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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  June 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm PDT

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what's it going to take to crack down on sideshows? another big one over the weekend, this time on the bay bridge and there you go. did you feel it and see it rain in the south bay? a summer shower and what we can expect for the rest of the week. also, can he unseat san francisco mayor london breed mayoral candidate ahsha safai is here with his new plan to tackle some of the city's biggest issues. good evening, i'm raj mathai. a lot happening on this monday. we have that update on the bay bridge sideshow. we'll also be joined by san francisco mayoral candidate asha safai. he'll join us in a few minutes. can he unseat mayor breed? let's start, though, with the crisis in oakland, what some are calling a crisis of leadership. today, mayor sheng thao resurfaced after staying out of the public eye for the past four days. the embattled mayor came out
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swinging against the fbi, against the recall effort, against her, and against the system. this all stems from the fbi raid of the mayor's home last thursday, one of four oakland locations searched by the feds. today, the mayor called the timing of this raid suspicious. it happened just days after the recall. organizers secured enough signatures to trigger a recall election at city hall today. there, she was. she took no questions from reporters. instead read from a prepared statement, the mayor wants to know what probable cause the fbi had for its search and says nothing will stop her from her duties as mayor. and i want to be crystal clear. i have done nothing wrg. i can tel with confidence that this investigation is not about me. i am the mayor to all the oaklanders who work hard, who are working overtime to do the right thing and to make the world a better place. and no
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matter how hard you strive and push and fight and stay positive , and that you don't give up because you believe in yourself and you know what? you have to offer this world that you just cannot catch a break. well, guess what? i'm not going down like that. we're not going down like that. the people who voted for me deserve to have their voices heard, and communities prioritize. i'm speaking the truth right now just as much as you all are. but i will not be bullied. and i will not be disparaged. and i will not be threatened out of this office. this is now quickly turning into a major political fight, her critics quickly doubling down. they want her to step down as mayor immediately. we just heard
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the most dishonest, disastrous, supposedly press conference where our mayor did everything except for accept responsibility for the condition that the city is in and for the fact that the fbi and other law enforcement authorities raid her home. so the question now, where does oakland go from here, all this finger pointing. but what happens with the real issues, the city's deficit, the police department, the future of the coliseum site, critical issues. let's bring in our political analyst, larry gerston, and our legal analyst and defense attorney, paula canny. nice to have both of you on the program with us. it's an important time in oakland. larry, let's start with you. this is not common. a big city mayor getting raided by the fbi. can mayor sheng thao whatever the outcome is here, can she ever recover politically ? that's hard to tell. raj this is early in the game. i mean, it
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seems for days for us, but it's been early in the game. we don't know why the fbi came in. we don't know why she was. her house was intended as part of the several things, several houses. these are things we don't know. and so it's important. can she survive? well, if there's nothing to it, then she's got the recall to deal with. but at least she doesn't have this cloud over her head. but we just don't know enough yet to make any kind of long term predictions. anything more than a day or two. right now, the timing is so messy. here's what the mayor had to say about the fbi raid. take a listen. i want to know what probable cause the fbi has. what evidence have they collected that justifies raiding the home of a sitting mayor without notice, and without the courtesy of a conversation? okay, let's talk about the legal aspects of this. paula canny, how does a typical fbi search go? do they have to tell you anything? and when will we possibly when will the mayor know? i'm sure she knows something, a clue. okay. how a typical fbi search execution of a certain search
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warrant goes is just like what happened. this was a calculated, pre-planned law enforcement execute of multiple search warrants. that's the thing. the police, the fbi has to give you the search warrant, and they have to tell you what they're taking from you, but they do not have to disclose probable cause now. so that's how it works. and the federal government and fbi are very slow and thorough as they go through seizing evidence, documents and the like. so even though she wants to know, they're under no obligation to tell her and they don't the fbi doesn't tell crime targets. why why they're being investigated. paula, is this a matter of day? is this a matter of days away or weeks away? that the fbi will tell the mayor or her or her legal team about what ? what's happening? i think it's i think it's weeks to months. and the mayor's assertion that
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she's innocent. most prosecutors don't include in their charging criteria the defendants perspective. they use other criteria like documents, records, witness statements, interviews, recordings. so no, i think this will be a much longer time in coming. well, and the mayor certainly doesn't have time with that recall election coming up in november. we do know there's a possible link to all of this. to the influential owner of oakland's recycling company. larry, back to you. the mayor questioned the timing and the motivation of this search. take a listen. this wouldn't have gone down the way it did if i was rich, if i had gone to elite private schools, or if i had come from money. i know that for sure, because former elected officials are sitting safely in their houses in the hills right now, with campaign finance violations piling up, mountains of evidence that prove actual wrongdoing, their front doors
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remain intact. okay, interesting. certainly former president trump would not be a good example for her in terms of being elite. larry, what's her political strategy here? what's happening? well, she's got to ride it out. i mean, if she is really innocent, she's just got to maintain that and go through the process and hopefully this will go away. and in a strange way, you know, this could backfire. by the way, on the recall proponents who were saying, you know, she's a ghost, just go. if in fact she's innocent, they're going to look bad for jumping on her when they really had no right to. so, so be careful what you wish for in this case, because there's a long way to go for both sides. who is she talking to? she says she's the victim. she talked about being a woman, talked about being an immigrant, talked about being from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak. who is she trying to target? she's she's talking to several levels of people. she's talking to her folks who voted her, who voted her in. she's talking to her sponsors, her financial backers, and she's talking to the press. she's talking to everybody who might in some way have some sort
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of a role in her future. she's letting people know where she is. it was fascinating to watch this. this was about a ten minute statement here. here's one last expert we'll play for. both of you. take a look. i thank you for seeing me in this moment. one of the hardest moments of my life. i am a mother, a fighter, a survivor. and when my parents came to this country fleeing genocide, they never could have imagined that their daughter would one day be mayor of oakland. i am my ancestors wildest dreams, and i am your mayor. mayor sheng thao. okay, larry. finally to will this work? the strategy of saying, hey, a strong strategy that i'm your mayor regardless of what happens and i'm being wronged by the system. well, it's a strategy has for now, raj . i mean, we're just so early in the game, we don't know much more than that. so for now, she's got to say that to defend her innocence and let her people know she's for real. we'll just have to see how this thing unfolds. yeah. and paula, you're
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a great person to have on this situation. we also learned today that mayor sheng thao parted ways with her attorney, the attorney who just spoke on her behalf a few days ago. what does that tell you? what's happening behind closed doors? well, what's happening behind closed doors is that i am sure her prior lawyer didn't approve of that press conference. most lawyers would have handled it in a different way rather than her come out fighting. but i mean, to her credit, she is her own person and also the truth is the feeling of getting your house searched in that way. it is a terrible feeling, innocent or guilty to have a bunch of strangers just walk through your house. but the order was the a judge signed that order and a judge made that decision based on probable cause. so there is something there that gave a federal judge, a belief that there were, you know, fruits of criminal activity to, to be
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found in her house. so, you know , that's why she parted ways, though, is the she the defense lawyer was upset about the press conference final note in 15 or in 15 or 20s to paula canny, your guidance, legally of what the mayor should do just from the outside looking in here. obviously you don't know the details. hire a really, really good lawyer who's skilled in criminal defense and also skilled in navigating the press and election recall. that's my advice. very good insight from both of you. appreciate your guidance or excuse me, appreciate your insight and your time tonight. larry gersten and paula canny. have a good evening. one more note here. mayor sheng thao says the recall campaign against her is funded by billionaires from san francisco and piedmont. our investigative unit looked into the campaign finance records. much of the money is coming from outside oakland and from people with deep pockets. a total of $61,000 has been given to the recall campaign. min. of that
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total, 40,000 came from outside oakland. the biggest donors, well known tech venture capitalist billionaire ron conway and san francisco and his family giving a total of $30,000. about $7,000 did come from donors there in piedmont, right next to oakland. there. there is a caveat here. campaign finance records go through the end of april, so we don't know whose donated or how much they've given since that point. this is obviously a story we will continue to follow as it unfolds. let's get you caught up now on some other headlines on this monday, a follow up to that wild sideshow on the bay bridge this weekend. and it comes as two men accused of assaulting a san jose cop during a south bay sideshow faced a judge for the first time. let's start with the bay bridge, we told you about this over the weekend. it happened saturday night, overnight on the eastbound span. hundreds of people were there. it lasted for about 30 minutes. look at the video here. the chp says its helicopter flew over the crowd, only to have people
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point lasers at the helicopter. tonight we're learning. officers did make some arrests, including dui, reckless driving and vehicle theft in the south bay. now, the two men accused of assaulting a san jose cop and stomping on a patrol car faced a judge, 22 year old tyler durbin and 26 year old gabe durbin now face charges of assaulting an officer and delaying an officer with the threat of violence. you see the video here. prosecutors say the two men were part of the group that were caught on camera hitting and stomping on that cruiser during a sideshow on june 15th near santana row. an officer, the officer in that cruiser, was injured by broken glass. the durbins were arrested in san juan bautista last week, but say they live on a reservation in arizona. today, the judge decided to keep them in jail without bail. well, a big disruption to vta service this afternoon after a light rail train partially derailed.
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look at this. our sky ranger was overhead. this is near the capital expressway station in san jose. vta says the light rail car slipped off the crossover track as it was trying to switch directions at the station. ten passengers were on board, but we're told nobody was injured. well, up next, what's up with the rain today in the south bay? jeff has some answers for that. and the week ahead. but first, we're going to be talking with san francisco ojai. he's unveiling his plan. how to tackle the homeless crisis if he's elected mayor. you're watcng nbchi
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it's the first presidential debate is thursday. this thursday, president biden and former president trump will square off in atlanta here at home, the third san francisco mayoral debate is next month. mayor breed, fighting for reelection. she has four high profile challengers. they include former mayor mark farrell, nonprofit executive daniel lurie and two san francisco supervisor aaron peskin and asha safai. each has their own ideas how to solve the city's biggest issues public safety, drugs, reviving downtown town and reducing homelessness. tonight, we continue our series with the candidates. we're joined by supervisor safai. nice to have you in studio. how are you feeling? i'm feeling great, man. i'm pumped. i'm ready to go. you energize. you still want to do this? you know what? i've
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been campaigning for a year. i've talked to thousands of san franciscans, and all i've heard over and over again is people want change. they want change in leadership. they're hopeful of the city, but they want someone that's going to bring in new energy and a new direction. okay. and that could be you. we're talking about debates here. the first two mayoral debates in the city were very civil from what i watched, at some point. what's your strategy? will the gloves come off or do you maintain do you think it's going to kind of stay in a very mellow tone? i mean, i think it's been clear from the beginning that when we're talking about leadership, when we're talking about the shortcomings in the city right now, we're talking about the failed leadership of this mayor london breed. she's had six and a half years. people want change and so my message is, listen, i've been in this city for 24 years. i've worked for two mayors serving this city and public service. mayor willie brown, mayor gavin newsom. i've been a deputy department head. i've worked with organized labor. so the diversity of my experience is what's resonating with people. supervisor safai i've talked with all the
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candidates. i've sat down with them. great conversations. they're fairly similar. with the exception of aaron peskin. it's fairly similar of what you all see as the problem. why do you stand out? if i'm a voter, why you why ash-shafi'i over london or or anyone else? well, hey, like you raj, i'm an immigrant to this country. i came here when i was six years old. i was raised by a single mom. so one thing you know about immigrants and those that are raised by single moms, they know how to fight. and i have fought for the underdog every step of the way. and as i said, i've dedicated myself to public service in this city and the experience i bring and the diversity of experience i bring and the advocacy i see for working people, we can't be a tale of two cities in san francisco. we can't just be a city for billionaires and billionaires and low income families that are struggling to survive. what about the working families? what about the middle class families? so san francisco has to be a city that all san franciscans can survive and thrive in. and that's what i've dedicated myself to. and that
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separates me from the pack. okay, you talk about being an underdog and you are an underdog in some ways here today. neighbors for a better san francisco. it's a political a notable political action group endorsed danielle lurie and mark farrell, not you. why? and what do you have to overcome? you know, listen, one of the things just this other day, i got this endorsement of the building trades. i got the endorsement of the san francisco teachers union and all of the folks that are out there every day. san franciscans, small business owners, diverse communities, those are the ones that are flocking to me. and my track record raj of working with business and labor. that's when san francisco is at its best. i worked on and advocated for the mid-market tax breaks when i worked with the janitors union. you know why? because when those buildings are full, janitors are working security guards are working. when the chase arena came in, i led the negotiations to ensure that the collective bargaining agreement between the warriors organization and the janitors security guards, that
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they had a good union contract. when business and labor come together, that's when we thrive. and i have a history and a track record of bringing people together. you talk about the diversity and difference in the candidates. there's a whole host of them that are on different ends of the spectrum. but notably, you talk to mark farrell, you talk to aaron peskin. they said, if not me, who? they said, asha safai, okay. and that's what i bring to the table, note in terms of homelessness, what's mayor breed doing now that she should be doing in terms of clearing or helping the homelessness problem? what are you doing? you're unveiling something this week. give me two of the two of the big points here. one of the biggest things that we don't do raj we only count those on the streets every two years. so you want to increase the homeless count, right? we're going to go out. we're going to consistently count those on the streets. the second thing we're going to do is we're going to expand the number of homeward bound trips. if you're not from the city, and we can reunite you with your family, we're going to expand
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that. we used to do that under mayor gavin newsom that i work for. we're going to get those numbers back up. the second thing, and this is really important when we talk to those on the streets, 95% of the time, if we give them a single space non-congregate not a communal space in a gymnasium on a cot, but we give them like a tiny home or we give them a space that's single, a single unit for them, or a studio. they accept it 95% of the time. so under my plan, we're going to expand non-congregate non-communal shelter. we're going to deal with the drug addiction, we're going to deal with the mental health, and we will get those on the streets, off the streets. anyone that comes in and tells you, i will get this done in six months, or i will get all that, they're just going to come right back. if you don't have a plan, we're going to go neighborhood by neighborhood. we're going to count them. and once we offer them that shelter, once we do that, then we're going to have no camping orders. so you're not going to be able to come back and camp again. so no
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encampment. and we're going to do that with strong community buying. it's a big issue. good luck to you. this election season won't be easy. that's right. but i'm ready for the fight. and i'll tell you we're going to go all the way to the finish line, okay? i appreciate your time. thank you for having me today. of course, as we mentioned, this is part of our series covering the san francisco mayoral race. you can find our interviews with all the other high polling candidates right there on our webs
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