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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  June 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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confrontation in fremont. a security guard is dead after a shooting and stabbing inside of a cvs. we have the new details also smash and grabs are on the rise. we talked to a retired cop about what stores can do to protect their employees and their merchandise. plus, a mid-air jolt on a southwest flight heading to the bay area.
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the pilot did a dutch roll. we'll explain. and warriors star klay thompson raised some eyebrows tonight about what he did on instagram. i'm. good evening. this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm raj mathai. we have made it to friday. we are heading into father's day weekend. let's start with some of the headlines that we are following at this hour. a deadly confrontation at a cvs drug store. a security guard was shot dead. it happened around 11:00 last night at the cvs on maori avenue in fremont. this is at the fremont hub police aren't saying much about what exactly happened, except that it started as an argument between the security guard and another man. it ended with the shooting and stabbing. the store was closed all day. we spoke with the woman who was actually dropping off flowers today at the front porch. the front door there, she says she knows two guards who
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work at the cvs. they really helped us out and he's always welcome us when we're here. so i just wanted to bring the flowers here so they know that we appreciate their work at cvs, says the guard worked for a company called metro one. cvs is cooperating with this investigation and has provided grief counselors for its employees. no word of when the store will reopen. also, tonight changes are coming to the only hospital in alameda. the public alameda hospital is planning to stop offering elective surgeries and will start sending those patients to hospitals nearby in oakland and san leandro hospital leaders say the move will help offset the cost of seismic upgrades, that the hospital must be complete by 2030, so about six years from now. they stress there is no plan to move urgent or emergency surgeries out of the hospital. well, the tense relationship continues between the 40 niners and the city of santa clara. a third report from
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the santa clara county civil grand jury is now out. the new 84 page report centers on the 2010 measure j, which approved construction of levi stadium. so this goes back more than a decade. the grand jury concluded. the original measure protected the city's general fund and the expensive stadium has not strained taxpayers, as critics argue. but it also found that contracts with 49ers affiliates running the stadium were limiting revenue from events at levi stadium. a santa clara mayor, lisa gillmor, tweeted this response, saying the city trusted 40 niners. ownership to, quote, act legally and ethically, which was a mistake. the 40 niners firing back with this statement reading in part this report reaffirms the success of levi stadium and that new leadership at the stadium authority has improved transparency and driven additional profit to the authority and the city. we will follow up with staff on next steps. all right. a lot on this
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coming november ballot. the presidential election, of course, congressional and mayoral races and redoing prop 47 voters passed this proposition ten years ago, but many critics now blame prop 47 for the increase we're seeing in crime term, particularly with theft. now, prop 47 aimed to reduce jail populations by loosening the penalties around drug and theft crimes organized retail thefts have gone through the roof since then. this november, voters could amend prop 47 by eliminating that $950 threshold for a third theft that currently keeps it a misdemeanor . it would also increase jail time for repeat offenders. now, this comes as many thieves are becoming more brazen. just this week, an alarming smash-and-grab was caught on camera. you see it here in sunnyvale. a group of 20 suspects ransacked the sunnyvale jewelry store just a couple of days ago on wednesday, in and out in a couple of minutes, and
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they took off with more than a million bucks of jewelry. five people have been arrested. police, though, are still searching for more than a dozen others. let's bring in michael linenger, a retired san jose police officer and currently a law enforcement analyst. michael, nice to have you back on the program with prop 47. let's start with the politics here. with prop 47 on the ballot, the redoing it, you think tougher punishments will have an impact? essentially, do criminals pay attention to this stuff? i believe that they do. you know, in 2014 when this when this was instituted, there were 110,000 arrests for theft. in 2022, that number dropped to 80,000. so proponents of prop 47 consider that as success and say, look at the drop in retail theft that that simply is a false positive. what's happened is retailers are have steered away from making petty theft arrests, law enforcement has become somewhat apathetic towards that. you've got retail, organized crime groups now who are simply out of control. you
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have no idea what their intent is beyond stealing. are they armed? are they willing to harm you? it's a dangerous situation, and if anyone has any doubt that proposition 47 unleashed this on the state of california, simply go to the city of san francisco and look at the retail establishments that have shut down. look at the number of homeless, drug addicted people that are on the streets, it's patently clear that 47 has severely impacted the state of california. and you have mayor breed and mayor mayhem, san francisco and san jose, who at this point endorse these changes in prop 47, again, you know, we've had successful drug diversion programs in the past. petty theft was petty theft with a prior one up. now, they're suggesting that there are two priors. a third makes it a felony, drug diversion is back in play, i see a lot of positive changes to prop 47. every proposition is not a tremendous success. sometimes they need to be changed. they need to be
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tweaked. in this case, i couldn't agree more. yeah interesting. we'll see how the voters react just a few months from now, how they respond. michael, how do police even investigate these smash and grabs like the one we just saw in sunnyvale, or the others that we see over and over throughout the bay area? well, they're going to rely heavily on cameras, interior exterior, license plate readers, the streets, craigslist offer up all, all types of different venues that these folks use to sell the stolen merchandise. you know, thus far, to date, there's been 474 arrests, 185 investigations. that's a little over three people per investigation that's been arrested. so they're just scratching the surface. i would encourage retailers to put imitation jewelry, watches, diamonds in these display cases, purses. and when people want to see them, they pull them out individually, this is literally, where a critical mass for retail in california for and again, you couldn't ask for a better
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example, than what's happened to the city of san francisco. really interesting what you're saying. final question for you. we've seen large retailers, as you know, like tj maxx, trying to deter thieves by actually having their employees wear cameras, you are you are a former professional here. you're currently an analyst. should employees, part time people, many of them double up as security guards? seems like a tall order here. it's a tall order and it's a dangerous order because now it puts the focus on them instead of, upgrading their camera systems, they're placing their employees potentially in harm's way. and you have to remember, retailers and large refrained from arresting, shoplift at all these days. it's highly unusual. and in fact, if you think about raj shopping in 2014 at any store and you think about shopping at a store in 2024, the vast difference is everything's locked up. yeah, you can't get a toothbrush at target without asking for assistance and having somebody bring it out of a cabinet, a locked cabinet that did not
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exist in 2014. and i would encourage retailers to partnership, to partner up with law enforcement and to consider other options. i really disagree with placing employees in harm's way over a theft. you have no idea what they have in mind, how they'll defend themselves, or what action they'll take. and you couldn't ask for a better example than that poor young man that lost his life at the home depot in pleasanton over an electric drill. yeah, i believe that was last year. michael linenger, former retired san jose police officer, now a law enforcement analyst. thanks for your insight. have a good weekend. take care. thank you. let's move on. now here's a new type of business model, not a landlord, but a van lord. people who rent out those rvs that we see across the bay area. we'll just focus here on san francisco. a lot of rvs we see parked in the dog patch bay view, outer sunset and soma. many people are actually renting them. it's cheaper than an apartment. we spoke with a man named gilbert. he's been living in an rv for about a year and a half. he told us about a friend who recently was homeless and
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opted to pay rent to an rv owner or a van lord to stay off the streets. how much do you think he's paying? 3 to 400 bucks. sometimes yeah. 3 or 4 bucks for an rv. seems expensive, but it's a lot better than the alternative of two grand or three grand. now, renting an rv in the city can be as much as 2000 bucks a month. most people, though, opt to split that cost with roommates inside the rv. a numbers from this year's homeless count found about 1500 people in san francisco are living in vehicles. that includes 134 families, all right. what happened on that southwest airlines flight? a federal investigation is now underway into what caused a sudden jolt on a flight on may 25th. the boeing 737 max was flying from phoenix to oakland when it did a dutch roll. that's when an airplane sways back and forth. this is an example of
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what it might look like. you can see the plane's wings kind of tilt up and down on either side, while the nose and tail wobble left to right. investigators say the move damaged the jet. 175 passengers, six crew members were on board. thankfully, no one was hurt. the faa and ntsb are investigating after southwest reported the incident to the ntsb on june 7th, nearly two weeks after it happened. let's bring in retired pilot doug rice. doug, nice to see you . this looks actually like a stunt move at an air show. what happened here is this the pilot doing this, or is this something else causing this? no this was the aircraft. a, power control unit that, operates the rudder moved the rudder in flight. that power control unit should not have had any power. it's a standby. and it caused the rudder to deflect, which moved the airplane, and the sway left and right with the subsequent roll. okay, doug, if you were flying or when you were flying,
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and this happens, did it ever happen to you? and what's the recourse for the pilot, he or she has to quickly kind of straighten things out, correct? correct the pilot would be, aware of it almost instantaneously because he would feel it in the nose of the aircraft, and he would also feel it in the rudder pedals, and he would take action to nullify the motion and stabilize the aircraft. how often does this happen? and is this because of the actual fleet here of all these 737 max, or is it just the specific plane? this is a very infrequent, occurrence, this is the first one i've heard of in the 737 and probably 20 years. so this would be an isolated incident. the standby power control unit, which was the offender in this case, should not have been powered. and that will be part of the investigation is to why it actuated the rudder and how it turned itself on when the regular, power control unit was still operating. doug, if i'm on
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this flight, am i feeling this? am i getting tossed around? you're going to feel it in the front and the back of the aircraft as the aircraft sways. those in the middle of the aircraft won't feel very much at all amazing. final question why does southwest take so long to report it? two weeks after it happened? then they report it. my surmise is that they did not, or were not aware of the internal damage to the rudder structurally until much later. and they notified the faa and, made a decision as to how they were going to repair it, which is why they took the aircraft back to boeing. and that's when they notified the ntsb so they could be begin an investigation. another issue for boeing, doug rice, a retired pilot, our analysts here on nbc. thanks for your time. appreciate it. thank you. up next, fired for fake working. the trick that wells fargo says its employees use to pretend they were working. we'll show you how many employees got busted and gamers going for gold
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. we'll show you the new sport that could be headed to the olympics. you're watching nbc bay ar
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working, wells fargo revealed it terminated a small batch of employees who allegedly tampered with their computers to make it look like they were on the job and working. the bank's san francisco subsidiary, called wells fargo clearing services,
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fired the workers last month, according to disclosures made to regulators. the disclosures state the employees made it appear that someone was typing on their keyboards to simulate that they were working, a wells fargo spokesperson tells us. wells fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior. well, could a new sport be headed for the olympics? gamers are hoping the answer is yes. get ready for the quest for gold in video gaming. that's right, you heard it. our business tech reporter scott budman explains, video gaming is already gigantic. go esports tournaments can draw tens of thousands of fans and huge prize money, but should those e-sports matches be olympic events? the international olympic committee thinks so and is making plans to launch its own esports tournament. they need to feature the most popular games. in
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esports. gamer and gaming journalist rod breslau, who goes by slasher, says he'd be on board if they let the gamers decide what games to play. the olympics is trying to come in and trying to get a bit bigger name in the digital world, or trying to get a younger audience or trying to get a younger demographic. as for the ioc, it says the decision is about keeping up with the times. with the creation of olympic esports games. the ioc is taking a major step forward in keeping up with the pace of the digital revolution and giving the gamers a chance to show their stuff like a physical sport. there is a lot of skill and dexterity and strategy that goes into playing games and competing in games, so having gamers compete in the olympics just further legitimizes it. th was scott budman reporting, and a reminder
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, nbc bay area is your home for erything olympics. in fact, you can watch the us olympic swimming trials beginning tomorrow night right here on nbc, bay area and peacock. all right, let's take you outside on this friday night, a live look in san francisco. the interesting story with warriors star klay thompson and instagram. stay with us.
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player on instagram. that's what happens nowadays. athletes are doing it. klay thompson's future with the warriors remains unclear. late today, word spread that klay unfollowed the warriors on instagram and deleted a lot of his warriors content on his personal account, the 34 year old future hall of famer is a free agent. the four time nba champ is also one of the most beloved sports figures in bay area history. he has not publicly commented on unfollowing the warriors. oh doesn't mean he's leaving, but it just means that you know what, guys? don't take me for granted. i might not be around to read between the lines. right. exactly. happy friday, joe. all right. i know everybody's going to want to click follow on the weekend weather forecast, because we have some really nice weather shaping up for a lot of the bay area. we have the storm track just to the north, so that's going to help to keep hot one
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hundredths away. only thing though, we are watching out for though is some on and off wind gusts. let me get you more details right now on that microclimate forecast and where the fire danger will be the highest. and the way we see it right now, it's going to be to the north of the greater bay area. we have a red flag fire warning here through the central valley. that's from redding down to sacramento. so but we now also have lake county included in that. so let me show you a closer view here. it's from lakeport to kelseyville, clear lake cobb down to middletown, 11 p.m. saturday until 5 a.m. on monday. on and off wind gusts here 15 to about 40mph. humidity is going to be low to 10 to 20. top risk in the mountains. but really everybody just be careful out there as we roll through this weekend up towards lake county. back here in the bay area. we're going to start it off tomorrow morning with temperatures in the 50s, just a little bit of cloud cover expected near the coast and also the bay. and for the afternoon. pretty nice here for june 85th. in napa 86 livermore low 80s in san jose 76 oakland palo alto 80 downtown san francisco right
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there at 70. we'll see some on and off afternoon wind gusts here, 15 to about 35. all right. looking for something to do. let me take you to two different events. we've got the country summer music festival at the sonoma county fairgrounds, 80 and sunshine there. and if you want something absolutely free, this should be pretty perfect. in san francisco, the 66th annual north beach festival. some low 70s and sunshine. so have an awesome time on the 7-day forecast here as we continue through this upcoming weekend, we'll hang on to 80s inland and really 80 all the way through next week. so nice weather really. whatever you got planned, just watch out up there towards lake county. yeah, perfect. north beach festival looks good and great forecast. great forecast for father's day weekend. thanks, jeff. coming up tonight in prime time, america's got talent at 8:00 followed by dateline at ten. and then stay up late. our live and local 11:00 news right here from our nbc studios. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00, for
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everyone here at nbc bay area, including our producer, samantha voorhees. thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening. we hope to see you back at 11.
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tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> a new photo health update and breaking news on tomorrow's return to public life straight from princess kate. >> i was the marrying kind. i went a little


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