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tv   Today  NBC  June 26, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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it will be in the upper 60s throughout the weekend. and as we've been telling you all morning, red line is still canceled for the bart system. orange line will take up the slack a little change of tracking, their change of routing, and maybe some different platforms to watch those overhead signs, especially between macarthur and 19th. that's where the specific problem exists. and so that's where the most shift will happen. the south bay looks like it's starting to build now as we're coming up through the area. look at 87 slowing. now and you know what the today show is just moments away. but more local news. make sure you join us on today in the bay. we're on roku, pluto and other platforms live at eight. a panel of experts join us to break down the key rulings expected from the supreme court. and thanks so much for making us a part of your day. you know what? it's so great that sometimes we just have to cough it out. go ahead. jimmy pop it out. don't want to hold it. we'll see you back here in just a few minutes. good wednesday morning that american journalists now on trial in
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russia, accused by the kremlin of spying. it's june 26th. this is today. breaking overnight in court. the new images just in of wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich, head shaved as his trial begins in a russian courtroom. one year after his arrest this morning, new details on the case, the u.s. believes is made up of sham charges and why it's playing out behind closed doors. states of emergency, millions still coping with historic flooding in the midwest. it's very, very yeah, devastating is a good word. officials closely monitoring dams and homes on the brink after days of rain with even more on the way. al, with the full forecast, including today's return of brutal heat across the northeast showdown. the first debate between president biden and former president trump, now just one day away. how they're preparing what we're learning about trump's plans to announce his running mate sooner than expected, and the winners and
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losers from closely watched primaries overnight at fault or framed jury deliberations underway at the high profile murder trial of a massachusetts woman that's become a social media obsession. brie did she run over her police officer boyfriend and leave him to die, or is she the victim of a cover up? the latest from the courthouse battle of her life. the family of beloved actress gena rowlands, famous for this role in the notebook. i remember now. it was us, reveals she's been privately fighting alzheimer's in real life. her son's touching message just ahead. those stories, plus panda express, the adorable giant panda is about to take the us by storm, ready to make the long journey from china today. and we're with them. live and one month to go. the countdown to the paris olympics reaches a major milestone. the iconic
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venues almost ready. we really welcome the world to come and to join us this summer. the stars of team usa set to shine terry richardson 1070. and we're celebrating live in paris and right here in studio one a today, wednesday, june 26th, 2024 from nbc news. this is today with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio one-a in rockefeller plaza. hi there. good morning and welcome to today, wednesday morning, 7 a.m. on the west coast. i have no idea what time it is in paris, but it's 30 days away till the olympics. i cannot believe we're one month away. the team is taking shape. tirico mike tirico is going to be here to tell us who to watch out for. it's going to be really good. we got another image we want to show you this scene in mankato, minnesota, where that dam is in major jeopardy of failing heavy
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rain expected again in that area over the next few days. we do have a full report, and al's forecast coming up on today's today's severe weather threat, but we will begin this morning with american journalist evan gershkovich appearing in a russian courtroom for the start of his trial overnight. these images you're seeing released just a short time ago, and it comes more than a year after his arrest on espionage charges that both he and the u.s. government vehemently deny and say have been trumped up by the russians. nbc's kelly cobiella joins us with the very latest on this. kelly, good morning, savannah. good morning to you. yeah. the opening day lasting just a few hours in the same city where evan gershkovich was detained and taking place behind closed doors. no reporters, family or u.s. embassy staff inside cameras were allowed for a brief few moments before the secret trial began, the u.s. embassy in moscow saying the charges are without evidence and an attempt by russia to achieve political goals. if he was nervous, he
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wasn't showing it. evan gershkovich, head shaved, facing throngs of cameras this morning, the 32 year old journalist offering a small smile before the doors closed on his secret trial. seven minutes to visit evan here. no, no, we have not to even call it a trial. is unfair, evan, the wall street journal said tuesday in an open letter, adding in part no evidence has been unveiled and we already know the conclusion this bogus accusation of espionage will inevitably lead to a bogus conviction for an innocent man. gershkovich was arrested in the city of yekaterinburg in march of last year. the fluent russian speaker was on assignment and accredited by the russian government. his russian born parents telling andrea mitchell he was mostly interested in people and telling people's story. russian prosecutors accused gershkovich of collecting secret information about the country's main tank manufacturer, while offering no evidence charges. he has employer and the state
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department have called completely fabricated. they have made false claims about his behavior, about his actions, about associations with the united states government that simply aren't true. the journalist has been held for 455 days, most of it in a moscow prison. he remains hopeful for his release. he's not broken, neither physically or mentally. he's in good spirits. his parents, in an earlier courtroom visit, spoke to him through a glass cage, but today they were not allowed to be by his side. we are keeping ourselves optimistic. that's the best way we can cope with it. no pessimism. pessimism will kill all the hope, hoping the nightmare will soon be over. if convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison. the u.s. has classified him as wrongly detained, and president putin has already strongly hinted that he wants a prisoner swap to secure the release of a russian man jailed in germany for murder in exchange for evan's freedom.
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it's not clear how long this trial will last. savannah. he is next set to appear in court on august 13th. savannah hoda kelly cobiella with the breaking news. thank you. another major story this morning. even more extreme weather. we are keeping a very close eye on that dam in minnesota. it's partially failed as historic flooding overwhelms communities in the midwest and there is more rain on the way. we're going to get to al's full forecast in just a moment, including a new blast of heat for us up here in the northeast. but first, nbc's adrian broadus joins us from mankato, minnesota . adrian, good morning hoda. good morning to you. we have been watching this shoreline actively erode including right now. if you take a look that tree just fell into the river. and that's the scene that's been playing out all morning. and that is why officials are urging residents to stay away. the ground looks solid, but it's not stable. and if someone accidentally falls in trying to
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snap a photo, first responders can't go in for a rescue this morning. destructive flooding causing chaos across the midwest. in south dakota, homes near big sioux river under water while cars and suvs are floating on roads turned into rivers. officials there warning residents to be on constant alert. it's just a reminder that these situations change quickly. in minnesota, governor tim walz surveying completely submerged communities. we're not out of the woods yet. water levels are still rising. residents near mankato bracing for the possible total failure of the rapidan dam after intense rain and rapidly rising floodwaters, caused the section next to the dam to give way. that's her life. and overnight, more devastation. in a dramatic scene, a portion of this home fell into the river. oh, my. jenny barnes and her brother david grew up and work here. david lived in the house
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by the river with their dad. we know the house is gone. we know we'll never be able to go back in that house. the store is the main thing we want to try to keep, because that's we cannot replace our the store. they aren't swearing. that's the name of their family business. a historic cafe affectionately called the store. operating more than a century. that's our livelihood in sioux city, iowa, water levels are receding, but residents aren't out of the woods yet. rich and amy evacuated their mother, but they still can't reach her flooded home. it's very, very. yeah, devastating. mom's worried about her furniture. she's worried about her keepsakes. with a strong line of thunderstorms already wreaking havoc across michigan tuesday, the state is expecting even more rain by the end of the week, but through it all, neighbors have been helping neighbors. the outreach has been overwhelming. everything the support means a lot. and just moments ago, you see that swing we were sitting on when i was
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speaking with jenny and her brother. it's now gone and so is the playground, just a few feet away from where that tree was. that just fell years of memories washed away in an instant. hoda. wow. to see that also adrian happening in real time behind you as all that was going on. all right adrian thank you so much. we appreciate it. yeah. be safe out there. we've got al who's got more on the storms and also the heat. that's right guys. and in fact we've got a really active area. good morning everybody from kansas city down to fayetteville springfield. we've got some severe thunderstorm watches and warnings. and you can see this area of heavy weather moving into three spots of severe weather today. back through the rockies, through the southern plains and into the ohio river valley and the northeast. 61 million people at risk for strong winds, mostly isolated tornadoes possible and damaging hail. so we're looking at this one area that's going to be moving through cleveland, ohio,
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down to cincinnati. delays today and tonight into the i 95 corridor. and then tonight that system moves past. we look for some severe weather overnight in the northeast but then clears by daybreak. now for our friends there where you just saw adrian. we're talking about this storm system developing over the high plains. look for severe storms. montana, nebraska. then on friday, this heavy area of rain that's going to affect those swollen rivers. and in fact, you can see a lot of this area from southern minnesota into iowa, moderate to major flooding as another half inch to almost an inch of rainfall. and in fact, we could see a little bit more of that. and in the next half hour, we're going to take a look at the heat. 48 million people under a heat advisories and warnings from oklahoma, texas, all the way into the northeast, guys. all right, al, thank you. so much. appreciate it. final preparations are underway for tomorrow night's critical presidential debate. the first face to face between president biden and former president trump in four years. we're also learning that trump may announce
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his running mate sooner than expected. nbc's senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez is in atlanta. that's where the face off will take place. hey, gabe. good morning. hey there hoda. good morning. president biden has been preparing for this debate at camp david for just under a week. former president trump has been at mar a lago after holding some public events over the weekend. tomorrow's showdown will mark the first time a current president has ever debated a former commander in chief. this morning, a day before the historic debate between president biden and former president trump, there are new signs the republican ticket could be set faster than expected, and we'll make a decision fairly soon. and i think people will be very happy with this decision. four sources familiar with the situation tell nbc news. there have been high level discussions about moving the timeline for announcing trump's pick for vice president to as early as this week to make a splash among the top contenders. north dakota governor doug burgum and senators jd vance and marco
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rubio all expected to be here in atlanta for thursday night's debate. all at some point have criticized their possible running mate, burgum. last year as a presidential candidate, said he wouldn't do business with trump. i just think that it's important that you're judged by the company you keep and i you just wouldn't do business with him. no, i wouldn't. this was vance back in 2016. i'm a never trump guy. i never liked him. and this was rubio in 2016 when he ran for president against trump. what we are dealing with here, my friends, is a con artist. ahead of the debate, trump and his allies are ramping up their attacks on president biden, accusing him without evidence of planning to use performance enhancing drugs. tomorrow, he'll come out all up, right? all up. the biden campaign firing back, saying donald trump is so scared of being held accountable for his toxic agenda that he and his allies are resorting to desperate, obviously false lies. meanwhile, president biden's team is trying to win over
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moderate republican voters by announcing overnight the endorsement of former illinois congressman and frequent trump critic adam kinzinger. it's because of my unwavering support for democracy that today, as a proud conservative, i'm endorsing joe biden for reelection. also, this morning, results from a closely watched house primaries overnight. jamaal bowman, the controversial progressive democrat from new york, a fierce critic of israel losing his race while in colorado, outspoken trump supporter lauren boebert winning after switching districts back to the debates. some of the rules are very different from previous years. there will be no live studio audience if a candidate goes over their allotted time, their microphone will be muted and there will be commercial breaks. although campaign staff will not be allowed to interact with their candidate at any time. savannah. gabe gutierrez in atlanta. that's where the action will be thursday night. nbc news will have special coverage and analysis of the first
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presidential debate. that's tomorrow night. in the meantime, the supreme court could rule as soon as this morning on several closely watched issues that are front and center in the 2024 race, among them abortion and reproductive rights and whether former president trump is immune from criminal prosecution for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. let's bring in nbc's senior legal correspondent, laura jarrett. let's start right there with this trump immunity case. this really dictates whether or not his trial goes forward. on the january 6th related charges. let's talk about what is before the court. all right. several possible paths here. they could say he's completely immune from any prosecution. that seems highly unlikely. they could say he's not immune for anything that seems unlikely, because it would be setting a precedent for all presidents going forward. i think what's most likely is they're going to set a new rule for all criminal prosecutions of any former president going forward, because they've never had to do that before. i think they want to set the legal standard, but then they're going to make the lower court go ahead and apply that legal standard based on the facts in this
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indictment against trump, which means it's going to be delayed. that's going to take a long time to go back down. and then whatever the lower court says, he can appeal that too. and so i think as people are thinking about, well, why would it take so long to get to trial before november? it's because of all of that process still has to happen. and bottom line, if he were to win in november, the likelihood is that he would dismiss that case almost certainly taking office. okay certainly there's a january 6th case that has to do with the one of the january 6th defendants who was charged with something specific, obstruction of an official proceeding, which was january 6th, trying to certify the election in congress and the issue is whether or not that law applies here. yes. big ramifications for others who've been convicted under that law. yeah. more than 100, more than 200 people have actually been charged with that. and so it could affect potentially all of those prosecutions as well. they say going to the capitol, storming the capitol is not an obstruction of official proceeding. it wouldn't be throwing out the whole statute, but it would be narrowing it, which would be about 50 people, where all of those charges would be completely dismissed, and more than 100 where they've been charged with a couple of things, including the former president. he's been charged with that as
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well. it applies differently to him because he didn't storm the capitol. so it's a little bit different application in his case. but he would of course use it as a ground to again, try to delay. and then finally a major abortion case, one of the strictest abortion bans in the country is idaho state law. it's coming up against a conflict in federal law, and the supreme court will have the final say. and it's not just idaho. it's at least six states that have an exception. if the mother's life is on the line. but what if the mother's health is on the line? what if she's at risk of losing an exception to the abortion ban that they have? exactly exactly. and so federal law says you have to provide stabilizing care, even if that stabilizing care involves an abortion. and idaho is saying our doctors can't do that. and so they're going to have to reconcile that conflict. all right, laura, lots to watch. thank you very much. all right. 716 we bring craig to the table, travels on your mind already, hoda. savannah good morning. good morning to you. as well. 4th of july. it's still eight days away, but millions of americans are already heading out on vacation. in fact, the
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tsa set a new record over the weekend for passenger screened in a single day. they screened nearly 3 million people, and it expects that that mark is going to be eclipsed in the coming days. nbc's kathy park is at chicago's o'hare international airport with more on this, this race to get away. hey, kathy. hey, craig. good morning to you. yeah it's already pretty busy here at o'hare, and it's expected to get even more busier. crowded toward the end of the week. and according to tsa, friday will be a peak travel day. millions will be getting on out of here. and according to the tsa, this will likely be the busiest summer we've seen in quite a while. if it feels like airports are more crowded than ever before, that's because they are. the tsa says seven of the top ten busiest travel days ever have happened over the past month. it seems to be taking longer. this gets a little bit more frustrating. the agency expects to screen more than 32 million airline passengers starting tomorrow through monday, july 8th. the
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airlines are gearing up to. united says it's expecting about 5 million travelers over the extended 4th of july period. that's up 7% from last year. we know that that we've done what we can to prepare and get ready for it. united says. it's hired more than 4000 new employees this year and is on pace for its busiest summer ever. delta, launching its premium delta one lounge at jfk airport today, says it's also ready for the travel crunch. memorial day weekend was a was a very significant, high watermark for us. i think the 4th of july will be another, higher watermark. travel experts say the high demand comes as airfares have dropped from last year's peak. the good news is prices for 4th of july, though they are typically higher than the average summer prices. they were lower than what we saw last year by about 18. while there's no way to completely avoid the crowds, experts say you can save yourself time and hassle by
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planning ahead. arrive early, set aside extra time for parking and airport traffic. download your airline's app. sign up for a trusted traveler program like tsa precheck or global entry, and maybe most important, try to keep cool. patience and a friendly attitude can make the journey less stressful. being kind, being courteous it really goes a long way, especially around these kinds of busy holiday travel periods. now, another tip to pass along if you have some flexibility with your travel plans, experts say you might want to consider flying out on july 3rd or on the holiday itself, july 4th, to avoid the larger crowds. meanwhile, if you haven't booked your summer travel just yet, probably a good idea to do that now. and you can actually score some good deals. save some money if you travel out on tuesday wednesday and return by midweek. craig. all right, some good tips there. kathy park for us at chicago o'hare. thank you kathy can't talk travel without talking weather. mr. roker, what
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you got? hey, guys. good morning. we're looking at severe storms in the northeast and the ohio river valley. heat advisories continue down through the gulf, and we've got more monsoonal moisture causing storms in the southwest. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next seconds. so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies, but i feel like i'm forgetting something else. what are you doing? this weekend ? oh. shoe's untied. nope are. timbo. big man, you guys eat all the donuts. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today. we're starting out with clouds, but the inland areas are going to clear out and enjoy a beautiful day. it will be a little bit on the warm side. and these temperatures continue into at least saturday.
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it will be slightly warmer on sunday and temperatures get a big bump on monday into tuesday. while san francisco is looking at some cooler weather here will remain in the 60s into the weekend. and that's your latest weather, guys. all right, al thank you. coming up, jury deliberations underway at a trial that's become something of a social media obsession. the question whether a massachusetts woman killed her own police officer boyfriend or whether she is being framed for that murder. we'll have the very latest from court. also ahead, the countdown to the olympics has reached a really big milestone. we've got one month to go and we will take you live to paris for a firsthand look at how the iconic city is being transformed, and mike tirico will be here with the team usa stars to watch. but first, this is today on. nbc. if you've been injured in a car
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sendoff worth celebrating. that's right. the pandas coming to america. start that trip today. we're live back after local news. since my citi custom cash card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category. suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go. even the ground is moving for me. you're seeing this. wow. and i don't even have to activate anything automatic. so sini earn cash back. that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash card. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's? here's 1234 and the price makes five. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease now there's skyrizi. things are looking up. i've got
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conejero saab happening today. former mma star cain velasquez will be back in a south bay court for trial readiness hearing that's ahead of his scheduled criminal trial. velasquez has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and other charges in connection with a shooting that investigators say happened as he chased a car carrying a man accused of molesting his young relative. another person in that car was hit by the gunfire. the trial is set to begin september 9th. plus, i'm bob redell. oakland mayor sheng thao has proposed $63 million in new budget cuts to help balance the city's budget. this is in case the city isn't able to sell the share of the coliseum property in time, which she says would do just that. as a result, the city might have to impose a hiring freeze at the oakland police department, which is already operating with a reduced police force and needs more officers on the street as it is. thanks,
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bob. now let's go to mike. you've been looking at that canceled bart line all morning. it started all morning and it may continue all day. so count out the red line and count on a little delay as you're traveling along the east shore freeway area. the orange line will take up the slack. they've added more cars to those trains, longer trains, and the cut around is because of an issue between the macarthur and the 19th street station. so plan on delays through that portion. that includes the yellow line, which will take up the slack after you pass by the macarthur station. orange and yellow are your bridge. watch for those overhead signs back to you. thanks. a lot, mike. now don't forget to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast. at 8 a.m. we'll have a panel of experts to break down the key rulings expected from the supreme court. now you can watch us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and other streaming platforms and streaming. nbc bay area is fast, easy and free. favorite nbc bay area on all your streaming apps. and now we're on pluto. just open your
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app, search nbc bay area then select our channel and favorite us for local news that moves the bay area forward. thank you for joining us for today in the bay this morning. on any device 24/7 stream anytime, anywhere and on start streaming nbc bay area today. more moments are made at home, so why not enjoy them with new flooring and countertops from the floor? store, bay area flooring authority. our 4th of july sale is on now. save 25% off everything in the store and pay no interest for 18 months. the high flying adventure begins! join peter windy, tiger lily and captain hook on an adventure to neverland for the entire family. think the loveliest thoughts and get ready to take flight. peter pan now playing through sunday at san jose center for the
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performing arts, on sale at broadway, san jose .com. it may be small, but it can bear over 4000 times its own weight. and that's just the door hinge. sturdy design all the way down to the smallest detail, the toes up in. it's a vw get 0% apr financing for 60 months on the 2024 taos s, or lease one for just 259 per month. limited inventory available. time and temperature on nbc. bay area is brought to you by mancini sleep world visit mancini sleep world for the july 4th sales event. save big on premium mattresses plus free delivery. hurry in now or visit us online at sleep worldcom. we're all about getting you ready for today, especially here in the bay. wait a minute, wait a minute, doc.
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what are you telling me? you built a time machine out of a delorean? the way i see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? oh, there you go. 730 that iconic scene from back to the future, by the way, that is one of the films in our summer blockbuster movie bracket. the big question did marty and doc brown make our newest cut? had to. we're gonna have to wait for carson. he's going to reveal it. and pop star. you never know. these brackets have been busted. there have been some surprises, some heartbreak. there've been some upsets. first, though, we do have a lot to get to in this half hour. we're going to start with jury deliberations at a closely watched trial in massachusetts. that's become a bit of an obsession for a lot of folks on social media. yeah. karen reed is the defendant. she's accused of running over her officer, her boyfriend, who was a police officer with her suv, and then leaving him to die in a snowbank. but her defense team claims she's being framed. nbc's erin mclaughlin is following the story for us. hi, erin. good morning. hey, guys. good morning. you said it. this
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high profile case has captured the attention of social media sleuths and hundreds of pink striped karen reed supporters who gather outside norfolk superior courthouse. her defense claims this is all one big cover up, and their client is the scapegoat. while the prosecution argues the evidence speaks for itself. brie this morning, jury deliberations are underway in massachusetts in the highly publicized and social media crazed murder trial of karen reed. karen, how are you feeling leaving court today? right now, i don't know if nerves are the right, right word, anticipation. the 44 year old is accused of killing then boyfriend, boston police officer john o'keefe, in 2022, with prosecutors arguing she ran him over with her suv outside the home of another officer in canton. following a night of drinking, accusing her of fleeing the scene and leaving him to die in blizzard like conditions. i hit him, i hit
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him, i hit him, was the words of the defendant reed, who did not take the stand in her own defense, has pleaded not guilty to second degree murder, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and leaving the scene of a collision. the two month long trial coming to an end on tuesday, with the prosecution leaning into what they describe as a constellation of facts and evidence, including broken taillight pieces recovered in the snow, which they argue are from reed's suv and o'keefe's dna recovered on the back of reed's vehicle, the case growing into a phenomenon online, with social media sleuths turning out new theories about the investigation. somehow, they found a clear glass in the snow right away, and yet we're unable to see any of the red tail light in the snow. aiden kearny street, a controversial blogger by the name of turtle boy spearheading reed's online support. every single minute wasted going after karen reed is time that could be spent going after the actual people who killed and helping
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boost the defense's long held stance. their client is being framed by the massachusetts state police, saying john o'keefe was beaten and dragged outside by a fellow officer. ladies and gentlemen, there was a cover up in this case, plain and simple, in which the prosecution has repeatedly denied as false. there is no conspiracy. last year, reed, recalling that fateful night to dateline's dennis murphy, did you say i wonder if i hit him? i said, did i kill him? i said, could i have hit him? now? with reed's fate lying in the hands of a jury, anticipation building over a final verdict. so prosecutors have they offered a motive here? they don't have to under the law, but have they? well, prosecutors allege that reed and o'keefe that night were out at a local bar that they were drinking, that they got into a fight, that the relationship was falling apart amidst allegations of cheating. now reed, if convicted, faces up to life in prison as for turtle boy, you saw him mentioned in the story that pro reed, social
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media blogger well, he was arrested and charged with witness intimidation last year, charges that he denies. this is a very, very complicated case. lots of moving parts. that's captivating. paging dateline for that one. yeah, exactly. thank you erin. still ahead, the notebook star gena rowlands diagnosed with alzheimer's, the same disease her famous character battled. so what her family is sharing and how the beloved film's message is resonating now more than ever. and ladies, look who's in the building. well, there's keir simmons in front of the eiffel tower because we're going to mark one month until paris here in the studio, mike tirico in one a with a closer look at the athletes will be watching in one month. we'll do that right after this. once upon a time, there was an infinity. meticulously crafted to stir your imagination . and dare you to dream. luxurious three row dreams where
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90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose, and increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach shingles doesn't care, but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. did you know that if you shave, one third of what you remove is skin? new dove helps repair it, so if you shave it, dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave compared with other. choose one bravecto chu protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks, nearly three times longer use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurological disorders, protection that lasts longer. bravo bravecto bravo centrum. it's scientifically formulated
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i'm gonna be right. you are gonna be right. you know, my denture is uncomfortable. dracula. let's fight back against discomfort with new poligrip power. max holland comfort. it has superior hold. plus keeps us comfy all day with its pressure absorbing layer time for the bite. if your mouth could talk, it would ask for polly grip. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's? here's one, two, three four and the price makes five. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. there was a tree down in the woods, the prettiest tree that you ever did see. now the tree has roots that need water to grow, grow jobs, grow skills, make the whole world go, oh, make the green grass grow all around, all around. make the
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green grass grow all around. at jpmorgan chase. the investments we make help make businesses happen that make jobs happen, that make communities happen together. we make momentum happen. they're playing our song, guys. 739 a milestone in our countdown to paris. how excited are we? we have a sign outside on our plaza. it indicates 30 days and counting until the opening ceremony. that means it is go time, not just for the world's top athletes, but also for the host city as well, where years of planning and preparation are all coming together in spectacular fashion. we've got our good friend mike tirico here with us, but first, nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons joins us from paris. hey, keir, morning. hello guys. good morning to you. i cannot wait to see you guys standing here in 30 days time. look at the eiffel tower with the olympic rings.
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there beneath me is what they're calling the champions plaza. it's ready behind the eiffel tower. they are ready for the beach volleyball. just a month to go before paris 2024. or as they call it here, paris de mille venkat this morning, iconic parts of paris have had an olympic makeover under the eiffel tower. the beach volleyball stadium now has 2000 tons of imported sand. we really welcome the world to come and to join us this summer. close by a first look at the judo and wrestling venue. with almost 8000 spectators expected, it's going to be crazy. we have a magnetic stadium at the famed place de la concorde, where history has often been made. olympic breakdancing will premiere while next door. look at this. the iconic champs-elysees, already partially pedestrianized for the games. the city of paris itself becoming an olympic venue. most
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venues repurposed, such as the stade de france, built for france's 98 soccer world cup, getting ready to host athletics competitions. and this aquatic center, one of the few purpose built facilities. nbc news got exclusive access to team usa's training center. among the innovations there, this olympics intel trialing an ai app, helping olympian or paralympian quickly find their way around. look at that. we're here. technology that allows essentially turn by turn directions indoors. the stunning opening ceremony now just a month away. but after a massive effort to clean the scene for olympians to swim in new concerns this morning, a report from the city finding levels of contamination remain unsafe after recent heavy rains. the ioc and paris 2024 did not immediately respond to inquiries, but officials have repeatedly told nbc news the
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river will be ready. you are a long way from seattle. this family from washington state now live on a paris houseboat. they'll move to make way for the games to compensate for moving our boat. they are giving us five opening ceremony tickets. we are so excited about the olympics. we just cannot wait. it's. it's a once in a lifetime. it's one of my dreams. and all that is on the river this morning. guys, i got a chance to speak to the paris mayor today. she was the one who had the idea of swimming in the seine. she promised to swim first. she had to cancel this week. she told me she will swim next month before the opening ceremony. guys. oh. all right. kira. thank you so much. all right, well, here with more on what we can expect from the athletes, nbc olympics prime time host mike tirico, who is also going to jump in the river senne and do the backstroke right after the mayor. i'll be right in there, right after she comes out and is out for a week.
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we'll be right back. okay. well, listen, before we get to the competition, let's talk about the opening ceremony. i mean, it truly is going to be something we've never seen before, including up until the moment it happened. we've all been through them and it's coming to a stadium. each nation, with their delegation, their flag, somebody holding the placard, it's going to be different because we come down the river, as keir said, and it's going to be really exciting. it has a little bit of unknown to it. so it will be live and we'll be live, and i can't wait to see it, because i really think the olympics need a jump start, right? we need something with no covid, with fans in the stands and shows off paris. so let's add a little spontaneity. absolutely. why not? all right. so let's talk about it. the teams taking shape. it's been so fun to watch the trials lately unfolding. let's talk swimming. who are you watching in the pool. well swimming was great in indianapolis in the colts stadium. cool. the crowds were awesome. i was there for a couple of days of that. katie ledecky is still great. what else is new? they're not breaking news. she won four different freestyle trials. she looks terrific. and she'll certainly in the 1500 and the 800 be a favorite. they'll be competition in the 400. but katie will be back there. and we have other swimmers too. like kate douglas who has really
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jumped out and made a big statement at trial. so that's another one to watch. so there have been record setters. there have been multiple trials winners, i think team usa for swimming and that gets it started the first week really strong. once again. let's go from the pool to the track. mike, because you were also out in oregon as well for the trials there. sha'carri richardson, noah lyles going for their their second olympics trying to capture some goal. how they look. they look terrific. sha'carri richardson of course didn't make the olympic team last year. so there was a lot of pressure on her. she crushed it. she was fabulous in trials and her personality is megawatt. she's just so good. i'm excited to see her. she did great in the 100. she's going to run the 200 later this week, so we'll see her. and same thing with noah lyles, who had yu-gi-oh! cards played up to the crowd. when it comes out, it's like he's walking in for a wwe event. he does not lack confidence. no, nor should he or speed. yeah, he he was really, really good. and he's going to run in the 200, which is the race he originally was best in. we're going to see that this weekend as well in eugene okay. gymnastics simone biles and who else. yeah right. and a lot of us remember suni
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lee won the all around. right, stepped into that big moment 43 years ago. it should be in tokyo. watching her at the trials will be exciting. trials are in minneapolis. suni is from minneapolis, so there'll be a lot to watch. and then also the making of the team, because five men, five women make the team. no spots are guaranteed except for like simone and a couple of the other big names. so it's going to be a lot of pressure on them coming up this weekend. okay, cool. we look forward to it. and i'll see you at gymnastics. i'll be there. i'll be there. see you there. she'll be be there all weekend. all right. cool. you got tirico. don't go too far. mike's going to come back in the third hour. we'll spend some more talking about more time talking about our teams taking shape. and of course, you can catch more of the us olympic team trials tomorrow night throughout the weekend here on nbc. and streaming on peacock. okay. and now over to roker. roker. oh, yeah. well, monami is so good to see you. i will not be wearing that. so that's an exclusive. roker. look, there you go. but it's always yours whenever you like. thank you. anyway, let's
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show you what we've got going on. as far as your weather is concerned. we are looking at heat advisories for today 48 million people from california on into the plains northeast, including philadelphia and down along the southeastern atlantic coast. we're also expecting to see this heat, the triple digit heat indexes. look at this. jackson, memphis, houston all seeing triple digits. destin, florida. jacksonville, florida as well. tomorrow those heat indexes look at the corpus christi. it's going to feel like 110 degrees. 98 in huntsville. charleston will feel like 109. and all of our friends in the south staying hot right into the weekend, dallas triple digits, houston mid to upper 90s, upper 90s in atlanta. same in jacksonville and nashville is hot. going to be not just hot chicken hot people as well with temperatures into the upper 90s. also, that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today will be cooler. and we're also going to return to
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the sunshine today. our temperatures in the inland valleys in the upper 70s and low 80s. but it will still be warm in some spots, like concord, up to 86 degrees and nice and comfortable 80 in napa today, while san francisco will be in the mid 60s. tomorrow is about the same. but then shortly thereafter we will have some warmer temperatures coming our way. by early next week we could see some triple digits in the valleys. and that's your latest weather guys. thank you, thank you larry, i didn't lose it. i just put it away. sad. he said what to it for now. still ahead guys a closer look at the newest furry faces of panda diplomacy. we're live at today's farewell ceremony for those star attractions. make their way to the san diego zoo. plus a can't miss boost from hoda right after this. the best things in life they come in twos. two scoops of ice cream. two thumbs up. and
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signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from periodontics. the gum experts. did you know that if you shave, one third of what you remove is skin? new dove helps repair it. so if you shave it, dove it. new dove, replenish your skin after every shave. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's? here's one, two, three, four. and the price makes five. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. carson's back just in time for the boost car seaso a woman flew to new york city because she wanted to surprise her best friend. it happened to have been her birthday, so the two men you're seeing, they're sitting in a restaurant. they are all in on the surprise. so the woman's husband suggests they take a few photos. that's when cayenne sneaks up, poses behind them on the other side of the glass. they're snapping away, right? she has no idea. all right, here
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comes the big reveal. watch her reaction when she sees the photo. she's like, wait, who's behind me? wait, what? that's a good way to do it. oh, come on, that's good. that's good. crying and in she goes. we just want to knock down the glass. yeah, right. that hug all night long. so way to go. so coming up on pop start the bear. jeremy allen white his new project. he's playing the boss. i'll tell you about his. is he going to sing? is the question. we'll find out. wow. did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was? dryness and frizz could be damaged. hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner with first of its kind melting pro-v pearls, locks and moisture to repair six months of damage in one wash without weigh down guaranteed or your money back for brasilia. healthy looking hair. if you know you know it's pantene looking for a reason to try the
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new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes five. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's this friday, kevin costner invites you back to the west like you've never seen it before. ready? sign? i think so, daddy. this is not just a movie. it is an event horizon, an american saga rated r compared with other. choose one bravecto chu protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks, nearly three times longer use with caution and dogs with a history of seizures and neurological disorders. protection that lasts longer. bravo bravecto bravo! an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren the joy of movement a perfect morning calls for the perfect
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pairing. jimmy dean maple griddle cakes sweet pancake outside, savory sausage inside ready in minutes. did you know that if you shave, one third of what you remove is skin? new dove helps repair it, so if you shave it, dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. some people think it's impossible for a snack to be delicious and full of protein, but it's possible to be two things at once. like today, i'm business and i'm casual. you'll play protein, 15g of protein, and it tastes so good. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong, supplement your bones with high absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. looking for a reason to
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try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's? here's 123, four and the price makes five. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. since my citi custom cash card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category, suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go. even the ground is moving for me. you'll sing this while and i don't even have to activate anything. oh, automatic. so shiny. earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash card. good morning. it is 756. i'm marcus washington and i'm ginger conejero saab happening now. here's what we're working for on our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm
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kris sanchez today, a big vote on whether to put a $20 billion regional housing bond on the ballot in november for voters to decide. metropolitan transportation commission members include bay area mayors, and they have been advocating for this measure, which could provide funding for 90,000 units of affordable housing across the bay area's nine counties. those funds would come from a new tax on businesses and homes. time to get a look at that forecast for you today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those numbers for us. yes. and we're starting out all cloudy across the bay area, but it will be clearing up and some mild temperatures for us for today with some of our warmer spots inland in the mid 80s and about the same tomorrow into friday, a slight warm up heading towards sunday and a major warm up coming our way for the beginning of next week. so we're going to enjoy the cool weather and the wide range in our microclimates. as san francisco continues to see highs in the upper 60s through at least sunday, ginger and marcus, thanks a lot, kari. now make sure to watch our today in the
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bay live streaming newscast starting in just minutes. we'll discuss the new proposed budget cuts for the city of oakland and how it has people concerned over public safety. you can watch on roku, pluto, and other streaming platforms. now's the time to live your best california life. we're unlocking hidden gems, health and beauty, secrets, and unforgettable golden state getaways. california live weekdays at 1130 on nbc. bay area compelling midday mysteries, in-depth investigations, secrets reveal and afternoon dose of america's true crime stories. watch dateline and daytime, weekdays at one here on nbc. bay area commit to comfort with a mattress from mancini's sleep world. save up to $1,200 on the july 4th sale, with serta mattresses starting at 3.99. take advantage of 60 month special financing and free next
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day delivery, removal and set up of your new mattress at mancini's sleep world on chasing gold. the journey is the destination and it's lit by the olympic torch. all eyes and hearts set on the city of light, paris, in 2024. join us for chasing gold only on nbc and take the journey of a lifetime with america's olympians and paralympians past, present and future. coverage of the 2024 paris olympic and paralympic games on nbc is brought to you locally by t-mobile. when you truly show up ready, there's no need to show off the bmw, x3 and x5 are defined by world class design and engineering. take on the energizing utility of the adventurous bmw x3, or balance luxury and versatility with the dynamic x5. excellence runs in the family, but that's what you'd expect from the ultimate driving machine. hurry and
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behind closed doors. the highly secretive trial of american journalist evan gershkovich. beginning overnight in russia. more than a year after he was arrested and accused of spying inside the charges he's facing. and what's next? then heartbreaking diagnosis. reactions pouring in this morning after the family of beloved actress gena rowlands, who played a woman with alzheimer's, in the notebook. it's a beautiful story. yes, it is revealed she's battling the disease in real life. the latest on her condition straight ahead. plus, panda express, these giant pandas us bound this morning ready to make their long awaited journey from china. and we're there live for the official sendoff. all that, plus jingle bell rock. what are you so excited about? of course. your boyfriend's here. a real life masked singer. i kind of liked bringing back that trope of, like, the outlaw and the mystery behind it. and is taylor entering the hallmark movie era? are you ready for it? it's all
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coming up on pop star today, wednesday, june 26th, 2024. happy wednesday, we're at the grandkids to new york city from texas in washington on a mother son trip from lagrange, georgia, visiting from roanoke, virginia. geneseo, illinois. susan rubio, maryland. evansville indiana. spring hill, tennessee. and saint charles, missouri. beyond infatuation. candies turning 72 today on a girls trip from inner wells, texas. hey, savannah and hoda. grandma has been watching the today show her whole life. she's finally here from reno, nevada. wow. which one's grandma? we can't tell. you had a teacher that said grandma. everyone's so young and beautiful. okay. hi everybody. we're waving right back. it's wednesday morning. nice to have you along with us. what a nice
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crowd out there, by the way. right. we'll be out in a bit to say, hey, cheerleaders. all right, let's get to your news at 8:00. we'll begin with american journalist evan gershkovich appearing in a russian court this morning for the start of his trial. it comes more than a year after the us government says he was falsely arrested on espionage charges. nbc's kelly cobiella is in london with the very latest. kelly. good morning savannah, good morning. the us embassy this morning in moscow said the charges are without evidence and an attempt by russia to achieve political goals. the opening day of this secret trial, lasting just a couple of hours in the same city where evan gershkovich was detained, the 32 year old journalist for the wall street journal, appearing in front of cameras, head shaved for the first time, giving a small smile before the doors closed on his top secret trial. no cameras, no reporters, family or u.s. embassy staff has been allowed in to watch the proceedings. gershkovich was arrested in the city of yekaterinburg in march of last year. he's a fluent
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russian speaker. he was on assignment and fully accredited by the russian government. the russians now accusing him of spying, claims he his employer and the biden administration say are completely fabricated. the us has classified him as wrongly detained, and this is potentially about a prisoner swap. president putin has already strongly hinted that he wants to secure the release of a russian man jailed in germany for murder in exchange for evan. it's not clear how long his trial will last, but he's not set to appear in court again until august 13th. savannah. all right, kelly cobiella with that breaking news. thank you. federal investigators have confirmed the cause of last year's train derailment in east palestine, ohio, that led to the evacuation of more than 2000 residents. the ntsb says the accident was caused by a wheel bearing that was on fire for more than 20 miles, but wasn't caught because of faulty track
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sensors. more than three dozen freight cars derailed, including 11 cars carrying hazardous materials. the board also said that norfolk southern botched a decision three days later to blow open five tank cars and burn the vinyl chloride inside the railroad. for its part, says it stands by the decision. also this morning, china is saying farewell to two giant pandas who are headed to their new home in the united states, the san diego zoo, getting ready to welcome their newest residents. nbc's janis mackey frayer is with us in china with more on this big trip. hey, janice, good morning. hey, guys. good morning. it's panda sendoff day here. we've got a master class in lounging and the countdown is on for yunchuan and shen bao to make their trip from the panda base here to the airport and on to the u.s, where fans are gearing up to welcome pandas once again. after months of preparations, the pandas are ready. yunchuan and shen bao, the first giant
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pandas in 20 years to leave china for the u.s. a delegation from san diego is here for the sendoff. there's a magic that i can't begin to explain, but you all feel it whenever you get an opportunity to see one up close and you see them look back in your eyes, it's powerful. the pandas and a lot of food for in-flight meals will make a 7000 mile journey from this research base, where they were born to their new home in california. handler huang xiang will travel with them. is it hard to say goodbye? absolutely. we consider them our friends, he says. most pandas need a few months to adjust to new food, smells and sounds. it marks the revival of china's panda diplomacy in a bid to boost strained relations with the u.s, with more pandas bound for american zoos, including washington, d.c. later this year. but not everyone here likes the idea of china parting so easily with national treasures. criticism and
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protests have spread on social media, saying it's a mistake to trust the u.s. this is where the pandas are, and when it's time to go, they'll go from here. but there is so much secrecy around their departure plans, and when they'll make their public debut, anxious fans will soon learn that yunchuan can be naughty and simbu likes the sound of birds. you know, we're always looking out for what's best for the pandas, and so we want to make sure that nothing distracts from us. just doing the best by the giant pandas. experts here say the pair like each other in a way that could someday mean panda babies. they're also now familiar with hearing some english, like good boy and good girl. and with that, they're good to go. so the big question, of course, when are people going to be able to see the pandas? and the short answer to that, not right away. it'll be at least a month for the pandas to get used to their new environment and everything that comes with it. what we do know
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is that they're going to be celebrating their next birthdays in the u.s. they were born days apart. at the end of july, they're going to be getting birthday cakes made of frozen fruit and carrots. they might still be in quarantine, so it could be a private birthday party. but zoo officials are willing to tell us that the pandas will be making their debut this summer. guys, back to you, okay? a lot of people waiting for that day to come. they're getting smashed cakes for their birthday. yeah exactly. all right, coming up, folks, the votes are in tens of thousands of you voted. so carson is going to reveal the final four in our search to find the best summer blockbuster of all time. all right, but first, she played a woman battling alzheimer's in the notebook. well, now, oscar nominee gena rowlands is fighting the disease in real life. the heartfelt announcement from her family right after this. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rinvoq, a once daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid
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three row infiniti qx80. welcome back. this morning, friends and fans of gena rowlands are reacting to the news that the beloved actress has alzheimer's disease. her award winning career has spanned nearly seven decades, but for a certain generation, her most memorable role is an aging alley calhoun in the notebook. nbc's kaylee hartung joins us with more on this story. kaylee good morning. hey, good morning guys. gena rowlands son, director nick cassavetes, shared the health update with entertainment weekly that just like her character in the iconic love story, his mother has been battling alzheimer's for the past five years and is now in full dementia. hi i'm ellie, 20 years after gena rowlands on screen portrayal of a woman battling alzheimer's first captivated audiences in the notebook. it's a beautiful story. yes, it is. i don't know why, but it makes you
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feel sad. her son revealing that the legendary actress was diagnosed with the disease five years ago and is now in full dementia. as the director of the notebook, it was nick cassavetes who cast his mother as the older version of rachel mcadams character ali. i remember ana. it was us. it was us, cassavetes now telling entertainment weekly . we spent a lot of time talking about alzheimer's and wanting to be authentic with it, and it's so crazy. we lived it, she acted it, and now it's on us. it was a particularly difficult role for rowlands to take on in an interview with o magazine, just as the movie was released, she shared that her mother had alzheimer's and said if her son nick hadn't directed the film, i don't think i would have gone for it. it's just too hard. it was a tough but wonderful movie. what's going to happen when i can't remember anything anymore?
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what will you do? i'll be here. i'll never leave you now 94 years old, rowlands storied career has spanned nearly seven decades. making movies has been the family business. her acclaimed late husband, john cassavetes, was also an actor and directed rowlands in 1970 four's a woman under the influence. i had the hiccups a little while ago, but i got rid of them, a leading performance that earned her one of her two oscar nominations, and after a number of projects with her son, the notebook would be their final collaboration. when you feel loved, you're liable to do some of your better work. the notebook is of course, based on nicholas sparks 1996 debut novel, and through the years it's been the relatability of that story. sparks says that resonates with so many whose families have been touched by dementia, reassuring them that even if your lost love will endure, guys well, she has a lot
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of love around her. kaylee. thank you. i want to turn now to nbc news medical contributor doctor tara narula. good morning. good morning. obviously, you're not treating gena rowlands, but it's interesting. they said she's had it for five years, but now full dementia. is that the traditional trajectory and onset ? it is a progression, an unrelenting progression of this disease that we have no cure for, where someone really does lose the essence of him or herself. and that's why it's so heartbreaking for families, because you see patients go from mild to moderate to severe stages. so in the beginning, there may be things like memory impairment, which we all think about, and then changes in your ability to do simple tasks, disorientation to time and space. trouble with language, be feeling like you don't know who people are, where you are, confusion, mood changes, judgment changes. so again, really stripping you or stripping the person of who they once were, we think the life expectancy generally 4 to 8 years. but some people can live as long as 10 to 20 years. the risk factors are obviously
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there. and gena mentioned we talked in the story about how her mother had it. that's why she wasn't even sure she wanted to play that character at all in the notebook. is that the main influence on whether or not you're going to get alzheimer's? so age is the biggest risk factor once you pass 65, we do see the rates go up, but certainly family history does play a role. we know that if you had a parent or a sibling with alzheimer's, you are at increased risk, we also know that it's probably not one gene, but multiple genes in combination with your exposure to certain lifestyle or environmental factors. and then we think there may be some vascular disease that may be additive. so things like obesity and hypertension and diabetes may also contribute. i know there's always research going on . we don't have certainly don't have a cure. are there any treatments right now that are showing any promise? there are i mean, there are drug therapies that we standardly use to kind of slow progression. and then we've talked here about lackenby and donanemab, which are these anti-amyloid drugs that are given as iv infusions or injections. there are about 130, 140 drugs being studied in trials right now, but really not
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much yet. that's why this is so frustrating. yeah, a lot of people working on this though. doctor narula, thank you so much. we appreciate it. all right, mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? all right guys, good morning to you. we're looking at severe storms in the northeast, developing right through the ohio river valley, heat down through the gulf, monsoonal moisture bringing some possible flash flooding through the southwest. sunny skies along the west coast. some showers in the pacific northwest and the western plains. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. today we'll see temperatures in the mid 80s as we go into the afternoon, and we don't have any more chances of rain or lightning in the bay area. it's also going to be nice and sunny as we go toward the end of the week, and the weekend is looking nice, but we'll start to warm up just a little bit on sunday and hotter temperatures ahead for early next week, possibly some triple digits by next tuesday. and san francisco keeps it mild with low clouds and fog and temperatures in the upper 60s through the weekend.
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some of the morning i got a stretch. i gotta yeah, i gotta power through. okay, here we go. first up paris 2024. as we mentioned, the opening ceremony just one month out and this morning we've got a special pop star announcement starting today. tickets are now available on fandango for nbc's live coverage in theaters nationwide. wow. very first time the event's going to be presented, check out these two words uncle al live and imax. wow. mark your calendar. the big day is set for july 26th and get this according to ukg workforce institute study, they're expecting more than 27 million employed americans to miss work. watch the olympics. way to go, america! yes, if you can't make it to a theater, be sure and watch all the action here on nbc, will you? right. 27 million out of office notes for all of those people. thank you. absolutely need a stamp for that one. you may be excused. speaking of countdowns, yesterday marked six months until christmas. you know, the folks over at the hallmark channel are already busy cooking up something special for the holiday season and for this
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little love story, they're teaming up with the kansas city chiefs. i know what you're thinking. the movie's called holiday touchdown. a chiefs love story. okay, but before you start playing, shake it off in your brains, we have to tell you this is not about a pop star falling in love with a tight end for the chiefs, the setup is this that is that is actress hunter king plays a kansas city superfan with her heart set on winning the fan of the year contest. now the director of fan engagement, played by tyler hines, he's tasked with evaluating how her family measures up against other finalists. they spent some quality time together, maybe there's a spark or two, and then you're gonna have to tune in to find out what happened. thank you. ed begley jr plays grandpa in that movie by the way. okay. the movie is set to premiere during this year's 15th annual countdown to christmas events. a little random six months? yeah. six months. yeah. walking to my sister's house. hallmark channel is on constantly. bailey never, never takes it off. no. all right, next up, while we're on the christmas bandwagon, or maybe i should say sleigh, we're going to keep it going with red
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one. that is the name of the new star studded action movie with dwayne the rock johnson and chris evans teaming up to rescue santa. now do you get it? no j.k. simmons is in it as well. take a look. the clip, of course. who's with red right. someone took nick. we're gonna find him. i'm bringing in jack o'malley. he's probably the best tracker in the world. you can't trust this guy. he's on the list . you don't mean that list. nl4. are you telling me this clown is a level four naughty lister? a level four naughty lister? oh, is that funny to you? hey, hey, come on, let's go. forget summer. we're going to focus on christmas. lucy. lou's in it. bonnie hunt, nick kroll, red one hits theaters november 15th. got to power through celine dion. they were talking about this documentary. the stars were on emotional documentary. that is it is called i am celine dion. it came out yesterday. everybody's reacting overnight, social media blowing up, sharing how the grammy winner's candid commentary on her struggles with stiff person syndrome have
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affected her life. one user on instagram calling the documentary brutally honest, ripped my heart out and also gave me hope. you are not a voice, you are the voice. another adding as a cancer survivor, as a person who went through lower back surgery three times and recently full hip replacement surgery, i would like to say you are brave and courageous. congratulations on such an amazing film. everybody talking about this one. you guys got it early. you guys got you've got to see it. it's a life changer. you got to see it. and god bless you for leaving in some tough stuff that you could have edited out. yeah. but it's in and people were reacting to that as well. next up jeremy allen white, the bear actor giving an update on that highly anticipated bruce springsteen biopic. here's what he told variety on the red carpet. i hope this still all comes together. we've still got a few things. we got some timing stuff to work out and see yourself doing some of your own singing in it. i we're going to try we're going to try our best. yeah, we're going to try. he's going to try and sing like bruce springsteen. we're waiting to see. but you know, if you don't want to wait, you can do. in the meantime, watch the bear
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premieres tonight. tonight, tonight. hulu 9 p.m. eastern. the new season. and they're dropping all the episodes. stay up all night and watch it. next up, it is time for today's top summer blockbuster of all time. the bracket. who's going to be in the final four? we started with 16 on monday. thousands have voted at let's see which flicks are going on. perhaps if the avengers had aquaman, they might have survived it. but they didn't. they did not. it is jaws advancing to the next round. summer of sharks. yes, e.t, out of this world. and now out of this bracket. top gun flies into the final four. the next one was a tight race, but star wars beat indiana jones by a few points. yeah okay. and finally, great scott. back to the future makes it. wow. classics that are in this final four beat out. you know what to do. vote for your favorite summer blockbuster of all time. go to all right. and finally, hoda, your podcast is out. it's wednesday making space. tell us a little bit about who you have. yeah, we have we have elise lunan. she was the former vp of goop, and now she's kind of doing her own thing. she's a best selling new york times author, and she talks about confidence and how to instill it. confidence doesn't
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seem to be lacking in you. was was there a time where you didn't have that? oh i think that i've always been reliant on my own capacity to keep my word, show up, work hard and stay, with my sort of holding my fingers up to the culture and developing that ability to be somewhat culturally psychic. yeah. all right. you can listen to the episode, search for making space wherever you get your podcast, and follow new episodes every wednesday. jurassic. about that candle that gwyneth paltrow has. no, i did not know. you don't need to talk. that's. thank you. carson. all listen to the podcast. that was a great that was a great pop star. i'm exhausted, by the way, the hostess with the mostest is here. wait until you see this cake that martha stewart is baking this morning, 4th of july dessert party. ready? oh, so festive. we'll spend some time with martha. i bet it has booze in it. it does not actually are local news. weather these messages. hey, martha. friday on today. breakout superstar gracie
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abrams makes her today debut performing live on our plaza. it's the city concert series friday only on today. i know you love your dad. of course he loves you. he just doesn't show it on his face or with his body language. illumination's despicable me four. sweet child of mine are rated pg. i'm crossing the today show off my bucket list celebrating my mom's 60th birthday. just married and we're honeymooning at the today show. it's a girl girl. hoda inspired me to become a journalist. i'll have what you guys are having. i'm celebrating here with you. this is amazing. you're on. today. good morning. it is 8:26 a.m. marcus
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washington. well, we are following developing news out of the east bay, where an apparent shooting is under investigation in oakland. it happened around 915 last night near 73rd. and macarthur, now a photographer there at the scene, says that a man was shot. but police have yet to confirm that shooting. so far, a motive is not clear and there is no information of any arrest at this time. want to get a look at that forecast for you today? meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. we're going to see cooler weather near the coast with low clouds and lower humidity for the inland areas, as well as some more seasonable temperatures. but there will be a wide range from the coast to the inland valleys and a pleasant weekend ahead. today we'll see a high of 77 in mountain view and 73 in hayward. 86 will be that temperature in concord and 80 in napa today, while oakland will see a high of 71 degrees and low 60s for half moon bay into san francisco. now, tomorrow we're looking at more of the same with a warm up on trend for friday, with the
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valley temperatures in the low to mid 80s and even low 90s starting to appear back on the map, we'll be tracking hotter temperatures ahead. back to you, marcus. all right. thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update for you coming up in 30 minutes. i'll see you back here then. this is your moment. you can keep growing and you can keep getting stronger. what an inspiration. i am ready to make more history. i think something special is about to happen. american ninja warrior monday on nbc and peacock season 19. the talent is insane. i've never seen anything like this. thank you. i never have done this before. i'm a little scared. we have a medic on standby. what's happening? tuesday on nbc and peacock. honda's are on sale now during the july 4th sales event from 249 a month. gas or hybrid get 614 miles per tank, and the battery charges as you drive
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during the july 4th sales event, drive a honda hybrid and get 614 miles per tank of continuous driving. cr-v hybrids 369 a month. accord hybrids 379. ask anyone who owns a honda and search your local honda dealer. nbc bay area's microclimate weather certified most accurate get you up. come on what you do oh, we're back 830 wednesday
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morning, june 26th, 2024. as we step outside to say hello to an enthusiastic hump day crowd, we've got cheerleaders here. where are you guys from? we love cheerleaders. where are you from? rhode island cheerleaders from rhode island are here very cool. all right, coming up, guys, i can't miss conversation with wisdom of the path author yasmine shayan. she's going to share share some of her inspiring lessons for navigating life's biggest and often trickiest transition. and then our joe fryer is going to get to know the man behind the mask, country sensation orville peck, who's sharing his story on our pride is universal series. and then, of course, we always love having martha stewart on the plaza. that's right. she's going to share her recipe for the signature 4th of july party trick. a crowd pleasing and patriotic dessert. we salute you. all right, but first, a hot and exclusive collaboration to
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tell you about. we have teamed up with the hot sauce brand truff to bring you its new truffalo hot sauce. it is a buffalo sauce infused with the brand's signature black truffle, so we invite you to enjoy that. in fact, take a look here. we've got it on display, including limited edition sets that come with either the original signature hot sauce or the jalapeno lime hot sauce. first. i've heard of this to shop these today. exclusive. you can go over there right now and try it. i'm going to try. i think you should try it. yeah, it's qr codes, right there today. .com/ shop. and by the way, in our third hour, chef alaina besser, she's going to join us. two recipes, two easy buffalo chicken dishes. she's going to use the sauce. okay. cool candle. we've got sauce. yes. the brand is next. it is. guys get excited tomorrow dallas cowboy cheerleaders girl right here live on our plaza dcc yeah, maybe jenna and i will join their routine. they are going to perform some of their trademark
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moves. they'll tell us about their new documentary. i have been watching this every night. oh, is it on netflix? it's called america's sweethearts. it's so good. of course it is. you can watch it right now, but the dcc girls will be here tomorrow. we look forward to that. all right, mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? all right. never too early to take a look at your weekend. so let's start it off with friday. sunny skies in the northeast. we're looking at intense heat through the southwest. then as we make our way onto saturday, we're expecting a lot of wet weather eastern third of the country and, we're also expecting to see on sunday. sunday, we're looking at, a lot of wet weather in the mid-atlantic. the northeast look very hot weather out west and a nice day around the great lakes. what's your name, young man? i'm hudson murphy. that's right. you just graduated high school. you want to be a meteorologist? yes, sir. all right. do you know what we say to go to the local stations? we say now, back to your neck of the woods. boom sir . good. wednesday morning. i'm
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meteorologist kari hall. today we're starting out with some clouds across the bay area, but our temperatures will spread out as we see it clearing out a lot more quickly for the inland areas. and we'll see a high of about 81 in livermore today, 86 in concord, still warm in a lot of spots, but cooler than normal for san jose. up to 77 degrees. 68 in san mateo and 78 in novato. going into tomorrow, it will be about the same with sunshine. like we'll see today is your latest weather hoedown. okay. all right. coming up next. the right way to complain so your problems get results and more hard earned wisdom from wellness expert yasmine cheyenne. but first, this is today on. nbc. you need new replacement
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windows, but you're just not sure if they're in the budget this year, right? i'm brian gary here with ted from renewal by anderson, and he's here to talk about how to make window replacement more affordable. well, first, brian, you don't have to do them all. you could just replace your worst windows first. or another way to make them affordable is to change the style of window. for example, you could do a gliding window instead of a casement. we have a lot of ways to make window projects really affordable compared to other window companies. you have a completely different business model. yeah, with other companies there's too just many people involved in the process. there's the manufacturer, the seller, and then the installer and then the customer. and if you call with a problem, that's when they say, oh, well, we're the manufacturer. you have to call the installer for that problem, or vice versa. we're the full service replacement window division of anderson with us. there's no passing the buck at renewal by andersen. we sell, build, install and warrant our windows and patio doors. so if there's ever an issue, we take full responsibility for it. why
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don't you sell vinyl windows? well, a lot of vinyl products just don't hold up. well in the elements, you know, like a vinyl fence. when it's first installed, it looks great, but with expansion and contraction it discolors and cracks for that same reason. a lot of vinyl windows just won't last. our window material is a composite that combines the best of vinyl and wood. well, fibrex is low maintenance like vinyl, but stronger than vinyl. and it's beautiful like wood, but doesn't require the upkeep of wood. replace your windows and doors now and don't pay anything for a year. it's renewal by anderson's buy now, pay later event before june 30th. save $299 on every window. save $799 on every door. and best of all, don't pay anything for one full year. that's the pay later part. nice, right? this event ends june 30th. call one 800 603 7272.
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back now 836. on this wellness wednesday, we've all heard the phrase life is a journey and sometimes that journey is a tough one, especially when major transitions leave you feeling overwhelmed or stuck. well luckily yasmine cheyenne is here to help us out. she's a self-healing educator, a mental wellness advocate, the author of a new book, beautiful title. it's called called wisdom of the path, the beautiful and bumpy ride to healing and trusting your inner guide. it's so good to see you happy that you're here. thank you for having me. when you talk about people being stuck, i think sometimes we are stuck in like a part of our life that we think there's no way out. we don't even know we need to be healed to get out of this place. but healing is essential if you want to get unstuck, right? absolutely. and i think so many of us are craving connection. we're craving joy. we're craving peace. but without healing, we feel limited by our past. we judge ourselves. we're hard on ourselves. so healing gives us the conduit. it's the tool that helps us forgive and move forward. i think a lot of people are like, i'm fine. a lot
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of people have this attitude. my past is my past. i can't change it. i'm just moving forward now. i'm not dealing with that. but that means you're carrying all that junk in your backpack as you're trudging along through life, and it is coming along with you, isn't it? absolutely. and if you're honest, like you know that that stuff from your past is something that you're judging yourself about unconsciously healing. we don't have to uncover everything, but healing is an opportunity to the things that are those barriers, those blocks in your life. yeah, look at them, confront them, and then you can actually have that. the peace, the joy and the love that you're seeking in your life. yeah. someone once told me that when you make a leap to, like, change, make a big change in your life, your blessings are sometimes on the other side. they're not coming for you while you're hunkered down saying, where's all the good stuff coming in my life? sometimes you have to wait till you jump absolutely in the path to the other side, which is what wisdom of the path is about, is bumpy. yeah, it's not fun. all of the time. a lot of the times it's keeping us the fear. what am i going to discover when i look at that past stuff? but on the
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other side, you witness all of the joy, all of the things there. it is. and i also just feel like, give yourself the chance. so many of us are afraid to take that step, but when you take it, you realize the fear was the thing that was holding me back in the first place. i like what you say about complaining. you just say a lot of people are like, you know, glass half full. you're like, go ahead and complain. listen, can you complain with me this morning? it's what's one thing that is something you can complain about that you you might not admit? let me tell you my philosophy and you probably agree with this, but i feel like when i start giving life and breath to something that's on my jangly, it becomes two. it becomes bigger. it's like i'm giving it more oxygen. so like, you know, if i miss a flight, instead of saying, oh god, what a horrible experience. it's just like, i missed the flight and i got home. like, i try not to live there, but i hear you, i hear tell me about your philosophy. i feel like when we complain, we give it freedom. i look at the thing, okay, i'm upset about my flight. i'm going to use your example. i'm excited
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about my flight. i call a friend, i say i'm so. i'm so disappointed. yeah. and they say that's really hard. i feel validated. yeah, i get the empathy. i realize i'm not overreacting. and it also gives me freedom to complain in the future about things that are really hard, because we hold all of that stuff in and we have that shame. and i, i'm a recovering perfectionist, so i don't like to complain. you know, i'm like, just push forward, just move forward. but when we give ourselves that freedom, we really give ourselves that compassion we need. wait. the phrase recovering perfectionist is so good. so you've been you are a perfectionist most of your life and you just decided what? enough with uncle. well, i'm in recovery, right? so it's a constant battle, but i'm learning that if i look at myself with compassion and grace, the same grace that i give to everyone else that i love, then i can free myself too. yeah. where did this wisdom come from? give me a little bit about where this started. when did you start on this healing journey? i definitely started, you know, after my military service. i think serving definitely opens you up to seeing so many experiences and so much of what people went through. and being a victim advocate, i definitely got to
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witness people experiencing hard things, but i've learned the wisdom from doing this work myself. i know that when you commit to your healing, you can have the life that you deserve. and the workshops that i teach, and the one on ones that i have with people i've seen people's lives transform in ways that they never would have imagined. and i've and i've done it myself, too. and it's a it's a process. i'm still doing it. take the leap, take the lead, take the leap. thank you. i'm so happy that the military guided you here. and now you're, you know, helping other people heal. thank you so much. i really appreciate it. you can get the book. it's called wisdom of the path. find it on our website at slash books coming up next. country music's masked star orville peck is opening up about his journey to success with a beautiful message for all of us to honor in pride month. joe fryer is here to share that inspiring conversation. but first, this is today on nbc. northern california homes have always been at the heart of airport home appliance in all shapes and sizes, because there's not just one type of neighborhood, family or
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morning we're shining a light on an up and coming country music star. that's right. his name is orville peck and he's collaborating with some of the biggest icons in music and nbc's joe fryer is here. and you sat down with orville. how'd that go? yeah, i understand some of you are already pretty big fans, which i am, too. now orville peck is really a throwback to country in the 60s and 70s. he's got a deep voice like johnny cash. he wears a mask like the lone ranger, so we don't totally know what he looks like. and he's breaking through. his label says he has a quarter of a billion streams in a genre where not too many artists are out and proud. let me drown his voice is distinctive, even if his face is elusive. orville peck is a real life masked singer who's packing music venues, making this lone ranger far from lonely. where did the idea come from to actually do a mask? i kind of liked bringing back that trope of, like, the outlaw and the mystery behind it. and what's the response people have to it,
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the first few years were interesting. i think now everyone's kind of gotten used to it. at first, his masks were draped with fringe. these days, he's revealing a bit more. the one thing he has never hidden is being gay. before you were able to break through, was there a point where you thought, i'm a queer artist that's going to make it hard for me to make it big? i'll be honest, not really. when i first started, that didn't ever cross my mind. you know, all i thought was, i'm going to write love songs and tell stories that are my stories. and, you know, for me, my love songs are about loving men. see the boys as they walk on by. fittingly, this is the only child hood picture we have of orville was born in south africa and raised in canada during a fire where he first heard a johnny cash album and was hooked. roses from falling for you. today, many say he sounds like cash. just one of many old school crooners who've
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inspired him. how do you describe your music to folks? i describe my music as country, and then sometimes i get people giving me a strange, like kind of like a ooh. and then i say, no, no, it's good country being in your arms is what i came here for. so good. his new album, stampede, features duets with legends, a cover of saturday night's alright with elton john selecting a new song, midnight ride, with kylie minogue and diplo let me take you on a midnight ride and this tune with one of his heroes, cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other. what'd you think? all them saddles and boots was about ? the song titled cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other, was written in the 80s, then covered about 20 years ago by willie nelson, who recently asked peck if they could sing it
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together. i didn't realize how much validation and healing would sort of come from that, because i think not having that queer country visibility growing up, it's like the most sort of encouraging, validating thing for like that little kid in me as well, you know, also validating receiving glaad's vito russo award this year for accelerating lgbtq plus acceptance. it was presented by his close friend jennifer lawrence. there is a solidness and a self-respect and love that orville has for himself that he effortlessly casts onto other people. you're maybe not on a lot of the top 40 country stations, but you have this huge following, and i feel like being yourself is a part of that, right? 1,000. the second i decided to just be myself completely, unapologetically, you know, that's when things started really connecting for other people as well. the power of what can happen when your true self is unmasked. this summertime. so i went to an
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orville peck concert in chicago. and what's extraordinary is the diversity of his audience, from true blue country fans who are in their 60s and 70s to queer kids and drag queens. and he loves just looking out and seeing that diversity. volume one of his duets album, stampede is already out. volume two drops in august and will feature even more duets, including songs with beck and with mickey guyton. volume one is i played almost every other day. my father in law last summer. he's like, you got to check out this orville peck guy. listen to him. i mean, his voice. and he writes and he writes his own songs. he writes his own stuff. it's extraordinary stuff. and a lot of. i saw him first on like, a shania documentary, and i was like, who's the guy with the mask and all of a sudden you hear them together and you see the respect of the artist and you're like, oh, cool. he did a great song with a few years ago, too. i knew you'd like that. you'll ever take the mask off and perform? well. we'll see. i mean, you know, it's changed over time, but to him, the mask, the same way he sort of sees,
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like dolly parton where his wigs and, you know, the sequins to him, that's just part of his aura, you know? okay cool. by the way, this is beautiful. thank you. morning thank you very much. coming up next, we're going to take a cue from martha stewart this 4th of july and make an american flag cake. she's going to show us how it's done and share some other festive ideas for the holiday. but first, this is today on nbc. alameda county fair is here. catch that summer feeling with delicious fair food, thrilling carnaval rides, racing pigs, fireworks, live horse racing and more. plus, the big o tires concert series come out and play open through july seventh, scan qr or visit alameda county fair dot com when you truly show up. ready there's no need to show off the bmw, x3 and x5 are defined by world class design and engineering. take on the energizing utility of the adventurous bmw x3, or balance luxury and versatility with the dynamic x5. excellence runs in the family, but that's what you'd expect from the ultimate
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mayor london breed 2024 financial disclosures are available at sf ethics .org. time and temperature on nbc bay area is brought to you by mancini. sleep world visit mancini sleep world for the july 4th sales event. save big on premium mattresses plus free delivery. hurry in now or visit us online at sleep all right, we're back with today. food. get the fireworks ready because we're preparing for the 4th of july with one of our absolute favorites, martha stewart, who's been busy lately dropping new episodes of the martha stewart podcast. that's where she sits down with some of the world's most fascinating people. yes, includes her friend snoop dogg, who's busy in paris with the olympics this summer. prime time. but this morning, martha, you're here to help us out with this lovely stars and stripes cake on the plaza to help us get ready for independence day. great to see you. what are you thankful for this 4th of july? what do you think? well i'm thinking about
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america. i'm thinking about our illustrious flag. i am thinking about how i can celebrate independence and goodwill and peace. well, those are beautiful thoughts, martha, i agree. and then people are going to go to a party and they might want to bring a cake. is this where the sheet cake begins? right here? well, this is the craft. no, this is a craft. see, this is a frame that you buy at the frame store. at the craft store, we've lined the glass with a piece of red paper. then we put some little legs on. you want to use a hot glue gun? sure. love a good. so just put put glue all over the back of this little block and then stick the block right in the corner. yeah, those those those will be the feet. and then put chu in the middle too. because you know sheet cakes are very large and most people don't have trays. so this is the stand for the sheet cake. got it. just your tray. yeah. for your sheet. so that's that and then that'll turn over and look like this. you can put ribbon around the outside. and this is the sheet cake. got it. so it's two sheet cakes one on
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top of the other. and how simple this is for everybody. cake. oh my gosh that's gorgeous. intimidated. he's intimidated. but piping yeah. this is a piping bag filled with buttercream i just want to show you do we want 50 stars 50. and you know when were the last two states made a state? oh, don't give me that, martha, please. and not too close together. how do you how do you make hawaii? of course. hawaii. make the actual like that. just like that. so you need four, five, six, seven, eight. oh, then that's eight. so then how many? well, okay, not too close together because look. all right , there's the prototype. look at the prototype was free. okay. how's the cake, guys? it's a double sheet cake. it's double sheet cake we made. we made ours a little wavy. and we have raspberries for the red stripes. the red stripes mean valor. the white stripes mean purity. and the blue for the stars. freedom and fortitude. you want a shot? so no. and that's what it looks
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like. and then you can see. you can make little rosettes out of ribbons. he's doing it wrong, martha. what if you're going to a 4th of july party? and it's like how it's been here in new york. it's been hot and humid. what can you do to preserve this stuff in the refrigerator? well, yeah. and take it out just before you're ready to serve it. martha just absolutely. before you serve it, a little refrigeration each have a very nice square of cake. use a good white cake recipe. you can go to the recipe is going to be there. the buttercream recipe and the raspberries look so cute! if you don't have raspberries, you can use red frosting. of course, but i love the fresh fruit on the top of the cake. oh, it's a beautiful cake! and craig makes a good point. it looks almost too good to eat, but you're going to go ahead. and the whole idea. yeah, the whole idea. what will you be doing for the fourth? wouldn't you like a piece? i would love one. okay. i am going to be celebrating independence day for us and for
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the rest of the world. we need to be independent. i agree with that. i'm getting very outspoken here. yeah, but i think this is such a beautiful cake. you're going to paris, martha, are you going to go for the olympics this year? yeah. snoop so i hope you're going to be there. yes you're going to be doing the equestrian competition. yeah. yeah. that's so cool. so dressage. yes. dressage equitation. all the good, all the good things. that is very therapeutic. this is for you. look at how pretty. you know what i would love? like if you could do the top of this on a tracee leches cake. oh. are you. oh, that is my bomb. this decoration. i don't know who invented the flag cake, but you know betsy ross. and in 18, 1777 designed the first cake. first cake, first flag, first flag, and, and it's such a beautiful design. our flag is one of the most beautiful flags in the world. i think it really is. it is. well. and so as we added states, we added stars. you did
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a great job. and was it hard for you not to put rum in the cake? because every time you're here, i call an uber. this has cognac in it. cognac but you know that that's where you go to get this recipe and all the great recipes to plan your ultimate 4th of july bash. the great martha stewart. check out the podcast and have fun in paris. happy 4th of july! we're back! after a quick check of your local news and weather, and these messages. friday on today breakout superstar gracie abrams makes her today debut performing live on our plaza. it's the city concert series friday only on today. today today, today, today, today, today, today, today, today is where the games begin. we cannot wait to cheer you on the countdown is on at the paris olympics. today is
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where the games begin. tomorrow president joe biden faces off with former president donald trump in the first presidential debate hosted by cnn. join lester holt and savannah guthrie for special coverage and analysis tomorrow on. nbc. a good morning to you. it is 856 i'm marcus washington. well today, a big vote on whether to put a $20 billion regional housing measure before voters. in november. the metropolitan transportation commission members, including bay area mayors, have been advocating for this measure. now, it could provide funding for 90,000 units of affordable housing across the bay area in all nine counties. now, the funds would come from a new tax on businesses and homes. well, happening now, oakland is considering millions of dollars in budget cuts. it might impose a hiring freeze at the oakland police department, which is already operating with a reduced police force. oakland mayor sheng thao proposed $63 million
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today at three on nbc. bay area deadline day is approaching in sacramento. surrounding budgets and ballot measures, and it may make all the difference when it comes to casting your vote. also, an inside look at a summer camp for children with life threatening conditions. join us tomorrow morning, 5 to 7. when you're sick, you can't even be bothered to get up to throw up, which is why you're currently looking at your popcorn bowl like a toilet bowl. lucky for you, amazon one medical has made it so you can get help without ever leaving the couch. and if you need a prescription, amazon pharmacy delivers good news for you. not so much for anyone invited over to watch a movie. grand sierra resort presents the art of balance. for her, it's a world of tranquility at our serene spa. for the kids, it's an adventure in our state of the
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