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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  July 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, july 8th, 2024. breaking news, fire and rain, record-shattering heat on the west coast. tropical storm beryl makes landfall in texas knocking out power to millions. baldwin on trial, actor alec baldwin inside a new mexico courtroom today. his appearance comes nearly three years after that deadly "rust" movie set shooting. upshot. popular drugs for weight loss may have an unintended sigh effect, reducing the risk of certain cancers. and forever young? are you one of the millions of americans trying to tap that fountain of youth, inside the
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multibillion dollar industry and what you should consider before undergoing any treatment. lot of tiktok trends. lot of things. >> we'll bring you the vetted information later. but we begin with that breaking news. >> many people in the south are feeling the wrath for tropical storm beryl. we'll start in the state of texas, the damage from beryl, drone video taking on this beach shows flipped rvs, toppled power lines, now relentless rain is causing dangerous flash flooding across the state, one driver was even seen in the bottom right, stranded on the roof of his car the rescue playing out on live tv. >> we know now at least one woman has died, at least 3 million people have lost power and hundreds of flights have been cancelled. meanwhile in california, different story, triple-digit
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temperatures igniting new wildfires, one in lake tahoe area, we're covering all of it this hour. let's start with priscilla thompson in texas, walk us through -- i see that tree behind you -- what other kind of damage and destruction are you seeing in the texas area? >> reporter: yeah, kate, so here in wharton, a lot of this, massive tree branches that have literally snapped from those hurricane-force winds, there are also some topped trees in this community, we met one woman who was actually inside her home with her husband when a tree fell on top of her home virtually destroying it, caving the roof in, i want to play a little bit of that conversation with sarah. >> we were in the living radiom the generator didn't come on and we move away, that's when the
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wood came down from the ceiling. we probably would have been killed, i think. >> reporter: and sadly this storm has claimed the lives of two people in texas, both of those people dyings as a result of trees crashing into their homes. certainly something for folks to look out for and the other major concern is flooding, especially in places like houston and this storm moves into east texas, we heard the mayor of houston really cautioning people to stay home and continue to shelter in place but if you're out driving and see those roads covered in water don't drive through them. and the loss of power, some 2.7 million people across the state of texas without power, but there are crews out working to restore that power today. >> priscillapriscilla, thank yo let's bring in steve patterson tracking those wildfires in california, steve, what do we know about those
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hikers. >> reporter: they've been able to locate the hikers. this fire is so small, 176 acres, that's like, if there was with no smoke you'd be able to see the other side of it, it tells you how quickly and how fast and how just these fires are, at least 20 major fires burning at all times since really mid-june or so, this is a product of just the environment, how hot it is, how windy it's been the season has been awful, it's produced the lake fire which currently is the largest wildfire burning in california, more than 20,000 acres, 8% contained. burning close to michael jackson's neverland ranch.
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firefighters doing all they can and there are thousands of them to keep these fires away for population centers, so far they've been successful but there's been a lot of damage this year and a lot of acres have burned. >> and it's hot out, too. let's go to bill karins, we're talking extreme heat, and a tropical storm at the same time. talk about both danger zones. >> reporter: the immediate concern first, with beryl, this storm may landfall earlier today, now we're in the middle of a tornado outbreak, seven tornado warnings, we have numerous tornado warnings right along the louisiana/texas border,or considerable threat. we'll see additional heavy rainfall later on tonight. northeast texas into areas of
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arkansas. >> we'll break another 100-heat record, a daily heat record in the west. >> all those dots on the map. bill karins, steve patterson, priscilla thompson, thanks to you all. planemaker boeing. >> overnight the company announced it will plead guilty to a charge of criminal fraud and pay more than $200 million fine. it all stems from a pair of deadly crashes involving the company's 737 max planes, morgan chesky is following this one for us. morgan, what more do we know about the terms of the deal and implication it could have for the country. >> reporter: in order to avoid a
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criminal trial, so they somewhat have their fate in their own hands at this point. i want to show you the list of stipulations that this plea deal includes, number one, being labelled a felon. the crime they're pleading guilty to is conspiring to defraud the federal government a charge that families of victims don't believe is strong enough. they agreed to 243.of million fine. in addition to fines they already paid. an independent compliance monitor that will be in place for the next three years. there's one other stipulation here, important to note here, and that's that boeing has agreed to have its board meet with families of the victims that were lost in those two fatal 737 max crashes. you see that disby boeing, but i
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can assure you based on the feedback we're hearing from the families and their attorneys since they agreed to this plea deal late yesterday it will likely not change their tune, one attorney saying that this charge they pleaded guilty to would be better if it was not this conspiracy to commit fraud but manslaughter. they don't believe this is strong enough and they're calling this a sweetheart deal. >> morgan chesky, thank you. alec baldwin's trial for involuntary manslaughter is set to begin tomorrow. >> baldwin appeared in court for the first time in person today. a judge heard arguments over evidence and witnesses in the case against him. >> chloe melas breaks down what we should expect from his trial. this trial is expected to
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last two weeks. alec baldwin at the santa fe courtroom. >> the film star and producer alec baldwin will face criminal charges in a stan that fe, new mexico, courtroom. >> reporter: the case centers around baldwin which fired a live round of ammunition during a rehearsal in 2021, the incident killing halyna hutchins. the actor is charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter and faces up to 18 months in jail in found guilty. they will lay out how they believe baldwin was reckless. he's maintained that the gun malfunction. >> the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. i feel that -- that someone is responsible for what happened, and i can't say who that is, but i know it's not me. >> reporter: prosecutors say a
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subsequent gun analysis report that they commissioned found that the gun was functioning properly and could not have gone off without baldwin pulling the trigger. matt hutchins telling hoda in 2022 he believes baldwin's actions led to helena's death. >> it's absurd to me. >> reporter: baldwin has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. later that year, hutchins announced that he settled a civil suit against baldwin and would serve as an executive producer on the film, which wrapped filming last spring. baldwin's trial coming four months after the film's armorer was found guilty of the same charge and is serving her 18 months behind bars. hannah gutierrez reed is expected to be called to testify by the prosecution. although she said in a pre-trial interview she did not want to cooperate and take the stand. during today's hearings, the
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judge is going to be deciding on whether to include certain witness testimony and evidence relating to baldwin's role as a producer. we reached out to alec baldwin's legal team for comment. some say that actually it can do more harm than good when the client takes the stand. it might be a gametime decision. >> chloe, thanks so much. time now for today's money minute. pair mount agrees to a major media merger. paramount global has agreed to merge with skydance. paramount signed off the deal on sunday. skydance's founder will take the helm after the deal closes nascar is going electric,
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unveiling a prototypeprototype, accelerate twice as fast as the gas-powered car. plans to reach net zero emissions by 2035. this weekend's release of despicable me 4 showed the box office continuing to make a comeback, according to studio estimates, the latest movie from our sister company universal debuted with $122.6 million at the box office. back over to you. >> love that. don't mess with the minions. coming up, millions of americans are making their way home after the long holiday home after the long holiday oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care.
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but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. (♪♪) oohh kenny... what the...? is it your constipation with belly pain again? well... relax, i'm future you future me? our doctor figured it out. the symptoms keep coming back because it's ibs-c. he said linzess could help you get ahead of it. come on, kenny! whatta you say?
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nbc news has confirmed a parkinsons disease expert made at least eight trips to the white house over the span of eight months and one of those visits was with president biden's personal doctor back in january. "the new york times" first reported this revelation today. nbc news has reached out to parkinsons disease expert he didn't respond to other news outlet reporting this story. we should also point out that we
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don't know why the expert was at the white house, whether president biden was present during any of those visits. nbc news white house correspondent joins us with this breaking news. the press briefing has been going on. they just responded to that reporting. what are we hearing. >> reporter: that's right, kate, some fiery exchanges during this press briefing as reporters tried to get some clarity as to whether the reason for these visits by a water reed neurologist was to see the president the nature and the reason for these visits between these frankly meetings this neurologist and the president's personal doctor is still unclear. the white house today when pressed press secretary would not confirm the name of this specialist is named of the neurologist met with the doctor. the president since taking
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office has been seen three times by a neurologist. every time he receives a checkup. >> the president today defiant calling into morning joe saying he's in it to win it. even challenging other democrats to challenge him at next month's convention. he's been calling democratic lawmakers trying to reassure and today he released a very lengthy letter to congressional democrats reminding them of the democratic process that got him to this point, reminding them of the primary season that he went through to get to this point as the nominee, kate. >> thank you. kate, in travel news, airports across the country are bustling today a millions of americans head home from their fourth of july weekend and a
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record-breaking weekend for air travel. tsa screened more than 3 million passengers on sunday. maggie vespa joins us now. we've been seeing estimates that today's expected to be almost as busy as yesterday, but now there's a new problem, delays and cancel lagtss, right. >> reporter: yeah, it's a messy day for air travel today. the latest numbers right now, 3200-plus delays across the country, that number there is old -- excuse me, 1600-plus cancellations that one is accurate. the flights are stacking up nationwide. 1624 cancellations now. it's hurricane beryl barrelling down on texas including dallas and houston the hardest hit airports. we've seen this so many times with these severe weather events where it ripples out across the country quickly.
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if you're thinking to yourself i'm not going through texas or the south i should be fine, definitely think again, this could ripple across the country pretty fast, that being said, as far as air travel for the summer is concerned, analysts are essentially optimistic, we have close to 271 million passengers expected to fly basically between this month and next month, if that comes to fruition it would be a 6% jump from last summer, which set a record. the post-pandemic travel boom definitely continues. >> maggie, thanks so much still ahead, w in, ba rookies caitlin clark and angel reese are on a roll the records they both now hold, you're watching "nbc news daily." keep watching us streaming free 4/7 right here on nbc news free 4/7 right here on nbc news now, watch us wherever you wh en my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups.
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breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble vlosing weight, or eye pain occur. and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy®
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if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective.
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shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. a brief cool down today amid the sweltering heat, and i do mean brief because it is still going to be hot out. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast high. kari. we are going to see slightly cooler temperatures today. and tomorrow for the inland valleys. but unfortunately, the excessive heat warning will come back and a heat advisory will continue for the valleys. it will get hotter again for the middle of the week with our valley
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temperatures in the 90s and even over 100 degrees, we'll see a few of those numbers today, but overall, we're seeing generally some cooling from the coast to the inner bay and then some of our valleys will have still some hot weather, with a high of 99 in morgan hill and then a slight cool down tomorrow as well. but then as we head into wednesday as well as thursday, the heat ramps back up again and we go from a moderate to major heat risk across many of our inland valleys. we'll take a look at our 7-day forecast coming up. as kari said, we're getting a brief break from more widespread triple digit temperatures. so a number of parks have been able to reopen. nbc bay area's bob redell joins us from sunol with more information on that. now that pleasanton ridge behind me here in sunol is reopened after being shut down last week, a number of bikers and hikers came by early this monday morning to hit these hills behind me. a sunol is not expected, fortunately, to hit the triple digits today, but it's still going to be in the upper 80s, which is hot, especially when you're hiking or biking in these
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steep hills. now, you might recall last tuesday, the east bay regional park district shut down this park and about 30 of its other locations. due to the extreme heat and fire danger. but then they reopened them yesterday because of temps had dropped enough and the humidity levels returned to safe enough levels. i'd rather have them closed and threw in a fire than have them open an extra day and yeah, see that smoke for a month? how you been handling the heat? i'm done with my ride by night and you can go somewhere inside for example, like a supermarket or a library or something. and then it's for us. the ac cooled rooms are a bit of a, of a change because we are not used to ac having everywhere in austria and germany, hot and cold and freezing. yeah, yeah. and hot again. you need a hoodie. that was daniel from austria and julia from germany, who aren't used to experiencing air conditioning, so they don't have much of it back in central europe. and they have been
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getting their fill here during this hot weather. now this east bay regional parks district is reminding visitors no open fires or barbecues, only gas fueled stoves. secure your tow chains so they don't accidentally spark a fire with the metal clinking on the ground. and don't drive off road. stay on the designated roadways here in sunol bob redell nbc, bay area news. our nbc bay area app is a great way to stay informed of these temperatures. get up to date minute updates sent straight to your smartphone for any weather or breaking news alerts, and you can download it for free for all devices. a water main break in san pablo left homeowners without water and lots of repairs to do. east bay mud says it all happened around ten last night, when a large water main ruptured along kevin road and talia hills drive. east bay mud says the break damaged five homes and now two customers remain without water. crews are trying to repair the pipe, clean up the debris. so are homeowners. it's unclear what caused this break. a follow up
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now we are learning more about the unpermitted dolores street hill bomb event that happened over the weekend. it's an annual event where crowds cheer on skateboarders that skate down the street. san francisco police say more than 500 people took part, either as spectators or skateboarders. at least one skateboarder suffered an injury, was taken to the hospital. they're expected to be okay. police say someone threw a firework in the area of 20th and church streets, and a police wagon was vandalized last year. the unsanctioned event down dolores street descended into chaos. crowds clashed with police people heavily vandalized a muni train, and police arrested more than 100 people, which led to ongoing lawsuits about the police response. later today, giants fan will say one final goodbye to hall of famer willie mays. the team is holding a public celebration of life. mays died peacefully at his home last month. the legendary giants, centerfielder and national league mvp was 93 years old. the service starts at 4
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p.m. and fans must enter the ballpark through willie mays plaza. gates open at three. the event is free to everyone, and we will be streaming the celebration of life on our website, and you can also watch it on our sister station, nbc sports bay area. we will also have crews covering the service and will have live reports later in this hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice, and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes
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yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel - nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients - it really works. bottom of the hour now, here
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are some of the stories make headlines on "nbc news daily." in ukraine, at least 31 people are dead and more than 150 have been hurt after a major russian missile attack, ukrainian president zelenskyy says the missiles hit five ukrainian cities damaging infrastructure, apartment buildings and a large children's hospital. emergency crews are currently searching through the rubble for victims. a week away from the start of republican national convention tuesday will be centered on crime and immigration, on wednesday the focus will switch to foreign policy and thursday is when we expect former president trump will deliver his big speech officially accepting the party's nomination. we'll have full coverage for you of the convention next week. on "nbc news daily" and nbc news
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now. angel reese and caitlin clark are making wnba history again, on saturday clark became the first rookie in the league's history to record a triple-double, that's when a player achieves double digits in three statistical categories. yesterday, angel reese made history of her own, with her 13th consecutive double-double that's the longest streak in the wnba history, breaking a record previously held by candace parker. closing arguments are under way in federal bribery trial of robert menendez. >> prosecutors said he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bribes including cash and gold bars from three businessmen. they began their closing arguments today. walk us through what we heard. >> we know they're telling us it will take about five hours to do
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these closing arguments they'll hammer home to the jurors the notion that senator menendez is guilty of these 18 charges, in addition we heard one of the things in their closing arguments they said he put his power up for sale. the money was used to provide influence and foreign aid to egypt because he was the former chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, in addition expect them to drive home what happened in terms of powerful testimony from one of the three new jersey businessmen who turned and flipped on menendez and he testified against him saying that he did not buy menendez's wife a $60,000 mercedes-benz and he did it in order to influence her husband. >> on the flip side, you got senator menendez saying he's not guilty.
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what are we going to hear from the defense. >> criminalize routine legislative activity. they're going to pass some of this blame on to the wife. we expect he's going say the senator was kept in the dark about all of this, about what his wife was doing. even said that menendez -- mrs. menendez tried to get cash any way that she could and she's been charged with bribery, she's being tried later because she's battling breast cancer right now. election shocker in france, the country's left-wing party surged in the second round of elections yesterday. after the country's far-right appeared to be poised for victory. no party has a majority now and that's thrusting france into political uncertainty.
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josh lederman joins us now from paris, josh, good to see you, how did the centrist and leftist ultimately defeat the far right and what happens now that no party really has a majority in parliament in. >> reporter: they did it by banding together at the last minute, essentially in the first round of voting, the voting was split between a far right candidate, a centrist candidate and the leftist candidate. the centrist and the leftist said, leave one candidate versus the far right candidate. that cleared the way to block the far right from gaining the most seats in parliament. but from here we're likely to see grid lock and potentially paralysis because no party has clear majority. the president and the prime minister are going to be from
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different parties. >> far right politics has been on the rise in european nations. >> reporter: there's a silver lining here for the far right, even though they fell short of the majority they were hoping for they gained about 50-plus seats in parliament, their largest share of parliament ever, and so this is a huge rise in votes for the far right here, and the party is saying, look, we might not have gotten everything we wanted but this is long game, we expect this is going to lay groundwork to take power in the election in the years ahead. they're gaining more seats in european parliament and individual nations. we saw just last week in the uk, even though the lay bour party won the far-right party, gained seats in parliament for the first time ever.
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they're clearly gaining seats in a whole lot of european countries. >> josh, thank you. sunday marks nine months since hamas terrorists attacked israel and that ignited the war in gaza, it comes as nbc news got an inside look at destruction inside the southern city of rafah. here's nbc news correspondent matt bradley. >> reporter: negotiations are back on. the head of the cia is headed to cairo and doha this week for more talks. today, a renewed voice of optimism. hamas has softened its stance, a senior american official said, signaling it may free some hostages without a permanent cease-fire, something it had adamantly demanded. hamas compromised after israel
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invaded rafah. last week, israeli sensors reviewed all this footage. rafah is now a ghost town. leveled by fight ingfighting. this city is completely unrecognizable. it was only a couple of months ago that this was really considered the last safe haven for palestinians. there is still a lot of shooting that's going on here. the idf showed us videos of what they said were boobytrapped homes. the idf edited these videos and nbc news has not verified their authenticity. they also highlighted extensive tunnels the idf says helped supply hamas for years. >> where all the tunnels were, where all the boobytrapped homes were. this area looks more destruction because of hamas. >> reporter: for months, the israeli military said they entered a new, less intensive phase here, that they would focus on surgical strikes instead of expansive assaults.
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but for gazan civilians, the death toll is still climbing. despite the optimism around that deal, benjamin netanyahu faces a lot of pressure from his right-wing cabinet members, some of whom have threatened to quit the government if he ends the war in gaza without completely destroying hamas. in today's daily health, major medical news that could affect the nearly 16 million americans who take the injectable weight loss drugs like ozempic and wegovy. >> the findings published in journal of the american medical association this month, joining us now is dr. natalie azar. first, walk us through the findings of this study, which cancers are we talking about here? >> yeah, that's right, guys, really exciting news, the gift that keeps on giving with these
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medications, basically 13 obesity-associated cancers, 10 out of 13 were found to be reduced in patients that took medications like ozempic and wegovy. they primarily work in the gut, so cancers like liver, galbadder, colorectal, ovarian. kind of across the spectrum if you will, but a lot of these concentrated in the g.i. system. >> natalie, do they seem to show promise because they help people lose weight? >> that's the presums, right, you know, the individuals in this study had type 2 diabetes the cohort they studied, so, you
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know, it's kind of untangle that because type ii diabetes also increases the risk of cancer in the same way obesity can. high bmi, maybe a smoking component there in at lo of these individuals. the short answer is, we don't know, but we know that obesity and overweight is very common in individuals with type ii diabetes. >> there's hormonal changes that can also happen in individuals who are overweight or obese that can contribute to the increased risk of cancer. >> not all cancer risks were reduced. >> yeah, that's right. the three that were not, stomach cancer, breast cancer unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly and thyroid cancer which actually wasn't a surprise and i should remind our viewers that there's an increased risk
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of certain types of thyroid cancer that's thought to be related to these medications. that finding again was not necessarily a surprise to investigators. >> if you have a history in your family of some of these cancers where they do show promise, should you talk to your doctor about taking one of these medications in. >> in an ideal world an overabundance and really a lot of availability of these medicines that were affordable i'd say sure, something that could be done sort of theoretically because there's biological plausibility. but i think realistically until it's fda approved for that, if you're of normal weight, i don't know how much of an improved risk being on a medication like this. if you're overweight and at risk you can certainly have that conversation with your doctor.
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>> let's talk about another study out today, people lost more weight using drugs like mounjaro than ozempic. >> agents were compared head to head. we've had data in the past the active compound in zepbound and mounjaro, compared to wegovy, it works on two hormones in the body and we think because of that there's an enhanced effect when it comes to weight loss, not a surprising result, reaffirms findings from previous studies. there's more weight loss with mounjaro and zepbound.
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coming up, millions of americans are on a mission to tap the fountain of youth, the lengths some people
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(intercom) flight deck we are go for launch! (ethan) is that the one? (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) that a walk in closet? (ethan) i want those tiles! (intercom) boosters engaged. (ethan) wait! we've got a problem! (janet) problem?! (ethan) how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (tanya) no, no! bad timing, janet!!! (janet) but that was the one!!!! (brian) no, no, no... opendoor!!
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(tanya) don't open the door. (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (all) really? (brian) yea!!! (intercom) we have liftoff. (janet) nice! (janet) houston we have a playroom! the saying age before beauty, well, many people are spending big money to put beauty before age. >> nbc news daily anchor vicky
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nguyen shows us the booming business aimed at finding the fountain of youth. >> 40 minutes. >> reporter: at the regenerative institute in costa rica, undergoing a plasma exchange over the course of two to three hours. this machine separates plasma from blood cells and replaces it with clean saline, up to three liters in one treatment. the procedure is fda approved to treat a number of diseases such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. but he is using it as a regenerative therapy that he says will help him stay young and healthy. >> by keeping our plasma clean, both our body cells and stem cells work more efficiently to keep us healthier longer. >> reporter: he says his clinic sees 15 to 20 patients a week from the u.s., europe and even china. they pay out-of-pocket for the $10,000 to $15,000 treatments. why is your facility in costa rica and not in the states?
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>> to exchange your contaminated or dirty plasma is illegal in the u.s., but it is not approved for elective or wellness. >> reporter: it is just one way some so-called bio ackers are looking to turn back time. >> drink that potion and you never grow even one day older. >> reporter: using everything from off-label drugs to light therapy, to supplements -- >> so can you really reverse your age? well, the answer is yes. >> reporter: and it's all adding up to a booming business. according to one analysis, the longevity and anti-aging therapy market totaled $27 billion last year and is predicted to reach $44 billion by 2031. tech billionaires have all invested in start-ups focusing on studying and ultimately slowing aging. >> we're trying to study loss of learning and memory with age. >> reporter: colleen murphy is a professor of molecular biology at princeton university, her
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research found that molecule that repaired memory in aging mice. >> reporter: you think some day that will maybe apply to people? >> absolutely. we have the same molecules in our brains. >> reporter: you have been studying how we age for a long time, how close are we to cracking the code? >> i think we are getting really close. >> reporter: murphy says it won't be one magic pill, but a variety of treatments that target different parts of the aging process, from medicine that can help cells rejuvenate themselves, to others that can help your dna repair itself. but some biohacking influencers are guiding people to an array of supplements that are still unproven. >> if you could take a pill that delayed the way you age. >> reporter: others turning to off-label drugs like the transplant drug and the diabetes drug, metformin.
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yet their success in animal studies isn't proven in humans. that hasn't stopped people like dr. vince and his patients from becoming believers in using pricey treatments like plasma exchange, even though the risks include infection, bleeding, bruising and a drop in blood pressure. >> people feel mentally clearer. they feel like they have more energy. they sleep better. >> reporter: meanwhile, this researcher colleen murphy says stick to what we know. exercise, nutritious food and sleep. if you want a pill, take a reputable multivitamin. >> i am not obsessed with the idea of living forever. i think that is not a great thing for society. i'm much more interested in can we have a more equitable life span across the board. >> reporter: vicky nguyen, nbc news. >> so interesting. >> so fascinating the lengths we'll go through -- we'll go through -- there's much a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective.
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shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel - nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients - it really works. [ music playing ] hey, flo. cool leg warmers. thanks. they are just for the bus ride to work. they are not part of the official uniform. no tunes today? no. my apartment was robbed last night. took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. yup. all the latest tech. if only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection.
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-i think we just invented that. -huh. this is the best day ever. well i still got robbed. well still pretty good day. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. francisco mayoral candidates will participate in another debate ahead of the november election that includes incumbent mayor london breed also, former interim mayor mark farrell. levi strauss, heir daniel lurie and supervisor asha safai. the sfgate report supervisor aaron peskin, who is also running for mayor, does not plan to attend. the paper says this is over concerns that a group that funds two sponsors of the event is telling supporters to vote for
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farrell and lurie. the debate takes place at seven tonight at golden gate park. we are getting a slight cooldown for a couple of days, but it won't be a break from the sweltering heat. here's meteorologist kari hall with our 7-day forecast. our high temperatures won't be as high as it has been, so we're getting a slight cool down here, but we're still well above normal with highs in the low 90s in the valleys for today. and tomorrow. but then look at the heat returning on wednesday and getting even hotter on thursday. that's going to be the peak of the heat. and while it still will be hot on friday, the weekend is looking much nicer, especially during the overnight hours with our lows around 60 degrees. and in san francisco, we're going to see at times some low clouds and fog clearing out for the afternoons, but staying comfortable there with highs around 70 degrees. but it will be a little bit warmer on thursday with a high of 81, and we'll bring it back to the 60s and 70s as we get closer to the weekend. looking nice and much more comfortable along the coastline. can't wait. thanks, ga should pack.
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what goes in a go bag will vary based on your family's needs. start by asking yourself this question. if you just have one, two, three minutes to get out of your house, what do you need to grab that is essential? let's walk through that together. using items that cal fire the san francisco fire department and fema recommend. start with a paper map to evacuate because if the power goes out, cellular gps might not work. you might want to consider setting a predetermined meeting point for your family and printed directions to get there, especially if there are new drivers in your family. pack medicine for at least a few days. include some clothing and shoes. comfortable layers would be ideal. you'll want phone
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chargers, car charger, wall charger, maybe even a battery backup. pack some cash because credit card readers and atms might go down. consider a radio, a flashlight, and batteries. add toiletries, plus some nonperishable food and water. remember your pets. conrad here has his own go bag, which has some food, some water, some medicine and toys to keep him occupied. so what else should we add? a first aid kit and a blanket. so should someone be injured in your family that you have some immediate way to give them some care? keeping some important paperwork is important too, like photocopies of your id as well as copies of your homeowners or renters insurance policy. we recommend you upload those things to the cloud for safe keeping, but you might not be able to access those right away, so keep those hard copies in your go bag. oh thank you so much, kris a husky is safe this afternoon after getting stuck on this cliff in san francisco. it happened at fort funston
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yesterday morning. firefighters say the dog was trapped about 15ft down a steep section of the cliffs. they used ropes to lower themselves down to reach the dog. the husky was carried to safety and reunited with its family. oh, that's so cute. happy reunion. remember, you can get all the day's news on our website that website that does it for this i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements,
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which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you.
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