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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  July 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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you're so sick, you can't even get up, to throw up. so, you scheduled a virtual visit with amazon one medical. maybe now you can stop looking at your popcorn bowl, like a toilet bowl. ♪♪ hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, thursday, july 4th, 2024.
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conflicted. nbc news has learned president biden is privately torn about his re-election bid as he faces mounting pressure to reconsider his run, what we know about those discussions and what the president is saying publicly today. party in the usa! americans across the country putting on their red, white and blue as fourth of july celebrations are kicking off, but from the beach and the fireworks, will the heat and severe storms get in the way? we're tracking all of that. not so easy. self-checkout lines were designed to make shoppers' lives easier. why are retailers moving away from do-it-yourself lanes. plus, summer of sequels! from despicable me and h, will hollywood's nostalgia draw people back to the box office. welcome, everyone. happy independence everyone. we begin this july 4th in our nation's capital and new reporting today on this holiday about president biden's
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political future. nbc news has learned that the president is privately torn about calls to step aside. president has shifted between acceptance and defiance in several recent conversations. according to sources. the president, the white house and his campaign are all insisting he'll stay in the 2024 race. nbc news white house correspondent monica alba joins us now from the north lawn, monica, your reporting with a team of people at nbc news on president biden's private conversations on the state of the race which seemed to be a bit different from what we're hearing publicly. >> reporter: that's right, kate, a snapshot of what we're hearing from what the president is saying in very close conversations with aides, with allies and family members, he's kind of going back and forth between these two places. at once he feels the blowback
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may be too large to overcome and that's weighing on him, but at the same time, having a conversation just a short time later saying he's totally defiant and wants to stay in this race, so both of those things seem to be in his mind at least as of the recent days and things are really evolving so quickly, kate, we'll see how that goes and as you mentioned publicly, the campaign and the white house is saying he's firmly committed to this and this's the message he tried to signal to democratic governors as well, you're getting this from all sort of people in party while at the same time there's a lot of private nervousness from democrats about what may happen here and the president's eventual path forward. >> new radio interviews that aired today. >> reporter: the president taped these yesterday, they aired today, she's acknowledging what he's said in certain venues, he says he had a terrible debate
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thursday night in atlanta, a week ago now, there's not much excuse for it, he's almost apologizing. here's more of what he had to say. >> is there any reason for the american people to be concerned? >> no, i had a bad debate. i had a bad debate. 90 minutes on stage doesn't erase what i've done for 3 1/2 years. i'm proud to be running for re-election as president. >> reporter: and in that interview, kate, he also conceded that he screwed up and made a mistake, we may hear more on that when he sits down tomorrow for his first major televised interview since the debate, he'll be asked about all of this, a critical test i'm told according to my sources to see what kind of explanation the president gives in the setting when he's on tell prompter and
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reading from notes. >> any sense he's prepping for that today or enjoying the white house festivities? >> they're prepping for it. that's definitely safe to say, they're going through what will likely be asked. today's cities and towns across the nation celebrating america's 248th birthday, fourth of july celebrations are well under way from beaches to back yards, but weather is complicating some of the festivities, parts of the south and california dealing with extreme heat, and storms could threaten firework displaces tonight in places like new york, washington, d.c., even st. louis. george solis on the coney island boardwalk in new york city. but let's begin with gary grumbach on the ptomac river in
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washington, d.c. you got people out on the river. it's big day, talk about what you're seeing. >> reporter: there are hundreds of thousands of people making their way down to the national mall to see the big fireworks spectacular in a few hours and it's massive effort in terms of security and safety around the city and that does include along the ptomac river. this is a real multiagency effort, you got nypd, police department, you've got the coast guard, making sure folks are safe. they're making sure folks are safe and enjoying their fourth of july, kate. >> and gary, the big fireworks display in d.c. is awesome, over the washington monument, if people want to shoot their own fireworks tonight, what should they know?
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>> reporter: really depends on where you live, kate, that's interesting thing about fireworks. states have different rules about the legality of fireworks. here in the dmv, the d.c. area, you can't shoot anything off the ground here in the district of columbia, maryland and virginia have different rules, if you're in the state of massachusetts you can't have any consumer fireworks at all, they have to be professional shows. here's what a fire marshal here in d.c. told us. >> illegal fireworks can be going off a lot faster than you anticipate. and that could cause burn injuries and traumas like injuries to hands and fingers and it can cause death. >> reporter: and d.c. fire officials tell us that most of their hospital visits this time of year do have to do with fireworks. >> gary, thank you.
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george, coney island, proud july 4th tradition there, the nathan's hot dog eating contest. things are different this year. tell us about that and how everyone is celebrating behind us. >> reporter: coney island, vast diverity of people here, a little bit ago it was salsa music, now disco, it's just a good time out here, absolutely, and the hot dog eating contest, we saw some history being made here. mickey downing 51. 58 from patrick from chicago. the vibes here have been immaculate the weather has been perfect as well. we caught up with some people who are excited about the fourth. take a listen. >> we love the fourth. we love our country. >> actually her first time here in new york to experience the nathan's hot dog eating contest. it's my first time, too, born
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and raised here, i've never done it. take a ride to coney island. >> reporter: not an ad, but we had to get in on the fun, but i'm sporting the nathan's hat. i had a hot dog earlier this morning. no way i'm eating 50 hot dogs, certainly not on tv, kate. we're ready for the fourth of july celebrations. happy fourth to you and all of our viewers. >> happy fourth to gary as well, on his boat. thank you, george, appreciate it. nearly 30,000 people have been evacuated in northern california because of a fast-moving wild fire there putting a damper on their holiday plans. officials say four structures have burned down. now crews are working around the clock trying to protect hundreds of other homes that could be in the path of those flames, but they're facing tough conditions with the weather and the
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possibilities of people setting off fireworks tonight. meteorologist michelle grossman is tracking the heat and the fire situation for us, but i want to start with dana griffin in california for us, so, dana, those pictures look really bad, where does the firefight stand right now. >> reporter: kate, i mean, these imables are just incredible. to see so much smoke and flames going up. thompson fire, 7% contained. the cause of the fire is still unknown. the good news is, there was no forward progression as far as acres burned overnight that's why you have some of those hand tear evacuations but the threat is not over, people who decided to go home they might have to evacuate again if there's a switch in this fire pattern. our colleague steve patterson spoke with a cal spokesperson,
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the challenging moment right now for firefighters. >> those winds have stopped which is huge but those temperatures are actually increasing, we're in the 110, even higher in some of the predictions that takes a huge tool on firefighters working when it's this hot. >> reporter: yeah, and at least four firefighters have heat-related injuries, another group of firefighters were injured when they were heading to the fire, the governor has declared a state of emergency, even posting on x a video showing all the resources they're putting toward all the fires currently burning in california. and in orville, this fire has interrupted their lives and their fourth of july fireworks celebration, they've cancelled that show tonight.
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it's such a dire situation and because it's so hot. they're reminding people to stay indoors and drink plenty of water kate. >> dana, thank you so much. michelle, this extreme heat is not going away for a while, right. >> no, and that's part of story. this is prolonged. we're not getting that relief at night. 130 million americans under heat alerts, kind of two different stories. we have that prolonged heat in the west, 25 degrees above normal this time of year, and then in the south into the mid-atlantic we're look at the heat. we're seeing heat indices near 110 in some spots, this is why, here's the jet stream, it dipped to the south and the middle of the country, so high to the west and portions of the north, that's sort of blocking off any air coming down from canada and we're looking at dallas, feels
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like 108. feeling like 113 today in memphis. so important to stay in the shade if you can. hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. off to the west, temperatures well above normal for this time of year. this is lasting through early next week. back to you. >> some really, really high numbers there. michelle grossman, dwran griffin, thanks to you both. coming up, somebody's in the dog house, you see that dog on the left there, family pet accidentally starting a house fire. everyone's okay, including the dog. dog. we'll show you how [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful.
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for the first time in two years the community of highland park, illinois, is bringing its back its annual july 4th parade, we'll remember that two years ago, seven people died, 48 others were hurt in a mass shooting there. organizers say this year's parade is community focused and will follow a new route. maggie vespa is out at the parade in highland park, the theme is sweet home highland park, the parade started just a few minutes ago. >> reporter: kate, i'll step out of the way a normal parade, you can see it's a normal parade, politicians and
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their campaigns coming through, you might be able to hear katy perry in the background, people started clapping as soon as this started. we'll walk this way, a full swing around this way. go ahead. keep going. you're good. i'll show you how big the crowd is all the way down this route, they get to that traffic light and they take a left, that's the new route, if they were to go right it would go toward the scene of the shooting that happened two years ago. this is a happy scene right now, but a really emotional day for people. we talked to a couple earlier who was here two years ago and they were across the street from the shooter, they barely survived, they're back out here today and we asked why. take a listen. why did you want to come back out here? >> i just felt we should. i felt we should. an obligation. and we wanted to be here. >> i was born and raised in highland park. i think i went to every single parade on july 4th since i was a
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little kid. we wanted to come. >> reporter: obviously, a lot of people feeling that way, city officials expecting a crowd of close to thousands. this route goes on for a while. safety is a top priority. we were just told full security was the description. the city didn't want to go into particulars, we were told that highland park police are taking the lead on it, working with federal authorities, we've seen police on rooftops. all of this was planned with the department of justice, so heavy on security, but also heavy on celebrations, too, this community is bent on reclaiming the fourth. kate. >> kind of nice to see them doing that. maggie vespa, thank you so much. okay, they've become staples in stores, those self-checkout lanes, right, where it's meant to speed up your checkout experience. but a growing number of stores have been replacing the automated self-checkouts with
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actual people. brian cheung explains why. >> reporter: do it yourself the idea behind self-checkout lanes, a way to skip the pleasantries and get out of the store quick. >> fast and easy and convenient. >> reporter: but more and more stores are now hitting cancel on those self-checkout machines. >> testimony cancelled. >> reporter: dollar general said it's pulled self-checkout from about 12,000 stores and 5 below hoping to eliminate self-checkouts in their highest risk locations. both companies saying theft is the main reason as 15% of users confess to purposely stealing at the self-checkout line. >> pretending to scan something and bagging it anyway, one are retailers are noticing too much theft. >> reporter: then, there's the user experience. self-checkouts are supposed to offer the convenience of scanning and going.
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but sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth. >> definitely where i have to wait for someone to come in and fix it. >> reporter: the solution, bringing sales associates back. >> it's more profitable for the retailer to pay employees to manage checkouts than it is to support the machines where they're probably getting less than accurate checkouts from consumers. >> reporter: self-checkout isn't going away, it's on the rise at grocery stores, making up 44% of transactions last year. if your store decided to take out self-checkout lanes -- >> i'd be disappointed. >> reporter: a battle of humans versus machi versus machi beforene my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups,
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. well, those extreme heat warnings and advisories remain in effect. another day of scorching temperatures. let's bring in meteorologist kari hal. hi, kari. on this 4th of july, we're still dealing with a high fire danger. hot temperatures and warm nights with a red flag warning that extends into tomorrow due to the low relative humidity and gusty winds, we do have to be very careful to prevent any new fires from developing as our temperatures today head for the mid 90s in much of the north bay. today, napa will reach a high of 97 and 101. in concord, livermore also 101 degrees 90s in san jose and 102 degrees in morgan hill.
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meanwhile, in san francisco, it's a little bit cooler today with upper 70s there and into the day tomorrow. it's going to ramp up again with that valley heat going up a few more degrees. we're up to 108 vacaville and 110 in ukiah. a look at the 7-day forecast this coming up. okay. thank you so much, kari. firefighters, of course, are on high alert. this july 4th, bracing for a dangerous double whammy of extreme heat and illegal fireworks. some bay area cities already canceling their fireworks shows, while others are moving forward despite these high temps. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab has more from san francisco. well, san francisco is one of the cities that is moving forward with its annual fireworks display tonight, but firefighters tell us that every year they see fires sparked by illegal fireworks. now, in other bay area cities like gilroy, san bruno, pacifica and dublin, they do allow so-called safe and sane fireworks, firefighters say. however, those can still be
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dangerous. in san jose, like many other cities in the bay area, all fireworks are illegal. so if you are at a social gathering with illegal fireworks, the host, the person with the fireworks and the spectators, they can all face fines. there's also a form online where neighbors can report illegal fireworks. thousands of people are expected to line the embarcadero tonight for the annual fireworks show, and yesterday crews spent the day loading up two barges at pier 50. today they'll go out to the water and the fireworks will be shot from those barges, the show's producer says they've been planning this display for months. the folks in san francisco are particularly lucky to have a city that will provide them with a world class display to see if you are still looking for something to do. this 4th of july, check out our independence day guide. you can scan the qr code for a complete list of celebrations, including parades and fireworks, in san francisco, ginger conejero saab nbc bay
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area news. thanks, ginger. here are some other stories you need to know about on this 4th of july. a long time lawmaker reveals her cancer diagnosis. plus, we're following the big fire burning near oroville and san jose's longtime water park is back open. our top headline, though longtime peninsula lawmaker and former congresswoman jackie speier has breast cancer. she revealed her diagnosis on instagram today. she says doctors discovered it early, and this week she underwent a successful surgery to remove the tumor at ucsf. speier went on to say, in part, the lesson here is please be diligent about your own screenings and don't skip them. roughly 300,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. firefighters continue to battle the thompson fire near oroville. that's in butte count. it's still about 3600 acres, but it's now 7% contained. cal fire says they expect that could change with more high heat expected today. so far, four homes have been destroyed,
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12,000 are still threatened, and 28,000 people remain under evacuation orders, and more neighborhoods were put under an evacuation warning. now the new water park, kali bunga, opened its doors just about 90 minutes ago. it sits next to cunningham lake in east san jose. it was previously raging waters until it suddenly closed last year. a private investment group based in sacramento now operates kali bunga, the company's ceo says about $6 million has been put into repairs and upgrades. the heat did not stop thousands from attending the annual 4th of july parade in danville this morning. parade goers were urged to bring lots of water, snacks and blankets to sit on hats, sunscreen and sunglasses. many along the parade route didn't seem to mind the heat, though. this year's parade theme is celebrating the business of the san ramon valley and again, here is this qr code. get your cell phones out, scan it and you can find some activities on what to
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do this 4th of july. we have a complete guide for all the bay area events. you can also go to our website that does it for ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis
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new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪♪) [ speaking minionese ] junior. [ laughter ] good job junior. way to go. [ speaking minionese ] bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories make headlines on "nbc news daily." rapper sean diddy combs is now the subject of a federal criminal investigation according to two sources. those same sources told nbc news that a federal grand jury is
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hearing evidence related to the investigation. there's no indication however that any charges are imminent. neither the u.s. attorney's office nor combs' attorney has responded to our request to comment. back in march federal athss raided houses owned by combs both in los angeles and miami. the cdc has confirmed another bird flu diagnosis, this time in colorado, the fourth human case this year, the man who tested positive works on a dairy farm and had direct contact with infected cattle. he experienced pink-eye and has recovered after receiving an anti-viral treatment. the other three cases involve dairy farm workers, one the texas and two in michigan. and this is pretty scary, especially if you have an animal in the house, home security footage from colorado late last month shows the exact moment that a dog started a house fire in the middle of the night, you see the dog there, he
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accidentally turned on the stove. you saw him quickly there, but his dog's paws pressed the dial apparently, someone left cardboard boxes on top and they lit up fast. the family was able to put out the fire without anyone being hurt. as the united states celebrates its independence from great britain today, millions of people in the united kingdom are voting in a closely watched general election. the results could be dramatic, potentially leading to a new party in charge for the first time in over a decade. nbc news international correspondent raf sanchez is with us from london. raf, good to see you. the uk election is a little different from what we do in the united states, can you explain how it all works and why is there expected to be this big political shift there? >> reporter: kate, the uk divided into 650 districts, they're known as constituencies
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here and just like in the house of representatives each of those districts is represented by a member of parliament, so whichever party has a majority in the parliament will form the next government and the leader of that party will become britain's next prime minister and the polls are indicating that's going to be keir starmer, the leader of the labour party, he looks on course to an absolute landslide victory, we've been out over the course of the day talking to voters as they've been at polling stations, here you're seeing starmer and his wife voting in north london earlier. when we speaking to voters, we found that people here are absolutely exhausted of the conservatives who have been in power for the last 14 years, 8 of which have been a period of unprecedented political chaos in this country beginning with that 2016 brexit referendum, when the uk voted to
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leave the european union and since then, four consecutive prime ministers from the conservative party have been forced to resign including you might remember boris johnson who held illegal parties here at downing street during the covid lockdown. kate. >> raf sanchez in london for us. we'll check back tomorrow. nashville, tennessee, is one of the fastest growing cities in the u.s., some of the city's musicians say all that development is leading them to get priced out. here's nbc news correspondent kathy park. >> reporter: nashville built its foundation on music. but these days it's becoming harder and harder for many musicians to live there as music city has transformed into one of the fastest growing boom towns with a record 16.8 million visitors last year. adding nearly 90 people a day to
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its population. amazon and soon oracle will be calling nashville home. >> 18 years ago, we had more people than we had jobs. now we have more jobs than we have people. >> reporter: experts say companies are drawn to tennessee's business-friendly environment, relocating from expensive and dense locations, another perk, no state income tax for workers. >> if it wasn't for this city we wouldn't be as successful as we are. >> reporter: brian fuente, a singer turned entrepreneur launched aerobuild, a company builds mobile businesses. 30% of their workforce is made up of musicians. >> the production team only works four-day workweeks. on the weekend they're playing music. ♪♪ >> reporter: it's a model that helped strike a balance for
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employees like this singer who struggles to keep up with the high cost of living. >> houses are bought and you get an eviction notice, you know, it's harder to live here, i've been here six years. >> reporter: according to a recent analysis of the home prices, a person had to earn $129,000 a year to afford the median-priced home worth $478,00. >> it has become unaffordable. >> reporter: she's feeling the crush, too. after moving her business from new york city to nashville. corporate events and tourists have helped her small shop thrive. >> they're ready to go downtown and have a good time down in nash-vegas. >> reporter: the heart beat of nashville is right here in the broadway district, seeing even more growth with the popularity of country music. ♪ jolene, jolene ♪ >> it's little hectic. >> reporter: a city soaring to
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new heights, but on the way up feeling the growing pains. >> a few of my favorite spots have had to disappear, because of the growth, i kind of miss the charm. >> you think city planners underestimated nashville's growth? >> i think it would be a rare person told you they expected the growth to be like this. are you thinking about a movie this weekend maybe, summer movie season is in full swing. ticket sales have had a slow start. studios are hoping the long holiday weekend could pump up the box office. nbc news correspondent chloe melas has more. >> ladies and gentlemen, the mega minnons. >> reporter: this year's summer box office is about to go bananas, as familiar franchises make their return to the big screen. insiders dubbing this the summer of sequels with new installments of "despicable me," "inside
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"bad boys," and "quiet place." already making a lot of noise. despite some sneering at -- >> i didn't need another "bad boys" movie. >> did you guys know there's no me movies anymore? >> reporter: while the big follow-up films aren't easing some early nerves for the industry after a dismal start to the season -- >> hello, i'm anxiety! >> reporter: early summer box office numbers from comscore have this year behind 2023's pace. and with the barbenheimer phenomenon ultimately propelling those to theaters, this summer could see an estimated $600 million dip. it comes as studios are looking for creative ways to lure in audiences. even streaming giant netflix is hoping their immersive netflix houses will get subscribers off the couch. >> i've got this! >> reporter: all pumping up the pressure for sequels to save the summer. >> is it safe to say that like sequels could turn the summer box office around?
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>> absolutely! clearly, audiences love sequels, though they may not want to say it out loud, they actually do when we look at the numbers and see what's popular at the multiplex. >> reporter: experts say the biggest blockbusters may still be to come. >> who's next? >> reporter: with "deadpool" and "wolverine" and "twisters" set to premiere later this month. but for now, there's hope that this long holiday weekend will lead to a box office boom. >> this is the time people want to seem the familiar, fourth of july is going to deliver big. >> reporter: now, some of the most anticipated titles are actually coming out in fall, that's when we'll see movies like the second joker film and the recently announced the face-off between gladiator 2 and wicked. some consensus on the internet. of what they'll be calling that double feature. some are saying it's going to be called glicked. that's still up in the air. >> chloe, thank you.
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we're all getting ready for the paris olympics as well, just a few weeks away, in this country we're pretty familiar with football. how about handball? nbc's steve kornacki has everything you need to know to understand this olympic sport. >> reporter: do we know the basics? what are the rules? what do you keep score? how do you win? let's look closer at olympic handball. now, in the united states, handball is still very much a niche sport, but it's got elements of some american favorites like soccer, basketball and hockey. how is handball played and how exactly is it scored. so, you've got six players who are on the court for each team, plus one goaltender, seven on seven. the objective is simple -- throw the ball into the opponent's goal to score a point, one goal equals one point. handball looks like a soccer ball but it's a little bit
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smaller than one. when you get the ball, you can do a couple of things, you can dribble it or you can shoot it, you see that right there, or you can pass the ball to one of your teammates. unlike basketball, players can take three steps in between dribbles. once the player dribbles, the countdown time reset. handball is played on a court that's a pretty good size. about 130 feet by 65 feet. to compare it to, significantly bigger than a basketball court, think of two full tennis courts side by side. a bunch of different lines. each one is very significant. let's go through them here. let's start with the area in orange you see right here, this is called the goal area, reserved for each team's goalkeeper. one exception, though, remember, when you're on offense, you can take those three steps with the ball and one of the things you'll see players do, they'll get a running start and they'll take a jump shot and as long as your feet are planted behind
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this line you can land in the goal line as long as you release the ball before your feet land in that area. see that a lot when watching handball. moving on here, you see this, this is called the seven-meter line. if the defense commits a foul that prevents the offense from scoring. the offense will choose one player who gets a penalty throw from the seven-meter line, this is sort of like in soccer, a penalty kick, we'll highlight the other line here, this is called the four-meter line and basically the goalkeeper, when there's a penalty throw, can come out to the four-meter line, no further, you see this dash line here, the second arc, the nine-meter line, now this is going to come into play if a foul is committed between the six and the nine-meter line in this zone right here. if a foul by the defense is committed there, the offense get possession here. this is a fast-paced game.
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it can also be a high-scoring game. they have to shoot quickly. if no shot on goal isn't taken after four passes the team loses possession. there you have it. i for one am excited to watch some handball from paris. stay tuned for more as we look at the rules, at the scoring, and how to win at olympic sports. >> steve, thank you. i learned so much. three weeks from tomorrow, folks, the opening ceremony for the 2024 games, you can only see them on the networks of nbc universal, coverage begins friday july 26th. coming up, what we know -- we know what an iq is, we don't really know what an eq is, how you can build
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in today's mental health check, we've all heard of an iq, right, which measures the person's intellectual ability, but do you know what an eq is? it stands for emotional quotient. has to do with the person's emotional intelligence the catchall for being able to manage your own emotions as well as the emotions of others having a stronger eq has been linked to better relationships, to higher job satisfaction and improved academic performance. dr. jen, happy fourth, good to see you. is emotional intelligence something we're born with, work on it, develop it? >> both. we're born with an element of emotional intelligence that gets better over time and it's something that we can learn, so we talk about the emotional learning programs that's coming into schools to help with it. as adults, we have to be thoughtful about it, practice.
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let other people talk and listening to them. maybe journal, reflect on what's happening. what our emotions are telling us. that brings us to being able to communicate better, so we can learn all of that, the biggest problem for us is patience in learning it over time. >> you talk about five elements of emotional intelligence. what are those? >> they're really important things to think about, social skills, empathy, the motivation to connect, our own self-awareness and our self-regulation, so, if we have a little bit of all of these things it increase our emotional intelligence, some of us will be better in certain areas than others. all five together kind of brings us a better breadth availability in this. >> i feel like a lot of people probably in our audience have never heard of emotional intelligence before, why does it matter? why is beneficial for our own mental health? >> well, i think it's beneficial as you noted in that first graphic it helps with our relationships at work, at home,
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with ourselves, so those are really important elements. it also helps with communication and problem-solving, and if we can think about our iq, where we're recognizing our own emotions and learning how to regulate them, all of that in one big bundle helps improve our relationships, our interactions and our lives overall. >> we all know people who don't seem to have so much of this eq, what are some red flags there? are there ways to encourage others in our lives to be more emotionally intelligence. >> the second paurt of that question is hard. if i'm not super emotionally intelligent that might be harder for me. some red flags, am i more reactive to something that doesn't needed to be reacted to. or stunted in recognizing your reaction or emotion is. maybe i don't understand how you feel or i'm insensitive to that. maybe, and this happens to people, right, we always have to
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be right, so telling those people that they need to be more aware might be a challenge but it's worth that conversation for sure. >> how do you use emotional intelligence, bottom line, to kind of improve your relationships? one last takeaway. >> bottom line it helps us connect and we need that in our lives, you want to be able recognize others' emotions. use your own and build interpersonal positivity. >> that's a good ending. happy fourth to you. thanks for being with us on the holiday. there's much more news ahead, everybody, you're watching "nbc news daily". (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection,
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. kind can cause a lot of trouble on this holiday. and because of the risks, some bay area cities are canceling their fireworks shows while some are still moving forward despite the forecast. a few bay area cities like gilroy, san bruno, pacifica and dublin will also allow so called safe and sane fireworks. but firefighters say even those can be dangerous. this year's conditions, like the triple heat and the dry vegetation, add to that danger, and crews are already stretched thin, with many of them battling wildfires in other parts of the state. we are fully staffed and we're working to continue kind of buffering those numbers and bring in more personnel. it has
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a lot to do with the fires in the state happening. we have resources that got sent out to support some of the other fires that are happening. and so because of that, we bring more resources in most cities, including san jose, all fireworks are illegal. so if you're at a social gathering with illegal fireworks, the host, the person with the fireworks and spectators could be fined. there's also a form online where neighbors can report illegal fireworks. we remain under a microclimate weather alert. here's meteorologist kari hall as we take a look at our holiday forecast. it is still going to be very hot today. limit your time outside. try to stay in the ac and stay hydrated. we are going to have also a high fire danger along with this heat that extends into the weekend. we're still in the triple digits through sunday, but then we're in the upper 90s early next wee. still pretty warm even for this time of year. while san francisco will be in the mid 80s today it cools down quickly tonight and in the low 80s tomorrow we will continue to
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have some slightly warmer temperatures than normal for san francisco into the end of the weekend, but then by early next week we're looking at highs in the mid 70s and our overnight lows in the mid 50s. thanks, kari and kari. we'll be back in one minute with how by
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focusing on renewable energy from ocean waves. here's meteorologist kari hall again. water covers 70% of the planet, so it makes sense that we would try to harvest its energy to power our communities. ceo inna braverman and her company, eco wave power, has developed technology that turns waves into green electricity, already powering homes overseas in israel, we see california is a very strategic location for eco wave power, as according to the national renewable energy laboratory of the united states.
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in california alone, there is a possibility to produce 69% of all california's energy needs from the power of the waves. the u.s. has over 95,000 miles of shoreline and wave energy may be the wave of the future, powering 130 million homes, according to the u.s. department of energy. but testing marine energy technologies can be difficult and expensive. not only that, moon phases and storm systems impact wave heights, braverman says. eco wave power can adapt when the waves are too high for the system to handle. the floaters automatically go up above the water level, and they stay in the upward position until the storm passes. when the storm passes, they go back into the water and commence operation so the system is very simple, easy cost efficient. and the best part of it that it's truly a renewable energy source. thanks so much, kari. and you can learn more about this
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technology and our climate change tops our website, you can also click on the climate and crisis tab. that does it for this tab. that does it for this edition of if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. (♪♪) with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi, is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain, and that means everything.
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