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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  June 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. is oakland mayor sheng thao. she hasn't been seen since in public, since fbi agents searched her home. but today, for the first time, her lawyer speaks. this is hard because no matter what, the optics are bad. search about the mayor's morale and when she might head back to city hall, then the potential
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for triple digit heat in parts of the bay area where tracking a weakened heat advisory where the hottest spots will be and how long it will last. plus she thought, well, if americans love pasta, i'm going to make, you know, asian version. we're taking you on a new tour that blends immigrant stories with food, experiences that are uniquely san francisco. good evening, and thanks for joining us. this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm gia vang. we start tonight with new developments in the federal investigation surrounding oakland's mayor. tonight, no sign of mayor sheng thao, but her lawyer says the mayor has nothing to hide and that the mayor doesn't believe she's a target of the search. the fbi searched a total of four locations yesterday, including the home tao currently rents. investigators were seen taking several boxes and bins out of the mayor's house. the fbi is not saying what the investigation is about, but today they confirmed agents did
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not arrest anyone during the search. also today, the lawyer representing the mayor spoke for the first time on her behalf. he says he doesn't know what was inside the boxes that were taken from tao's home yesterday, and that the mayor had no prior knowledge of the investigation. the first you heard of it was when they executed the search warrant at 530 in the morning. so no investigators ever came to her asking her for any information related to the duong family or anything like that. correct. because if they had, she would have given him the information she intends to cooperate fully. now she would have cooperated fully then. how's the mayor feeling? look, this is this is hard. because no matter what, the optics are bad. so first thing we have to do is attend to the substance, and then we're going to attend to the optics. any idea when she'll come back to oakland? when we'll see her. when you guys will do you know it depends on the circumstances. it depends on on how distracting the attention this generates for her opponents and things like that. i mean,
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she wants to get back to oakland and get back to being a visible mayor because that's important too. and no plans to resign this right now has there's no reason for her to plan to resign based on this investigation. also tonight, we're learning more about the family connected to the other three places searched by the feds. yesterday, the dong family has deep ties to both local politics and business. their company, california waste solutions, is oakland's official recycling collector. the company's headquarters are one of four locations searched. the family is also the driving force behind oakland's vietnamese business association. they have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to politicians on both sides of the aisle. we have been unable to reach the dongs. california's waste solutions officials or anyone from the vietnamese business association, for comment. this is all happening just days after we learned mayor tao will face a recall election. so what does this fbi investigation mean for her future? let's bring in political
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analyst larry gersten. and larry, thank you for joining us. first, what do you make of the search at mayor tao's home? the search at mayor taos home? well, it's a pretty potent combination if you think about it. the fbi dealing with crime, the irs dealing with money, income taxes, other taxes, money due, and also, of course, the postal service, which of course transports things. and there are such things as mail fraud. there are such things as, other related questions, wire fraud, all three of these agencies kind of together focus on this kind of stuff. so it stands to reason that they were looking for something in that vein. yeah and larry, critics of mayor tao, they are calling for her to resign too soon. or is there any merit? you heard her attorney right there saying there's no plans to resign or plans to resign. well, you know, this feeds right into the goals and objectives of the recall movement. i mean, the timing
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couldn't have been better for these people because just the other day they qualified that recall election, which will be on november fifth, to say the general election. so no doubt this is this is given a lot of wind to their sails in terms of you know, listen, this is a person who's got to go that that makes sense from their point of view. but on the other hand, so far we know so little, you know, other than these guys saying she should resign. what what other reasons do we have coming from this investigation to this point in time? and, larry, to tony brass, her attorney, said, you know, the optics, they don't look good either way. they're going to deal with this first and then the optics. but how can mayor tao do or can she do anything to prove to oakland that she's still the person for this job? this job? well, first of all, they've got to prove that she's not i mean, this whole idea of a person being guilty and proven innocent is the opposite of the way this country works, so absolutely, she's got to come and make sure that things are okay if it's, as
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her attorney says, there's no guilt whatsoever. this could really backfire on the folks that are demanding her resignation, given the little that they know. so you better watch it when you're playing with fire. we know so little right now, and for people to jump to any conclusion, means risking an awful lot in terms of their own credibility. as far as the mayor goes, if, in fact, there's nothing to worry about. that's all she has to do. there's nothing to worry about. i don't know what this is about. and in fact, it could very well be that these folks came to her house looking for things that she knew nothing about that might have been related to something else for which, again, she had no involvement. so there's an awful lot we don't know, gia. and to jump to conclusions, too quickly right now could be a pretty foolish thing for those folks who do. yeah, we are waiting for more information. all right, larry, who's running the city while the mayor deals with this investigation? well, okay, this is just a formative stages, if you will. and, of course, we have a deputy mayor who's there.
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that's important. we've got the director of all the things that go on in city hall, the city administrator. so that's johnson, the deputy mayor, kimberly mayfield. these folks will hold things together over the next day, two, three, five week whatever. and nothing should change in terms of oakland government. now, if this thing drags on for weeks or months with uncertainty, that's another story. but right now there should be nothing to worry about. as far as oaklanders are concerned. and anybody else doing business with the city, things go on. larry erstin, thank you very much. all right, let's get you caught up now on some other headlines we're watching tonight. the man accused of kidnaping and assaulting the husband, a former house speaker, nancy pelosi, has been found guilty again, this time in a state trial in san francisco. david de pap found guilty on all counts. the attack happened back in october 2022 at the pelosi, san francisco home. paul pelosi told the jury he woke up to de pap standing over him, asking where nancy was, and
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then saying he would have to wait for her in the minutes that followed, paul pelosi managed to contact 911, leading to a moment caught on police body cam video when de pap can be seen hitting paul in the head with a hammer. the pap has already been convicted on federal charges for the same attack, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison during the state trial, he faced additional charges of false imprisonment, residential burglary, threatening a family member of a public official and aggravated kidnaping. we are truly all grateful for mr. pelosi's physical recovery and hope that this verdict can allow them to rest a little easier as they move forward, knowing that mr. depape will be held accountable and has been held accountable for what transpired on that horrific night, the pelosi family released a statement after the verdict came down. it read speaker pelosi and her family remain in awe of their pops bravery, which shone through again on the witness stand in this trial, just as it did when he saved his own life
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on the night of the attack. it goes on to say the pelosi family is grateful for the kind thoughts and prayers they continue to receive. well south bay musician is at a loss tonight after someone stole his prized trumpet. the musician jorge rodriguez is part of the popular mariachi estelar. he also founded the silicon valley mariachi foundation. his goal is to teach any child who wants to learn to play an instrument for free. the group held a big fundraiser on father's day at the santa clara county fairgrounds. jorge says when he put down his trumpet to talk to some guests, someone walked away with it. what are we doing in our kids? on father's day that it's okay to steal something that doesn't belong to you. nevertheless, an instrument, a trumpet, something that's used for many musicians as a tool, as a stream of income, you know, a source of revenue, a way of living. jorge says he filed a police report. friends have opened a gofundme account to buy him a new trumpet. right now, as
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you see, he's using a replacement and hoping someone will do the right thing and return his original. also tonight you could be in for a warm weekend, depending on where you live. we're talking the potential for temperatures near the triple digits in some spots. here's a live look at our cameras in walnut creek and dublin right here. both areas under a heat advisory this weekend. so when will it start to heat up? let's bring in chief meteorologist jeff ranieri and jeff, who is under this heat advisory. we're talking about a pretty good section here in california. so let's go ahead and zoom in and take a look and what you'll see here is from chico all the way down to los angeles, heat advisories and warnings. and that also includes parts of the bay area. so as we get you a closer look here, it's for the mountains of the north bay, inland valleys of the east and the south bay. temperatures overall 95 to 100. low humidity, a little bit of wind 10 to 20 coming out of the southwest. so that's going to obviously increase that fire danger. but right now the way i'm seeing it, it's just a one day event here for us as we head through
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tomorrow. but this huge swath huge. yeah a lot of california. all right. so how fast will these temperatures rise tomorrow? jeff i think we're going to be in for a pretty big warm up pretty quickly. we're going to start off with 50s and 60s. so that's going to be really enjoyable. then look at this by 11 a.m. 84. yeah by 1 p.m. 94. and that's the early part of the afternoon. once we hit the late part of the afternoon, some spots here across the bay area will be getting right at about 100, especially out towards antioch, brentwood and also discovery bay. here's the triple digits to just summers here. okay. it'll be hot everywhere. we could see some differences in degrees though. 30 to 40 degrees difference. why it looks like we're going to see this classic summer set up for us. so we do have that fall coming back at the coastline. so while we're looking at those upper 90s inland, we're just going to be in the 50s here for most of the early morning and half moon bay, maybe up to 60 by about 1 p.m, and it's really also about how this heat's building in. it's coming in from the desert southwest. so right here from arizona, also new mexico and
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vegas as well. and with it moving in from the south, it's like this classic head to head battle. the fog versus the heat. so it enables the fog to come in at the coastline and that hot air from the south. so that's how we're going to find those widespread temperatures, which makes the bay area so beautiful in summer. right exactly. that air conditioning, the natural air conditioning. exactly all right, jeff, thank you very much. up next, a new food tour that highlights the important role played by immigrants, especially when it comes to san francisco's most iconic dishes. we'll show you what's being showcased. plus, a well-known fountain along the embarcadero suddenly turned off and drained. why may stay dry for good? you're watching nbc bay area news tonight
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all have in common. surprisingly a lot. first, they're all uniquely san francisco invented or developed in the city. and second, they were created and made popular by immigrants. and finally, they're all featured in a brand new food tour called melting spots. the tour comes from the california migration museum. the digital only museum created an interactive map with 38 featured stops. each restaurant or food business has a story to tell about a dish or cuisine style that immigrants in san francisco shaped over the last couple of centuries. each stop also includes audio stories
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, and here's one about the creation of creamy garlic noodles at tanglong. so tanglong is opened by my grandmother, diana ann. so my mom came here and worked as an accountant in the morning in the evening she helped with the restaurant business at lunchtime time. you know, when people had lunch break, she'd see her coworkers eating pasta. and so she tried eating pasta, and she didn't love it like it was either too creamy or. or the tomato sauce was too acidic for her. but all her friends said, oh yeah, american people love pasta. she thought, well, if the americans love pasta, i'm going to make, you know, asian version. i mean, growing up, i always enjoyed the garlic noodles, but then i really didn't realize it became such a phenomenon of san francisco. i love that. okay. so joining us now, katie long. she's the founder and director of the california migration museum. and katie, thanks for joining us. and first, i just want to ask how did this map even come about? i think we always knew we wanted to do a
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story about food and migration because food is such a wonderful gateway into so many of these stories. it's you know, for immigrants, it's often the way that they try and recreate the homelands that they've left behind. it's a way they try and connect their kids to the culture that maybe isn't so present. so you know, we put our heads together, our whole kind of thing is to do immersive, experiential stories that, you know, really encourage people to get out into the neighborhoods that these stories are being created in and really experience them for themselves. so we came up with this idea of a map that people can use to both listen to the stories online and hear from some of the, you know, remarkable people who have created these dishes or have kept these dishes going. sometimes for generations, but also hopefully go out and actually try some of them in some of these amazing restaurants. oh yeah, you get to eat and you get to explore the neighborhoods. katie, i love it. okay, so there's no shortage of good food in san francisco. so how did you pick the businesses
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to feature it was editing this down to 38 was obviously such a difficult task because there are so many. even if you just say, okay, immigrant foods, we could have probably done 380. but what we really decided we wanted to do was tell the stories that are not just about calling migrant restaurants, but which are about dishes and ways of eating that have really become part of what the bay area is about. foods that we really think about it as part of, kind of quintessential san francisco, so that did mean we left a lot of places out, which, you know, maybe in a second edition we'll get them in there. but it was really about telling the story of how immigrants have shaped the city that we live in and given us all so much that they're making california food for californians as much as immigrant food for a particular immigrant community. yes. more additions please. katie. okay, so i love tan. long story. is there another story that really stands out to you in this project? are there are you
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know, obviously there are 38 of them. they're all my babies and i love them all, but there are certainly some, you know, i'm an immigrant myself, there are certainly some that really resonate on this, you know, kind of emotional, personal level. one of them is bestiarum, which is this amazing indian gujarati restaurant talking to the chef there, you know, in some ways she had a very different immigrant experience from me. she came many years earlier. she had to deal with racial discrimination. she didn't speak english when she arrived. but listening to her talk about how strong she had to be, how exhausting it is to be a new immigrant. right, and then to hear this kind of wonderful story about how food had given her voice back, you know, i think i really could hear, you know, some some of my own story in the sense of just remembering how tiring it is when you arrive in a new country and everything is, is strange, so yeah, there are there are so many of these stories that are really worth listening to, i love that. okay, so katie, i know that tomorrow
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the melting pots launch event, how can we everyone who's listening and watching explore that? yeah, come and join us. we're having a listening party at, manny's in the mission at 2 p.m, we're going to go through the, the stories, you know, and give a little context. get a little history of san francisco food, and you can find, more information about that on our website. migration. org, or there's also an eventbrite, where you can pick up a ticket there. all right. you have all the information. all right. katie long, thank you so much. thank you. all right, moving on. another thorn in the side for san francisco, the so-called bono fountain has been drained and shut off. you've probably seen it. it is a huge concrete fountain in embarcadero plaza. the fountain is officially called the vaillancourt fountain, but better known by its nickname after seeing singer bono. bono famously graffitied it during a concert in 1987, and
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now the fountain is finally showing signs of age. a spokesperson from the recreation and parks department says the last pump failed two weeks ago and that it needs a complete renovation. but there's one problem the department says repairs could cost upwards of $3 million. so right now there's no timeline for the repairs. you're looking live right here at the bay bridge, if you can see it. yeah. jeff is back to explain what's going on. and another look at our weekend warm up
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this is a lot of fog you can't even see. but that's oakland over there. it is. and it's beautiful here tonight. so that cool foggy breeze is moving on in. and that's going to save everybody from really getting in on super hot temperatures. at least most of the bay area, as we have the fog of the coastline and hot air trying to move in from the south. let me get you more details right now on that microclimate forecast, and we'll show you that fog for tomorrow morning. it will be not only at the coastline, but some low clouds moving inland for the early morning. and then a lot of this should clear back pretty quickly. by about 10:00 in the morning. and we have that afternoon sunshine. so morning temperatures are going to start off here with 50s. and also 60s with that fog and low cloud cover. then by the afternoon a hotter day, especially inland isolated heat up to 98. in concord 99, livermore 97, morgan hill 93. in san jose. it's a one day event. by sunday, cool front
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drops in and temperatures are going to dip 5 to 10 degrees cooler by sunday, 92 and lots of 80s next week, so at least the upper 90s are going to stick around too long. gia. all right, jeff, thank you very much. and we'll be keeping up with this all weekend long. well, coming up tonight in prime time, more athletes vying for a spot in the paris olympics track and field trials kick off today in eugene, oregon, just about 30 minutes from now. you can watch the competition unfold right here starting at eight. and we'll also be showing more of the olympic swim trials. michael phelps makes his return, this time to the broadcast booth, then stay with us for nbc bay area news tonight live and local
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tonight on "access hollywood.." >> thinking about yellowstone, that beloved series that i loved, i just wanted to let you know that i won't be returning. >> after leaving the door open for more yellowstone, it's now slammed shut. what was the final straw for kevin costner? >> i have


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