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tv   Early Today  NBC  July 22, 2024 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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american politics and a seismic shift in the race for the white house. we have team coverage on what comes next after president biden's unprecedented decision to end his reelection campaign. democrats already co have a leasing now around kamala harris
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as the president throws his full support behind his vice president. the key endorsements coming in overnight. and former president trump weighs in on the state of the race. why the gop nominee says he's ready to take on whoever democrats rally around. a minor software update still causing major headaches this monday, the lingering troubles after last week's global tech meltdown. and the streets of philadelphia must be paved with gold. bruce springsteen is on fire, achieving billionaire status for the first time. how he reached his glory days. it's monday, july 22nd, "early today" starts right now. and good morning to you, i'm richard lui. we begin with that watershed moment in u.s. politics upending the race for the white house. president biden taking the historic decision to exit the 2024 race with just over 100 days until the election. he officially endorsed his running mate, vice president kamala harris, for president, and democrats are already
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rallying around her candidacy. but there are plenty of questions about what comes next. nbc's brie jackson joins us live from washington, d.c. with the very latest. brie, oh what, a weekend this was. >> that's right. good morning, richard. a party's presumptive nominee has never dropped out of a race so close to the election. president biden's decision caps a five decade long political career and comes after a growing chorus of democrats called on him to step aside following a disastrous debate with donald trump. the president writing, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. the move praised by his party. >> he has always put our country first. he has an incredible legacy of service and leadership. >> this is putting the country's future ahead of any personal ambitions or biases. so thank you, president biden,
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for your life of service. >> he made a very selfless and patriotic decision. it's not often that you see someone put their own ambition and career aside for what he genuinely believes is in the best interest of the party and the best interest of the country. >> president biden was quick to endorse his own vice president kamala harris with other democrats quickly coalescing around her candidacy, that includes several who were speculated to be in the mix for the top of theticket, including california governor gavin newsom, pennsylvania's jash shapiro and transportation secretary pete buttigieg. the party vowing to unite around a candidate ahead of the convention. >> we will put on full display our agenda for the american people and do what is necessary in order to leave that convention unified, get the job done. >> the decision will need to come fast with the democratic national convention just one
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month away. as of right now the delegates are essentially free agents with a virtual roll call scheduled for august 7th. now, if democrats agree to a candidate by then, they will avoid any headaches with state-level certification deadlines. the dnc rules committee has called a wednesday meeting to talk about this process for picking a new presidential nominee. richard? >> brie, thank you so much with all of that. now, this morning the spotlight is on vice president kamala harris after president biden endorsed her to lead the party's 2024 ticket. harris is scheduled to speak at an naaca event at the white house marking her first public appearance since president biden bowed out of the race. she has been a history making lawmaker throughout her career. >> reporter: all eyes now turning to vice president kamala harris who has made history over and over again throughout her life. her biggest history making moment was when she was elected vice president in 2020, becoming
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the first woman and first black and first south asian person to hold that role. >> we believe that our country, all of us, will stand together for a better future. >> reporter: before that she had forged a path, shattering glass ceilings. in 2003 she served as district attorney of san francisco, becoming the first black woman and south asian american woman in california to hold that office. then seven years later, she made history again, in the same way when she was elect addattorney general of california. the role made her a rising star in the democratic party. in november 2016 harris became only the second african american woman ever to serve in the senate and the first indian american ever. >> mr. president, i rise to celebrate the anniversary of one of the most significant legislative achievements in american history, the passage of the patient protection and affordable care act. >> reporter: she was raised in california, the daughter of a
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jamaican father and indian mother who met as activists. she later attended howard university, a historically black college in washington, d.c. she went on to law school at the university of california. then she became a prosecutor, a role she says helped her enact criminal justice reform from within the systems. she often worked on cases dealing with sexual violence. in 2020 she ran for president, hoping to become the first black woman ever to be president. now she will try to forge that path again. >> yamiche alcindor, thank you for that. a possible challenge to vice president harris has already appeared as west virginia senator joe manchin says he is considering a run for the white house as well according to two sources who spoke to him. those sources also say manchin has no plans to publicly support harris at this time. one person with direct knowledge of his plan says he's also considering reregistering as a democrat to appeal to more voters. the 76-year-old moderate announced a couple of months ago that he was leaving the democratic party and registering
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as an independent. while harris earning the democratic nomination is not a done deal at this moment several members of donald trump's political team telling nbc news they have been preparing for the possibility for weeks. the gop nominee himself quickly seizing on the news of biden's departure sunday. here is garrett haake. >> reporter: former president trump mocking his now former opponent in the presidential race, telling me in a phone interview, quote, joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states by far. there has never been a president who has done such damage to our country. mr. trump saying, quote, we will fix what he has done. when i asked if he was surprised by the president's announcement mr. trump responding, quote, he should have never been there in the first place. he should have stayed in his basement. the former president's campaign had already ramped up its attacks on vice president harris in recent weeks, including in grand rapids, michigan. >> i call her laughing kamala. did you ever catch her laugh? she's crazy.
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>> reporter: the former president polling the crowd about possible democratic opponents. >> so who would you like to most run against -- if you are us, if we want to win? ready? kamala harris? >> boo. >> crooked joe biden. >> reporter: mr. trump mentioning the president by name just once in his record breaking 92-minute convention speech thursday. >> if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the united states, think of it, the ten worst, added them up, they will not have done the damage that biden has done. only going to use the term once. biden. i'm not going to use the name anymore, just one time. >> reporter: mr. trump's running mate j.d. vance using a social media post to question president biden's fitness to remain in the oval office. quote, if joe biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining president? not running for reelection would be a clear admission that president trump was right all along about biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as
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commander in chief. garrett haake, nbc news, washington. president biden's shocking decision to withdraw from the race is reverberating beyond u.s. shores. the president of israel in a post extended heart felt thanks and said that as the first u.s. president to visit israel in wartime he is a symbol of the unbreakable bond between our two people's. a break down and look at more international reaction let's bring in claudio lavanga in rome. good morning to you. world leaders responding, voters, too -- not voters, but rather europeans responding as well i imagine. >> reporter: that's right, richard. absolutely. let's start from here in italy where the foreign minister said that italy will work well with whoever the next president will be because he said that the relationship between italy and the u.s. does not dependent material on the president. but one country, for instance, with a relationship with the u.s. will very much depend on who the next president will be is, for instance, ukraine whose
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president volodymyr zelenskyy thanked president biden for the unwavering support since russia's invasion, buthe also said that he hopes that the u.s. will continue to prevent what he called russian evil from succeeding. so let's cross the border into russia to see what the reaction was from there. it came from dmitry peskov, the spokesperson for the kremlin. he said four months before the election is a long time, a lot can change until then, but he also said that the russians need to pay attention, monitor what will happen and mind our own business. but not everyone in russia was careful with his words, for instance, the speaker of the lower house said that biden created problems all over the world and accused him of unleashing the war in ukraine and said now he runs away from -- now he runs away without waiting for the elections. but let's come back here in europe because many leaders across the continent were paying tribute to biden, one was olaf
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scholz, the german chancellor, he called biden a friend who achieved a lot for his country and for the world and he said that his decision not to run again deserves recognition, echoing a sentiment that was shared by many other leaders across here in europe, richard. >> claudio, thank you with that. u.s. voters are having mixed reactions to president biden's decision to drop out. take a listen. >> it's kind of crazy that it happened just now. i'm still trying to process it. i don't know. i think this whole shake up the election. >> i don't think he was healthy enough. hopefully kamala will be a stronger candidate. anybody to beat trump. >> dump trump is going to win, more than likely. they can put kamala harris in the lead position but i don't think the world is ready for a female president yet. >> it will be a long hard road for the democrats this time around. but anyway, that's just my personal opinion.
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i voted for him the last time so we will see who takes his place and we will make up our minds. >> all right. now let's move on to weather. the week is off to a scorching start for millions. nbc meteorologist michelle grossman joins us with the weather for the week ahead. good morning to you, michelle. >> good morning. yeah, we are looking at 24 million americans under heat alerts throughout the west. that's parts of the interior northwest, central california, also the great basin. we will see temperatures soaring into the 90s, even into the 100s so dangerous heat there. also watching chances for showers and storms, two fronts, one from the great lakes to the northeast and a long stretching cold front from the southwest to the south central states, part of the southeast into the mid-atlantic, the chance for heavy rainfall along that front and we will see the chance for flooding conditions throughout the south central states. this is why, we're going to see that front lingering over the next few days. still wednesday we are talking about that flood risk throughout the south central states and gulf coast, seeing where we
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could see heavy rain. looking at monsoonal moisture throughout the four corners, sunny and seasonable portions of the northern plains, central plains and upper midwest. by friday more green showing up on the map, looking atday morning, weather three. two one. well for now, we're seeing comfortable temperatures with some patchy fog and low clouds. but moving forward into the afternoon, highs inland, returning to the 90s and one hundreds for the inland valleys. heat advisory central states as well. notice all of those icons with storms in lubbock, san angelo. that's your monday forecast. "early today" is back in a minute with how investors are react to go president biden's decision to drop out of the race. and richer than the rest. bruce springsteen born to run up his bank account evidently. how the rocker achieved billionaire status. it's more magic than ever. with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here...
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disappear... and watch how sprays can leave grime like that with up to 10 times the cleaning power, foamy melts it on contact. magic. it makes this ring a thing of the past. it makes you forgetti about baked on spaghetti. new ultra foamy magic eraser. clean with more magic than ever. you are bountiful. your hair can grow 590 miles over your lifetime. it's in your nature to grow. grow thicker fuller hair with one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. still fresh! ♪♪ with downy unstopables, you just toss, wash, wow. for all-day freshness. president biden's decision
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to end his reelection campaign is changing the political calculus in therace for the white house and for investors trying to gauge how it will impact the markets. cnbc's arabile gumede joins us with more. good morning to you, arabile. >> yeah, good morning, richard. look, this is definitely a sis mick move, it's one of those that have certainly been touted but doesn't necessarily mean that the market isn't always going to be unaware of such things. it's somewhat a known unknown, as it were. you know what's going to happen but the repercussions and ramifications are somewhat unknown. the market thus far hasn't really reacted in any particular stark way on the back of this news of joe biden deciding, then, to end his reelection campaign, and the reasoning for that is because the market had already priced in what it calls a trump trade, which is effectively anticipating that elements like trade will become a bigger issue. a lot of the push that donald trump will perhaps put forward
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could be inflation refactors, even if he was to reduce elements like taxes for example, too. the market is looking towards that and saying perhaps that movement is already in play nonetheless, but on the other side of things just remember as well the overall market has been looking towards a rotation out of technology stocks, those were the big gainers throughout the last year or so, investors are pulling away from those and that's because we anticipate a cut in interest rates to happen in september. the market is now putting in a 93% chance that you could see that cut in interest rates in september. whether that comes to bear, however, will be interesting to note. for now a benign move on the back of donald -- or rather on joe biden deciding, then, not to stand for reelection. >> cnbc's arabile gumede, thank you so much. still to come, a thunderous debut for the movie "twisters" and the thunder road is paved with gold for the boss. more obrn uce springsteen reaching the easy streets of philadelphia right after this.
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(♪♪) [baby crying] (♪♪) (♪♪) [cheerful screams] (♪♪) (♪♪) [giggling] (♪♪) (♪♪) [baby crying] this is not just a pharmacist. you could try this. yeah? this is another woman who gets it. (♪♪) dad i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. moat the... library.s right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. do you know how annoying that is? but it's so comforting and fun to pop. peanut butter m&m's minis are also comforting and fun to pop. [sigh] i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired.
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then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? ♪♪ it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. so it stops cavities before they start... crest. [sneezing] [school bell rings] lysol knows little hands deserve big protection. that's why we're donating science kits to schools in need. and helping teachers keep their classrooms protected by killing 99.9% of germs. lysol. here for healthy schools. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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♪ scared of nothing and i'm scared to death ♪ >> and our crew is not like your crew. ♪ i can't breathe and i catch my breath ♪ >> we don't need ph.d.s and fancy tech. >> whoo. the movie "twisters" tearing the roof off of theaters across the country offer the weekend. the film from universal pictures wrangling up $85 million and it made seek wells dis peckable me 4 and inside out 2 they capped off the top three. he may not be a ceo but there is a reason he is the boss. ♪ glory days ♪ ♪ well, they'll pass you by ♪ ♪ glory days ♪ ♪ in the wink of a young girl's eye ♪ >> oh, yeah, it is the glory days for bruce springsteen. according to forbes he is now a
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billionaire with the magazine estimating his worth at $1.1 billion. already one of the best selling musical artistes in history. springsteen added to his wealth in 2021 when he sold his massive back catalog to sony for over half a billion dollars. pollster art reporting that his ongoing tour with the e street band taking in $380 million in revenue just last year. when we come back new recommendations to end surprise ambulance bills, that's headed to congress. and congratulations are in order, wnba star brittney griner has just welcomed a new bundle of joy. allison! (restaurant noise) ♪♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required.
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lysol. here for healthy schools. whoa! how'd you get your teeth so white? you gotta use the right toothpaste! dr. c?! ♪♪ not all toothpastes whiten the same. crest 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably whiter smile. new personal best. crest. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light
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means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ the perfect morning calls for the perfect ridiculouslyiss craveable pairing...ness. jimmy dean griddle cakes. your family's pancakey, sausagey, griddle cakey, sweet and savory favorite. (granddaughter laughing) when pain freezes you in your tracks... ...vapofreeze your pain away. penetrating pain relief... ...with vicks vapors. (granddaughter laughing) vapofreeze your pain away. now at walmart. here is what's making headlines this morning. an advisory committee is set to release a report to congress with recommendations on protecting patients from surprise billing for ambulance services. the committee suggests that patients should pay no more than $100. three days after a massive tech outage crippled industries around the world airlines still
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struggling to recover. hundreds of flights are already canceled or delayed for today according to flight aware. brittney griner welcoming her first baby with her wife. their baby boy was born earlier this month. and xander schauffele scoring his second championship win this year at the british open. congrats all. we will be rhtac ig bk. what's up, you seem kinda sluggish today. things aren't really movin'. you could use some metamucil. metamucil's psyllium fiber helps keep your digestive system moving so you can feel lighter and more energetic. metamucil keeps you movin'. and try fizzing fiber plus vitamins. swiffer duster traps 4x more dust for a clean even mom approves of. that reach! ♪♪ making hard to reach. so easy! swiffer, [wow!] the mother of all cleans! ♪♪ sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better.
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downy. breathe life into your laundry. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive. some growing questions around memorabilia sold at an elvis auction this morning. we go inside the rock and roll mystery. >> reporter: graceland, the memphis homemade famous by elvis presley, home to the collection of elvis memorabilia.
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the lead archivist taking us inside their private collection which they say includes one of a kind items like this black grommet jacket worn by elvis in 1972. ♪ >> it's this lining of this jacket is the one that's in that video. >> and we don't believe that there was a second one ever made. >> no, we only have a receipt that he made -- had one. >> reporter: which is why graceland boss joel said he grew suspicious when they discovered the purported jacket listed for sale by gws auctiones. >> we know there was only one made, and guess what, we have it in our archives. >> it's elvis, anything elvis something hauls has an opinion. >> reporter: the owner of the auctions, she says the jacket was authenticate bid one of elvis' tailors, but graceland says she has reempd out with concerns to cruz and her former business associate priscilla press will i. >> you were friends as well with
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prisonly. >> yes very, very close. >> reporter: from 2021 to 2023 prisonly worked with cruz's auction house to help her sell elvis memorabilia. the questionable items being auctioned by gws according to graceland include the sale of elvis' 1976 plane, gws claiming the interior had been designed by the king himself. >> did graceland ever reach out to you and raise concerns about prisonly and her being part of this auction. >> i wouldn't say concerns. they wanted to know more. >> reporter: graceland said flight logs prove elvis never flew on the claim. >> so for priscilla to be able to recall that plane that is correct plane was not purchased while she and elvis were together so if you could kind of explain that for viewers why even include her in the conversation about the plane. >> just her memory. just her memory.
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>> reporter: they say they do not believe priscilla ever intentionally tried to deceive fans. >> i believe she lacked the capacity to make those decisions. >> reporter: cruz's relationship with presley has since imploded. cruz filing a lawsuit last fall accusing priscilla of cutting her out of lucrative deals. presley filing a countersuit accusing cruz of financial elder abuse. chloe melas, nbc news, memphis, continue. and with that thank you for starting your week with us right here on "early today," i
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a huge change in the 2024 presidential race. president joe biden ends his reelection bid after weeks of pressure, following his much criticized debate performance less than a month ago. all eyes now turning to vice president kamala harris. the president an


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