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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  June 21, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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>> jimmy: my thanks to emma stone, eva longoria, chappell roan, once again! [ cheers and applause ] chappell roan. and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody! goodnight. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jesse plemons. fashion icon, diane von furstenberg, and filmmaker, sharmeen obaid-chinoy. an all new "closer look." featuring the 8g band with mario duplantier.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now, if you don't mind, we're going get to the news. according to a new analysis from cnn, former president trump made more than two dozen false claims at his campaign rally on tuesday in wisconsin. one of them he repeated several times. >> i love milwaukee. [ laughter ] >> seth: next thursday is the first 2024 presidential debate between president biden and former president trump, which means we're just one week away from finding out who falls asleep on stage! [ laughter ] in a post on truth social yesterday, former president trump said that rupert and lachlan murdoch should remove fromer house speaker, paul ryan, from the fox news board of directors and added, quote, "all you need is trump." by the way, widely considered the beatles worst song. [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] ♪ all you need is trump ♪ tropical storm alberto made land fall today in mexico bringing heavy rain and flooding as far north as texas. luckily, residents in texas were given a warning when they saw ted cruz heading to the airport. [ laughter and applause ] louisiana yesterday -- louisiana yesterday became the first state to require public schools to display the ten commandments in every classroom. apparently, they have been having a lot of trouble with kids coveting they're neighbors oxen. [ laughter ] russian president vladimir putin this week gave north korean leader, kim jong un a limousine during a state visit, and both men took turns driving the car. look how happy those guys are. that was taken right after they ran over a kitten. [ laughter ] we -- we got a picture [ audience aws ] well, hang around afterwards. i'll show you the picture.
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a mime who worked at sea world claims that he was fired after an argument with a security guard. to be fair, if you're yelling at someone, you probably got fired for not being a great mime. [ laughter ] today was national hike with a geek day. so, if someone took you hiking today, i'm sorry you had to find out like this. "hey, what? i thought -- thought he just wanted me to get some -- some fresh air. he even made me make the gorp." the drugstore chain rite aid is set to close 27 stores across two states. the hard part will be figuring out if your location is closed or not. [ laughter ] maybe it's different outside of new york?
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they're like, what are you talking about? it's like -- and finally, a man in florida recently discovered $1 million worth of cocaine washed up on a beach. unfortunately not before his kids did. [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we've got a great show for you tonight. he's an emmy and academy award nominated actor you know from "friday night lights," "breaking bad," fargo" and "civil war," all of which, i highly recommend. everything this guy is in is right up my alley including his new film, "kinds of kindness," which is in theaters this weekend. our friend, jesse plemons is back on the show, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] and she is one of the most legendary fashion designers in history. she will be joined by an academy award-winning filmmaker to talk about their documentary, "diane von furstenberg: woman in charge," which will be on hulu next week. diane von furstenberg and sharmeen obaid-chinoy will also be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] but before we get to all that, donald trump and fox news have
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settled on an interesting strategy for next week's presidential debate. they're admitting trump will probably lose, but claiming it's because joe biden will be on drugs. for more on this, it's time for a "closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: the race is very close right now, but joe biden just got some much needed good news about his poll numbers, and from fox news, of all places. >> a new fox news poll shows president biden leading the former president by two points in a head-to-head matchup. 50% of respondents said they would vote for biden. it's his best showing yet this election cycle, and the first time he's been ahead of trump in our polls since october of last year. >> seth: wow, fox news says joe biden is back in the lead. biden headquarters must be celebrating. we're ahead in the polls. let's boogie, joe! ♪ [ laughter ] yeah. or not. or not. or not. so biden is ahead of trump for the first time since october, but only by two points, and it's
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within the margin of error. i'm sorry, but how -- how it is only two points? i mean i know it's futile to ask, and i should just accept the feeling of being dead inside amid the whirlwind of lies and chaos and degradation of our institutions and whatever the hell this is. >> oh! ah! oh! [ laughter ] >> seth: how is it only two points? the guy staged a month-long coup attempt and violent insurrection, got impeached twice, bungled a deadly pandemic so badly, the nation's top scientists tried to hide their faces, tried to take health care away from 20 million americans, called the ceo of apple, tim apple, said he would use his presidency to get revenge on his enemies and be a dictator on day one, threw paper towels at hurricane victims and defaced a weather map, asked his audience if they would rather die by shark bite over electrocution, just got convicted of 34 felony counts for paying hush money during a presidential campaign to a porn star, who testified in court that she spanked him with a magazine with his face on it and that he was wearing and, i quote, "silk or satin pajamas." [ laughter ]
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all else aside, he should be losing because he's a huge dork! silk pajamas, who are you? lauren bacall? silk pajamas are what a 17-year-old wears to an after prom party at a lake house thinking he's about to get laid. "hello, ladies. anyone need a hanker chief from my breast pocket? yes, it's paper and, yes, it has spiderman on it." but this is a testament to how radically our politics have changed. it used to be that anyone with a fraction of trump's moral and legal transgressions would be shunned by their own party. nixon resigned, in part, because republicans told him to step down. but now, trump has an entire right-wing media apparatus and an army of lackies in the g.o.p. devoted to him. they even dress like him. i mean, look at this. this looks like a community theater production of "jersey boys." [ laughter ] they look like servers at a maga-themed restaurant getting the specials from the head waiter at the beginning of the shift.
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"tonight, we have an overcooked steak with ketchup, we got a glass of disinfectant to cure covid, and tonight, the big macs come in servings of one, two, or table." [ laughter ] in fact, they're such loyal toadies, they're now claiming that actually, despite trump saying he'll be a dictator day one, joe biden is the one who's acting like a tyrant. >> under joe biden, we're actually living under a dictatorship today. >> seth: that's north dakota governor, doug burgum. doug burgum, as we've said before, is also the curse word farmers say when living under a dictatorship. "he's taking away my gas grill, doug burgum." [ laughter ] let's hear burgum's reasoning for this insane claim that biden is supposedly the real dictator. >> he's, you know, bypassing congress on immigration policy. he's bypassing congress on protecting our border. he's bypassing congress on student loan forgiveness. he's defying the supreme court. i mean, those are things that authoritarians and dictators do is they don't follow our democratic processes and they just assert their own liberal
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view and that's what the biden administration is doing. >> seth: yes, of course, those famously liberal dictators. who can forget when benito mussolini threatened to forgive everyone's student loans. [ laughter ] with the now famous words, "that's-a too much-a money for a communications degree." [ cheers and applause ] of course, this is laughable to anyone with normal human eyes and ears, who pays attention to politics. but in the hall of mirrors that is fox news, they have to turn off their brains and pretend that trump isn't the one who tried to overthrow an election, and said he'd be a dictator on day one. these are also the same people claiming that despite trump's erratic and unhinged behavior, it's biden who will probably be on drugs at next week's debate. >> the only event where biden didn't totally completely and utterly humiliate himself, that was the state of the union. where he appeared, as i said immediately thereafter, jacked up. i called him jacked up joe. i don't know. hyper-caffeinated joe, whatever joe.
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call him whatever you want. by the way, i'll bet any amount of money, i'd say better than 50/50 odds that we'll see that joe at the debate. now, i don't know if he had a lot of red bull. i don't know if he had excedrin that has caffeine it in. i don't know if he had a caffeine pill or something, whatever. i don't know. >> seth: if you don't know, why are you talking about it? [ laughter and applause ] fox news is the only channel that will lie to you and admit it the same time. just reminder before we go to commercial, we don't no what the [ beep ] we're talking about. [ laughter ] i know you're not a journalist, but you are on tv. you should have a slightly higher bar for fact checking. even [ beep ] "cash cab" had to make sure the answers were right. also, i'm sorry. you think biden is the one who is jacked up on caffeine pills, and not this guy? >> sinks, toilets, and showers. one time, two times, five times, ten times. ten times, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
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>> he asked russia to come get the emails. >> we have to win in november or we're not going to have pennsylvania. wait a minute! mike lindell please stand up. how do you get to europe? we haven't figured that one out yet. we don't use airplanes. wikileaks, i love wikileaks. ding boom, this is me. i hear bing. bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing. ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, pe-ching, poom . rrr-rrr. no, get those lights off! off! turn them off! they're too bright! turn them off! saudi arabia and russia will -- oh -- >> seth: he sounds like he just walked out of the bathroom at studio 54 while they were closing up. "whoa, turn the lights off! [ light laughter ] i love you guys. ahh. mike lindell. bing, bong, bing, bing, bing, bing." hannity also did a weird impression of a supposedly drugged up biden.
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>> the joe biden that we're talking about tonight, i don't think will be the joe biden we're gonna see on debate night. i think the joe biden we see on debate night is going to be the guy that we saw at the state of the union. [ mumbling ] -- he's going to be all hyped up. >> seth: that's your impression of joe biden? that sounds like an exact quote from donald trump. [ light laughter ] seriously. i think he said the exact same thing. [ mumbling ] [ laughter and applause ] >> seth: in fairness, he probably -- he probably just saw that on an inspirational poster. [ light laughter ] hannity also has a new nickname he is trying to get going for biden. but it doesn't sound as damning as he thinks it does. >> tonight america saw, let's say, a very different joe biden. i might call him jacked up joe. jacked up joe screaming lie after lie. jacked up joe, perhaps overcompensated. very angry, very jacked up, you might say. this angry jacked up joe biden. let's get your overall reaction
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to jacked up joe. jacked up joe. jacked up joe. jacked up joe. i think we'll see the return of jacked up joe. only question is, will it be jacked up joe or the regular joe? that's when we saw jacked up joe. jacked up joe. jacked up joe. jacked up joe. jacked up joe. jacked up joe. >> seth: jacked up joe sounds awesome. jacked up joe sounds like a professional wrestler. "oh, brother, you're going to regret the day you tangled with jacked up joe. tell him, dr. jill." "i'm going to write you a prescription for pain meds 'cause you're about to get all your bones broken." [ laughter ] but my favorite part of hannity's argument is what comes next when he explains why he thinks presidential candidates should be drug tested. >> they do it to athletes. they do it to horses in horse racing. why not do it to presidential candidates? >> seth: i mean, i guess because they're not athletes and they're not horses. [ laughter ] i mean, we should also make them wear jock straps and eat oats from a big ol' bag? [ laughter ]
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the fox hosts are of course just parroting trump who's been insisting on the campaign trail that biden should in fact be drug tested. >> i don't know what is going to happen. i can say this. if he does make it through, which i think he will, you know, they're going to feed him a lot of stuff. and we should do a drug test. i would love to do a drug test beforehand. >> before the debate in two weeks, he should take a drug test. 'cause i'm willing to take one. he's going to be so pumped up. he's going to be pumped up. you know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white house? what happened? somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. i wonder who that could have been? i don't know. actually, i think it was joe. >> seth: this is the constant maga contradiction, biden is an doddering old man and also, i guess, scarface. and, of course, biden would make a terrible scarface. 'cause he could never just scream "say hello to my little friend." he would tell you a long story about him. "say hello to my little friend.
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his name's tyler, he's a little guy. he started a local soup kitchen for his community. no lie, he's a good kid. he's my little friend." [ laughter ] in reality, it was trump's white house that had an actual drug scandal with the government watchdog finding that the medical unit dispensed prescription medications including controlled substances to ineligible white house staff, and later reports finding the trump white house was awash in speed and xanax. the trump white house was handing out speed and other drugs like it was an nfl locker room in the 70's. if they gave trump a blood test, the only thing they wouldn't find is blood. we'd have no idea which specific drugs he's on because the results would just say "one of everything." this race will no doubt be incredibly close. but as biden polling improves, trump's toadies are already making excuses for his debate performance. they've been insulating themselves from reality by committing to increasingly absurd lies. meanwhile, trump's the one screaming at rallies like he put speed in his coffee and called it -- >> jacked up joe.
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>> seth: this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with jesse plemons, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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well i don't know if you know but i did manage to steal the moon. that moon? [ laughter ] i'm coming for my revenge gru. who's the loser now? loser loser. -loser, loser. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] all week long we've had one of the biggest names in metal drumming sitting in us with. he is founder of grammy nominated band gojira. who you can see out on a u.s. tour with korn. for more information and updates, follow him and gojira on instagram. by way of france, mario duplantier is here. thank you so much for a great week, mario. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> seth: awesome having you >> thanks. >> seth: our first guest tonight is an emmy and academy award
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nominated actor. you know from his work on shows such as "breaking bad," "fargo" and "friday night lights" as well as films like, "the power of the dog," "the post," and "civil war." he stars in "kinds of kindness" which will be in select theaters this friday and everywhere on june 28th. please welcome back to the show our friend jesse plemons, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome back! >> thank you. >> seth: i'm so happy to have you here. >> glad to be back. >> seth: last time we saw each other was at a party after the emmys mwhere we were both losers. >> that's right. [ laughter ] yeah. >> seth: but we kind --but i felt like we found strength in one another. >> we did. and there was something, somewhat comforting about having no question whatsoever that if you're going to win or not. just knowing -- >> seth: so you went in with zero expectations? >> i knew for a fact. but do you get -- do you get this even, if you know without a doubt?
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>> seth: i know exactly what you're talking about and yes. >> that moment right before where -- where, you know, they introduce you. there is that thought of, "oh, my god. now i really can't win because i have no idea of what i would say." >> seth: i don't have that feeling. it's just that i'm like i'm not going to win. i'm not going to win. and the minute they start to talk, "i'm like they're going to say my name." [ laughter ] >> yeah, no, i know. that's what i'm saying. you have nothing prepared. >> seth: so you put in no prep? >> no. >> seth: well. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> seth: well, then i guess we all lucked out. >> yeah, i know. it would have been very bad. >> seth: i do -- i do like, if you don't mind real quick, i want to ask about your grandma. >> yes. >> seth: because we've talked about her before, and i have a great affection for her because she refers to me as old seth. [ laughter ] >> old seth. old seth. yeah, you know it's funny. today, i knew i was coming back. she knew i was coming back. and i was like "ah, i should call granny. and see if there is anything she wanted to say." and i looked down and looked at my phone and she was like, "i would like to send a little quick note to mr. seth meyers if that's okay with you." so she says, "just a quick hello from texas. and to say how much i enjoy your show.
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hope all is well with you. best wishes to you and your loved ones. and keep up the good work." >> seth: wow. [ audience aws ] [ cheers and applause ] >> love you, granny. >> seth: thank you, granny. >> keep up the good work. >> seth: i mean i'm -- you know, neither of my grandmothers are still with us. but neither one ever said anything that nice. [ laughter ] >> i know. well, she's always there if you need a word. >> seth: has she always -- has she been that kind of grandma your whole life? >> oh, yeah. >> seth: yeah. >> she's the sweetest. she's the best. we -- you know -- i think i told you last time she has an antique store right across from our house. and she would take us, you know, to garage sales and that sort of thing. she's a terrible driver. but, you know, you can't -- >> seth: yeah, you have to take the good with the bad, right? >> yeah. like -- i have memories of going the wrong way down one-way streets and that sort of thing. [ laughter ] but, yeah, she's a sweetheart. >> seth: but i would imagine -- >> sorry, granny. >> seth: yeah, that's hard for her right now. she's like, "how did this turn into a thing?" >> yeah, i know. [ light laughter ]
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>> seth: we were talking about your kids, six and three. >> yep. >> seth: and they're coming to the city for the first time? >> they're here right now. yeah. i've been doing press all day. but i just saw them on their way back from the natural history museum and they were jacked on ice cream -- >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] yeah, the first time in new york, you bring them to see dinosaur bones and give them ice cream, they're going to be off the walls. >> yeah, yeah. for sure. >> seth: your beautiful wife, your talented wife -- >> yes. >> seth: kirsten dunst. one of our favorites as well. one of my favorite movies of the year, "civil war." where she's just absolutely fantastic. >> how about kirsten dunst -- >> seth: love it so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> seth: you -- last time she was here, she was -- you have one scene. you have an incredibly memorable scene. playing a bad guy, hope you don't mind me saying that. >> i think could you say that about him, yeah. >> seth: and yet, there was this really -- where you -- the sunglasses did not seem to match the man. [ laughter ] >> i don't know. you know, there's a lot about the man that might be a little confusing --
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>> seth: i will say, though, was it your -- was this your decision to have him wear glasses like this? >> it came out of several conversations i had with alex garland, the director and, you know, we talked a lot about these types of soldiers through history, you know, some of the sort of really awful happenings. you know in vietnam and we talked about "apocalypse now" and soldiers that had been out for too long. >> seth: yes. >> and gone rogue in one way or another. and they start out looking very buttoned up, polished, official, and slowly over time, you know, you pick up various objects, found objects. so we knew we wanted something unusual to make you wonder where he might have picked this up. i went out and bought maybe eight sunglasses from vintage stores and right before we shot, tried them all.
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and those are what we landed on. [ light laughter ] >> seth: it's -- i will say, there is really something. you know, they're funny when you first look at them. it's haunting within the body of the scene. because you realize somebody is wearing these that is actually not easy to reason with. and that's the whole -- >> yeah. >> seth: the hauntingness of the scene is you are -- you have all the power and people are trying to reason with you. and you're like, "i don't think you're going to get through to this guy." >> yeah. i think -- [ laughter ] that ship has sailed for a reason. >> seth: yeah, might be long past that point. i want to talk about your great new film. but first, we're going to go to commercial. we'll be back with jesse after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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1:03 am
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>> i've given this a lot of thought, and i can't do what you're asking me to do. >> again, come in and sit down there before you speak. >> raymond. >> i want you to come in and sit down there before you speak. >> vivian? >> i'll leave you two alone now. >> raymond, i -- >> actually, it was better when you said it standing up. so, go out and come back in.
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do it by yourself without vivian. >> seth: we're back with jesse plemons. [ cheers and applause ] that was a clip from "kinds of kindness." and you know what? i don't usually reveal what you and i are talking about during the clip. but you did say, "how about that turtleneck?" >> how about that turtleneck. >> seth: it's a really -- it's a really good turtleneck. a turtleneck and a mustache, not enough guys who are trying to pull it off right now. [ laughter ] >> i know. i must have that in me. because i signed off on both. you know? >> seth: you did, yeah. you're like, "i'd like to do both of these." they were like, "you sure you don't want to just do one?" you're like, "it doesn't work with just one." [ laughter ] first of all, before we get to the substance of the film, congratulations. you won best actor at cannes. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. thank you. >> seth: you were not there to accept. >> i was not. >> seth: you were working. >> i was working, yeah. i was finishing this miniseries that we're shooting here. and it had been maybe a month since i had seen my kids. i did this night shoot. i got on a plane that morning
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and knew, because my wife and my mom did some investigating online that it was going to be announced that morning. and, so, before i turned my phone on, i was like "well, i guess i'll find out." and turned my phone on and saw just a ton of exclamation marks. >> seth: that's fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] and you were probably -- i mean, you were probably happy that you got home not just to see your kids, but as we've established, you probably hadn't written a speech. >> exactly. [ laughter ] and it was too late. by the time i landed, there was like ten minutes before they were going to present the award. >> seth: oh, yeah. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: you had -- you have been to the cannes film festival before. >> yes. >> seth: you brought your dad. >> mm-hmm. >> seth: how did he like it? >> oh, man. my dad, jim bob truly is -- i mean, he's a retired firefighter and, you know, he always loves coming to visit whatever set i'm on. and he's always kind of says the same thing. he's like, "man, all these people."
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[ laughter ] you know? >> seth: yeah. >> like, he can't get over how many people it takes to make a movie. >> seth: yeah, it's true. >> which is true. >> seth: it is true. >> every time he says that, i'm like, "yeah i know, it's a lot of people." >> seth: it's a lot more than you think. >> but yeah, i love having him at any event. he came to the academy awards one year, and was there at cannes. he is always having the best time no matter what room we're in, and i feel like i meet more people because he's there. he's like, "you got to meet this guy." you know? [ laughter ] it was a blast, yeah. >> seth: was there anyone jim bob was excited to meet? >> as a matter of fact, yes. we were at some after party and salma hayek was there. he had to get a picture with salma hayek to show his buddies. >> seth: sure. [ laughter ] >> yep. yep. >> seth: i had the same thing with my mom once and idris elba. which i feel like same thing i feel like when they're -- when either of those two people salma or idris is at a party,
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there is a long line of moms waiting for pictures, or a long line of dads. [ laughter ] >> yeah. they must be used to it. >> seth: so, this is a yorgos -- help me with his last name, yorgos -- >> lanthimos. >> seth: -- lanthimos. fantastic director. did "poor things" with emma stone. this is the first time you've worked with him. >> yeah. >> seth: and this is an exceptionally unique and incredible movie. but you -- it's basically like -- uld say three -- it's almost like novelas. >> what do you think it's about, seth? >> seth: what do i think it's about? i have a lot of thoughts, actually, about what the first part is about. >> i'm sorry. you don't have to answer that. [ laughter ] >> seth: well, i want to say something about this movie. 'cause i think -- i see what you're doing. because this movie is hard to explain. and you've had to do it, not on late night shows, you had to do it on morning shows. >> i know. [ laughter ] yeah. just recently. >> seth: watching you on a morning show trying to explain this nutty movie -- [ light laughter ] >> i've got my sentence that sums it up. >> seth: so what's your sentence? >> well, and i -- this is true. and i feel like in all of his films, especially with this one,
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he's exploring very universal, very human themes that we all deal with in our daily lives but just in very surreal, very dark, sometimes kind of comedic and ridiculous ways. and shows sort of how ridiculous we can be as a species, which i appreciate. you know? >> seth: yes. >> yeah. >> seth: it -- i will say, it is very dark. parts are spooky. and i maybe laughed harder three different times than i've laughed at a movie all time. so i do -- >> really? great. >> seth: yeah, there's a moment, i'm not giving anything away. where it cuts to the home movie you wanted to watch. >> yeah. >> seth: i was like, well -- i did not see that coming. [ laughter ] >> you got to watch it to see what he's talking about. >> seth: all right. we saw your hair in the first one. also, you play three different characters? >> yes. >> seth: so we saw turtleneck jones. i think that's his name. >> turtleneck jones. >> seth: yep. >> what's his name? >> seth: then you're a police officer. you lost you -- lose your mustache here. and then we got this fellow here.
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>> what's his name? >> seth: this guy is mr. life of the party? yeah. [ laughter ] he is mr. party. did you shoot it? this is a very -- i mean this feels like maybe an ignorant question. did you shoot it in hair order? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> seth: so you did most hair first? 'cause that would be a bummer, as a director, you'd be like, "oh why didn't think of it?" like if you wrap this one and they're like, "all right come back tomorw with a full head of hair." [ laughter ] >> yes. >> seth: how did you find -- did you like that you got to play three different characters? was it tricky to have distinction between the three of them? it certainly shows up on screen that they're three completely different people. >> it was. but, i mean, the whole thrill of working with yorgos and then on this film in particular is that it is a standalone experience. you're not going to -- you're not going to have that, you know, run of the mill sort of film. and it was really interesting. we did have some discussions early on about, you know, not
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wanting this to turn into some actor show where it's like peter sellers transformations and accents and that sort of thing. 'cause that might have veered off and into a different direction. it was fun to try to find that line of making them distinct enough. but there is something kind of in tone and in theme that is connecting them at the same time, so. >> seth: there were a lot of people who've worked with in the past, you know, willem dafoe, emma stone did, you have a faith going into it of knowing that these actors sort of keep going back and working with yorgos over and over? >> for sure. and, i mean, any time you step into an environment where everyone knows each other and, you know, they seem like some weird family, it puts you at ease. which that's what it feels like. >> seth: it's really special. it always is. everything you do. last time when kirsten was here, i asked her to tell you that i loved you. did she? [ laughter ] >> she did. >> seth: did she? >> she did, i just want to say, i love you. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> seth: all right, good. i'm very glad. now i can say it face-to-face. all right, you guys, that is jesse plemons, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] "kinds of kindness" is in select theaters this friday and everywhere on june 28th. stick around. we'll be right back with diane von furstenberg and sharmeen obaid-chinoy. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ - let's see what we got in this fridge. (gentle ambient music) - what's a recipe using what i have in my fridge? - guys, let's do some trivia. - oh yes. let's do that. - absolutely. let's do this. - i'm gonna win. - summarize this. - it starts with an empty prompt. - i was right! - good job. - next question. - and the most advanced ai at your fingertips. (bright music) finally yasso! a ridiculously creamy, chocolatey chippety, ice cream-like experience
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: one of our next guests is an award-winning legendary fashion designer and businesswoman and the other is an emmy and academy award-winning filmmaker and journalist. their documentary "diane von furstenberg: woman in charge" begins streaming on hulu on june 25th. let's take a look. >> the adventures you've gone on and then you've talked about the men you've been with. you haven't hidden behind a sort of persona that a lot of successful women feel they have to. why? >> well, i mean, i could ask you the same question. i mean, why do you have to hide? why? why? >> society. makes you think about -- >> well, no. why do you have to hide? what my mother taught me is take responsibility of yourself. and so i've taken responsibility of all the things i've done. the only place to find your strength is by being true to yourself. >> seth: please welcome to the show diane von furstenberg and
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sharmeen obaid-chinoy. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show. congratulations on this film which is a wonderful collaboration between the two of you. how did the two of you first meet? >> oh, we met on stage. >> yes. >> sharmeen was getting an award and they asked me to give it to her. and she had just made a wonderful movie, documentary called "saving face." and it was about a woman who had acid on her face. and, so, i gave her the -- i introduced her. she came and gave me the award.
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and then that woman came on stage. and that's how we met. >> seth: that's a wonderful film that was an oscar-winning film. and you were the first pakistani filmmaker to receive that. congratulations on that. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> she got two. she got two oscars. >> seth: i'm sorry. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> just setting the record straight. >> seth: what appealed to you about dvf -- i'm sorry, as a documentary subject? >> you know, i think diane has had this incredible life which really started at the end of the second world war. and she was born out of the ashes of that war because her mother was in auschwitz. and really, the trajectory of a woman who then became a businesswoman at the time when women needed men to co-sign for something as little as a credit card. and then the sexism that came with it being an immigrant in america, sort of starting a new business. falling down, picking yourself up again.
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tell me something, is there something that hasn't happened to diane? she's really lived that life. >> seth: it really is amazing. [ applause ] and i would imagine one of the things that makes diane, other than her incredible story, an incredible archive is at your fingerprints as a documentary filmmaker. i mean it strikes me that you have saved everything. >> i have. >> seth: yes. >> yes. yes. but i've always saved things. i save letters. i write in my diary. everything in my diary always and i advise all of you to write your diary because it's a connection with yourself. and i think that's really important. >> seth: i've heard your -- you talk about your mother before and her incredible story. one of the things i loved about this film is i get to see photos of her. i get to see archival footage. >> and she speaks. >> seth: she speaks, i've never seen her speak. and she does for someone who spent 18 months in a death camp, she seemed to be someone, again, who seemed optimistic. who thought there was something better in this world.
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>> oh, she -- she wanted me to -- me and my brother to have a big life. you know? and she never wanted -- allowed me to be afraid. i wasn't allowed to be afraid. i wasn't allowed to be a victim. and she pushed me. always pushed me. go. go. she never told me be careful. she said be responsible. >> seth: it must be nice to have a documentary subject who has no fear and is not careful because it seems like dvf tells you everything. [ laughter ] >> it was incredible. i think the most -- you know, we would sit down, literally with her archives, with the diaries, with the photographs and you would pull them out and then you would have andy warhol and you would have susan sarandon and you would have, you know, the entire world. because diane has lived that kind of life. and she's preserved all those memories so that that story can be told. and i think it was incredible to have not only the archive but her stories that go with it.
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>> seth: can i ask you to tell -- i mean, a favorite story of mine is you got offered to work on a project with mick jagger and david bowie. a collaboration, is that what you call it? >> yeah. call it whatever you want. [ laughter ] it never happened anyway. [ laughter ] >> it's a great story for her grandchildren. >> seth: yes. so, they basically, though, they want to hear. what did they ask? >> no. it's just a story. [ laughter ] >> seth: it's in the documentary. >> all right. [ laughter ] all right. okay. so, mick jagger, who's a friend of mine, and actually, i'm the godmother of one of his daughters. he showed up at 11:00 at night with his friend david bowie. and they kind of like to show off after each other, you know? and they both pretend that they speak cockney but they really don't. [ laughter ] and, so, they thought, you know, i'm going to show you this woman up town and she's beautiful apartment and we can have fun.
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and then for a minute, i thought, yeah, we could have fun. and that will be something i could tell my grandchildren. [ laughter ] but it turned out that it didn't happen. and it's a better story. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. [ applause ] do you -- we talked about, you know, obviously the wrap dress is still with us today. it's iconic. and there is a great story which i did not know about -- you took a photo shoot for it on a white box. and you realized there was sort of this negative space and you wrote "feel like a woman." first of all, your handwriting is always been so beautiful. it is one of the stars of the film. and then this became just sort of an iconic piece of advertising for the dress. >> i mean, it happened completely by accident. i didn't know what i was doing. i couldn't -- i mean, i didn't want to spend money for a model. so, i bought a dress. i called a friend of mine who was a photographer. i sat on a white cube. i took the picture. and then when we tried to put the little ad, you know, i bought just a small ad in
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woman's wear daily that big white box was so big. so i -- i had a picture in my hand. so i wrote on the cube. i just -- it just came to my mind. feel like a woman, wear a dress. and it stuck with me for 50 years. >> seth: and do you remember the first time you bought a wrap dress, sharmeen? >> i do. i bought it in college to wear to a sorority party. and i went to the thrift store in 1998. >> yep. it was the first come back. >> yes. exactly. and, so, we were all going through these thrift stores. i went to smiths in north hampton and i would be sort of we would all be digging it out. it was the rebirth of the wrap dress at that time. >> seth: i'm sorry that she got it at a thrift store so you -- [ laughter ] >> that is called sustainability. >> seth: there you go. that is sustainability. [ applause ] there are some incredible talking heads in this film,
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hillary clinton, oprah winfrey, among others. i did an interview with you. >> you made it. >> seth: i barely made it by the skin of my teeth, and thank you. this would have been so awkward today. [ laughter ] the three of us to be here. >> had we interviewed you and said, i'm so sorry, seth. you just didn't make it. [ laughter ] >> seth: i want to leave because there is a lovely thing you say about -- people always say how old are you? and you feel like there's a better question to ask. >> how long have you lived. >> seth: how long you have lived? >> because even if you tell a little -- a child, 10 years old? how long you have lived? ten? you have actually lived ten years. then all of a sudden, age is a pride. >> seth: there you go. [ applause ] it's a lovely -- one of the many beautiful lessons in this documentary. it is a lovely film. congratulations to you both. it is so lovely to you have back on the show. >> thank you. >> seth: so lovely to have you for the first time. [ cheers and applause ] diane von furstenberg and sharmeen obaid-chinoy, everybody. "diane von furstenberg: woman in charge" begins on hulu june 25th. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[man grunting] ♪ “kariye pyar” by nahid akhtar ♪ ♪ ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ [camera click] ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ [camera click] [camera click] [camera click] ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ ♪ [water splashing] at outback steakhouse you can get an 18oz bone-in ribeye, kingsland pasta, or sirloin & lobster mac, starting at $16.99. it's better than the actual outback... ...where the only food for miles is you... the dine under menu, on now at outback.
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(luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. (marci) so, tell us about this corn festival. (stylist) oooh you got your corn pudding... (marci) it safe around here? (stylist) sometimes. [luke gasping] (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we gotta run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. [ em beihold's "good day" begins] meet the new target circle three-sixty, with unlimited same-day delivery, so you can get what you need when you need it. better in every way. that's the new target circle three-sixty. [ "good day" ends ] what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ brandon: i knew i woman 1: ha ha!
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woman 2: hmm hmm! ♪ this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts.
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(marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go.
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(marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests jesse plemons, diane von furstenberg and sharmeen obaid-chinoy. go to youtube to check out an all new "corrections." we just posted it. thanks for watching. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪


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