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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  June 13, 2024 1:34am-2:03am PDT

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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank our guests bowen yang, john oliver, will ferrell, rachel dratch. i want to thank tico torres and the 8g band. thanks for watching everybody. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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right now at 11:00. who will be the next mayor of san francisco tonight? the top candidates take the debate stage in front of a sold out crowd in the city. this was the first mayoral debate. a lot of issues here and a lot of problems. public safety, fentanyl, reviving downtown and homelessness. now the top five candidates faced off tonight, but this is just the first of many debates as we head toward the november election. nbc bay area's peter rados was there. current san francisco mayor london breed, former interim mayor mark farrell, levi strauss heir daniel lurie, and supervisors aaron peskin and asha safai taking the stage tonight before a sold out crowd at the sydney goldstein theater to make their case for becoming the next mayor of san francisco. these guys have one thing in
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common they want us to feel bad about san francisco. they want to take us backwards. we are in a tough spot right now, and we need a change of leadership in city hall. i've proven how accountable leadership can get big things done for our city now have a unifying vision and track record of bringing people together across political divides. i've demonstrated again and again the absolute independence to stand up to wealthy, special interests, each candidate explaining how they would reinvigorate downtown. just last month, end of april, i put forward legislation that would allow us to create a downtown public education district. we need certainty in our zoning so that businesses know what they're getting into, both small and large. i just passed legislation to make it more economical and easier to convert vacant offices to housing and address homelessness in the city. i believe that we can actually help the individuals living in tents because nobody's getting better
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living in tents at night between the street conditions, the health issues and the crime, we need more safe, dignified shelter. we need to double down on homeward bound. we need more mental health and drug treatment beds. they also talked about the city's handling of the current fentanyl crisis. this current administration's harm reduction approach to fentanyl is a failure. we are treating it like the meth and heroin issues of a decade plus ago. we have made over 3000 arrests, 858 are people have outstanding warrants. then attention turned to public safety, a top concern for many in the audience tonight. we need a fully staffed police department. we need a fully staffed sheriff's department. 911 dispatch office also needs to be fully staffed. i believe we need a new police chief. i believe we need to restore the budget of our police department inside of city hall. we are now one of the highest paid departments with retention bonuses. we are seeing more applications than we saw before the pandemic. as mayor, i will expand the community policing we
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have in district three to the rest of san francisco. i can get that done. the debate ending on a much lighter note, with moderators asking the candidates if they had to vote for another person on tonight's stage, who would it be? i probably would say either, mark farrell or aaron peskin. hands down, this man next to me, i'm focused on me. these guys up here have not been very nice to me, so i probably look at some of the other candidates in the book for some other people who might be running for mayor, too. politics is the business of collaborating and compromising, and i've done a lot of that with supervisor safai and some of that with mayor breed. and with tonight's debate in the books, voters won't have to wait too long for the next one. that's scheduled for june 17th at uc law in san francisco. pete serratos, nbc, bay area news. now, i want to remind you, this november, elections five months away, we're going to be tracking every race on air and online up until then, so you can find more
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information on our elections web page. point your smartphone camera at the qr code on your screen. we are following breaking news right now. in the east bay. you'll see a live shot here, a live picture. this is 880, all northbound lanes are stopped. this is northbound 880 at fremont boulevard. there is a multi-car deadly crash. this is right near the tesla factory. not sure of the number of cars involved or the extent of the injuries, but we do know it's a deadly crash. the chp says there is no estimated time of reopening, so if you can avoid 880 in the east bay in the fremont area northbound, because you see the backup here and it could be a while before traffic improves. right now, police in santa clara are investigating a suspicious device found in a residential neighborhood. video just into the newsroom shows a large police response in the area. we're talking monroe street between deborah drive and billings place. santa clara
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police say the device was reported just before eight this evening. police sent out a robot to investigate the device. at this point, we don't know what it is. that roadway is still closed right now. unclear when it will reopen. we knew this was coming, but tonight it is official. the oakland city council approved a plan to sell the city's stake in the oakland coliseum complex. the city will sell its 50% interest in the into the complex to the african american sports and entertainment group. price tag $105 million mayor shengtao says the sale will fill the city's budget shortfall while improving the area. as part of the deal, the group has agreed to turn the 112 acre property into a mixed use area, including affordable housing, retail and green space. however the a's own the other half of this coliseum complex. the new owners who just bought it are still negotiating with the a's to take over the whole
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stadium complex. all right, let's give you a live look at san jose tonight. the city now looking to divert millions of dollars slated for affordable housing to go toward the homeless. city council passed the budget last night, which the mayor is calling on. quote, all of the above approach. nbc bay area's jocelyn moran joins us now in the studio. what does that mean? all above approach? yeah, jess, it means they're not just focusing on one solution. this budget puts money into affordable housing, interim housing, by adding shelter capacity. and it invests in safe parking sites. we have a crisis, and this budget finally treats homelessness like the crisis that it is. san jose mayor matt mahan calling the city's budget a historic investment to reduce homelessness. he'd been pushing for the city to take measure e dollars and put them toward interim housing and create clean up. now, he says, this budget focuses on all of the above approach, adding that $40 million will go into new affordable housing and 27 million into cleaning the city's waterways and providing interim housing. we will add space for
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1200 additional people to come in from the streets and out of the creeks, on top of what the existing system would have already offered this year, he says, they'll be cleaning up encampments and requiring people to take advantage of the shelter they provide. we cannot have completely unmanaged, unsheltered encampments all over the city. this is not sustainable in east san jose. this is some of what you see tents, rvs and people's belongings by the sidewalks in issa ne ne. one resident telling us she's scared to go on walks with her dogs. santa clara county's most recent point in time count, which happened in 2023, showed that more than 6300 people were homeless in san jose. our shelters are full, you know, there continues to be a need. the organization home first provides shelter and services to those who are unhoused. they say investments into both interim and permanent housing are needed. continued dollars for interim housing that provides immediate relief and stability. but we can't take our
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foot off the gas for affordable housing. and mehan says this budget does that. as for the woman we spoke to in east san jose, she says she wants to see this actually put into action. she wants to see changes in her neighborhood. raj jocelyn, thank you. a potential way to boost the number of affordable homes in the south bay next month. san jose is expected to become the first city in the state to allow homeowners to sell their in-law units as condominiums. it's all part of a new ordinance that's set to take effect july 18th. it would allow property owners to buy and sell their accessory dwelling units or adus, separately from their primary homes, mayor matt mahan says the new option expands the affordable housing market in several communities. adus, as you might know aessory
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dwelling units or adus, separately from their primary homes, mayor matt mahan says the new option expands the affordable housing market in several communities. adus, as you might know, are growing in popularity, studies show. since last year, one in every five homes in california has an adu. some scary moments inside the pinole police department, a records clerk attacked all of it caught on camera. our audrey asistio joins us now with what happened. raj and jess. it's a senseless attack on a worker. it happened yesterday afternoon. thankfully the records clerk is expected to be okay. video shows it all starts with the suspect sitting patiently waiting. once he notices the counter is free, he approached the counter, rang the bell three times as she greeted him. within seconds, video shows the suspect grabbing the clerk by her arm. police say he pulls her towards him. there's a struggle. she manages to free herself. the suspect then hops over the counter and
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chases her inside. the police department. very scary. very traumatic for the employee. fortunately there were other employees in the building. that one helped her get into the administrative office area and secure the door there. two officers inside the department heard the commotion, quickly took the suspect into custody. he's identified as 65 year old chester victor from san pablo. as far as a motive, investigators are still looking into it, but they say he did tell officers that he wanted to start the conversation and prove that he's a man. commander matt avery says of the 25 years he's been with pinole police. no one has ever gotten into the inner part of the department by jumping the counter. obviously, we deal with people that are not having the best day or may have some animosity toward us, but nothing like this. the records clerk did suffer minor injuries and is seeking medical treatment. victor was booked into jail on several charges, including kidnaping, battery and
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assault. raj jess. audrey. thank you. new at 11 a man in milpitas who allegedly tried to burn down a mcdonald's is behind bars tonight. police say a witness saw 46 year old suspect throw a fiery device through the restaurant's glass window and then drive off. this happened just after 2 a.m. at the mcdonald's on ranch drive. again, this is in milpitas. officers tracked down the suspect about a half mile away. he's facing arson and vandalism charges. we're back in 60s ahead. complaints of bullying by a boss after his employees desk ended up on the roof. the internal investigation that many employees are calling a sham, and a special honor for one of the greatest athletes of all time from the bay area. a big night for tom brady. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. after hot weather and high fire danger this week, we are starting to see some pretty big changes. fog developing throughout the bay area, helping to cool temperatures and talk about a dramatic difference.
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look at this. gilroy yesterday 101 today 73 a 28 degree temperature drop. i've got more looks at how much cooler tomorrow, plus the travel trouble spots that could have
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i'm not gonna do anything flashy to announce... munchies under $4— the items you crave like tiny tacos or french toast sticks for less than four bucks! but i will do something explosive. [fireworks and car alarms] at jack, every bite's a big deal! welcome to jack in the box! this is a story that we exposed earlier this year about a school administrator who's accused of bullying his colleagues. tonight we obtain the results of an
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investigation by the antioch school district. we asked the district for more details, but officials refused our requests. now, since taxpayers are paying for that review, nbc bay area's candace nguyen got the answers anyway, and she joins us now. candace, in a letter, the school district's hr office says it determined the desk incident was a prank to, quote, lighten the mood and the supervisor, ken turnage, did not bully or humiliate his employee. that employee and another worker who, ironically, was in on the so-called prank, say that investigation was a sham. they didn't do an investigation. in a may 14th letter, antioch school's chief human resources officer robert martinez told maintenance worker jim kessler he investigated kessler's original complaint. kessler reported to hr that in january 2023, district facilities and
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maintenance director ken turnage harassed, bullied, intimidated and humiliated him. when turnage told several employees to move his desk onto a roof. the public display included a ladder with a sign that read kessler's access can rules by bullying and by intimidating people, and he was waiting for the opportunity to get back at me to send a message to everyone else while i wasn't there. kessler says he and turnage had been arguing about his job duties. this was retaliation, he says. but hr disagreed. hr determined turnage's motivation was to lighten the mood and make people laugh, and that he did not act with ill intent. and it was not a violation of either board policy or law. i disagree. did you find it funny, jim? nope. nope. kessler and three other employees tell nbc bay area they are not surprised by the
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findings. they also filed a bullying complaints against turnage. in our report last april, they said they believe turnage is getting special treatment from the district because he's close personal friends with superintendent stephanie anello and her husband , antioch's former police chief. the district, they say, turned a blind eye until nbc bay area started asking questions. eventually, at a public school board meeting after superintendent anello refused to answer our calls and emails. he is accused of putting one of his employees desks on a roof using district resources. what was your reaction to that? his letter to kessler says the district hired an outside law firm, dennis kelly, to review the district's process regarding the investigation that review found the investigation was correct. if every complaint gets denied, where do you go? where
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do you go? if you are an employee and you have a complaint that you're supposed to go to hr? we reached out to the law firm. they told us the issue is confidential. we contacted anello and her husband again. anello emailed us saying dennis woliver and kelly is a well respected firm that works with school districts throughout the state. she went on to say school employees have several administrative remedies. she did not comment on any specific allegation and speaking publicly for the first time, antioch unified welder tom sellers, who recently retired. he admits he gave the green light to this so-called desk prank. he was the chief union steward at the time and ended up getting disciplined by the union for his involvement. i apologize to jim. i told him i was sorry. why did you think that would be funny? and why did you think jim would find that funny? why did i think it was funny? boy, i sure don't think it was funny. now, i think the investigation was very narrow. i don't think enough
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people were interviewed. it's like a double standard. he's allowed to do what he wants and say what he wants. but if we were to do that, we'd be called on the carpet, disciplined or fired. superintendent anello has been on medical leave since our first report. hr director martinez is now acting superintendent and told us in a statement. while it may appear to some complaining parties that their complaints have not been effectively addressed, those employees are not made aware of any specific consequences or discipline which may be imposed on other employees. kessler says he's frustrated by this vagueness because he's asked for follow up information. i spoke to four different people in hr and each one says, well, we're not going to go backwards in time. let's just focus on this and if you want to file an official complaint, why would i file another official complaint? the biggest complaint, the most glaring one, is sitting right in front of you and it's denied. at a recent public meeting, school board members agreed to discuss
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a wider investigation into how the district handles employee concerns. another outside attorney from sacramento has been hired to investigate two other complaints against turnage. he's been placed on administrative leave during that process, which is standard with the investigative unit. i'm candice nguyen, nbc bay area news. candice, thank you. and we will continue to stay on this story. if you have a story tip for candice or anyone else in our investigative unit, we urge you to give us a call 888996 tips. or you can simply visit our website slash investigative. all right. let's turn things over to jeff and talk about the dramatic drop in temperatures. right? yeah, it was huge. gilroy, as we talked about, got down 28 degrees colder today. yeah, it was big and certainly much welcome to get some of those one hundreds out of here. as we started off tonight, we're taking a look here at the heat map and you'll see some of the hottest increases today were over texas in the central u.s. for us.
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we're in this purple to blue color. and that is some colder weather. we're down 16 degrees colder right now compared to this time yesterday, leaving us with a cool 60. and we're going to stay with this trend of numbers dropping a few more degrees because the area of low pressure that brought the heat, that's going to continue off towards the east. so the storm track moves closer and we'll get some fog back for the morning. let me show you more details on this, plus some travel trouble spots that could have you delayed tomorrow and your microclimate forecast. and here we go. tomorrow morning, 7:00, we have the fog of the coast and some low clouds now pushing through the inland valleys, some of that up for the north bay, and some patchy fog down towards morgan hill and gilroy. now, most of this should clear back by about 10:00 in the morning through a lot of the bay area, but notice that the beaches will hang on to that fog here as we head through tomorrow afternoon. but with that foggy breeze at our backs, it's going to start off chilly. you might. yes might actually need a jacket if you're up around five, 6 or 7:00 in the morning, we're going to start it off to 57 in the south bay. just
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kind of a big turn for us after that hot weather. 51 in the north bay in my forecast in the east bay right there at 55 now still going to be warm inland. but again, we're going down a couple more degrees. that will put us to 79 in cupertino. so look at this in gilroy again. my coldest inland location tomorrow with that foggy breeze moving in from the south, it will put you at 72 right here for the east bay, 81, concord 78, walnut creek and a cool 66. in oakland, 69 san mateo, palo alto 75 san francisco a chilly 59. in the marina and right here for the north bay, 75, in napa. okay. you have any traveling plans tomorrow? watch out. we had over 300 flights cancellations in south florida yesterday, today and today. and then as we head through tomorrow, more thunderstorms and heavy tropical rains moving in for some flooding rains next five days. an additional 2 to 6in. so any connecting flights or final destinations to florida could have some big travel issues tomorrow. right here on the
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7-day forecast. we'll get into some 70s this weekend in san francisco. and for us, we're at 87 saturday, 88 on sunday. no heat waves the next seven days. so i think we're we're coming into june with some with some nice weather on that forecast. we like that a lot. thank you jeff. up next a big honor for the goat the greatest of all time. we'll show you what happened to tom brady tonight. and we have jimmy. hey everyone camila cabello is here tonight to talk and perform. plus, we're talking to questlove about his new book, hip hop is history, and
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880, in fremont. this is right near the tesla factory. a deadly multi-car crash. at least one person has died. we're trying to get more information from the chp. this is a live look now
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from one of our traffic cameras right near that tesla factory. you can just see all those white lights coming towards you. that's the backup. it appears just about five minutes ago that one northbound lane did reopen. but it's going to take a while to get through this again. this is northbound 880 in fremont, right near the tesla factory. okay a big honor for tom brady tonight. the san mateo native was inducted into the new england patriots hall of fame during a special ceremony at gillette stadium. quarterback spent his first 20 seasons with the patriots, helped them win six super bowl championships. he retired last year with the tampa bay buccaneers. more than 100 former teammates, coaches, and patriots staff attended tonight's event. some of the high profile guests included peyton manning, rob gronkowski, and randy moss. i wonder why you weren't there. we were here working here. a basketball legend now has died. jerry west, who inspired the nba's logo after his likeness has passed away. the hall of fame point guard was an all-american at the university of west virginia before playing all of his 14
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seasons in the nba with the l.a. lakers. he stayed with that organization for nearly three more decades, famously as the general manager for the shaq and kobe era. jerry west also served as an advisor here in the bay area to the warriors for joe lacob and the team helping the warriors win the nba titles in 2015 and 2017 at chase center today, his picture on the big screen there at thrive city, jerry west was 86 years old. we're back in a moment.
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if they win the title, it will be their 18th title of all time. we have like a half a dozen here. they're on the verge of 18. no other team has done that. let's take it to dallas tonight. nba finals celtics and the mavericks. that's dallas star luka doncic arriving for duty.
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good. i don't know if that's behind him. the a hummer or a cybertruck. you like the suit that he's wearing? i like the suit. third quarter celtics were dominating. this is jaylen brown, the former cal star. one of the smartest guys in the nba. the sweet slam here he was on his high school chess team by the way. that's how smart he is. amazing celtics with a big lead. but the fourth quarter here come the mavericks. josh green with the three pointer. and dallas was making a serious run. cowboys legend emmitt smith was there. steve nash sitting next to him. things were looking good for the mavericks comeback until this a few minutes remaining in the game and luka fouled out. yup. the block right there. celtics kind of take over from there. celtics win it 106 to 99 boston has a commanding three zero series lead. they could win the title on friday night in dallas. all right. baseball today at china basin giants and astros. a beautiful day for baseball and a beautiful day to
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get married in that. they're very during the game or so it appears. we'll pick it up in the fourth inning here. bases loaded for the giants austin slater has been red hot. he's still smoking


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