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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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obama are expected to take the stage tonight. last night, president biden was met with a standing ovation when he took the stage to make his case that vice president kamala harris is the one to carry the torch. the vice president also made a surprise appearance during night one, ahead of her full speech expected on thursday. and president biden waking up in california this morning. air force one touching down overnight in santa barbara at the airport there, he and the first lady are planning to spend the rest of the week on vacation in santa ynez. and that's what's happening here on today in the bay. this morning, be sure to join us for our streaming newscast. it starts at 8:00 this morning. you can find it at or wherever you stream. have a great morning today show. coming up next hi there. good tuesday morni hi there. good tuesday morning.
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after a dramatic kickoff to the dramatic democratic national convention last night. >> it is august the 20th. this is "today". passing the torch. an emotional president biden taking the stage at the opening of the democratic national convention to a hero's welcome. making the case for kamala harris and against donald trump. >> he talks about america being a failing nation. he says we're losing. he's the loser. he's dead wrong. >> harris making a surprise appearance to thank biden for his service to the country, while outside the arena, heated protests. with police on high alert for more. we are live in chicago to break down night one and what's next at the high stakes convention. encouraging sign. secretary of state blinken revealing israel has now
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accepted a cease-fair hostage proposal after a real push from the u.s. >> a real sense of urgency here, across the region, on the need to get this over the finish line and to do it as soon as possible. >> the question this morning, will hamas do the same? a live report from the region just ahead. the aftermath. clean-up underway across the northeast after days of storms and drenching rain. >> it is a nightmare. it's going to be lots of work. >> widespread flooding leading to several deaths and significant damage. parts of new york and connecticut especially hit hard. we'll have the latest. and al has some good news in his forecast. breaking his silence. scott peterson's first on camera interview in more than two decades. the convicted killer speaking out on his push for a new trial. his secret affair and the crime he believes is tied to his wife's murder. >> i believe they went over there to see what was going on.
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>> his story in his own words and the reaction from laci's family. remembering phil donahue. >> is the caller there? >> yes. >> go ahead. >> tributes pouring in for the television icon that revolutionized the industry with his groundbreaking talk show. we'll look back on his life and legacy. those stories, plus celebrating mr. sunshine. al is the beloved heart and soul of "today." today he's turning 70. 45 of those years and counting right here at nbc. >> here we go. yeah! it's a huge crowd. >> and you are invited to mr. roker's birthday bash filled with fun, food, surprises and words of wisdom from fellow tv to be worried about? >> don't be scared legend, oprah winfrey. >> so 70 is a number but nothing to be worried about? >> don't be scared. don't be scared, al. it's gonna be all right.
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>> today, tuesday, august 20th, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. what a beautiful day here today around studio 1a. welcome in on this tuesday. it is not just your average tuesday. >> someone upstairs really got it right 70 years ago today. our sunshine, al roker, was born. he's the man we will celebrate. he has been a fixture at nbc for nearly 50 of his 70 years. 28 of them spent right here on "today." al, this is your life. >> oh, boy. >> he's hosted 27 thanksgiving parades. he's attended 16 olympics. and, of course, he's raised three beautiful children, courtney, laila and nick. >> okay. but this is his favorite stat i think right now. al became the grandfather to one
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little granddaughter, miss skye. we'll celebrate him all morning long. yes, al, i think we can still surprise you even after all these years and we'll do that in just a few. >> thank you, thank you. >> we'll check in with al. but first let's get to our top story. the democratic national convention now underway in chicago. president biden was last night's keynote speaker, delivering an emotional address where he celebrated his accomplishments and passed the torch to his vice president, kamala harris. we got it all covered, including a closer look at those protests taking place in chicago. let us begin with peter alexander who is inside the united center. hey, peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to both of you. this really turned into a late night here. president biden's remarks, swan song of sorts running well into the early morning hours with many democrats leaving here perhaps exhausted but certainly exhilarated after showering the outgoing president with love. president biden heaping praise
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on kamala harris, punctuating as what many democrats say as the ultimate political sacrifice, relinquishing his own re-election bid to give what many believe is its best shot to beat donald trump. overnight, a passing of the torch. president biden delivering a rousing endorsement of his vice president. >> are you ready to elect kamala harris and tim walz as president and vice president of the united states. >> reporter: praising harris as she tries to make history as america's first woman president. >> like many of our best presidents, she was also vice president. >> reporter: the president supported by his family, becoming emotional after he was introduced by his daughter ashley and receiving applause from the crowd. during the speech, the president touched on his decision to leave the race last month after pressure from democrats. >> i love the job, but i love my country more. all this talk about how i'm angry at all those people that
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said i should step down, it's not true. >> reporter: president biden also making a point of praising harris, while touting their record together. >> we've had one of the most extraordinary fur years of progress ever, period. when i say "we," i mean kamala and me. >> joe, thank you for your historic leadership. we are forever grateful to you. >> reporter: among the night's other marquee names, former secretary of state, hillary clinton, whose own presidential hopes were dashed by donald trump. >> we put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling. on the other side of that glass ceiling is kamala harris. >> reporter: zeroing in on the former president. >> so it is no surprise, is it, that he is lying about kamala's record. he's mocking her name and her laugh.
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sounds familiar. >> reporter: for his part, mr. trump campaigning yesterday was asked whether he'd accept the results of the election. >> it is going to be a fair and free election, the answer is absolutely i will. >> reporter: president biden in his address also attacking mr. trump. >> you cannot say you love your country only when you win. >> reporter: warning against what he called clear and presen. democracy, democracy has delivered. threats to democracy. >> democracy has prevailed. democracy, democracy has delivered. and now democracy must be preserved. >> reporter: the president reflecting on his legacy, repeating a song verse he used in his inaugural address. >> let me know in my heart when my days are through. america, america, i gave my best to you.
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i made a lot of mistakes in my career, but i gave my best to you. for 50 years. >> so, peter, what's on tap for tonight? >> reporter: well, vice president harris, savannah, she's not going to be here. in fact, she and her running mate, tim walz, will be in neighboring wisconsin, milwaukee, to be exact, rallying supporters in the very building where mr. trump hosted the republican national convention last night. here will be the obamas night, former president obama the headliners. in the past, obama and harris weren't particularly close. though i'm told he has long admired here. notably in recent weeks, he's been advising her privately, and she's hired some of his former aided, his campaign manager. those close to mr. obama tell nbc news he will detail the task ahead for democrats over the next 70 plus days and bring into focus the values at stake in this upcoming election. savannah? >> peter alexander in chicago, thank you very much. also making their voices
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heard in chicago, protesters. thousands marched through the streets on the convention's opening day, many of them voicing their opposition to the war in gaza. one group even breaking through a security fence at the united center. nbc's shaquille brewster has that part of the story. hey, shaq. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. this area was the scene of some of the most tense exchanges so, authorities in chicago remain on high alert that fence behind know of the already fixed but crews adding an additional layer of fencing as chicago prepares for what they expect to be another round of protests. this morning authorities in chicago remain on high alert following moments of heated protest outside the democratic national convention. multiple people detained and arrested. some carried away after a group broke through a layer of secret service fencing. >> they breached the fence. they got into the outer perimeter. we have no idea what they would have done had they gotten on to the other side. >> reporter: officers scrambling
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to rebuild a piece of the damaged barrier. the dnc joint information center writing, at no point was the inner perimeter breached and there was no threat to any protectees. overnight, demonstrators seen inside the convention center. one group unraveling a protest banner in sport of palestinians during president biden's speech with other protesters placing their signs in front of them. officers in riot gear clearing a area after mostly peaceful demonstrations. thousands marching and rallying monday afternoon, at one point delaying buses carrying delegates a dnc official tells nbc news. >> i felt like i needed to be around like-minded people that care about humanity. >> reporter: the groups focus on different issue, but many demanding the democratic party and its new presidential nominee support ending aid to israel and its war in gaza. >> we have but one demand, end the genocide in palestine.
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stop sending weapons to israel. >> reporter: a demand protesters say they will keep making each day of this convention. and chicago's top cop overnight is praising his officers saying that the deescalation training they received ahead of the convention came to good use. that situation resolved with no tear gas, no batons being used, the hope that those tense moments that we saw last night were the worst of the convention. >> all right, shaq brewster for us. shaq, thank you. of course, make sure you stick with nbc news for live coverage of the democratic national convention all the way at 10:00 p.m. eastern on nbc and streaming on nbc news now. all right. moving now to the war in gaza, secretary of state antony blinken, who is in the region, says israel has accepted a proposal the close the remaining gaps in the cease-fire negotiations to get a deal. now he's urging hamas to do the same. raf sanchez joins us from tel aviv.
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raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. as secretary blinken crisscrosses the middle east, israel announcing it has recovered bodies of six more hostages from gaza, this morning. it is a grim discovery and giving a new sense of urgency in an effort to reach a cease-fire deal. this morning secretary blinken arriving in egypt in pursuit of a cease-fire deal, after a one-on-on meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday. blinken says israel has now agreed to an american plan to pause the fighting and free the hostages. >> he confirmed the me that israel accepts the bridging proposal, that he supports it. it is now incumbent on hamas to do the same. >> reporter: overnight, hamas slamming the u.s. plan, objecting to requests by netanyahu. a senior hamas official saying the u.s. administration and the international community must put an end to this recklessness and pressure from netanyahu. >> what i would say to hamas and to its leadership is if it
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genuinely cares about the palestinian people that it purports to somehow represent, then it will say yes to this agreement. >> reporter: overnight at the democratic national convention, president biden repeating his own call for a cease-fire and referring to protesters around the convention in a notable ad lib. >> those protesters out in the street, they have a point. a lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides. >> reporter: blinking departing as israel announces this morning it's recovered six more hostage bodies from gaza. among them, 79-year-old, he was kidnapped on october 7th along with his wife, daughter, and 8-year-old grandson. we were there when the family celebrated a painful birthday as ohad turned 9 in captivity. >> in gaza now. took him to gaza and his family, you can see. >> reporter: while the women were freed in last year's
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hostage deal, his grandfather was left behind. and we have spoken to the family many times over the last ten months. they campaigned just tirelessly to try to get their grandfather back safely, but it was not to be. also this morning israel says it bombed a school in gaza where hamas fighters were hiding. gaza civil defense say at least four people were killed. savannah? >> raf sanchez in tel aviv with the latest. thank you, raf. all right. 7:14. a lot more to get to. we welcome craig to the table. hey, craig. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. a desperate search is unfolding this morning off the coast of sicily. a luxury yacht carrying more than 20 people sank in a violent storm yesterday. at least one person was killed. and this morning, several others, including americans and a tech mogul are missing. nbc's kelly cobiella joins us with the very latest on the search. kelly, good morning to you. >> craig, good morning.
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that wreckage is in 150 feet of water on the sea floor. divers on a complex mission, only able to stay at that depth for 12 minutes at a time as they search for the missing. this morning a desperate search in the waters off sicily. expert cave divers brought in to look for six missing passengers, including a british tech tycoon his teenage daughter and two americans. possibly trapped in the wreckage of the 154 foot super yacht, seen lit up monday night before a terrifying storm. a restaurant capturing this video of violent wind gusts of up to 150 miles an hour, amid reports of a waterspout. a boat captain nearby says he saw the yacht go down just before 5:00 a.m. monday. >> it was a strong hurricane gust, very strong. they went flat on the water and then down. >> reporter: italian officials say among the missing are attorney chris morvillo and his
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wife, the british chairman of morgan stanley and british tech tycoon mike lynch and his daughter. his wife was rescued. lynch was acquitted of fraud in the u.s. in june. a trial connected to the sale of his firm autonomy to hue lit packard in 2011. on monday, divers pulled one body from the waters. italian media reporting it was a canadian man, the yacht's chef. but some stories of survival, like charlotte and her young daughter, rescued by the captain. the 34-year-old mother telling italian media she briefly lost hold of her daughter and held the little girl above the waves with all my strength before reaching safety. >> that yacht has one of the highest aluminum masts in the world, 246 feet tall. witnesses say it snapped in that storm and may have caused the yacht to sink. although, investigators are still looking into that. and that mom told italian media her family survived because the storm woke them up.
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they were on deck, she said, when the boat sank. she, her husband and daughter incredibly all survived without injuries. craig? >> wow, that is incredible. kelly cobiella for us. kelly, thank you. in the meantime, clean-up is underway all across the northeast this morning after two days of storms that caused widespread flooding and major damage. parts of new york and connecticut were hit especially hard. in oxford, connecticut, 10 inches of rain fell in just 12 hours and police there say two women died after their vehicles were swept away. the flood waters causing roads to crumble under cars on busy streets. connecticut's governor now asking for federal help to get those communities back on their feet. that brings us right to mr. roker. there is a lot going on, but it's on the way. it's already gone. >> that's the good news. 2,000 year storm events within hundreds of miles of each other. really unusual. unfortunately for our friends in the south, we have this big heat dome. jet stream way up to the north. a big area of high pressure.
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25 million people from california all the way to texas. we could be looking at record highs from phoenix, albuquerque, galveston all the way into brownsville. temperatures today, 103 in el paso. phoenix 111. 103 in houston. dallas 5 degrees warmer. at 105. but with low pressure down to the south midwest to the northeast, temperatures 5 to 15 degrees below average. buffalo, you are going to be 66 degrees. that's 13 degrees cooler than average. chicago nice and cool. windy city, 73. boston same temperature. 76 in new york. the rest of the country, a nicer day here in the east. record highs likely through texas and severe storms in the western plains. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and that is your latest weather. guys? >> thank you, birthday boy! al, we love you. and that is your latest weather. guys? >> thank you, birthday boy! al, we love you. still ahead this morning, we'll talk about the scott peterson case.
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he is speaking out in a new docu series released overnight talking about the murders that gripped the nation for more than two decades. kaylee hartung on the story. >> hey, good morning, guys. from behind prison walls as he faces life without parole, scott peterson there is critical evidence that exonerates him. coming up, we'll tell you more about his argument for a new trial and who is helping him make the case. plus, remembering phil donahue. he is now being honored by some of the biggest names in daytime talk. we will take a look at his remarkable life d legacy. remarkable life d legacy. but, fanir every shelter pet deserves a second chance, and you're making it possible for thousands of them, every day. because every time you feed your pet hill's you help feed a shelter pet which helps make them healthy
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and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. so al, an early birthday gift. oprah winfrey just showed up at his doorstep. >> oprah calling. what it means to turn 70. what makes the milestone so special and life advice from oprah after. control,
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26. right now i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories, including bart back on track after a scare for some riders. i'm ginger conejero saab. regular service has resumed for bart following this incident on a richmond bound train that unexpectedly stopped at macarthur station yesterday. you can hear the confusion and panic that some passengers had while evacuating this bart train. you can see them jumping off of the train because of smoke coming from one of the cars. now, bart says the smoke came from a piece of train equipment interfering with the third rail. fortunately, no injuries were reported. a bob redell. we're here on quimby road in the east foothills of san jose, where you can see cal fire still on the scene of this wildfire. a series of three fires that burned in the very dry hills here. this fire started just late last night. burned 33 acres, and the latest numbers from cal fire, that is now 25% contained. the fire activity is suppressed overnight. and that forward progress on this fire has been
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stopped. it's getting busy out there on the roads. mike is monitoring a deadly accident on 680. yeah. laura this actually happened about an hour ago. but the situation changed. very serious. now they're reporting a death on northbound 680 as a result of the crash. right around vargas road. at one point, we had or we feared we had all lanes blocked. they have reopened a couple of lanes northbound. it's counter commute. this is a distraction because as you come down out of sunol, you can see the other side of the freeway. it is jammed up in both directions as you head in toward the border with sunol and fremont. back to you. all right. thank you. don't forget to join us for today in the bay live streaming newscast. at 8 a.m. we will talk with an expert about new findings that may raise the red flag for parents en it comeswh
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i think it's time we got to
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go around the horn. here we go! let's go! let's go! that's the first double around the horn. where's the cast of spamalot? i'm super sized, going around the horn. >> i think it's a >> i think it's a jurassic going around the horn. look out! that's when you go around the horn, baby! >> oh, so many years, so many horns. so many laughs. there he is, a beloved plaza tra dilgs. one of the many ways al has left his mark on the plaza, on the world. i love it. al, happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> are you ready to celebrate? >> oh, yes. let's get it out of the way. >> we can't wait for your convo with oprah. that's pretty cool. >> i was very thrilled she graced us with her presence. we had a wonderful time. i hope you'll enjoy. >> cool. >> we look forward to that coming up in a few minutes.
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first, more news to get to, including a new development in a case that's been in the spotlight for more than two decades. >> scott peterson speaking for the first time on camera since his arrest in 2003. kaylee hartung has the latest on this. >> good morning, guys. we have all watched as this case has riveted the nation for more than 20 years. now in a new docu series on peacock we hear from scott peterson himself. why he believes he deserves a new trial. this morning, two decades after going to prison for the murder of his pregnant life, laci, scott peterson is breaking his silence. >> i wish i could say i was stronger, but all this stuff did take a toll on me. >> reporter: in "face to face," the new peacock docuseries, the 51-year-old speaks out from behind prison walls, arguing police ignored critical evidence that exonerating him and
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describes in disbelief the moment he was convicted. >> i was expecting to go home that day. i was staggered by it. >> reporter: peterson was sentenced to death in 2004 for 2002 murders of his wife laci and their unborn son connor after their bodies washed up in san francisco bay, near where he said he had gone fishing months earlier. at times emotional. peterson pushing back on the portrayal of him as an uncaring and detached husband. >> i was so angry at the media because their reports just weren't factual. i strived not to show emotion in the courtroom because i didn't want them to say they broke me. >> reporter: he also speaking out about his girlfriend, amber frye whose testimony was crucial in establishing a motive. >> they said you killed laci because you didn't want to be married and you didn't want to be a father. >> so defense offensive, so disgusting. >> i regret cheating on laci. >> why did you keep talking to
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amber frey after laci disappeared? >> i was searching for my family, staying in contact with amber, i thought, and she wouldn't get into the picture and ruin the search. >> reporter: in 2020, peterson's death sentence was reduced to life without parole. now backed by the l.a. innocence project, he's petitioning for a new trial, arguing it was burglars across that street that killed laci. >> i believe that laci went over there to see what was going on. and that's when she was taken. >> there is new renewed interest. there is the innocence project. so now what's next for the case? >> his legal team hopes that new dna testing and evidence could lead to this new trial. the key here, the court said they will allow this piece of duct tape that was found on laci during the autopsy to be tested. it never has been before. and peterson's legal team says they have witnesses that saw laci walking their dog before scott left the home that day, which would rule him out as a
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suspect. no surprise all these years later, the prosecution says this is a fishing expedition. >> yeah, yeah. we should mention, too, the face to face with scott peterson, the docu series streaming right now on peacock. all right. coming up an important health message all women need to here. the star of "boy meets world" revealing she has breast cancer and the only reason she says she caught it early she wants you to know. we'll have her story. also, we will remember and celebrate the life and legacy of pioneering talk show host, phil donahue, how he changed television forever and how he also found the love of his life for more than 40 years, marlo thomas on his show. but first these messages. ♪♪ ♪ that's me. ♪ ♪ standing in the mirror. ♪ ♪ if i was you, i'd wanna be me too. ♪ ♪ i'd wanna be me too. i'd wanna be me too. ♪
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or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. we're back now at 7:39 with tributes to legendary talk show host phil donahue. squmplts. >> his daytime show ran for nearly 30 years, breaking the mold in many ways and also paving the way for oprah winfrey and many mores. >> nbc's joe fryer is here with his life and legacy. good morning. >> good morning. as tributes pour in, we keep hearing the same words, pioneer and legend. the tv world is applauding phil donahue for what he covers, who he interviewed and how he hosted the show. all of it groundbreaking. >> reporter: it was easy for viewers to spot the silver mane of hair dashing through the aisles. his microphone like a baton that
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had to be shared. >> what led you into the field of politics? >> i'm still asking myself that. >> reporter: the audience was central. >> is the caller there? >> yes. go ahead. >> reporter: to the show that bore phil donahue's name. >> our radical idea was called democracy. we gave everybody a chance to actually speak on the air waves that they owned in the first place. >> reporter: the talk show trail blaze every is being celebrated followed by those that followed in his footsteps like oprah winfrey. he was a pioneer. rosie o'donnell calls him a beautiful man in every day. i will miss him. >> i'm phil donahue. >> no, you're not. >> reporter: the phil donahue show first hit the air waves in 1967, debuting in dayton, ohio before moving to chicago where it was renamed donahue, later ending up in new york. at its peak, each episode
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wracked up 8 to 9 million viewers, attracting huge celebrities. >> how would you imitate john wayne? just one line. >> well, all right, pilgrim. >> reporter: and rising political stars. >> i sat here a long time in silence, phil. i'm not going to answer any more of these questions. i've answered them until i'm blue in the face. >> reporter: donahue was fearless, tackling the topics you are supposed to avoid on a first date like politics and religion. he was the first western journalist to visit chernobyl after the nuclear disaster. in 1982 his show was the first to interview someone living with aids. >> didn't you go through the feeling of being punished and didn't you have in the early go those -- did you wonder about that? >> well, of course i wondered. >> reporter: for a time he was even a contributor on "today". >> good morning, jane. let's administer the home jealousy test. >> reporter: but in 1996, with his ratings struggling, donahue
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finally ended its 29-year run. over the 20 years he won 20 daytime em mys, co-directed an anti-war documentary called "body of war" and just this year received the presidential medal of freedom, yet his greatest reward came in 1977 when marlo thomas was his guest. >> you are really fascinating. >> you are wonderful. i said it off the air. you are loving and generous and you like women and it's a pleasure. whoever is the woman in your life is very lucky. >> reporter: that was the spark that led to a 44. year marriage. recently they wrote a book and hosted a podcast about love. >> was there one piece of advice or some mantra that even you experienced happy married people picked up? >> more than one couple said their habit is to say i love you every night before you go to sleep. every night. you know, that's -- how do you argue with that? >> reporter: yesterday thomas posted one of her favorite photos of donahue taken on vacation writing, i hope that
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you will continue to hold close those you cherish most just as i was blessed to do with my beloved phillip. marlo thomas also thanked everyone for their beautiful messages of love and support over the last 24 hours. phil donahue's family says he passed away sunday night at home following a long illness. he was surrounded by loved ones, including charlie, his beloved golden retriever. >> i didn't know anything about that. what a beautiful moment to capture it in realtime when the spark happened. >> you could really see the spark there. couldn't you? >> what a relationship. >> they came over to our house to interview us for their book. on long-term marriages. it was great. because marlow set everything up. had her digital recorder and phil said i'm just here for the ride. so he adored her. >> he really did. when you think about what television is today, so much of it was pioneered by him. >> absolutely. >> yeah. >> and the part of our show. really, really cool. it was wonderful and honor to
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get to be able to know him and talk to him. we're looking right now at some rough weather making its way for our friends down in the florida peninsula. basically going to be a stationary front that just hanging out, just keeps dumping lots of rain. severe risk is low, but we're going to be looking at a lot of heavy rain. some downpours may lead to some localized flooding. we're talking about some places picking up 2 to 3 inches of rain but could be heavier amounts in and around some local regions. nicer day here in the northeast. but again, record highs continuing from texas into the
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>> by the way, somebody was part of the 1,500 shows that phil donahue did, our of our camera guys, anthony. >> anthony! >> yeah. >> oh, that's cool. >> takes one to know one. >> indeed. all right. coming up, guys, if you like music, do not miss "popstart." carson has some big news on one of your favorite artists. we'll get to that and your morning "boost" coming up after this. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) (vo) consumer reports conducts over fifty tests with 30 grams to determine the best vehicles.. and only one brand was named the “2024 best mainstream automotive brand” ... subaru. with eight vehicles that are recommended models. outback. ascent. legacy. impreza. wrx. brz ... and 2024 top picks crosstrek and forester. safe. reliable. trusted. loved. subaru. get 2.9% apr for 72 months on a new subaru outback during the subaru a lot to love event. going on now. (buzz) look whose joining us for my favorite part of the day! (leslie) cheerios are his love language. (buzz) well, yeah. they can help lower cholesterol. (angela) ok. i love it. (phyllis) my love language is portuguese.
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i don't understand it, but i love how it makes me feel. with claritin, relieving your allergies is a walk in the park. get fast, all-day relief of your worst allergy symptoms like nasal congestion. (♪♪) live claritin clear. strong enamel is your best defense against acid erosion and cavities. that's why i recommend pronamel active shield because it will strengthen your enamel and create that shield around it. i'm excited for this product. i think patients are really going to like it. try pronamel mouthwash. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people
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reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ♪ (woman) c'mon c'mon ♪ (man) yes! ♪
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(vo) you've got your sunday obsession and we got you. now with verizon, get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us and get every out-of-market sunday game. plus $800 off samsung galaxy z fold6. only on verizon. (jalen hurt) see you sunday. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. we're back with carson and the morning boost. nd a group o people were leaving a concert in portland, maine, and >> all right. this is just basic kindness, this boost. this past weekend a group of people were leaving a concert in portland, maine, and a woman realized she lost one of our earrings. so word got around and next thing you know, look what was going on. a huge group of strangers all
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looking for the earring. in fact, one man organized a search line. they used flashlights on their cell phones. at first it was 14. and then one by one by one. the person that posted the video said, we never found the earring. but we did find some beautiful humans. i'm calling that a win. >> a miracle. >> they must have found something cool. >> someone else's earring. >> or a wallet or something. coming up, we have a birthday bash celebrating uncle al. on this, his special day. we have food. we have fun. we have surprises for you, al. plus, al will share his special conversation with his now fellow septuagenarian oprah winfrey. all that coming up after your local news. you know that word? long-lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision. more people on eylea hd had no fluid in the retina, compared to those on eylea at 4 months. eylea hd is the only
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wet amd therapy that helped 8 out of 10 people go up to 4 months between injections, after 3 initial monthly treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eylea hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most commons side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today for the potential for fewer injections.
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pure leaf crafts real brewed iced tea using the highest quality tea leaves. no artificial flavors. nothing that doesn't make our tea better. ♪♪ pure leaf iced tea. real variety, real brewed. ♪♪ (vo) there's no greater classroom than the great outdoors. real variety, real brewed. that's why nature valley and the national park foundation are helping kids across america experience the wonder of nature. life happens out there did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. -incredible, isn't it? -yeah. and with your home, auto, new dove boat, and rv all bundled with progressive, you're free to just enjoy this beautiful view.
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almost makes everything else fade away. are you done? almost. (america ferrera) some people think it's impossible for a snack to be delicious and full of protein. but it's possible to be two things at once. like today i'm business... and i'm casual. (vo) yoplait protein. 15 grams of protein and it tastes so good. why does special k have 10 grams of protein? (♪♪) yep. that's why. special k. special for a reason. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur,ial k. because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler
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that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you.
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as we're following happening now. really slow. go this morning for south bay commuters heading north on 680. mike
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inouye is following those backups for us. this is after a deadly accident. mike. yeah this deadly accident happened during the 6:00 hour. we thought it was not a serious situation. turns out it's a deadly crash. someone has died as a result on northbound 680. now we typically have a bad commute heading south, and that's in place. this traffic tuesday. but northbound, we have only two lanes open as you head in the northbound direction, the traffic continues to build. we have three miles more than three miles of backup heading up in towards sunol. so that's unexpected for folks. you can still stay on 680, or you can take your alternate on niles canyon, or you can head all the way up to 580. cynthia, that's a lot longer drive so folks could stick to 680. like i said, thanks for bringing us the update, mike. now let's talk about our temperatures. we will be in for a warm day in our valleys, 80s and 90s. really the warmest day of this workweek. before we start to trend cooler into the second half of the week, even tracking some spotty rain chances. so i'll give you a look at the complete outlook coming up in our newscast at 8
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a.m. back to you. all right. thanks, cynthia. and make sure you stay tuned for our today in the bay live streaming newscast. it's going to start in minutes at 8 a.m. we're speaking with one expert about new findings that may raise the red flag for parents when it comes to device time for their cldren. you can hi
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
8:00 am
z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. it's 8:00 on "today."
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coming up, passing the torch. the democratic national convention officially underway in chicago with president biden taking center stage. are you ready to elect kamala harris and tim walz. >> from the speakers inside to the demonstrators across the city. we're live with the latest. then, sharing her story. danielle fishel, one of the stars of the hit '90s sitcom "boy meets world" revealing her breast cancer diagnosis. >> the only reason i caught this cancer when it is still stage 0 is because the day i got my text message that my yearly mammogram had come up, i made the appointment. >> inside the outpouring of support and the message she hopes to share. ♪ all that, plus a major milestone. >> so 70 is a number, but nothing to be worried about. >> don't be scared. don't be scared, al. it will be all right.
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>> al goes one-on-one with oprah about turning 70 and the road ahead. >> my great gift is being able to live in the present moment. i think it's really one of the -- it's the thing that brings me the greatest joy. >> and we are celebrating all things al, cooking up a birthday bash on the plaza you do not want to miss. today, tuesday, august 20th, 2024. ♪ >> today's forecast calls for a celebration. >> from my neck of the woods, leesburg, virginia. >> maine! >> rockford, illinois. >> pennsylvania. >> and anchorage, alaska. >> we start every day with al roker! >> been watching al for three decades. >> you make every morning brighter. >> hope you have the best birthday, mr. roker.
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>> happy 70th al! [ cheers and applause ] >> my dear al, you are the rainbow in our lives. i can't tell you how blessed we all feel to have you in ours. here's to another dance around the sun and hoping you nothing but warmth and maybe an occasional shooting star. all right. enough of those universal analogies. happy, happy 70th birthday, dear heart. >> oh! look at your girls! >> i got chills. >> i do, too. >> another dance around the sun. >> i'm very blessed. very fortunate. >> wow. and by the way, get ready. buckle up. we have a fun hour in store for you. a lot of surprises and fun. and we will get to your oprah conversation in a bit. let's get to our news at 8:00. first we begin with the democratic national convention. president biden taking the stage on a dramatic opening night, celebrating his own accomplishments, while urging fellow democrats to help vice president kamala harris win in november.
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nbc's peter alexander is at the united center right there in chicago with more. hey, peter. good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning to you. this place was packed last night, filled with democrats deeply grateful for president biden's years of public service and for his political sacrifice, repeatedly interrupting his speech with chants of, we love joe. the president in, what was a swan song of sorts, emotional when he came to stage, the hug he shared with his daughter ashley who bintroduced him, heaped praise on his vice president kamala harris, saying she is the best person to lead the country forward, sharply criticizing his rival, donald trump, and then speaking in personal terms about all that he has done and his decision to step aside. >> it's been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your president.
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i love the job, but i love my country more. [ applause ] >> i love my country more. i made a lot of mistakes in my career. but i gave my best to you. for 50 years. >> reporter: more marquee names are on tap here tonight. doug emhoff, as well as the obamas. former first lady michelle obama and former president obama. while vice president harris was of course here sharing that pass the torch moment on stage last night, she will not be here this evening. instead, she and her running mate tim walz will go to rally supporters in neighboring wisconsin in the exact same arena where mr. trump held the republican convention just a month ago. back to you. >> all right, peter alexander for us. peter, thank you. of course, stay with nbc news for live coverage from the democratic convention all week. 10 p.m. eastern here on nbc. and streaming on nbc news now. the faa ordered inspections of boeing 787 dreamliners. following an incident in march
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an airplane plane went into a sudden dive that injured more than 50 passengers. the faa says the apparent reason for that was the uncommanded movement of the captain's seat in a forward direction. the agency said it received a total of five reports of similar problems on 787s. airlines have 30 days to inspect their planes and make any necessary fixes. also this morning, danielle fishel, one of the stars of the '90s sit come "boy meets world" revealing she has been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. now well wishes are pouring in, and she has an important message, too. emilie ikeda has more. hi, good morning. >> savannah, good morning to you. danielle fishel played topenga lawrence on "boy meets world." the beloved coming of age show. become a hit among viewers. while the actor says she never thought she'd take her personal health public, fishel now hopes sharing her experience will help others. actress danielle fishel opening
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up many young arts as the fictional character on "boy meets world" opening up about her real life fight with cancer. >> i was recently diagnosed with dcis, ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a form of breast cancer. >> officials sharing the news on "pop meets world," the rewatch podcast she hosts with friends and former costars. rider strong and will fridell. >> the only reason i caught this cancer when it is still stage 0 is because the day i got my text message that my yearly mammogram had come up, i made the appointment. >> fishel says she is undergoing treatment and expects to be fine. >> we love you and you know we have got you. >> reporter: the three have been close since the popular coming of age sitcom that ran from 1993 to 2000 on abc, following fishel's character as she
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navigates first dates, prom and marriage. she always said she thought she would suffer in silence if she got this kind of news, but changed her mind in order to encourage others to keep up with health screenings. >> i hope it will encourage anyone to get in there. if it is time for your appointment, if you have never had an appointment before, get in there. >> her husband writing, i'm so proud of danielle fishel for using her platform to raise awareness. she's the strongest person i have ever met. she's got this. the show's instagram page filling up with messages of support and well wishes. one fan writing, sending love and health to danielle. i'm years behind for a doc appointment and made one during the podcast. a child star from the '90s with an important reminder as she navigates a personal health challenge. >> about 20% to 25% of breast cancer diagnosis in the u.s. are what's called dcis or stage 0. it generally does not have obvious symptoms like a lump or pain and typically discovered
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through mammograms which again underscores the value of regular screenings, guys. >> absolutely, emilie, thank you. let's go now to an incredible rescue in boston. a man and a toddler pulled from the charles river by a passing duck boat. so surveillance camera shows what happened. the moment the young boy was able to squeeze through a railing, he fell into the river below. the child's dad jumped in after him. and just moments later, the pair happened to be picked up by a duck tour boat that, coincidentally, happened to be conducting water rescue training at that very time. the child was taken to the hospital as a precaution. both dad and son are said to be okay. >> man. >> timing was right there. >> yeah, it was. just ahead, hit songs, batman, even a new way to help you catch some zs. carson has it all in a packed "popstart". first, imagine asking oprah for advice. on life's biggest questions. well, al did just that to get ready for his milestone birthday, which is of course today. the words of wisdom she shared
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for making your 70s the best decade of your life. >> here's hoping. >> all right. that's right after this. go thro. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha.
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talk to your doctor. ♪“i got you” by the beginners♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ all the gear to go back in style. welcome to your walmart. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... pure leaf crafts real brewed iced tea using the highest quality tea leaves. no artificial flavors. nothing that doesn't make our tea better. ♪♪ pure leaf iced tea. real variety, real brewed. ♪♪ did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪♪) dove it
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new dove replenish your skin after every shave. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar
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and learn how abbvie could help you save. elaine! >> i guess your boyfriend is going to have to catch the next train. >> he's not my boyfriend. >> he's not? interesting. ♪ >> i mean, there's so many things that make him a legend. >> that's so good. >> that's got to be on your highlight reel for life. >> able to do a sitcom freeze frame. >> with the iconic "seinfeld," al, that was 1993. you really have done it all in your storied career. but guess what? it's a for from over. >> so for your special day, we asked if there was anybody, anybody you wanted to talk to, and you immediately answered? >> oprah, of course. if you know anything about me, i try to look ahead.
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that's part of my job. but i love moving on. ward and upward. but for the first time, turning 70 gave me a little bit of a pause. so i decided i needed some advice from someone who also just reached this milestone. op? who better than oprah? >> well, hello! >> how do you do? >> i love this. cargo pants, the whole deal. >> i'm a cargo girl. how are you? >> so good to see you, dear. >> good to see you. >> thanks for coming. come on in. >> glad to be here. >> the legendary oprah winfrey visited me in our home for my birthday was a true gift. >> a little tequila. grate fruit little thing. >> nice. you know, i love a little tequila. >> i decided to do a little surf and turf for us. >> i'm more of a surfer than a turfer. >> soon we were enjoying lunch and life as two 70 somethings. >> i'm just curious, what were you thoughts about 70? >> i was excited to make the number.
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i'm excited to make every number. i remember many, many years ago as a young girl, i had always thought that i would never make it to the 60s or 70s. >> really? >> i had this number in my head, okay, i'm going to be out by then. >> why? >> i don't know why. i think -- i think i had a vision of it when i was a kid, and i think it's because under the circumstances that i was living when i was a little girl in milwaukee on welfare with my mother and what i now know, that if i had stayed in those circumstances i probably wouldn't be here. you know, i wouldn't be here healthy and strong and vibrant. >> turning 70, is your concept of gratitude deeper than it was, say, at 60 or 50? >> i would not say that it's deeper, al, because i have been doing it for so long. i would say that there is a sense of knowing that there
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isn't as much time left, and i am at peace with that knowing. and there is a sense of urgency about, for me, about living well. and, so, that's all about health. and i would say that, you know, a couple of years ago, 2021, i had knee surgery on one knee, and i had been becoming more and more debilitated to the point where it was hard to walk down even two steps, you know, even just to get into the car. >> i know that pain. >> you know that pain. and when i finally went to the knee doctor, and i said, you know, i don't know, if it time? he goes, it's time if you want to continue walking. do you like walking? then it's time. it's time. >> it's time. >> and, so, i never been through surgery or, you know, was intimidated by it. the best thing i've ever done. i really felt like i had a new
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opportunity to live inside my body in a way that i hadn't been able to for years because being overnight and the being overweight causing the knees to be even worse. >> i had both knees done. >> i'm talking to the choir here. ♪ singing to the choir. ♪ singing to the choir. >> my great gift, i will tell al, i will tell you, my great gift is being able to live in the present moment. i think it's really one of the -- it's the thing that brings me the greatest joy. >> really? >> yes. because no matter what's going on in your life, you can compartmentalize and be just right here right now. so i'm not a -- i'm not a worrier. i will worry about the thing when the thing shows up. >> do you feel like you've done what you were put here to do? >> i feel like it continues. i think until the last breath it continues. and i think that ultimately there is no offering greater
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than your love. and it doesn't matter if you were giving that love through your broadcast audience, you are able to speak to millions of people or you're just speaking to one. people may forget what you did or what you said, but they never forget how you made them feel. so that feeling that you leave with every person that you encounter, that becomes your legacy. >> so 70 is a number, but nothing to be worried about? >> don't be scared. don't be scared, al. it's gonna be all right. it's gonna be all right. you know why? because you have already overcome some of the greatest challenges. i mean, you can tell us what it's like to almost not make it and what it means to have the most vital part of your life in order. and that is your health. what is amazing is that your heart has been pumping, pumping pumping, pumping for you for 69
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solid years, almost getting you there to 70 and it's been doing that right on time! just for you! >> yes! >> that's been happening just for you, yes. >> cheers! >> cheers! >> cheers to 70. >> cheers to 70. don't be scared. >> not anymore. >> awe. >> don't be scared. i'm telling you, she just kept dropping knowledge. and just sitting there talking and you realize that it's not about everything else. it's just about you and the people around you. and that's what makes the difference. >> i just love her perspective. your heart has been pumping for you and getting you there. it's such an inspiration. >> again, you are so worried about what's ahead that you have got to be here to appreciate. >> and that's not easy to do. that's one of the things you hear about, oh, stay in the present and the now, but that's hard to do. >> that's a super power. >> do you feel like you're in the now? >> i'm trying to be. that's one of the things deborah is helping me with.
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the idea that you don't bring phones to the table. things like that. that's why i journal every night. just trying to be grateful and present for what's been a great run so far. >> are you in the best health of your life? >> i think so, yeah. >> i think you might be. >> i really do, at least until next week. but for right now, no, i'm very blessed. i think one of the reasons -- having that granddaughter skye. that's to me, i want to be as good as i can be for her and for my other kids. >> out of the whole story, that picture is really what landed squarely right there. that's beautiful, al. >> beautiful motivation right there. >> jk long and the crew who put that altogether, really amazing. we will have more of the conversation in our 3rd hour, including the one thing oprah would do over if she could. and i think her answer may surprise you. >> oh, i want to hear that. >> what is it? >> no. >> i need to know. >> you got to wait. >> why? >> one thing you would do over as well. >> that's right. i would say that this is
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weather. that's the whole thing. it is all about -- it's all about weather. >> what did oprah think of your crib? >> she liked it. >> how about your dinner? did she like it? >> she did like it. she's more surf than turf. but you know. >> she came to your house. i would have been cleaning for two months. >> oh, my gosh. deborah was going nuts like, oh, we have to move this, move that. the queen is coming. that was it. >> wow. >> the queen was coming. >> that's really cool. >> even the flowers in the background, farm girl flowers did that. really nice stuff. >> you know what, she would have only done it for you, al. that's amazing. >> nice moment for the big green egg to get some oprah time. that's huge for us. thank you. >> we were all wearing green. okay. before that, the 9:00 hour, and oprah, that whole thing, we're celebrate many, many things we love about you. we will have a bash in your favorite place, the plaza. >> my people! >> everybody works. got to get a check of the weather, my friend. >> because it all comes down to
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weather. beautiful day in the east. gorgeous in the great lakes and severe storms western plains, record highs down through the south and sunshine along the west coast. a few showers in the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neckf the woods. o >> that's the latest >> that's the latest weather. here's my birthday gift, "popstart". >> demi lovato's birthday today. did you know that? you share a birthday with fred durst. my old buddy.
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fred's birthday today. and my daughter london rose daly. turns 10 today. >> all right. she only has 60 years to go. >> first up, shaboozey. this track right here just topped a record. ♪ oh my good lord ♪ ♪ someone pour me a double shot of whiskey ♪ ♪ there's a party downtown near fifth street, everybody at the bar get tipsy ♪ >> that was the uncut. footage we never saw of al and oprah the double shot of whiskey. the double shots of whiskey. shaboozey smash summer hit hit another week at number one. it tied post malone and morgan wallace's collab. if i had help. top spot of the year. both tracks six weeks at number one on the charts. it looks like country music is on another level right now. next up, billie eilish. we're still not over this closing ceremony performance she gave us.
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♪ ♪ >> that sounded amazing. and, of course, it is a little ode to the olympics 2028 in los angeles there. billie earned herself a new title, spotify's most streamed arltist. 100 million monthly listener ceiling becoming the third and youngest artist to ever do that. already an eight-time member of spotify's billions club, making basically 10% of her diskography some of the most listened to music in the world. congrats to billie eilish on that. speaking of record breakers, coldplay. yesterday we talked how the band has the biggest rock tour of all time. now they'll add new music to that line up. chris martin revealing a sneak peek at their upcoming song called "we pray."
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take a listen. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a little different sound from coldplay. most artists going country. maybe chris will be going hip-hop. >> i love it. >> i love it. >> like that. "we pray" comes out from "moon music" that comes out october 4th. got to fly. want to get to this. the actor and host of peacock's hit series "the traitors" is lending his voice to the calm app's latestleep story. here is a message from the soothing scot himself. >> you have been banished to bed. my sleep story may lay you to rest, be u you should always keep one eye open. i laid the second tier and the
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third and then the fourth. and then i heard the furious vibrations of the chain. the noise lasted for several minutes, during which that i might harken to it with more satisfaction. i ceased my labors and sat down upon the bones. >> do you know that spooky story there, that's edgar allan poe's done by the great allen cummings. if you're on your calm app. >> i want that suit. >> that's good, though. >> is that on the freak-out app? guys, are you ready to celebrate? >> let's do it. >> come on. >> double shot of whiskey, let's go. al's birthday celebration. some of his favorite chefs and a special surprise, y'all. al, do you know what it might be? do you know what the surprise might be? >> i have no idea. >> okay, good. all right, but first your local news and wea
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am i...relaxing? in an airport? okayyy, alaska airlines. this lounge is nice. like “handcrafted-espresso- bevvies-hot-food- free-wifi” nice. and these comfy chairs... this puts my condo to shame. it'd be crazy if i just... missed my flight. and broke my lease. and made this my home. forever. i wonder if anyone would notice? ♪♪ >> this is the only way to
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travel. give me a woop woop. yeah! i love new york. thanks, guys. thank you for your service. >> time to get the forecast for new york. new york, baby! yeah! that's right, my home state. >> the new york staten island ferry, baby. >> all right. so keep going, folks. let's go back to the studio. ♪ it's up to you new york, new york ♪ >> all right! >> back now on "today." of all of your many accomplishments -- >> this young man made this right over here, these hats for me. so thank you very much. really appreciate it. it look better on you, i think. there you go. i like your glasses. very fancy. very fancy. thank you, buddy. what's your name? >> chester. >> all right, chester, nice to see you. >> al, we're just getting started here. we're talking about you and being a new yorker is one of
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your proudest accomplishments. born and raised. always a champion of the city. and the people. most importantly the people who call this place home. >> so, mr. roker, it's only fitting that for your 70th birthday you receive a very special honor right here in new york. and here to present it is none other than the mayor of new york city himself, mayor eric adams! >> hello, mr. mayor. nice to see you. wow! >> good to see you. good to see you. >> hello, mr. mayor. >> hi. how are you doing, mr. mayor? great to see you. >> mr. mayor, i know you have something to tell and present al. >> listen, you have opened the key to our hearts. >> oh, my gosh. >> for 40 years, 27 on this amazing show. 70th birthday. listen, you have done so much. i read some of your books on being a dad, health books. you have been a real new yorker. when i wake up, i got to find out what the weather is before i put on my suit. congratulations to you. >> wow.
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oh, my gosh! >> a key to the city of new york. a key to the city, wow! [ applause ] >> this is like i never imagined a kid from queens would get a key to the city. >> both queens guys. >> that's right. that's right. you bet. >> i'm breaking into the city now. >> well, that's what i do. >> it's pretty symbolic, isn't it, mr. mayor, to give someone a key to the city. >> it is. it means a lot. it represents the city on a whole. 8.3 million people. i always tell folks, listen, there is only two types of americans. those that live in new york and those that wish they could. >> thank you, mr. mayor. >> thank you. >> i so appreciate this. i so appreciate it. >> thank you. happy birthday to you. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. >> that's really cool. >> it's rare something happens for the first time for you, al. first time for this. >> getting any key actually. i just got the key to my house. i keep having to break in. but no, this is really special. thank you. >> for people that don't know, you are a new yorker through and through. >> i love this city. i grew up here, went to high school at xavier high school here in manhattan. i went to saint catherine in
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queens. ps 136 in queens. as well. ps 272 in brooklyn. i was just making the rounds. i just kept getting kicked out of school. my dad was a new york city bus driver in brooklyn. this means so much. >> few people in the city of new york that i can think of deserve that key more than al roker. spot on. >> spot on. by the way, can we just do a shout-out? this crowd made handmade signs right there. there is a guy right behind you al. he has a beautiful happy birthday painted sign. >> that's so cool, wow. >> all over this plaza. i was just picturing people late this night early this morning going to all that care to make these beautiful signs for you. >> i'm so very blessed and lucky. >> nice moment with the mayor. hard to top that, but we'll try. we will try and celebrate with some good food. you know al roker, he loves food. we all do. we brought in some of his favorite chefs here on the plaza to do the honors. if you're watching, you'll be able to create some of al's recipes any time.
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>> not just any chefs, these are dear friends of al roker as well. >> i'm fortunate to have them as friends. >> you can't have a party without cake and drink, so something special. in honor of our favorite foodie here at the show. >> this looks like fun. >> this is great. >> whiskey. >> a lot of food, getting drunk and stuffing ourselves. >> all before 9:00. >> and before all that, though, will you please give us your last forecast for the day? >> while you can. >> i thought you were going to say something. just give them the last forecast right after he gets last rites. okay. let's show you what we got going on as far as the weekend outlook it will be gorgeous on friday from the great lakes, planes, down to the gulf, wet weather in florida. wet in the northwest. great lakes, mid-atlantic states, storms. and then sunday, sunday, sunny and warm in the northeast. mid-atlantic, gulf coast some showers. looking at sunny skies through the mississippi river valley.
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35 past the hour. it will be a toasty tuesday in the bay area. our highs 80s and 90s in our valleys for today as we go on into tomorrow. not much change, but it will be sweater weather as we go on into thursday and friday. tracking a rare august cold front that might even bring the chance of seeing some spotty showers, mainly to the north. after that, the weekend gets sunny and bright again with temperatures rebounding into the low 80s and some warmer we >> and that is your latest weather. oh, wow. look at that. wow! that's one way you make ends meet. >> okay. >> not the first time that's happened. >> happy birthday, al! >> right on! and everybody is invited to this big birthday celebration. we will get it started with some of his favorite food stars. including matt, marcus samuelson, three great chefs.
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guess what? al is a great chef. but, first, this is "today" on z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value
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on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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♪ we are back on the plaza. and, guys, we are celebrating mr. roker's 70th birthday. >> and who better, who better to join this party than three of al's favorite chefs. then they can get cooking in just a moment. we will get to cooking in just a moment. >> but, first, al, we have a few more people that wanted to wish you a happy birthday. some special messages from some of your many foodie friends. >> hey, al. someone told me it is your birthday. >> hi, al roker. i'm in the market. how are you, my friend? >> hey, al! happy birthday! >> al, i wanted to wish you an amazing 70th birthday. >> your passion for cooking is contagious. >> you are an amazing broadcaster. but even more amazing human being.
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>> i just have to wish you a very happy birthday and many, many more to come. you look so good. >> you make 70 look hot as the hinges of hell. >> all my friends in spain want to say to you -- >> happy birthday! >> hey! >> they love you here in spain, too, al roker. >> oh, i love them also. >> oh, you are so beloved. and i know we have more of your favorite. we have matt abdu here, marcus samuelson, daniel balou. you have been cooking with al for years on this show. what is your favorite things of cooking with al? >> just beinwith al. al, happy birthday. we all love you so much. it has been such an honor for years to wake up and see you. giving the weather, just being you. >> father's day isn't father's day without you. >> we can't wait to have you there again. in honor of your 70th birthday, we're cooking up one of your
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favorites. we're doing garlic ribs with cowboy candy. which is like candied pickled jalapenos. >> this is just for al. >> it is specifically for al. it might turn into a menu item. we'll see what happens. but we will start off, all good barbecue starts with a good rub. and what we have on our plate is garlic, onion, thyme, rosemary, jalapeno powder for that fresh heat. throw it all in this bowl, salt and pepper and little brown sugar. give that a quick whisk together. you know the drill of making rubs. when i do our rubs, we hit it with preseasoning, salt and pepper mixture to get that added dry effect and take the seasoning, heavily season the top and bottom with the jalapeno garlic rub. let that smoke for four hours with cherry wood. while that's cooking, we'll make our cowboy candy, candy jalapenos. in the pot, we have really equal parts apple cider vinegar and
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sugar with garlic and salt. bring it to a boil. in one pound worth of jalapenos to this reccrecipe. you have these gorgeous candy jalapenos. top that off with these beautiful st. louis ribs and in for happy time to eat. happy birthday, al. we love you dearly. >> yes! so good. abdu. come on down. come on down. look who i got here, your palmar kus samuelson. he is making another favorite. what you got? >> i want to do prawns, girl them with a barbecue sauce. little jerk. we'll add a little ginger. >> don't talk about craig that way. >> i know. i know. i know. it's not fair. but hoda and i -- you seasoned these up well. >> i did. a little of this. a little of that. >> then we'll put them on the grill. >> what's going on here? mixing this. >> you know, one thing that inspired me with al, always kept his style, right? normally he wears a hat.
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>> yeah. >> so we had to bring a little gift from a beautiful crafted hat man, oh, yes. >> so that's -- look at that. right? >> you are making it happen. >> what do you love about this guy? >> listen, everything. we cooked together for so many years. every time i came on air, in the beginning i was so nervous. al, kid, it's going to be all right. he always had my back. so i appreciate it so much. everything you've done, al, for us. >> grill them. serve a little slaw. pineapple, coconut, add in lemon juice. if danielle thinks it looks good, right? >> then you add that? >> you flip them. >> oh, al, al. >> then hoda -- >> i don't want that. now she gets picky coming back from france. this is what happens when you send her to paris. >> what do you think? al is in heaven.
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>> last but certainly not least, chef daniel balou right here in new york. first of all, chef, you and al have been friends for 30 years? >> yes. our daughters are the same age, oldest girls. i held his daughter, alex, when she was about a month old. >> what kind of friend is al roker? >> al wanted to do thanksgiving in my home to see what the chef was cooking. and 35 years ago -- >> here we are. >> al, you're the best. you're amazing. and i'm taking you back to my farm in france where we were making a pork belly that is -- you cure the pork belly like this. and you cure it for -- yeah. salt, sugar and pepper on both sides. and then you put it in a zip we poach it and look at how beautiful it is. nice and lock and you keep it for 48 hours. then after we poach it. we poach it. and look how beautiful it is. nice and pink. and once it's poached and tender, cut into very what we
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call very large cubes. like this. and those cubes after we put them in the hot oil. we fry them, crispy. and that's really special. it's very simple. so that's our way of sort of making crispy bacon. >> and that sauce. voila, like that. >> what is in that sauce, chef? >> it's actually we call it the devil's sauce. and the sauce of the devil. and -- >> sauce of the devil, wow. >> something devilish for al. >> thank you all. thank you all. if you want to whip up these special dishes at home, scan the qr code to get the recipes. wait, there's more. carson? >> i know you're thinking how do you follow up ribs, pork belly, prawns, cake and cocktails.
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our celebration for uncle al continues in just a moment. don't move. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back on the plaza. we are celebrating al's 70th birthday. it is time for our favorite course, drink and dessert. >> we have tim and josh here ready to share their al-inspired recipes. first we will start with the marvelous mixologist. our local bartender at 30 rock. tim, thanks for cruising down. tell us about this one. >> thanks for having me back. i'm told that the spritz is mr. roker's favorite cocktail in the world. now the spritz was perfected in 1974, it's a scientific fact. they wanted some riff. we're doing an sour with syrup here on this overcast 70th birthday. >> that sounds delicious. >> first, you have champagne syrup.
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equal parts by weight. you have flat champagne, you have sugar in here. you're going to shake it and do it over heat, with a whisk. champagne syrup. we have that right here. we have an egg white in the other one. lemon juice here. we have some gin because it goes well with it. then we have aperol. this is if the aperol fits, wear it. we'll top this off. we are going to dry shake it. get it all mixed in there. just a little bit. little bit. huh? >> can't have it explode on you. that's add some ice into it. so at the end, what you're going to have is the aperol sour here. everyone like to imbibe on this? >> cheers.
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>> happy birthday, al. >> cheers. >> folks, let's go down to the cake. what have you got al-inspired? >> seriously. oh, we got birthday cake for the birthday guy here. i heard that you love strawberry short cake. >> i do indeed. >> i made the absolute best birthday cake ever. we are going to make it from scratch. we have a perfect yellow cake batter. sometimes people love to use bis biscuits, we're going with this. this is super moist. sour cream in it. a mix of butter and oil to keep it nice and tender, melt in your mouth. that's what we're trying to do here. we have three cake layers. then once we bake those up, you get these beautiful golden brown layers here. then we have to get to the star of the show, the strawberries, right? >> perfect. >> gorgeous strawberries here. i like to add a little jam to the strawberries along with some sugar because this is dessert. i mean, we're not playing around. we have to make it a little sweet. we mix this up. we stick it in the fridge for
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about 30 minutes, let all those gorgeous juices come out. do you see this? you can just eat this bowl right now. this is breakfast. >> i was going to say. >> very perfect. you get some whipped cream. you start your layering. we have our last layer right here. oh my gosh. right on top. al, you'll do the honors here. add a little whipped cream, i'll add strawberries. you have to decorate. when you're 70, you have to decorate your own birthday cake. that's what i heard. that's what i heard. >> word on the street. >> that's the word on the street. look. you're doing a gorgeous job, too. that's the perfect thing about the strawberry short cake, it doesn't have to be perfect. made with love and that's exactly what is here. happy birthday, al! >> cheers, happy birthday al. men we come back, we have one more surprise in store for uncle al. but first this is "today" on
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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♪ oh, welcome back. welcome back. by the way, al, al, do you know how many there are? >> that is really disturbing. >> al, there are 70, 7-0, of those fat heads for you. >> wow. >> fat heads? >> al, there's only one thing left to do, bring out the cake! blow out those candles. >> wow. >> look out. >> yes! >> al, we love you. everyday you are our sunshine. thank you so much. hope you have a wonderful birthday. >> thank you. you are the guys that keep giving, the gift that keeps giving. thank you so much. thank you. i thank you. i love you all. >> are you going to be able to blow those out. how does this work? is the fire department nearby? >> careful. >> make a wish. >> good job. >> hey.
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>> do it. yeah! >> happy birthday, al. >> hey, i'm full of hot air. >> folks, don't go anywhere. this birthday bash will continue in the third hour. more food. more of that sit down with oprah. more surprises. more surprises. but first your local news, some weather, these messages.
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good morning. 856. i'm marcus washington. well, this is move in day for nearly 9000 new students at uc berkeley. many are moving into campus residence halls and university apartments, and much of it should happen over today and tomorrow. but as a result, there, you're going to see possibly some closures to those surrounding streets near campus during that time. now, classes at cal officially start next week for the fall semester and happening now. students from the get go will immediately notice. things have changed a little bit there for this fall. for starters, uc system now taking a much hard line stance when it comes to campus protests and student encampments. our bob redell is speaking with arriving students and our
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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this morning on the 3rd hour


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