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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  July 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT

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and his incredible wife. [ cheers and applause ] going to be a great vice president. he is going to be great. with this country and with this movement. greatest movement in the history of our country, make america great again. when they criticize it, they say, we're going to try to stop maga. maga is make america great again. there's nothing to stop. they say, that's right. it's tough to fight it. all of the people that did try and fight it have failed. he is going to be with us for a long time. it was an honor to select him. great, great student at yale. his wife was a great student at yale. they met at yale. these are two smart people. j.d., you are going to be doing
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this for a long time. enjoy the ride. [ cheers and applause ] a very special thank you to the extraordinary people of milwaukee and the great state -- there they are. there they are. you are so easy to spot. green bay will have a good team this year. right? they're going to have a good team. they're going to have a good team. most of the audience doesn't like it, but it's true. you will have a very good team this year. by the way, wisconsin, we are spending over $250 million here, creating jobs and other economic development all over the place. i hope you will remember this in november and give us your vote.
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i am trying to buy your vote. i will be honest about that. [ cheers and applause ] i promise we will make wisconsin great again. we're going to make -- [ cheers and applause ] thank you. thank you very much. thank you. i'm here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation. to every citizen, whether you are a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican or independent, black or white, asian or hispanic, i extend to you a hand of loyalty and friendship. together, we will lead america to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen before. we were right there in the first term. we got hit with covid. we did a great job. nobody knew what it was. nobody has seen an economy pre-covid. we handed over a stock market
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that was substantially higher than just prior to covid coming in. did a great job. never got credit for that. we got credit for the war and defeating i.s.i.s. and so many things. great economy, biggest tax cuts ever, biggest regulation cuts ever. the creation of space force, rebuilding of our military. we did so much. we did so much. right to try is a big deal. we got right to try. they were trying to get that for 52 years. somebody is terminally. they can't use space age drugs and everything that we are ahead with. the greatest doctors in the world, greatest lab troioratoie the world. the labs didn't want do it. if it didn't work, people are
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far down the line toward death. they didn't want do it. doctors didn't want to have it on their record. i got everybody into an office. sounds simple but it's not. instead of going to asia, europe or someplace or going home and dying if you have no money, we got them to sign an agreement, agree to it where they will not sue anybody. they get all of the stuff. they get it fast. what's happened is we are saving thousands and thousands of lives. it's incredible. right to try. [ applause ] a great feeling. under our leadership, the united states will be respected again. no nation will question our power. no enemy will doubt our might. our borders will be totally secure. our economy will soar. we will return law and order to our streets. patriotism to our schools. importantly, we will restore
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peace, stability, and harmony all throughout the world. to achieve this future, we must first rescue our nation from failed and even incompetent leadership. we have totally incompetent leadership. this will be the most important election in the history of our country. under the current administration, we are a nation in decline. we have an inflation crisis that is making life unaffordable. ravaging the incomes of working and low income families and crushing -- just simply crushing our people like never before. they have never seen anything like it. we also have an illegal immigration crisis. it's taking place right now as we sit here in this beautiful arena. a massive invasion at our southern border that's spread misery, crime, poverty, disease
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and destruction to communities all across our land. nobody has seen anything like it. then there's an international crisis which the world has not been part of. war is in the middle east and europe. conflict over taiwan, korea, the philippines and all of asia. our planet is teetering on the edge of world war iii. the weapons are no longer army tanks going back and forth, shooting at each other. these weapons are obliteration. it's time for a change. this administration can't come close to solving the problems. we are dealing with very tough, very fierce people. they are fierce people. we don't have fierce people. we have people that are a lot
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less than fierce, except when it comes to cheating on elections and a couple of other things, then they are fierce. then they are fierce. [ applause ] tonight, i make this pledge to the great people of america. i will end the devastating inflation crisis, bring down interest rates and lower the cost of energy. we will drill, baby, drill. [ cheers and applause ] can you believe what they're doing? by doing that, we will lead a large-scale decline in prices.
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prices will start to come down. energy raised it. they took our energy policies and destroyed them. then they went back to them. by that time, so much was lost. we will do it at levels nobody has seen before. things. we will start paying off debt and lowering taxes. we gave you the largest tax cut. we will do it more. people don't realize, i brought taxes way down, way, way down. yet, we took in more revenues the following year than we did when the tax rate was much higher. most people said, how did you do that? because it was incentive. everybody was coming to the country. they were bringing back billions and billions of dollars into our country. the companies made it impossible to bring it back. tax rate was too high. the legal complications were too great. i changed both of them and hundreds of billions of dollars by apple and so many other companies we brought back into
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our nation. we had an economy the likes of which nobody -- no nation had ever seen. china, we were beating them at levels that were incredible. [ applause ] they know it. they know it. we will do it again. we will do it even better. i will end the illegal immigration crisis by closing our border and finishing -- [ cheers and applause ] the wall, most of which i already built. we were dealing with a very difficult congress. i said, that's okay. we won't go to congress. i call it an invasion. we gave our military almost $800 billion. i said, i'm going to take a little of that money because this is an invasion. we built -- most of the wall was built. we built it through the funds, because what's more -- what's better than that?
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we have to stop the invasion into our country that's killing hundreds of thousands of people a year. we're not going to let that happen. [ applause ] i will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created, including the horrible war with russia and ukraine, which would have never happened if i was president. the war caused by the attack on israel, which would have never happened if i was president. iran was broke. iran had no money. now iran has $250 billion. they made it all over the last 2 1/2 years. they were broke. i watched the other day on a show called "deface the nation." has anyone seen it? they had a congressman who was a democrat, well, whether you like them or not, iran was broke dealing with trump.
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we will not let you do any business in this country and we will put tariffs on every product you send in of 100% or more. they were ready to make a deal. iran was going to make a deal with us. then we had the horrible result that we will never let happen again. the election result. we will never let that happen again. they used covid to cheat. never going to let it happen again. they took off all the sanctions. they did everything possible for iran. now iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon, which would have never happened. this is a shame what this administration did damage. i say it often, if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the united states, think of it, the ten worst, added them up, they will not have done the damage that biden has done. only going to use the term one,
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biden. i'm not going to use the name anymore. just one time. the damage he has done is unthinkable. it's unthinkable. together we will restore vision, strength, competence. we will have a thing called common sense, making most of our decisions, actually. it's all common sense. [ cheers and applause ] just a few short years ago, under my presidency, we had the most secure border and best economy in the history of our country, in the history of the world. we had the greatest economy in the history of the world. we had never done anything like it. we were beating every country, including china, by leaps and bounds. nobody had seen anything like it. we had no inflation soaring. nobody can believe it. you can't believe what happened four years ago. it's happening now in reverse.
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the world was at peace. inflation has been a killer for our country. no matter what you make it, it doesn't matter. because inflation is eating you alive. people were putting away money, they were making great wages, highest they have made. but they were putting away a lot of money. now they are just being destroyed. they are not putting away anything. they are barely living. they are going into savings accounts. they are taking out money to live because of inflation. inflation, remember, it's called a country buster. go back to germany from 100 years ago. go back to any country that suffered great inflation. we have suffered the worst inflation we ever had. go back and see what happened to those countries. we have had the worst inflation we ever had under this person. in less than four years, our opponents have turned incredible success into unparalleled tragedy and failure. it's been a tremendous failure. today our cities are flooded with illegal aliens.
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americans are being squeezed out of the labor force and their jobs are taken. by the way, you know who is taking the jobs, the jobs that i created? 107% are taken by illegal aliens. you know who is hurt the most by millions of people pouring into our country? the black population and the hispanic population. because they are taking the jobs from our black population, our hispanic population. they are also taking them from unions. the unions are suffering because of it. thank you. i like you, too. thank you very much. inflation has wiped out the life savings of our citizens and forced the middle class into a state of depression and despair. that's what it is. it's despair and depression. we cannot and will not let this continue. less than four years ago, we
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were a great nation. we will soon be a great nation again. we're going to be a great nation again. [ cheers and applause ] with proper leadership, every disaster we are now enduring will be fixed. it will be fixed very, very quickly. tonight, whether you have supported me in the past or not, i hope you will support me in the future, because i will bring back the american dream. that's what we're going to do. you don't hear about the american dream anymore. [ cheers and applause ] with great humility, i am asking you to be excited about the future of our country, be excited, be excited. [ cheers and applause ]
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by the way, the news reports, look at all of those big networks, look at them, they're all here. every one of them has said, this could be the most organized, best run and most enthusiastic convention of either party that they have ever seen. every single one. [ cheers and applause ] it's true. it's true. there's love in the room. there's great love in the room. [ cheers and applause ] so i better finish strong, otherwise we will blow it. we can't let that happen. this was great. all of the great people that spoke and everybody hit a home run. there's not one that i can think of where i said, oh, that wasn't great. every single person. i refuse to be the only one. don't do that to me. they are getting -- i gave them
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an idea. this was a great convention. i think we're going to go home and miss it. usually -- first of all, look at the crowds. you never have this at a convention. [ cheers and applause ] love. it's about love. this week, the entire republican party has formally adopted an agenda for america's renewal. it's very short compared to the long, boring, meaningless agendas of the past, including the democrats. they write these things that are hundreds of pages long. they never read them after they are done. in their case, fortunately, they don't read them. they are pretty bad. it's a series of bold promises that we will swiftly implement when you give us a republican house. mr. speaker, thank you very
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much. we have our great speaker of the house with us tonight, mr. speaker. thank you very much. thank you. a republican senate. we have many senators here. send me back to our beautiful white house, just a few short months from now. we're talking about just months. it can't come fast enough. we have to get it done. first we must get economic relief to our citizens, starting on day one, we will drive down prices and make america affordable again. we have to make it affordable. it's not affordable. people can't live like this. under this administration, our current administration, groceries are up 57%, gasoline is up 60% and 70%, mortgage rates have quadrupled. the fact is, it doesn't matter
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what they are, because you can't get the money anyway. can't buy houses, young people can't get financing to buy a house. the household costs have increased an average of $28,000 per family under this administration. republicans have a plan to bring down prices and bring them down very, very rapidly, by slashing energy costs. we will in turn reduce the cost of transportation, manufacturing and all household goods. so much starts with energy. remember, we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country by far. we are a nation that has the opportunity to make an absolute fortune with its energy. we have it and china doesn't. under the trump administration, just 3 1/2 years ago, we were energy independent. soon, we will actually be better than that. we will be energy dominant, and
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supply not only ourselves but we will supply the rest of the world. [ applause ] with numbers that nobody has ever seen. we will reduce our debt, $36 trillion. we will start reducing that. we will also reduce your taxes still further. by the way, they want to raise your taxes four times. think of it. all my life i grew up watching politicians. i loved politics. i would watch the -- they were always talking about we will give you a tax cut. my whole life i was watching, i will give you a tax cut. that's all they talked about. this is the only administration that said, we're going to raise your taxes by four times what you are paying now. people are supposed to vote for them? i have never heard it. you are paying too much. we will reduce your taxes still further. we gave you the biggest one. we're going to give you more.
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it's going to lead to tremendous growth. we want growth in our country. that's what's going to pay off our debt. [ cheers and applause ] next we will end the ridiculous and actually incredible waste of taxpayer dollars that is fuelling the inflation crisis. they spent trillions of dollars on things having to do with the scam. it caused tremendous inflation pressure in addition to the cost of energy. all of the trillions of dollars that are sitting there not yet spent, we will redirect that money for important projects like roads, bridges, dams. we will not allow it to be spent on meaningless green new scam ideas. [ cheers and applause ] i will end the electric vehicle
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mandate on day one. [ cheers and applause ] thereby saving the u.s. auto industry from complete obliteration and saving u.s. customers thousands of dollars per car. right now as we speak, large factories -- just started -- are being built in mexico. they are being built to make cars and sell them into our country. no tax, no anything. the united auto workers ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen. the leader of the united auto workers should be fired immediately. every single auto worker, union and non-union, should be voting for donald trump. we will bring back car manufacturing. we're going to bring it back
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fast. [ cheers and applause ] they are building some of the largest auto plants anywhere in the world. think of it. in the world. we will bring it back. we will make them. we don't mind that happening. those plants are going to be built in the united states. our people are going to man those plants. [ cheers and applause ] if they don't agree with us, we will put a tariff of approximately 1100% to 200% on each car. they will be unsellable in the united states. we have long been taken advantage of by other countries. think of it. often these other countries are considered so-called allies. they have taken advantage of us for years. we lose jobs, revenue. they gain everything and wipe out our businesses, wipe out our people. i stopped it for four years i stopped it. we are really ready to make
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changes like nobody had seen before. remember, i got rid of nafta. replaced it which is the best trade deal ever made. probably the best trade deal was the deal i made with china. they buy $50 billion worth of our product. they were buying nothing. they buy $50 billion worth. i don't talk about it because of covid. i don't mention it because of what happened with the china virus. [ cheers and applause ] we will not let countries come in, take our jobs and plunder our nation. they come and do that. they plunder our nation. the way they will sell their product in america is to build it in america. very simple. build it in america and only in
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america. [ crowd chanting usa ] this very simple formula, congress has to go along with us, and they will, very simple formula will create massive numbers of jobs. we will take over the auto industry again and many, many -- hundreds of thousands of jobs. we lost so many jobs over the years. if you go back 20, 25 -- stolinm china and mexico. we will get them all back, every one of them. at the center of our plan for economic relief, our massive tax cuts for workers that include something else that's turned out to be very popular. here it's very popular, in this
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building and all those hotels that i saw that are so nice. i'm staying in a nice one. it's called no tax on tips. no tax on tips. [ cheers and applause ] i got that by having dinner recently in nevada where we are leading by about 14 points. hello. i will see you there very soon, everybody. we're having dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the trump building on the strip. it's a great building. the waitress comes over, how is everything going? nice person. how is everything going? sir, it's so tough. the government is after me all the time on tips, tips, tips. i said, they give you cash.
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actually, she said little cash is given. it's put on the check. they come in and they take so much of our money. they don't believe anything we say. they have just hired 88,000 agents to go after them more. [ crowd booing ] i said, this shows the level -- most people, they hire consultants. i said to her, let me just ask you a question. would you be happy if you had no tax on tips? what a great idea. i got my information from a very smart waitress. that's better than spending billions of dollars. everybody -- everybody loves it. waitresses and drivers. everybody. a large group of people that are being really hurt badly. they make money, let them keep their money. i'm going to protect social security and medicare.
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democrats are going to destroy social security and medicare, because all of these people by the millions, they are coming in. they are going to be on social security and medicare and other things. you are not able to afford it. they are destroying your social security and your medicare. under my plan, incomes will skyrocket, inflation will vanish, jobs will come roaring back. the middle class will prosper like never before. we are going to do it very rapidly. [ cheers and applause ] no hope or dream we have for america can succeed unless we stop the illegal immigrant invasion. the worst that's been seen anywhere in the world. there has never been an invasion like this anywhere, third world countries would fight with sticks and stones not to let this happen. the invasion at our southern
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border, we will stop it quickly. you heard tom yesterday. put him in charge and sit back and watch. brandon judd, border patrol. he is incredible. these guys, they -- their job is easier if they don't have do anything. they want to. they are patriots. i.c.e. goes out. see what i.c.e. does. ms30 and i.c.e. goes in there. they don't want to do this job. they will go into a pack of ms13 killers, the worst gangs in the world. we have thousands of them. i moved thousands and thousands out in my four years. we moved them out. it was a pleasure. i.c.e. would go into a pack of these killers. you see everything flying. then they take them. they put them in a paddy wagon. they get them out of our country.
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the other countries weren't accepting them back. i said, tell them that we're not giving them economic aid anymore. the next day i got calls from all of these countries. billions of dollars we spend on economic aid to countries that does us no good. the next day i was called by everybody. i couldn't take all the calls, sir, sir, what's the problem? you won't take your killers back that you sent into america. we would give serious consideration to doing that. within 24 hours, they were being taken back. for years and years, when i first came in, they said, president obama tried to get them to go back and they wouldn't accept them. they put planes on the runways. they would close the road. you couldn't take buses. it would have to turn back. as soon as i said, no more economic aid of any kind to any country that does that, they called back and they said, sir


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