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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  June 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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what's called the california fair plan. it's expensive and it only covers fire. you'll likely need a separate policy for things like break ins and leaks settling that could take days or weeks. so that's why it's so important to get started early, get shopping right away. thanks a lot, kris. now, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch us whenever you want on roku or on other streaming platforms. keep it here. we'll see you in just a bit. you're watching today in the bay right now at six, staying ready. with two wildfires now winding down east bay, firefighters prepare for the next big call. we are live with a large scale training effort starting this morning as wildfire season kicks into high gear, preparing for the presidential debate. the strategy is president biden and former president trump are expected to take ahead of this week's high stakes encounter. governor gavin newsom, set to deliver his state of the state
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address. the programs some fear, are on the chopping block. this is today in the bay here we go. starting out another week. and good morning to you all. i'm marcus washington and i'm ginger conejero saab. laura garcia is off this morning tracking a lot on this monday already on the roads with mike, which we're going to get to. but first meteorologist kari hall has the continued warm up. yeah. for the valleys. it's still going to be hot today. but we are seeing temperatures ranging wildly across the bay area about 40 degrees for our afternoon highs. we are starting out all clear here in walnut creek. we're also seeing some more sunshine near the coastline today. we're watching out for the risk of dry lightning and an increased fire danger. those are the thunderstorms or the rain evaporates. but we're also going to see a cooling trend and better air quality as we go throughout the week. temperatures right now in the upper 40s for santa rosa, but
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starting out at 70 in vacaville, we're going to see those highs in the low 90s for the inland north bay and east bay. and 60s near the coast. mike, you're saying that traffic alerts still continues for 101? it is. and now it's more of a problem because the commute starts to build. now coming across the san mateo bridge, feeding into the slowdown on northbound 101, only two lanes are open. this continues since before 4:00. about 345. an overturned truck here, and it's still blocking your three left lanes. only two open traveling north past third. if you jump on north of peninsula, you're fine. if you take 280 from the south bay, you're fine as well. coming across 92, you might want to continue to 280 just to avoid that backup. some folks may have shifted to the bay bridge, but it doesn't look any different at the maze right now. we'll track it back to you. a 3.2 earthquake hitting the city of cobb. this is just over 30 minutes ago. this is near clear lake, north of hillsburg, near the geysers. we have not heard anything about
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damages or injuries, but of course we will bring you more information as it comes into our newsroom. that 3.2 in the city of cobb. well, it's going to be another hot day, potentially wildfires out there as well. that's as firefighters finish their work on the point fire in sonoma county today in the bay's bob redell joins us live from the east bay. and bob berkeley firefighters will be in the hills later this morning. but you shouldn't be alarmed. good morning to ginger and marcus berkeley fire says this is just a drill. they just want to give people a heads up. as you can see on this map, we're going to throw on your screen there. firefighters from berkeley and other agencies, they'll participate in a wildfire training at three locations grizzly peak, tilden regional park and kensington. the department says don't be surprised to see firefighters in yellow uniforms in the hills. so again, no need to call 911. these annual drills are happening today, wednesday, and friday between 830 in the
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morning and 230 in the afternoon. now we're keeping an eye on two wildfires burning up north in sonoma county. county, that's one of the fires firefighters are close to containing the point fire, which has burned more than 1200 acres between geyserville and las lomas. one firefighter was hurt. three structures were damaged or destroyed. i should say the flames did damage two others. that fire is now 90% contained. so the second fire that's burning up north, that is the seitz fire, which is burning north of sacramento and colusa county. it is 48% contained in just over 19,000 acres burned. unfortunately for us californians, wildfires are a part of our life and so is the smoke that accompanies it. and the hot weather that precedes it. but the heat and smoke has never prompted an emergency response from the federal government, just the fires themselves. but a number of environmental, labor and health care groups, they're trying to change that. you might recall, last week that they started to pressure the to fema to declare
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extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disasters, which could give state cities and counties money to better prepare with, for example, new cooling centers and air filtration systems in places like schools. reporting live here in the east bay bob redell today in the bay. thanks for that, bob. and as a reminder , we continue to navigate this year's wildfire season. a great resource to have is our free nbc bay area app. it will send the latest breaking news straight to your phone. you can find it on your local app store. now let's take a live look at the state capitol. that is where tomorrow, governor newsom is set to deliver his state of the state address. now he comes just a few days after he and state lawmakers reached a new budget deal. they released the final proposal over the weekend, and the details will be covered heavily in the state of the state address. now, the deal includes major funding cuts to programs like affordable housing and the prison system. it also
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requires leaders declare a statewide fiscal emergency in order to dip into california's rainy day fund. two decision 2024 and the anticipation ahead of thursday's presidential debate, president biden hunkered down preparing while former president trump on the campaign trail. now the high stakes rematch set to offer stark contrast in the two candidates on key issues including reproductive rights today in the bay's alice barr. live for us in washington. this morning and alice today, marking two years since the supreme court ruled on the overturning there of roe v wade. marcus. and that is really what shot this issue. of course, to the top of the list for many american voters. and the biden campaign is leaning into that thinking. it's an issue that can galvanize voters for them. the debate this week does have the potential to reshape this race on that, and of course, many other issues. it is this opportunity when a larger slice
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of american voters may engage in what is going to be an incredibly tight election. debate week kicks off with the two candidates preparing in very different ways to lay out their starkly different visions for america. president biden huddling with close aides to talk strategy that includes highlighting his opponents criminal record. but it's not just to call donald trump a convicted felon. it goes to his behavior and it goes to his character, former president trump spent the weekend on the campaign trail mocking his rival's approach. he's sleeping now because they want to get him good and strong. age and readiness will be central for both candidates on stage. the two oldest to square off in the earliest ever debate of the general election season, letting a wider audience tune in to the candidates takes on key issues, from the economy to immigration and abortion. on this second anniversary of the overturning
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of roe v wade, another year since donald trump stripped women of our constitutional freedoms foundational to women's rights protests are planned today outside the u.s. supreme court, former president trump thanking the conservative justices, including three he appointed who reversed federal abortion protections while saying he supports exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. you have to go with your heart, but you have to also remember you have to get elected. the countdown. now on to a huge test that could be key to who gets elected in november. former president trump also says he has decided who his running mate will be, though he hasn't yet told that person. and while he's not planning to make any public announcements until around the republican national convention next month, he did suggest that the person he has chosen for his vice presidential pick is going to be at the debate on thursday, and you can bet all eyes will be peeled
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looking for clues on that. marcus, you took the words right out of my mouth. people will be watching to see, okay, who is there? who is there? all right. alice barr in washington for us. alice. thank you. well, from washington, we go to san francisco taking a live look now at oracle park. that is where emotions tonight are sure to be front and center. the sun coming up right there on that beautiful park. that is because the giants will play their first home game since the death last week of willie mays. now the giants and their fans first learned about mays death last tuesday while the team was on the road in chicago. the team has been playing on the road since, including that historic league tribute last thursday in birmingham, alabama, and since last tuesday, they've also lost five in a row. but tonight they open a four game series against the cubs and they are pressing reset. let's go. giants reporter let's go giants. and look what a better way to look when you have a backdrop like this. you've got to win right? we're hoping so
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anyway. all right. live looking at the golden gate bridge this morning. meteorologist kari hall is monitoring those temperatures across the bay area. and if you like it, cooler san francisco might be your spot. absolutely that's where it's been happening. and we're starting out with temperatures in the mid 40s for san rafael. but we're also a little bit milder for other spots like san jose right now in the low 60s. we're at 52 right now in san francisco looking at fremont. what to expect. it's going to be in the upper 40s, very much like it was yesterday. as our trend heats up, it's going to be another warm afternoon. but leading to that, any outdoor activities try to get them in before those temperatures warm up. it will be as hot as 93 in fairfield and 81 in mountain view with san francisco in the mid 60s. we'll talk about the concern i have in some parts of the bay area that's coming up in a few minutes, getting a look at where we can find some lower gas prices. mike, what's winning the leaderboard? you know, not a lot of change since last week, but subtle ones. the bay's best prices are still in alameda
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county area. we're looking at fremont which leads the list 395 at vargas on grimmer boulevard. there is a new low in san jose. also 405. again, just a few cents different. this one's at platinum gas on tully road. san francisco's best is at the bottom number here. it's 454. look for national petroleum on cesar chavez street and look for if you want to report prices or you want to find prices on the roadways, we're looking at a pretty smooth drive, except for one key spot which is now rippling over the peninsula north 101. we continue with this crash, this overturned truck carrying 16,000 pounds of avocados. it's not spilled out, but they do still have to lift that truck back onto its wheels. hopefully they can clear it. so far and no updates. we do have the bigger traffic build up north 101 and west on 92 just at the tail end, coming off the bridge through foster city. meanwhile, the east bay, we're looking at a typical build for vasco 580 and highway four. back to you. thanks a lot, mike. new
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legal trouble for boeing. federal prosecutors saying that the company should face criminal charges while coming up. the brand new allegations tied to two deadly crashes. lots of people and lots of places want to be silicon valley, but there's only one silicon valley. we have the numbers to prove it. speaking of numbers, let's go out and check the monday futures as we begin to wrap up the second financial quarter. plus making history how this woman is proving you can achieve your dreams no matter your age. you're watching today in the bay
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪
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home instead. to us, it's personal. today in the east bay. taking a look at our day planner and concord at 9:00. it's in the upper 60s and all clear. it's going to be a nice day, but heating up pretty fast and definitely still feeling like summer. this the hottest day of the week, but then we do find some relief. we'll talk about the cool down and one thing i'm watching coming up in a few minutes. i'm watching 92. yeah. the temps. what we're talking about the san mateo bridge right now, westbound. this view looks fine on the flat section, but we're seeing more slowing out of foster city on the northbound 101, where that alert continues. only two lanes open north 101 at third. we'll talk about the ripple it's having and see if you can get. oh, actually i'll show you some ways around it. well good morning. very happy monday to you. we're wrapping up the month of june. in the second
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quarter. we're almost halfway through the year sending stock market records all the time. nvidia powered a lot of that, though. some investors, as you can tell, are cashing in that stock down about 4% since last week. but conan continues to fall. honestly, not something we normally track, but it's been in a long, steady decline. the european union has warned apple it's in violation of new rules called the digital market act. the eu says apple gets in the middle of the relationship between the app makers and app users by preventing app makers from telling those users they can buy their apps elsewhere for less money. alaska airlines has reached a deal with its flight attendants on a new contract. they're calling it a record deal, though we don't know the details yet. the union was asking for 50% raises american and united still negotiating with their flight attendants. cnbc totaled up the number of laid off workers at tesla, says tesla cut more than it said it would in a company wide email,
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elon musk said the troubled car maker would cut 10, but the numbers show 14. some of those cuts were wild, like the entire supercharger team. at the same time, musk, one shareholder approval for a multibillion dollar bonus, a cyber attack on car dealers should be back under control. car dealers using software from cdk global to write up their contracts and deals have been using pen and paper, something like 15,000 dealers. the software company says it is getting things under control and a new study says if you're serious about building a tech company, you need to be in silicon valley, not elsewhere. a columbia university study says you're 277% more likely to go public or make money selling your company if you than if you were elsewhere. 218% more likely to get venture funding, 60% more likely to receive a patent, the study's author, jorge guzman, says silicon valley simply has
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the highest level of ecosystem of any measure. venture capital patenting and startup formation. and of course, talent and talent has moved all over the us because of, you know, the work from home. but if you're going to be serious about silicon valley and we're talking about this earlier, if you're going to be serious about making films, you got to go to southern california. you can make a film anywhere. but at some point you got to work in hollywood. and silicon valley is the same way. yeah, you got to go where the magic happens. yeah, i think it's i there's so much pride to that, you know, to be to be known, to represent that kind of innovation worldwide and head and shoulders over anywhere. yes. i'm not a mathematician, but those numbers. yeah, 277% more likely. sounds pretty good to me. come on over. yeah. there you go, scott 618 for you right now. new developments for boy in connection to those deadly crashes. and two 737 max jets more than four years ago now, the overseas crashes killed a combined 346 people. word is reporting that the federal
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prosecutors are now recommending criminal charges against boeing for violating terms of the settlement that followed the company is accused of breaching a 2021 agreement, shielding it from criminal prosecution, provided it overhauled compliance practices. boeing has previously said that it's honored the terms of that settlement. the doj has until july 7th to make a final decision. well, turning for you this morning, one beauty queens lifelong dream comes true. she is the oldest woman to ever compete for miss texas usa. she is marissa teoh and she's 71 years old. over the weekend, she joined 74 other women in competing for the crown, and while she did not win, she certainly stood out. she posted on instagram that she joined the competition to remind women there is beauty at all ages, and she called it an achievement of a long goal. now i've just got to say, i do know someone who is
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also joining, like the miss universe pageant in their own country. they've taken away some of the rules. she has three kids. she's well above the previous age and she said, i want to do it just because for the same exact reason. yeah. you know, got to empower women that you can still do. you can still go chase after your dream. the beauty truly does. if you can see it, you can be it that applies to all people of all ages. absolutely have to have the one who comes in all forms. so and ages and ages. that's good for us as we continue to, you know, tack on some of these dayst yeah, as we always say, it is summer. it's june. we just had our first weekend of summer and we saw our typical microclimates. one thing we also sometimes see in the summer is a surge of some mid-level moisture. that could also give us a chance of some thunderstorms. now. right now we are seeing this surge of the
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rain and lightning off the coast of southern california, but we know it's coming our way. so here's what to expect as we go throughout the day. a few more clouds. here we are at 430. we see a line of clouds starting to come in and it's not widespread. it's not going to have a big impact, but there will be definitely more humidity coming in and by early tomorrow morning we could see, in fact more clouds. the potential of some higher humidity and maybe even some lightning. what happens when we get these thunderstorms that develop in these conditions ? dry air feeds into it. there still may be the possibility of some lightning, but the rain evaporates before it has a chance to hit the ground. so you don't even know there is a thunderstorm nearby, but you may hear some rumbles of thunder and possibly some lightning. and if that lightning hits some dry brush, fires could start. and we're looking out for that possibility to our south and possibly over toward the sierra as well, starting this evening into tomorrow. while
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temperatures are slightly above normal in the mid 80s for the south bay 91 in livermore, we're going to see some mid to upper 80s in parts of the north bay tomorrow. temperatures coming down a couple of degrees. and that's going to be the trend throughout the week. in fact, some nice and comfortable weather by the end of the week with our friday high temperatures in the low 80s and we'll see that continue into the weekend as well. san francisco will be in the mid to upper 60s all throughout the week as the fog lingers near the coastline. mike, you're tracking that alert and the backup. yeah. building now with the backup because the commute builds the north 101 slows before you get to 92 and jams up until you pass a crash. actually, two crashes. the big one is the overturned a box truck. 16,000 pounds of avocados, i'm told, are being offloaded by hand. then they can stand that truck back up. then they can clear it. we don't have a timeline, but we still see the backup that's built on 92 slowing as you approach the interchange with 101, you can continue over to 280 and not
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have to take this slow down. you can join on 101 north of peninsula avenue, or you can take the 80 corridor up past the coliseum to the bay bridge. it's a standard build right now through that area. back to you. thanks, mike. now we're only 32 days away from the 2024 paris olympics, and team usa has a lot they need to be in control of throughout the competition. but temperatures off the field won't be one of them. the devices olympic officials say that they will make sure that available to those athletes, despite environmental efforts to khanna to the contrary by french leaders
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this summer. air conditioners? yeah. canada. britain germany and several other teams are doing the same thing now in the process of undercutting french efforts to reduce carbon emissions during the games. originally, french leaders wanted to minimize emissions by using cooling pipes in the floor rather than air conditioning units. and our next half hour, we're going to bring in everything, bring you up to speed on the us olympic trials. now, how about a taste of paris in a wedding to remember? yeah. one couple got hitched at a replica of the eiffel tower. maybe you've seen that the 50 foot tower. this went up in downtown indianapolis for the us
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olympic swimming team trials. well, the wedding all started when a bride to be saw a facebook post offering a replica tower as a wedding venue. but this was just a joke. but she submitted the application and won. she says the craziest part about this that she and her fiance, they actually weren't officially engaged yet, so they had 13 days to get engaged and then be prepared. well, i saw a post on facebook and i kind of, as a joke, forwarded it to kris on his facebook page and said just saying and then we started talking about it as a serious option. we just did it. we got the rings, we got the license, the license. we planned it out it, and it happened. and a wedding like that is going to last forever. i mean, or marriage anyway, i wonder how long have they been together? that's the question. all right, so the world wind proposal and the wedding meant, you know, they had no time to overthink everything. they had the wedding. and there you see, husband and wife and all the family and friends there. congrats to them. i like that
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how she did it, she said just saying he was like, i got the hint. i got the hint. 627 for you right now we've got a lot more ahead for you. at 630, including a member of the british royal family is in the hospital. details on the incident and her timeline for
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it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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resigning now. sheng thao resigning now. right now, at 630, calls to resign. groups
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opposing oakland's mayor turn up the heat. following the fbi search of her home. why? the latest controversy comes at a critical time and the new fallout for other city leaders. a symbol of pride and acceptance vandalized ahead. we hear from one south bay man who feels violated after someone took down and ripped his pride flag. and a santa cruz tourist spot, now subject of a camera caper. a surveillance system becomes the target of vandals. the lasting impact as investigators try to unravel an unusual and unusual whodunit. this is today in the bay. well, good monday morning to you. i'm ginger conejero saab. laura garcia is off this morning, and i'm marcus washington. let's get you started with this monday morning. meteorologist jerry hall is tracking that forecast for us. and of course, coming off of a warm weekend. yes, much
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of the same today. it's very much the same today, but it really depends on where you are. because some spots in the bay area had some high heat over the weekend, and the peninsula and the coastline were all nice and cool. as we take a live look outside in walnut creek. as you're getting getting this day started, there will be the risk of some dry lightning close by and that's that thunderstorm, basically where the rain evaporates before it hits the ground. we could see that just to our south and off towards the east, which may trigger some new fires for the bay area. we're going to see a sea breeze returning better air quality and a cooling trend throughout the week. we're starting out with some low 50s for most of us, and heading anywhere from mid 60s and half moon bay to san francisco to low 90s for the inland areas, we'll talk more about this coming up. mike's been talking all morning about this alert on the peninsula. this crash happened before 4 a.m. and it's still here, folks. there's an overturned box truck. it's on its side by hand, as i understand it. they're unloading . they're offloading 16,000 pounds of avocados. that's
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expensive cargo, but they got to clear it, and they probably can't use it after it's involved in a crash. we'll follow up and let you know if there's anything that's unusual about the situation other than the slowdown. we have west 92 rippling back for the backup. 280 will keep you clear of all that if you're traveling up and down the peninsula. we have not seen a lot of extra traffic at the bay bridge, although that's another alternate. and instead of heading over to the peninsula and into the backup, back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well breaking news for you right now, princess. and the sister of king charles is in the hospital. buckingham palace saying that she had an accident yesterday near her home. doctors say that she has minor injuries, including a concussion. it's not clear how this happened, but she is expected to make a full recovery. well, back here at home in oakland, another rally for the call. mayor sheng thao to resign. this is fueled by the fbi search of her home. but today we expect to hear the other reason recall supporters say that she's no longer fit for the office today in the bay's
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kris sanchez joins us live from the newsroom. and mayor tao kris , she says she's got nothing to hide. well, and that's what she's saying. but only through her attorney. and that is about the fbi search of her home. critics say that's part of the problem, that the community is not hearing from the mayor herself. now, this is oust, the group behind the recall effort that's now qualified for the november ballot. they will rally again today, as they did yesterday, saying that the people of oakland should not have to wait until november to send a message to mayor tao. they are calling on the mayor to resign, which her attorney told us on friday is not going to happen. she is supposed to be the spokesperson for the city. yes. yet she is gone. she is absent. she is in hiding. she's the mayor of oakland. she's an elected official. she's hiding from nothing. tao has not addressed the violence that erupted at an unsanctioned juneteenth gathering at lake merritt during which 15 people were shot. and her attorney says
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they have no information that she is or will be the target of any investigation. despite what we saw with our own eyes that the fbi, the irs and the us postal service searched her home, searches of other properties also at the one that is linked to the family that owns the company that handles oakland's recycling. now, the timing is really unfortunate here, as the city has to approve a budget for the next fiscal year. so the proposed budget is supposed to be released today. we are told that the mayor will hold a news conference sometime this week. so even people who are not calling for her to resign or to be recalled, probably wondering what the mayor is going to have to say about the budget. marcus, we will be watching. thank you. chris. well new for you this morning. democratic all right, ginger, take this. all right. thank you marcus. democratic state lawmakers are believed to be formulating a new crime fighting measure for the fall ballot, something for voters to look out for. sources tell our
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sacramento station the measure would compete with one that's already qualified for the ballot. now, that measure calls for a reversal of policies authorized by prop 47 that was passed a decade ago, which lowered prison inmate populations. critics now believe that it went too far in loosening penalties for drug and theft crimes. democrats apparently held a closed door session on saturday. so far, they're not revealing what's being considered a story. you will only see here on nbc bay area. a south bay man talking about a flag. this is the pride flag that was torn down and ripped outside of his san jose home. willay says that it happened friday night. this is in front of his home in almaden valley. he says someone bent that pole and then tore the flag down. he only recently put it up. it felt very violating. kind of felt dehumanizing in a way, especially because it's pride month and the whole purpose of for us to have the flag up is
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to, to show that, you know, this is a safe space for others to that whoever comes to our house, they know that this is a safe space for them, no matter who they are and what they identify as. neil is a counselor for the pride center at de anza college. he says that this is a reminder of what some lgbtq students face every day. well, now he is trying to see if neighbors caught the suspect on camera, and he plans to actually report this incident to police as a possible hate crime. well, park rangers in santa cruz, they're trying to solve an unusual case of vandalism. they say that someone has now vandalized the same camera in santa cruz mountain park, not once, but three separate times. the state park uses cameras to gather data about things like movement of animals. but someone keeps pivoting the camera, and now the park says that it lost one month worth of data. it's not clear if that same person is behind all three of those incidents happening today. women across the world are going on strike. this marks the second year since
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roe v wade was overturned. women on strike are encouraged to wear red and stay home from work and school, and only spend money at female owned businesses. the strike is meant to spread awareness about equal rights, reproductive freedom and the end of gender based violence. there's a rally set this afternoon in front of the supreme court in washington, d.c. now back here in the bay area, house lawmaker nancy pelosi is set to make a major announcement in san francisco about reproductive rights. she will be joined by the ceo of planned parenthood northern california that announcement happening at 11 in san francisco, 11 this morning, i should say. also today, leaders proposing a brand new city in solano county. they're scheduled to unveiled a series of planned health care partnerships. it comes as solano county supervisors tomorrow expected to hear from the registrar of voters about the effort to place a fall ballot measure. now, the group of california fever, they're seeking to build a new city from scratch on land near
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travis air force base. that measure would rezone more than 17,000 acres to allow for the development. today's news conference is scheduled to include california forever ceo and regional health care executives. 638 on this beautiful monday morning, we're taking a live look at walnut creek and a meteorologist kari hall. you've been saying that it's going to be still warm inland and maybe some some cooling in san francisco. yeah, another cool day for the coastline and san francisco. so another hot day for the valleys as we take a live look outside in san jose, take a look at our trend throughout the morning into the afternoon. we're going from low 70s at 9:00 to feeling temperatures in the low 80s and then mid 80s later today as our high temperature will be a little bit lower than it was yesterday. and we're looking at still some low 90s for livermore and concord 86 today for santa rosa, 75 in oakland and mid 70s in san francisco. now tomorrow
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we'll bring it down another couple of degrees, but it's still once again anywhere from 90s to 60s across the bay area mike, you're tracking the impact of an early morning crash. yeah. this happened almost three hours ago now on highway 101. with this increased volume, 92 heading over into san mateo. this crash also in san mateo, is causing more of an issue. look, here's the slowing on our sensors. and you notice the rest of the bay showing actually a nice flow of traffic. no surprises, except here. north 101 and west 92 from about. foster city boulevard. it jams up on west 92 up to 101. because of this bottleneck and the ripple back from the earlier crash, which still leaves only two lanes of northbound 101 open now to keep you moving and get you around this, you can continue on 92 over to 280. or if you're farther south, just take 280 up past the scene. a reference point. if you jump onto 101 at peninsula, you're fine getting into san francisco and in the east bay. we haven't seen it ripple back over to that side. folks are fine on the bay
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bridge. back to you. thanks, mike. a potential new boost may be in the works for ukraine in its war against russia. coming up on today in the bay, the recent move by european leaders literally paving the way for new ammunition. a busy week in politics, including major supreme court decisions. again and of course, that debate coming up and a prime piece of real estate hits the market in san francisco. believe it or not, it is listed at less than half $1 million. and it's in a very popular neighborhood. now, when i say that, you know, there's a catch, right? of course there is. stick around for that. we're going to talk about that in much more. we'll be right b
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on your monday morning, we're getting a look at morgan hill and our day planner. it will be a nice, cool, refreshing start to the day with a lot of sunshine in our forecast going into the afternoon, but it will also be a hot day headed back to the low 90s here. there will be a cool down coming in, but i'm watching out for a chance of lightning. more on that coming up in a few minutes. there's some of that sunshine, no lightning. this the bay bridge a standard flow of traffic with the hov lanes are great, and we just have your standard backup coming off the east shore freeway. we're looking at the south bay. also pretty typical for this pattern for northbound 101. in san jose, it is san mateo, which continues with that early morning traffic alert. we'll let you know if we have
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any progress to report, official or unofficial. thanks a lot. mike and kari. new this morning. european union leaders are signing off on a $1.6 billion plan allowing ukraine to use proceeds from frozen russian assets to buy arms. it comes in the wake of concerns about ukraine being able to adequately defend itself. now hungary is voicing serious opposition to the plan, but eu legal teams say hungary lacks the authority to block it. that money will allow for the direct purchasing of ammunition and missile defense systems. well, a big week ahead in politics. more controversial decision from the supreme court and a presidential debate. scott mcgrew those will come back to back. that's right. so very busy week. the supreme court scheduled to release new decisions on wednesday. the debate is thursday. we thought we were going to be done with the court by now, but it had to tack on an extra day because it still hadn't gotten around to releasing more than a dozen
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important decisions, including a decision on presidential immunity. the delay helps former president trump in his january sixth criminal case in washington. there's also an abortion case, another one. and both sides know abortion will be a big issue in the upcoming election. president biden and his allies, marking the two year anniversary of the decision that overturned roe v wade, a decision that was very unpopular with many americans. here's the first lady on the campaign trail . we're going to meet this moment as if our fundamental rights are at stake, because they are as if our democracy is on the line, because it is. we are going to fight like hell and we are going to win. former president trump, meantime, has hinted his choice for vice president may be in the audience at the first debate this week in atlanta. he's been playing up that drama. we suspect it's
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marco rubio of florida, j.d. vance of ohio, or doug bergmann of north dakota. what's growing more clear is it won't be a one time front runner. kristi noem of south dakota, the only person who knows who the vice president is going to be. if you received the paperwork, though, no, i haven't received any paperwork. no, i haven't i've had conversations with the president, and i know that he is the only one who will be making the decisions on who will be his vice president. now, noem, as you may recall, committed one of the strangest political stumbles of all time. talking about shooting her own 14 month old dog, donald trump. meantime, twice over the weekend suggested a cage fight for migrants one time in a meeting at a christian group and then later at a political rally. now you're going to hear him say, dana, that is dana white. that's the president of the ultimate fighting championship league. i said, dana, dana, i have an idea for you to make a lot of money. you're going to go and start a new migrant fight league migrants, only migrants. and
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then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion. and i hate to tell you, dana, i think the migrant might win. that's how tough they are. president biden's at camp david preparing for the debate on thursday with trump. meantime, we don't expect any political activities from the president today. the debate on cnn this thursday, 6:00 our time, marcus. all right. thank you, scott. well, the fastest woman in the world officially making a run for gold. now sha'carri starts to wind up and she goes past jefferson sha'carri richardson sha'carri richardson on fire this weekend, qualifying for her olympic games on saturday. so the track superstar took the top spot in the women's final 100 meter. richardson was not allowed to compete in tokyo. this is after qualifying there. this is because she tested positive for thc, so the men side, noah lyles, punched his own ticket to paris after missing out on
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qualifying for tokyo. lyles won the trial this year with a time of 9.83 seconds, tying his career best time, and lastly, a 17 year old north bay teenager who's already made it into the record books has locked in a spot for paris petaluma's minna stess qualified for team usa, representing us in her first olympic games. stess joined hundreds of skateboarders leet. this is from around the world. it was over the weekend in budapest. so last october she made history at the world skateboarding championships in rome. she became the first female american park skater to earn a medal at the world event, taking third place. i'm sure she's going for gold this time around. all right, so look, don't forget nbc bay area will bring you exclusive coverage of the pair's olympic games. that'll bring that to you once the opening ceremony begins on july 26th and bring some home to
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the bay area. oh, yeah. well, new this morning, spacex launched two more rockets carrying dozens of starlink satellites, and the liftoff. falcon nine. go, spacex go direct to cell. the spacex, a falcon nine rocket launched yesterday from vandenberg space force station on the central coast. that was the second launch of the day for the company. earlier it launched another 22 satellites from cape canaveral space force station in florida. well back here at home in san francisco, a surprising low price tag. and it is turning a lot of heads. you don't hear that often, but there is a catch. the home is on the market for $488,000. it's got three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a driveway and a backyard. what in san francisco? but there is something buyers should know. they won't be able to live there until 2053. that's just a big, big, little caveat, a little
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thing. yeah. right now there are renters that are living there and the property will be sold as is the tenants can live in the home until 2053, and the current owner wrote in the listing that they have, quote, unconventional methods of rental payment. we're not sure what that means exactly, but could still be a good investment for some bargain hunters. the funny thing is, if you could have seen the faces of kari production assistant. yeah, son, i didn't see your face, mike. but everybody was like, what? same. yeah maybe they have, like, a garden in the back, and then they, you know, gather the vegetables and stuff and so, you know, make more money renting up that driveway, maybe. probably so i don't know, i mean, with, with interest rates where they are now, you got to imagine. i mean, the thing about it is if san francisco is a home, it's your family home. you buy the home for your kid. i told you you should buy for your youngest by the time he's 30. right he's ready to go. he's already got a home and equity. right? right. i'm just saying that those
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unconventional methods of payment have got to match up to, you know, the mortgage. i don't know what those are. you got more for the investigative team to go carry. i think maybe they a free forecast and they don't. no. no carries. just like i don't know. i'm sure we'll hear more about it. all right, well, let's get you started this morning. have a couple of things i'm watching. and one of them is something that occasionally happens in the summertime. we have some thunderstorms nearby. we have the surge of some mid-level moisture that's causing some lightning off the southern california coast. right around santa barbara. we are seeing some rain coming in. a couple of lightning strikes. all of that moisture is heading closer to the bay area as we go throughout the day. now, most of the day is sunny, and then we'll start to see some clouds dotting the sky and may feel a little bit more humid. and then we're watching out for the potential that some of these clouds may produce some lightning and possibly some thunder, but not looking at a lot of rain. so we get the dry air being drawn into these clouds. and as we get that
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possibility of lightning, the lightning could hit the ground, but then the rain evaporates. so we call it dry lightning. and as that lightning reaches the very dry vegetation that we have, fires can start. so that's a concern that we have for areas for parts of the south county and off towards the central valley, into the sierra. today we're going to see temperatures in the mid 80s for san jose, low 90s for morgan hill, and mostly 90s for much of the east bay into the tri valley, while oakland stays in the upper 70s low 70s for san mateo and also low 70s for san francisco in the north bay will be as hot as 99. in ukiah, and our temperatures will be cooling down as we go throughout the week with low 80s for the middle of the week, we'll see that for a lot of our inland areas and a nice, cool weekend ahead. while san francisco will remain in the 60s. mike, you're still checking in on that alert for the peninsula. i am kari. no progress updates. aside from the
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fact that, again, we're hearing secondhand information about that 16,000 pounds of avocado needing to be offloaded by hand until they can lift up that truck and then clear it from those three left lanes. only two lanes remain open. the backup builds now, a lot more volume coming across the san mateo bridge. slow on the high rise across toward the area, so that will be a factor coming across from the east bay. meanwhile, on the peninsula, you can use 280 to get past all that mess back to you. thanks a lot, mike. happening now in contra costa county, a new psychiatric emergency unit is set to open and it's dedicated to minors. it will be operated by pacific clinics and contracted through contra costa health services. now the unit is focused on children ages 6 to 17. they emphasize that the first 24 hours of a psychiatric emergency will be their focus. it's located inside the miller wellness center on martinez health center campus. staff will assist with things like crisis intervention, mental health assessment, drug assistance and therapy. well, coming up here on
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today in the bay, a look at our top stories, including efforts to be more prepared for the next big bay area wildfire. details on the training exercises getting underway this week and some of the high risk fire zones.
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the rash on your back, has traveled south to well... let's just call it south. thanks to amazon pharmacy, you've avoided the added discomfort of having to pick up your itchy bum cream... in person. this is a "got up too fast from tying your shoes" back injury. lucky for you amazon one medical can help. they're great for sneeze related back injuries too. (♪♪)
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bay, including a small earthquake north of the bay area yeah. did you feel it? that 3.2 earthquake hit near cobb just before 530 this morning. that's by clear lake and north of hillsboro. now it's also near the geysers. so this was a geothermal quake and not part of an active fault. there's no damage to report this morning. well, demonstrators are planning
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to be back out in force today. this is calling for oakland mayor sheng thao to resign. it follows the search of a home last week by federal agents. opponents gathered last night at city hall demanding that she address what happened. they're also angry about recent violence, and they're calling for some city council members to step down as well. right now, authorities are not saying why the mayor's house was searched. firefighters from berkeley and other agencies will participate in wildfire training at three locations starting this morning. that includes grizzly peak, tilden regional park and kensington. berkeley our berkeley fire, i should say, says don't be surprised to see firefighters in yellow uniforms in those hills. and there's also no need to call 911 if you see smoke in that area. the annual drills are also happening tomorrow, wednesday and friday from 830 in the morning until 230 in the afternoon. all right. and warm temperatures risk is still there with that. yeah, absolutely. especially as we
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head deeper into the summer. so they want to make sure they're trained and ready for that activity. we are going to be watching out for the potential of lightning nearby. so keep checking back in for those updates. and we kept checking for updates from chp. but so far nothing. still just two right lanes open north 101. the backup continues for that alert. the jam coming off of the san mateo bridge, so use 280 instead. all right. thank you, mike and kari. the today show is just ahead. but we'll continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms with our 8 a.m. newscast. now, the olympics are becoming a lot more than just about gold, silver and bronze, so we're going to find out how going green is now bigger than ever. all right. make sure you join us for that show. we'll see you bac see you, the brutal heat wave entering a second week. >> not the only weather concern we're tracking this morning. it's june 24th. this is "today."


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