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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  July 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, july 15th, 2024. three major stories, case dismissed a judge dropped the classified documents case against former president trump ruling the special counsel should never have been appointed. inside the attack, dramatic new details emerging about the gunman if the assassination attempt against the former president. plus who will be zrshgs p the republican national convention is under way in milwaukee, former president donald trump has picked his running mate, so who is it? we're standing by. welcome to "nbc news daily." no shortage of stories we're getting this hour. >> so much to cover this hour including some lighter news coming up but we begin with the more serious breaking news. several breaking stories involving former donald trump.
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>> there's a lot to get through, so first, the federal classified documents case against the former president has been dismissed. judge aileen cannon ruling the appointment of special counsel jack smith was unconstitutional. >> the second the republican national convention is now officially under way in milwaukee the former president has decided who his running mate will be, though we don't know who that is at least, we know who's out of the running. sources tell nbc news both florida senator marco rubio and north dakota governor doug burgum have been told they won't be vice president. the roll call is about to get started where they formally nominate donald trump. >> as the investigation grows into the assassination attempt of the former president, mr. trump said a bullet pierced his right ear during a rally in pennsylvania saturday evening, he was rushed off stage by the secret service, video out today
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obtained today shows the suspected gunman crawling on a rooftop about 150 yards away, just moments before opening fire, that man is now dead. >> the former president told the new york post that the experience was quote surreal, i'm not supposed to be here i'm supposed to be dead. fbi agents were seen at the suspected gunman's home this morning, still unanswered questions about a motive and how he got so close to the former president. let's go right to shaquille brewster joining us from outside the alleged shooter's home in bethel park, we've learned a lot of new information about the shooter, about the quantity of weapons, more than a dozen weapons found at the home, walk us through some of these details. >> reporter: yeah, we heard from the fbi director who said although this suspect may be deceased there's still an active investigation that's under way, we've gotten the sense they're learning new details and the
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time line they're trying to piece together, first what we're learning about the fbi and authorities have been able to uncover in the suspect's home that we're now getting a first look at, aconsidering to several sources, four senior level sources say more than a dozen guns were found in the search of the crooks' family home, this is between the suspect here and he lived with his parents, we also learned that according to three of those sources that after the shooting of former president trump and after the shooting at that rally, the suspect's father called police and said that one of his weapons was missing, one of his rifles was missing and that he was worried about his son, the sources say that the police responded to the home, this family's home, that we're now getting a first look at, so we know that authorities are going through this investigation very meticulously. we're still trying to figure out more information on the
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ammunition and how the suspect got his hands on the ammunition and when it was purchased. you're getting a seasons of authorities are doing what they can to piece together all the information they're seeing to determine both the motive and the time line of what happened before and after that shooting. >> shaq, i know we've got some new details about people spotting this man potentially, right, in the crowd and trying to flag law enforcement, tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah, you know, this is something that we've been hearing a lot about online and you see it in video online, spectators pointing at the roof, someone suspicious, officials saying that police were warned before the start of this rally at the entry of the rally that was there was someone suspicious at gate. they looked for this suspicious individual, because of the crowd they weren't able to identify
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that person and we also know according to at least two sources the suspect when he was on the roof, again, you're looking at that image right there, there were two municipal officers who saw him on the roof who tried to make access but clearly were not able to reach him while he was on that roof, a lot of information coming in, a lot of this reporting coming from tom winter and a lot of new details and it's clear you have fbi and a lot of other agencies working to put all these nuggets together to paint that bigger picture. >> shaq, for sure, it paints a picture of some missed opportunities. shaq brewster, thank you. let's shift gears, let's talk about that bombshell ruling in the classified documents case against donald trump. joining us now is ken dilanian and danny cevallos. danny, you've been going through this decision, 93 pages, what
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stands out, what is this decision based on? >> when this news broke my first thought, well the only way to dismiss would have to be related to immunity decision of the supreme court just a few weeks ago and i think it surprised a lot of folks when this decision had nothing at all to do with presidential immunity or the supreme court's decision, it's based on the idea that the appointment of special counsel jack smith violated the appointments clause of the. the court didn't really reach that issue, it base dismissed based on the appointments clause. it exceeded the power under the constitution which limits the ability of the executive branch to do so, in other words this
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appointment was outside of the law because it wasn't done in the traditional way, for example a u.s. attorney is appointed by the president. >> ken, what could their next move be? >> reporter: this decision goes against 25 years of tradition of using the special counsel regulation under both democratic and republican presidencies, it goes against every other judge who's looked at this issue over the years including a trump-appointed judge in d.c., so it seems likely the justice department will appeal this and they have other options, though, they could refile this case using the u.s. attorney in southern florida, the issue is about the special counsel not about the merits of the case. there are some other options. but so far the justice department hasn't commented. they're cloistered behind the
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scenes trying to figure out how to respond. >> all right, thank you both. appreciate your time. let's head now to the republican national convention in milwaukee, with nbc news correspondent dasha burns, the former president has picked his running mate, what can you tell us? >> reporter: look, we are in the middle of the republican fashional convention, roll call is going on, as this is happening we're learning that former president trump has chosen ohio senator j.d. vance as his running mate, he announced this on a post on truth social writing after lengthy deliberation and thought and considering the tremendous talents of many others i've decided the best person suited to assume the position of vice president of the united states is senator j.d. vance of the great state of ohio, j.d. honoraby served our country in the
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this is an nbc news special report. >> good afternoon we are coming on the air with breaking news. former president donald trump has made a choice. he has just posted on his platform social that j.d. vance is going to be his vice president. so the ticket is going to be trump and vance. he has aligned with him consistently in that time. the news is coming just before they are both set to be formally nominated on the first day of the republican national convention, and less than 48 hours ahead of the assassination attempt at his rally over the weekend and just hours after the
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documents case was dismissed by the judge in florida and our senior white house correspondent hallie jackson is joining us now with the breaking news. hallie, you and i have been working the sources throughout the day, and not a surprise, because we have learned that doug burgum was out, and marco rubio was out, and how do you think that the party is going to receive this news? >> he is seen as the next generation of the maga movement. he is the outspoken support of not just donald trump, but his son eric trump as well. and one of the things that i have heard is that senator vance could be helpful to the president in the rural areas in the critical areas in pennsylvania, and those are not the places where former trump would have been at risk of not doing well, but on the turnout
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push, there is some indication that this is where they would like to have senator vance. you have to former president and the truth social today in the deliberation and thought of the talents of the many others, he would like the person best suited to take the position is senator vance. you can see the post here coming at a moment, kristen, where we are moments away of the ticket becoming officially and no longer presumptive of former president trump now minutes away to go over the top to get enough delegates to lock up the nomination. and as others have reported that marco rubio and north dakota governor doug burgum had not been chosen and there was a residency requirement of rubio being from the same place, and not coming to a resolution for
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the reason he could not be the pick. >> and burgum was seen as a nomination safe and he would have never overshadowed donald trump, and the pick of j.d. vance is so fascinating, because this is the apprentice pick somehow. >> the intriguing pick. >> and he is seen as the future of the maga movement, and will this resonate with the moderates and the nikki haley voters who donald trump has to win over if he wants to win this election, hallie. >> we know drfrnlgs and we know that how strongly he has made that choice to installing somebody through the pick, and reading through the long truth
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social of what he is laying out here on the post that he is going to be is somebody who is loyal to president trump at this convention that it is the beginning of the significant moment of the republican party and it has taken a turn since that assassination attempt on former president's life just 24 hours ago, and he is here in milwaukee, and the first time we have seen a vice president pick rolled out here at a convention and not before. >> and the history is fascinating, hallie. we will bring in our capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles. ryan, okay, this pick is coming against the backdrop of just days against that assassination attempt against former president trump, and so there is a bit of a somber feeling as well, and you can hear the noise behind me, because they are in the process of officially nominating donald trump to be the official
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party's nominee, and we are moments away of getting to the state of ohio, the home state of j.d. vance, and what are you hearing, ryan? >> many of us thought that j.d. vance was the front-runner the contest from beginning, because he is thought of being loyal to donald trump, and especially when he made the decision to run for elective office. j.d. vance's story is very remarkable american story, and someone born in poverty and spending time in kentucky and ohio, and he is of course the author of the blockbuster book "hillbilly elegy" which came out around the time donald trump was elected president in 2016. it became in many ways the thesis of the average american in middle america who resonate and connected with donald trump. in many ways j.d. vance was called upon the decode the explanations behind which someone like donald trump could
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resonate in that community, because he understood the people of those communities, and initially, it was said that j.d. vance was not a supporter of his in the original campaign, but as time went on, and he won that election, and vance, himself, began to explore the political office, he became more and more aligned with the maga movement, and became close to donald trump jr. and members of the trump family, and then when he ran for the seat that was vacated by ron portman of ohio, that is when he fully embraced the maga candidate and successfully collected donald trump's nomination in that primary process which played a big role in securing the primary and then ultimately became elected into the united states senate. he is someone without a lot of governing experience, right. he was just elected into the senate in 2022 and he has not served a full two years. he did not have a great deal of seniority as a result of that,
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and he is the second youngest member of the united states senate. and so this is an interesting pick, and compelling one for president trump. >> it certainly is, ryan. we will track the reaction closely. i want to dip into what we are watching on the floor now. they are just going to home state of j.d. vance, ohio. let's listen into some of this as they are officially going to nominate donald trump to be the party's nominee. >> i stand here today with my friend bernie moreno who is going to retire officially sherrod brown from the united states senate, and we proudly cast our 79 votes for president donald j. trump and j.d. vance. >> pursuanttothe announcement
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of the delegation, 79 votes for president trump. >> and we are listening to the ohio delegation officially nominate donald trump to be the party's nominee, and of course, you heard them, hallie gleefully nominate the nominee j.d. vance with the pride to be filled with the nominee. >> and obviously, the delegates with the roll call, and word has been out, and they have got the phones out, and truth social, and you can hear it from the floor there where they are nominating, and also, you are hearing now from some of the would have been picks, marco rubio posting on line, #trump 24, and this is the ticket. so talk pure politics here, how
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do you see the biden harris ticket beginning to position itself here, because there is going to be more press as you know, kristen, president biden has paused the campaigning after the attempted assassination. >> and of course, the questions swirling about president biden's candidacy stalled in some ways after the assassination attempt of former president donald trump. we go to vaughan hillyard there on the floor. tell us what is it like there, and set the scene. >> hey, there, guys, we are here with senator tuberville, and you have talked to former president just this morning ahead of the selection, and what did he tell you in the phone conversation. >> well, first of all, it was very early at 7:00, and he does not sleep much, and he works all of the time, and we talked first of all what happened this weekend. he feel anniversary fortunate obviously, and he was in good
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spirits. and we have talked several times over the year about the vp candidate and i throw in my two cent, and sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn't. j.d. vance is an excellent pick, and a couple of my friends in the senate who would be excellent pick, and j.d. is young and energetic, and people will understand the guy who is intelligent and he understands everything about politics in a short time in terms of policy. >> reporter: and you said that former president trump was still making his decision this morning on the phone. >> i don't know if somebody was leading him at this time, but he was asking me questions about him and a couple of other people, but he made a decision, and nobody made it for him, it you have to look at all of the
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options. >> reporter: and we just asked don jr., son of donald trump about the pick, and for the folks in country who do not know j.d. vance in a nutshell, and how would you describe him as to how he would be a ally in terms of mike pence? >> well, he is a lawyer, but he is a guy who came in and spoke his opinion in day one in all of the conference meetings. >> vaughan, i am so sorry to interrupt your conversation -- vaughan, sorry. we have to go to florida now. donald trump about to go over the top. let's watch. >> everybody -- on behalf of our entire family, and on behalf of the 125 delegates in the
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unbelievable state of florida, we hereby nominate every single one of them for the greatest president that has ever live and this is donald j. trump, hereby declaring them the republican nominee for president of the united states of america. >> pursuant of the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, florida with 125 votes, president trump.
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there you have donald trump and his children and lara trump, and eric trump and the family nominating donald trump and putting him over the top to secure the nomination to become the next president of the united states. all of this just moments after we learned that senator j.d. vance is going be his vice presidential running mate and again, i'm here with hallie jackson. 2,268 delegates needed, hallie,
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and it is official now. >> it is official, and we are in this campaign real, and no longer refer to president trump as the republican presumptive nominee. this is what we are seeing top to bottom here, and unlike the last couple of times, and this is the third time being officially nominated for this position, in 2016 and again in 2020 and his grip on the party has parted in a significant way in eight years and somewhat in congress, of course, this is a party, and conventions are as they are listening to "good times" and just after an assassination attempt on his life, and he has talked about how surreal it was with a bullet whizzing past his head and hitting his ear and now being
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nominated for president of the united states. >> and yes, he has been feeling contemplative and feel like a new lease on life, and there is a big question of what the tone would fell like here at the national republican convention and right now, the tone as hallie has said is one of celebration. we are bringing in jacob soborov, and what are you hearing here. >> yes, in the words of the trump family, this is a significant day for them, and they are coming out of the delegation as they have just nominated him to put him over. and here is don right now. let me see if i can get don. >> fighting for the country, and this is everything. and i said to him, you are the biggest -- >> reporter: and this is
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kimberly. how do you feel about him? >> he is a great father and great american and he is articulate and intelligent and contemplative and he is going to be an asset to the family with j.d. vance. >> reporter: what can you tell us about when he chose j.d. vance. >> he had a long list of candidates, and he was thoughtful about the best interest of the country, and who would be best to serve the country if he were not able to as commander in chief. that is an important decision especially in light of the horrific violent events that occurred as someone tried to take the life and assassinate the 45th president of the united states. and that is a significant light
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that it does matter who is the vice president of the united states of america. and so the people are willing to re-elect president trump, and he is now the nominee. >> we are happy that the former president is doing well. >> all right. jacob, we will come back to you if you can get that interview, because it is fascinating to hear from kimberly gillfoy there who is supportive of the president's running mate. and there were some boos that erupted here on the convention floor. it is when senate minority leader mitch mcconnell walked out on to the floor, and it is underscoring the fact that the republican party is unified, and yet, there are still divisions within it. mcconnell has been critical of former president trump, and particularly in the wake of
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january 6th. he only recently endorsed him, and that is something that infuriated the trump team. what did you make of that moment and where we are right now? >> it tells you about the arc of the republican party and again, you are talking about the top senate republican and in any other universe, he would be up there with the stature of the republican party, and of course, there are those inside of the establishment, quote, unquote, who continue to support mitch mcconnell that he does not have the grip on the conference that he once had. that is the plain reality of the last five or six years. and fascinating to hear the boos on the floor, and we know that the trump kids are down there. and lara trump is down there on
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the floor, and she the republican national committee chairman. >> and something that stood out from kimberly guilfoy is that she stressed whether or not president biden would ever pass the torch after that debate performance that he had several weeks ago, and it was a reminder that the vice presidential nominee will be in focus in this presidential cycle. >> and i would not be surprised if he takes the kamala harris attacker role. and take down the debate stage and go head-to-head, and both of them gaining steam within their parties and two candidates in the early 80s and late 70s and
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in contrast in many ways. >> we will go to jacob soberoff and get eric trump. >> he just got caught by the scrum, and i will try again. as you can see, it is very busy and he is about to come through, and coming through, and i am about to get my head pinched here. sorry, guys. >> with his background and story, and i could not be happier. >> you are live on nbc. >> and he is the epitome of the american dream. >> okay. we will come back to you when you are closer to don jr. >> is that classic convention floor stuff or what? >> it is democracy at work,
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hallie. and one thing that strikes me with j.d. vance is the issue of abortion. we have seen j.d. vance shift his views in a range of different areas, and one of them is the very way he talks about donald trump going from the self-described never trumper, and one of the critics and on the issue of abortion, he was asked about the texas ban of abortion that does not include the exceptions, and he sort of downplayed it, and that is something that the trump team was looking at. he has moderated himself on "meet the press" two weeks ago and he echoed donald trump and he said that he would support the abortion pill to continue to be accessible to all americans, mistiprone, and what do you make of that issue, hallie? >> yes, they will continue to
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press the campaign and on the issue of reproductive right, and the reason is because the democrats have seen this as a mobilizing issue. because the democrats believe they will see more increased turnout in november as they have seen it after the overturning of "roe v. wade" and that cannot be replicated, and you will be sieg it front and center again with vice president kamala harris, and she has been in so many ways the face of the administrations's push on that. >> it is interesting that she has been tasked with dealing with the issue of migration and various other issue, but it is that issue, the reproductive right, abortion where she has been front and center. and so, gabe gutierrez has a closer look at senator vance and what he brings to the table. >> reporter: he is the junior senator from ohio, but j.d.
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vance is one of president trump's biggest defenders. >> i want to help donald trump get elected, because it is important that he become the next president. in the senate hour, can we defend ukraine's words if we are not defending our own border. >> reporter: and on the campaign trail. >> the question is if we are going to be sending america first fighters to washington, d.c. >> reporter: and he is one of the leading voices of the america first maga movement and pushing the president's agenda. >> as americans we have to govern like we won the majority of the american people and not like cowards. >> reporter: but this is vance in 2016. >> i was a never trump guy and i never liked him. >> reporter: he was deeply critical of him then, and this is vance six years later. >> the president is right. i was not always nice, but he is right, he is the best president of my lifetime and revealed the corruption in this country like nobody else.
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>> reporter: running for senate in 2022 in ohio and extremely pro-trump candidate. >> i was wrong about donald trump, and i did not think that he would be a good president, he was a great president. >> reporter: and he also the author of "hillbilly elegy" as growing up poor in ohio and then joined marines and went to yale law school, and went to senate, his first role in government, and vance said he would support a national ban on abortion in 16 weeks and then supported exceptions if it threatened life of the mother. and then on the 2020 presidential election, then senate candidate said he would support trump electors. >> if i were vice president, i would have been telling states like pennsylvania and georgia and others that we needed multiple places of electors, and the states should have fought
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over it. >> reporter: and now just 32 years old is about to step on the biggest political stage of the world. >> and our thanks to gabe gutierrez for that report. again, the headline here from milwaukee, the republican party has made it official, donald trump is the party's nominee as president. it is coming as mr. trump has announced j.d. vance, 39 years old is his running mate, and for now that is going to conclude this nbc news special report and as for now, you will see more on nbc, and a full report tonight, and not miss lester holt's full interview with president biden which will air in full at 9:00 p.m. eastern. and the full coverage of the republican national convention kicks off at 9:00 p.m. eastern, and our thanks to hallie jackson
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and kristen welker, thank you for watching. welcome back to "nbc news daily." we'll stick with the republican national convention in milwaukee, let's bring in dasha burns, you were in room where it happened, we know the former president has picked his running mate j.d. vance, talk to us about what we just saw and the reaction in the room. >> reporter: yeah, we're actually right now in the middle of the ohio delegation portion of the floor, you can see the sign just right over here, the delegates here just learned that their senator, the senator from ohio, j.d. vance is going to be the nominee for vice president of the united states. he'll be donald trump's running mate. i have with me here tony, very excited about this. he's wearing his buckeye
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necklace from ohio and tony, did you see this coming? >> well, i was hoping this would happen. we're thrilled, we're terrifically honored to have our senator the vice president of the united states. >> reporter: why did you see vance as the candidate? >> j.d. vance is a unique combination of qualities, he's able to reach out to all sectors of our party, all sectors of america, he's earned votes well in rural ohio and in major cities as well a great campaigner across the country and he understands the maga movement, the trump campaign, and what we're trying to accomplish here. >> reporter: what's your name sir? >> i'm the president of the ohio's right to life. >> michael, walk us through your reaction. >> a historic day for the great state of ohio, a younger guy, everyone's read his book a movie was made after it, he's a true
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rags to riches story. we're so blessed to have him. >> you want to see him run for president in 2028. >> heck yes. he'll be the front-runner in 2028. >> gentlemen, thank you so much. vance has long been seen as a candidate who has the sort of maga base connections, he's been able to speak to sort of the heart of the trump movement, he's been viewed as the person most closely aligned ideologically with former president trump, whereas dough burgum on that short list was seen more as the safe pick, more of the establishment pick, marco rubio the senator from florida, somebody who can help the former president with the latino vote, suburban women, but it's j.d. vance who embodies what a lot of people around here would say the future of the america first
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movement. >> it strikes me, i spoke with you yesterday about what happened on saturday night, you were there, you were at the rally on saturday night and saw the shooting happen and now here we are, 48 hours later and you're standing on the floor of the republican national convention, and i hear people that sound joyful and happy around you, it's such a quick transition, but talk about what that has been like, right, it seems like people are still motivated to be there and happy to be there and celebrating the fact that their candidate frankly their candidate is alive and now they've got a vp. >> reporter: in fact more motivated to be here after that, i think a lot of the people here are taking the cue from the leader of their movement, the cue from former president trump who has been defiant, who has tried to show strength, resilience after this unbelievable historic tragic
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event, near-assassination attempt of former president trump, so the people here, it's a reveling in life right now, the fact that it came so close and we went from that to now him officially becoming the nominee and i do think it has cast an entirely different spirit to this event. it has heightened all of the feelings. it has heightened some of the concerns, but it's also heightened, kate, listen to this. people chanting "fight, fight, fight," thor were the first words out of the trump after he got up and raised his iconic fist. his face bloodied getting off the stage. that's what's being echoed here
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today, kate. >> dasha, as we have spoken with you and others have heard that chant come time and time again. as you mentioned this attempted assassination has really elevated the emotion not just in the presence but the nomination of j.d. vance, is the signal of future for the republican party, the guest you just talked about, 2028, he's 39 years old, turning 40 in august, talk to us about how he stands out compared to the other, there were about dozen potential vp picks, original reporting around that and what made j.d. stand out specifically? >> reporter: well, he's had a longstanding, very strong relationship with some of the trump family members, he and trump's son don junior have a strong relationship, he had an anned a advocate in the family. lot of trust there because of that, i mean, we talked about
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the different sort of political advantages to somebody like a rubio or a burgum. for vance, a familial relationship, someone who can be trusted to follow along with what former president trump wants and needs and perhaps this is i don't have reporting on this, pure speculation, coming from the feeling that we're all experiencing in the aftermath of this tragedy, perhaps after having such a near-death experience, having somebody by your side that's trusted, that someone who really aligns with your world view and your ideology it's something that really puts j.d. vance over the finish line. some reporting that florida senator marco rubio was not selected in part because of this constitutional hiccup, the constitution doesn't allow for delegates to vote for president and vice president from the same
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state. and that was a bit of a hurdle, it's been overcoming the past of cheney and bush from texas, cheney moved his residency to wyoming, so it's possible but they took a look and they felt in this climate it was going to be far too likely there might be some legal challenges and something they didn't want to go through, they didn't want to put marco rubio and his family through all of this in the end only to haing to change course. >> dasha, stay there for us. we'll check back with you in a couple of minutes for another sense of what the atmosphere is like on the floor. i want to bring in nbc news chief political analyst chuck todd with us, chuck, we spoke much earlier this afternoon, now we know who it is, senator j.d.
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vance named as the running mate, know you're so good at this, you understand the political -- why political camly speaking in terms of votes, in terms of j.d. vance can help mr. trump, what does he do for donald trump? >> what the campaign thinks, it's debate about whether this is true, the campaign believes he can help particularly with sort of in the industrial mid western states of michigan and pennsylvania specifically, maybe even a little bit here in wisconsin with sort of a similar message of the forgotten manufacturing towns of the midwest that was sort of a theme of the senate race and certainly a theme of his, of the basically the memoir that he wrote that sort of launched his political career, i don't know, though, whether he's going to be as helpful a they think. i think the other big story,
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though, in this pick, is how it really just totally reached -- this is a total, i guess, rejection by trump of whatever was left of chamber of commerce wing or the bush wing, or the romney wing of the republican party, you know, business may not like this pick at all, you know, j.d. vance shares donald trump's views of a smaller international footprint, that doesn't necessarily think the united states should be the world's cop, if you will, he's in favor of a little protectionist policy, you know, i've talked to some long-term conservatives, they see this trump/vance pick as sort of it's taking the party on policy and ideology in a whole different direction, 1920 version. >> interesting. >> chuck, i want to ask you
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about something separate from j.d. vance, we've just learned that president trump spoke with rfk junior, of course this coming after increased calls for rfk to get social security coverage following -- secret service coverage. >> trump has been trying, he knows, we've seen it in our own polling, kennedy polls sometimes more from trump than he does biden, part of that when kennedy was running as a democrat, lot of conservative media outlets were promoting his candidacy and sort of gave him an introduction that has made him quite popular with the unconventional conservative movement that donald trump has put together, the suspicion of government, suspicion of institutions, is something that rfk and trump
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have in common. any time he has some common cause with rfk he sees that as a net positive for him because he knows rfk jr. has been appealing to some of the voters he needs. >> is it possible that former president trump might be trying to convince rfk to get out of the way and not draw voters away? >> reporter: you know, who knows on that front. i mean, i think -- i certainly think that kennedy is probably, is slightly more harmful to trump, the other third party candidates are more harmful to the democratic ticket, whatever that ticket ends up being, you know, fe had rfk's junior endorsement he would love that, he's always sort of -- he loves the mythology of rfk and the kennedy dynasty linking with that in some way would be very
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desirable to trump. >> vance saying good-bye to traditional wing of the republican party, not lost on me that j.d. vance was not always fully standing with trump, he was quite critical for a time, even writing it in the atlantic once that trump was cultural heroin. >> well, we've done this for how long now, eight years, nine years, where there's some trump appointee who said he was unfit for office and doesn't belong on the national stage, he still found a cabinet. donald trump loves a convert in some ways than he loves people with him the whole time. the final three candidates on his short list all had been critical of trump at one time or another, marco rubio calling him a con man in '16. we know what j.d. vance called
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him. i'll say this, j.d. vance isn't well known, right, when you -- that's what i think the trump campaign might end up regretting, they'll have to do a lot more work, a race to define j.d. vance and we'll see a lot of clipts of j.d. vance from '15 and '16, this isn't an evolution over 30 years, j.d. vance isn't only 40. he changed his views simply to win a senate primary in 2016. i think it's going to make for a pretty bumpy rollout. >> lot to follow out of this republican national convention. thank you for putting it into context. we appreciate it. now, we want to turn to live picture of the republican national convention still going on as states officially make their pick. >> yeah, he's already over the
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top as they say, in other words already enough delegates have cast their votes from different states up to florida, where he went over the top and had the number of delegates to officially be the nominee, donald trump, of the republican party, which has been known for a long time but that's symbolic moment. i don't know which state we're on right now. can't tell. >> it's notable conventions -- >> michigan. >> michigan is what we're looking at, not only a time to nominate and pick the candidates for president and vice presidential, a time for the party, gop, to state their platform and in this case we know the gop is hoping to focus make america wealthy today. >> we'll bring you more ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪
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fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪♪) asistio. well, today we are hearing from speaker emerita nancy pelosi for the first time since the assassination attempt against former president donald trump. local violence of any kind has no place in our societ. i thank god that former president trump is safe. the fbi is investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism. our sergio quintana is working on this story today. he's going to have our full story at 5:00 tonight. well, it is set to be
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cooler but still warm, a warm week. let's go ahead and hear from our meteorologist kari hall. with our 7-day forecast. we're looking at some nice weather starting out our weekend. some mild temperatures, highs in the mid 80s each day through wednesday. overnight lows dropping down into the upper 50s. but it will be heating up by the end of the week. and a lot of sunshine with highs in the low 90s on thursday and upper 90s on friday. it will also be a warm weekend, but at least the temperatures in some spots will be coming down in san francisco. expect a high of 65 for tomorrow and a mix of sun and clouds, and then we're up to 75 on thursday. the warmest day will be on friday in the upper 70s, so still pretty comfortable in the city and along the coastline as well. we'll see more clouds and cooler temperatures this weekend. all righ kari, thank you.t, outsidee
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courtroom. both sides do agree on which laboratory should now test a crucial piece of evidence for dna. in this case, it's one that the judge has already agreed on. in 2004, scott peterson was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife, laci, and the couple's unborn son, conner, after their remains were discovered in the san francisco bay. he was sentenced to death, but the sentence was overturned four years ago, and he's now serving a life sentence. last week, prosecutors and peterson's defense team could not agree on what lab should test that duct tape that was found on laci peterson's pants and tested for dna. the judge suggested using pure gold forensics, and she asked the lawyers to review the lab's credentials. come back this morning. and where they got right to it this morning, both sides agreed pure gold is acceptable, and they work through a brief recess later this morning to talk to the lab's lead scientists about how those tests should be conducted. prosecutors want to preserve
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trace swabbings of dna from the tape before the lab does a more invasive test that will destroy the evidence in any hopes of future dna testing. it might not seem like a big deal, but a bay area legal expert told us the duct tape dna evidence could be crucial to peterson's defense. even two decades after his conviction. you have to remember there's 20 years now of data base that if they can get a dna positive hit on that duct tape, they can now run that through a system. and that could point to someone other than scott peterson. the defense will present more key motions on discovery, including witness statements and recordings that were not included in the original trial. they began arguments on those discovery issues this morning, and the team for peterson said right off the bat that a lot of she said, a mountain of evidence that could exonerate scott peterson is missing from the files that they've received in discovery. so far in redwood city, thom
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jensen nbc bay area news. all right, tom, thank you so much for that update. appreciate it. and that does it for this edition of the fast forward. we'll see you at 430 with much more news. until then, hope you more news. until then, hope you have a lovely monday afternoon. (♪♪) hey man. whoa i'm you, from the future. huh? our doctor figured out why the constipation with belly pain keeps coming back. it's ibs-c and... linzess could help you get ahead of it. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms - belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. get ahead of it.
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1:00 pm
arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. i'm craig melvin, and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc. ense. craig melvin: they say doctors make the worst


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