor's panda project. san diego hosted pandas until 2019 and will be hosting them again later this year. it is a destination, not just because it's a great zoo, but because of the pandas and they draw huge crowds. mayor breed hopes pandas in san francisco will draw the same kinds of crowds if they come. san francisco would only be the fourth zoo in north america to host the chinese giant pandas. zoo visitors told us. pandas would be an interesting addition. i've never seen one before, so getting to see one in person would be an exciting
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experience. these are animals that require great care, and as long as they provide the necessity for the animal and mental well, physically and mentally, then yeah, before san francisco can host the panda bears, china has a number of requirements for their habitat and their care. the mayor's plan involves raising the millions of dollars needed for those requirements from private donors. but not everyone is on board. a group called in defense of animals says the san francisco zoo's facilities for the animals it currently hosts are inadequate. recent reports by former zoo employees of animals being injured or killed has also raised concerns from zoo critics. there's so many issues with the san francisco zoo that one former zoo keeper told us that the only way that you'd be able to fix it is by just starting over. they spent part of their day passing out signed petitions to supervisor signed by residents who oppose the panda project. mayor breed is undeterred. our goal is to you know, not doubt and to not go backwards. we're trying to
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move forward, and we're trying to make sure that this is the best situation for pandas as possible. now, this vote means that mayor breed can now officially form a fundraising committee and then start collecting pledges on this panda project, reporting live at san francisco city hall. i'm sergio quintana, nbc, bay area news. all right. thank you. sergio. up next, medical supervision for teenagers going through opioid withdrawal, the first of its kind center offering a new solution for teens battling drug addiction in the south bay. also it's a hot spot for shark sightings. but those sightings are ticking up on popular beaches in santa cruz county. and check out the heat map. temperatures warmed up anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees hotter today. tomorrow it cools off. i'll explain to get you ready
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addiction. the program is the first of its kind on the west coast, and already has helped 70 local teenagers. it allows patients under the age of 20 to go into the santa clara valley medical center and get medically supervised treatment to manage withdrawal from fentanyl or other opioids. myra, a san jose resident, says the program helped one of her family members who od'd on fentanyl. we didn't know about the program. we didn't know that we had support after the overdose, he this family member went through. so it was really important because we went they went with us through the whole process. we stayed. i stayed here with my family member and, we had doctors, we had nurses. it's helping a lot of families. patients don't need an appointment and usually stay in the hospital 24 to 48 hours before being cleared to transfer to rehab or outpatient treatment. well, it is shark season in santa cruz county, and while shark sightings are
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common, there, there are more of them in the water this year. socal cove is at the northern curve of the monterey bay, and it's home to dozens of juvenile white sharks. shark experts say that they started migrating to that area around 2015 or so, giving it the name shark park. sean van someren has been tracking them for 30 years, and he says that there are clearly more sharks this year compared to the past two years. some years like 2019, we're seeing, you know, two, three dozen at a time, which is unusual right now. two dozen is one of the reports i got. we haven't seen that many, but there's a lot of pilots and other drone pilots. scanning around. and those are some of the reports. they're not out there, you know, mindlessly hunting down everything they see. they're actually very specific. and what we've observed just anecdotally, you know, is that they are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and what they're approaching. all right. so let's put it in perspective. so we're not scared to go to the beach. the likelihood of a person being
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attacked by a shark is 1 in 11,000,000 out. despite those odds, experts still say don't go too deep into the water at socal cove right now. all right, so we're still going to the beach is what? we're not going to socal cove. all right. too hot for you in the bay area. how about we all go to tahoe? oh, that looks so nice. you know who's there? oh, sweet dog. terry mcsweeney is there. and he posted this video to make us feel a little jealous. showing the beautiful blue skies and that beautiful tahoe blue water. nice. nice work. terry on a tuesday. rude. no sharks that we know of in there. yeah, thankfully sweetwater sharks. how are we looking tomorrow jeff? we know it's hot today. yeah. so much better. i mean, we should see a 15 to 20 degree drop for some of the hottest locations. yeah. so i think as you step out the door tomorrow, it's going to be a lot more comfortable for us in that microclimate forecast. let me show you how things are kind of trending for us right now outside as we get you out to pleasanton, where we did have some power outages earlier this afternoon. thankfully, the power
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has been restored, but it is toasty after a temperatures right at about 100 through a lot of the tri-valley. we're still hanging on to a very hot 94. so numbers are beginning to drop, albeit very, very slowly. here will be into the 90s here still at 7:00, 8:00, 85 and then those 70s here, 910 and also 11. and once we hit tomorrow morning, we should be down here into the 60s. now, our confidence is getting up here that we will reach into the 60s in the overnight hours, because i've now started to see the wind change coming more out of the west at 14mph, and that helps to import our cooler ocean breeze. so as we roll through tomorrow's forecast, the big thing we're going to see is this area of low pressure that helped to bring in that heat from the desert. southwest is going to be moving off towards the east tomorrow. so that's important because it's going to allow the storm track here to move closer to us, and that will get those temperatures to drop. so as we started off for tomorrow morning, we'll see
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some fog right near the coastline, primarily from about half moon bay down to santa cruz. and then we'll be into lots of sunshine here for the bay area tomorrow with again, numbers starting to cool off. so i think as we roll out the door tomorrow morning, we should start it off pretty good here. 59 through the peninsula, south bay at 63, and i've got temperatures averaging in the 50s for the east bay, san francisco and the north bay. so let's get a look at my numbers here down in the south bay. i have you coming in at 85, in los gatos, 87 in east san jose for the east bay instead of 100. this is so much better. 87 in pleasanton, 74, vallejo, 78 in hayward, right across the coast, 62 in half moon bay. so a nice chill there down to palo alto. 81 san francisco 60s across the board. and for the north bay 84 here in napa. still no heat waves thankfully. next ten days we're going to trend with some low to mid 80s for a lot of livermore and eventually some upper 80s as we look ahead towards the following weekend. now if you're doing any
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traveling, i did want to give you this quick heads up. we've got some flooding rains in central and southern florida. if you have any connecting flights in florida tomorrow, flooding rains are possible. five day total seven inches, maybe even higher. so watch out. the delays will be stacking up right here on our 7-day forecast will be into the 60s next few days in san francisco and for the inland valleys, look at this 80s rolling in, no. one more 100. we're out of it. we're done with it. that deserves a seven day vacation for a lot of us. yeah, we'll go meet terry. what about me? i'm the one that put it on there. you got it. okay. all right, up next. this could be a huge relief for a lot of people. the new white house proposal to remove medical debt from c
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federal building by the city's u.n. plaza. the senator, dianne feinstein federal building, california senators alex padilla and laphonza butler introduced a bill today to make that happen. senator feinstein was a san francisco mayor. she was the first woman to represent california and also became the longest serving woman senator in u.s. history. she died last september at the age of 90. the biden administration is pushing for medical debt to be banned from credit reports. vice president harris announced that proposal today. if implemented, it would remove medical debt from credit reports of more than 15 million americans. the vice
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president says that would raise their credit score by an average of 20 points, and lead to the approval of about 22,000 more mortgages annually. the rule could be finalized early next year. a big warning for shellfish lovers check your fridge, check your freezer and watch what you order. the next time that you eat out. because the fda is issuing a new shellfish warning, the administration says oysters and bay clams harvested in oregon and washington in late may could be contaminated with poisonous toxins. the symptoms include tingling of the lips, the mouth and the tongue as well as nausea and maybe even respiratory issues. in some extreme cases, most patients recover without treatment. but the fda says anyone with symptoms should call their doctor and their local health department. all right, how about this? he's switching hot dogs. a seismic shakeup in the world of competitive eating. we'll show you why. san jose native and hot dog eating champion joey chestnut, joey
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jaws chestnut is being told he can't defend his title in the famed nathan's hot dog eating competition in that 4th of july tradition. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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of the world's most famous hot dog eating competition. what are we going to watch now? this is kind of shocking. he is, of course, the world's best
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competitive eater, but now he's banned from the nathan's hot dog eating contest. the contest he's won 16 times. that's because major league eating says he can't take part because of a deal he signed with redwood city's vegan meat maker, impossible foods. nathan says they would love for chestnut to return, but just not when he's representing a rival brand. impossible foods tell us they will support joey chestnut in any contest he chooses. tonight at seven, covid isn't going anywhere. there's actually an uptick in cases as we head into summer. there working on a new vaccine. do we still need those vaccines? we'll be joined by one of our medical experts from ucsf. that story more coming up on our 7:00 news. but up next on nightly news, a juror in the hunter biden case speaks out. nbc news goes behind the scenes tonight, the historic verdict. hunter biden found guilty in all three counts in his federal gun trial. president biden late
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today flying to delaware and embracing his son on the tarmac after the jury found hunter biden guilty of lying about his drug use on a federal form used to buy a gun. he is now the first child of a sitting president convicted of a crime, as his father faces a fierce re-election battle. our interview with one of the jurors. what he says happened in the room, and could hunter biden be facing time in prison? our team at the courthouse. also tonight, hamas responding to the newest gaza cease-fire proposal backed by the u.s. and our exclusive interview with the families of american hostages after the deadly raid that freed four israelis being held. the sting across the u.s. eight men with suspected ties to isis arrested in three major cities after crossing the southern borderpening fire at a downtown atlanta food court, injuring three, before . our new reporting. the gunman opening fire at a downtown atlanta food court,


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