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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  June 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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and they've already gone on the attack. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our jodi hernandez is in napa county today to show us what has neighbors on edge today. we're also tracking other stories on this friday, including an armed robbery and attempted police stop and a patrol car getting rammed. we're going to tell you about the scene that played out in oakland. also, we are headed into the weekend with wonderful weather. what you can expect for father's day and there will soon be an olympic games for. yep, you're looking at it video games. our scott budman is talking to gamers about what this means for the future of esports, but we are going to begin today with those big cat sightings in the bay area. people in one napa county neighborhood are keeping a lookout as mountain lions have been spotted just roaming around. so let's go and bring in
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our jodi hernandez. jodi, a man captured the big cats on camera and he says they've already gone on the attack. well, the man says that those mountain lions had just attacked and killed a deer on his property. they took a couple of bites and then his surveillance cameras captured the two big cats strolling away. now the man tells me it happened yesterday afternoon, just after 3:00. so an unusual time to see mountain lions. the man did share the video this morning on nextdoor to alert his neighbors, and it definitely is the talk of the neighborhood. the department of fish and wildlife tells me that it is unusual to see mountain lions in the middle of the day. cameras really captured both of them. there i would imagine people in that area are on edge right now. they definitely are on edge. it is the talk of the neighborhood this morning or today. and what
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is especially alarming, that it is the second mountain lion sighting in that area in recent weeks. just a few weeks ago, another camera in the neighborhood captured a mountain lion in the middle of the night. now all of these mountain lions appear to be pretty large. one of the woman told me that they look like they belong in the zoo. but, you know, this is a rural wooded area of napa county, so folks are used to wildlife. they're just aren't used to seeing big cats like that on camera. the department of fish and wildlife tells me that this is a reminder that mountain lions do live in parts of the bay area, and they say, if you see a mountain lion, it's a good reminder to not run. don't turn your back on the cat. they say that you want to, actually make yourself look big. put your arms in the air, make noise, and hopefully that will scare the big cats away. important advice. there always takes so much courage to do that. but very important. all
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right jodi, thank you so much. looking forward to your full story later on this evening. a suspected armed robber is under arrest after ramming a police car in an attempt to escape. this happened around 1030 this morning in the area of foster avenue and bernhardt drive in oakland. that's when officers spotted a vehicle wanted in connection to a robbery in san leandro. when police tried to stop that car, they say the driver slammed into the patrol car. police were eventually able to capture that driver, as well as another adult and three young people who were also in that car. thankfully, no one was hurt. well, perhaps are underway for downtown san jose's first ever daytime rave. crews are hard at work building the stage for tomorrow's latin house music festival. as you know, raves are known for the loud electronic music and pulsing lights, but there's a growing trend, actually, of holding them during the day in open spaces. so here's a live look at discovery meadow park right now.
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festivities kick off at 2 p.m. tomorrow. they're going to wrap up around 9:00 at night, and thousands are expected to show up there. so let's go out and take a look at our weather now as we take a live look across the bay area at this hour, we are headed for a beautiful father's day weekend. meteorologist vianey arena is here now with what we can expect vianey. it is going to be really nice and i follow the account of that festival that's going to happen in downtown. they're already setting up the food trucks. good food. that's my sort of thing. all right, let's talk about the weather because we are running a few degrees warmer today in san francisco. but things are going to change. wind speed wise, and that's going to bring some concern. so i of course want to go over in great detail what you can expect in your microclimate forecast. now worried about 81 degrees right now in san jose. if you're going to that festival for tomorrow it is going to be really nice. actually. we've got upper 70s on the map satellite radar right now. notice we've got clear conditions. we did see a couple of low clouds rolling through. but let's get right to that wind factor because you
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probably notice it has been breezy. and if you notice the colors right here, that yellow and orange glow according to the key this is about moderate. it does pick up though as we inch into that sunday monday forecast. and if you notice especially for parts of the north bay, we're going to be seeing gusty winds 2030 plus miles per hour paired with some low humidity. and as you know, anytime we see that combination, often we see the elevated fire danger element. now we are also expecting to see a red flag warning go into effect for far lake and solano county. so the areas right here in red. so if you're traveling to any of these destinations for father's day, we're talking chico sacramento. keep in mind that those gusty winds are going to be upwards of 35 plus miles per hour. and here's how the humidity will be looking like starting tomorrow. ideally, remember we want to stay above that 40% mark. we're going to fall into the single digits, especially for the north bay mountains, east bay hills, and through parts of the interior. so please be mindful of that temperature wise. look at this. we're going to be
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comfortable for tomorrow in your saturday 77 in san jose, 85 in concord, 69 in san francisco. and then, of course, we've got to give you the temperatures for father's day celebrations. we will be running very comfortably in the upper 70s down through parts of the south bay, a couple of low 80s morgan hill and of course, your los gatos. and then of course, a little bit warmer into areas like fairfield and concord. but if you're going to be out and about in the city, we've got 60s on the map. so please celebrate dad, and enjoy your weekend. i'll send it back to you. we'll make sure we do. vienna. thank you. san francisco is launching a new pilot program for curbside electric vehicle charging. so the idea is to help meet climate goals, make it convenient for residents and visitors alike looking to charge evs. so under the program, companies that make ev chargers can now apply online to install one curbside on a test basis. program supporters say. for residents who don't have designated off street parking spots to charge in, this could be a game changer. we did speak with neighbors about this plan.
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we've actually talked about that in my household. we would have gotten an electric powered vehicle by now. the lack of charging, especially living in a city and not having a driveway, so we just can't. city currently has about 1000 public ev charging stations in 2023. last year, plug in hybrids and evs made up about 37% of all new car sales in the city. okay, could the next olympic sport involve someone sitting on their couch? the international olympic committee announced today that proposal, eyeing the creation of the olympic e sports games. it's hoping to capitalize on a booming business. so let's go to bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman. so, scott, we normally associate the olympics with the best athletes in the world. so sitting on the couch is a low blow. by the way, that's shots fired. yeah, but video games yes. yeah. you know esports is gigantic video games
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is a huge business. these guys, men and women both take it very seriously. all ages, big money, tens of thousands of people show up for these esports tournaments. the international olympic committee actually tried it out last year. they sort of test ran it and they said the response was good and what it would be is not so much, hey, right next to the gymnasts or the ice hockey games or whatever, but sort of an olympic for esports kind of its own games. right now, the ioc says they're going to talk about it in paris and look for a host city. oh, wow. okay, so i bet a lot of gamers watching right now really excited about this. the olympians speak with some. yeah. they in are they hesitant? what do you think? i actually heard two sides of this from gamers. on the one hand. yeah. hey, we deserve this. this is a skill. this is fun. this is big business. and why not throw them on a wheaties box, right? on the other hand, there are some gamers who say, well, we already have these tournaments and really, is not this just the olympics trying to get younger and hipper? the ioc admits, hey,
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this is us trying to keep up with the times. and yes, young people and these are skilled people and it's fun and it brings in a young audience. i mean, have you ever been on twitch? this is just an amazing thing that people love to watch. and if it works, i don't know how it would really differ from twitch, which is literally a place where you watch people play video games and that, i imagine, is what this would be. but i've been at some of these esports tournaments and yeah, it's people sitting down on screens, but there is an excitement and the crowd gets into it and it's fast paced and loud and yeah, sometimes violent. at least the games themselves. we don't know which games would be chosen, but there are all sorts of possibilities here, and this could really make the olympics louder and younger and more hip all at once. all right, well, we'll see how that goes. yeah, i know the youngins. at least my kids, they watch that once in a while. gamers, they love the commentary, the funny jokes. yeah, i can see it. you know, talking to the kids about like, hey, let's watch some ice skating. they'd be
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like, you know what? we want to watch some metal gear solid. can just sort of back and forth. all right, scott, thanks s much. appreciate it. and a reminder w are your home for every thing oic you can watch the u.s. olympic team trials starting tomorrogh on nbc bay area or streaming on peac me sure to tune in t some of the best athletes in the country. compete to make the toughest team in the world all leading up to the paris olympics this summer. well, not what you want to hear heading into summer. a cove along our coast is filling up with sharks. the reason they're showing up in greater numbers this year. also, they saw our story asking for help and they did step up. we're going to tell you how the sharks, the team are helping a south bay food bank in need. but before we head to break, we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on in this newscast? i will pull up right now on my instagram. you still have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories. you see right here. parents go into debt to go to
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disney world summer fridays on the decline. or why oj prices won't come down soon. we'll tell won't come down soon. we'll tell you ♪♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪♪
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smoke billowing from a burning boat. this was about two miles off the coast of moss landing near monterey when it started. five people were aboard. the coast guard managed to rescue all five people. they helped limit pollution from the fire into the monterey bay national marine sanctuary. no word yet on what exactly caused that fire. but turning now to our climate in crisis from severe flooding in south florida to extreme heat in the southwest, some weather patterns have arrived earlier than usual. and here to tell us more about the climate connection is meteorologist vianey arana and vianey. i understand that we're also seeing some elevated fire danger this weekend in the bay area. we are and the thing is, is that as you head into summer, we're already on deck right now to break heat temperatures across
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almost all of the u.s. so a lot of the seasons that we're seeing so far, we had an early start to the fire season here. and that's what we're seeing kind of as far as the heat wave. this is the first heat wave that they had in quite some time in the southwest. so to give you an idea, the torrential amount of rainfall in florida right now came after a slow moving system dumped more than two feet of rain. in some parts, that is more than double the monthly average for the month of june. meanwhile, the southwest was dealing with the heat wave of dangerous record temperatures climbing up to 110 degrees in some spots. and just this past wednesday, multiple tornadoes were confirmed in northern minnesota. so we're dealing with weather extremes and the early arrival of multiple systems. it's just something that we've been looking at for the past really. two weeks have been extremely active. yeah, that's what i was going to say. the timing, intensity of these weather events not normal for this time of year. it is not normal, especially considering how much rain we've already seen. and if you look right here at this map, it's an active map
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of where the satellite currently is. so notice we have an active weather pattern here in denver. if i take this a little bit further back, this is that system that impacted florida. and thankfully they're going to start to see some relief in the upcoming days. as far as heavy precipitation. but i do want to show you what the outlook is showing already for next week. and if you look at the map across the u.s, look at this range of weather extremes that we're going to be seeing. notice out through the you know, parts of the east coast, that high pressure that brought us the heat here is now continuing its move east. that's going to bring hazardous heat for a lot of the highlighted areas that you see in red. meanwhile, down through parts of texas, we're talking corpus christi area. we're going to be seeing heavy rain with the potential for flooding. also, where you see that yellow color. severe warning we're talking thunderstorm activity. and then for us here on the west coast, we're seeing those high winds that's going to kick up concern all the way down through parts of arizona. because of the high winds. we see the dry elements. and i also want to show you just to give you an idea of the
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climate connection. this was a summary that noaa did for the month of january. at the beginning of this year. notice for california, the biggest impact when we started this year was how record low the snowpack was across across much of the west. we were at about 30. just for perspective, last year in january 2023, we had a record snowpack. so those are two extremes there. we also had an arctic blast that brought record breaking snow to much of the plains in the east coast right during mid january, new york city, and then of course, in parts of texas and louisiana. they received more than a month's worth of rain during january 22nd through january 25th. and this is definitely something that shows that everything from the warming of land and ocean temps have an impact. you know, a big driver of hurricanes and weather is of course, warmer waters. and here's what we look like right now. as far as fire potential, you mentioned audrey, the risk for fire concerns. if you ever want to take a look at how your neighborhood, check out the national, you know, noaa fire
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center potential outlook and this website, i'm going to make sure to link it shows you all of the risk associated with the conditions that we have upcoming. notice the yellow and kind of moderate color that you see on your screen there for california just last week is when we first entered into that moderate category. at least right now, we're not necessarily in the high risk. i think that the influence of some cooler air from this past week definitely helps, but just any level of influence as far as wind speeds goes, we've seen, audrey, how quickly, once a fire starts, how quickly that can spread, spreading those embers thousands of miles. so i think we definitely have to prepare for a warm summer months. also, we're transitioning now into the la nina pattern, and we've seen what a mixed bag that can mean. usually it will mean drier conditions for northern california, but we've seen record rainfall, you know, in the past in 2017. so we'll keep an eye out. and of course, i've got your back. we'll keep you updated here as well. sounds good fiona. thank you. look at this large slab of cliff at capitola beach crumbled into the
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sea. happened near new brighton state beach on wednesday, when a 40 foot wide chunk of hillside just crashed into the ocean. thankfully, no nearby roads were affected. transportation officials say that there were already signs in the area warning people of the landslide risk long before wednesday's collapse. they've now propped up barriers near the slide to keep people away from that cliff. a small monterey bay beach has something unique. it's drawing dozens of great white sharks to its cove. soquel cove is in the northern corner of monterey bay, near sea cliff state beach, and young great sharks have congregated there for years. but this year they're showing up in even greater numbers, and scientists are telling us it's because the cove has unusually warm water and it's getting warmer every year. scientists studying the sharks say unsuspecting swimmers. they're often surrounded by those great
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walks, but sharks. but the sharks just, quote, hang out, show no interest in people, so that's good. meanwhile the san jose sharks donated $56,000 to second harvest of silicon valley after seeing our report. so last week we told you that the food bank must leave its biggest storage warehouse 90,000ft■!s on brennan street in san jose because of a looming rent hike. so that means it's going to make it harder to store and distribute food. so today, the sharks foundation announced their donation funds will go towards feeding thousands of families. second harvest says that the food bank is moving ahead with plans to operate out of its three remaining warehouses, two in san jose and one in san mateo county. one in every six people in the bay area depend on the food bank for assistance, heading over to our anchor desk, where our garvin thomas is getting ready for the 5:00 news. hey, audrey, you know, unfortunately, we've done a lot of stories out of oakland
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about businesses having to deal with the experience of break ins. well, our velena jones today, she has one of those stories, but there's a twist. it has to do with a tattoo parlor. a break in, yes, but it also has to do with the community coming together to help. also audrey, i learned a new word today when i had never heard of before. it's called van lord. now you know there are so many people living in rvs on bay area streets. well, many of them. we don't own the vehicles. they are paying rent to someone called a van lord estadio quintana tells us how the arrangements work and what the city is thinking of doing about it. never heard of van lords either. there you go. learned something new every day. that's why you watch the 5:00 news. exactly. we make sure we do. we'll see you in a little bit. you got it. all right. still to come, top trending story as voted by you on my instagram poll. also, the olympics theme song reimagines here with the roots. did to the here with the roots. did to the iconic tune. t-mobile “savings”, take one. guys, focus. here's the line... “at t-mobile, you get tons of benefits, and you can still save versus the other guys.”
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focus! hello t-mobile... hold on... you might want to just... ok stop! just say it like this, “at t-mobile, you can save on every plan, and you get great benefits with magenta status”. magenta status... yuh! i'll show you my magenta status. ok, i'll just do it. check out the t-mobile savings calculator to see how much you can save. and right now, we'll even pay off your phone when you switch! ♪ doo-doo-doo-doo-doo... ♪
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his knee for a trip of a lifetime is a financial nightmare for a lot of parents in the u.s. a survey by lendingtree found that 45% of households in the u.s. take on debt when visiting the theme park. parents say unplanned food expenses accounted for the biggest increase in cost, followed by transportation and accommodation expenses. despite taking on an average of $2,000 in disney related debt, most guardians say they have no regrets about giving their children a dream vacation. as always, i will be posting links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram. well, tony bennett's two daughters are taking their brother to court. they claim he mishandled some of their father's assets. danny bennett was the late singer's manager, runs the family trust. the lawsuit claims that he did not account for all the proceeds from this year's sales of tony bennett's catalog. they also
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claim he obtained personal benefits for himself and his company from the sale of memorabilia. bennett died last july at 96 years old. as the best of the best get ready to compete in the summer games. they have one new soundtrack to help get them pumped up. the roots just recorded a reimagined version of the iconic olympics theme song. take a listen. record breakers true greatness. dressed takers, modern myth makers. the hard work eventually forms you into one of the strong few. the future belongs to them. been waiting for is finally upon you. it's time show and prove. let them see what you going do. the sacrifice really? do they mention a price on the other side? rarely do they mention a fight. let every obstacle they ever set against you in life be the energy that takes you to olympian heights. it's time. ooh song was premiered during the tonight show with jimmy fallon last night, inspiring a lot of people already. and a reminder,
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nbc bay area isour home for all th olympics. some of the nation's top athletes stil looking to secure their spot on team usa. watch the us olympic swimming trials swim trials this weekend right here on nbc, bay area and peacock, and we are now streaming on pluto all the time as well. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. scan that qr code for our easy how to stream guide on your favorite streaming platform. you can watch our live newscast, breaking updates and other content. thank you so much for joining us at 430. garvin is working on the 5:00 newscast next, and we're back in just two minutes.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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we are live from the scene with the new details, plus a snapshot of the housing crisis in the bay area some are paying big bucks
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just to live in rvs. we'll take you to san francisco, where neighbors are getting fed up and a tattoo shop damaged in a break-in gets a surge of support from the town. see how oakland's community rallied to get the shop back open. the news at five starts right now. thank you so much for being with us. i'm garvin thomas tragedy overnight at an east bay drugstore. a security guard was shot and killed, and the accused shooter was stabbed. now, this happened at a cvs on maury avenue in fremont. after what police describe as a confrontation. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is live at the scene with more damian. well, garvin, a lot of people are shaking their heads here at the cvs tonight. some of them are arriving at this hour to pick up prescriptions. and there they are gathered at the front door, just wondering what exactly is going on. police are still looking for witnesses and any clues that can help them determine what exactly happened here. we're at the cvs again at
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what's known as the fremont hub, a strip mall on maury avenue. today, customers looking to shop or pick up prescriptions instead found the doors locked and the signs saying the store is temporarily closed. tonight, fremont police are not saying much about the deadly shooting, only that it happened last night around 11 p.m. and began as a verbal confrontation. this is a 24 hour cvs. it ended up with a security guard shot and killed, and his alleged attacker stabbed . the man stabbed was taken to a hospital. no words on his condition tonight. today we spoke with a woman who says she knows two of the store's security guards, but isn't sure which one was killed. she was stopping by to drop off flowers at the front door. there was also a steady stream of customers who arrived in hopes of picking up medications and left frustrated. i don't know, i just had surgery today and i need my prescription, so now i got to figure out where to go. it looks like i'll be either going to brookdale or down to blake. how? because i need my


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