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tv   Early Today  NBC  June 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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state of emergency in the sunshine state. the florida flooding not letting up this morning, with some spots getting up to a foot of rain.
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meteorologist angie lassman will tell us when the storm will finally let up. president biden on the world stage, rallying long-term support for ukraine at the g7 summit. we're live in italy. the supreme court rejects a bid to restrict access to the most commonly-used abortion pill in the country. but the fight for reproductive rights is far from over this morning, with another key case just on the horizon. a super charged payday. tesla shareholders approve a $56 billion package for elon musk, although that doesn't mean he's the world's richest man. and the oilers on thin ice as the florida panthers pounce out for their first stanley cup. we have the highlights as we skate into friday. "early today" starts right now. good morning. i'm frances rivera. much of south florida remains
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waterlogged this morning after a deluge d d dray deluge drenched the region. miami dade and four other counties remain under a state of emergency due to the catastrophic flooding across the state. the storm system creating a swath of travel nightmares. hundreds of flights are delayed or canceled, and the rising waters temporarily shutting down parts of i-95. parts of southern florida saw 10 to 20 inches of rain over the last two days, comparable to hurricane totals. the ground is saturated and vulnerable in an area that's already flood prone. and while residents work to dry things out, more rain is on the way. angie lassman is tracking the next round for us. what can they expect, angie? >> they can expect a little more of what they've already been dealing with over the past couple days. we know that they've received 10
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to even 20 inches of rain. not quite as much on the way. but still, we do have the rain in the forecast nonetheless, and the grounds are quite saturated. we're going to start to ramp things up into the later parts of the day. once again, the stationary front hangs out across the state. this is going to leave us with the same flood risk focussed across the southern tier of the state. that's where we're going to be watching for the greatest chance of that flooding. you see where the darker-shaded blue is, the slight risk for flash flooding will exist, miami stretching out to the west coast, including naples as well. by the time we get to saturday, another 2 to 4 inches on top of the already-impressive amounts we've received. the reason that we'll likely see flooding through the day today and tomorrow, frances. >> we'll chat with you in a bit. thank you, angie. the second day of the g7 summit is about to get under way in italy. president biden on the first day cementing american support for ukraine by signing a ten-year security agreement with president zelenskyy. mr. biden offering a message to
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russia's vladimir putin. >> you cannot wait us out. you cannot divide us. and we'll be with ukraine until they prevail in this war. >> for the latest, let's go live to claudio lavanga in italy. we understand that the president also made comments on a potential cease-fire in the gaza war. >> reporter: good morning, frances. that's right, president biden essentially said he does not expect a cease-fire deal on gaza to be reached in the near future, especially after neither hamas nor israel have yet embraced his latest proposal. take a listen. >> the biggest hangup so far is hamas refusing to sign on, even though they have submitted something similar. whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be seen. we're going to continue to push. >> reporter: now while no breakthrough on the war in gaza is expected to come out of the
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g7 summit, the first day of the summit, looked like very productive when it comes to the war in ukraine. now first of all, the g7 leaders approved biden's proposal to issue a $50 billion fund to ukraine up front that will be repaid in the future with the profit generated by the billions of dollars in russian frozen assets in the european union. and then, as you mentioned, president biden and the president of ukraine, zelenskyy, signed a bilateral security deal that will commit washington to provide military assistance to ukraine for the next ten years. well, now, biden said that that will help ukraine to defend itself and that their attacks in the future while president zelenskyy of ukraine says these pacts will be a bridge for ukraine's attempts to join nato in the future, frances? >> claudio, thank you. at that same press convince at the d 7, president biden was
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ag7, president biden was asked about his son hunter. he indicated he would not pardon hunter, adding he wouldn't commute his sentence either. the president expressed support for his son. >> i'm extremely proud of my son hunter. he has overcome an addiction. he's one of the brightest, most decent men i know. >> the younger biden's trial drew attention to his time as a crack cocaine addict. a sentencing date has not yet been set. former president trump returned to capitol hill on thursday, it's his first visit since the january 6 attack. the presumptive gop nominee gt g got a very warm welcome from his party. many top republicans have been critical of mr. trump since january 6, but that's not what we saw yesterday. >> reporter: that is for sure,
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dp frances. the clear message was one of party unity. the former president spoke himself, saying that he is with the party 1,000%. a source inside the closed door meeting says former president trump offered to do virtual town halls for members who are facing tough races and stressed that republicans should not attack one another. this was the first time since 2020 the former president met with top senate republican mitch mcconnell, who has criticized mr. trump sharply since january 6 but who recently endorsed him for office. how was to seeing the former president? >> we had a good meeting. >> reporter: what does it say that even mcconnell was in the room? >> yeah, we're republicans. at the end of the day we want to win elections. i mean, we're in politics. >> reporter: a source in the room tells nbc news that mr. trump brought up the host city
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for the republican national convention, calling milwaukee a horrible city. the trump campaign denied that reporting, saying mr. trump was referring specifically to violent crime and voter fraud. president biden responded by sharing this photo, saying, i happen to love milwaukee. donald trump will be sentenced in his hush money case four days before the convention begins next month. two sources tell nbc news, preparations are being made at mar-a-lago and in milwaukee, in case former president trump is not able to attend the convention in person. frances? >> wow, unprecedented, okay. thank you so much, alice. now to a major ruling from the supreme court. their first decision on reproductive rights since the overturning of roe versus wade. the justices deciding to maintain full access to a widely-used abortion medication. here's nbc's laura jarret. >> reporter: tonight, the u.s. supreme court diving back into the battle over reproductive
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rights, unanimously rejecting an effort to roll back kmoe most c drug. a group of anti-abortion advocates and doctors filed suit, saying the fda didn't do enough to evaluate the drug's safety risks. the biden administration pointing out it was approved by t the fda as safe and effective more than 20 years ago, the justices taking no position on all that, instead, finding the plaintiffs, who don't prescribe or use mifepristone, don't have the standing to sue. justice kavanaugh says they want to make mifepristone more difficult for others to obtain, but that does not establish
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standing. lawyers for those plaintiffs disappointed, but not deterred. >> we were hoping for a different ruling from the supreme court. and that means that we still have work to do. >> reporter: had the high court not stepped in, access to the pill would have been limited significantly. a possibility brought into even sharper focus now that the justices have eliminated the constitutional right to abortion, and southern states have mostly banned the procedure, prompting more women to turn to medication abortion they can receive in the mail. >> if the court had restricted mifepristone back to the early days of approval, where you needed to go in person, that would have been a disaster. >> reporter: this, as democrats try to leverage the current landscape ahead of the november election. forcing a vote to protect in-vitro fertilization. senator tammy duckworth had two kirn w children with the help of ivf.
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>> every woman deserves to be called mama without being called a criminal. >> reporter: just two republicans voting in favor of the the bill. alabama caused an uproar, causing ivf clinics to temporarily shut downou out of fear of lawsuits. many say they support ivf but saying that a bill to protect it is overkill. >> there is no state in the united states of america that prohibits a woman from growing her family through ivf. >> reporter: the court is still not done, with one more opinion having to do with a conflict potentially between federal law that requires life-saving abortion and a law in idaho with is a near total ban on the procedure. out west, scorching temperatures and strong winds are fueling a destructive wildfire north of phoenix. it's devoured more than 166
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acres and is still 0% contained. at least six homes have been destroyed and many residents were forced to evacuate. the blaze was sparked wednesday outside of the town of wickenburg, arizona. the fire, officials say, was human caused and is under investigation. let's check in with angie lassman. what more can we expect this weekend? >> hi, frances. happy friday. this weekend, as we roll through your saturday and sunday, it's going to be hot in a couple places across the country. today we have the southwest ending up into the triple digits once again for places like phoenix. shreveport into the mid-90s, and even tallahassee going to see temperatures well into the 90s as we get into tomorrow. hot and humid across this region, but we really turn up the heat into parts of the east next week. take a look at cincinnati monday and tuesday. high 90s. detroit 96 monday. something to watch with these
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temperatures really surging. we'll have the potential for strong storms stretched across the northeast with 31 million people at risk d thunderstorms f philadelphia and boston this afternoon. and that's a look at your forecast, frances, back to you u >> thank you, angie. coming up, the massive payout tesla shareholders just gave elon musk. plus apple, and a.i. ghtweig, the right ingredients make all the difference. new herbal essences sulfate free is now packed with plant-based ingredients your hair will love. like pure aloe. and camellia flower oil. and none of the things it won't. hair feels deeply nourished,
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soft and lightweight. plant power you can feel. new herbal essences sulfate free. when you over do it... undo it, with the pepto that's right for you. ♪ pepto has berry fast melts ♪ ♪ cherry chewables ♪ ♪ liquicaps ♪ ♪ that make relief easy. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ pepto bismol. ♪ pick your pepto. dad i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. moat the... library.s right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. apple is cashing in on the a.i. boom, but first, the world's richest man, elon musk, could be on the road to a massive payday, courtesy of tesla shareholders.
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cnbc's arabile gumede is here to break it all down for us. good morning, arabile. >> yeah, good morning, frances. let's get to that elon musk pay package. $56 billion u.s. that's how much shareholders are willing to, you know, part ways with, to say well, that's the amount that was agreed back in 2018. that's the amount that elon musk should get. let's remember that with regard to this pay package, a court said that this pay package should not be given to elon musk because it was unfair, didn't make sense at the time, then they decided we're just going to hold a second vote anyway. the second vote has gone the way of elon musk and he's set to receive that $56 billion. but there is a high possibility that it's going to go to court again. the same judge could then say okay, you've chosen to really take this on. now you can have it your way, or it can say no, this is still incorrect. and perhaps not let it happen. so there's still a few
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contentious issues. but just imagine you've just seen ukraine get $50 billion, actually, from the world and the g7 meeting. $50 billion to a whole country, elon musk is going to get that and a little bit more on his own. on the other side, apple reaching that number one spot when it comes to its valuation. so pausing microsoft ever so slightly. it's the $3 trillion club. this is bound to change over some time. it's all because after that a.i. announcement by apple, investors are a little bit more impressed. the proof of the pudding isn't all in the eating, and you might want to take a bite out of apple to get right with that. >> arabile, thanks for the breakdown. up next, the panthers skating, you know, on their way, one step closer to a stanley cup sweep. and will emotis onrun high at the box office? the big expectations for inside-out 2. ng with hair damag? just like i was.
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rieilly is officially a teenager now. >> overreact much? >> i barely touched it. >> let the professional handle this. >> i'm too gross to go anywhere ever again! >> well, that's a preview of the next ten years. >> yep, it is time to get in touch with your emotions, teen version. this time inside-out 2 hits theaters today, the sequel to pixar's 2015 smash hit features the joy of the teenager years. the sequel is expected to rake in $90 million over the opening weekend. we why just taere just talking . you can totally relate to it, and even more so the emotions. >> everybody can relate, especially the teenage years are so hard. and emotions are running high on the hardwood and the ice
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this weekend, too. with two critical game fours. the mavs will try to avoid the celtics' sweep tonight and the oilers will do the same tomorrow after falling to the panthers in game three last night. florida struck fast with a flurry of goals and the oilers almost clawed back. >> up high, they score. >> that was as close as edmonton would get. panthers' defense held them off to win it 4-3. florida now just a game away from the franchise's first stand stanley cup. i used to live in florida. i'm cheering them on. testify tough to be an edmonton fan. and new heights with a world record. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time ♪♪
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our cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away, ♪♪ and it has a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. so, you can clean your home, faster than ever. ♪♪ don't mop harder, mop smarter, with the swiffer powermop. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive. new herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant based ingredients your hair will love and none of the stuff it won't. our sulfate free collections smell incredible and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. new herbal essences. (♪♪) is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better.
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schwarzkopf. what story will you tell? wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber. here's what's making headlines this friday morning.
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the dispute between florida governor desantis appointees and disney has ended with an agreement for an investment deal to invest up to $17 billion in disney world. jimmy fallon has extended his deal with our parent company to continue hosting the "tonight show" through 2028. and a great dane from iowa is officially the tallest dog in the world at 3 feet 2 inches tall and 7 feet tall when he's on his hind legs. ingredients make all the difference. new herbal essences sulfate free is now packed with plant-based ingredients your hair will love. like pure aloe. and camellia flower oil. and none of the things it won't. hair feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. plant power you can feel. new herbal essences sulfate free. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief?
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r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice, and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. we are back now with how hollywood star amanda seifried is giving back to her pennsylvania hometown, helping
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kids in school with a way to calm their minds. maya eaglin has the story. >> reporter: actor amanda seifried may be known for hollywood blockbusters like "mean girls", but now she's on a mission to give back to leher hometown of allentown, pennsylvania by bringing mindfulness to schools in a unique way. >> we all grow up kind of in these cardboard boxes and making them whatever we want. >> reporter: amanda's one of the co-creators of make it cute. and their cardboard playhouses make a safe place for school children. >> it's theirs and they have their autonomy, and hopefully that makes them feel safe to be able to explore their own feelings and then communicate. >> reporter: sigh eifried and t other creators grew up together. >> it was just such a special
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day. >> reporter: now with the help of a donation from a local state farm office and the mindful child initiative, make it cute has been able to place these may houses in 14 allentown schools, transforming them into calming cottages. the students at central elementary school finding comfort within these cardboard cottages. school counselor erin rogers says they have become a key tool for kids to manage stress and control emotion. >> students have told me before that they feel themselves starting to get angry, they have stopped and thought about it and thought, how am i feeling, what can i do to calm myself down right now? >> go in, relax, take a deep breath. do do mindfulness. play with the teddy bears. >> reporter: one study found that schools that incorporate mindfulness saw a decrease in student anxiety and attention problems. and in allentown, mindfulness has even had an impact outside
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of school. >> there was a shooting at our local mall a few years ago. one of the kids and their family was brought into the store like in the back room, and she came in and told her counselor i used mindfulness during the lockdown of the shooting. >> reporter: why do you think mindfulness is important for children to practice? >> mindfulness is pulling yourself back in to what's real. we teach our kids these things at an earlier age, hopefully they're being taught how to manage their anxiety. we can teach your kids anything. it's how to feel safe in themselves. >> reporter: maya eaglin, nbc news. >> what a way to make a difference for those kids an my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. and i realized, my memory was just changing. i did my own research and i decided to give prevagen a try.
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my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. it's a life-changer. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. florida bracing for even more downpours. millions remain under a flood watch this morning as the miami area


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