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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  June 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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velena jones is live outside the mayor's home. what is her lawyer saying? velena well, you know, that's right. she has not been seen. and it's all quiet here at the mayor's house here tonight. meanwhile, her lawyer is adamant that mayor tao did nothing wrong. in fact, he tells me that if given the opportunity, she would have cooperated and says now she is ready and willing to do so and would have if agents had not come to her home as well . she's the mayor of oakland. she's an elected official. she's hiding from nothing. that's tony brass, the attorney for oakland mayor sheng thao responding to questions tonight about where his client has been since the fbi searched her home yesterday. brass, a san francisco criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor, claims the mayor was blindsided by the fbi search on her home and has nothing to hide. the mayor never received any sort of inquiry or any sort of information regarding the existence of this
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investigation. the first she heard of it was when they executed the search warrant at 530 in the morning. our cameras were there yesterday as federal investigators took several boxes and bins out of the mayor's house. her lawyer says he doesn't know what's inside those boxes. the mayor's home is one of four locations we've learned that was searched by the fbi, irs, and the united states postal inspection. several of the other properties are linked to the owners of a recycling company that contracts with the city. but brass says he doesn't believe the mayor is the target of the search. the target of the search warrant was the residence , not her. mayor tao has not been seen in public since the search on her home. we went to her office today to see if she had returned, but found nothing. the mayor's lawyers say she's still in the bay area. when i asked when she would be back to work. it depends on on how distracting the attention this generates for her opponents and things like that. i mean, she wants to get back to oakland and get back to being a visible mayor. meanwhile, the city says
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day to day operations are not stopping and all department heads are working as usual. city administrator johnson is here today. he's working with with the team onsu of our services are continuing as normal. we are out responding to 301 calls. we are picking up illegal dumping. we are processing permit applications. as for calls from recall leaders and other community groups for the mayor to resign, brass says she has no plans to do so. the mayor of oakland has not been arrested. there's a search warrant that was executed on an address that what that was for, and why that was done does not take away from her ability or her capacity to be the mayor of oakland. tonight, the fbi confirms that no arrests were made in any of those seares yesterday. meanwhile, brass says he has been in contact with the u.s. attorney and plans to have a formal meeting in the next couple of days. as far as when we might see the mayor next, her
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attorney tells me that they are planning a press conference for sometime next week. reporting in oakland, velena jones nbc bay area news. thank you. velena. of course, we will continue to follow this story later in this newscast and online coming up at 530, jodi hernandez looks into a family that has become major players in oakland politics. the fbi searched their business as well. what is their relationship to mayor tao? that story coming up at 530. now to our microclimate weather. yesterday was the first day of summer and it will start to feel more like it starting tomorrow. taking a live look outside now, showing us some bright sunshine right now. all across san jose, oakland, san francisco tomorrow the bay area will see a rise in temperatures. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is joining us now. and jeff, how hot will it be and how hot will it last through the weekend? well, some parts of the bay area are going to get real close to 100. let's go ahead and take a look at those temperatures today
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did warm up but not extremely uncomfortable. check this out here. santa rosa right on point 83 which is the average concord 90 average 86. also up to 90 here in livermore. and that average 84. so as we head through tomorrow, that area high pressure in the pacific is going to get a little bit stronger. and that's important because that will allow the heat to move in from the south. so as we get a look at the heat advisory, you can see it extends here from chico all the way down to los angeles. and that also includes here parts of the bay area now primarily the inland valleys and the mountains of the north bay, also the east bay and the south bay. temperatures 95 to 100. this goes into effect 11 a.m. tomorrow until 10 p.m. tomorrow night. some low humidity, 15 to 25, and we could see a little bit of wind 10 to 20. not extremely gusty, but a little bit of a breeze here out of the south and also the west. let me show you how quickly things are going to warm up for us. we'll start it off with 64 here at 7:00 in the morning. then by 1 p.m. we are up to a hot 94. i'll have more looks at our forecast
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as we head right through this weekend. that's coming up in about 15 minutes. all right, jeff, thanks. follow the rising temperature in your neighborhood this weekend by downloading our nbc bay area app. you see that qr code right there? that's all you have to do is point your smartphone to that qr code on the screen, and it will take you right to the app. it always is free. all right. a south bay musician is at a loss tonight after someone stole his prized trumpet. the musician george rodriguez is part of the popular maachistelar. he also founded the silicon valley mariachi foundation. his goal is to teach any child who wants to learn to play an instrument for free. well, the group held a big fundraiser on father's day at the santa clara county fairgrounds. george says when he put down his trumpet to talk to some guests, someone walked away with it. what are we teaching our kids on father's day? that it's okay to steal something that doesn't belong to you? nevertheless it's an instrument, a trumpet, something that's used
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for many musicians as a tool, as a stream of income. you know, source of revenue, a way of living. george says he filed a police report. friends have opened a gofundme account to buy him a new trumpet. right now, he is using a replacement and hoping someone will do the right thing and return his original no guns for domestic abuse suspects that is the ruling from the conservative supreme court today. the ruling favors gun safety advocates and upholds a law that prevents domestic abusers from having a gun. nbc's drew walder has the story from washington, d.c. in a resounding 8 to 1 decision today, the supreme court's conservative majority could be signaling that some long standing gun laws are likely to survive future tests by upholding a law that prevents people with a domestic violence restraining order from having a gun. today's ruling maintains the status quo on a gun safety law that advocates say saves lives. this is a huge relief for
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women, for kids in this country. it's a big win for common sense, gun safety and the vast majority of americans across party lines agree wholeheartedly. at issue, a case from texas where a woman got a restraining order against her partner after reporting he knocked her to the ground, dragged her into his car and threatened to kill her. the man later sentenced to six years in prison, filed a lawsuit arguing that the federal law stripping away his gun rights was a violation of his second amendment rights. the supreme court disagreed. in his majority opinion, chief justice john roberts said, quote, since the founding, our nation's firearm laws have included provisions preventing individuals who threaten physical harm to others from misusing firearms. in the only dissenting ruling, justice clarence thomas said this ruling is a direct attack on the second amendment by restricting the rights of some people, the story is not really over. steve descano is a progressive prosecutor in northern virginia. he applauds the court's ruling today, but says it's opened the door to potentially change or
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scale back other gun safety laws. there are some things in there that leaves questions as to whether the red flag law that a lot of states have, whether that can survive total scrutiny. while gun safety advocates applaud today's ruling, it does signal deep divisions between justices on gun laws with more high profile gun safety cases anticipated in the next couple of years. the white house issued a statement today, and president biden said that survivors of domestic violence will still be able to count on protections just like they have for the past three decades, reporting in washington drew wilder, nbc news. neighbors don't want them there, so the city cleared them out. but some unhoused in san jose say they don't know where else to go, so they keep coming back. neighbors took their concerns to nbc bay area, and we took those concerns to the mayor. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is on rose avenue in east san jose looking for solutions. neighbors tell me they're beyond frustrated. they tell me they've been complaining to the city for months and feel their complaints have fallen on deaf ears. this was the scene on
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rose avenue a week ago. crews were clearing out a line of cars occupied by the unhoused. this is rose avenue today. they're back. they kicked you out and you came back. see rito flores says he has nowhere else to go after his family left him. but his return, along with the other unhoused people, has angered and frustrated neighbors. they say children are afraid to walk on the sidewalk. some families don't even want their kids playing on their own front yard. this mom didn't want to show her face for fear of retaliation, but says some in these vehicles are outright dangerous. it's just scary, you know, because like, it's one of the people over there. they got pulled over and they pulled out hammers out of the backpack and drugs, and they arrested them. today we took their concerns to the mayor. i'm very concerneabout it. the church and the neighborhood has a prehool attached to it. the neighbors are dealing with encampment s that we abate and that come back. the mayor says abatement
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isn't the cure all, and the city needs to do more in providing decent shelter and services for those living on the streets. but he adds that the unhoused have to do their part as well. by going into those shelters or treatment facilities. if oer beds aren't available, should not be a choice or an option to simply go camp wherever you like. in the city. some in the neighborhood say street sweeping days are also a big issue. very unfair. we get a $60 ticket, me and my neighbor if we don't move our cars, but then these cars have been sitting there for almo a year and nothing. so our policy in dot is to treat all vehicles equally, whether they are lived in or not. so parking violations nd to becitee accountable. after we spoke with the mayo a cypector showed up on rose avenue to document the neighborhood co a everyone hunts for new solutions. these will continue to follow the story in san jose. damian trujillo, nbc, bay area news.till ahead, as we get closer to the start of
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tuning their security plans.fin what concernem the most as they try to keep paris safe and the fastest men and women that usa has to offer, will be looking to punch their ticket to paris starting tonig. we'll give you a preview of the track and field trials. that's next. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. we are seeing those temperatures warm up today. 89, right now in ci'll show you the hottest tomorrow where it gets close to 100. that forecast to take you through th i know you love your dadda. of course he loves you. he just doesn't show it on his face... or with his body language. ♪ she's got a smile ♪ ♪ that seems to me ♪ come on. oh, junior! no no no no no no. haha! good job junior. way to go. [ minion language ]
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flex art! flex alert! a power ous looming. that's just alert, he's always geing worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours.
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the list terrifies them. today, the police chief of paris said he's concerned about the threat of islamist terrorism during the games. this comes after authorities arrested a man last month who they believed was planning a terrorist attack on behalf of the islamic state. the man the plan was suspected of targeting soccer matches during the olympics. poli shey haven't encountered any more threats since then, but it's already taking security measures. the city will deploy around 30,000 police officers
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each day of the olympics. the fierce competition meantime for a spot on team usa continues today. moving now to the pacific northwest. close to a thousand hopefuls are in eugene, oregon, for the start of the u.s. track and field olympic trials. nbc's jay gray has the latest. hey there. welcome to the pacific northwest. eugene, oregon. also known as track town, usa. and this incredible venue, hayward stadium on the university of oregon campus. this is a sp that those in the sport of track and field say is a premier venue for one of theest inhe world, and it's the perfect place to hold the usa track and field where american athletes lgrimage to try aarn a spot on what many say is the toughest team to make in the world. because because it has such a history of being so strong in internationalcompetio,
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especially stacked with a ton of athletes who they maket thall of this, wilve a pretty good shot ating home a m from s. two o those we are watching closely in the premier event as far as track and field is conrned you', sha'rrdsono is going to be competing for th wond lyles, they're both theurnt world champions handful of americans who arein a considered strong.8? favorites e got to finish first, second or third here. and that's what makes the competition here in eugene so difficult. you're not teed a spot team us track and field, even if you're the world champion. and so they're looking to do that. if so, believe it or not, it would be the first time an american has won gold in the 100 in 20 years. that's on the men's side,
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even longer on the women's side. and if, as they think they can, that both win in paris,t would be the first te the americ have swept that ent since 1988. all of the action starting today should be a terrific watch, and you can see it all in primetime right here. that's the latest from eugene, oregon. i'm jay gray. now back you. so exciting. as jay mentioned, one of the biggest stars that will be competing in the track and field trials is sinter sha'carri richardson. she recently sat down with cardi b to compare a few notes. yeah, yeah. okay, so you practically have like a superpower. are you born with it or you just got good at it? i really feel like i was born with it. i literally used to race, like even like the boys in my neighborhood growing up in the street. it's cool. i could do this. i could do this for a little bit. i can do this. sha'carri richardson has won the world title. like for me, my stage is a track, but what is it
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like for you when you're on stage performing? when the crowd is lit? i just get like this was always born to be like a entertainer. you just feel lik it was in you. it was always in me. all right. i love it. i also like that they're getting their ils done together. that's so extra. so both othem okay, you can catch the track and field trials as well as the swimming trials right here on nbc. bay area our coverage begins tonight at 8:00. it's been so fun watching the trials all week. yeah, prime time. okay, let's talk about. it's the first full day of summer and it's here. the sunshine was out. yeah, i know, beautiful. even san francisco managed to get in on some sunshine. and as we head through tomorrow, those temperatures are going to get even hotter. it will be the hottest day of the week. we're going to detail everything for you to get you through your saturday and also your sunday and beyond. let's start off right now with a look outside across the bay area. if you're doing anything tonight. wanted to make sure you see those temperures right now in san francisco. live view shows some0 degrees as we're in the 50s here
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in no time, certainly through seven eight and also 9:00 with that fog getting thicker right near the bay, it was a little bit warmer today. we had some mid 70s through the afternoon right now, dropping to 71 sunny skies. you'll also be down to the 60s here through seven and also 8:00. and for the inland valleys doing anything at all. man you are good to go. 89 sunny skies. you want to wear shorts, t shirts, maybe go casual. the flip flops to your favorite restaurant. eat outside. the weather is right on tap here for you. looking good. we're at 87 at 6 p.m, 82 at 7 p.m. and then we're in the 70s here through eight. and also 9:00. so through tomorrow we still have this area of hot high pressure in the pacific keeping the storm track to the north. and when we see that storm track move to the north, then this hotter air is able to filter in much easier through the desert southwest. so tomorrow is going to be the hottest day. as we'll see this weather set up with us. the only thing though is we'll have some fog at the coastline, so it's not going to be 90 to 100 everywhere here across the bay
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area. it's going to be too hot for you inland. you're going to be able to head to the coastline and get some of that relief. we'll start it off here at 7:00 in the morning, with some areas of fog and low clouds. a lot of this should clear back by about ten and maybe around 1030, 1045 in the morning. and then we're into all of that sunshine here through the inland valleys for the afternoon. and if you're headed to the beaches, we are expecting some patchy fog to linger. morning temperatures are going to in the mix here of will put us doo 63 in the. that south bay, 58 right here through 50s for the east bay and the chilliest for san francisco in the north y theow to mid 50s through the dayomorro weor another 7 to 12 degrees hotter, so it's going to put us back in the widpread s he for the sth bay. weing to get co 100 here in morganill at7. y see the trend here. you go closer to the bay and will be at 92 in cupertino. so not as hot there but still a very warm day for you right here out to the east bay 78 in oakland head
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over those east bay hills. that car thermometer is going to jump 96 in walnut creek. and then you are at 100 in antioch, the peninsula. we got cold 63.5 moon bay right on down to redwood city. we're at 86 palo alto, 88 san francisco. the warm spot, the usual locations here downtown in the mission, low to mid 70s, right tre in the mana 66 and for the north bay 100, in clear lake 101 in ukiah. but then you head down to sonoma and napa with a little bit of that bay breeze, and temperatures will be in the low 90s. okay. one other thing we're watching is remnants of what was once tropical storm alberto. we're not expecting any major activity in california, but sometimes this tropical moisture can outrun the forecast models. we could get a little bit of this popping up near the california arizona border. so we are going to keep a close eye on that. otherwise right here on that 7-day forecast. we'll keep it dry here in the bay area 74 in san francisco saturday 68 sunday. and for the inland valleys from that 99 down to 92, i'll have more looks at the
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hourly air quality coming up at 530. but thankfully firefighters are getting a better handle on this. fires to the north. yeah. all right jeff thank you. yeah. still to come as young adults graduate from colleges across the country, where is the best place for them to move to start their new lives? an interesting new survey
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e natial association of realtors say prices jumped 5% compared to last year. an average home in the u.s. now costs nearly $420,000. may seemy area, but zillow estimates the bay area at nearly 1.2 mlion
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for sf, oakland an hayward. so it is no surprise that home sales are stalling. while there's plenty of homes up for sale, people just can't afford them. economists say it's not clear when prices will start to drop. well mixed results on wall street today. dow jones edged 15 points higher, marking its best week so far this month. nasdaq dipped 32 points lower. s&p barely finished in the red with eight points, and investors are still keeping an eye on nvidia this after it passed microsoft as the world's most valuable public company earlier this week. but nvidia shares faltered tod. san francisco makes the list for the top five best places for new college grads. that is, according to a new study from zumper. the site analyzed things like rent, population of young people and income levels in the top 100 cities in the u.s. minneapolis is actually the best place in the country for recent grads to start their post college journey, followed by denver,
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then seattle. columbus comes in at number four. san francisco rounds out the top five. well, they are still partying in boston. how the celtics and their fans celebrated thteam's latee st
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their nba championship. yes, the celtics beat the dallas mavericks monday night to win the franchise's 18th title, breaking a tie with the los angeles lakers for the most in league history. celtics star jayson tatum raised the nba's larry o'brien trophy right here to cheers from the crowd. this is the team's first the championship title since 2008. some members of that title team also took part in today's parade right here, even bringing their own trophy along for the ride. why not? the rolling rally kicked off in front of the celtics home court at td garden before winding through the streets to the hynesvention center. we have not had a parade in the parade in the bay area in a long time, a few years. we need a victory parade. yeah. fingers crossed. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on pluto and other streaming platforms. garvin thomas joins us now with what's coming up
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next at 530. janelle a lot's going on. 530. we continue our coverage of the investigation surrounding oakland's mayor. just what is the relationship between mayor tao and that family that has become big players in the political world? as we uncover more information surrounding the investigation of mayor tao. what lies ahead for her politically, as well as for the city of oakland? our political analyst, larry gerston, is here to discuss that topic. and firefighters have been battling stubborn fires in northern california all week. the latest on the progress they're making in. welcome back everyone. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm garvin thomas. let's get right to the latest on the federal investigation surrounding oakland's mayor. one day after the fbi searched her home, there's still no sign of sheng thao, but now her lawyer is talking for the first time. the mayor's attorney, tony brass, says tao has nothing to hide. after federal agents searched her home yesterday, investigators


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