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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  June 15, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- amy poehler, star of "outlaws," actor and comedian stephen merchant, an all-new "closer look." featuring the 8g band with roni kaspi.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. the "wall street journal" published an article yesterday titled "behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping." yeah, we know. sometimes he doesn't even make it to the door. [ laughter ] that's right, "wall street journal" published an article yesterday that claims president biden appears to be slipping in private meetings. he keeps saying crazy stuff that make no sense like, "a convicted felon is beating me in the polls." [ laughter ] okay, dude. president biden yesterday signed an executive order to reduce the flow of migrants into the country and, quote, gain control of our border. apparently, he thinks his only chance in this election is to run as a democrat and a republican. [ light laughter ] in a post to truth social yesterday, former
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president trump criticized president biden for the, quote, disaster he created in the middle east. created? i mean, come on, he's old, but he's not that old. [ laughter ] in a new interview following his felony conviction, former president trump said that he, quote, never saw a glimmer of a smile from the jury. he said it was like being in the room with 12 melanias. [ laughter and applause ] in a new interview, former president trump credited himself for not launching a criminal investigation into hillary clinton while in office. unfortunately, he could never figure out which porn star she paid off. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] soccer star lionel messi recently announced a new partnership with the makers of white claw to launch a new sports drink. seems like a waste of money, though, since most people already associate white claw with messi. [ laughter ]
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a florida man, who was arrested for vandalism allegedly told officers that his name was mr. monopoly, but sadly they had to let him go. [ laughter ] carson could have done that joke. [ laughter ] the fast-food chain wendy's has unveiled its saucy nugs. oh, sure. but when i do it, i'm not longer welcome at planet fitness. [ laughter ] must be nice. [ laughter ] oh, you -- i've got to keep my veiled. [ laughter ] and finally, according to a new survey, nearly 70% of americans feel guilty when they use disposable items. but some don't evening feel guilty after 34 felony convictions. and that -- [ laughter ] they don't. they're fine with it. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, that was the monologue. we have, for you, just a
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fantastic show. you're here for a really great one. she plays joy in the new pixar film "inside out 2," and joy is what she brings every time she's here. my dear friend amy poehler is back on the show, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] so excited for all of us. and you know him from "the office," "extras," and "hello ladies." he is the co-creator and star of "the outlaws," currently in it's third season on amazon prime video. stephen merchant is here, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] the always funny and charming stephen merchant. before we get to all of that. maga republicans are reacting to donald trump's guilty verdict by demanding retribution while also claiming that it will actually help him win the election. but new polling suggests otherwise. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: donald trump is now a convicted felon after his's found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to an adult film star in order to defraud voters during the 2016 election.
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there's not a second part to that. i just -- [ laughter ] just like saying the words, you know? donald trump is a convicted felon. and that's just a fact. it's not an exaggeration. it's not an ad hominem attack. it's true words. you know, fans of trump often criticize a show like this one, saying the entirety of the material is orange man bad. orange man not just bad. orange man convicted by a jury of his peers [ laughter and cheers ] orange man month bad? yes. orange man have bad, bad month. [ applause ] now, obviously having the standard bearer of your political party facing down the prospect of imminent jail time after a felony conviction seems like less than ideal news. but republicans have been consoling themselves by claiming that actually, this will help trump. >> it's a travesty. and politically, i think that's going to help president trump. >> so, he's clearly going to use this to his advantage rhetorically on the campaign trail. he thinks it helps. how do you see it? >> it does. >> this helps donald trump. >> this conviction just secured
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donald trump being our 47th president on november 5th. >> did they awake a sleeping giant here? >> they really did. it has been a big backfire like the exploding cigar. >> this, like a lot of things they have tried over the last seven or eight years, this is going to backfire. when you're in the media center of new york, that seems like the center of the universe. but if you're out there and you're going to a coffee shop in north dakota this morning, and you're a farmer that got up and you drove ten miles to go to town to have coffee at 5:00 in the morning before you go back and farm by yourself all day -- you know, if it's -- if it's the big trial, you'd be like, "guilty or innocent." this morning, they'd be like, "what was the crime? what was this all about?" >> seth: that was north dakota governor doug burgam, whose name sounds like a curse word a farmer would use if a horse got loose. [ laughter ] "who left the gate open, doug burgum?" [ laughter ] so, let me get this straight. you think new yorkers are out of touch, yet you're the one who thinks farmers go ten miles into town for coffee every morning? [ laughter ] "yep, just can't get on my
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john deere until i've had my triple-shot extra foam macchiato and a couple of cake pops. what do you mean -- what do you mean they're out cake pops? doug burgam!" [ laughter ] i am sure -- i am certain farmers have coffee makers. [ laughter ] they also have tvs and computers. this isn't 12th century medieval europe. have you been to a farm lately? they have robots that milk the cows now. [ laughter ] you can control it via wi-fi from your tablet. in fact, every time you fill a milk bucket, you get a bonus life in "candy crush." [ laughter ] but my favorite example of maga weirdos claiming a guilty verdict would just make trump stronger came from fox host jesse watters, who chose a very bizarre analogy. >> democrats think locking up trump locks up america first, but it doesn't. it makes it stronger. you ever see the prison bodies on inmates? >> seth: what an -- [ laughter ] what an interesting question that i hope you've never asked within 500 feet of a school. [ laughter ]
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fir -- no, i haven't. have you? in what circumstance did you see prison bodies on inmates? it's not great when you're pro-trump talking points sound like the fifth- most popular search on pornhub. also -- [ laughter ] there's no way in hell trump would ever get swole. [ laughter ] first of all, he's a 77-year-old man who would be starting from less than scratch. [ laughter ] the only workout he's ever done is when he lifts those two invisible dumbbells. [ laughter ] it's what it looks like when you do jumping jacks with zero inch vertical. and also, prison's not like ozempic. it's not a prescription you take that gets you in shape. you still have to do the exercise. [ laughter ] what are you guys talking about? are you thinking about j.k. simmons in "oz?" because that's a tv show. he didn't get buff in prison. he got buff in real life. look at this dude. the j.k. is short for jacked. [ laughter ] forget hunter biden. if anyone should be in court for gun charges, it's this dude. [ laughter ] but i'm not here to do "a closer look" on how jacked j.k. simmons is.
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but if the news could just slow down for a day, i [ bleep ] will. [ laughter ] this man is 69. he can crush me like a tin can. [ laughter ] maga world is so weird and pathetic. they spend their time fantasizing about trump emerging from prison with the bulging lats and six-pack. because you know my boy trump's skipping leg day. [ laughter ] if he ever did start lifting weights, he'd end up looking like a mismatched action figure with a g.i. joe top and mr. potatohead bottom. [ laughter ] we didn't make that. we stole it from jesse watters' vision board. [ laughter ] so, the gop position is that voters are too dumb or disinterested to care about the verdict. and also, that if they did care, it would actually make them more likely to vote for trump. and on both counts, early data suggest they're very wrong. first, interest in the trial skyrocketed once the verdict was annoucned. >> throughout this entire trial, i've been looking at the numbers. and americans really didn't seem to care that much, right? but yesterday, something very different happened. so, take a look here. google searches for donald trump up --
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look at this percentage. up 3,233% at the time of conviction versus the hour before, kate. americans were really interested in this verdict. this reaches the google searches for trump a post-presidency high on thursday. so, americans might not have been interested before, but they were definitely very, very interested in this verdict on thursday. >> seth: and that's not to mention the increase in trump googling, "does jail make you strong by magic?" [ laughter ] so, americans are now taking an interest in trump's guilty verdict. and early polling suggests that, shockingly, being a convicted felon is actually not a political asset. >> 50% of americans in our poll with ipso say that think this is the right verdict. only 27% saying they don't think it's the correct verdict, the right outcome. and almost half of the country thinks that trump should actually end his campaign based on just this. and it's more striking if you just look at those who dislike both president biden and former president trump. the so-called double-haters who could be so critical in this election.
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among those voters, 65% think this was the right verdict and 67%, two-thirds, think that he should actually end his campaign. >> more than half of all independents, 52% believe the jury reached the right conclusion. and they think it should end donald trump's 2024 campaign. those numbers are even higher among so-called double-haters who are voters with unfavorable opinions of both trump and president biden. >> seth: so more than half of independents say trump should drop out, which is bad for trump. but also, there's now an entire new group of voters called double-haters? [ laughter ] which feels like it's just bad for america? george, we polled every major voting group, "double-haters," "nose- holders," and the "who [ bleep ] cares, nothing matters anymore." [ laughter ] seriosly, can you imagine the five-alarm [ bleep ] storm that democrats would currently be having if a poll results said more than half of independents wanted joe biden to drop out. they'd desperately be trying to lure joe biden out of the white house by telling them there's free ice cream across the street, and then replacing him
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with obama in a pair of aviators, just hoping no one noticed. "uh, it's me, uh, joe biden." [ laughter ] "i'm not kidding around." [ laughter ] "i took the, uh, amtrak here. no joke." [ light laughter ] "no joke, jack." [ laughter ] but republicans are not reacting to the verdict with introspection and wondering if they have the right candidate. in fact, they're having the opposite reaction. they're demanding immediate retribution against democrats. >> this weekend, republican senator marco rubio, he tweeted, "fight fire with fire." >> it's a terrible, terrible path that they're leading us to. and it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them. >> is every house committee controlled by republicans, using its subpoena power in every way in needs to right now with every republican d.a. starting investigation they need to right now? >> president biden just should be ready.
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because on january 20th of next year, when he's former president joe biden. what's good for the goose is good for the gander. >> right now! today! we should be voting to impeach joe biden! oh, but no. none of that is happening up here in washington, d.c., because republicans continually have their head up their ass. >> seth: you might be angry about that marjorie, but the head-in-assers are one of trump's most reliable voting blocks, along with chaos-lovers and people who hate him but hate paying taxes more. [ laughter and applause ] so why are you all freaking out? i thought this was a gift. i thought this was all gonna backfire and the democrats awoke a sleeping giant. besides, based on your logic, the worst thing you could do is send joe biden to jail, because you know he'd be coming out jacked. he and hunter will be over at the bench press just crushing reps. [ laughter ] he won't even need aviators anymore, 'cause he'll get them tattooed on his face. [ laughter ] that looked better than i thought it would. [ laughter ]
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like i'm -- i kind of think he should do it. [ laughter ] also, this isn't even new. republicans have been promising payback and retribution for years. they wanted hillary locked up in 2016, biden locked up in 2020. they already started drawing up plans to use the justice department to get revenge months ago. they've been making these threats for years. they're just freaking out and losing their minds. last time i was this agitated, i was online looking at -- >> the present bodies on inmates? [ laughter ] >> seth: it was -- somebody opened in on my computer! [ laughter ] this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: we'll be right back with amy poehler, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here?
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what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. at bombas, we're obsessed with socks. tees. and underwear. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and get 20% off your first order. a perfect morning calls for the perfect pairing. one purchased equals one donated. jimmy dean maple griddle cakes. sweet pancake outside. savory sausage inside. ready in minutes. ♪ ♪ since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band, everybody. they're right over there. back again with us tonight, she is a gifted musician. who is the touring drummer for renowned jazz bassist and composer avishai cohen. currently you can catch her touring behind her own music in support of her debut ep "pony" which is wherever you stream your music. for more tour dates and information, follow her on instagram, @roniponi100. roni kaspi is here. thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, seth. >> seth: our first gues tonight is an emmy award-winning actress, director, producer, and podcaster. she returns as the voice of joy in pixar's highly anticipated "inside out 2," which opens in theaters and imax on june 14th. let's take a look. >> behold. my super high-tech riley protection system. [ boing ] don't look. it's fine. this is for all those memories that belong in the back of the mind. like this penalty one. it's weighing on her, so let's
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lighten the load. a one-way express-way to "we're not going to think about that right now." whoo! >> wow. >> you worked hard. >> that's pretty impressive. >> you take such good care of riley. >> thanks, i try. >> seth: please welcome back to the show, the best in the biz, our very good friend, amy poehler. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: hello, my friend! >> seth, hi! >> seth: my friend of friends! i feel very lucky. it hasn't been that long since you were last with us. >> i know, i got to be here when the president was here. >> seth: you were here for our anniversary show. >> a few months ago. tenth anniversary. that was so exciting. and now that you have celebrated ten years, how are you keeping the show fresh? [ laughter ]
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you know what i mean, like if -- if -- >> seth: i feel like that's a real table turner right off the bat. [ laughter ] maybe that's how i keep it fresh, i'll just say to the guest, "why don't you come out and ask me a tough one?" [ laughter ] >> i'm just curious. are you opening up the show to other shows? kimmel was on here, it's like, are you dating other shows? [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> are you like -- are you keeping the show sexy? >> seth: that's how im keeping it fresh -- you know what? i'm gonna go, maybe go do colbert next week. [ laughter ] >> that's what i mean! switch it up! switch it up! [ talking over each other ] >> seth: -- cbs! >> no, that was so fun, that was amazing. >> seth: it was great to have you here. another thing that's incredibly cool, is, you know, we've been doing this show ten years. "inside out" ten years ago. >> i know, i can't believe it. >> seth: that's a very -- >> it's been a wild ten years. >> seth: that's been a wild ten years. now can i tell you something i remember? maybe, you don't remember this. i remember when you were work working on the first "inside out." >> yeah. >> seth: 'cause i know it take a long time to make one of these. >> yeah, 'cause they're so good. >> seth: they're so good. [ laughter ] for real though, you said, "i think this is the best thing i'm ever going to do." >> i still maintain, the best -- probably the best piece of art i've every been involved in. >> seth: and that was a -- you
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know and at the time we were doing update together, and so i was like, "okay." [ laughter ] >> i was like, "literally best working experience, best partner ever in pixar, best person to my right." [ laughter ] >> seth: that was weird, you kept talking about who was to your right. >> yeah, right, yeah, yeah. i was like, "literally the best -- >> seth: "he was like a sound engineer. i really liked him. i can't remember his name, but he was my guy." >> yeah, he was my guy. >> seth: before we get to the movie, you have actually been taking this all over the world. >> yes. i am on a world tour. >> seth: you're on a world tour! >> i went to australia and the uk this week. and i got in last night, and i'm so jet-lagged -- >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> -- that i don't know what i'm saying right now. you know, when you talk and you can't -- >> seth: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> -- your voice sounds like the peanuts characters? [ laughter ] so, i apologize in advance. >> seth: okay. >> for all the things that i get wrong. >> seth: great. >> and i'm very, very jet-lagged and so, i can't really tell stories right now. [ laughter ] so -- so will you -- so, you do it. [ laughter ] you do it. >> seth: okay. >> thank you, seth-seth. >> seth: uh, great. [ cheers and applause ]
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p >> tell me a story! >> seth: you want me -- do you want me to like tell a story as you? >> like, what are you doing with your summer? like -- [ laughter ] no, anyway. yeah, but we've been in australia, we've been in the uk. it's been awesome and -- >> seth: did you -- so anxiety's a new character. >> yeah, anxiety shows up, and "inside out 2" for those of you who don't know, and kind of takes over, because our character riley is going from 12 to 13. new emotions arise. >> seth: anxiety's a big one. >> yes. >> seth: do you have -- how -- i've never been lucky enough to go to australia. did you have any anxiety about that flight? >> well, oh yeah, the flight? >> seth: yeah. >> yeah. dude, we -- well -- we went from australia to the uk, which is a 22-hour flight. yeah, i know, i'm such a hero. like -- it was so hard. [ laughter ] i had to watch "moonstruck." so good. can -- should we talk about "moonstruck?" >> seth: i would love to talk about "moonstruck." i watched "moonstruck" -- >> dude, okay what --. >> seth: -- about five years ago. >> okay, thoughts. >> seth: it's great. >> so good, but -- >> seth: but -- two different movies?
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>> yes, i was going to say -- first of all, nicolas cage so hot. >> seth: so hot. [ laughter ] like tight -- tight white tank. >> like white tank, yes. sweaty, and he's like making pizza? >> seth: hair is going everywhere. >> teeth like a grave-yard. >> seth: big old mustache. >> teeth like a grave-yard! >> seth: oh, yeah! >> cher, so hot. >> seth: so hot. >> gorgeous. >> seth: so hot. >> and zero chemistry between the two of them. >> seth: none! [ laughter ] >> if you watch it again, they hate each other! >> seth: yeah. well, nic cage genuinely might be acting like he's in a german expressionist film. >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: i might have actually read it in an interview he was doing. doesn't he have a wooden hand? >> he has a wooden hand. and you can tell the whole time cher is like "this [ bleep ] hand." [ laughter ] see, i swore! >> seth: yeah. >> i swore. >> seth: yeah, but that's okay 'cause the part of your mind that knows about standards is eight hours behind. >> i'm on -- i'm on -- i'm so jet-lagged! i can swear if you're jet-lagged, right? >> seth: you can swear if you're jet-lagged. >> is my fly open? okay, god, no. [ laughter ] i just got so scared -- i got so
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scared that my fly was open! >> seth: the whole time. >> oh, god! the whole press tour. [ laughter ] the whole press tour it was open. >> seth: not just today! there was somebody that was doing a really -- pixar does a really funny prank where when you get ready for a press somebody comes over and is like -- [ laughter ] >> but it's cute -- >> seth: they go, "oh, you have a little piece of fuzz." >> no, it's cute. it's a little mouse, and it goes -- [ meep ] and it pulls your fly down. [ laughter ] okay, sorry. >> seth: will they animate a mouse to pull your fly down? >> sorry, so back to "moonstruck." >> seth: yes. >> anyway, great movie, olympia dukakis, what an actress. >> seth: uh, danny aiello, right? >> danny aiello. and then i also watched "parenthood." >> seth: yes. >> so good. >> seth: airs so -- that ages so well. >> i know -- yeah, it really does. >> seth: tom hulce. the great tom hulce. >> incredible, oh, my god. >> seth: yeah. >> so that's all i have to say about -- >> seth: do you want to -- will you just give me, because you're jet- lagged, will you just give me your best cher yelling, "snap out of it." >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. also, two slaps which people forget. >> seth: oh, i forgot there were two slaps. >> yeah, yeah. two slaps. so, she slaps, and then she
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slaps again. >> seth: oh, that's good. the second slap is good. >> and she's like -- when does she do -- say -- hold on. let me get this right, this is important. [ light laughter ] so, she says, slap "snap out of it!" slap again, i think. >> seth: okay. >> i don't know. i don't know. >> seth: you did good. [ cheers and applause ] >> if it's not good, it's not good. >> seth: now, did either -- i think -- we are both unapologetic criers. >> oh, god, we love to cry. [ light laughter ] i feel like i've seen you cry a lot. >> seth: oh, i cry all of the time. >> you cried so hard when you said goodbye to "snl," and you and stefan -- >> seth: i cried so hard. i cried not, when you said it, but right after you left saying, "pixar was the most fun you've ever had working." [ laughter ] i cried real hard that day. >> yes. and "inside out" is just a good way to make you -- make you cry too. okay, we love to cry. >> seth: oh, yeah, "inside out" is -- but -- did you cry on the plane? because "parenthood" would maybe get you. >> yeah, you know what? i didn't. i didn't cry on the plane. you know why? because they made an announcement that chilled everyone to the bone. because -- everything was fine,
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luckily, but we were flying into singapore. you have to fly eight hours to singapore, and then another 15 to the uk. and when everyone was about to land in singapore, they were like, "just as we are getting ready for landing, we want to remind everyone that if anyone is found with drugs, it's punishable by death." [ laughter ] yes, they said "by death," on the plane! and they said, "that includes any edibles." and you can just hear everyone in the plane just be like -- gulp. [ laughter ] >> seth: all right. can you do something for me? >> yeah. >> seth: all right. i want you to be -- you're wearing heads phones and you're watching a scene that is about to make you cry -- >> oh, no problem. >> seth: okay, and then you hear that announcement and i want to see your face as you transition from an emotional movie to the reality. >> okay, sorry, can i get my direction again? what? [ laughter ] that was such clear direction. okay. >> seth: so you're watching a movie. >> okay, okay. >> seth: it's getting you emotionally. >> okay, sure got it. >> seth: you're getting choked up, but then you hear the announcement and i want to see your face as you -- you transition away from your -- >> and i hear the -- okay, i get
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it. okay -- are you going to do the announcement? >> seth: yeah, but you have to get set. [ laughter ] >> okay. okay. >> seth: all right. >> i'm there! i'm already there. i'm there! [ laughter ] >> seth: okay, great. all right. "we're about to land in singapore, and we want to remind you that if you're caught with drugs, it is punishable by death." >> oh, no! [ laughter and applause ] small, that's small. >> seth: you know what you just gave me? i was looking for cher, and you gave me nic cage. [ laughter ] >> i mean -- you got to go nic cage. one or the other! you got to go nic cage! >> seth: i have a lot more to ask you. will you please stick around? >> yes, please. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: all right. we'll be right back with more. ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you.
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what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: welcome back. we're here with the wonderful amy poehler. i cried today. i almost forgot to tell you. i cried today. >> what did you cry about? >> seth: i watched a video, and this is a tie in to you being in australia. the australian goalkeeper on the women's national team was -- is retiring, and she gave the number one jersey to, like, who is taking over. >> i love a sports cry. >> seth: oh, yeah. >> when someone is getting the induction into the hall of fame and they're like, "my mom is the real mvp?" >> seth: yeah. >> forget it. [ laughter ] >> seth: watching anybody -- and i will say, i liked an
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australian getting a little -- because they don't -- they seem like they never cry. >> they're up. yeah, they're up. >> seth: like, "hello, i just want to say --" [ laughter ] >> "i really enjoyed being in this sport." [ laughter ] >> seth: "but certain things come to an end?" [ laughter ] >> "and life -- life really hands -- hands you things you can't --" sorry, i lost it. [ laughter ] i got too -- yeah, jet lag. >> seth: this is very cool. >> jet lag. >> seth: first of all, can i -- this is a piece of art. >> i know, isn't this cool? >> seth: you know, obviously, i've got a lot of hard feelings towards pixar. we've established it, but now, i've completely turned around. this is a piece of pixar with the "inside out" characters here on this show. >> isn't that cool? [ audience aws ] >> seth: this is -- so this is i guess just basically my emotions while i'm doing a show. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i know, and i would love to hear, like, it would be fun to think about who voices your -- the voices of your head.
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like who is anger in your head. what is that voice? >> seth: do you know why i would think, i mean, again, with all due respect to everybody in this, because the voices are perfect. >> of course. >> seth: i would like bill burr to be my anger voice. >> yeah. [ laughter ] you know, that makes sense because they should have a boston accent. >> seth: yes, some version of like tied to where you're from. i feel like bill burr is a very good -- >> i feel like most of the anger that's happened in my life is done with a boston accent. >> seth: yes, i think it's weird. like some people are like, "when i go back home, my accent comes back," and i'm like, "every time, a [ bleep ] cuts me off." [ laughter ] >> you're swearing, too. >> seth: i just got back from -- during commercial, i went to new zealand. [ laughter ] >> fish and chips. >> seth: joy, i do think joy, since you're taken, you mentioned martin short. >> i think somebody asked me who would be the voice of joy in my head, and i immediately thought of martin short. >> seth: yeah, i think he's one of the most joyous people there is. >> he's so joyous and fun and funny, too. but i called him, and he's not
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avails, so -- [ laughter ] >> seth: anxiety, we mentioned anxiety is a new one. >> yes. >> seth: how are you handling anxiety these days? >> wow, you know, what i genuinely love about the film is like -- it's about riley -- riley is coming of age, but we all deal with anxiety all the time. >> seth: yeah. >> so, it's kind of beautiful how they approach it and deal with it, and i'm not dealing with mine. so what about you? >> seth: not really. [ laughter ] yeah, no, no, no. i feel like, well, look. i think one thing, we have kids, right? >> yeah. >> seth: and so, i'm just like so concerned about their anxiety that i don't give a lot of time for my anxieties. >> yeah, i feel like i do this thing -- what i think is pretty healthy, which is, like, push it down. >> seth: yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] and that's probably not the message of "inside out." >> no, no, there's is an opposite message. >> seth: yeah, but you're like too busy, you're so busy doing a press tour for that message that you have to push yours down. [ laughter ] >> yeah, while i talk about how important it is to feel your
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feelings, i have to smush mine down. [ laughter ] and say shut -- say, "shut up. don't come up here." >> seth: don't come up here. >> you have to work. >> seth: i'm doing press. >> and i'm like, "but my fly is open." [ laughter ] and it's like, no, it's not, dummy. that's the kind of stuff i deal with. >> seth: that's the kind of stuff you deal with, okay. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: your dear boys, are they excited -- i mean, i guess they've kind of maybe aged out of "inside out?" >> no, never, i don't think anyone ever ages out of any pixar film, right. >> seth: no, that's true. okay, good. >> i mean, i feel like -- yeah, exactly. but, i mean, it's been really -- i love that teen thing that happens where friends become more important than your family? like, it kind of is -- like who you hang around with is important. >> seth: yeah. >> and that is definitely like in this film, the character riley like starts to care, like if the stakes are about her friends, which i kind of love. but yeah, we're in teen town right now in my house. it's pretty fun. i don't mind it as -- well, you've got some years to go.
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>> seth: i got some years to go. what if i say a few things and you tell me what emotion you feel when i say it? >> okay, very good. another acting exercise. >> seth: okay, great. [ laughter ] and do, by the way, do let me know if my direction notes are unclear. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> seth: give yourself permission to just like start laying -- >> don't say -- don't get all close and say, "give yourself permission." [ laughter ] >> seth: your boys come home, and they're like, "hey, we got tickets to a ufc fight in mexico, and we want to go." [ light laughter ] >> oh, my god, anxiety, fear, just a hard no. [ laughter ] whatever the hard no emotion is. [ laughter ] >> seth: what about we've got tickets to a ufc fight in mexico, and we think it would be so much fun if all three of us went. >> oh, that's going to be a hard no. [ laughter ] that's going to be a triple no, as the kids would say.
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it's gonna be a hell no, dog. no, yeah. i feel like -- i feel like, i don't know. jet lag, i don't remember what i was saying. >> seth: that's all right. [ laughter ] you had a wonderful podcast earlier this year, "say more with dr? sheila." >> i did. >> seth: and there's a new one with our dear friends emily spivey and liz cackowski. >> the best. >> seth: women talking about murder. >> yes. [ light laughter ] >> seth: and this is improvised comedy crime podcast. >> yes. >> seth: from two of the funniest people we know, and i love it so much. >> the best. it's so funny, emily spivey, liz cackowski, writers. they wrote "wine country," they wrote on "snl." and they play women who are obsessed with true crime, and one goes missing. [ laughter ] so do check it out. [ laughter ] >> seth: thank you so much for coming here after your long trip across the world. >> i love you. >> seth: i'm so happy. [ cheers and applause ] amy poehler, everybody. "inside out 2" opens in theaters and imax june 14th. we'll be right back with stephen merchant, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: our next guest is an emmy and peabody winning comedian, actor and writer you know from his work on "the office," "extras" and "hello ladies." he co-created and stars in "the outlaws." the third season is streaming now on prime video. let's take a look. >> the boundary wall does encroach five yards further into
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mr. cowan's property than you and your wife first -- >> oh, yes. >> -- indicated. >> oh, that's too good. >> now taking this to the courts would be time-consuming. it's expen -- sive. but what i can recommend is contacting the land -- can you give me one second to discuss something with my paralegal? [ moaning ] >> oh, yes! >> gabby, please, this is supposed to be a business hub, not pornhub. [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome to the show stephen merchant, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show. >> thank you so much. >> seth: so happy to have you. >> very excited to be here. thank you. >> seth: i -- my brother and i were very fortunate to have you on our podcast "family trips." i loved hearing about how you grew up. and it strikes me that your dad had a real respect for comedy, but was not in comedy. he was a -- a plumber. >> he was a plumber, he worked in construction. he and his own father single
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handedly built a house from scratch at the weekends. >> seth: and then lived in it. >> like, did a regular job. and then sold it and, you know -- [ laughter ] and -- and so, yeah. whereas i'm very different to that. i don't -- i've done very little house building. >> seth: yeah. >> and you know, he's like -- he's like a real man. you know, he's like, in england, he's a bloke. you know, he's a blue collared guy. like we have very different ideas about what a jigsaw is. you know, like -- you know, like a jigsaw to him is something you use to cut wood. and i use a jigsaw to while away a rainy afternoon. you know? [ laughter ] and, so, yeah. very, very different kind of experiences. but, it's funny because whenever i'm around him or his friends, i have this urge to sort of be one of them. you know what i mean? like -- i don't know if you got any of that one. if i'm around like a construction guy or scaffold, or an engineer, i want them to think i'm one of them, but i'm not some artsy college kid. >> seth: because does anyone ever call you a bloke? >> never. >> seth: yeah, okay. [ laughter ] >> no, no, no. no, it's largely nerd, geek, you
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know, four eyes. >> seth: okay, got it. oh, so the words we have. >> yes, yes, yes, exactly. yeah, they've traveled across the pond. and, like, i remember one time i was doing some work on a flat and my dad was helping me and he said, "we need to buy some glass for this window." and he said, "i got a friend, colin, who runs a glass store. go up there and buy some glass." so i went up there and i just went into this act where i was try -- i wanted colin to think i was one of the boys. [ light laughter ] you know? ii sort of went and i remember kind of walking, with like a swagger, and i remember pretending to chew gum. [ light laughter ] like i wasn't even chewing, i just -- and i sort of walked in, and i'm like, "hello, dude. did you see the big game of sports last night?" >> seth: yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> i don't know anything about sport. and he said, "yeah, as it goes, i'm big ron's lad." and i went over to this glass, and i pulled this piece of glass out. he went, "be careful, mate." i went, "i'm all right, chief." [ light laughter ] "i know how to handle glass." and it turns out i don't know how to handle glass. [ laughter ] 'cause i looked at my hand, and
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it was cut wide open. [ audience oohs ] right. and there's a reason why sheets of glass are called a pane. >> seth: yeah, oh sure. [ laughter ] >> right. like it was unbelievable. and i didn't want colin to know what happened. [ light laughter ] and what i should have done is just begged him for help. and instead, i put my hand in my -- [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] chinos pocket. and i'm there. and he's says, "everything all right?" "yeah." and he said, "is that the piece you want?" i went, "yeah." and he came over, and he put on -- have you ever seen those guys who like train hawks? they have a giant leather glove. and he come in, he put -- and i thought, that makes sense. [ laughter ] and he pulls out and he wraps it up for me and he brings it back to the thing. and i'm trying to pay and i'm trying to sign the credit card receipt but with my left hand, and i'm right-handed. i can't -- purchase on it. it's sliding around. and he said to me, "i'm gonna ask you a question, man." [ light laughter ] "have you hurt yourself?" [ laughter ] i was like, "i have, yeah." [ light laughter ] i remember saying, "please don't
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tell my dad." [ laughter ] and he didn't, which was sweet of him. >> seth: that's very nice of him. yeah, big ron doesn't have to hear stuff like that about his son. >> big ron doesn't need to know that, yeah. [ applause ] it's pathetic. >> seth: how did he feel -- you know, he probably knew you weren't going to go into glass works. >> yes, yeah. >> seth: so how did you feel when you left bristol for london? >> yeah, i moved up to london. it's about 130 miles from my hometown of bristol. and he didn't really want me to go. but not -- because he was very supportive. he just -- he just wanted his family around him. and he was trying to find reasons to persuade me not to move. and he's like, "what's london got that bristol hasn't got? we just built a laser tag." [ laughter ] you know, i'm like, "okay, dad." okay, but i moved up to london, and he says, "the thing is, up there, you got to be careful. the mugging." he said, "i had a friend up there. he went up to do 'les miserables,' right? he was only there 24 hours, he got mugged twice." [ laughter ] i'm like, "okay." so, i got paranoid 'cause i was young when i went. i was like 20 something. and i'm not making this up. you'll think i'm making this up, right? so i was terrified that someone would pull a knife and say, "give me your wallet."
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so i carried my real wallet and a fake wallet. [ laughter ] and i put like a couple of bank notes in there, an like an old blockbuster video card. >> seth: sure. [ laughter ] >> and then, this is where my mind work -- this is why i'm not a bloke. i'm like, "what if i hand over the fake wallet, and the mugger goes, 'this is a fake wallet'" [ laughter ] "and he stabs me anyway?" [ light laughter ] so, i carried a second fake wallet. [ laughter and applause ] for years! and i never knew which was the real one. >> seth: that would be -- i would assume that -- and certainly if you never knew when a knife get pulled on you, that's not gonna be -- >> this is it. this is -- yeah. and in the end, the inevitable happened. i was walking there a park late at night, i was making a shortcut. it was stupid, i shouldn't have done it. and three guys kind of surrounded me. they didn't have a knife, but one of them -- and i thought this is it. this is the moment. they were going to say, "give me your wallet." but these guys outwitted me. 'cause they said, "give me your phone." >> seth: oh. [ laughter ] >> i just had the one phone. [ laughter ] and so -- and they're walking
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on, i was like, "do you want a wallet?" [ laughter ] "i got -- i got wallets for all of you." >> seth: you outsmarted me. and you're like, extra reward is a wallet. [ light laughter ] >> and anything you want at blockbuster if you can find one. [ light laughter ] >> seth: you -- your parents, by the way, were in the clip. >> they were in that clip, yes. >> seth: we just showed. that was your mom and dad on the laptop. >> that's right, yes. >> seth: doing a very good job. >> i didn't tell them that they were reacting to sex noises. [ light laughter ] >> seth: they were very good. >> i just said there were some noises. >> seth: okay. i felt the subtlety of their performance was good. i couldn't help but notice, not a speaking part. >> no, they did have lines. >> seth: okay. >> and i cut the lines out. [ laughter ] yeah. yeah. and i'm hoping they don't watch "late night" because -- [ light laughter ] they haven't seen the show yet. no, i have told them. i did call them because i didn't want it to be an awkward christmas. >> seth: yeah, sure. and did you cut it because of performance or just -- >> no, they were surprisingly good. they were okay, yeah. no, it was just for time. >> seth: so, it's just -- sometimes, yeah, for time. >> things get cut, you know. >> seth: this is a show you created, you write with a staff of writers, you're also one of
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the stars of the show. and you encourage your writers, because this is about seven people who are doing community service, and then sort of, it becomes a crime ring? is that a fair enough way -- >> yeah, a kind of crime thriller, comedy. >> seth: yeah. very funny. christopher -- the wonderful christopher walken is in it. it's a great cast. but you tell your writers to have the other characters insult your appearance. >> well, yeah. 'cause my -- i'm playing this kind of awkward, nerdy english guy. it's a real stretch for me. and -- [ laughter ] and so he gets insulted frequently in the show. and so, you know -- i don't know if you ever had this where you go into the writers room, and you're like, "okay, think of insults, guys. for me." and they're like, "can't think of any, boss. there's nothing. i got nothing." [ light laughter ] and in the end, i sort of freed them up, because i started throwing in a few. and they star -- they came up with a few. >> seth: what were some of the memorable ones? >> they came up with gollum's ugly brother. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] >> albino e.t. on stilts. >> seth: okay. [ light laughter ] [ audience oohs ] >> one of them said i look like a haunted pencil. [ laughter ]
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and another one said that i look like what you'd draw if you were playing pictionary and the card said "giant pedophile." [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] but yeah. they're not writing for another season. they're not gonna come back. >> seth: that was all their last -- that was their last, yeah. >> yeah, that's their last -- >> seth: congrats on the show. it's always so wonderful to see you. >> thank you, man. appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: that's stephen merchant. "the outlaws" is streaming now on prime video. it's great. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me.
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: i wanna thank my guests amy poehler, stephen merchant, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i wanna thank roni kaspi and the 8g band. thanks for watching, everybody. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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