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tv   Today  NBC  June 14, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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takes place in los gatos. it's being hosted by microsoft chief technology officer kevin scott and bay area political organizer stacey mason. the first lady will then be off to reno for another fundraiser. the today show is just ahead, but we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms with our 8 a.m. newscast. it includes a progress report on the bay area's newest sports team, bay fc, and how they're already having a huge impact in soccer circles. join us online at or smartphone app or wherever you stream. and that's what's happening today into on today in the bay. can we just do happy father's day advance good friday morning. we are tracking extreme weather all across the country. >> and the impact it could have on your father's day weekend. it's june 14th. this is "today."
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florida being hit with even more rain this morning, already under a state of emergency from historic flooding. >> do you need a ride? >> tens of millions in the path of severe storms today from the rockies all the way to new england. while out west triple digit heat and high winds are fuelling dangerous wild fires. al has your full forecast. pressure on putin. president biden on the world stage sending a strong message to russia's president. >> you cannot divide us. we will be with ukraine until they prevail at the war. >> donald trump on capitol hill for the first time since the january 6th attacks, pushing unity in the republican party with some of his one-time critics by his side. >> i'm with him 1,000%. he's there with me 1,000%. >> what does it all mean for the 2024 race? we have the very latest. unanimous decision. the supreme court refusing to limit access to the most commonly used abortion pill in the nation. the battle over reproductive
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rights and the major cases the justices still could rule on as early as today. ready for takeoff. airports and airlines bracing for a record setting travel season, perhaps the busiest ever. but it could be bumpy with weather woes and more trouble for boeing. the plane maker under fire with some of its popular jets. what you need to know. trooping the color. taking on a different feel this year amid health battles for king charles and princess kate. a live report from london straight ahead. those stories, plus diving in. the u.s. olympic team trials set to get underway with swimming in an unexpected place, a massive football stadium. >> it's something i have never seen in my entire life. >> we're there live with the opening ceremony in paris just weeks away. and road trip. >> hey, jump in, boys. jump in.
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>> our favorite father's day tradition. the dads of today getting together for food, fun and a slice of guy talk. >> the best part of father's day i'm looking forward to this day is that i'm a grand dad. >> as we celebrate dads, grand dads and father figures everywhere, today, friday, june 14th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and a good friday morning to you. welcome for joining -- welcome to today. thanks for joining us. >> it is today. >> i'm getting this father's day weekend off. >> craig melvin here alongside laura jarett. >> very nice. thanks for having me on.
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looking forward to this father's day shoot. i want to see the behind the scenes. >> we don't show the behind the scenes. but carson daley did a great job navigating that massive car through the streets of brooklyn, first of all. but we did it every year, have a little food, a little drink. >> he was actually driving. >> oh, he was driving. >> we will start with the news everyone is talking about around the country, that severe weather, triple threat starting with relentless rain around the country. the floods already causing a travel nightmare with more rain on the way today. >> yeah. meantime, out in arizona, crews are battling a fast-moving wild fire right now. high winds and brutally hot temperatures fuelling the flames. and those high temps are on the move. much of the country next week will be a scorcher. look at that. >> we have it all covered for you.
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mr. roker is standing by with your full forecast for today and the weekend. but we will start in a soaked north miami with nba's marissa parra. >> reporter: good morning. yet another morning of neighbors waking up to exactly this. feet of water having to weave through the cars that are abandoned in the middle of the street. as we are expecting more rain in the forecast, remember, this has already turned deadly. we saw this turn deadly after a vehicle lost control on those wet roads. as we are expecting more rain on the way, officials warning everyone, this could all turn very deadly very quickly. south florida is already soaked and bracing for even more rain in the days ahead. >> you need a ride? >> reporter: entire neighborhoods underwater leaving families stranded and in need of rescue as flood waters threatens millions. >> slow! slow!
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>> reporter: the dangerous deluge leaving homes devastated. over here, this line is how high the water was yesterday. >> exactly. >> reporter: and rendering countless cars undrivable. >> looked like the beginning to a zombie movie. >> reporter: officials warning conditions could get worse before they get better. >> we are anticipating some of the flooding will not have much time to recede before the rain starts again. >> reporter: florida caught by surprise. >> this has been the worst in like 20 years. we've been here for 20 years, and we've never seen this. and we have been through a hurricane. >> reporter: overnight storms and a possible tornado destroying houses and toppling structures in missouri, snapping entire houses and tree branches. a fast-moving wild fire destroying six homes and forcing residents to flee. >> we walked out and saw big plumes of smoke, and we decided to head for the hills. >> reporter: crews attacking the
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rose fire from the air as high winds and triple digit temperatures fuel the flames. and those high temperatures that have been scorching for days headed to the northeast. officials warning the feels like temperature could exceed 100 degrees. back in south florida, residents bracing for more rain in the forecast in a region unable to take much more. so you can see behind me some people still trying to get around through these feet of rain. some places in south florida have seen roughly 20 inches of rain. those are close to what we see after a hurricane after here sometimes. and, so, it is roughly zero tolerance for more rain when it comes to the possibility of flooding around here. hearing there might be more rain on the way is the last thing anyone around here wants to hear, craig. >> so much rain so fast.
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marissa, thank you. al is tracking all this extreme weather. how is it looking this weekend? >> depending on where you are, it will either be great or you will have real struggles. we look down to florida. 7 million people down to flood watches. with all this rain coming in, it is not going to take much to cause big problems. so we have a moderate risk of flash flooding from miami down to the keys. but much of central florida at risk as well as we are going to be looking at another 3 to 5 inches of rain down to the south. but 1 to 3 inches in the central parts of florida, so that will be a problem. heat a big issue coast to coast. new york city almost near 90 today. 96 atlanta. phoenix 108. salt lake 95. more of the same tomorrow with triple digits from vegas, due san, tallahassee. and with dry, warm air and low humidity, we've got fire weather watches, red flag warnings all the way into the southwest from california. and here is this dangerous heat zone.
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heat zone making its way from the mid-section. widespread record highs from chicago in the 90s, st. louis, cleveland into the mid-90s, new york into the low 90s. with heat indexes, those will be into the triple digits. the national weather service issuing a new graphic to talk about heat risk. 119 million people in the orange. 49 million people for a major risk of heat risk in much of the country. 55 million in purple. the purple is the most dangerous. a long duration event for heat that could be deadly. the red a major heat related health risk. and that means heat stroke, heat exhaustion. so we've got real danger here stretching from kansas all the way to the northeast and new england, guys. >> okay. we'll come back to you in a few minutes, buddy. thank you. also this morning president biden is meeting with more world leaders at the g7 summit in italy after an opening day that
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saw the president make a major commitment to the war torn country of ukraine. gabe gutierrez joins us with the latest from italy. good morning. >> reporter: hey there, craig. good morning. this is the first time a pontiff ever joined the g7. pope francis hoping to have a private meeting with president biden, a devout catholic. president biden beginning high stakes and historic meetings at the g7 after announcing new support and agreements for ukraine. >> we will say it again. yes, again and again and again. we're going to stand with ukraine. >> reporter: later today the president meeting with pope francis, who is expected to join world leaders to discuss concern over about official intelligence. the pope hosted a gatherings of 100 comedians and actors at the vatican, telling the group in the midst of so much gloomy news, you have the power to spread peace and smiles. meanwhile, the g7 summit in italy already trying to send a strong message to russian
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president vladimir putin. >> you cannot divide us. we will be with ukraine until they prevail in this war. >> reporter: president biden announcing several wars to support ukraine. a 10-year security agreement committing the u.s. to equip and train ukraine's military. a $50 billion loan and expanded sanctions against banks who do business with russia. >> we have signed the strongest agreement within ukraine and u.s. since our independence. >> reporter: president biden also addressing his son's felony conviction on camera for the first time. >> i'm extremely proud of my son, hunter. he has overcome an addiction. he's one of the greatest, most decent men i know. >> reporter: a jury found hunter
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biden guilty for lying about his drug use on a background check to buy a gun. the president had previously said he would not pardon his son. but now he's also ruling out a commutation, which could be reduced a prison sentence without expunging his record. after he wraps up the g7 summit here in italy later today, president biden will hop on a flight to l.a. where this weekend he will join a star studded fundraiser with george clooney, julia roberts and >> let's talk about the war for a moment here, gabe, because the cease-fire negotiations between israel and gaza remain a major priority for the president. where do those negotiations stand now? >> reporter: yeah, craig. the president is blaming hamas for the failure of cease-fire talks so far. he said yesterday he is not confident a deal will happen soon, but that he hasn't lost hope that the u.s. will continue to push, craig. >> all right.
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craig gutierrez traveling with the president there in italy. thank you. president biden's overseas trip is happening in the thick of the 2024 campaign season, and yesterday donald trump made his first trip to the capitol since the january 6th attack, meeting with fellow republicans there. nbc's senior washington correspondent hallie jackson has that story for us. >> reporter: good morning to you. mr. trump is looking for political flex ahead of the first debate and gop convention in a matter of weeks. now even some republicans who have distanced themselves from mr. trump after january 6th are making appearances. seems to be a sign that's what left of the party accomplishment is coming around to the reality of mr. trump's grip on the gop. >> great meeting. there is tremendous unity in the republican party. >> reporter: a show of political force as former president trump rallies republican leaders around him. >> i'm with them 1,000%. they're with me 1,000%. we agree just about on everything. >> reporter: but in the shadow of the capitol, the specter of the january 6th attack looming
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large in mr. trump's first visit to the hill since then. outside one stop, protesters holding a sign reading, failed coup. two republicans who voted to impeach mr. trump for inciting the insurrection, susan collins and lisa murkowski, no shows at the senate meeting citing conflicts. mitt romney and mitch mcconnell, who until thursday, hadn't spoke with mr. trump since his 2020 loss and previously described the former president as morally responsible for the attack. now a thaw. >> senator, how was it seeing the former president? >> we had a good meeting. >> reporter: mr. trump aired his grievances on everything from former house speaker nancy pelosi to the justice department, according to those in the room. the former president also given an early birthday cake. [ applause ] >> reporter: and multiple sources say mr. trump on
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abortion access acknowledged the issue had cost republicans. expressing support for policies that include exceptions, even as some conservative states this is an nbc news special report. here's craig melvin. >> and a good friday morning to you, and we are coming on the air with breaking news from the supreme court that could impact gun laws nationwide. the high court has just ruled on a ban on so-called bump stock devices. those are the gadgets that attached to semiautomatic firearms and allow them to fire faster without more pulls on the trigger. the ban as you might recall was imposed by the trump administration after the 2017 mass shooting in las vegas when that shooter used bump stocks to
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kill 58 people and injure 500 more in an outdoor concert. the issue was whether using a bump stock accessory whether converts the weapon into machine gun. machine guns have strict regulations throughout the country. there is a lot to unpack, and we will bring in our senior correspondent laura jarrett, and our chief white house correspondent peter alexander and talk about theer legal implications as well. it was split along political lines. >> yes, it is interesting rule here. it was the biden administration and the biden justice administration defending a rule under the trump administration and as you mentioned in the
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vegas mass shooting, and the most deadly in modern history, and the accessory that makes it easier to fire does not meet the definition of machine gun, and that does not mean it could not be passing a law for the bureau ofer alcohol, tobacco and firearm, and so they will be able to use bump stocks from now on. >> and now it seems they were argued over the contraption itself, and the confusion over how the bump stock work and whether it constituteder machine gun. >> and justice clarence thomas did not think it did, and so we are working through the dissent, and it went through the lower court, and they felt that exceeded definition, and the supreme court is affirming the lower court ruling and not
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disturbing the status quo who had put the ruling under the trump administration on hold. we should mention, this is not the only decision on guns from the high court, and they have more to say here whether it relates to whether someone who has a protection order or restraining order from domestic violence can own a firearm, but that big decision after a monumental decision saying that people could arm themselves in public and this is another time that the court is weighing in on an important hot button issue. >> i will say quickly this is a important point of where the biden administration will try to capitalize on, and president biden spoke to a big gun group who are pursuing gun restrictions have made the case that if he is re-elected he will try to pursue a assault weapons ban, and if trump is re-elected he will try to expand it.
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>> thank you, laura jarrett and peter alexander. and so the atf cannot include bump stocks that. is important news, and we will for more supreme court decisions. checking with mr. roker again with the forecast. >> two big areas, strong storms in the rockies and severe weathe >> well, i mean, look, he is the choice of our voters overwhelmingly. it shows he is absolutely the leader of the party. >> reporter: allies applauding the visit. >> we'll get to your forecast in the next 30 seconds. ats! thank you! i love you! wha... i-i went to ever heard of it? girl 2: yeah, i told you about that. ( ♪♪ )
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that's your latest weather that's your latest weather. how did we get the blue memo and not even know it. >> we didn't coordinate. we did not even coordinate. still ahead, new problems for boeing. new concerns for passengers is what could be the busiest travel
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season ever heats up. tom costello is following that for us. hey, tom. >> reporter: okay. so you have got the plans for the summer. you have the planes booked. you're packing for thinking about how you will pack the kids. but are you ready for this? we have millions of people flying every single day. and now today new problems with new boeing aircraft. we're going to get into all of that coming up a little bit. guys? >> tom, we know you're on top of that. plus, the royals and royal fans getting ready for trooping the color. how will the family's health battles impact this event. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. ent. first, this is "toda palace, y"
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still ahead here, a yearly tradition we love. craig, al, carson and willy getting together for father's day. >> i don't know that they should have chosen this. this isn't exactly an ode to fatherhood. >> it was a great time, a great conversation.
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nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. with 30 grams of protein. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at morning to you. it is 726 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories. first lady doctor jill biden will attend a south bay fundraiser later today. she arrived at moffett field in mountain view last night after departing from
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minnesota. that's where she spoke at a campaign event. today's fundraiser is in los gatos. it's being hosted by microsoft chief technology officer kevin scott and bay area political organizer stacey mason. the first lady will then be off to reno for another fundraiser. i'm bob redell, the us attorney for the northern district of california, along with the dea and the fbi, have announced that they have recently, quote, ramped up nighttime operations in the tenderloin neighborhood of san francisco, going after a drug dealers. and so far, they say they have seized more than 5 pounds of meth, 11 pounds of fentanyl, more than $20,000 in cash, and issued more than 20 federal criminal complaints. you might recall, last november, the federal government announced a, quote, all hands on deck approach by putting a special focus and more resources into cracking down on the drug crimes, which have obviously been a problem in that part of the city. let's get a look at the forecast for this friday.
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cinthia pimentel is in for kerry. well, it's sweater weather to start the day, laura and everyone. and i'll tell you why you might need it over the next couple of days. checking out at san francisco. it's going to be breezy today but gusting over the weekend. and that will continue for father's day. the plans with dad might want to reconsider. it also carries through into parts of our early workweek next week we'll have more details coming up in our midday newscast. sounds good? and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. it includes a progress report on the bay area's newest sports team, bay fc, and the impact soccer circles. joinn certain u
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♪ we are back. it's 7:30 with one of taylor swift's earth shattering
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concerts in scotland over the weekend. no hyperbole here. her shows have actually produced seismic activity. last night during the 100th concert, she had big news. we will talk about that. meanwhile, peter alexander joins us. 100th also watching upstairs and saw us wearing blue and decided to get in on it. >> i was going to say, it looks like we'll be selling ice cream on the corner. it will be a hot one out there. >> happy to see you a day early. we have a lot to get to in this half hour, starting with new fall-out for boeing, already facing intense scrutiny from the faa and the ntsb. the company is now dealing with a production issue on some of its popular dream line jets. >> this comes at the start of a travel season already setting
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records with no signs of slowing down. and nbc's tom costello is joining us now from reagan national airport. tom, good morning. >> reporter: we have a lot happening. first of all, both the airlines and the tsa forecasting the most ever travelers through check points and on aircraft this summer. we have 2.9 million people on sunday, the second most compared to what we had on a friday before memorial day. so the surge is on. we have also got multiple new issues involving boeing. and there is the x factor if you are traveling this summer, mother nature. june 14th, and already the air travel gremlin is disrupting summer vacation plans. the airlines predict 6% more travelers this summer than last, with severe weather the big wild card. >> i just got off, and they had
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nothing available on this saturday. >> reporter: all of the major airlines have their own meteorologists who forecast and route pilots around bad weather. >> so in this area there have been various reports of turbulence, and we report that to our folks. >> reporter: florida, air traffic into the sunshine state has dramatically increased. but the state is squeezed between military air space over the atlantic and gulf of mexico. the fae chief on capitol hill thursday. >> it is a very narrow strip of land and a lot of thunderstorms. >> reporter: also affecting summer air travel, fewer flights as airlines counting on new boeing planes are still waiting, forced to trim their schedules. boeing remains under faa and fbi investigation, following the door plug blow-out in january that revealed serious quality control lapses.
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now boeing confirms a new problem with its 787 dream liner. hundreds of fasteners appear to have been overtightened and cur installed incorrectly. boeing says the affected planes have not yet been delivered to airlines, and it's taking the time necessary to ensure all planes meet its delivery standards prior to delivery. >> the question is, what can you do to change this culture? >> reporter: faa chief whitaker announcing the faa's tough new oversight of boeing is now permanent. for now aircraft production capped as boeing works through an improvement plan. >> there must be a fundamental shift in the company's safety culture. >> can the american public be
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confident that the planes are flying in and the air space is safe right now? >> it is safe. we're working hard to make sure it stays that way. >> tom, this all comes as boeing is facing yet another safety investigation? >> reporter: yeah. so this is breaking this morning, peter. a report that last month a southwest airlines plane flying from phoenix up to oakland suddenly started experiences what's called a dutch roll, uncontrolled movements from side to side like that, when the plane is jawing back and forth. they subsequently discovered that a power control unit that controls the rudder on the back of the plane, it was damaged. now the faa is looking into how did this happen? is it a bigger problem with the 737 max 8? and now we have another problem just breaking as we're on the air this morning, you guys. that is that the faa is investigating whether fake titanium parts made their way into both boeing and airbus planes and whether a provider, a third party distributor faked paperwork on the titanium quality of it and where it originated and how it made its way into the supply chain. so multiple issues breaking this morning. >> we will keep a close eye on it. tom costello, thank you. >> that's potentially quite troubling there. >> yes.
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>> coming up, well, you have been casting your votes all week. this morning we're going to do it. we're ready, to reveal the winner of our top tv dad's bracket challenge. >> oh, wow. i want that. but, first, an inside look at the final preparations for a beloved royal tradition. tomorrow's trooping the colour to mark the monarch's official birthday. during a year of health challenges for the family, who will attend? we're live at buckingham palace right after this. caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis.
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may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪ since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. we are back now at 7:39, looking ahead to one of the most popular events on the royal calendar. >> trooping the colour. >> nbc's megan fitzgerald joins us now from buckingham palace. good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning to you. look, the excitement is building here ahead of the king's official celebration. the palace hasn't said whether or not we would see princess
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kate on the balcony. in less than 24 hours, people will want to get a glimpse of the pomp and circumstance that only the brits can do. this morning the scene is set and preparations already in place ahead of king charles' highly anticipated birthday parade saturday, known as the traditional trooping the colour. but the big question is will we see princess kate. >> everyone is going to be watching this balcony. i think it is unlikely we will see the princess of wales. we know she's not returning to work any time soon. >> reporter: it will be a stark contrast from last year this time when the princess, decked out in green, rode on a horse drawn carriage during the big display of pomp and pageantry and waived to the crowd. but last weekend, the princess apologizing for missing the rehearsal to the event, sending a letter that read in part, i wanted to write to you to let
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you know how proud i am of the entire regimen. going on to say, i do hope that i am able to represent you all once again very soon. the message sent in the midst of her ongoing preventive cancer treatment. the princess has not been seen publicly since march, after revealing her diagnosis to the world. king charles, who is also undergoing treatment for cancer, usually inspecting his troops on horse back. this year he will be in a carriage alongside camilla. in their absence, it's been prince william, who has been stepping up, standing in for his father in france last week for the anniversary of d-day and reassuring the public about his wife's health. wife's health. >> she would love to be here today. >> you are seeing the king and princess of wales checked in
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that positive image. >> reporter: despite the uncertainties this year, a supportive nation hoping we'll once genesee the family together with the royal children, especially prince louie, stealing the show. princess kate's troops responded to her letter. they took to social media to say they are deeply touched, and they are wishing her the best. >> of course wishing her the best. thanks, megan. we will have more from this year's trooping the colour. >> saturday today, my second favorite show. >> you do text during that show. >> i do. i do. >> i'm here right now. mr. roker, also a "saturday today" alum. >> not really. actually i was both, saturday and sunday. and a fan of the show. >> kind of you. >> first-time caller, long-time fan. anyway, we are looking at strong storms starting to fire up. in fact, we have the risk of severe weather in the rockies and mid-atlantic and the northeast. 31 million people at risk, mostly for wind gusts, damaging hail. can't rule out tornados from maine to washington, d.c. look for strong storms this afternoon. i95 flights and roadways going
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to be a big problem, so we will be watching that. not a lot of rain with this, but it is going to be a real wind maker, so we will be watching that very closely. we have a couple areas we're watching in the atlantic and the gulf. that's going to be something that develops off the southeast coast and moves away. what we're watching is this area in the gulf. it will bring a lot of heavy rain from corpus christi all the way close to new orleans as well.
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weather. guys? >> all right, mr. roker. just ahead, a big event on the road to paris with just six weeks to go from today. the u.s. olympic swim trials are this weekend. and jesse kirsch right for us there in indianapolis. >> reporter: we're inside an nfl stadium taken over by the red, white and blue. we go behind the scenes. >> looking forward to that. we'll do that and the morning boost right after this. to quit the kibble and feed their dogs
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fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ (♪♪) woman 1: hmm hmm! skateboarder: ahh! commuter: yeah! man 1: ahh! man 2: yup! man 4: whoo! woman 2: ahh! girl: ahh! woman 3: ha ha! ♪ i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema,
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and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪
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what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin.
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new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? centrum, powered by clinically maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. oh, they're playing our song. we're back with our countdown to
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the paris olympics, as you can see from our plaza eiffel tower. carson daley, opening ceremony 42 days away. >> that's six short weeks from today. guys, big event on the road to paris is unfolding this weekend. that's the u.s. olympic trials. competing for a coveted spot on team usa. it is being held inside lucas oil stadium, home of the indianapolis colts. that is where we find jesse kirsch. >> reporter: good morning. this morning, it's the starting blocks ahead of the u.s. olympic blocks ahead of the u.s. olympic swim trials. roughly 1,000 athletes converging on indy, hoping to make an olympic-sized splash. this morning the road to paris cuts through indianapolis. swimming superstars katie ledecky headlining the u.s. olympic swim trials, across nine straight days of competition, roughly 1,000 american swimmers
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will fight for about 50 spots. >> there is no other shot but this shot to make the team. you have got to perform at trials. >> reporter: 2020 olympic games delayed by covid had no fans. so this weekend's event marks a roaring return, complete with a replica eiffel tower. the stadium transforming from an nfl venue to an aquatic center. >> i think we're about the 30 yard line. >> reporter: this is a first for the organization, with room for 30,000 fans. so we are behind the scenes where ferguson says 1.8 million gallons of water continuous recycle in and out of the competition and warmup pools above. what is it like to be here? >> it is a swimming pool in a football stadium. it is something i have never seen in my entire life. >> reporter: but three-time olympic gold medalist says the biggest story here is katie ledecky. >> i love watching her. >> reporter: the seven-time gold
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medalist sitting down with stephanie gosk. >> yeah. the message i would like to send to young girls in sport is to dream big and don't be afraid to set really big goals for goals yourself. >> reporter: caeleb dressel is also eyeing the olympics. this time as a dad. >> it's definitely been some changes. diaper changes and actual life changes. but it's all been very fulfilling. >> reporter: now all of the swimmers hoping for a shot at olympic glory. >> there is no such thing as a past olympian and former olympian. once you make a team, that lasts for a lifetime. >> reporter: we'll find out who is making the teal when they compete in these waters starting tomorrow. on the women's side, gretchen walsh had a major college season. on the men's side, thomas heilman broke an american boys record previously held by
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michael phelps, guys. lots to see here. >> that is so good. i would love to see a high-speed transformation. >> jesse, is that pool heated? >> reporter: let me do another check for you. i'm ready to jump in. they're trying to find me a swim cap, al. >> you could borrow craig's speedo. >> still ahead for you, can't wait to see what happened during this dad's shoot. >> i don't own a speedo. ♪ live in color, we're living in color yeah ♪ (♪♪) bring color to life with the very best paint, only at sherwin-williams. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) are you crying? no. there's no crying in baseball! or with the capital one venture card because it lets you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase every day. and you can use those miles on any travel purchase. what's in your wallet? i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear.
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rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. (katie) check it outtttt... (gina) nice! blue buffalo, huh? we have nutrish... (katie) well blue's got deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, oatmeal... (gina) nutrish has chicken, soybean meal, whole corn, whole grain wheat... hmmm... (gina) okay bud, we'll switch to blue! (ethan) i smoked and have had multiple strokes. now, it's hard for me to remember things. my tip is, if you need to remember something, write it down quickly. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. centrum! it's scientifically formulated
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to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? two bars in one pack? or two cravings packed into one bar? (dad) sweet. (daughter) and salty! (vo) nature valley sweet & salty bars, in delicious flavors like dark chocolate, peanut, and almond. and i'm ginger conejero saab happening now. here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm kris sanchez at stanford, where if you are planning to attend the main commencement ceremony on sunday, you will have to have a ticket and only eligible graduates can request those tickets for their friends and
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family. anyone over the age of 16 will have to show some form of id, and all items will be subject to search. this following is the occupation and defacing of the president's office and building in that it's in. 13 people were arrested and those people will not be eligible to attend commencement. let's get a look at our forecast with cinthia pimentel nice day ahead. yeah. nice day we saw there from kris live shot. the sun is starting to come through in our inland valleys. a bit of patchy clouds closer to the coast with that june gloom, but plenty of sunshine over the next seven days. the only things that are going to be a bit concerning are going to be the increase in the wind speeds over the next couple of days. of course, we start to think about fire danger deeper into the season. so coming up at eight, we'll talk more about those details back to you. all right. thank you very much. make sure to join our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8:00 this morning. in just minutes, we check in on the bay area's newest sports team, bay fc, and the impacts it's already having in soccer circles. join us on roku, amazon
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fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
8:00 am
you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. you're so sick, you can't even get up, to throw up. so, you scheduled a virtual visit with amazon one medical. maybe now you can stop looking at your popcorn bowl, like a toilet bowl. ♪♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, triple threat. devastating floods in south florida. >> we have been here for 20
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years, and we have never seen this. >> cars stranded. entire neighborhoods underwater. while out west, dangerous high winds and high temperatures fuelling wild fires as that hot weather heads east. al has the full forecast. plus, hitting the road. >> hey, jump in, boys. jump in. >> today dads celebrating father's day in style, coming together to talk about life, fatherhood and everything in between. >> the best part of father's day i'm looking forward to this day is that i'm a grandpa. >> our special conversation just ahead. and dreaming big. >> in the morning, i'm making waffles. >> we'll take you inside universal orlando's dreamworks land. >> are you ready? >> i was born ready. >> with some help from the movie characters we all know and love. your sneak peek on the way. all that, plus, taylor's end of an eras. >> this is the very first time i
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have had this moment to myself and admitted this tour is going to end. ryan's drink for dads? >> it is perfect for dads over 40. and who won the top spot in our father's day tv bracket? the answer revealed today, june 14th, 2024. ♪ wishing our son a happy 8th day. we love you, henry! >> celebrating audrey's high school graduation. >> taking a father's day weekend. >> at "the today show". >> from california. >> jackson, tennessee. >> cincinnati, ohio. >> tucson, arizona. >> and missouri. >> sending love to my son serving in the air force. >> in hawaii. >> good morning to my parents in san antonio, texas. >> from richmond, virginia. >> celebrating sharon's 60th birthday. >> and five years cancer free.
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[ applause ] and welcome back to "today." happy to have you with us on this fri-yeah morning. look at those little guys. >> so cute! >> look at that. we're going to get outside in just a few minutes. summer crowds are the best crowds. >> the best. >> a big thanks for our saturday "today" team as well. we have peter and laura here. >> we came dressed to impress. we followed your memo. >> hope everybody gets to enjoy a long weekend with the summer starting. >> we will start with extreme weather on both sides of the country this morning. south florida already soaked. now bracing for even more rain in the days ahead. entire neighborhoods, as you can see here, underwater, leaving some families stranded in need of rescue. out west, triple digit temperatures are helping to fuel wild fires. it has forced hundreds of
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residents to evacuate there. mr. roker is back now to look at what all of us can expect this weekend. >> good morning. good morning to you. we are looking at seven million people under flood watch for florida. more heavy rain drenching this area. in fact, we have a moderate risk of flash flooding from miami down to the keys. multiple rounds of heavy rain. we're talking 3 to 5 inches of rain there. heavier rain into central florida. so we're watching that closely. the heat is on from phoenix, arizona, where it will be 108 today to new york city where it is 87. 96 in atlanta. tomorrow more of that same from the southwest all the way into the southeast. and, in fact, we've got high fire danger throughout parts of the southwest into texas because of high heat and low humidity. look at what happens as we make our way into early next week. temperatures in new york, washington, d.c., pittsburgh, detroit, cincinnati, all into
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the 90s. heat indexes well over 100. look as we go to the weekend. the heat will be on for a good portion of the country right into next week, guys. >> all right. thanks, al. president biden is renewing his support for ukraine in its years' long battle against russia, signing a 10-year agreement with volodymyr zelenskyy yesterday. richard engel is in ukraine with a closer look at the historic pact. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. this move is absolutely being welcomed by ukrainians. there is a sense in this country that the conflict here has been overlooked, that it is being neglected, that it is being overshadowed by the war in gaza. so this move along with a multi-billion dollar loan gives ukrainians financial and moral support at a critical time. at the g7 summit, leaders of the world's most powerful
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democracies announced their support. leading the way, president biden signed a new ten-year security agreement with ukraine's volodymyr zelenskyy, committing washington to supplying advanced weapons, training and intelligence and charting a path to nato membership. >> another reminder to putin, we're not backing down. in fact, we're standing together against this illegal aggression. >> reporter: at president biden's urging, g7 leaders also agreed to a $50 billion loan for ukraine, the money coming from interest on russian assets frozen when president putin invaded ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy described it as a historic day. he's been asking for this kind of support since the war began. >> and we have signed the strongest agreement within ukraine and the u.s. since our
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independence. >> reporter: the underlying message is clear, that the only way ukraine can achieve a peace agreement with russia is if it's strong enough to negotiate one and can deter president putin from invading again. >> this is an agreement on stepn to guarantee sustainable peace. >> reporter: but will the agreement survive? it could be undone by a future american president. nonetheless, for ukrainians, the summit has provided a major boost, including for moral. on a river front beach outside kharkiv, we found ukrainians prepared for a long war and don't want to put a peace deal with putin at any price. this is not the scene i expected to find out here in the far east of ukraine. this is less than 30 miles from the front line. but ukrainians aren't cowering. they're not hiding.
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far from it. a sausage factory manager relaxing with his daughter says surrendering any territory to putin in an agreement will only tempt him to take more. president putin today responded to that loan offer to ukraine, based on frozen russian assets, calling it a theft of russian property and said there would be consequences. he also laid out his conditions for a peace agreement. all ukraine would have to do is completely withdraw from four large provinces of this country, including areas currently not held by russian troops. it is something that ukraine in the past has rejected outright. laura? >> all right, richard engel. thank you. that's the news. hoda is off, so craig has this morning's boost. >> i will try to do her proud. all right. a graduation speech at a massachusetts high school getting a lot of attention this morning, not for what the class president said but for what he wrote to each and every one of
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his classmates. take a look. >> i wish i could acknowledge you all, but there is simply not enough time. instead, i want you to reach under your chairs where you will find a personal note i wrote to each of you on the way to saying one final good-bye. congratulations, everyone. >> so that's mason there. he's the outgoing president of the regional high school in lakeville, massachusetts. he wrote a personal thank you card to all 180 classmates. mason said it took him about ten hours to write those things. everything from a simple farewell message to some little memories he had with individual students. >> that's a special touch. >> think about this era where all you do is trade text messages. a handwritten note from everybody is something to cherish. >> good boost. still ahead, some big news
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from taylor swift herself on the future of her wildly popular eras tour. first, we will take you along for our annual "today" dad's outing for father's day. a special time of bonding, sharing the joys and the tricky parts to fatherhood as well and also celebrating the truly important things in life. we will do that after these messages. all right. erever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] [♪♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time.
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dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time.
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long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. i came here to find love, but instead i found a best friend. señor snuffles? you stole my sock
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and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. ♪ more dog ♪ what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, awhich camp are you in? two bars in one pack? or two cravings packed into one bar? (dad) sweet. (daughter) and salty! (vo) nature valley sweet & salty bars, in delicious flavors like dark chocolate, peanut, and almond. (rebecca) it wasn't until after they had done the surgery to remove all the toes that it really hit me. you see the commercials. you never put yourself in that person's shoes until you're there. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
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♪ (" go outside" by ratboys plays ) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) -is that rain? -that is rain! ( ♪ ♪ ) walmart+ members save on delivery, gas, plus so much more. join today. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep.
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(♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. all right. all right. >> now we're talking. >> the annual father's day adventure. >> all right. so what do you get when you put together a '75 chevy, the best pizza in new york and the today dads? mamma mia! ♪ >> the 1975 chevrolet caprice convertible. its stylish design and robust performance make it a cherished classic. just like a few friends i know. >> hey! >> hey, uncle al, are you with craig and willy? >> i am. >> we will pick you guys up
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right now. >> what are we going to do? we're going for pizza. >> oh! we're in. we're in. >> i'm on my way. >> i'm carson daley, and this is "dads in cars getting pizza." ♪ >> hey, jump in, boys. jump in. let's get some pizza. >> all right. happy father's day! >> all right. buckle up, boys. i know the spot. >> ready for some pizza. >> hey, al. >> hey. how's it going? >> hey! >> hey! >> lou calli's is our destination, voted the best pizza in new york by many. they don't take reservations. if you want one of their only 30 seats, be prepared for this line. mark is the owner. ♪ ♪ >> hey!
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>> there he is. >> welcome, welcome. >> let's get some pizza. >> there is only two things on the menu, pizza and calzones. guess what ones we're making. >> let's get suited up. >> we roll the dough. >> breathe. be the dough. >> and stretch the dough. >> i think he's got it. >> and then added our own special step in the process. >> oh, that feels so good. that's not at all unsanitary. >> you wanted a picture for social media, you got one. >> perfect. >> a little secret sauce, some cheese and finally our favorite part of this father's day tradition, eating, drinking and sharing our most recent adventures in fatherhood. >> whoa! >> oh, here we go. >> that's what i'm talking about.
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>> this is a little surprise. i thought we were getting pizza. >> this is the opener. >> these are the apps. >> what is everything doing for father's day? >> we started a tradition last year that i hope the kids continue. we went out. we played five holes of golf as a family. >> oh, wow. >> everyone got into it. played for some money, you know. they let me win. >> wait. you hustled your kid on father's day? >> they have to learn some time. >> it is a cruel world out there. >> you are at a different point in fatherhood. >> what do you mean? >> 10th grade. >> goes fast. and he's just an old soul, you know, jackson. he's a good kid, kind, caring, grounded. he's smart. i actually like spending time with him. >> you are at a different point, too. you have one going off to college. >> i have a daughter that's a
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senior in high school. a year from right now she will be on her way to college. so what direction her life will take. so we're taking every minute. you know, don't take anything for granted. i make it sound like she's going off to war, but it is a moment in time. >> sure. >> all right. it's the main event. let's go. >> pizza! pizza! pizza! >> oh! hey now. this is a father's daydream. thank you so much. >> that was really everything. >> yeah, it really is. >> you were pretty public about your relationship with your father in the book. how much do your kids ask you about your relationship with your dad? >> you know, it's come up more actually in the past year as delano has gotten older. he's asked about it. >> what do you say? >> i was honest about it. i say, pop pop and i, when i was growing up, we aren't as close as we are now. when you are a kid, for me, i didn't fully appreciate then why my father wasn't around as much physically and emotionally. now i understand it, because we
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understand addiction. but i want my son to understand that cycles can be broken. does that make sense? >> i love that. i love that you're honest with him. i want them to know about mental health. same thing with your brain. you can go to a doctor. it is okay to ask for help. same thing with you, cycles can be broken. >> it is a great redefinition of what masculinity is. >> i saw on face time this morning with del. >> it is one of the highlights of my day. but now he is at the age where our conversations have started to shift a bit. i was taking him to and fro some kind of practice. and he said, dad, when are we having the talk? he was snickering with the backseat. >> start with birds and work your way to bees. >> or do what my dad did and make me watch "animal house". >> the best part for me is being a grand dad. >> cheers to that. >> i went and visited al in the
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hospital not that long ago, so to hear that really warms my heart. >> yeah. well, this little girl -- and you hear people go, oh, my grandchild. i was like, blah, blah, blah. and then this kid hits. and it is like oh, my god. >> how is it different from a child? >> because it is pure joy. there is no responsibility. you know, other than you want them to be safe and happy and all that. but it's just you and her, and you're not worried about, you know, i don't have to teach her anything other than, hey, i'm the candy man. >> that's it. >> it's just the best. >> and next father's day when we do this, you and her will be having full-on conversations. >> boom. what's going on? i mean, this is me in five years. so she and i will be speaking the same language. >> cheers to fathers. >> let's do it. >> happy father's day. >> there you go. >> wow. >> the champ right here.
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>> happy father's day to you, too. >> thank you, buddy. >> we had so much fun in brooklyn at your spot, man. >> by the way, peter was invited, but you couldn't make it because you were being a dad. >> i was being a dad. my daughter finishing up her fifth grade promotion, moving on to middle school. the dad years are the best years i've had so far. they're so good. >> i want to know how much wine was consumed in that, mark. >> not too bad. >> and happy father's day to tony. >> yeah. >> mark, a big thank you. seriously, thanks so much. >> thank you for having me. >> and thank you for navigating those streets. >> that was mark's car. i was ultra scared that i was going to ruin my friend's car. >> he's never opened the trunk because he's afraid of what's inside. >> we don't talk about that. >> more about father's day conversation, including a little
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surprise gifts for the gang coming up in the 3rd hour. mr. roker, if you mouth isn't full, can we get the forecast. >> the roof of the mouth is fantastic. severe storms in the northeast. also in the rockies. hot and humid through the gulf. sunshine out west. flood i'm not going >> i'm not polite. this is the best time of the morning. time for "popstart".
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>> we will start with taylor swift. last night celebrating her 100th show on the eras tour. she was in liverpool, england. already been on the tour for over a year now. concert dates on the calendar scheduled to go through december. during her big anniversary concert last night, taylor admitted some sad news for swifties. >> the celebration for me means this is the first time i have ever acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to end in december. like that's it. >> so there you go. the eras tour couldn't last forever. taylor confirming those december dates will be her last. the final stop will be in vancouver. i feel like it is a mike tyson thing where, i'm going to retire and then he comes out. finally, today's top tv dad bracket.
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trying to decide which pop is best in pop culture. 16 superstar tv dads, a week of passionate voting, so close. it came down to these two, if you can believe it. charles ingals, aka paw, "little house on the prairie" goes up against the big three's dad jack pearson. over 40-year split between these two icons. who is the split between these two? let's roll the tape. >> look at it. just look at it. green and rich. they wander in those foothills and trees. we're home. >> that's right, ladies and gentlemen. congratulations. you done good. you voted paw as the best tv dad of all time. in michael landon's honor we had to celebrate with this giant, beautiful head of hair. >> not even close. >> is it paw? >> it's paw. >> you put that thing on -- >> i went to party city late last night, and all i could find
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was '70s heartbreak. >> you're wearing it. >> it's like shawn cassidy. anyway, thank you for voting on the tv bracket. we have another good one coming in. >> no product in there. just natural. >> couldn't get quite the curls but, yeah, thank you. >> and congratulations to paw. still ahead, sam brock ahead in orlando and getting some help from po, not paw, the kung fu panda himself. >> hit the dong! >> there we go! >> and right after this.
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♪ welcome back. it is 8:30 on a fri-yeah morning, june 14th, 2024. as you can see, we are rolling into this father's day weekend with quite the happy crowd here on the plaza. happy birthday. >> this is a great crowd. this is a hyped, hyped crowd. it is a friday crowd. we have so much fun coming up in this half hour ahead, including a new list of "today bestsellers" to complete your summer wardrobe. you want to see the picks that jasmine snow has brought along. also, vanessa price is here and making each of us a signature cocktail for father's day, inspired by our favorite spirits. >> and after we sober up, coming up in our 3rd hour, the buffalo bills' damar hamlin live in studio 1a.
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we will talk about his incredible story that played out on the field. and he has an important message we all need to do. >> still inspiring so many people, damar is. we will be filled with huge stars here on "today." kevin costner, roger federer, emma stone. it is all ahead next week on "today". speaking of stars, we have a proud moment here. >> yes. >> one of our absolute favorites >> kerry! >> long-time correspondent, recently retired. looking great. >> thank you. thank you. >> with all the shark reports, you couldn't stay away long. >> exactly, exactly. i came to new york because after i threw out that first pitch for the marlins, craig said it looked really good.
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and i think the folks at the yankees heard that, so i'm up here for a tryout. >> it's good to see you. >> likewise. >> everything good? >> everything is great. >> what have you been doing in. >> well, i learned something that you guys will all learn one day. eight hours sleep is amazing. >> mr. roker, we have a beautiful sky here. >> spectacular. we will see storms here later. in the meantime, let's look at your weekend. we have the u.s. open, going to be hot. a lot of hot weather. not too humid. that's good news. we start off with saturday, beautiful in the east. although, heavy weather down through florida. father's day, sunday, sunday, partly sunny, 75. lawn, texas 95. get off my lawn! trinidad, california 58. kingman 97 in arizona. and hammer, north dakota 71 degrees. we're looking at rain and 89. that's what's going on around the country.
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here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. and that's your latest . 83s friday. sweater weather to start. but then we're going to put it outside. the feeling slightly warmer today in the city. upper 60s. of course. our sea breeze returns and actually turns pretty gusty into our father's day plan. so start adjusting those a little bit. our inland valleys. we'll take it through mostly the 80s over the next couple of days, and we'll watch the wind speeds increase as we go on into sunday and into early next week. as we transition on into summer, we'll still stay in and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right. mr. roker, thank you for that. this is a big morning for our nbc universal family. opening day of the highly anticipated dreamworks land. >> in fact, speaking of dreaming, we sent nbc's sam
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brock. he is there live. he's live with familiar faces, too. hey, sam! >> reporter: so many faces, guys. good morning. a big day for our family and for families across the country. dreamworks land is opening. i hope you don't mind. i brought a couple dozens of my favorite friends here, including some characters, some of the all-timers you might recognize like po from "kung fu panda." we have our trolls friends here, brand and poppy. let's talk through some of the things you can find here with your families. folks are coming out for the summer. perfect timing on this. you can learn kung fu with po. yes, his training camp shedding some secrets into his martial arts mastery, wet and dry play areas. an opportunity to help the pandas wash and dry their laundry. there is an interactive show, very cool for the whole family. for trolls, you have the troller coaster. need i say more. what is the minimum height for
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this? it's three feet in case you are checking at home. your favorite characters, including branch and poppy. poppy has her own playground, places to climb tons of those, so it is perfect for high-end children. we ended with shrek where there is an oversized play area and interaction with all the characters here. they also have shrek's swan snacks. let me show you the flavor of that.shrektzel. before i take a bite out of this, let me consult my friends to see if they're cool with that. i know there has been some cooking going on. it's shrek and donkey. where are you cooking this from? >> you know, some magical gnomes
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in back make all this. >> reporter: you have this magic going on. this is a swamp, but you are a pretty cool customers. >> some waffles and, you know, i add my personal touch. if i were >> reporter: is shrek going to be angry? >> i don't think you should bite his hand off. >> i just bit his ear. >> reporter: hey, shrek. no, don't hurt me. friendly ogre, friendly giant. ogres are like onions. there is just a lot of layers there. so we're working with shrek to bring him out. how many layers do i need to pull off before you are friendly shrek? okay. i appreciate your time, shrek. we are so excited about all of the opportunities here. i'm really looking forward to being a meme for the rest of my life. so if you are going to do it, do it with some friends. donkey, you are a good man.
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>> thank you. >> reporter: he speaks multiple languages, too. >> and you know tomorrow what donkey is making? waffles. >> well played. >> to celebrate the grand opening, we have something for our "today" viewers. >> a discount code for $50 off a universal orlando vacation package of four nights or more. scan the qr code on the screen, select travel dates, use the promo code todayshow, one word, valid until june 21st. we should be mentioned universal orlando is owned by our parent company nbc. easy, breezy matching sets that will have you looking and feeling cool all season. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back now at 8:40 with a new "today bestsellers" filled with our summer style staples. jasmine snow has us covered from head-to-toe with the season's must haves. the best way to follow along is with the qr code at the bottom of the screen. good morning. >> good morning! >> i'm ready for my summer glow-up. >> me, too. i love a throw on and go set, especially summertime. this is really lightweight, so it is great for summer. but it's got this effect right here. you are not going to show any tummy, though. so you are good there. also this wide leg pant. it is really flattering. throw it on with flats, sneakers or dress it. >> big necklace. >> it is $41.99. can't beat it. >> now, shorts are hard. >> okay.
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shorts are tricky. don't be scared. these are really easy. so we've got the wider leg, which is a little bit looser, much more flattering. >> the cup is nice, too. >> yes, the cup is really nice. and the draw string waist. that's really flattering. you have the ability to control whatever you want. and you can tuck in the shirt, leave it untucked. again, dress it up. dress it down. it is really cute. i think we have a photo here of some of our girls rocking this. really, really on the go. >> on the streets of the city, looking great. >> how cute, right? very easy to wear. don't be scared of shorts. >> okay. let's do it. >> ask i mean, you can't beat that. >> okay. tevas are back? >> they are back. i know. get excited. they're sporty. they're great for adventures. they're lightweight. everyone loves you can throw them in your bag. easy to travel with. now that dad travel trend is here for summer. so they're actually having a fashion moment this year. >> we are embracing the dad sandal. they come in different colors, prints.
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i love there is a print. >> these are good with the sprinklers in the park. >> yeah. so we actually have a video of one of our staffers pouring water on them. it just dries off. they were completely dry after they have the water on them. these are awesome. get that trend, very easy. >> this is like the dad moment. and this is like the mom. >> listen, visors are going to be the hat of the summer because of our tennis trend. >> okay. >> i do love a visor because you don't mess up your hair. >> yes. >> you have the ability to wear it. wear it up, wear it down. and the brand says you can roll this up, throw it in your bag, the back of your car. >> they're making it look cute. >> it is very cute, right? she has her hair up, down. it is versatile. >> that's nice you cannot mess it up, even if you stuff it in your bag. >> yeah. i love a visor. >> a statement earring. can't miss. >> a statement earring, especially this time of year when you want it to be more
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boho. the easiest way to get that trend, okay, it has this material that is all the rage this summer. you will see it in bags, shoes, every accessory. this is the moment right now. it is really easy to get. you can get a pack of four under $12. >> for how much? >> under $12. >> and last but not least, your go-to bag will be the hobo bag. throw everything in it. as you can see, what's amazing is it has this pouch so you can organize all your stuff, throw it in there. >> wait. the pouch comes with? >> yes, yes. it comes with it. comes in a ton of different colors. but it is under $20. so i would take the opportunity to get a really fun color, maybe even two, honestly. it is really super soft. it is awesome for the summer. throw everything in it. >> these are all great finds. >> i know. they're so good, right? >> they can all be yours. you don't have to pick.
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jasmine, thank you. to purchase any of these items scan our qr code or go to all right. laura jarett. we're getting a jump on father's day with our friend vanessa price. vanessa made us each a signature drink to toast the weekend and the best bites to go with said cocktails. >> yes. >> but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ we are back now with a very special edition of "today food" ahead of father's day. toasting to all the amazing dads out there, including our favorites here at "today." vanessa has been busy preparing cocktails and food pairings with them based on their favorite liquors. welcome. >> thank you. >> you and i will do some work here. >> since it was father's day, we figured we would let the fathers
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pick their base spirit and make cocktails around those and snacks to match. >> craig is up first. we know the man likes his brown liquor. >> yes. we have a brown butter wash old-fashioned. this is a bourbon that's been washed in brown butter. then you have the maple cured bacon and dates to go with it. hence, the pairing. we're doing light with light here. that's one of the food components you want to think about when you think of comparing any drink and food. >> going with that. >> that's maple cured bacon and there is maple syrup in the cocktail. so we combined those two flavors. you guys are so nice to share. >> can you only fat wash with the butter. >> butter or if you wanted to use something that wasn't animal based, you can use a plant. >> that's my idea of a father's day. >> okay. >> a fat wash at 5:00 a.m. >> so carson, we're talking about carson's now.
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carson wanted to do a tequila or a vodka. >> i checked a box, d, all of the above. >> fair enough. this is a hibiscus infused vodka. there is a touch of peach liquor in there to give it a little zhuszh. and then we did tortilla chips to pair with those. >> what is the pairing that works well? >> because we have a little bit of spice, we need something with a little zip and sweetness to counter balance that. one of the things you want to think about is the intensity of the food. >> how is it? >> amazing. >> it's father's day. elevated cocktails and snacks. >> this crew is being quiet. >> i know. you guys are being weirdly quiet. i don't know what to do with it. >> okay. we have the gin man.
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>> i thought a tiki celebration might be fun. plus, who doesn't love a cup like that? i will walk around drinking my drinks all day long. so the base here is actually a gin milk punch. milk punch is one of the oldest forms of drinking liquor. it dates back to stewart era england. trooping the colors they used the process to make it more stable. things that wouldn't be so nice to drink today. >> that's why they're trooping the colors right now. >> you can use a milk punch liquor. but that gin will catch up with you. be careful there. we're doing a pineapple with tajin and sea salt. it is actually quite delicious, but quite easy to make. if you are in a hurry, you want to have bites for everybody in the summertime. >> where do you get that kind of salt? >> it is just sea salt and tajin. you can find it at any grocery store. >> now, peter is not a big drinker. >> you want to take him home? i like that.
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>> peter is not a huge drinker. >> i am working all weekend. that's why we have a phony drink. >> this is a phony negroni. that is an alcohol-free negroni you have in your fourth glass. >> this is made in brooklyn. >> yes, they are absolutely fantastic. if you want to feel like a summer drink, it is hard for me to believe there is no alcohol in it. it tastes like a negroni. >> i can tell there is no alcohol in it. >> is it required, vanessa? >> yeah, the big cubes. yeah, so the big cubes are something you can actually do. if we have a quick second here, we will run down this way a little bit. yeah, the ice cubes are melting because it is a hot day. this is something you could do for dads is give them a custom stamp. put them on etsy. so you just drop it on top of the ice. >> oh, wow. >> and you just let it set there. now watch how fast this happens.
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>> okay. it's melting. it's melting. >> it's already there. >> exactly. >> is this a thing? >> al, this is a true double fist right here. >> we have the 3rd hour of "today" coming up. >> the weather and "nightly news" tonight will be epic. epic. >> where am i? i got to go get a fat wash, sorry. >> happy father's day! >> you can find these recipes and more on our website, we are back in a moment.
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it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now at i feel like father's day weekend is off to a great start. we got to keep it going. before we say hello to the father's day weekend, coming up on sunday, our buddy willie geist is sitting down with jon bon jovi. the new jersey native opening up about his hometown pride.
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>> we have lived around here for 38 years now. and it's great. it's a great place to be from. >> so jersey for life for you, huh? >> let's put it this way. my license will always read new jersey. this is where they'll put my ashes. jersey is just a part of who we are. >> jersey is forever. >> jersey forever. >> very cool. you can catch more of that conversation coming up this weekend on sunday today. >> jersey forever. >> yeah. how are you going to spend your father's day? >> playing a little golf. try to slow it down and just enjoy every second of it. how about you? >> golf on saturday. we have something planned on sunday, so we'll see. >> surprise. >> how about you? >> going to be on the pontoon boat. got a new vest for sky. we're just hanging out with
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courtney and nick. living room on the water. >> a race to the alexander's house. it is my daughter's ninth birthday. we're going to blow it up. >> you have some moves to show. >> yeah. i'm going to break it down. >> you have to play shaboozey. >> carson, come join us. >> "tipsy". >> which is appropriate. thank you. thanks, laura. thanks, peter, for being here as well. coming up, melissa ethridge performing live with us. >> and our conversation with emmy winner, julia louis-dreyfus. but, first, your local weather.
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good friday morning. it's 856. i'm ginger conejero saab. federal prosecutors, along with the dea and fbi, are ramping up nighttime operations as part of the ongoing push to crack down on drug dealing in san francisco's tenderloin area. agents so far have seized more than 5 pounds of methamphetamine, 11 pounds of fentanyl and more than $20,000 in cash. more than 20 federal criminal complaints have now been issued, and dealers are being hit with more aggressive searches. money service crackdowns and targeted wiretaps. now, last november, the federal government also announced an all hands on deck approach in the tenderloin by adding more crime fighting resources. also happening, prosecutors are laying out their plans
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9:00 am
this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," pomp and pageantry. the trooping the colour celebration taking place in the uk with the big question, will we see princess


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