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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  August 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, tuesday, august 20th, 2024. bringing it home. former president barack obama returns to chicago to make his case for vice president kamala harris, the other big names you'll see on night two of the democratic convention with new protests expected outside. national tragedy, israel's military recovers the bodies of six hostages from gaza, with cease-fire talks still under way we're tracking all the developments. from behind bars, convicted killer scott peterson gives his first on-camera interview in more than two decades. >> i believed in laci. >> the crime he believes is tied to his wife's murder and the response from her family. and nurse's note. the one thing your
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back-to-school list should have, doctors requiring -- that might require a doctor's visit. >> we'll dig into it later. we'll start this hour with day two of the democratic national convention. >> let's take a look inside the convention tonight, tonight barack obama and former first lady michelle obama will take the stage, tomorrow we'll hear from former president bill clinton as well as vice presidential nominee governor tim walz. vice president harris will speak on thursday. >> tonight the vice president will be holding a rally in milwaukee after her surprise appearance at the dnc last night. president biden received a long and rousing ovation before his keynote speech. he reflected on his political career. >> let me know in my heart when my days are through, america, america, i gave my best to you.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> joining us now from chicago, chuck todd. chuck, chances are some of our viewers didn't see president biden talk last night, why, it started a bit late, it was emotional in many ways, what stood out to you about his remarks? >> reporter: well, i think the fact that the emotion came from the crowd, the emotion to him was the reception he got in some ways, i have found the chance of thank you joe, it has to be a truly bittersweet feeling up there for him, because what were thanking him for? the speech wasn't as emotional perhaps exclamation point that you might expect from him if you wanted to describe it as a swan song or a farewell speech. to me it felt like the first draft of the speech he was
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putting together had he been delivering on thursday night of this convention. it had a lot of substance to it in many ways. whether kamala harris wanted this or not f they didn't want it they would have said so. but he sort of made his agenda her agenda. this has been a question mark about how much will she be sort of taking, you know, doing the same as he was pledging to do and where she's going to be different from him and he sort of made the case last night, here's -- here's what we did and what needs to continue, it was a bit more substantiative. particularly the thank you joe stuff, you know that's, what are they thanking him for in. >> chuck, that's interesting the way you just said that.
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hill kri clinton was there with a very, very warm welcome from the dnc, she talked about her loss to donald trump in 2016. i want to play a little bit of her speech last night. >> together we put a lot of cracks in the highest glass ceiling. on the other side of the glass ceiling is kamala harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the united states! this is when we break through. the future is here. >> chuck, it took me back to 2008 because i covered her then and she talked about the glass ceiling then and not making it because barack obama won the nomination, what did you make of that addresknow, he also wrappe herself in shirley chrisholm and
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kate, you covered that campaign very closely, i was struck by the fact that i think that last night was the first time i saw the democratic party treat her as an icon trying to break ground for women. and i always thought that was the problem she had in '08 and in '16, she's now treated more as sort of a pioneer, as somebody who helped shatter a glass ceiling, in either of those moments at that time she didn't get that kind of reception for that. and part of me thinks it's transformation of this party, i think party is a lot more forward leaning seeing women in power particularly with the overturning of roe v. wade. i felt that energy in this hall last night. it broke through with two speeches to me, hers and the reception she got and alexandria ocasio cortez, she probably
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owned this room more than anybody that spoke last night. >> chuck, let's look ahead to tonight, former president obama was a senate candidate when he made his major dnc debut over 20 years ago, we've talked about how political conventions really play a critical role in shaping a party's narrative for the upcoming cycle, so to you what's the job of both former president obama and the first lady tonight when they're giving their remarks? >> reporter: well, what they do, it's all connected -- i've been struck by the two different aspects. think about this, every living former president other than jimmy carter, because he can't get here physically, has a role. a major prominent speaker here at this convention. a bush hasn't spoken at a republican convention since 2012. bill clinton speaks tomorrow, both -- it's almost like this is reminder, the obama wing of the
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party -- clinton wing of the party, and sort of the biden wing of the party, this is in different ways each one of them talk on a different constituenc group. >> special coverage of the dnc starts at 4:00 p.m. eastern on nbc news now, primetime coverage picks up at 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> when you can see former president obama's speech live, that you can watch on your nbc news now on streaming or on your local nbc station. outside the convention, authorities are ramping up security, they're preparing for another possible day of protests. >> we know now that 13 people were arrested on monday after a group of demonstrators broke through a layer of secret service fencing thousands of people were out in streets rallying primarily against the war in gaza. >> meanwhile, families of
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american hostages who are still being held in gaza are trying to make their voices heard today. they just launched an exhibit outside the dnc. shaquille brewster is covering the security plans for all of these protests. but we'll start with adrienne broaddus, i understand you spoke with family members of some of those hostages who are out there, excuse me some of the families out there rallying today. >> reporter: bring home the hostages, and we're just a few blocks away from where the dnc is getting under way, a lot of folks have pass through this area which has been dubbed hostage square chicago, a literal square, i spoke with some people passing through including some delegates across the country what they've seen here is both powerful and painful, painful when they look at images like this, a picture of a young man murdered on
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october 7th. as well as images of the american citizens who are still being held by hamas in gaza. i spoke to the parents of that young man behind me, they told me they count the days, not the months. take a listen. >> 319 days ago he was taken away. we don't evener know if he's alive or dead. we're living with the hope. people think it was some kind of an attack and it's over. it's not over for us. we're living this nightmare every day. >> this could be anyone's child. people need to know their names. there are eight american hostages still held in gaza. people need to know their names and i think that's the purpose of this exhibit. >> reporter: during a week when so many people are trying to have their voices heard organizers with the israeli american council said instead of marching and shouting this is the the loudest way.
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back to you. >> shaq, let me turn to you, some will be marching, right, we think there will be bigger protests later today, how are authorities trying to keep everyone safe? >> reporter: right, you may hear one of the protesters going right now taking advantage of this first amendment free speech zone. this bracket here that was not in place before when protesters were able to breach this fence, there's another line of fencing we're seeing along the row and a security camera we saw installed earlier this morning, we don't know if it's directly related but we saw that installed. there are demonstrations to come later today, the police superintendent was asked about one of the groups organizing a protest. known for being confrontational with police, they're keeping the same game plan. they'll respond if they need to
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as they did yesterday. let's turn now to today's money minute. bmw issues a massive recall. >> plus the snack chip that's not meant to be eaten on earth. eli lilly weight loss drug cut the risk of diabetes, the initial results suggest that the drug could delay a potential diagnosis for people with higher than normal blood sugar level. bmw is recalling vehicles with a water pump issue. the water pumps aren't properly sealed which may cause fluid to leak to the electrical connector potentially causing a fire. and as you mentioned you can now eat doritos in zero gravity,
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a special pack designed to be eaten in space. the chips are bite-size with an oil-based coating to minimize dust and crumbs floating in the spaceship. we'll see what the astronauts have to say about those chips. >> kind of a small market, right. people in space. >> yeah. >> they didn't think of that. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, you may remember coming up, you may remember danielle fishel on the '90s when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,
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to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy.
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welcome back. search teams in italy are scouring the wreckage of a luxury superyacht that sank off the coast of sicily on monday. six passengers remain missing including a british tech entrepreneur who ownd that yacht. meagan fitzgerald is following this story for us. i understand we have a new update from the italian coast guard about this search, what do we know. >> reporter: look, the italian coast guard is saying that is an all hands on deck effort and has been for the last 24 hours-plus, they've been doing this since yesterday morning the coast guard said it's been continuous, they haven't had any breaks and they really pulled in the resources here. there are some patrol boats out
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on the sea. aircraft in the air from the air force, along with helicopters, the navy is assists and these highly trained divers that are hunting down 150 feet below which is where this wreckage is trying to look for the missing six people. some video coming in capturing the moment this yacht sank. you can see far off in the distance, the big mast in the air with lights on it. you can also see how strong those winds were. the rain coming down. witnesses on the scene there say they saw that mast snap in half and that's when they say that yacht began to sink. still an ongoing investigation. >> so many questions, what more have we learned about the people who were on that ship? >> reporter: right, so, this is
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also coming in, want to read for you what we know, still missing tonight mike lynch, british tech mogul who sold his company to hewlett packard back in 2011 for $11 billion, his wife was onboard, she's missing. . jonathan bleerm chairman of morgan stanley international along with his wife judy and christopher morvillo, he's a lawyer, his wife is also missing. >> meagan, thank you. you remember the 'to 0 sitcom boy meets world. one star danielle fishel, she's just revealed that she's been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer as support and well wishes are pouring in she said she has an important message to share. here's emilie ikeda. >> reporter: actor who captured many young parts as danielle fishel played topenga lawrence on "boy meets world."
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opening up about her real-life fight with cancer. >> i was recently diagnosed with dcis, ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a form of breast cancer. >> reporter: fishel sharing the news on "pop meets world," the rewatch podcast she hosts with friends and former co-stars. >> the only reason i caught this cancer when it is still stage zero is because the day i got my text message that my yearly mammogram had come up, i made the appointment. >> reporter: fishel says she is undergoing treatment and expecting to be fine. the popular coming of age sitcom that ran from 1993 to 2000 on abc, following fishel's character as she navigated first kisses, prom dates and marriage. she always said she thought she would suffer in silence if she ever got this kind of news, but changed her mind in order to
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encourage others to keep up with health screenings. >> i hope that it will encourage anyone to get in there. if it is time for your appointment, if you have never had an appointment before, get in there. >> reporter: her husband writing, i'm so proud of danielle fishel for using her platform to raise awareness. she's the strongest person i have ever met. she's got this. the show's instagram page filling up with messages of support and well wishes. one fan writing, sending love and help to danielle. i'm years behind for a doc appointment and made one during the podcast. a child star from the '90s with an important reminder as she navigates a personal health challenge. emilie ikeda. still ahead, what we're learning about the suspects now learning about the suspects now charged oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles
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stealing copper in that hole. got electrocuted and then died. pg&e says that caused an outage. power was restored around seven this morning. our velena jones is on scene. she's following the story. we'll have a full report in our evening newscast. also in the east bay. it's back to school time at uc berkeley. about 9000 incoming students are moving into their dorms today. and it comes as the university issues new rules about protesting following the pro-palestinian encampments that went up last semester. here's nbc bay area's bob redell. we're here at blackwell hall, here at uc berkeley, where parents have been dropping off their incoming freshmen students here. you can see the yellow bins where they're going to be loading their cars off, loading their cars with all their stuff for their new dorms, and then taking those bins into their new assigned rooms. there's certainly an element of excitement here, of the new adventure of going off to school. there are 8700 students expected to move into uc berkeley's campus, residence halls and university apartments
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between today and tomorrow. so as a result, you may see closures on streets near campus during this time. classes at uc berkeley start next week for the fall semester. we just spoke with a young woman from morgan hill who was here with her parents, younger sister and her grandfather, who delayed his trip back to india just to be here with her. well, i'm really excited to, like, meet new people. i'm nervous to see, like, how i adapt. but, yeah, i have a lot of stuff i'm excited to for all my classes and everything. grandpa. mom, your thoughts? well, i'm mixed with emotions. i was just trying to write something up to put it on linkedin, and it's just. i'm filled with emotions. the whole weekend i've been crying. and, you know, we come from india. we i left my house after i got married. so my college, my university were like walking distance. i would be home. so this is this is just too sad for me to see her go at at such a young age. and she'll be living without us on her own. so i'm filled with mixed emotions. this
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is video of the pro-palestinian encampment that was at sproul plaza here at cal for several months of the last school year. it is gone now. i just drove by and didn't see anyone out front there. last week, cal state did announce it would be taking a harder line on encampments this year if the protesters try to set up camp again. and on monday, cal issued a letter outlining its similar restrictions on such protests here at cal bob redell. nbc bay area news. bittersweet for so many parents, but they must be so proud their kids are off to college. we have a follow up now out of the south bay. firefighters say the threat is now gone from a string of brush fires that sprang up in the san jose foothills. it started last night when three separate fires flared up on quimby road. you can see how extensive it was. it actually headed up toward the top of mount hamilton. firefighters worked all night to contain the fire. as of this morning, they say it's 75% contained. the fire has burned
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more than 30 acres. the bay area is warming up again today, and we could see some summer showers in the next few days. here's forecaster cinthia pimentel. it is a warm lunchtime hour as temperatures are climbing up into the low 80s for the north bay right now, as well as the east bay and down through the south bay. the peninsula is playing catch up, but overall sunny skies, breezy winds into the afternoon that will carry us into the warmest day of this week. 80s and 90s for the north bay, the east bay and the south bay. the peninsula will see temperatures in the 70s, as well as some upper 70s for the east bay shoreline. it will be the warmest day of the week as we trend cooler going on into thursday and friday. look at this the chance of some rare summer showers making it into parts of the bay area. it will be warmer for the weekend though, so we have summer, fall and summer again. thanks, cynthia. the warriors are saying hello. hi! yes, they are heading to hawaii for the season's
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training camp. the warriors usually holds its camp in the bay area at chase, but this year the team says it will hold it in oahu. it will take place at the start of october.eam bonding event. the last time they did that back in 2007. but steph curry was not on the team then. first season preseason game, by the way, in sacramento on the way, in sacramento on october 9th. that does i my moderate to severe crohn's symptoms kept me out of the picture. now i have skyrizi. ♪ i've got places to go and i'm feeling free ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ ♪ control is everything to me ♪ and now i'm back in the picture. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi helped visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and with skyrizi, many were in remission at 12 weeks, at 1 year, and even at 2 years. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily."
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two 18-year-old men have been charged with the murder of johnny wactor, who appeared on "general hospital," was shot and killed back in may. police say he was leaving work at a bar when he saw three men trying to steal his car's catalytic converter. two others are also charged in connection with wactor's death for grand theft and being an accessory to murder. all four were arrested last week, no word yet on how they are pleading to those charges. a milwaukee woman was sentenced to 11 years prison. after killing a man who she said sexually trafficked her as a teen. she was 17 years old when she murdered the man and set his body on fire. she argued that she was legally allowed to kill him because he had trafficked her. an update on story we
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brought you last week, disney will no longer try to block a wrongful death lawsuit. you'll remember jeffrey filed suit against the company after he said his wife died from an allergic reaction at an independently operated restaurant at disney world. the clause was in the terms and conditions many people agree to without reading them. diez knee won't use that argument in court. back to the race for the white house. with democrats in the spotlight for the second day of their party's convention in chicago, trump's campaign is taking their case to key battleground states, today former president donald trump is many michigan while his running mate j.d. vance spoke to voters in wisconsin earlier today, both men focusing their remarks on crime in america
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today. nbc news correspondent dasha burns covers the trump campaign for us. this is a big week for former president, he's got events every single day, he was in pennsylvania yesterday, michigan today, north carolina tomorrow, he'll visit the border on thursday in arizona and he ends the week with a rally there in arizona on friday, what's the goal with this busy schedule. >> reporter: this might be one of his busiest weeks in the general election campaign, look, each of these events is very specific, very targeted on these issues, yesterday i was at his event in pennsylvania focused on economy, on manufacturing, on energy. today it's about crime, he's going to the border to focus on immigration as his allies and his campaign have been concerned about the off-topic headlines that he's been making, those personal attacks on vice president harris, so these
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events are almost set up with those backdrops you see there, the police cars, yesterday we were at a manufacturing plant to really force the issue, to force him to focus on the topics that voters continuously show us they care about, things like economy and crime and immigration. he's largely stuck to the script so far. he has been focused on policy, on issues and trying to drive that message and these events have been kind unlike the typical trump event, not big rallies, small group, 100 or so people and focused on one specific topic, kate. >> dasha, nbc news has learned a former press secretary will be speaking at the dnc tonight. is the trump campaign saying
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anything about these republicans switching sides and speaking at the dnc. >> reporter: we've reached v reached out about this, we haven't heard back, typical line from the trump campaign on this, they're not real republicans, they use the term rino and they point to democrats who have voted for donald trump. people he won in 2016 and 2020 and hoping to win over again. but for the democratic national convention to have a former press secretary for a former president trump speaking in a prime speaking slot that's pretty significant, kate. >> doesn't happen very often. dasha burns, thank you. believe it or not it's been less than a month since president biden dropped out of the presidential race and with just 76 days to go until
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election day every poll shows the race within the margin of error. we need to talk to steve kornacki here with a look at two demographics that could make a major difference in november. >> let's ache a look at the gender gap, it's been a big part of american politics really since 1980 and we're seeing it in this campaign. this is nationally, we're looking at men right here, in 2020, trump won among men by five points. in that final month, trump was beating biden by 12 among men. gender gap we typically see republicans doing best with men. since kamala harris became the democratic candidate in the last month she's still losing men to trump but now it's 7 some improvement there for democrats. a solid lead for trump.
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flip it around, taking a look at women. joe biden in 2020 still leading among women only up 5 when he dropped out in 2024. a gender gap of 16 points. that's big, but that's also kind of typical, in 2020 it was an 18-point gender gap in that election. 16 now. this is where it's potentially different and what we have to keep an eye on, national numbers, these are state numbers, this is from "the new york times" and siena, look at some of the gender gaps. in michigan, trump up 20 with men. harris up 20 with women. wisconsin, 17. georgia, trump plus 20 men. if and a huge if, one set of
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polls, if this is something that we start seeing in other polls among states, that would be new, that would be different. that would be hugely significant. it would point to a couple of possibilities. are there state-specific gender gaps? michigan, wisconsin, georgia, you're getting ads, you don't get in a lot of states nationally that aren't battlegrounds. so, this is a possibility raised by "the new york times" and siena poll. >> statistical noise, political noise, lot of time and a lot can change. steve, thanks for helping us out. we're following new developments in the war between israel and hamas, the israeli military said it has recovered the bodies of six hostages during an overnight operation in gaza. that comes just as u.s.
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secretary of state blinken wraps up ongoing cease-fire talks with israeli, egyptian and qatari leaders, yesterday, blinken said israel has accepted what he called a bridging proposal meant to close the gaps on disagreements on both sides. he called on hamas to accept it as well. hamas called the suggestion they were holding up a deal misleading. matt bradley is in beirut, lebanon, for us. what more do we know about that overnight operation in gaza where they found six hostages? >> reporter: these six hostages, the bodies of those six hostages were found in tunnels beneath the area around khan younis, a city in gaza that has seen several israeli incursions. now we understand that at least five of those six people had been known to have died or had been killed ever since they were
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captured alive on october 7th. their families knew they had died. now we're hearing from israeli media that there's some possibility that five of those six died because of israeli air strikes. nbc news hasn't been able to verify that quite yet. but this has been repeated in israeli media. >> secretary of state blinken's in doha, wrapped up meetings already this morning in egypt, right, what is he hoping to achieve many this latest round of negotiations with all the parties? >> reporter: that's right, he's about to head to qatar as well, egypt and qatar the two main intermediaries, they're the ones who are speaking to hamas and hamas has been represented in these meetings for much of the past ten months except for now, they've been absent essentially as a protest, they've repeatedly said they don't want to participate in these negotiations again because they
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expected the intermediaries should go back to proposal that president biden proposed in late may that was approved by 14 of u.n. security council members. hamas said we need to go back to that original proposal. the u.s. has gotten israel onboard to so-called bridging proposal, we don't know exactly what the terms are of that proposal, the idea is it's supposed to be bridging the gap between the israelis and hamas. they're once again as you mentioned accusing the biden administration of siding with israel in these negotiations. >> matt bradley, thank you. an explosive new docu-series, scott peterson is speaking out for the first time from behind bars. he claims he's innocent and
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deserves a new trial. here's kaylee hartung. two decades after going to prison for the murder of his pregnant wife, laci, scott peterson is breaking his silence. >> i wish i could say i was stronger, but all this stuff did take a toll on me. >> reporter: in "face to face," the 51-year-old speaks out from behind prison walls, arguing police ignored critical evidence that exonerates him and describes the moment he was convicted. >> i was totally expecting to go home that day. i was staggered by it. >> reporter: peterson was sentenced to death in 2004 for the murders of his wife laci and their son on connor after their bodies washed up in san francisco bay near where he said he had gone fishing months earlier. >> certainly times i've become a wreck. >> reporter: at times emotional, peterson pushing back on the portrayal of him as an uncaring and detached husband.
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>> i was so angry at media because their reports just weren't factual. i strived not to show the emotion in the courtroom because i didn't want them to see they broke me. >> reporter: he also is speaking out about his girlfriend, amber frey, whose testimony was crucial in establishing a murder. >> they said you killed laci because you didn't want to be married and you didn't want to be a father. >> so offensive. >> why did you keep talking to amber frey after laci disappeared? >> i was searching for my family, staying in contact with amber and she wouldn't get into the picture. >> reporter: in 2020, peterson's death sentence was reduced to life without parole. now backed by the l.a. innocence project, he's petitioning for a new trial, arguing that it was burglars across that street that killed laci. >> i believe that laci went over there to see what was going on, and that's when she was taken.
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>> reporter: one of two dueling docu-series. back to you. >> kaylee hartung, thank you. coming up, a doctor walks you through the back-to-school checklist for keeping your family healthy this
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in today's daily health, it's back-to-school time, and for many families that means a trip to pediatricians. >> for a lot of caregivers it can be hard to know what your child needs, when to get it and why it's important. here to help us is dr. vin gupta. let's start with the basics, for small kids starting school for the very first time, what do they need and why. >> a pretty wide list, i encourage everyone to have that conversation with their pediatrician before your child starts school. multiple shots of that by age 6 ideally, that starts in the post-birth phase, as a newborn. we're talking about polio as
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well. all these series of vaccines that begin at a young age that goes through 6 years of age. for any child 6 months of age and higher the second leading cause of a child ending up in the hospital with severe flu. >> big ones for middle school and high school. >> kate, it's new now, we're talking about hpv vaccine. something that we recommend for middle schoolers as young as 9, but in that 11 to 15 years of age, it's really important. >> there was a time hpv was just considered for girls, now it's open to all genders. why is that, remind us of its importance. >> a lot of awareness of cervical cancer for women.
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this is something that hpv can prevent. given at a young age is where it's most effective. >> measles cases have been on the rise, right, what should parents know about the measles heading into the fall. >> if you're hearing about it in your community or your school district, your child has been vaccinated, gotten that multiple shot series when they were younger should be okay. if your child hasn't been vaccinated, really critical to go to your pediatrician to make sure they're getting vaccinated in real time, it can be really serious. this is a very serious illness for those unvaccinate zbld the cdc warned of a rise of bacterial illness because it can lead to meningitis, possibly death, how can people protect that. >> get vaccinated against
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meningitis. it's recommended vaccine. very, very concerning, this is a big deal especially as kids transition to college. >> m we've been hearing about mpox. >> if your child is at high risk for being exposed a conversation to have with your pediatrician. >> dr. vin gupta, thanks for having the conversation with us. >> i have my checklist. there's much more news ahead. >> don't go anywhere, you're watching "nbc news daily". missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. plan to make their voices heard, they say. oakland unified kept them in the dark about elevated levels of lead. the district says it tested more than 1000 faucets over the past few months, and it found nearly 200 fixtures had elevated levels of lead. district policy states those water sources should have immediately been taken out of service. we spoke with one teacher at frick united academy of language. he says the district didn't notify the school about the elevated lead levels until the first day of
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school last week. even though public records show the testing was done back in april and students have been drinking water from those fountains. one of the fountains has 51 parts per billion of lead, which is an insane amount of lead for students. for children to be drinking from, and they have been doing that since april, including in summer school. he says the principal immediately covered the faucets when the school got notified. a letter sent out by the district says it did not communicate effectively about test results and fixes, adding it is now putting systems in place to ensure lack of communication does not happen again. the pta at hillcrest school, alongside oakland unified school board vice president mike hutchinson, will host a virtual listening session tonight at 630 to listen to concerns from parents. they're here in santa clara county. mosquitoes with west nile virus. vector control announced a new round of spraying. this map
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shows where teams will spray this thursday with truck mounted equipment. it will start around 10 p.m, last up to four hours. earlier this month, santa clara county reported two people contracted west nile and one died. health officials have not confirmed if they were infected in the county. we are seeing all kinds of temperatures this week. here's cinthia pimentel with the 7-day forecast we have two seasons in one week. we are dealing with summer, of course, in the thick of it, as we go tuesday and wednesday, 80s and some 90s in spots. but then we trend cooler and get into some fall feelings thursday and friday. even the chance of tracking some rare showers up into the north bay. how close we will get for the rest of us. the models still putting themselves together. then we get summer once again as we rebound those temperatures for the weekend and actually start climbing from there sunday and on into next week into the 90s. even some upper 90s possible for the start of our final workweek in august. san francisco a mild, beautiful
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day today, and then we'll trend cooler and breezier into the second half of the week. but get into a lovely weekend there too. thanks, cynthia,
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his series on scott peterson is out on peacock. the first of three episodes in the peacock docu series called face to face dropped overnight. in it, we see many of the same pictures and videos of scott peterson and his wife laci and their life together. what's different is scott peterson's own account of the investigation. he says investigators focused on him immediately, including a former modesto police detective who questioned him on christmas day, the day after laci disappeared. investigators in the case say the evidence made him the prime suspect, which ultimately led to his conviction. as we have reported, the los angeles innocence project took up his
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case earlier this year, claiming there is evidence that has not been introduced yet. a judge has since agreed to a neutral lab to conduct dna testing on a piece of duct tape found on laci peterson's clothing. you can get all the day's news on our all the day's news on our website, that protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. strong enamel is your best defense against acid erosion and cavities. that's why i recommend pronamel active shield because it will strengthen your enamel and create that shield around it.
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and a doting dad--


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