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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  August 16, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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i grew up on. enough squawkin'! oh great... coach prime! y'all are whining while everyone else is watching nonstop football on directv! tell me! whose house is this? their house? i think they're renting. listen, listen— i know they get easy access to all this football... but you know what you got? what, coach? a crumb bum attitude! now drop and give me twenty! twenty what? retail crime, the new law. governor newsom is set to sign off on today in the south bay.
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plus, san francisco is ramping up its efforts to fight the unhoused crisis. mayor london breed, discussing the action she's taking despite getting pushback. also vowing for your vote. the economy taking center stage as vice president kamala harris is expected to unveil her economic plan. this is former president trump tries to tie her to inflation woes. we're in washington, d.c. as the race for the white house shifts into high gear. this is today in the bay area. this is also friday morning, 5:00. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. and i'm marcus washington. we'll get a look at that commute with mike coming up in just a bit. but first let's talk about that friday forecast. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that for us. i like the sound friday forecast friday. yes. it's going. that's the word. great day. yes, absolutely. and we're going to have still some nice weather across much of the bay area. maybe even slightly cooler for some of the inland valleys that have had some hot temperatures all throughout the week. as we
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take a look in san francisco this morning, we are starting out with some nice conditions. and then as we take a look at our highs for this afternoon, it's going to be in the upper 70s in oakland, hayward, fremont, 77 and 87, in livermore, 92, in concord. so we're still going to see some 90s here and there. but we are going to see those changes coming in as we go into the weekend with slightly cooler temperatures for our highs in the upper 70s for some of our warmer spots in the east bay into the mid 80s. so a slight cooldown coming our way. we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. and mike, you're saying that some crews are already done for the week. yeah. for some folks who work overnight, this is already the end of their friday approaching the weekend. and they picked up early. that's it for the southbound 680. but northbound we still have a crew going on. and in the in the grid there's got permission to be in lanes northbound 680 around bernal, out of sunol till 6 a.m. likely going to clear up soon. highway 84 already clearing the overnight work through the area.
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we'll see those sensors start to light up. contra costa county. no major issues. highway four smooth from antioch all the way through concord and continuing actually all the way through coming skyway and the overnight work in that stretch right there between 680 and interstate 80 that cleared up a little earlier during the 4:00 hour. as we're looking over toward the bay bridge, a nice easy drive across the bay. beautiful view. great visibility. so far. friday light so far. back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well governor gavin newsom will be in the bay area today in san jose signing what he calls landmark legislation to combat retail crime. so back in july, he says california's organized retail crime task force arrested 167 people, thus doubling the amount of the arrests made back in june. well, since january, the task force has made a total of 884 arrests, $7.2 million worth of stolen goods have been recovered. several bay area law enforcement agencies received a total of nearly $75 million in combat. the retail theft. san
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francisco mayor london breed is refocusing the city's response to the homelessness crisis in the wake of new data about who makes up the city's unhoused population. that new data is revealed in the city's new point in time count report, released this week. it finds the most common reason for becoming homeless is losing a job, followed by drug and alcohol use. the survey also reveals a larger percentage of the unhoused are not from san francisco. now, 41%, up from 29% in 2022. mayor breed says she means business when it comes to getting the message out. san francisco is shifting its policies and will no longer hesitate to bus people back to their hometowns. we always get a huge influx during the month of june. we know weather plays a role in why people are choosing to come to san francisco. so we want to make sure that we make it very clear that we are at our capacity. we are providing services for a lot of people,
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but we can't continue to expect any change unless we're willing to cut off the supply. she also says the city has increased its shelter capacity by 60%, and in the process of clearing encampments. the city is working to revitalize downtown neighborhoods. well, new overnight. at least ten service members are hurt. this is following a training incident at naval air station in fallon, nevada. that's about an hour outside of reno. and according to officials, there is actually a hard landing involving a helicopter. now, the victims were transported to the hospital by blackhawk helicopter helicopters. the condition of those injured service members not yet available. we turn now to decision 2024. president joe biden and vice president kamala harris trying to woo voters in the critical swing state of north carolina. the pair participating in what was billed as the official white house event, but sounded more like a campaign rally. former president trump meantime painting a dark
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picture for the future. if he is not elected in november. today, in the bay's alice barr joins us live from washington this morning. now alice, the vice president, is expected to roll out that big economic plan today. everyone's ready to listen to this one. laura and one thing to watch is how closely vice president harris decides to tie herself to president biden's economic agenda versus going off and charting her own path. considering there are a lot of americans out there who are not happy with the state of the economy. vice president kamala harris, traveling to north carolina today, a state she's hoping to put in play this november for a speech focused on her economic agenda. one day after holding her first joint event with president biden since she moved to the top of the ticket. she's going to make one hell of a president. the president and vice president announcing a major agreement with drug makers to lower prices on ten popular prescriptions under medicare. now, medicare
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can use that power to go toe to toe with big pharma and negotiate lower drug prices. the administration also celebrating inflation, dropping to its lowest level since the pandemic, but with high prices still frustrating americans, the vice president faces questions over how closely she'll align herself with president biden's economic vision, or chart her own path. former president trump tying the two together in a joint attack. you don't have to imagine what a kamala harris presidency would be because you're living through that nightmare right now, and it is a nightmare. the former president also insisting he's entitled to personal attacks against vice president harris. i don't have a lot of respect for her. i don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and i think she'll be a terrible president. i mean, she's certainly attacks me personally. she actually called me weird. mr. trump's running, ohio senator jd vance, now set to
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square off against governor tim walz in the first vice presidential debate on october first. a little more than a month before the election. a campaign official tells nbc news that vice president harris is set to roll out plans that would shield renters and protect them from some of the most difficult prices out there. trying to lower rents across the country. she's also set to unveil a proposal that would be targeted at price gouging in the grocery and food industry. laura, really talking to voters where it hits them in the wallet. all right, alice, we'll be listening. thank you. well, we're looking work. we're working to learn what led up to a crash, which killed a woman in san francisco. investigators say around three yesterday afternoon, she was walking near bosworth and diamond streets, not far from glen park bart station, when she was hit by a car. police say that the driver is cooperating with the investigation. authorities don't think drugs
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nor alcohol played a role in that crash. well, as kids head back to school, some student athletes will have a new requirement to make their teams today. in the bay's kris sanchez shows us the heart screenings that are now giving parents and coaches some peace of mind. i'm going to put these stickers on this day. lee high school senior andrew bonomo is getting an ekg, a screening for sudden cardiac arrest, or sca. his district campbell union requires it. they can afford to because of the work of the kyle j. taylor foundation, which was created in honor of a former lee soccer player who died of sca in 2018. the foundation created by his mom. his heart was muscle was enlarged and that can be seen on a ekg. so absolutely, this could have identified it for him. sudden cardiac arrest is the number one killer of student athletes, and it's estimated that 1 in 3 young people has an undetected heart condition. as many as 2300 kids and teens suffer sca per year nationwide.
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only 10% survive. this week will hit 7000 kids that we have screened since 2019, and we've identified about 65 with some heart related issues, some minor issues, some quite major issues. so it definitely is in in the back of your mind for sure. maybe even the front of your mind that, you know, this could happen at any time, at any place to any kid in the los gatos saratoga school district. the statistics became all too real when a varsity football player collapsed and died in 2008. the district wanted to require the heart screenings like this sooner, but could not afford the $20,000 cost. through fundraising, donations and volunteers, the kyle j. taylor foundation can screen the students for just $20 each. in the first year, about 1000 los gatos and saratoga high schoolers will be screened. already, two students were flagged for further evaluation. if those are the only two we find this year, it was worth the time and the effort. but when we see, children at risk being
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identified, i don't think you can put a price tag or a value on that. it's, it could be life changing and life saving. kris sanchez today in the bay. and make sure you stay with us here on today in the bay all week long for your back to school coverage. and if you missed any of it, you can catch up whenever you want where you stream. nbc bay area streaming 24/7 on roku, pluto and other platforms. it is ten minutes after five on your friday morning. taking a live look outside at the bay bridge. folks already making their way across the span. we'll check that morning commute with mike in just a bit. but kari, you've got to look at our forecast. looking good today. yes. and it's going to be very much like yesterday where our temperatures start out nice and cool. upper 50s, low 60s. and then we'll see it warming up in an area like mountain view. it's going to be a really beautiful day really comfortable. our temperatures in the low 60s to start and then upper 70s at 2:00 for today and into the afternoon. a breezy
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wind and lots of sunshine. our high will hit 80 in san jose, but 90 in san martin. we're still going to see a few of those 90s in some of our inland areas, and we'll check out the weekend forecast coming up. mike, as always, you're tracking those gas prices, watching them. they've been dropping a few cents a day as we've been talking about. let's go to the best in the bay right now. 374 at san jose's platinum gas on tully road. next up on the list here, we'll go to contra costa county. 379 at clayton gas and wash. on clayton road in the city of. that's right. concord. and in the north bay. we'll turn to vallejo with solano county's best of 389 on safeway on lincoln road west. as you see from these green sensors, a great easy drive. i do want to just call out here that you talked about the sensors for niles canyon waking up over the last few minutes, as promised, and northbound 680, just that one little stretch up past bernal with the last crew in the area. all the rest have cleared. they are on their weekend. back to you. nice. thank you. mike. it is 512 right now. opening up after making olympic history
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gold medalist amit elor back home in the bay area, sharing more about her experience in paris. ahead on today in the bay, the way she feels following her epic win. wall street going for the gold. three wins in a row. it's going to be our
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let's get a look at what to expect today in novato. it's in the mid 50s right now. nice and clear. we have a lot of sunshine again today as our temperatures go from mid 50s to upper 70s. by noon it will be a beautiful day. make some plans to get outside this weekend. we'll take a look ahead coming up in a few minutes. well, kari, you're in the north bay. i'll stay in the north bay in san rafael. an easy drive here right now, southbound, with these taillights past north san pedro. this, of course, is 101, heading down toward the golden gate bridge. much clearer view today than we've had for the last couple, but so far we are seeing that friday dry, which is a little bit lighter. check the east bay, there's some more traffic coming up. well good morning. very happy friday to you. stock market did so well yesterday. we'll end up having one of the best weeks in years. the nasdaq up better than 2% in a single day. the good day came after a continued string of good news, including retail sales, showing american consumers are still spending. the dow is now 2000 points higher than it was
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during that market plunge monday. earlier this month, president trump warned the economy was headed to 1929. in a speech yesterday, a picture of his doom and gloom predictions, accompanied by the dow industrials. over 40,000 made the rounds on social media yesterday. the speech about the high cost of living for american families, given out front of trump's private golf club, was trump's second self-described economic speech in two days. this time, he did it surrounded by props, and mr. trump had lots of facts and figures, but they were rarely correct. take a listen. we had mortgage rates at around 2%, close to 2%, and they're now at 10%. and you can't get a mortgage. so that means it's a lot higher than 10%. i guess it is whatever, whatever they want to give over the money. and that's a lot more than 10%. so when you think about double, they've actually quadrupled or more than that. now as you know, mortgage rates are high, but they're not a lot over 10%. the current ask for a
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30 year fixed is under six and a half. the lowest they've been in 15 months. we'll keep fact checking ahead at politics and our 545 segment. other news galaxycon gets underway today at san jose's convention center. among the highlights william shatner. captain kirk will be there sunday. he'll do a live narration of the movie star trek v the final frontier, which he directed back in the 80s. sort of like a live version of a dvd commentary track on stage. i got to speak to shatner the other day. captain kirk was a tv hero of mine, and a lot of people my age watching star trek and repeats after school. kirk always did the right thing, doing it with humor and panache. and of course, getting the girl. but shatner hasn't always recognized this power his character had over a generation. some fans might even say he's been a bit dismissive of it. and i asked him about that, and he said it took him decades to understand what he had done on that show. i realized i've missed a great deal, by my not
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shyness but self-consciousness of looking at myself. so several actors i've read or heard about feel the same way about looking at themselves on screen. there's something like, you don't like the way you look, you don't like the way you sound, you know, and it's and it's it could interfere with your self-confidence, of appearing in front of a large number of people. if you don't feel good about yourself. so i've tried to avoid looking at myself on screen. and so i know less about star trek than you d. yeah. shatner will narrate his movie star trek five sunday afternoon at the san jose convention center. tickets to the convention, the screening. and you're going to need one of each. galaxycon .com. we'll have more with bill shatner on our 8 a.m. newscast, but can you imagine? you know, captain kirk was was self conscious. well, i mean, does it i mean, do you write? well, i don't go back and watch the show and watch my. no, i don't either. it's just what
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we do. but it's interesting because we're our own biggest critics too. very much so for sure. right? yes and i think he's 93. he looks great. looks great. remember he was in space recently, right? i think he has a new perspective on everything. i think he's humble. that's that's nice too. yeah. nice guy. cool. and you get to talk to you know, captain kirk. captain kirk on the main viewscreen. very cool. nice. well, let's get a look at the forecast. kari, we're taking a live look outside in san jose. that's a nice start to our day. it is. and, scott, you're so close with them. you can just call them bill. you know, while your friends now. all right, let's get a look out there. and we are starting out with a clear morning. and it's also nice and cool. so as we're looking at our highs for this afternoon, we're headed for the mid 80s in cupertino, 89 degrees in morgan hill and in gilroy. and for much of the east bay we're in the upper 80s low 90s. once again, these numbers look so familiar, don't they? so we're up to 90 again in walnut creek. we're settling into this
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weather pattern that's giving us pretty much the same weather day after day near the coast. we're in the mid 60s, low 80s for palo alto. daly city stays in the 60s and in san francisco will be in the upper 60s. low 70s for the north bay. we'll see highs in the upper seconds and even a few low 90s. very warm temperatures. but a cool down is coming our way. look at all the green that's rain across the region, and it gets very close to the bay area. we'll start out early tomorrow morning with a possibility of some drizzle, especially near the coast and areas to the north, but it will clear out throughout the day and then going into the rest of the forecast, that rain heads right back north. so as we take a look at our 7-day forecast, we will see temperatures continuing to hit the upper 80s and low 90s. it may be a little bit warmer for the middle of next week, with a lot more. those low 90s in the inland valleys in san francisco looks like it's going to be a mostly cloudy weekend. only a little bit of sunshine, some drizzle to start out early tomorrow, and highs reaching into the upper 60s, and it will
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be a touch warmer for the middle of next week. mike, you have an update for the tri valley. i do. i want to help folks progress toward the weekend. for many schedules monday through friday. that would be so for this crew here. they're at the weekend. they're done picked up as we talked about before 6 a.m. restoration all speed sensors throughout the tri valley. looking really good for that shot here. coming in out of the altamont pass, we have your typical build for 580 vasco road. not a major issue here. still at the minimum for the morning. highway four, same thing. antioch, all the way into concord. and 242 a smooth flow of traffic through that portion of contra costa county. so look at the east bay approaches toward the bay bridge. we're looking basically at speed as well. as we take a look at the maps, no major issues. there may be a fender bender. i think it's just over on the shoulder as you're driving through richmond for the east shore freeway. we'll get more detail and let you know if it's a problem. back to you. thanks, mike. a history making wrestler from the bay area back home after winning olympic gold. next on today in the bay. more on her epic win and the big welcome home. and
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first, it's time to help us clear the shelters. i want you to take a look at this one right here. this is dylan sprouse. he is five year old american mixed guinea pig, and he is available for adoption at the animal community center in milpitas to find a full list of pets up for adoption, just point your phone at this qr code. it'll take you straight to our website so you can learn how to adopt or donate to some of our great bay area shelters. or you can always head to slash clear the shelters
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sometimes it takes a different approach to see the difference you can make around you. ♪♪ ♪♪
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in paris. walnut creek, amit elor back in the bay area. yeah she's the youngest american wrestler to win gold at the olympics. elor officially returning to california on monday, so she's part of a special delegation that flew to lax to kick off the 2028 games. raj mathai spoke with her live during our 7 p.m. newscast just last night, and recent years. elor dealt with the loss of both her brother and father, all while pushing towards the olympics, and raj asked her how she stays so positive. i mean, you just have to keep going and life goes on. you have to accept what you can't change and just focus on being present in the moment. i think those traumas, you know, i have some baggage from it, but at the same time it's made me stronger. i think i am very strong mentally. i'm able to control and shift my emotions and my emotions and so that does help me focus,
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especially in a competition environment. so mature. all right. well elor already training for the 2028 olympic games. she won gold with a dominant three zero victory in the final match in paris. elor hasn't lost a match in about five years. and this morning paralympics will start from around the world. they're actually getting ready to have their own chance at glory in paris. the 2024 paralympics, kicking off august 28th, and you can watch the competition across nbc platforms and streaming on peacock. coming up next, the top stories that we're following for you today, including a look at that weekend forecast. meteorologist kari hall tracking everything you need to know to plan ahead. plus, revitalizing downtown. what city leaders in san jose, they believe will be the key to help bring back life into the downtown area. i'm ginger conejero solver, live from inside oracle park. this morning we're talking about the giant race that's happening this weekend. up ahead, we'll give
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you all the details on the fun packed weekend. we're going to chat with evan here in a little bit. keep it her
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[ding] [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ si a ti te quiero mi amor, i like it like that ♪ ♪ eeeeeh, baby, i said i like it like that ♪ ♪ stomp your feet if you think i'm neat ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ i said i like it like that ♪
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does new action taken by state investigators attempting to save you big bucks at the pump. the governor's new plan to bring down gas prices in california and the immediate friction from
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oil producers. and take your mark, because we have a live look for you this morning over at oracle park. this is where giant race is set to return to san francisco waterfront. we're going to take you there live with a preview of all the fun and what all participants need to keep in mind. plus, if the world was ending, i'd want to be next to you showing their poker face. lady gaga and bruno mars drop a new collab overnight right about the same time they were performing it live. the details behind their history making duet. this is today in the bay. i've only heard that song once, now twice. and it's already in my head. is it? it's a good one. good lyrics. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. and i'm marcus
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washington. happy friday to you on this friday morning. look, that always sounds good. no matter. said it a couple times this friday. well, friday again with that forecast. meteorologist kari hall has a look at that. how's it looking, kari? it looks great for the weekend and maybe even a little bit cooler for a few spots. so we're starting out this morning with a clear sky, and we know it's going to be a great day, but our temperatures have kind of settled into a pattern where we've seen the same thing day after day and expect that to continue today in the south bay. we're going to see those temperatures start out in the mid 60s at noon. we're in the upper seconds and then reaching into the low 80s today with a breezy wind. some of our warmer spots in the east bay and parts of the north bay will reach into the low 90s, and we'll see highs mostly in the 80s in the north bay. san francisco is back to 71 for this afternoon. and mike, you have a look at the view of the san mateo bridge. yeah, i wanted to let folks know because yesterday we had a number of issues on the span over the course of just a couple of hours this morning. it's clear it's moving smoothly. it's moving
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good volume here. those taillights west. so the friday light doesn't apply here for the san mateo bridge. it's just standard, but we'll watch because we should see the build shortly. the speed sensors across the bay still holding up the bottom of your screen. i just noticed san jose does show a little early start for slowing there, so we'll check on that over the next ten minutes. meanwhile highway 37 and highway four both show some speed sensors down below the limit, so that may be a little more traffic. and we're talking about the shift as we come back online. i think this week we had over four dozen school districts come back online. a lot more traffic changes coming up right here. the bay bridge, though. easy right now for friday. back to you and good reminder to keep an eye out for all those kids out on the streets. thanks mike. state investigators recommending legal action against an embattled adu builder. many angry bay area homeowners sharing horror stories with our team. consumer investigator chris chmura. now he just looked into one of the most striking cases he's seen yet over in the north bay. good morning. this north bay military family says
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the builder raided their savings account. no shame. how many people have you done this to you? meet tracy and steve. they say their adu builder connected their bank account to make scheduled payments, but then took three huge unauthorized payments totaling more than $200,000 from our retirement savings. all of it essentially drained it. their money is gone and their backyard is empty. you can hear their full story on our website right now. they are not alone. an insider tells us there might be as many as 400 prepaid, but unfinished or unbuilt adus around the area or the state. you can hear his snapshot of what was going on behind the scenes at that adu builder on, slash responds. thanks, chris. governor gavin newsom is once again taking on big oil, laying out a new strategy he believes would
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reduce volatility at the gas pump. yesterday, he called on state lawmakers to pass new rules for oil companies. it would require them to maintain fuel reserves to avoid supply shortages that normally lead to price hikes. newsom claims a plan like this would have saved californians more than $600 million last year. we spoke with one cal economics expert who says any new regulations likely would not have an immediate impact. it's not just requiring a certain amount of reserves, it's also deciding when those reserves will be released during a price spike. somebody has to make that decision. in a statement, the western states petroleum association said in part, quote, when this administration is ready to have a serious discussion about the facts and the policies this state has imposed that affect consumer costs, we will be there. now to a live look in downtown san jose. this is where
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leaders these days are pulling out all the stops to revitalize that area, especially around san jose state. brie duarte h. see folks there last night gathering for the summer block party. this is on paseo de san antonio, not far from campus. well, with the fall quarter set to begin monday, students this year will they will have more access to available housing. mayor matt mahan calls it critical for nearby businesses. 700 san jose state students move into our downtown. it's really a way of inviting people to reconnect with their downtown. now, you may remember hilton just last year sold one tower of the former fairmont hotel. it is now been renamed spartan village and converted into student housing. while the giants are playing across the bay this weekend, oracle park will be buzzing with one giant race that actually ends up on the field today in the bay's ginger conejero saab live for us over at oracle this
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morning and ginger for people who actually haven't done this big giant race before. this really is a giant year to actually get into all of the fu. it's a great time to make this your first year if you haven't done so already, because it is a big year for the giant race, it's coming back for its 15th year. we are inside oracle park. they turned the lights on for us this morning. i mean, thank you so much. we've got evan coughlin here from giants enterprises to tell us about the fun packed weekend that's in store. and this is a big year because this is 15 years of the race and the return of something special. evan. yeah, it's the return of the half marathon this year, which is super exciting for us. it's been gone for four years, really exciting to bring it back. we have our kids, race, family challenge, health and wellness expo. it's pretty amazing. well, and that's the point that i definitely want to make is it's not just sunday, where there's definitely a focus on physical health for those who run the five k, the ten k, or the half marathon. but there's also kind of a family aspect to it and also a focus on mental
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health. yeah, we've actually working with move your body, calm your mind, which is a government initiative. super fu. we can get out for yoga. it's not, like you said, not just about moving your body. it's about calming your mind as well. yeah that's really important. and of course, it's not just about all that good stuff that you do for your body. it's also the good stuff that you take home. let's go through some of the swag here. if you do make it past the five k, the ten k, the virtual component, or any of those options, do you get to walk home with some swag? do you get to walk home with a bobblehead this patrick bailey bobblehead? we also have a race t shirt and race medal that you'll get. we also have our runners hats as well. all right, i love it, i love it. this is this is some good stuff here. yeah, and, evan, i know we have the privilege, the chance to be to be inside giant stadium. i know it's an exciting rest of the months ahead or a couple of months ahead. talk to us about other things that fans can look forward to. yeah. so we have, ballpark back nine as well in november, which is a really fun event that we do here. but here
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we've got our giant race that will come in over center field and finish in through on the warning track, and the kids get to run around and the kids get to run around the park as well for the kids race tomorrow, which is totally. when do you ever get to do that? just run inside, outside the field. oh, with lucille, who wasn't able to wake up this morning, but you know, i don't know. we'll try again next year. all right, evan, we're going to see you some more in the next in the next hour here. but for now, we're going to send it back to you guys. we got a little tired from our hour run during the tease, so we'll see you back again at 630. okay. you rest up. that was just a warm up, though, right? yes. get some water. we're going to take a water break. stretch it out. stretch stretch. all right. looks like it's going to shape up for a nice weekend for some of those runners. yes so you have runners. you were telling me about the north beach festival and they've got a big festival. you know everybody's italian this weekend. yes, of course there will be lowriders in san francisco. so there is many things to do to check out in the
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city. and it's going to be a nice one. nice and cool. today we're up to about 70 degrees and we may see a little bit more sunshine compared to what we will see tomorrow. i do think it's going to be mostly cloudy, and our high only makes it up to about 68 degrees, and we'll see about the same on sunday with more sun as we go into the afternoon. so really nice conditions and it will be cool for the coastline. we're going to see those highs for santa cruz in the mid 70s today, but then look at the rest of the weekend, upper 60s and kind of chilly out there at times. if you're going to palisades tahoe this weekend, expect it to be nice and mild. great hiking weather will be in the mid 70s for today, low 70s tomorrow and then by sunday we're up to about 74 degrees. if your weekend plans take you to la, it's going to be warm for today. reaching into the mid 80s and then just a touch cooler for the rest of the weekend. and we'll be looking at the changes to the bay area more on that coming up. mike, it looks like a smooth drive across the bay bridge. yeah, we'll talk
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about the however we'll talk. oh my goodness. where we fast forwarded a little bit. we're talking about the bay bridge and all the activities in the city this weekend. tomorrow. yes there will be activity in the city with the giants race takes you along the embarcadero to and from oracle park. but also note that in oakland, we'll have the last of the battles for the bay. so giants and a's face off saturday and sunday. and so that might bring more crowds over toward the coliseum over there. right now we're looking at pretty smooth sensors. although friday we saw southers still saw the early slowing for highway 3. highway 4 does show a little more break tapping than we have been seeing on fridays for the summertime, so we're seeing a little bit of shift already as those schools come back online. we'll take you to that one earlier map that i had just previewed for you. there's a closure now, starting now through the 21st, that lower manzanita park and ride, simply because of the tides coming up a bit in that low right, low riding parking lot on the lower manzanita lot. they're going to close that off. you'll see the cones. it won't impact the freeway at all. it should be a smooth drive there. the rest of the bay does show a smooth
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drive. the tri-valley recovered after the later commute. pick up for northbound 680, the construction cleared. there may be a new crash near mission boulevard. we'll double check that once chp gives us info back to you. good to know. thanks, mike. it is 541 right now. there's a new alternative to an often uncomfortable, painful process for women still ahead on today in the bay. the change you may soon see during your next visit to the gynecologist. both trump and harris would like you to listen to their economic plans. we'll go over it coming up. today we are kicking off our school shout out series as san jose students return to class. i'm s silva and this is rocketship mosaic elementary. good morning, bay area, and good morning to you kids out there. i like the little one over in the right corner. he was like, hey, look, don't forget your kids can take part in this as well. you can see them right here on today in the bay. all you have to do is send us that video to school, shout out at nbc can't
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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it'll be 63 degrees at 8:00. a cool morning, but quickly warming up as we're headed for the low 90s here today. and we'll see slight cooldown for parts of the bay area this weekend. we'll talk about that and what's ahead for next week. coming up in a few minutes. and as we're looking out here to san jose, we did see those sensors
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start to slow a little early. kind of calming down right now. pretty typical pattern ending up here. this first slowdown for san jose highway 101. we're looking at the bay bridge. i'm watching that camera. i'll show it to you coming up, because we do see some slowing already on that one. as well as many women know, getting a pap smear can be an uncomfortable process. but now there's an alternative a more comfortable procedure to screen for cervical cancer. it's called self-collection. women can test themselves in the doctor's office using a narrow cotton swab to collect the sample, to be tested. health officials say at home, hpv screening is the long term goal. the fda is reviewing the method, and it could be approved by early next year. vice president kamala harris is ready to show the nation her plans for the economy. former president donald trump also taking the economy on as well. i mean, everyone is talking about it because it hits everyone's bottom line. every family. right, exactly. you remember trump's economic announcement on wednesday maybe
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got a little sidetracked. so he took another crack at it on thursday. as for harris, she will speak in north carolina about some of her plans if she were to become the next president of the united states. here we see her reunited with president biden, celebrating new, lower costs for ten prescriptions commonly used by medicare patients. harris expected to propose a $25,000 grant for first time home buyers, as well as proposing new rules and restrictions on the price of groceries. now, some have said a proposed federal price gouging law is in the works, but price gouging really isn't the same as raising prices to whatever the consumer will pay to maximize profits. for instance, california has a price gouging law that prohibits sellers from raising prices on badly needed goods, but only after the governor or local officials have declared an emergency. and even then, there are exceptions allowing businesses to go above 10% if it justifies their costs.
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republican candidate for president donald trump, meantime, has made two speeches about the economy this week. this one on wednesday, in front of a background of economic slogans, where he said out loud his advisers wanted him to talk only about the economy. he didn't. and then thursday, he talked about the high cost facing families in the motorcourt outside of his bedminster golf club, where he listed off a lot of facts and figures. cereals are up 26%, bread is up 24%, butter is up 37%. baby formula is up 30%. flour is up 38%. now harping on inflation is a good political strategy. it's at the top of americans minds, particularly groceries. but not entirely clear where he's getting those numbers. the latest consumer price index on wednesday showed flour up 1% for the year. headline inflation less than 3%. 2% is considered normal. the former president often exaggerated the data, claiming the average american pays 10%
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for a mortgage far less than that. he said 100% of new job growth went to immigrants. at one point said more than 100% once again claimed the chinese pay. when we put tariffs on goods, china didn't have a chance. i took in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from china, hundreds of billions of dollars. no president ever took in $0.10 tariffs. president biden will mark the anniversary of the springfield race riots today at the white house. and then he's off to camp david harris, as we mentioned, north carolina. former president trump will hold a rally in pennsylvania tomorrow. meantime, in chicago getting ready for monday, a sneak peek at the podium at the democratic national convention, where kamala harris and tim walz will be officially nominated as the democratic candidates for president and vice president. nbc will have full coverage all week, just as we did the republican convention last month. and it all starts monday evening, right here, laura, on nbc bay area. here we go. thanks
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so much, scott. 549 right now, south bay doctor recently celebrated a milestone birthday, but that's not the only reason we wanted to meet doctor mark shehadeh. yeah as garvin thomas in the this morning's bay area proud. his story isn't just about his past, but it's also about the future. he's brightened for so many others. good morning everyone. i want to tell you about a south bay doctor, a former orthopedic surgeon who just turned 99 years old. but it's not doctor mark age, necessarily. that got our attention. it's the impact he's had on the medical community and his family. you see, after coming from iran as a young man, doctor mark as his friends call him, worked tirelessly to arrange safe passage for dozens of family members from iran to the u.s. and of those, ten have followed doctor mark into the medical field as doctors and other health care professionals, you can experience the whole story at nbc bay
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area proud, as well as hundreds of other stories of people being good to each other in the bay area okay, some of you may have been lucky enough to attend the niners game last weekend in tennessee, but not everyone. so everyone else this sunday will be the first day the faithful will get an up close look under the hood at this year's team. want to give you a live look this morning over at levi's stadium? and that's where the niners are going to host the saints sunday in their second preseason game. you know, it's also possible this will be the first time fans get to see brock purdy in action so far. head coach kyle shanahan actually keeping it pretty quiet. who's going to actually take the field? but we do know that most of the team's starters will be held out of the first preseason game. and even if most of those starters do take to the field, they're actually playing, time will likely be limited. we'll make the decision when we think helps our team and the individuals for the game. it feels good for the first group to go out there and have a successful drive under your belt and it just, you know, you have that confidence that you already did it. but i'm quite confident
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either route that we go, if the starters play a little bit great, if we don't take a single snap, great, it doesn't make too much of a difference to me. it's all about that confidence. kyle. use check. also saying that these games are really better suited for the younger players who have yet to play at full speed. first regular season game takes place on september 9th, a monday night game over at levi's against the jets. here we go talking football already. well, trending this morning a very big day for little monsters everywhere. lady gaga just released her single since the first winning way since 2022, and a duet with someone you may be familiar with. let's just say the fans are already dying over it. i wanna hold you just for a while and time with a smile. if the world was ending, i'd wanna be next to you. that's not tammy
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wynette. no, that's lady gaga. that's right. and the song is called die with a smile featuring bruno mars. this is the first release from her upcoming album called lg seven. i like it, which still has no release date. the song and video dropped last night, and the video has. you see there a bit of a throwback theme, great lyrics. there gaga actually showed up at his la concert last night to perform it live, and it wasn't just any old concert. this was the very first concert ever for the brand new intuit dome the future home of the la clippers. so a lot of history being made. it was a great song. i listened to it once this morning and it was like, wow, it's an earworm, but it's a good one. i think we have a great ear for the lyrics too, and you pick them up right away. i love the lyrics. yeah yeah yeah. it'll make you think of your love. so gaga and mars, we'll have to watch for those young artists names. the sharks 38. isn't that interesting? let's get up to yeah, yeah, yeah. great
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creators. there you have it. we've been doing a lot of research this morning. i guess i had a lot of coffee. yeah, i was up early and like. yeah, exactly. all right, well, we do have some great weather heading into the weekend. no matter what you're planning to do, let's take a live look outside in san francisco. this morning. that is all clear yesterday at this time we were seeing some clouds and fog, but looks great out there, doesn't it? well, right now we're at 54 degrees and we're going to see those temperatures starting to gradually warm up as we go through the next few hours at about 57 degrees at 8:00 and at noon. we'll see those temperatures in the low 60s, up to about 70 today at 5:00. and the temperatures will drop very quickly this evening once the wind picks up and we can expect lots of sunshine across the bay area today. and it will be windy, especially near the coast, with some of those gusts up to about 25mph. and then clouds and drizzle ahead for tomorrow. so that's what we're expecting with some changes that will be coming into the bay
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area. as we take a look at our temperatures and our highs for this afternoon, expect it to reach up to 87 in east san jose and 89 in gilroy and in morgan hill. a few of those low 90s again for antioch, concord, 92 there, 82 in fremont and 77 for oakland. and it will be in the upper 70s again in san mateo, daly city, up to about a high of 67 degrees and low 70s in downtown and in the mission district. a breezy wind and lots of sun for today, with our temperatures in the north bay up to about 88. in sonoma and 89 in santa rosa. looking ahead for the rest of the weekend into early next week, it will be a very comfortable weekend, especially on saturday, watching out for more clouds and drizzle near the coast, and then a slight warm up for the middle of next week with low 90s. while san francisco. we'll see those 60s continue into early next week. and mike, you're seeing that commute arriving at the bay bridge. yeah. and then it sort
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of shows itself a little bit and then it backs off. right now the most consistent slowing is off the 880 overcrossing as it approaches the toll plaza. remember, those are the two sections. the rightmost section there is showing the backup everybody else from time to time. there's just a little bit of slowing. and we see they all come together at the incline anyway. and that's where you lose a number of lanes. and that's why things get congested. there highway 37 a little more build out of vallejo. no change for concord, in fact, maybe a little bit lighter right now. saw some slowing across the golden gate bridge. they had cleared a crew on the north bay. there's low clouds not presenting a visibility issue. it's fine there a smooth flow of traffic throughout most of the bay. there is a crash on mission boulevard, so watch that crossing over from 680 to 880. it's over on the shoulder. back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well, happening now, a class action lawsuit. this is sparking concern about massive amount of social security numbers and other personal information which was hacked. that information was taken from background check company called national public data. however, the claims are
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not sustained since it and it is unclear the specifics of the scale of that leak. but if you suspect your social security number could have been stolen, you can head to identify theft dot gov so you can file a personal recovery plan for your identity. you can also call the irs to prevent anyone from using your social security number to file a tax return. we've got a lot more ahead at 6:00, starting with multiple service members hurt after a hard landing involving a helicopter. the new details we're learning about the injuries overnight. and don't forget nbc bay area streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you'd like on roku or wherever you stream
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football season already and not a satellite dish in sight! i hardly recognize the roofs i grew up on. enough squawkin'! oh great... coach prime! y'all are whining while everyone else is watching nonstop football on directv! tell me! whose house is this? their house? i think they're renting. listen, listen— i know they get easy access to all this football... but you know what you got? what, coach? a crumb bum attitude! now drop and give me twenty! twenty what?
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crime. new details behind governor gavin newsom's landmark legislation, set to be announced today in the south bay. democratic presidential nominee kamala harris set to unveil her economic plan. this as former president trump tries to blame her for inflation. we're live in washington with the latest twist in the race for the white house you know, this could happen at


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