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tv   Today  NBC  August 13, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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tomorrow, the city is warning them that they risk being towed from their new location. swimmers are being warned about two recent shark sightings along the peninsula coastline. if you're in pacifica, one of them is near linda maher beach. that's a live look there. police say a surfer there spotted a shark about six feet long, 200 yards from the shore. all over the weekend, two kayakers, meantime, captured the second sighting on video. this was nea. half moon bay. exactly a week ago. a little too close for comfort. well, that's what's happening today in the bay. the today show a good tuesday morning. there is a lot of extreme weather to talk about. >> storms, fires, even an earthquake impacting millions. it is august 13th.
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this is "today". breaking overnight, on the move. new tropical storm warnings issued as ernesto churns in the atlantic, expected to gain strength today. out west, southern california, rocked by an earthquake. and now bracing for aftershocks. while overseas, dangerous wild fires raging near athens, forcing thousands to evacuate. firefighters struggling to get them under control. we'll have complete coverage and al's full forecast. talking tough. donald trump using a high-profile and glitch-filled one-on-one with elon musk last night to go after vice president harris. >> we cannot have her. she's incompetent. she's as bad as biden. >> while the fbi launches investigations in efforts to hack both the trump and harris campaigns. the latest straight ahead. high alert. the u.s. now warning an iranian attack on israel could be
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imminent and expected to be significant. israel's military moving to its highest levels of readiness overnight. we're there live. flare-up. strong solar storms u rupting that can interfere with everything from power grids to satellites to your tech devices. super charge the northern lights in cities not used to seeing the colorful display. we'll have everything you need to know. denied. jordan chiles and team usa suffer a major setback in the battle to keep her bronze medal. just ahead, a closer look at why her appeal was just rejected. the growing outrage over that decision. and why the u.s. says the fight is far from over. all that -- plus, supersized. the massive new cruise ships now setting sail amid record demand for vacations on the high seas. we'll take you inside those gigantic floating cities. ♪♪
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and happy homecoming. >> katie! >> the stars of team usa now returning from paris after dominating the olympics. >> gabby thomas is running away from the field! it's gold for usa! >> and a big group of medal winners is making studio 1a the first stop on their victory tour, today, tuesday, august 13th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning. we're happy you are with us. it is a tuesday morning. savannah is enjoying some time off, so well-deserved. man, i love when they come home, these athletes. >> yes. it's like we're keeping the afterglow going right here. >> we have quite the homecoming. there is katie ledecky. she's returned. >> we have gabby thomas who will be coming right here to studio 1a. after winning her three golds.
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>> men's volleyball team and the women's volleyball team. they're coming in, they're showing off all their hardware and we're here for this. >> we're going to ride this train. it is so beautiful. meantime, we're tracking a series of extreme weather conditions here and all around the world. >> just take a look at this, in fact, from that 4 point magnitude earthquake in california to now tropical storm ernesto forming in the atlantic to the raging wild fires posing a threat in greece. >> as you can see, we have a lot to cover, even intense solar flairs in space that could impact your tech devices. but we will start with al who is tracking the latest on ernesto. hey, al, where's it headed? >> guys, good morning. we're watching right now our friends in puerto rico because this will be a threat for them. 40 miles an hour winds. it is moving to the west at 20 miles per hour. at one point it was moving at 28 miles per hour, one of the fastest caribbean hurricanes movements ever. we're looking at tropical storm warnings from the leeward
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islands on into puerto rico. path of this is just going to take it way off the eastern sea board. but strong enough maybe as a category 2, affecting bermuda as we move into saturday. along the coast, we're looking at strong rip currents to likely develop with large swells and dangerous surf. rain fall amounts, anywhere from 5 to 10 inches of rain, especially the eastern and northern half of puerto rico. meantime, back home, we're talking about 38 million people under heat advisories, heat warnings from florida all the way to texas. we're going to see temperatures, heat indexes feel like 108 in houston. 99 in memphis. 102 in augusta. 104 in orlando. and tomorrow that heat continues with triple digit heat indexes from jackson, montgomery, little rock will feel like 108 to san antonio where it will feel like 106. craig? >> we'll come back to you in just a few moments. meanwhile, we'll turn to another force of nature. an earthquake near los angeles right at lunchtime yesterday
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rattling millions throughout southern california. nbc's liz kreutz was among them. she felt that ground shift right beneath her there in l.a. liz, good morning. >> hey, craig, that's right. yeah, we felt those tremors from the 4.4 magnitude quake right here in our studio. there are some reports of broken items, things falling off walls throughout the region. thankly the it was not large enough to cause any significant damage. this is still a heavily populated area and did leave many people rattled. >> quickly. >> reporter: this morning, southern california bracing for aftershocks after an earthquake rattled millions in monday in and around los angeles. >> it's an earthquake! >> whoa! >> reporter: the 4.4 magnitude quake hitting during lunchtime near south pasadena, knocking items off walls and giving this woman a scare, grabbing a baby. >> i got up and ran to my husband. honey, what happened? did you feel that? >> reporter: people felt the ground shaking for millions. >> it was a little intense.
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i wasn't expecting that. >> reporter: on the coast, a camera at the santa monica pier shaking along with this home surveillance video. an espn anchor paused her show after feeling the jolt live on air. >> we're going to make sure our studio lights, everything stays safe. >> reporter: although no reports of significant damage or injuries, at pasadena city hall, the quake causing a pipe to break, water seen gushing down. inside, one person rescued after getting trapped in an elevator. and nearby, this school evacuated on the first day of classes. is there a chance that this is a sign of a bigger quake to come? >> there's always a chance. we have about a 5% chance that within the next three days we will see something larger from the same location. >> reporter: it is the second quake to hit the region in the past week. last wednesday, a magnitude 5.2 shook bakersfield, including dozens of aftershocks. the one this week leading to the strongest shaking felt in east l.a. in years.
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>> this is a reminder that los angless is earthquake country, but we are also the best prepared city. >> reporter: so far there has been a few aftershocks but not significant. two months ago there was a smaller quake that shook that exact same area here in l.a. it's a good reminder to all of us in earthquake-prone regions to be prepared and that key saying, stop, cover and hold on. craig? >> certainly glad everyone is okay. liz kreutz for us in l.a. liz, thank you. let's go overseas to greece where firefighters are battling a number of fast-moving wild fires near athens. thousands in the path of the flames fuelled by high winds and searing temperatures now being forced to evacuate. nbc's kelly cobiella is covering that story for us. hey, kelly. good morning. >> hi, good morning, hoda. the blaze is racing across bone dry land in greece. the wild fire now just nine miles from the center of athens and its famous ancient sites. it started on sunday after the hottest june and july on record there. and it is fueled by extreme heat and wind gusts up to 40 miles an
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hour. >> reporter: flames shooting more than 80 feet into the air, as a fast-moving and unpredictable wild fire closed in on the greek capital of athens overnight. the ancient buildings that make the city a tourist hot spot with more than a million americans visiting every year in the path. >> i have never seen anything like it. i've never seen a fire like this or clouds like we have seen all over -- all over greece. >> reporter: susan and her husband from alabama saw the fire when they arrived sunday. >> we can't believe all the smoke and just literally so close to us and just a giant smoke cloud that almost looked like a mushroom cloud from a bomb or something. >> reporter: the fire forcing evacuations, burning homes and businesses, turning hotels into shelters. at least one person has died. more than a dozen treated for burns and breathing problems. the smoke and fire closing in on monday. kate and ryan from california capturing this. in greece to celebrate their daughter's college graduation.
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>> while we were here, we received emergency alerts on our phones, which was both concerning and comforting at the same time. >> reporter: this satellite image showing the size. the fire scorching 25,000 acres. this morning warnings for children, pregnant women and the elderly to be extra cautious because of the smoke. >> the smoke was bad. we did really smell it yesterday. we could see it in the air for the last few days. but it did not change our travel plans at all. >> reporter: more than 600 firefighters got a bit of a reprieve from winds this morning, but the gusts are picking up again this afternoon with temperatures forecast to soar above 100 degrees today and tomorrow. hoda? >> those firefighters have a big job ahead. kelly cobiella for us, thank you, kelly. turning to the race to the white house. overnight former president trump holding a free-wheeling, albeit glitch-filled conversation on x with its owner elon musk. it comes as trump allies have encouraged him to stay focused
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on his opponent after new polling shows vice president kamala harris now leading in some critical battleground states. nbc's garrett haake is in washington. garrett, good morning. >> hey, craig, good morning. as this race has tightened, donald trump is looking for new ways to reach what undecided voters may be left out there. after a lengthy technical delay that host elon musk blamed on a hack, this streaming conversation got under way last night two hours packed with attacks on trump's current and former political opponents. >> reporter: donald trump overnight making a return to his old favorite megaphone. taking part in a streaming conversation on x with the site's billionaire owner, elon musk. >> you are an interesting character. >> reporter: musk endorsing trump again in the friendly discussion. >> i think you are the right path. >> reporter: which began 40 minutes late, plagued by technical difficulties. >> my apologies for the late start. >> reporter: the former president railing against his new political opponent, vice president kamala harris. >> we cannot have her.
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she's incompetent. she's as bad as biden. >> reporter: trump suggesting harris would be too weak and to oppose foreign dictators and discussing his own negotiations with russian president vladimir putin over attacking ukraine. i said to vladimir putin, i said don't do it. and i told him things that i do. and he said, no way. and i say way. >> reporter: mr. trump mispronouncing harris' time as he brought up a recent "time" magazine cover of the vice president. >> it was a drawing, and she looked very much like our great first lady, melania. she looked -- she didn't look like kamala. that's right. but, of course, she's a beautiful woman. so we'll leave it at that. >> reporter: the former president taking aim at biden. >> this was a coup of the president of the united states. he didn't want to leave and they said, we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard way. >> yeah. >> reporter: mr. trump courting union workers in battleground states praising musk who had
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mass firings and layoffs at multiple of his companies. >> they go on strike and you say, that's okay. you're all gone. >> reporter: the harris campaign responding saying, quote, trump's entire campaign is in service of people like elon musk and himself, self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and cannot run a live stream in the year 2024. >> so garrett, we're also now hearing from the fbi about potential attempts to hack not just the trump campaign but the harris campaign as well. what more can you tell us about that? >> yeah, that's right, craig. the fbi says it's investigating what the trump campaign has characterized of a hack of its computer networks by iran. fbi officials aren't commenting what they think happened there. a source familiar with the matter said they are looking into a hacking of biden-harris staffers as well. right now, it's not clear if that attempt was successful, craig. >> all right, garrett haake for us in washington. garrett, thank you. also this morning, israel remains on high alert from possible strikes from iran after retaliations recent the assassinations of top
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leaders of hamas and hezbollah. saying those attacks could be significant while trying to deescalate the situation. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel joins with us the latest. richard, good evening. >> reporter: well, good morning from here. it is frankly a moving target. yesterday it seemed like military action was imminent, and it seemed like israel was going to get hit by iran at any moment. israel put itself on high alert. israel remains on high alert. but in the background, for a great many efforts underway to try and reach a cease-fire, to push diplomacy, to try to deescalate tension, but all that effort is extremely fragile. israel attacked this morning what it described as hezbollah military structures in lebanon. in response to hezbollah strikes on israel yesterday. but this tit for tat isn't the big one. the expected major retaliation
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from iran likely in concert with hezbollah for israel's dual assassinations two weeks ago of a hezbollah commander in beirut and hamas leader visiting iran. the israeli military announcing last night it's now at its highest state of alert and readiness. the u.s. also concerned. >> we have to be prepared for what could be a significant set of attacks. >> reporter: but will iran call it off? in a joint statement, the united states, france, the uk, germany and italy called on iran to stand down its ongoing threats of a military attack against israel, adding the countries discussed the serious consequences for regional security. the u.s. military has made some of those consequences abundantly clear. the pentagon announcing its speeding up the arrival of a secondary craft carrier to join a guided missile submarine and a
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squadron of f22 fighters already pre-positioned. the biden administration and our arab mediators want to push ahead with diplomacy and stop the war in gaza with cease-fire and hostage deal in talks that could resume this week unless the middle east goes up in flames. in gaza, israeli strikes continue. the hamas-run health ministry says at least 142 people have been killed in the last 48 hours. a woman in khan yunis telling our camera man, enough. we are tired. we can't bear it anymore, she says. israel launched its war in gaza after hamas murdered around 1,200 israelis in october. israel says hamas fighters are hiding among civilians. and there is some troubling news about the hostages in gaza. hamas announced that two of its guards suggesting that they were acting on their own shot and
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killed a male hostage and seriously wounded two females. israel says it's investigating. hoda? >> richard engel for us there in israel. richard, thank you. a lot more to get to, including government scientists keeping a close eye on the sun following a series of intense flairs that started over the weekend. nbc's tom costello, covers space for us. joins us now with more on this on going solar phenomenon, if you will. tom, help us to understand what this is even all about. >> reporter: it is incredibly cool if you are a space geek like me. right? space weather forecasters are reporting severe joe owe magnetic storm conditions on the sun, at least five strong solar flairs since august 10th. the activity was more intense than initially expected. so we're right now in a period known as solar maximum. and the sun's nag nettic field is right now at its peak of an 11-year cycle. it sends out bubbling, shooting
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streams of plasma that are 400 times hotter than the sun itself. and scientists are expecting this increased solar activity will continue. but the intensity of this flare-up has really caught them by surprise, craig. >> so five strong flares since early august. any idea how this could impact us mere earthlings here on the third rock? >> yeah, that's right. nanu nanu. we have seen it in the past, and it could happen again. interfering with power grids by surging higher voltages through transmission lines. so power companies are taking steps to avoid disruptions. we could also see high frequency communications affected at high altitudes. so we're talking about gps and radio signals that could be -- could be scrambled. and the storms could even increase the earth's drag on satellites in low earth orbit. thankfully no major problems reported right now. and by the way, the auroras from these storms are sometimes
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visible in the night sky. even in the summer. forecasters say we should watch the sky tonight as far south as alabama, as far west as california. you might see a trace of auroras even here in august. craig? >> tom, i just learned so much. tom costello for us there in washington. tom, thanks as always. we have so much more to worry about here on earth and now we have to worry about the sun. >> that's kind of like a real science lesson. all right, mr. roker? >> tom didn't even bring up the coronal mass ejection. >> oh no. >> here we go. >> no. but we knew you would. we knew you would. >> come on. who doesn't like saying that? we have a beautiful day today. here in the northeast. you okay, craig? just checking. beautiful day. lots of sunshine. great temperatures in the great lakes. lovely. showers through the southeast, we will be watching that. the heat and humidity firing up down south. strong storms out west and along the west coast, another gorgeous day. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ and that's your latest weather. guys
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weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. still to come, new developments and outrage over that olympic medal controversy. jordan chiles facing a new setback in the fight to keep that bronze medal on the floor. kaylee hartung is following that for us. hey, kaylee. >> hey, good morning, guys. by no fault of her own, jordan chiles is caught in the middle of this mess. usa gymnastics is making it clear, they have got her back. coming up, we will tell you about the latest roadblock they face and where they plan to take this fight next to help her keep that bronze. craig? the booming cruise business leading to bigger and bigger ships to keep up with that record demand. we will take you inside the super sized vessel. some of them longer than three football fields that are now dominating the waters. we will tell you how you can save on your next vacation at sea. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do
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coming up, guys, we will check in with our dear friend kathy lee on the mend after a fall that landed her in the fall. hospital. >> so kathie lee will join us live to tell us what happened and also how she's feeling as well. but first, your local news, weather and these messages. free 5g phones when you join, our best deals when you stay. only at metro. this is what joint pain looks like. when you keep moving with aleve.
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is set to open this morning to freshmen and sophomores after four years of construction. this is also the first high school built and opened in alameda county in 50 years. right now, it can handle about 1300 students. that is expected to double by the end of the school year. and in case you're wondering, they'll be known as the emerald high aeronauts. i'm ginger conejero saab in pacifica, where police posted about an unconfirmed shark sighting here at landmark beach over the weekend. a surfer reportedly saw a shark about 200 yards from shore. now this follows the experience of two kayakers that was shot on video. a shark recently tailed them off the coast of half moon bay. ian walters, who took the video, says they spotted the shark while on a fishing trip. walters said the shark did not show threatening behavior of any kin. let's get a look at the forecast for this tuesday morning with meteorologist kari hall. and it's the first day of school for a lot of kids going back in santa clara today. it's going to
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be a nice one, kind of cool drop off time with upper 50s to start as you're walking to school. but at pickup time and walking home, it's going to be at about 80 degrees. a really nice day and more of the same temperatures like what we saw yesterday. temperatures anywhere from 60s along the coast and in san francisco to low 90s for the inland east bay all the way up to fairfield. laura. thanks kari, and don't forget to join us for today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. we'll zero in on the summer crisis. right now, when it comes to our nation's blood supply and the most urgent needs here at home. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and other streamg pinla
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>> k.d.! katie! >> that's it. she's home! 7:30. beautiful, warm welcome for swimming superstar katie
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ledecky, just back from paris. by the way, she happened to be by team usa's most decorated female olympian ever. >> always so generous, too. >> she's lovely. imagine her coming home with all of her medals, seeing all of her people. what a get moment for her. >> 14. >> 14 of them. >> 14 year. 9 of them gold, including, of course, that historic four-peat in the 800 meter free. look who joined the party. >> yeah. >> savannah is off. who just texted. she is enjoying the show. >> do something. >> she's a team player. she's always onboard here. a lot of team players will join us from the men's and women's volleyball team. all right. speaking of the olympics, we will start this hour with new developments in the medal controversy around jordan chiles. >> the court of arbitration for sport now saying even in the face of new evidence, it can't reverse the decision to strip chiles of her medal in the floor exercise.
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>> nbc's kaylee hartung joins us now with these details. hey, kaylee, good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. there is no question usa gymnastics is gearing up for a major fight here. the question, will jordan chiles get to keep her olympic bronze medal, the first she's ever won in an individual event or be forced to give it back? and the answer experts say could take months if not years. >> reporter: this morning, a dev stating setback for jordan chiles in usa gymnastics. the court of arbitration denying their request to reopen chiles case. usa gymnastics saying in a statement, it's deeply disappointed after cas said their rules do not allow for a case to be reconsidered. even when conclusive new evidence is presented. team usa now vowing to pursue every possible avenue and appeal process to ensure chiles gets to keep her bronze medal. the outrage on social media, immediate. many demanding the gymnast at
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the center of this controversy, chiles and hero main yan competitor both get medals. a request team's romanian and usa also made to cas but were denied. >> solution isn't now traumatizing jordan, and taking away her bronze medal. it's time to get two more little chunks of eiffel tower and time to slap them into a bronze medal. >> the inquiry a change in numbers. >> the debacle began after chiles' coach challenged her score on the floor routine. judges reconsidered and chiles bumped up to third place. >> it's jordan chiles with a bronze medal. she won the bronze. do you believe that? >> reporter: but days later, olympic officials ruled the coach's verbal appeal came four seconds too late. reinstating chiles original score and sending her back to fifty place. usa gymnastics it since submitted time stamp video a second statement were made
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within the one-minute deadline. >> potentially, how long could this battle drag out? >> this could take years to decide who gets to keep the bronze. >> for now, as chiles waits, supporters are rallying around her, including one famous team usa fan, flava flav. revealing a custom bronze gold clock for jordan chiles. the mom saying, thank you, it means the world. >> we had gina and jordan right here in studio a few days ago. usa gymnastics will pursue all the avenues. what is next? >> team usa says it can appeal to the swiss federal tribunal, a higher judicial body to rule on matters like this. but still, it's unclear how long that process would take to play out. so buckle up nor a fight here, guys. >> it's so annoying because jordan's score once they realized they made an error was
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the bronze. >> correct. >> their error? >> the problem is her and her team didn't correct the error quick enough so they were four seconds too late. so it seems like -- >> nothing to do with her performance. >> no. it doesn't. any way, okay. >> we'll keep following it though. >> absolutely. still ahead the plans to turn anthony bower dane's remarkable and complicated life into a movie and who could play the tv star. the cruise industry riding a wave of success. now, now they're supersizing those ships. emilie ikeda just watched one of the massive ships pull into port this morning. hey, emilie. >> reporter: hey there. good morning to you. all 1,000 plus feet of the carnival just floated down the hudson river behind me. and there are ships even bigger than this, approaching the length of the empire state building. coming up, we are diving into what's supersizing the cruise industry. stay with us.
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"today's consumer." this morning, a new look at the booming cruise business. >> those locations are more popular than ever with nearly 35 million people expected to set sail this year alone. and to meet that demand the ships themselves are getting much bigger. >> nbc's emilie ikeda joins us from the cruise ship terminal here in new york, not far from the studio actually, where one of the massive ships just pulled in. there's a look at it right there. emilie, good morning. >> that's right. we watched it pull into port not long ago, along with its mini golf course, its water park and others. it seems for the cruise industry right now, the sea is the limit as these supersize ships continue to ride a wave of post-pandemic success. cruises have become one of the
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most popular ways to vacation. and now super-sized ships with everything from music venues to water parks to zip lines are working to keep pace with the record-breaking demand. >> cruise has 23 bars, 21 dining venues and three epic water slides. >> reporter: a new report finds the biggest cruise ships have with the world's largest, the royal caribbean's icon of the seas, able to carry some 7,000 passengers. the mega ship is 1,200 feet long, the equivalent of three football fields and almost the same height as the empire state building, not including the spire. andrew and jenna, who were on board for the maiden voyage in january, say the ship itself was the destination. >> what stood out to you? >> we were pleasantly surprised with how easy the largest cruise ship in the world was to navigate. >> yeah, it really was. but also it was just -- it was mind blowing to be on a ship
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like that. >> other veteran cruisers, like this couple, who just took their 18th trip in june, agree. >> the last cruise we went on, too many choices of things to do. >> that's a good problem to have. >> it is. >> reporter: the new study focussed on the environmental impacts of cruising predicts that by 2050, the biggest ships could be nearly eight times larger than the titanic, raising concerns around growing co2 emissions in the industry. but some experts say that estimate is not realistic. because the industry knows bigger, isn't always better. >> one of the down sides of these super large ships is that they can't get into all the ports. there's not much more, as far as size wise, that they can go under the current situations. >> reporter: the number of people hitting the high seas continues to climb, with more than 34 million passengers expected to cruise in 2024. experts say the price tag is a major factor driving booking, with families leading the way. are you already thinking about your next trip?
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>> we need to have our next trip plan before we go on one so we always have something to look forward to. >> reporter: so as we approach, dare i say, summer's end, many americans across the country are like this couple and thinking about the next trip. looking for ways to save, experts recommend booking your cruise, at least a year out. but they do point out there are some last-minute deals, especially right now. the end of august through the end of november when so many kids are going back to school. the cruisers we heard from also say they got a lot of savings through going through a travel agent and then also, if you can be flexible with your dates, sometimes just shifting your vacation by one week will lead to big savings. guys, i feel like i'm talking myself into booking another vacation. >> that's exactly what it sounds like. >> right now. >> thank you. >> all right. >> did you see what emilie tried to do, kill summer early. >> that's what people have been doing over, sit? >> it's not over until we say it's over. all right. let's hang in there.
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one of the signs of summer, we got some afternoon and evening storms to deal with. right now, kansas, we're looking at some strong storms. wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour. damaging wind. good news is, low tornado risk. however, it gets a little ramped up as we move on into tomorrow, from sioux city all the way down to concordia, kansas city, damaging wind and hail possible. we're looking one to three inches of rain from minneapolis down to springfield, mo. a beautiful day here in the northeast, right into the great lakes. showers along the southeastern atlantic coast. going to be really hot and sticky down through the lower gulf on into texas. but a beauty of a day from los
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weather. >> all right, al. thank you. thank you. coming up, kids, we have a very special morning boost, because we're celebrating them to coming of these olympians, team usa! >> yes! >> we're going to do it right after this. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not. allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate. huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. ♪cinnadust♪
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check allstate first and you could♪save hundreds. (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust. school is back! and dick's sporting goods has what you need to win your year. we've got everything from cleats to sambas, dunks and more. plus, the hottest styles from nike, jordan and adidas. find your first-day fits in-store or online at with claritin, relieving your allergies is a walk in the park. get fast, all-day relief of your worst allergy symptoms like nasal congestion. (♪♪) live claritin clear. from pep in their step to shine in their coats,
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7:49 am
they only hit pause on my symptoms. but twice-daily xiidra gives me lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra and seek medical help if needed. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. before using xiidra, remove contact lenses and wait fifteen minutes before re-inserting. dry eye over and over? it's time for xiidra. (♪♪) >> volvemos con una cabina olympic boost. hoda? >> we're sitting right smack the middle of this. how amazing is this? we are surrounded by medal winners from the united states men's and women's volleyball team. just back from paris. women's volleyball team took home silver. they're all here. with bronze medalist matt
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anderson and taylor averill from the men's volleyball team. it is so fun to look at you with your medals here in the united states. how was it coming home? >> it was amazing. we got a super warm welcome at the airport. drum line and everything. >> drum line? >> oh, yes. it was incredible. we're just stoked to be here with you guys. >> having these medals around your neck, i mean, we were screaming for you guys. i hope you felt the country feeling that moment for you. what was it like when it sunk in and you go, we're medal winners here? >> just for us to be playing on the last day of the olympics was the moment where you have left everything you could out there and you look at the people around you and know everything behind it. >> so much fun watching a culmination of volleyball's moment in america right now. saw you guys in that match against italy. that was tight. three tight sets and you pulled it out. as you sit here with a bronze around your neck, how do we feel in this moment? >> pretty amazing.
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we lost a tough one, so we weren't guaranteed a medal in the last day we were competing. pretty hard emotionally to get over that and come back out there and fight. but we did it together. that's how we were able to overcome it. >> super proud of you guys. i have to shout-out to the women. the men crushed it at the olympics, and then the women really crushed it at the olympics, a ton of medals. who has a mic back there? can you describe -- who has a mic back there? all right, girls. since you have one, how does it feel to be in this sisterhood in this moment? >> it's honestly so surreal. yeah, like you said, women's sports just took over. we had a moment. >> like 65% of medals. >> yeah. give it up for that. yeah. to be a part of it and to be in the village with katie ledecky and simone biles, it was surreal. >> what was it about this team that makes you so successful?
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>> is that for me again? >> you have the mic. >> our strength is in our numbers. >> we run really deep. we use everybody. we're very selfless as a group. everyone got a piece of the pie. it was really cool to see everybody contribute and it really worked out. >> i mean, this is -- it is a seventh medal. legit dynasty now. >> we are super, super proud of you. thank you for sitting on the couch with us. this is a big deal for us. >> it's an honor. >> comfy for you guys. >> looking forward to seeing most of you guys in los angeles. we're not done yet. no, no, no. little later, track star gabby thomas will race right under the plaza. >> i love that. and the long-awaited freaky fridays. and 2024 top picks crosstrek and forester.
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safe. reliable. trusted. loved. subaru. get 2.9% apr for 72 months on a new subaru outback during the subaru a lot to love event. going on now. (america ferrera) yoplait is america's favorite strawberry yogurt. america the country, not me america. well, yoplait is also my favorite. but i don't talk about myself in 3rd person, normally. do i? (vo) yoplait. made with real fruit. attention, parents, spend less on your kids with amazon's low back to school prices. save on school supplies, backpacks, and so much more. can i have that back? absolutely. you want to take it. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours
7:54 am
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7:55 am
“three fingers, twist, and enjoy.” “jif peanut butter and chocolate flavored spread.” “it's that jif'ing good.” ah, bookstores. i've read that one, i've read that one, —i've read that one! —i didn't read that one, —i didn't read that one. —hey,can you get this? because i left my wallet way in my back pocket. my pleasure because i earn unlimited 2% cash back. wow, this is fascinating: did you know whales and barnacles have a parasitic relationship? oh, i know about parasitic relationships— let's go barnacle. off you go. unlimited 2% cash back, the wells fargo active cash credit card. ♪“i got you” by the beginners♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ all the gear to go back in style. welcome to your walmart. (♪♪)
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(♪♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪) ♪ (woman) c'mon c'mon ♪ (man) yes! ♪ (vo) you've got your sunday obsession and we got you. now with verizon, get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us and get every out-of-market sunday game. plus $800 off samsung galaxy z fold6. only on verizon. (jalen hurt) see you sunday. and i'm laura garcia. happening. now. this is what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm bob
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redell here in san jose, where parents are growing frustrated with the alum rock school district as their children head back to school later this morning, board members are preparing to close nine schools within the district by the fall of 2025 because of declining enrollment. that's one frustration. a few weeks ago, parents gathered outside district headquarters. you can see to vent their frustrations not only about the closures, but the fact that the district is starting the school year without a permanent superintendent, and the fact that there's a lawsuit by 11 students claiming the district conspired to hide sex assaults by a music teacher who is now in prison jose. and for this first day of school, we're going to see a pretty nice warm up for the afternoon. but it will be very much like yesterday with our high temperatures in the low 80s. and we'll see around the bay area our highs in the mid 70s for oakland and hayward, mid 80s for napa and a few low 90s in the inland valleys. back to you. all right. thanks kari. and make sure you watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast, starting in just minutes at 8 a.m, will zero in on the summer crisis of our nation's blood
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supply and the most urgent need right here at home. u canyo z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value
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on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, on the move, ernesto churning in the atlantic. new tropical storm warnings mosted overnight, while millions across the u.s. face record-high temperatures. al has our full forecast.
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and hot tip. inside the growing push to end taxes on tips. >> inflation, too, it is just -- everything is going up, but our tips don't go up that much. it is actually decreasing. >> and the potential impact on the nation's service and hospitality workers. plus, live with kathie lee. our dear frien our dear friend back home after an unexpected hospital stay. she will tell us all about it and how life is on the mend. all that, plus wicked's most eligible bachelor. huey lewis has some news. ♪ and boots getting a reboot. today, tuesday, august 13th, 2024. ♪ >> hi, to our students and staff in bridgeville public schools. >> in connecticut. >> here for my 21st birthday. >> from oklahoma city. >> visiting "today" from north
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carolina. >> provo, utah. >> texas. >> new york. >> chicago, illinois. >> and washington! ♪ >> best friends since high school. >> on a girls' trip from cincinnati. >> celebrating 20 years of friendships! >> wishing my mom a happy 80th. we love you, momma! ♪ >> oh, welcome back. what a good-looking crowd we have out there. we have shabuzi. we have "tipsy." it's a good, good day. we're happy you got out and we can't wait to get out and visit with everybody outside. >> it's a beautiful tuesday, too, by the way. >> uh-huh. who is ready for some football? >> we are. >> let's go! >> nfl preseason is underway. in case you didn't know. and tomorrow you are going to help us bring back one of our favorite series, the inside the game series. >> yes. we will take you to the new york giants training camp where we meet up with a legend of the
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league. his name is big daddy. that's how he's known by players and coaches. even nfl commissioner roger goodell. what does he do and why is he so beloved? we will show you tomorrow on "today". within minutes i'm like, i get it. i get it. >> i feel like if you are name is big daddy. >> by everyone. >> don't y'all love how we're going right from the olympics to football? we're flying right in there. >> my heart needs it, though. let's get to our news at 8:00. we will begin with tropical storm ernesto gaining strength this morning as it aims at puerto rico. al has been tracking that storm. he's back with the latest update. how is it looking? >> right now we are watching for our friends in puerto rico. this is taking aim right there. 35 miles northwest. guadalupe. 45 miles an hour winds. so it has picked up strength but slowed down a bit. moving west at 18 miles per hour. tropical storm warnings right now for the leeward islands and puerto rico. it makes a glancing blow of puerto rico and then makes its way toward bermuda as we move into saturday. along the east coast, all the
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way from new england to florida, we're looking at strong rip currents and high seas. but could see upwards of 10 inches of rain for our friends in puerto rico as well. we also have a lot of heat to talk about for dallas, memphis, tallahassee, orlando and augusta. tomorrow more of that same heat with temperatures feeling like 108 in little rock, 106 in san antonio, 107 in jacksonville. to the north, it is nice and comfortable. chicago into the weekend, upper 70s to low 80s. mid to lower 80s with low humidity in new york city. but you get down south, we're talking heat indexes again well over 100. dallas, you are looking at triple digit air temperatures as well. guys? >> al, we will come back to you in a few moments. also making news this morning, the united states is sending a guided missile submarine to the middle east. it comes as israel braces for retaliatory attacks from iran. after the assassinations of senior members of hamas and hezbollah. the united states is also
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speeding up the arrival of an aircraft carrier strike group to that region. defense secretary, lloyd austin reaffirming washington's, quote, commitment to take every possible step to defend its ally. in a joint statement, the united states and several european allies called on iran to stand down on its ongoing threats of a military attack against israel. now to a proposal being endorsed by both presidential candidates. a push to end the federal tax on tips earned by service and hospitality workers. tips often make up the bulk of their total pay. nbc's morgan chesky has a closer look. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, sheinelle, good morning. it is a united topic among both campaigns. donald trump said he would put an end to taxes on tips back in june. now, vice president, kamala harris jumping on the idea as well, making a similar promise over the weekend at a speech in vegas where one in four workers are in that hospitality industry. the campaigns have stayed light on the specifics so far, but servers are absolutely welcoming
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this idea no matter who is behind it. the idea has been floated by both presidential nominees. first by former president donald trump. >> we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people making tips. >> reporter: and just days ago, by the new democratic nominee, vice president kamala harris. >> eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> reporter: but politics aside, the push for no taxes on tips is gaining momentum nationwide and getting a big thumb's up from many restaurant servers. >> it would be amazing, especially because i have kids. >> reporter: tina, a waitress bob's big boy in l.a. for three years is excited about the proposal. >> it would help me out so much, right now i kind of live paycheck to paycheck. just seeing inflation, too. it's just -- everything keeps going up, but our tips don't go up that much. it's actually decreasing. >> reporter: so how exactly would it work? right now tips are treated like
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regular income, meaning they're subject to both income and payroll taxes. even for cash tips. although, those often go unreported. nationwide, more than 5 million workers are paid a sub minimum wage, where servers rely on tips to subsidize their earnings and many wait staff and bartenders get three quarters of their income from tips. if a policy exempting tips were to pass, experts say it could challenge hard to administer and note it would only help a small fraction of the low-income work force. the nonpartisan committee for a responsible federal budget estimates exempting tips from income and payroll tax would reduce tax revenue by 150 to $250 billion every year. >> i think we should be taxing the wealthy more, not taking it out of the pockets of wait people. >> reporter: servers like tina say the policy could make a big difference. >> i know a lot of servers that have been here for years. and for us to actually be in the
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eye of politics, it is crazy to me. >> reporter: now, so far neither campaign released the full details of their tax free tips policy. they haven't said if they would eliminate just the payroll tax. or income tax. that's important, guys, it funds medicaid and social security. so there are still some pretty big question marks out there whether those workers participation in the programs would then also be impacted. sheinelle? >> morgan chesky, thank you. british diver tom daley is calling it a career. the five-time olympic medalist confirmed his retirement from the sport after arriving home in london yesterday. it was an emotional interview with the bbc. daley said he is looking forward to spending time with his family. the 30-year-old said, quote, i guess it is an end of an era, but i can look back on my 23 years and be very proud. congratulations to him. >> legend. still ahead, a packed "popstart" today, a new look at "wicked" the movie and a can't-miss duet. plus, how about this?
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a sight for sore eyes, kathie lee. >> what is she doing? she is reading her book. >> of course she is. >> it's a bestseller. it must be. she's going to talk to us about life, how she's feeling and what she has in her hand. but, first, these messages. >> looks like she's feeling pretty well. oh man... do you stick with plump, juicy raisins? or try something deliciously frosted? best to reallyyyy chew on this one. but maybe not so loudly. more delicious ways to bran.
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(♪♪) this season on metro's nada yada island, castmates are thrilled that at metro new and existing customers are finally treated the same, with metro flex. free 5g phone when you join, our best deals when you stay. only at metro. ♪♪ (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. at the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's, milkthis is why we walk.rds. ♪ they're why we walk. ♪ we walk in the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's because we're getting closer to beating this disease. join us. two brothers, cut from the same loaf. one... a lunchbox icon. oh, hey! the other... freezer burned, again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust.
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(school bus stops) (silence) pop-tarts. crazy good. “every once in a while, a snack comes along that changes everything.” “three fingers, twist, and enjoy.” “jif peanut butter and chocolate flavored spread.” “it's that jif'ing good.” (mom) how was everyone's day? “jif peanut butter and ch(doughboy) it was great!” we made this taco crescent ring, i saw a weird bird, you came home, you came home, i rode the vacuum... we're eating dinner!
8:12 am
here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! ♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. we are back now at 8:12. we're back with a dear friend of ours, ms. kathie lee gifford. >> okay. so klg suffered a fractured pelvis after a fall at her house last month. she spent over a week in the hospital. everyone was super worried about her. everyone was reaching out, including, of course, us. we're happy to report, she's back home. she's on the mend. she has her hair curled. she looks like a million bucks, as per usual. >> hey, kath. >> hey, you guys. >> hi, honey. it is good to see you. >> and happy birthday to everybody. al. i was talking to jill the other day and she said she was on her
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way to your party. hoda, you had a great party. i'm not having the party. what was your question, hoda? >> by the way, al has his 70th. it will be a big party coming up. but tell us about what happened because i think a lot of people were surprised to hear that you were back in the hospital. what happened? >> right. well, i had hip replacement that i needed because my hips apparently were down to the absolute nubs. and i said why? he said because the life you have lived. you have been climbing mountains. you have been dancing on all kinds of stages. you have been running for airplanes. you know, you wear your body out. and, so, that i needed desperately. i had been in pain for over two years and it was really a horrible time for me. i jumped out of that thing like crazy. i do this thing called mandu. my bone density is up 10% more than it was five years ago. i just did really, really well with that.
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thank you, lord. then i was healing and in physical therapy and stuff like that. i thought i was better than i -- more completely healed. was running down the stairs here at my home in tennessee because my friend was locked out of my back door and it is 100 degrees outside. i live on a four-story brown stone. i just went too fast in stupid shoes and i went tumbling. i have to tell you something, you guys. i was out at my little farm here. i was walking all around on a walker. i feel for anybody that lives like that. i thought, hopefully it is temporary, but i realized i wasn't in any pain. a cracked pelvis, it was cracked in the front and the back. i was in no pain at all. i was off painkillers. i was off all that stuff. i called my doctor and said, shouldn't i be in a lot of pain?
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he said, yes, you should. not only been -- it's been two weeks. he said, come in. i'll give you another x-ray. i went in, and this was just last thursday. and i know that hundreds and thousands of people have been praying for me because i heard from them. and, you guys, i'm telling you right now. he comes in with my x-ray and he goes, look at this, kathie. and i look. he said, do you want to see your x-ray? i said, that's my x-ray. he said, yeah, you are completely healed. you are pure. this is nothing -- and he's an incredible man of god, yes. but he -- you know, he doesn't see that very often. he said, you are healed. it is a miracle. and now you can have one glass of wine, if you want. >> that's all you needed to hear. >> by the way, kathie. >> i didn't do it. but i had a spritzer. that's when you make it mostly club soda. anyway, i had been in no pain now.
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when that thing -- when that happened, you have to give, you know, credit and glory -- credit to all the prayers. i saw, when i think about the people that have reached out to me and said, have a speedy recovery. we're praying for a speedy recovery. that's about as speedy as you get. >> amen. >> i had been walking on it. yeah. if people are out there waiting for their miracle, keep waiting, looking for hope. god hears your prayers and he knows what you are going through. i'm deeply grateful and i'm still praying for all the friends and loved ones in my life that have not received their healing yet. so, you know, i still have a lot of work to do. you guys, i fell off the bestseller list when i fell down the stairs. >> just stop! >> and there it is. >> i have to pay for my hair and makeup people. >> tell us about the book, klg. >> yeah. i didn't know we had so much
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time. this is part of a new series i'm writing called "ancient/evil living/hope" with an incredible doctor. he has so many phds in this area. i have always been fascinated by ancient evil. the ahas been ahabs and nero, all those people from biblical times but we know so little about them. and we only know were little about herod because he's only mentioned a few times in the new testament. when i went there and studied all the stuff that was going on, political, cultural, everything else going on in the first century a.d., when herod was the king of the jews, but he wasn't a jew.
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even though he was their king, their leader. i had no idea what a wide, sweeping world that herod impacted. he was probably the greatest architect of all time. he was with julius caesar, mark anthony, what's her name, cleopatra tried to seduce him. the only thing he missed in israel -- >> you got a lot going on there, kath. >> you gave me that book. it reads like one of those -- >> and you haven't read it, i know. >> the first three pages. you can count. those three pages were juicy. oh, my god! look at what you just did to your -- wait. do it again. >> did you read the first three pages. >> it was a thumb's up. it was an accident. >> because i talk about herod's genitals in the first three pages. >> can you do this? can you put two thumbs up on your screen. i want to see what happens. give us two thumbs up on your screen. yes! it worked!
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>> facetime. >> do you see what just happened there? >> you are 100%. >> bye, kath! we love you. >> love you guys so much. thanks for caring. bye, everybody. bye-bye. >> it is like old times. >> but here's the headline. she's better. i was so concerned about her. good for her. >> i need to update my facetime. >> and you could do that. if you go peace, there is a lot of stuff happening. can you top that? >> absolutely not. >> are you sure? nothing on herod. >> nothing on herod. nice day through the great lakes into the northeast. hot and humid. we're looking at strong storms and plenty of sunshine out west. that's what's going
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coming up in "popstart," we got more herod. >> i got nothing. >> take us, sheinelle. >> first up, let's talk about "wicked," shall we. >> speaking of herod. >> making its big screen debut. but a new video is revealing a sneak peek at one of the most anticipated characters. jonathan bailey turned up the heat in the second season of "bridgerton" as the show's hundredky, leading man. wait until you see him as oz's most eligible bachelor. take a look.
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>> oh. oz. >> it's a responsibility to corrupt my fellow students. >> you pretend to be shallow and self-absorbed. >> excuse me. there is no pretense here. i happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow. >> listen, i love "bridgerton." i can't wait to see him. in "wicked" of course from our sister company universal theaters. it hits theaters in november. it just keeps giving. every teaser gives us more stuff. >> that's going to be a good one. next up, anthony bourdain spent several emmy-winning seasons bringing viewers around the world. in a cnn series "parts unknown." >> any other place in the world, this place would be overrun by tourists. but, look, no one. you are free to wander as you wish. quite a backdrop. you know? you are seeing a little dinner theater production.
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>> so this trip from his visit to libya. now one actor set to bring bourdain back to the screen in a biopic. "deadline" reporting that dominic is set to star in it. the project is called "tony." he shared the news yesterday. dominic was named to "variety" list ten actors to watch. he already has a pretty busy year with now you see me sequel and new holiday movie in the works. we'll certainly keep our eyes peeled on that one. that will be a talker for sure. sabrina carpenter took the stage in san francisco's massive outside lands festival joined by a special surprise guest, ms. kacey musgraves. singing a cover of "these boots are made for walking." you want to hear it? here is a clip.
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♪ ♪ these boots were made for walking ♪ ♪ and that's what they'll do ♪ ♪ one of these days these boots are going walk all over you ♪ >> we're all singing along. social media kacey revealing, we were working late because we are singing. next up, jamie lee curtis and lindsay lohan. the former on screen mother/daughter duo. they're getting together for a freaky friday sequel. decades in the making, reuniting at disney's fan convention. it will be called "freakier friday," of course. they're right in the middle of filming. u without revealing too much, here is what jlc said. >> we're not allowed to say because we're still in the middle of shooting. >> are you really? >> yeah. lindsey was working last night at 11:00, playing guitar somewhere. maybe on the stage. there may be a lot of music in
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this new movie and maybe last night they were shooting a new sequence. >> could this mean lindsey's band is back together? >> that's cool. >> we already know chad michael murray and mark harmon plan to return. we'll have to wait and see. "freakier friday" is slated to hit theaters next year. finally news from huey lewis. the beloved musician is gearing up to hit the screen in a mockumentary series that may sound pretty, pretty, pretty familiar. set to take the small screen in a "curb your enthusiasm" style show. the music legend -- it is called "whatever what happened to huey lewis" where he will play a fictionalized version of himself. this one being produced by jimmy kimmel's media company. >> okay. >> yeah. >> wait for it. i think it will be good. >> i love a good mockumentary. >> good actor, too. >> yes. still ahead, how cool is this, gabby thomas. left paris with three gold medals. the track superstar has raced to
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our plaza. we can't wait to chat with her coming up after your local news and weather.
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♪ oh! we are back at 8:30 for a gorgeous tuesday morning. a lot of excitement here on the plaza. a lot of excitement thanks to
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the arrival of the one, the only, the fastest woman on the planet, gabby thomas! [ cheers and applause ] >> you guys, this incredible woman right here closed out her time in paris, a perfect three for three, dominating the 200 meter race before picking up two more gold medals as a member of the 100 and the 400 meter relay teams. she ran straight from paris off that plane right here on our plaza. gabby, how does it feel to be embraced by everyone now that you are back home. >> it's such an amazing feeling. i was out there representing team usa. to be greeted with all these amazing people and friendly smiles back in america is incredible. >> by the way, we want to point out she brought back her "today" show bracelet. >> i got this after my 200 meter win, so i made sure to bring it. >> your story, for folks who are not familiar, you're not just the fastest woman on the planet.
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no, no. gabby went to harvard. what did you study? >> neurobiology and epidemiology. she wasn't finished. >> when you are not winning gold medals, you volunteer where? >> at the volunteer health clinic in austin, texas. >> gabby, i feel like you have to run for office. >> she has the running part down. >> gabbie, i feel like you have to do so many interviews. run around so much and you have to present. but have you had a chance to put your head on your pillow, to just appreciate everything that you've accomplished? >> i mean, i'm still soaking it all in, but last night i definitely had the ability to do that. i was in paris and i got to celebrate with my friends and family before hopping on the plane over here and coming back to america. but i think i'll use the next few weeks to really soak it all in and realize what i did. >> by the way, you should enjoy this moment. i know it's easy to sprint through it, like you do most things in life. this one you should take super slowly. >> after she recovers a bit,
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she's going to start training for -- >> los angeles. >> l.a. 2028. >> wait. how much down time do you get? >> we get about six weeks. >> what will you do during the six weeks? >> oh, gosh. i'll go home. enjoy down time in austin, texas w my dog, with my friends and plan a little vacation before we get back to work. >> that's well deserved. >> you earned it. >> thank you. >> cool. >> you'll stick around, right? you'll be here in the 3rd hour. >> exactly. >> al, do you have something you want to do with ms. gabbie thomas. >> we do this thing, we go around the horn. >> are you going to have her do it with you? >> it would be a saunter for her. first we have to do weather first. let's show you what we got going on. for your weekend, look at friday, severe storms, great lakes, mississippi river valley. dry out west. southern heat continues. saturday, we have rain around the great lakes. be a beautiful day in the plains on saturday. sunshine out west with heat in the rockies. sunday, sunday, wet day in the northeast. mild in the midwest.
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and again that sunshine continues out west. no relief down throuhrough texas maybe a little bit more breezy, but we're going to see more highs in the mid to upper 80s, at least into early next week. and for san francisco it's going to continue to reach into the upper 60s at times some fog and clouds, but also a mix of >> >> never ran with an olympian before, so here we go. gabby, here we go. there's craig melvin. >> we're coming around this way! there's gabby! look out! here we go. almost done. happy 60th birthday, just like hoda. and there you go.
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it is an olympic version of around-the-horn! thank you, gabby! >> thank you. thank you. >> i actually finished ahead of gabby because she was walking very slowly. back to you guys. >> that was awesome. >> that was epic. >> can i say anything when she was running. there are muscles bulging out of her legs. >> we just watched the fastest woman in the world take a stroll around our plaza. coming up next, guys, jill is standing by ready to kick off a two-day steals and deals with tech and beauty and so much more. but, first, it is "today" on when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it.
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we're back on the plaza, kicking off our huge two-day steals and deals on the plaza, filled with must-have jewelry and so much more. i've got the giggles, sorry.
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everything is 73% off plus shipping. guess who is here? jill martin. you can start shopping. scan the qr code. let's blow it out, girl. what do you have? >> it is like your birthday blow-out. now i will give you great gifts. >> let's do it. >> let's start with something i know you will love. retail $98. the deal price is $39. this entire segment is free shipping. so on mine it says jill. you can put hope. you would put a date. it is personalized. makes a great gift. it is 60% off, $39, fre shipping. >> i like the chains, too. >> and you could layer it, obviously. >> like i do. >> like you do, okay. now i'm setting everyone up for a spa night. so great to just have a new scent. i went with the so great to just have a new scent. i went with the black cherry because i like black cherry soda
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and hibiscus. it is the wish body butter and scrub duo. retail is $106.90. which one did you do? >> i did the black cherry. >> it is a duo like you love in a box ready to gift. i think we have gillian use it. first use the sugar scrub. it is not abrasive. when you are done with that, soak yourself up. >> it's creamy. i love it. >> it's a great gift. >> i love it so much. >> okay. speaking of spa night, this i love. these are things you probably don't have that you might want. the kitsch beauty essentials. >> what is in there? >> 50% off. >> what's in there? >> i use every single thing here. so let's start with this takes your makeup off. i use every single thing here. this takes your makeup off at night seamlessly, okay? first let's do the shower cap. >> what is this towel? >> it's for big heads like me. >> yes! >> you put it on and pin it back and it will hold back all of
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your hair. >> yeah. you will put this in and then this clips. >> oh, twist it. >> yes. and that will cover your entire head while you are showering. then we have the dermaplaning for your face. i do it every day. >> let me feel your skin. >> oh, it's soft. >> okay. and these are the make-up remover pads. they are round. you use them and then throw them in the washing machine. $23.50 with shipping, a great bundle. >> you are speaking my language! let's go. >> sheinelle's phone doesn't work because she put her phone near water, and you can't do that. >> right. >> now you have a speaker, sheinelle. water resistant speaker. retail $89.99. deal price $29 with free shipping. 68% off. you can hook it to a bicycle, change the volume and it's very loud. >> and it's cute as can be and very lightweight. love it. get cozy.
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>> okay. this is a triumph. always sold out. get it if you like it. the mall due throw blanket. retail $175 to $180. rarely goes on sale. up to 67% off. this is a great way to make a room pop with a subtle color. look at how big this oversized blanket is. and it's a feather yarn. so let me just -- do you feel it here? look at how gorgeous this is. so this always sells out really fast. and we have one more. >> what? >> so the rug. >> yes. >> machine washable and gorgeous. it is the my magic rug. deal price $28 to $110 with free shipping depending on the size. you can pick from all different patterns and sizes and then -- >> throw it in the wash? >> spill something? no worries. >> does it really come out of the wash looking good? >> i give you my word. you put it in the washing
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machine, you take it out and then you put it back. that's the story. so i'm very excited about all of these. as you can tell. >> okay. will you go over the products one more time. >> i would love to. the make it personal plate necklace, the wish body butter and sugar scrub duo, the speaker, the malibu lux blanket and my magic carpet washable rugs. >> so cute. i like your whole look. i like your earrings, the hair, the look. >> thanks. fresh starts, new beginnings, happy times. >> that's right. head to "today," by the way, does earn a commission through purchases on our links. >> but, wait, there's more. >> okay. yesterday we celebrated hoda's birthday. and i think there is somebody here who says i'm celebrating my 60th birthday just like hoda. is today your actual birthday? >> it is. it is. >> what is your name? >> stacy. >> who are you here with?
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>> my husband and daughter. >> we are giving you some of the steals and deals to pamper yourself. happy 60th. >> by the way, happy 60th birthday! >> a steals and deals triumph. we want to thank credit cards and we wish you a happy birthday. and of course, we're celebrating 00 lot of happy things. >> all good things. join us tomorrow. all new batch of steals and deals will be coming up. mr. is mr. melvin? >> you will love this one. new orleans' own is cooking up coconut shrimp and a tasty sauce to go with it
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♪♪ the best summer plans come from the back seat. let's go camping! i want to see a dinosaur! let's rescue a puppy... a real one. let's go on a big family road trip! volvo plug-in hybrids. short trips on electric, longer trips on gas. mom, can we drive until we see the stars? the volvo xc60 and xc90 plug-in hybrid. visit your local volvo retailer to explore plug-in hybrid vehicles during the summer safely savings event.
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oh, welcome back! this morning on "today food," a quick and easy summer dish. it is just as good, if not better, than actually going out
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to eat. this is chef tory, specializing in new orleans-style dishes. she's from the big easy. every time she comes, we know we're going to eat well. this morning no exception. coconut shrimp with mango chili sauce, packed with flavor. and you know what to do, if you bant the recipe, easy to find. just scan that qr code at the bottom of your screen. before we dig in here and start making this thing, what are you working on right now down in the crescent city? >> right now i'm working on my next cook book. i know i'm still babying this one, but i have another one that's brewing in the incubator and going to come out and come out swinging just hot as can be. i'm excited about it. >> what, if anything, can you tell me about it? you don't want to give away too much. >> what society needs right now, bringing people together. it's going to be centered around that. >> i feel like all of your food does that naturally, brings people together. >> that's new orleans. >> that is new orleans. that is new orleans. >> let's start with the sauce. >> who dat. >> when you're picking out a mango, what should we be looking
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for? >> well, you want a sweet spot. you don't want too firm or too squishy. that's creepy town. you don't want that. so you get to that nice, middle ground. then you cut on both sides of the pit. there's a big seed in the center, right? one of the tips i like to do, you can always cut it. i have it pre-done right now. cut it, slice it and then scoop it out with a spoon. same way you do a kiwi. this is the same method with a spoon. you cut it like that. and it slides completely out and pops in the cup. so you can cut slices and scoop it out just like that and it's simple. >> well done. >> we got our mango cut. >> yep. >> got our food processer ready. >> uh-huh. that's roasted garlic. we have the chunk mango. don't get it twisted. you can actually buy chopped mango. >> it will taste just as good. >> just as good. i promise. wouldn't lie to you. now you have this, the food processer. you get this started. then come over here to make the sauce. >> that's one full mango, chef? >> one full mango. one full mango.
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you make that sauce. if you don't use it all, store it in the jar in the refrigerator. so you have this getting ready. this is all of the mashed portion. you see. that's what will happen right here. then you're going to add the water. and then you have sugar. >> this seems pretty simple so far. >> so simple. it's all about dumping. if you have everything together. you want to dump it in? go ahead. >> at least i made a contribution. >> rice wine vinegar. >> that's what i'm talking about. get to work! >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> how long are we going to cook that, chef? >> cook it until it turns into a bubbly syrup and after that, add this thing called corn store ch slurry. >> corn starch slurry. >> little corn starch mixed with equal parts water use that to thicken any sauce, pasta sauce to sweet sauce. we have the shrimp all laid out. notice how it's on this pan right here. >> yes, ma'am.
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>> that makes everything simple and smooth. you have flour, the egg wash and the panko and unsweetened coconut. you can use sweetened if you want. it's on you. whatever you like to mix it with. >> you have to peel devain the tails off. >> yes, indeed. >> get that done. do a couple at a time. get the egg wash. make sure it's covered. >> it's very simple. >> i could eat the whole table. >> i know you can. and you bring this over here. >> i love the sauce. >> and am i correct it up and have it all set up in this pan here as well. guess what you drop it in. >> that's it. >> you fry it. after that you dry it off. put the sauce on top and you enjoy it. >> roughly how long on each side? >> two to three minutes. for the whole shrimp to cook. it cooks super fast. >> that is really good. >> simple. i feel like i could make this dish. >> yeah, yeah. >> i could eat it without the sauce. >> restaurant food at home with a fraction of the cost you really can do it. you see what i'm saying? >> chef, what is it about -- i know hoda is the biggest fan of
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neepz. what is it about food? every time i'm in new orleans, every meal i have is a fantastic meal. what is it about the food down there? >> food is our love language. we have a rich culture in new orleans and the people are rich. people go there, they want to stay there. that's why it's one of the cities that has the most transplants because people get there and they feel the love and don't want to leave. but it's part the food. >> chef, you are awesome. >> thank you. >> be sure to scan that qr code first or if you don't want to scan the code, go to and sign up for a free today account and save all the recipes, including this one as well. trust me, you'll want to save this one. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back, and, al, it is time to celebrate some birthdays. >> let's do it. first up, a happy 100th birthday
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to patricia dorward from cincinnati, ohio. the secret to longevity, spending time with her how to play beer pong. yeah. seddra jones. loves baking cakes, crocheting and quilting. way to go, seddra. happy 100th birthday to richard edward dennis from darby, pa. his niece says the family is all better because they have richard as their patriarch. no doubt. happy 100th birthday to alvin diamond from owings mills, maryland. an ice cream enthusiast. spending his time doing seduko. dorothy grunebaum remembers every single family members' birthday. way to go. and happy 100th birthday to lois pearce from pittsburgh, pa. the secret to her longevity, chocolate and rose tea. >> i like that. i like that.
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you really -- craig crushed that shrimp dish. you almost did. you're close. who else has a birthday. raise your hand if you have a birthday. >> i see somebody back here. come. whose birthday is it? whose birthday? hey. what's your name. >> cliff. >> how old are you today? >> i am 48 years old. >> he paused for a minute. well, happy birthday. any other birthdays? we got your 60th. >> any more birthdays? >> your birthday was last week. >> landon. >> how old are you? >> 11. >> thank you for coming and spending your day with us. we love you. as we say to our kids to the moon and back. >> ah. >> right on time. >> third hour we have more. broadway legend, broadway royalty, stephmy mills is going to join us live in studio 1a. what's about the fourth hour? >> we have actress and dancer juliana huff will be here. we have a packed show.
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we'll have more for you in just a bit. but first kids, your local news and weather.
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a very good tuesday morning to you. it is 856 right now. i'm laura garcia in the east bay. this morning. some history being made with the very first class at dublin's emerald high school. the campus is opening right now to freshmen and sophomores after four years of construction. this is also the first high school built and opened in alameda county in 50 years. so far, it can handle about 1300 students and with more construction soon to wrap that is expected to double by the end of the school year. in case you're wondering, they'll be known as the emerald high aeronauts. well, happening now, students also returning this morning and one embattled south bay district, bob redell is following that story. at midday, he'll have the latest in a live report
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