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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  June 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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2025, $1.5 million up for grabs, the largest prize money in sports history. now it starts next march, when 20 men and 16 women compete in five bracket style snowboard events. white is hoping that his new league can help organize what has been a confusing action sports calendar. that'll be fun to watch. yeah, super. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. a lot happening on this monday, the fallout from that ugly and illegal sideshow in san jose. the search continues for the people who vandalized this san jose pd cruiser. while the officer was still inside that car. what a law enforcement analyst tells us about how that officer could hreacted a whole lot differently. also, as firefighters work to control a fire in sonoma county, other crews down south have their hands full. the latest on a fire that has devoured more than 15,000 acres along the grapevine on i-5 and we are closing in on
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the first debate between president biden and former president trump. will third party candidate robert kennedy jr join them on stage? our political analyst larry gerston tells us what has to happen for that to take place. welcome back. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. a viral video is fueling a lot of questions and a lot of concern about a mob of people that vandalized a san jose police cruiser with the officer inside. this happened over the weekend at a sideshow near santana row. nbc's damian trujillo has the new details from san jose police headquarters. san jose police said they were unavailable today to talk on camera about the incident. but retired officers who i've spoken to since say they were floored at the way the officer handled the situation. the video is shocking to watch. it shows a handful of people mobbing a san jose police
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vehicle, as the officer is responding to reports of injuries at an illegal street stunt show. i was utterly shocked and appalled, to watch, san jose police officer be attacked by a mob. the officer was the first on scene just outside santana row, and he was still inside the suv as it was being vandalized. the mayor says he was injured by broken glass. most people we spoke with today said they'd seen the viral video, which has been reposted across multiple social media sites. not only are these are the policemen right? yes. yeah, i think it's not good. i guess someone's going to get screwed at some point for it, but i don't know. just be chill and have fun. but why do that? retired san jose police officer michael linenger says he would have handled the incident differently. point the windshield collapsed. i believe that that officer's life was in danger. i would have accelerated with or without the mob on top of the car, behind the car. that
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officer needed to get to a position of safety. police aren't saying much more than the statement the acting chief issued on sunday, blocking an emergency response vehicle that's trying to respond to an injured individuals. unconscionable. today, the mayor reiterated that police will go after all those responsible. you can bet that we're going to follow up and identify the the initrs or participants,ust spectating. there is no place in our city for more illegal sideshows. today, detectives were back at the intersection of oakland and winchester talking with nearby business owners. they're also likely to try to find street and surveillance cameras, all in hopes of identifying the people responsible for the brazen vandalism in san jose. damian trujillo, nbc, bay area news damian, thank you. we continue to follow our developing news now. the fire in sonoma county, this is near healdsburg. this
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video from the ornight hours at mason d winery.his is on dry creek road. intense. there you see the flames just devouring that building, l behind just a skeleton of what's once stood. this fire is very close to the point fire, which is on the other side of dry creek road, northwest of healdsburg. fire crews say they use water from a nearby pond to put this out in southern california. now, i-5 remains open despite a big fire and red flag warning. this is called the post fire. it sparked on saturday afternoon near gorman, growing to more than 15,000 acres over the windy weekend. it stands at 8% contained right now and evacuation orders are in place. this is now the biggest fire to burn so far this year in california. passing the corral fire that scorched 14,000 acres in our own backyard in san joaquin county earlier this month. some ground rules have been set for the first debate between president biden and former president trump. it takes
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place in ten days in atlanta. both candidates have agreed to have their microphones muted when it's the other person's turn to speak, and there will not be a studio audience. also, no pre-written notes or props will be allowed on stage. the 90 minute debate will be hosted by cnn's jake tapper and dana bash. and in 72 hours, we're going to know whether robert f kennedy jr will join president biden and former president trump in this televised debate. and to qualify, kennedy must have received at least 15% of the vote in four national polls and must qualify in enough states to earn at least 270 electoral college votes. he's not there yet. nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston joins us. larry, thanks so much for being us. kennedy's vp pick, really well known in the bay area. she's attorney nicole shanahan, really known for her divorce to co-founder of google, sergey brin. she got a lot of money from that divorce. are those dollars helping rfk and his bid
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to get into this debate and become president and become president? good evening. janelle. yeah, those are a lot of dollars. some people say it's up to $1 billion. but you know what money can only go so far. and as you mentioned, 15% recognition as a potential candidate is required in four national polls. he has three, he being robert kennedy jr. he has three. and time is running out. he only has three more days to find that fourth poll. more importantly perhaps we're talking about 270 electoral votes that he needs. in other words, states that he's qualified in where if he won all of them, he would have enough to win the election. long shots here because most people believe that he's got less than 100 of those things. and again, you've got only until thursday of this week when it's the cutoff, the 20th for who who might ever participate in that debate. so it's really tight right now. would kennedy's candidacy make a difference in the election outcome? would he pull votes away from one of the candidates,
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president biden, or former president trump or former president trump? janelle, you, i and every other political observer is asking exactly that question. it's an incredibly tightrope situation. look, this is a tight election. there's no question about it. and in a tight election, strange things can happen. so take a look and see what you have there on that, on that chart. you see what happens right now. this, this this poll was taken just a couple of weeks ago. if kennedy stays in is able to stay in okay. you can see what happens. biden has a three point victory over trump. it's a national poll. admittedly. on the other hand, if kennedy is left out, that shrinks to 1. so you could just see how tight this is in a national election. it's incredibly tight. and again, these things are moving, are moving targets. janelle. what we see today may be much different tomorrow the next week, the next month. so let's talk about tomorrow the next day. and the next month. what will we see
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down the line in terms of rfk as a candidate? as a candidate? yeah. there are a lot of issues here that that can unfold. i think we want to think about three reasons that we see an awful lot of uncertainty of first of all, we're talking about national data, not state by state. and so we want to be very careful when we look at these national polls, because whatever happens in texas, you know, is going to be red, california is going to be blue. so the national figures can be blurred. secondly, we look at the history of third party candidates, which is what we call rfk, a third party candidate, not one of the two major parties. and we know that over time, the support tends to dwindle. you may remember ross perot, who had who had support in the high 30s. and by the time of the election, it was 19. kennedy right now is flirting with the teens. it could easily become seven, eight, maybe even less percent. and finally, no matter how you look at it, it's day to day. janelle. right now we're talking about a tight race. we're talking about that debate next week that may be a
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breaker in some ways for one side or the other, but we're going day to day in a very tight race. and so given that we're just going to have to see whether kennedy can hold on, whether in fact, the state by state differences turn out to be greater than we than a lot of us might think. and finally, what events might happen along the way that will push this race into one side or the other? it is a nail biter, as we say in my business, and we're just going to have to see how it unfolds. okay we'll see where the chips fall. okay. thanks, larry. gerston raj janelle. larry. thank you. we have a notable debate tonight in the bay area the san francisco mayoral debate. this is the second debate between the candidates, including incumbent london breed, the challengers, former interim mayor mark farrell, philanthropistrvisor aaron peskd asha safai. it's at30 this evening at uc law san fncisco. well, the biden administration's effort to expand protections for lgbtq students hit another roadblock. today. a federal
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judge temporarily blocked the new title nine rule in six additional states. the judge granted the preliminary injunction, blocking it in indiana, ohioe, virginia, west virgia and kentucky. the ruling comes days after a different federal judge temporarily blocked the new rule from taking effect in idaho, louisiana, mississippi, and montana. title nine, set to take effect in august, is meant to prevent discrimination based on sex in education that includes discrimination against lgbtq students. you reserved your hotel, you reserved your flight. but have you reserved your spot in the tsa line? i'm consumer investigator chris chmura in some places you can and save tons of time. weow you how next. i'm chiemeteorologist jeff ranieri. we'll have more checks on the point. fire. also, the smoke forecast
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like, get me to the front of the line and you can do this for free. our consumer investigator chris kamara shows us how and where you can save a bunch of time. the program we're talking about is called clear reserve. and it's your ticket to bypass the tsa line. here's how you reserve a time slot in advance to clear airport security. when we made this video, clear reserve was available at these airports. sorry, san francisco bay area. no sfo or sjc or oakland yet. i used clear reserve recently in orlando. let me show you how easily it worked the day before my flight i went to clear next i clicked for you at the top and then reserve. originally i tried to book seven days out but it wouldn't let me and told me to check back closer to my flight.
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the clear website says the booking window varies by location. the rest of the process only took about 90s. i shared basic information like my name, my destination, my flight number, and how many people were in my party. side note ten. that's the max. next. clear asked me when i wanted to clear the security checkpoint. i had a 6 a.m. flight, so i asked for a 5 a.m. slot. within a few seconds, clear emailed me a qr code, my ticket to bypass the tsa line on my travel day. i just showed my qr code to a clear rep who directed me to the clear reserve line. i was first in line. meanwhile, i would say there are about 200 people in the regular tsa line. try to be punctual. clear says it only holds those reserved spots for 20 minutes after your reservation time. after that, you're back in the regular line. all right, let's bring in our chief. meteorologist jeff ranieri. happy monday to you. thanks for looking kind of nice outside. yeah. temperature wise very comfortable outside. we're still also tracking the fire conditions up there towards the
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north bay. and i want to start off with that. just in case you missed our earlier updates, up in sonoma county, the point fire continues to burn. this is happening between cloverdale and also healdsburg just to the west here of highway 101. so as you get you into a closer view of this fire, here's lake sonoma. that's right around where it started. then that fire made that quick advance off towards the south and the east yesterday afternoon and evening, right here near bradford mountain, at an elevation of 1224. so really, at this point, firefighters and the way the wind has been blowing, trying to keep this fire from spreading beyond dry creek road and off towards the south. so i see some occasional gusts tonight up to about 25 right now it's only out of the northwest at 12, so overall wind is starting to become less and tomorrow we'll see wind gusts, maybe up to about 25. that would be the max and a temperature of a of 87. still some very low humidity at 14. and it's at
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least a thousand acres. so we could see containment numbers actually go up tomorrow without any major wind events expected in the forecast. again, firefighters putting so many resources on this. we have more live reports on the fire coming up tonight at 6:00. but now i want to go ahead and show you more about the smoke and what's happening, and take a look at the key at the top here you can see the blue color is haze. and then you get into very smoky when you start to see red and purple. so tonight it's mainly haze that could be filtering here throughout the bay area by tomorrow morning. we're still kind of in that hazy situation as that sun starts to rise. and then as we hit tomorrow afternoon, not looking too bad, except right near the fire. we're still expecting, of course, that smoke near the immediate fire lines. and then as we head through late tomorrow evening, we may see a band of that smoke push here towards napa county, maybe a little bit heavier at times, and then that would start to get kind of dispersed as that weather pattern just kind of starts to kick in here by late tomorrow
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night. so all in all, some on and off smoke, mainly expected up towards the north bay with a smoke advisory through tomorrow. so just be careful if you're up there. you smell that smoke. it gets a little too much for you. limit that outdoor exposure. wind gusts overall tonight will be calming down again with tomorrow morning. and then we'd see our typical afternoon sea breeze kick in for a little bit tomorrow afternoon and evening, and we're going to see that typical afternoon sea breeze on and off really all the way through this week. it usually helps to import some humidity, so it's not the worst of worst when it comes to afternoon gusts. as we roll through tomorrow, the storm tracks real close to us. that's going to keep hot 100 away, so we're going to start it off like this. temperatures here in the 50s throughout the bay area down to 54. in san francisco. so daytime highs i have it warming up tomorrow, but no one hundreds will be up to 84 in san jose over to the east bay, 84 martinez peninsula. chilly 60 two half moon bay down to palo alto. you're at 80 san francisco, 71, in downtown and for the north bay, 86 in sonoma. ten day forecast has hottest day
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coming in on saturday. we'll be up to 95 in livermore, and then it drops next week. so on that 7-day forecast, san francisco, some 70s by friday, saturday and sunday, and we'll get up to 96 on saturday. that would be the hottest day and then it would taper off after that. again, we have more checks on that fire coming up tonight at 6:00. there's some smoke concerns as you pointed out. thank you jeff. thanks, jeff. up next, a special week for the giants as they head into play in a special game honoring the leagues. the response today from the legendary willie mays, who grew up near this league ballpark in alabama, where the giants
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to head to alabama this thursday for a special celebration. this is a big week for the giants. he was going to be honored at rickwood field for a tribute to the leagues. the giants and cardinals are playing a real game inside that ballpark thursday evening. the 93 year old mays has decided, though, to watch the game from his home on the peninsula. the say hey kid began his career in alabama with the birmingham black barons of the leagues. that was 76 years ag he thenlayed for gian from 19 to 1972. in a statement, the 24 time all star says even though he won't be at this tribute game this thursday, his heart will be with everyone as they honor and remember the league ballplayers at ridgewood, rickwood field field. as for the
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ts, thd some healthy players, especially pitchers. how soon will blake snell, robbie ray and alex cobb be back in the rotation here are giants insiderswe have the, the fresh arms coming back to the rotatitime soo any updates on cobb? snell, even ray robbie ray is doing well. he's okay. looks like all star break. he's he's gonna beat cobb back. okay. i think maybe pretty easily, but he's it's not. he's not far. it might be this week or early next week where he's in san jose and. all right, you know he's they're looking at all star break for him. they always have been. so barring a setback blake snell is going to try to throw off a mountain this week. so you know maybe this weekend maybe next week. he's more of an option, alex cobb is going to also try to throw off a mountain
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this week and they'll see how it goes there. but i think you're probably looking at pretty close to the all star break for, for realistic, realistic getting, you know, some reinforcements back. so all right, they're gonna have to figure it out for most of june. yeah, we've got a month to grind through with, with figuring out that fifth spot and hopefully not just sacrificing it every week. i mean, snow could be back in a couple weeks. and yeah, you're you're mixing and matching a little bit in that fifth spot. they're hopeful keiton figures it out. the command hasn't e an, four starts now for him that have been pretty rough. so and it's a little similar to like blake snell's early starts where you you know it's one thing to have a rougher start. it's another to just kind of fall behind five nothing early where it's over. so they neomeo to figure it out, or they need to change something. we need some of esguys just to get back in and contribute. you can download the giants talk podcast wherever you get your podcasts. up we are less than 40
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days away from the opening ceremony of the olympics in paris. we're goingo take yo tu a slowetwork is no network for business. choose comcast business.h'e d now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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evan gershkovich is accused of gathering secret infmation for the cia about a facity that produces and repairs military equipment in russia. gershkovich is a us citizen and has been in
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jail since his arrest last march. the 32 year old reporter, the wall street journal and the us government all say he's being wrongly accused. if convicted, he could get 20 years in prison. the court says it's common for espionage trials to be closed to the public. well, here's a first in the united states today, maryland governor wes moore signed a sweeping executive order pardoning more than 175,000 marijuana convictions. the pardons include more than 150,000 misdemeanor convictions for simple possession of cannabis, and more than 18,000 misdemeanor convictions for use or possession with the intent to use drug paraphernalia. the governor's office said an estimated 100,000 people will be affected by these pardons. the executive order makes maryland the first state to issue mass pardons on cannabis related convictions, a peak today with the opening ceremony in the paris olympics will look like it came during a rehearsal today in
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which dozens of boats floated down the river, seen on the big day. 80 boats with athletes will float 3.7 miles down the river toward the eiffel tower. the ceremony will last nearly four hours. there will beinal rehearsal before the opening ceremony on july 26th, and that countdown continues. but before paris, you got to go through indianapolis. that's where more than a thousand swimmers are competing for one of 52 spots on team usa. this is intense lucas team plays. the coltsstingtball the olympic swimming trials in the women's 100 fly fal. last night, ragan smith finis third with the fifth fastest time ever, but she still didn't make team usa. smithas a shot at paris, though, in the 200m. there is an excitement in the air that even olympic veterans say is out of the ordinary. it's fun to watch it. last night it's
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of the olympics. so competitive those u.s. swimmers. jessica aguirre joins us now with what's coming up next. coming up at six. wildfires are raging across the state. one is burning near lake sonoma, and it has destroyed some homes. we're going to take you to that fire zone as crews work to protect more houses from the flames and the smoke and all that smoke, triggering a spare the air alert. we have live team coverage on the fire's impact to you. the air you're breathing. plus, we also have changes to our own forecast at. news at six starts right now. good evening and thanks for being with us on this monday. i'm raj mathai and i'm jessica aguirre. we're talking roughly 1200 acres that have now been burned by the point fire. that blaze bning in wine country. it's outside of aldsburgyou can see the cloud of smoke there. now we're hearing increased winds are hurting firefighters efforts to contai the blaze. so it's a little bit of a struggle at this point. nbc bay area's thom jensen is live at cal fire's sonoma air attack base in santa
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rosa. we've been talking air tankers, helicopters. what's the plan for tonight? well, the plan is more air attack. good evening to both of you. and we have seen the wind pick up a lot lately. the winds are just whipping the flags here. we'vn, four different helicopters on the air attack and two different retardant bombers. and then this grumman g-73 used for recon over the fire with some of the fire incident commanders or their staff, they flew a mission just a short time ago. we were hoping to get updated numbers. like you said, a roughly 1200 acres and about 20% contained. they're telling us now that we won't get any new numbers later on tonight. the helicopters have really been on the attack, and they've been picking up water from two different lakes in the area. three of the choppers have the ability to work both during the day and night, and they have been doing just that. a break in the winds last night and early today helped firefighter


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