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tv   Today  NBC  August 27, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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background and then even lower. i guess we call this fog at the golden gate bridge. the chp still warns about that, but locals know they know that well. yeah today show just ahead. but for more local news, stay with today in the bay. streaming on roku, pluto and other platforms. live at 8:00. all new research showing the impact the pandemic had on children. wow. yeah. thinking back. when you think about the pandemic, you're like, wow, that was a time. come a long way that we have look at. we're sitting. look, thank you for making us a part of your morning here on today in the bay. have a great one. oh. kari don't start purell
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that summer heat is not going anywhere. >> we are tracking severe storms. it's august 27th. this is "today." late summer scorcher. millions in the midwest set to face even more record breaking temperatures after a day it felt like 115 in chicago. the heat dome expanding in the east coast. al has everything you need to know, including the threat of
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severe weather on the move. debating the debate. donald trump threatening to back out of his scheduled showdown with kamala harris. >> the agreement was that it would be the same as last time. >> the changing rules setting him off. how the harris campaign is responding and what's next in the race for the white house with election day just ten weeks away. russia launches a new wave of missiles and drones inside ukraine, including a deadly strike on a hotel on the heels of one of the largest attacks since the start of the war. we're on the ground with the very latest. scrubbed. set to carry an all-civilian crew into space now postponed. the problem that triggered the delay and when spacex and nasa could try again. new twist. the captain of the luxury yacht now being questioned by police. prosecutors calling it manslaughter action. so did his actions cause that disaster at sea? all that, plus food fight. inside the legal battle into the planned merger of two of the nation's biggest grocery stores, and why the price of food is at the center of the showdown. and break out the champagne. "super nova." ♪♪ ♪ super nova in the sky ♪ >> oasis announcing a tour.
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the brothers burying hat chets after one of music's messiest breakups.t breakups. their first concerts together in nearly 20 years. all the details and the morning glory of excited fans around the world, today, tuesday, august 27th, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb.r from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning and welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this tuesday morning. what a beautiful shot there. i'm sheinelle jones alongside peter alexander. hoda and savannah are off this morning. >> maybe you're the one to save me. the mid '90s, 2000s. the biggest fans from oasis, famously feuded. they famously feuded. they're finally coming back. al is still trying to sort out who oasis is.
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>> carson daly is here and will give us the scoop. dangerous heat for 57 million americans for two days. temperatures 10 to 15 degrees higher than normal from the midwest to the east coast. it comes amid a risk of severe storms. dangerous winds, hail, even possible tornadoes moving across that same area. >> meantime, take a look at this new drone video. this is from that devastating landslide in alaska. authorities now warning a second slide may be possible. >> we have it all covered for you this morning including al's full forecast as we count down to the holiday weekend. but we'll start with nbc's maggie vespa is in chicago where school is back in session near 100 degree temps this morning. maggie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. by the way, good morning from the place where our team actually found so many people, we think, skipping school and skipping work yesterday to try and seek some refuge. we expect more massive crowds along lake michigan today with
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the heat index today in chicago forecast to hit 115 degrees amid a summer that won't seem to let up. this morning, a dangerous late summer scorcher slamming the midwest with millions set to experience some of the hottest temperatures of the year. >> this is probably the hottest summer we've had in a while. >> reporter: in chicago, where the heat index is expect to hit a jaw-dropping 115 degrees, crowds are flocking to lake michigan. >> the sand will burn your feet. >> reporter: chicago public schools stressing all classrooms have air-conditioning. >> we're making sure that all of our children are safe. >> reporter: mother nature's severe weather footprint stretching far and wide, with flooding at the minnesota state fair, and heavy rain, even hail, in new england. meanwhile, in alaska, chilling new drone video providing a bird's eye view of the devastation caused by sunday's slide. mandatory evacuation orders remain in place as authorities
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in the seaside town fear after so much weekend rain a second slide may be looming. officials id'ing shawn griffin, a husband, father and public works employee as the man who died trying to clear storm water drains during the downpour, writing it was his commitment to the community that required him respond to the call during his time off. that white home lost when a neighbor's home crashed into it. >> our neighbor's house had fallen on top of our house and pushed the whole thing off the foundation. >> reporter: the couple finding their cat and dog trapped inside, scared but unharmed. >> i feel really fortunate that things i needed out of my home, my husband and my animals were able to get out and i have them. >> reporter: we're so glad they're okay. back here in the midwest, a lot of cities in this region are
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experiencing a top three hottest year on record. meanwhile, a lot of communities on the east coast and west coast are seeing their hottest years ever. sheinelle? >> my goodness. maggie, thank you. al is here tracking this storm and heat threat. this will affect a lot of storms. >> it absolutely is. peter, sheinelle, good morning. good morning to all of you. 72 million people from the midwest all the way to the northeast under heat advisories and heat warnings. jet stream way up to the north. high pressure pumping up warm, moist air, so it will feel like, maggie said, 110 in chicago. cleveland 100 degrees. we're looking at st. louis up to about 109. then tomorrow more of the same with heat indexes mid-90s into the low 100s. triple digits for louisville and raleigh. for memphis as well. new york city. and then as we move into the next few days toward the weekend, temperatures actually start to cool down. why? because of a cold front that will be generating some severe weather. take a look at last night. this is from the minnesota twins game, a rainbow and lightening strikes at the same time. this is very rare to see
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something like this. and we have minneapolis under the gun again with severe weather pushing in this evening, this afternoon right now and it's moving across the great lakes. as we watch for today, we've got the risk for severe weather, 29 million people from chicago, milwaukee, green bay, cleveland, eerie, airport delays will be a problem. and then we move into tomorrow, that moves into the northeast. 42 million people at risk for severe weather, damaging winds. low tornado risk, so that's the one good thing. guys? >> that's good news. all right, thank you, al. let's turn to the race for the white house. with the election just ten weeks from today, former president trump is picking up the pace of his campaign. and he is also casting doubt on whether he will attend the debate with vice president harris, scheduled for september 10th, es pressing concerns about rule changes. garrett haake joins us from chicago. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. it was donald trump on the road looking to blunt any momentum for the vice president coming out of her convention.
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the former president on the attack against harris on the stump but also on the defensive about proposed changes for next month big showdown. this morning the trump and harris campaigning are sparring over next month's debate. with a 70-day sprint to election day, both candidates looking ahead to their first meeting with harris holding at least one mock debate, sources say. while trump turned to social immediate you to campaign and on monday blasting a proposed rule change that would leave both candidates microphones on throughout. that's compared to the trump-biden campaign in june. microphones were muted unless it was their turn to speak. will the former president still attend? >> we're thinking about it. they also want to change the rules. you know the deal was we keep the same rules. now all of a sudden they want to make a change in the rule because she can't answer questions. it doesn't matter to me. >> reporter: trump campaigning in michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania this week.
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harris and her running mate tim walz holding a bus tour of georgia that begins tomorrow. >> thank you. >> reporter: trump looking to get back on offense will target harris on key issues this week, including immigration, with breaking news on that front overnight. a federal judge blocking a biden administration program temporarily that allowed undocumented spouses of american citizens to stay in the u.s. while applying for green cards. the program, one of many immigration flash points, had been challenged by republicans in 16 states. the trump campaign sees immigration as a vulnerability for harris. along with national security. >> under kamala harris, american veterans are treated worse by far than illegal aliens. do you ever see them? they're staying in hotels. we have veterans sleeping on the streets. >> reporter: using the three-year anniversary of the bombing gate in afghanistan which killed three service members to highlight the biden administration's chaotic withdrawal from the country's
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longest war. >> our country will never be safe again until we have fired those responsible for this disaster. nobody fired -- worst, most embarrassing -- in my opinion, the most embarrassing day in the history of our country. >> both president biden and harris marked the anniversary with statements. the vice president writing of the fallen, quote, my prays loved ones. my heart breaks for their pain and loss. sheinelle? >> garrett, back to the debate. what is vice president's strategy for wanting to keep the mics on. >> twofold. she wants to do something joe biden do. fact check donald trump in realtime. keeping her mic open means she doesn't get steam rolled, but her campaign wants trump's mic open in part because they want the american people to see what they're calling the unfettered donald trump. which is basically what they would get if he gets re-elected. essentially they don't think trump can control himself for 90 minutes. they want millions of viewers to see that. i've been asking the trump campaign for comment on this since yesterday afternoon after the former president spoke about it. still no response. sheinelle?
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>> we'll have to see what happens there. garrett, thank you. now to that breaking news from overnight. russia carrying out more air strikes inside ukraine, just one day after a massive bombing campaign that included attacks on the country's power grid. nbc's erin mclaughlin is on the ground in ukraine for us again this morning. good morning, erin. >> reporter: good morning, guys. this is the road to the russian region of cur sk. ukraine continues its invasion taking more and more russian territory with each passing day. overnight, there were russian air strikes on a number of ukrainian cities, including the city of sumi, where i am now. you can see this building was completely taken out by a prior strike. proof that when it comes to russia's invasion of ukraine, no city spared. overnight, more russian air strikes on ukraine. this time a russian missile hit a hotel in the city, killing at least two, according to ukrainian officials.
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on monday, the embattled country's air defense and in overdrive, intercepting 102 of 127 missiles fired by the russians, according to the ukrainian air force. >> resulted in the deaths of ukrainian civilians and targeted more than two dozen critical energy sites. >> reporter: including this critical dam in the kyiv region. if breached, officials estimate 10% of the ukrainian capitol could be underwater. while only lightly damaged in monday's attack, it is part of russia's latest attempt, the ukrainian president says, to tearfy his people. president biden vowing that russia will never succeed in ukraine. all of it coming days after ukraine marked 33 years of independence. with a party in the streets of kharkiv. and a somber ceremony of remembrance in the capitol. the u.s. embassy warned of a missile attacked tied to the celebrations. monday's strike sent millions of ukrainians to shelters. metro stations once again
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doubling as safe havens. but within hours, life returned to normal. a show of how much this ongoing war has become a part of every day life. two years ago, we met this colonel shortly after his men pushed the russians out of the area around kharkiv. since then he fought in the battle for bakhmut, one of the bloodiest of this war. you're thinking you're going to win? >> we not go away. we stay and protect our country and protect freedom. >> reporter: they are still assessing the damage from this latest round of russian air strikes, but i'm told by officials that it hit the power grid pretty hard. now we're seeing rolling brakouts today in a number of ukrainian cities, including here in sumy. >> erin mclaughlin on the ground for us, thank you. we are following tensions in the middle east today. israel and hezbollah have exchanged more strikes on both sides of the lebanese border. in gaza, people are fleeing one of its last-functioning hospitals, fearing it could soon be the target of an israeli raid. nbc's matt bradley is in tel
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aviv for us. good morning to you, matt. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the idf just announce that i had rescued, 52-year-old member of the country's arab minority and they're saying that he's currently in a hospital in stable condition. a region on edge as tensions between israel and hezbollah continue after israel's worst exchange of fire with hezbollah for nearly two decades. on monday, more fighting. israeli strikes on the lebanese border and hezbollah announcing military equipment with a drone. it comes after hezbollah fired missiles and drones over the weekend, following what the israelis said was a preemptive strike against the group in lebanon. >> what i believe now is that it is incumbent on all parties in the region to work towards deescalation and stability. >> reporter: still, the u.s. remains wary.
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last month israel assassinated a senior u.s. leader near beirut and hamas leader. iran's threats against israel continue, vowing vengeance. revenge is certain. the attacks over the weekend still left northern israeli towns with piles of debris and lingering fears. this 9-year-old was asleep when air raid sirens went off. how do you feel now? do you still feel scared? >> a little. but my sister was with me in the room and took it a bit harder. she told me. i didn't cry. i was a little scared, but i didn't cry. she and her family rushed to their tiny safe room where they narrowly avoided falling rocket debris that smashed through their family room ceiling. they're cleaning up the danger, but the danger remains. an idf special forces rescued this man from the tunnels underneath the gaza strip. important to note, this is only the eighth hostage out of more than 200 who have been rescued ever since those hamas terror attacks last year on october
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7th. sheinelle? >> all right, matt, thank you. a lot more to get to, including a setback for spacex. this morning's launch carrying four private citizens postponed due to a helium leak. spacex says the polaris dawn liftoff is being delayed until later this week, at the earliest. the mission is expected to include the first space walk carried out by a civilian. the four-person crew includes billionaire jared isaacson who funded the mission and retired air force kol nol and two spacex engineers. if i'm going up with a billionaire, i'll bring one of the guys who knows what he's doing with me. >> let's get to the weather and the rest of the forecast. >> we can see the severe storms coming across the great lakes. we'll be watching those today. the heat and humidity will be oppressive as you get to the gulf, mid atlantic states. lower mississippi river valley. much cooler through the plains. much cooler through the plains. plenty of sunshine along the west coast. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. new developments in the super yach weather. >> thank you, al. new developments in that super yacht disaster off the coast of sicily. it sank in a storm killing seven people. this morning italian investigators are now questioning the ship's captain. we're going to have the very latest on the possible charges he could face. plus, an inside look at a plan to merge two super market giants. the impact it could have on food prices and nearly a million workers all over the country and why federal officials are fighting the proposed deal. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door.
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things
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is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. this is a “got-up-too- fast-from-tying-your-shoes” back injury. lucky for you, amazon one medical can help. they're great for “sneeze-related” back injuries, too. ♪♪ five things that all parents need to see. >> we will dive into all the issues that surround back to school season with a team of experts with supplies, first meeting and new batch of teachers. the best ways to set your kids up for success right here after your local news. >> hi!
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we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ skin craving next level hydration? neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of 9x more hydration that's clinically proven to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena hydro boost. 726 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories. we're still waiting
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word from police about whether south van ness is open again in san francisco. this after a crash involving a bike and motorcycle. it happened a little after midnight near market street. police say at least one person is critically injured. one officer told our photographer at the scene multiple people were taken to the hospital. i'm bob redell in santa clara. later this afternoon, the santa clara county board of supervisors will vote on a new ordinance that would ban the installation of new artificial grass on county owned properties like the one behind me here next to levi's stadium, and would require that existing turf be ripped out if not properly maintained. the santa clara county medical association supports this ban because it says chemicals in the fake grass have been linked to cancer. opponents of the proposed ban say there aren't enough real grass fields in the county, and among the ones that do exist, they say many are lumpy and bumpy and hard to maintain. let's get a look at that forecast. going to be warmer today, kari. yes. this
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will be the hottest day of the week and our temperatures heating up quickly. at least it is mild for the next couple of hours. and if you do have some outdoor plans, try to get it in early before we hit 98 degrees in concord. mid 90s for much of the north bay, while san francisco will be fairly comfortable with some upper 70s. tomorrow we start to see a slight cooldown in some spots, but it will be hot for the next few days. laura. all right, thank you kari. don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8:00. we'll go deeper on the lingering impact from the pandemic, with all new data revealing the effects on children. watch on roku amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including and our app
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saves me ♪ ♪ after all ♪ ♪ you're my wonder wall. take me back to that college date party. we are back at 7:30 with the iconic oasis, released "wonder wall" in 1995. released. it defined the brit pop era and 30 years later, fans of the band will get a chance to hear it again live. we have carson for this breaking "popstart" news overnight. we were breaking this down, nolan, liam, gallagher, they were fighting. >> yes, fought forever. no one thought this reunion would ever happen. i woke up to my texts going crazy. fans of the band very excited. i had a front row seat to their meteoric rise. i interviewed the band. surrounded. big fan. they fought all the time. that's what they did. they have been offered money. it's not about money.
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all of that has happened. timing, as the band said, it's really about timing. this is the 30th anniversary. next year is the anniversary of what's the story morning glory, their second album. >> did they surprise you and come out and just loving and -- >> we hope so. we hope so. i don't think they have broken bread much. i think this was a phone call. the only issue here for fans, this is 14 dates that was released in the uk and in ireland. it sounds like a test run, if you will. there's no dates in the states announced or any other continent. >> that's our 7:30 half hour, carson. we appreciate it. >> feels like you need the exclusive interview. >> i need a pint. this is exciting news for music fans. >> we'll see what happens. >> laura jarrett is here. carson, thanks. meantime, we have a busy half hour ahead, starting with a deepening mystery. this morning, there are mounting questions surrounding the super yacht that sank in a storm off the coast of sicily. >> sadly seven people were killed when that ship went down last week. and now an investigation has
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been opened into the captain's actions in this case. nbc's megan fitzgerald has the very latest. megan, good morning. >> guys, good morning. look, maritime experts are saying this yacht, this luxury yacht should not have sank. it should not have happened. it was a ship that was masterfully made and capable of with standing the inclement weather. the mystery here and what italian prosecutors are zeroing in on, what they believe was a human error that ultimately contributed to the death of seven people on board. >> reporter: this morning, the search for answers. the captain of the super yacht facing a third day of questioning by italian authorities after the boat sank off the coast of sicily, killing seven of the 22 people on board. the 51-year-old captain, james cutfield of new zealand is under formal investigation by italian authorities. he said of the wreck, quote, we didn't see it coming. the prosecutor in the case saying it's likely culpable ship wreck and manslaughter were
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committed. but now the question is who committed the offenses. after a multiday search recovered the body of a british tech entrepreneur, his 18-year-old daughter along with five others. italian authorities are closely examining video showing the moments the ship sank last week after being struck by a waterspout as they look into how such an expensive super yacht succumbed to the waves in a storm while other boats remained floating. the ceo of the firm that owns the yacht's manufacturer, defending the ship's design, saying it was designed to be unsinkable. claiming that it should have stayed afloat not only because of its design but because it is a sailing yacht, which he says is safer than a motorized boat. >> they are built extremely strong to the highest international maritime standards. so getting to the bottom of what really went on is going to be critical. >> maritime experts say a key
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focus is if all windows and doors were properly closed, making the ship watertight and a focus on making sure the keel was properly deployed, which is a heavy weight that suspends below the vessel, another likely focus for investigators. >> you have to ascertain whether the captain gave any orders to have the doorways and the hatches closed or whether he gave any orders to have the keel deployed or fully retracted. that's where the investigation is going to look, into the decision-making and the communication. >> so, megan, what are the next steps in the investigation? >> well, laura, cutfield's lawyer tells nbc news that his client will be questioned by prosecutors this afternoon at the hotel where the crew and survivors have been staying. but keep in mind, the boat is still at the bottom of the sea. it needs to be pulled up. that's, of course, part of this investigation. ultimately prosecutors will take a look at all of the evidence to
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determine if criminal charges will be filed, laura. . >> such a tragedy for those families. megan, thank you. breaking news just this morning. a push to make weight loss drugs cheaper and easier to get. we will have all the details. >> first, christine romans is here to look at the grocery store merger that could impact food prices. >> hi, there. it's a food fight between the u.s. government and two really big grocery store chains that want to merge. we'll go into the courtroom and what it means for your shopping list after the break. ♪ at each day's staaart ♪ ♪ as time went on, it was easy to seeee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type two diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital, yeast, or urinary tract infections. a rare, life threatening bacterial infection
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don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> over there, dad. >> i have the right of way. >> right, sorry. here. settle out of court. >> oh, weirdo. >> clean up in aisle four! >> we are back at 7:39 with a classic scene from "mr. mom". >> a classic. it still holds up. it's good. >> the struggles of life at the super market. >> now there is a new issue facing shoppers, a closely watched court case that involved two of the biggest chains in the country, kroger and albertson's. they want to merge, but the
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government is saying not so fast. >> the outcome could impact where you shop and how much you pay for groceries. we want to bring in christine romans, nbc's business correspondent with all of that. so what's this all about, christine? why does the government want to get involved here? obviously these chains are not just individual. they own some other chains as well. this has the potential will to be a big deal. >> the government is skeptical this could be good for consumers. you look at how much consolidation there has been in the grocery space. look at albertson's and krogers. they own probably the grocery store you shop in your neighborhood. look at all those names. look at albertson's. there have been merger after merger after merger. these two are very big players. together this would be the biggest grocery merger in history. the government is saying we don't think this fits in with the biden administration strategy keeping costs down for the consumer. >> the average american consumer, ultimately, you think prices will go higher or lower?
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>> prices are up 21% since the pandemic started. this is really issue number one for the government and federal trade administration here. they say they would be better scale. they would be better together. they actually will be better as competitors together. the government is saying, no, no, no, when you start taking players off the field and you have one, big huge company, that's not good for competition. >> in reality, are some stores likely to close if this goes through? so they will have to die vest some stores, maybe 500. somebody else would buy those, where they overlap and too much concentration. there had been a merger in 2015 where one of these big chains had said they were going to sell off some stores and then those stores went bankrupt and then they bought them back and closed them any way. so the government in the courtroom is very skeptical that these two companies will do what they will do and protect jobs and keep prices steady. >> what i didn't realize until before this conversation is that walmart is the biggest food seller in this country, like a
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third of the trillion dollar market right now. so these companies recognize that they're facing real pressure from a lot of the big box stores. >> that's what they're saying in court. look, the biggest grocery store in the united states is walmart. it is not your neighborhood grocery store. it is a super store. so they're saying they've got to get together and have this big scale so they can pressure producers to lower prices the way that walmart does. the way bwalmart uses its leverage to lower prices. that's what's playing out in the courtroom. whatever happens in the courtroom, you will likely feel at your neighborhood grocery store because this touches every corner of the grocery business. >> what about the workers who would be impacted really all over the country? >> about 710,000 workers for these two big grocery chains. that's a lot of people. they have a good size unionized work force here. again, the companies are saying, hey, we're going to honor these contracts. this is going to be good for the workers. the government is saying, wait a minute, no. when you have fewer players, that means you don't have the competition to be able to allow,
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you know, the threat of work stoppages or strikes, right? it allows you to negotiate for a better package. so again, two completely different world views in this courtroom. it is all over your grocery bill. >> wait and watch. christine, thank you. time for another check of the weather. oh, al? >> we are watching the tropics. hurricane season has been active in the pacific. we had a system drops 22 inches of rain this season. in hawaii, they have two systems gilma and hector making their way toward hawaii, the not making direct strikes they will cause a lot of rain. now, in the atlantic, it has been very quiet. why? cooler water off the african coast prevents strong tropical waves from forming. plus, we had strong wind here is that freszs storm development. and dust, above average dust coming off the african coast, elevated levels after the second dustiest july ever. however, we're looking for things to change. we've got the gulf of mexico, its second hottest year to date.
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the third hottest year ever for the central atlantic. so we expect right after labor day, we're already watching the possibility of three systems forming. so, thingsings are going weather. coming up, a special back to school edition of today's five things loaded for kids and parents and for successful return to the classroom. we will get to that and your
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morning boost. but, first, these messages. —so he prescribed xiidra. xiidra works differently. xiidra targets inflammation. over-the-counter drops don't do this. they only hit pause on my symptoms. but twice-daily xiidra gives me lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra and seek medical help if needed. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. before using xiidra, remove contact lenses and wait fifteen minutes before re-inserting. dry eye over and over? it's time for xiidra. (♪♪) — thanks. — mhm. what'd you get? oh, i got another double shot, double cream, double froth, double pump, double whip, double hot, double caf, double sleeve. hey, did you know that discover doubles your cashback at the end of your first year? — you are cut off. you earn. we match. — debbie. — unlimited cashback match. (background noises)
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come on, let's go! get off your— (donkey hee-haws) citrusy. ahhhhhhhh! (crash) touchdown! (♪♪) mountaaaain dew! your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. (restaurant noise) allison! (restaurant noise) ♪♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see.
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otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (man) what's my next step? ugh. (girl) dad. (vo) trade in any phone, in any condition for the new google pixel 9 with gemini. (man) give me a recipe with these ingredients. (girl) let's do that one. (vo) only on verizon.
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take a moment, to find your zen... like goose. milk-bone comfort chews. this fall, it's all about denim. "love sensation" by loleatta holloway so chic, so sleek, it's jeanius! obsessed! only at old navy.
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welcome back. hoda is off, but not to worry, sheinelle has our morning boost. >> all right. i'll try to make her proud. okay. so this morning proof it is never too late for a leap of faith from not one but two adventurous woman. so here we go. first, here is 90-year-old shirley tudor of northern california celebrating her 10th decade with a sky dive from 13,000 feet. look at this. she jokingly called herself a dangerous broad. before making the tandem jump. look at that. should we try to top that? over the weekend, a british woman became the uk's oldest ever sky diver.
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this mom is 102 years old. she served with the women's royal naval service in world war ii. afterwards, she described the critical moment before the tandem jump. >> the door opened and i thought, there's nothing more i can do or say, it's just jump. >> there you go. how about that? just jump. she then said, i shut my eyes. you jump and then close your eyes. congratulations to those ladies. what an accomplishment, 100 and 102. >> wow. got to get them on the smucker's jar. they earned it. >> throw them out of the plane. guys, coming up. treasures from the set of "friends" soon can be on "popstart." all the details from a long-awaited auction for super fans. we'll have that, maybe more news on our big story about the rock band oasis. do you know who oasis is, uncle al? i'll explain it in the next hour. >> no idea. >> no, rock band, manchester.
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rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. (♪♪) arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. come on crust, it's your inner beauty that really counts. wow, rude. i just mean the good stuff comes from within. you're so self-centered. look! your good stuff is right here! uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich.
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sorry crust. if you love to travel, capital one has a rewards credit card that's perfect for you. with venture x, earn unlimited double miles on everything you buy and get access to over 1300 airport lounges. open up a world of possibilities with capital one. what's in your wallet? (buzz) look whose joining us for my favorite part of the day! (leslie) cheerios are his love language. (buzz) well, yeah. they can help lower cholesterol. (angela) ok. i love it. (phyllis) my love language is portuguese. i don't understand it, but i love how it makes me feel. did you know your skin barrier is more receptive to skincare at night? olay super serum night repair. delivers five benefits in one. visibly renewing surface skin cells while you sleep. you'll see visible results in 7 nights. olay. ♪♪ did you know that 96% of customers recommend the hartford? boy that's higher than most movie ratings. and those who switched to the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford?
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they saved hundreds. for the savings, benefits and best in class claims experience you deserve. make the switch today. to get your free quote call or click today. the buck's got your back. “every once in a while, a snack comes along that changes everything.” “three fingers, twist, and enjoy.” “jif peanut butter and chocolate flavored spread.” “it's that jif'ing good.” ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! it's a big match for the national women's soccer league astepro starts working in 30 minutes. and only the best will win. ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪
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♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪
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it is 756. i'm marcus washington. and i'm laura garcia. here's what's happening now, what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. angry san francisco teachers planning to hold what they call an emergency protest ahead of tonight's school board meeting. they are demanding more
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staff, claiming the district is leaving dozens of positions on field unfilled due to budget woes. the district is grappling with possible school closures and final recommendations may come next month. the board is also dealing with a shakeup after the president announced she is stepping down due to health issues. let's get a look at that forecast for us. a lot of kids heading to school, kari. what should they pack and what should they wear? yeah, it's going to be a wide range in temperatures from our nice, cool morning to a hot afternoon in brentwood. we're going from upper 60s to drop off time to 97 degrees at pick up time. today it's going to be hot in the valleys, reaching 95 in livermore, 90 in san jose. we're seeing a lot of 90s here away from the coastline and san francisco to be in the upper 70s. and as we go into the next several days, still pretty hot for the inland areas, but we are cooling down just in time for the holiday weekend. back to you. all right. thanks gary. and make sure you watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast. going to start in minutes at 8
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a.m. new data shedding new light on the impact the pandemic has had on children and possible solutions. you can watch on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms, including see you there is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business.
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8:00 am
♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, summer scorcher. this morning, relentless heat impacting tens of millions.
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>> i would say this is probably the hottest summer we've had in a while. >> the midwest set to face the hottest temperatures of the year. a major threat for severe storms on the move. al is tracking it all. plus, game changer. inside the new push to make weight loss drugs cheaper and more accessible. what one major drug company is doing to get help into the hands of millions. and back-to-school basics. >> man, i'm so nervous. first and second grade were easy. but social studies, division, this is going to tough. >> relax, dude. >> it is that time of the year, and we're bringing all the experts for today's five things to make sure your kids are ready to return to the classroom. all that, plus a first look at a barely there commercial. new details on a "yellowstone" spinoff. >> i don't want you to leave. i want you to dig. >> and could there be a bigger auction? >> yeah! the "friends" memorabilia going
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up for grabs today, tuesday, august 27th, 2024. ♪ >> good morning to our daughter skylar and harlow. >> back in lubbock, texas. >> mother/daughter -- >> milestone birthday trip. >> celebrating 40. >> and 70. >> from denver! >> shout-out from new mexico. >> apollo beach, florida. >> and st. louis, missouri. ♪ >> visiting from tuscaloosa, alabama. we love you, kaitlyn. >> sending love to our grandkids. >> from roanoke, texas -- >> celebrating 37 years. >> married to the love of my life. [ cheers and applause ] >> you can't not smile. >> 37 years. >> welcome back to "today." we certainly appreciate your being with us on this tuesday morning. savannah, hoda and craig are all off. we brought in our "saturday
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today" dream team. to join us "today." we have peter and laura. >> i'll take that. >> happy to have you here. well, it is a busy morning. let's get to your news at 8. we'll begin with sweltering summer heat impacting tens of millions across the country. the midwest seeing some of the hottest temperatures across the year. crowds now flocking to lake michigan with today's heat index expected to hit 115 degrees in chicago. meantime, there's also a risk of severe storms on the move. so al has a busy morning for us. al? >> by the way, we have all worked on saturday. >> that's right. how long did you do weekends, al? >> before there were two days in the weekend. no, seriously, we started with "sunday today," then you add the other. anyway, 72 million people under heat advisories, heat warnings stretching from chicago to st. louis into new york and philadelphia. we've got this big dome of high pressure. triple digit heat indexes in cincinnati today. nashville will come close. st. louis, des moines, iowa, rockford, illinois will feel
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like 110. tomorrow more heat and triple digits feeling like 101 in louisville. charleston, 102 in raleigh, 101 in new york city. that's going to drop. why? because we've got a very big cold front that will be bringing severe weather. already we have strong storms in minneapolis today. look for airport delays because of severe weather from green bay, chicago, detroit, on into cleveland for today. tomorrow that makes its way further into the east. including new york city, washington, d.c., 42 million people at risk. good news, tornado risk is low. the bad news, look for strong wind gusts and damaging hail. peter? >> al, thank you very much. also ahead this morning, meta ceo mark zuckerberg is making headlines saying he regrets the social media company given pressure from the biden
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administration to sensor covid during the pandemic. zuckerberg said he would push back in it happens again. he said he regrets the decisions to remove certain content from facebook, instagram as well as whatsapp. the white house said, quote, they defended their approach, when confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsibility actions to protect public health and safety. meantime, the u.s. soldier that fled to north korea last year is set to plead guilty to desertion. attorneys for travis king said their client will plead guilty to five offenses with nine others dismissed under a plea deal. private king was in south korea as part of a unit rotation when he crossed into north korea. his mother has said she believes something happened during her son's deployment to affect his mental health. king's sentencing is scheduled for next month at a texas military base. now to a big announcement breaking this morning about the blockbluster weight loss drug zetbound. pharmaceutical giant eli lilly is now releasing individual viles of some doses in an
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effort, they say, to improve access to millions of americans who need the medication. let's bring in dr. tara nerula. nbc news medical contributor. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> can you break down what this means because there are current versions out there. >> right. this is potentially a game changer for millions of americans who struggle with obesity, overweight and have a risk factor and seeking zepbound. it's been in short supply. it's been very expensive. this provides another option. what they have been using to date is these auto injector pens. very simple to use where you click and give yourself an injection. what's now going to happen is eli lilly will be releasing single-dose vials. so the typical medicine you think of in a glass jar with a syringe and needle you'll have to put together and give yourself an injection. now these will be released in the lowest dose 2.5 and maintenance dose 5 million gram dose. but really this is going to be potentially helpful. i've had so many patients come to my office and almost frustrated in tears saying they can't find the drug. they were on the drug. they now have to go off it or
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it's been out of reach in terms of cost. and this is going to be essentially half the cost. so, anywhere from 399 to 550 in terms of dollars per month for a month supply of these viles. >> you're talking about the price. that's a big difference maker. another challenge for a lot of these individuals who know they need the drug, may be unable to afford it right now, the concern is accessing it. they have real concerns about the idea they're the ones who have to then use the glass vile. they have to suck it into the shot and put it into themselves right now. that's not something they should worry about. it's not too difficult. >> certainly people who are needle phobic. a lot of patients don't want to do that. for many if you follow instructions and go online, eli lilly will have information about this, you can easily see step by step how to do this. it's relatively easy. obviously this has been done for years for many diabetic patients. not an issue. one other thing to point out, peter, a lot of people have been using these compounded forms of the drug.
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the fda does advise against that because you don't know what you're getting in terms of safety and efficacy. and so this you're getting it directly from eli lilly. it's really going to ensure that you're getting the right product and allow people the ability to use that as opposed to some of these compounded drugs. >> does it work any differently or any better than any of the other weight loss drugs out there and so popular? >> the two we think about are wegovy and zepbound. they both show 15 to 20% weight loss reduction. these interest big ones as opposed to the older weight loss drugs. there was a recent study that showed zepbound outperformed wegovy in terms of weight loss. we'll have to see. >> thank you. >> nice to see you. turning to remarkable history made in baseball yesterday. the catcher danny jansen the first major leaguer to play for both teams in the same game. here is how this all worked. back in june, jansen was at bat for the toronto blue jays when their game against the boston red sox was suspended in the second inning for rain. the tarps, they rolled them out.
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then a month later, jansen was traded to the red sox. when that game finally resumed on monday, jansen was on the field for boston. >> huh. >> and here he is behind the plate in a red sox uniform and ready to catch the rest of what was his at bat. >> jansen said he wore two jerseys during that historic game to keep one for himself and send the other to the baseball hall of fame. i feel like when he was playing for the old team initially he should have -- do you intentionally strike out or something like that, right? >> yeah. >> new teammates, what the heck was that about? >> good stuff. so rare. all right. still ahead for you, carson is back with "popstart" including big news on the newest "yellowstone" spin off and hit show "emily in paris". this morning we're getting teacher's best advice for starting off the school year on the right foot and more expert tips for a successful return to the classroom this year. that's right after this.
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welve hundred and fifty dollars. only on verizon. (jalen hurts) see you sunday! oh man... do you stick with plump, juicy raisins? or do you try something deliciously frosted? best to reallyyyy chew on this one. but maybe not so loudly. more delicious ways to bran. did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category...
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suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? ♪♪ it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. so it stops cavities before they start... crest. two brothers, cut from the same loaf. one... a lunchbox icon. oh, hey! the other... freezer burned, again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin.
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3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. it is 8:11. we are back with a special it is 8:11. we are back with a special back-to-school edition of "today's five things." whether your kids are if the classroom or that first day is right around the corner, we have three pros here for you today to share their expert advice. who better to start our schooling than a teacher? we have kevin haney, about to start his 26th year as an educator. he teaches english and public speaking.
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he also coaches basketball. let's give a shout-out to south haven high school because they're all watching this morning in pennsylvania, right outside of philly. happy to have you here this morning. >> thank you so much for having me. >> let's dig in. the first one, you say i would never skip back-to-school night. okay. >> yeah. back-to-school night. back to school night, you know, people lead busy lives. i understand it can be difficult for parents to readjust their schedules. but back to school night is an incredible opportunity for parents to not just see, scope and see curriculum, syllabus or even strategic plan of the district, it's really about meeting this amazing individual that's going to spend eight, nine, ten months with your child. >> with your kid. that's good advice. >> that social/emotional piece, that connection to get a vibe. i meet parents to meet me. who will spend time with their child. i think that matters most. >> then you have to follow up. you know the teacher. we have to breeze through these. i would never just ask my child how is your day? what should we ask? >> we're all guilty of that.
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we get in the car and reflexively we ask how was your day? we get that simple, terse response, fine, good. layer the questions. change them up a little bit. what we ask our kids at night, what was something difficult that happened today that you wish you could change if you could? and what was the funniest thing that happened. whether or not said it? you might want to be care wonderful that. >> good advice. i would never turn down the opportunity for extra support for my child. >> school districts are good at identifying kids who need extra supports to augment their education. counselors, social workers, teachers. so ultimately when they call and say that we have these extended services, i would always accept them. you can dial them back as the semester progresses. in the beginning you can be reluctant, always accept those services. >> good advice. next make school a quest for grades. >> we're in the digital age of online grading and parents can see grades every single night. we're making a push too hard on
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kids to get as and bs. we want them to get into the colleges and universities about their dreams. not about the learning journey and only about the product and not the process, it becomes challenging for the kids. >> okay. only seconds left and this comes from you also. never teach or preach perfection when it comes to sports and athletics. >> yep. perfection is the unattainable ideal. the greatest teacher i ever had in my life, sports. outside of my mother and father, sports. and it taught me everything that i need for life. the most important was resiliency and i learned that through difficulties, failures, adversity and we need to continue to push that on our kids and not perfection. >> good job, kevin. >> you are the best. thank you so much. >> peter? >> good luck this season, mr. haney. we're here with dr. natalie azar. great advice on staying healthy this school year. nice to have you here. number one, i would never send my kids to school without being up to date on their vaccines? >> yeah. this back to school i think we always think about flu and covid. while they're important, we want to think about a lot of other
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vaccine preventable illnesses, measles, mumps, polio, meningitis if you have a teenager. vitally important to keep not only your child safe but also the community safe. and your pediatrician definitely good, wonderful resources to make sure your kids are up to date on all the other illnesses. >> flu shots soon. >> never start school without a bedtime routine. >> first of all, how much sleep do kids need between the ages of 6 and 12, 9 to 12 hours of sleep and between the ages of 13 to 18, they need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep. >> we have work to do in our house. >> right, exactly. >> kids who don't sleep well enough, not only can impact their physical and mental health but also their academic performance. here is a little pro tip, if your school hasn't started yet, you can start getting your child ready for that wake-up time by going to bed 15 minutes earlier and waking up 15 minutes earlier and doing that at 15-minute increments until you reach the target wake-up time. >> do dessert earlier, too. right?
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never let my kids skip breakfast. >> yeah. as important as sleep is also eating a healthy breakfast. we know that kids who don't get an adequate breakfast don't perform as well in school. they're not going to have as much attention, as much energy and they also can't deal with frustration quite as well. so some pro tips here are go to bed a little earlier. so you have time in the morning to eat. you can make your breakfast the night before. make sure you have something, grab and go. and doing whole grain cereal, i love, less than 10 to 12 grams of sugar and more than 5 grams of fiber. >> never start school without an action plan for the medical condition and never send my kids to school sick. >> okay. action plan for medical conditions. think asthma, diabetes type 1, epilepsy, make sure the school nurse has easily legible instructions from the pediatrician and medications that are not expired. you do not send your children to school if they've had a fever of 101 or vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
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little sniffles, a little dry, non-hacking cough, they're going back. covid guidance has changed. it's now in line with other respiratory illnesses. fever free for 24 hours without using medication, your kid is going back to school. >> you're a fast talker. tell this to my kids. back to you, laura. >> i got vicky nguyen with all the consumer tips you need to know. first one, this reminds me of buy nothing, vicki. i would never spend a penny before doing a full sweep of the house. >> that's right. deloitte survey found parents plan b to spend $600 per child on back to school supplies. up to 1300 if you have a college kid. why? electronics are expensive. what can be reused for electronics, buy secondhand. back market, swap up, best buy, amazon, just want to check the warranty, what it covers and for how long. >> stay on the money here. i would never spend my whole budget before the first day of school. that sounds like a no brainer. >> yeah. shopping expert says this is great. leave money in the reserve. when your kids go back to school, suddenly, i really like
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laura's hoodie or she has these cool shoes. big sales are coming up. we have labor day and amazon prime big deal days in october. that's a good time to reserve a little in the budget. >> you don't have to get it all done. number three, never buy online without vetting the retailer. >> around this time as well as holiday time, tons of fake websites pop up and ads tempting you to try retailers you never have before. see a deal that's amazing, go directly to that website and vet the website. there's a site called trust read reviews and see is this legitimate retailer and always pay with a credit card because that gives you extra fraud protection. >> always want to do that. number four, speaking of tech, i would never start school without guidelines for my kids' social media. >> this is huge. and we know the increasing research shows the effects of social media and smart phones on our kids mental health. anxiety, rates of depression all going up. have the conversation with another group of like-minded
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parents. we're going to delay giving our kids smart phones until 16. social media 16. once you do that, they live their lives like this. they're down. these apps are designed to be ad addictive. what's so interesting, if you talk to the engineers and people who work in these companies around ask them, what do they do with their kids when it comes to social media. a lot of great resources on search kids and social media or common sense media. that's another place where parents can get started. it's too late, your kids are already on social media, talk about screen time limits. maybe one hour of screen time a day. guess what you'll get, in real life interaction back with your kids. >> always important. finally, i would never send my kid to school without an emergency plan. >> so important. do they have other adults they can call if something happens to you, you can't reach them, those numbers should be in their phones. and also, a family password so that if an adult comes up and says, jelly beans, then your kid knows i can trust this person. >> even just that one word. so many good tips there. of course, we have more back to school advice for parents and kids on our website. now time for another check of the weather. al?
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>> i would never go back to school without any a-team lunchbox. that's very important. very hot and humid down through the gulf, mid atlantic states into the northeast. severe storms moving across the great lakes. cooler temperatures as you get >> that's our latest weather. best time of the morning. best time of the morning. >> okay. if it's all right, i will deliver "popstart" now. jelly beans. do you believe me now? do you trust me? jeremy allen white leads things off.
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earlier this year, the internet going crazy over "the bear" star's campaign. calvin klein commercials. more exciting news to share. he is back in the calvins. first look at the fashion brand's fall campaign. ♪♪ ♪ but i think i could lov ♪ ♪ ♪ crimson and clover ♪ >> it's awfully quiet in here. that song from 1968, that's done by the shaqs, new group like 19, 21-year-olds. >> i hear oasis is doing the court. don't get me started on it. uncle al didn't know who oasis was. he didn't know anything about them. >> no, i did. >> more on that later. a full video and more on our website if you'd like to watch
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that. next up, "friends," it's been decades since phoebe introduced the world to this gem. >> i'm going to play all my songs on this drum. it sounds really cool. listen, listen. ♪ smelly cat ♪ ♪ smelly cat ♪ ♪ what are they feeding you ♪ >> on the couch there. pretty soon you can set up your own auction. 30 years of friends with an exclusive auction set to feature costumes and props including the studio made reproduction of that iconic orange couch you saw. the one expected to get about 3 grand in the auction. if that's something you want, the auction opens on september 23rd. next up, "yellowstone." big news from the world of taylor sheridan. matthew fox has now been cast in the next spinoff, this one called "the madison." it already has michelle pfeiffer oscar-nominated actress, attached to it.
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set to follow a new york city family in the madison river valley of central montana. plus joined by "suits" star patrick j. adams. it is the third spinoff, if you are keeping track at home in the "yellowstone" cinematic universe. the other shows star-studded as well. 1883, of course, 1923 was led by harrison ford and helen muren. "emily in paris" is up next after chapter one just dropped earlier this month, picking up where emily left off. she's now headed out of paris and ready for a new european adventure and romance, perhaps? ♪ >> you're only here for a few days. there's a lot to see. >> adiamo. ♪ >> i really needed this. >> what did you need? >> a break from the work, paris, everything. >> where is emily? >> she went to rome. >> emily is rome? >> i knew it. >> pack your bags! >> bonjour, emily.
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>> why is that weird? >> i love it. because that was her old boss. >> well, because that was her boss. >> surprise! >> exactly. >> all right, good. part 2 of the season 4 hits netflix on september 12th. "emily in paris" is like my oasis now. >> exactly. next up "la bamba," a biopic remake is in the works. ♪ ♪ >> all right. the life story of the mexican american singing sensation ritchie valens. headed back to the screen with the writer and director from the original 1980s movie set to executive produce. no word on casting yet, but we're excited about the idea of the project. we will keep you updated on that. quickly, adam sandler is now sharing the secrets to his style in this tiktok interview. >> i didn't really think it through. there is sneaker. there is some goofy shorts.
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>> okay. >> there is -- i wore this to cover this. then i got this to cover more. >> you never go based on the rules. how do you do it? >> whatever is in the closet, i grab it. i have a bumpl of the same socks. underwear is kind of similar, too. i grab it. i don't think about it much. most people make fun of me and my family. but i keep moving. >> that's why i love it because you do not care, man. you're always going to do you. >> i love it. i love it. >> that was good. that was good. >> that's your "popstart." straight ahead, adrianna brach with new "today bestsellers." to help you get better sleep, more organized, all the things. that's coming up after your local news.
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with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at is it possible to count on my and lower your a1c. internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business.
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keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today! a tuesday morning.
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the 27th day of august. how is it almost the end of august? look at all the smiling faces starting the day here on the plaza. a perfect temp this weekend. we love when folks wake up early with us. >> good tuesday energy out here. this is a good crowd. coming up, imagine if you could improve your health just by having more trees in your neighborhood. people in louisville are reaping the benefits of an experiment that could have a major impact in other cities. anne thompson is there and will show us how it all works. also ahead, adrianna brach is here to reveal our next "today bestsellers," including a dupe for everyone's favorite expensive leggings. we'll save you some money today. plus, restaurant on making restaurant-worthy italian dishes in your own kitchen at home. our chef is here sharing his secrets for a perfect pasta and more. >> that looks good, too. later on, a new consumer confidential helping families heading back to school. this morning we'll walk you through tools for parents and schools from kindergarten to
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high school. and a lot of them free. >> your forecast, what does it look like? >> that's free as well. let's look ahead to the weekend. showers and storms through the great lakes. humid in the southeast. hot in the northwest. we get to saturday, we're looking at more strong storms in the northeast. mid atlantic states. nice day through the plains. and out west, wet weather through the gulf. sunday, sunday lots of sun out west. less humid around the great lakes. sunshine returns to the northeast, more showers and storms down through the gulf. on labor day, a beautiful day on the beach, all the way to the good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today it's going to be a hot one for the inland valleys. we're headed for the upper 90s. and only just slightly better tomorrow. but we will continue to see those temperatures coming down for the end of the week into the weekend. and our labor day holiday weekend is looking pretty nice. highs in the valleys reaching into the 80s while we'll see some 60s in san
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francisco. and we'll also gradually start to warm up again next week. but in the near weather. >> uncle al, thank you very much. a first hand look at an experiment showing that planting trees can improve far more thanr window. we will explain. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit.
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i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. ♪ story in our "today climate series." >> that's right. we have known for years that adding trees to urban areas can help improve the environment, lowering temperatures and even increasing the value of a home. >> that's right. but now a new study from the university of louisville is revealing evidence that they can do a lot more. >> nbc's anne thompson joins us now with more. anne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning,
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everybody. i am standing in the middle of a real-time experiment. the trees here were purposefully planted to test whether they could improve the health of residents in the area. this morning we have the ground breaking answer that researchers here in louisville think will be a green print for the rest of the country. louisville, home to the kentucky derby and the bats swung by sluggers little and big. this morning showing the country the measurable difference trees can make in people's health. why did you plant here? >> across from us is a freeway and it spews a lot of air pollution in this direction. >> reporter: university of louisville doctor leads the green heart project. he says residents living in areas where tree cover more than double saw a key health risk factor, inflammation levels, drop by more than 20% compared to those that don't get new
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trees. inflammation is the underlying cause for development of lots of different long-term chronic diseases, including heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. if you decrease the levels of inflammation, then it would diminish the risk of these long-term diseases. >> how much? the doctor says it corresponds to a 10 to 15% decline in risk of heart attacks, cancers or dying from any disease. 35-year-old nick wirens is a father of three enrolled in the project. >> my body mass index did improve over the years. my cholesterol went down. >> reporter: and the seven trees they planted to buffer his backyard from the alley are pretty, too. >> for us, like, it has made our backyard feel a little like a sanctuary, specially closing off this alleyway. >> reporter: the green heart project is essentially a clinical trial in four square miles of south louisville, cut
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in half by the waterson expressway. here researchers planted more than 8,000 new trees and shrubs over six years, transplanting transforming the expressway, vacant yards and homes. at this house, where nine trees stand guard, the nature conservancy chris chandler says it's all about what and where you plant. so these trees here essentially act like filters? >> yeah. we call them biofilters. so we strategically designed the plant species and the configurations to intercept the air pollutions coming off the highway. >> reporter: and evergreens, whh never se their needles, work best. >> that's what allows the tree to intercept the air pollution. whether it sticks on the needles of the trees or it's absorbed into the tree from its pores. >> reporter: to nick wirens, it just makes sense. >> i think the more trees we can plant in urban environments, the better. >> reporter: now, with $1
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billion for urban forestry provided for in the inflation reduction act, officials from around the world and across the country are coming here to louisville from places like new york, washington, denver and dallas to find out how greening their their residents. everybody, back to you. >> i think that is fascinating. >> i love that. >> yeah. >> and, look, it also helps decrease the effects of the urban heat sink effect that it lowers temperatures. it puts out more oxygen into the areas. it just -- it's a no lose proposition. >> it is not just the physical side, but the mental side. you go out in the forest for a hike, how much better do you feel? >> they put those fake trees out on the plaza. i feel way less stressed. it feels good out there. >> the plastic ones. >> you know where you go to get those? an oasis. >> ah, full circle. speaking of living your best life, the secrets to better
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sleep, flawless makeup and a cleaner kitchen. if all of that sounds too good to be true -- >> there are the fake trees right there. adrianna brach is here with "today's bestsellers".
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we are back with a new round of "today bestsellers" as we prepare to say good-bye to summer and hello to fall. our shop today editorial director is here with items our team has hand picked just for you to make the tran six a little easier. and remember, you can scan that qr code on your screen and you can just shop right along with us. good morning to you. >> hey, good morning. >> good to see you. >> where are we starting? >> we're starting with leggings because small is synonymous with leggings. it's a piece you can where from summer to fall. this brand makes the best dupes. >> because leggings can be super expensive. >> so expensive. upwards of $100.
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these start at $32. we tested them against the higher-end ones, just as good. these are made with a lycra blend. you will get that stretch, but it will retain its shape. high waist, super flattering, really affordable. >> let's talk about our beauty routines. this is the tirtir red cushion foundation. this was a number one best seller in japan. over the summer. it came to the u.s. it is now available in 40 shades. we love you get everything you love about a foundation product in a cushion, so it is no mess. >> and it has a little shimmer to it. >> it doesn't have shimmer. it is like the look of the sponge. but the key is that you put it on. alexa here is showing a demo. you want to dab it on to get that natural glowy finish. >> it is like a spackly type, but it gives you a dewey look. i notice a lots of makeup artists are doing that. so you guys know. what about this one? >> this is a new one from l'oréal paris. this is the number one best
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selling face mist. this is what i'm calling hair spray for your makeup, but not actually hair spray. this is a setting mist. it will set your makeup all day long. it is transfer proof for up to 36 hours, water resistant. this is good for those hot summer, last days of summer. but you want to wear it all fall long. on, you want to make it last all day, this is the way to go. >> i love that. all right. now we have a good foundation. let's talk about these things, tech items. >> these are loops. these are a shop today tried and true favorite. they're ear plugs, noise reducing ear plugs great for sleep, if you're traveling, maybe hitting a concert. we love these because they've got over 50,000 perfect five-star reviews. people are obsessed with them. you need a little better sleep, which who doesn't this fall? these are the way to go. >> yes for the airplane noise reduction. great. >> i love nice sheets. >> let's talk about organizing your linen closet. i don't know about you.
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mine is a disaster. so these are a game changer. the best $10 hack ever. >> you can keep them together. >> yes. >> my closet i'm not going to lie, it's like i'm trying to find a king versus a twin. >> you never know what's what. this will help you keep them together. it also compresses them so you can keep your linen closet a little more organized. you can see here how we put it into use. >> yes. >> to really maximize the space that you have. >> this is my favorite thing. where can you get these? >> these are on amazon, it's 9.99. >> scan the qr code. >> last but not least, the fridge. we often forget about your fridge when we're refreshing for the season. this is a charcoal air filter purifier. >> baking soda is a great hack. you have to replace it every two or three months. this will last longer than that. set it and forget it. get rid of all the funky odors and use it in other rooms in your house. >> what's in it? >> charcoal. >> pop it in. it's so tiny, small footprint.
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>> home run. >> thank you so much. and again, to start shopping scan our qr code or head to we should mention today earns a commission for purchases through our links. oh, carson? >> hey, guys. great job. up next, great meal. grown-up mac n cheese. chef anthony here. lucky to have him. he'll create that authentic dish. do a little fish as well and learn something. great italian means you can make
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on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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this morning on "today food," we're cooking up homemade italian dishes. with chef anthony, his executive chef and partner from the iconic emilio's right here in manhattan. an restaurant operating for 70
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years, to rave reviews, a long list of sbcelebrity fans, including taylor and rihanna. now anthony is taking his talents down south, opening up his family's namesake in fort lauderdale. chef, great to have you. all big fans of you down here. let's see. first of all, how is the spot in fort lauderdale? >> everything is going well. florida is booming right now. >> are you taking what's been rocking in new york and said, let's do this down south? >> yeah. same exact recipes, old school italian, bringing it to florida. >> what do you think old school italian and what comes to mind? >> just simple but the best ingredients. few ingredients. don't complicate italian food. >> yeah. >> our first ingredient, red wine. >> red wine is first. my kind of chef. >> yes. let's go. >> i love it. you are going to be making a sole piccada. is that right? >> yes. this is a lemon sole picada. >> congratulations on florida, man. >> thank you. >> beautiful. let's start with the fish. so we're going to salt, a little pepper. >> yep. >> we will season the flour as
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well. >> thin fish. cooks pretty fast? this cooks about -- i want to say this dish will take about seven minutes in one pan. >> you get this at the super market. the butcher will help you make it look like this. >> clean, deboned. so what you got to do is ask for any -- basically this dish is good with any white fish. >> yep. now we will dredge it in flour. >> yep. >> that's it. nothing to bind the flour. you have the oil down on the fish or the fish is oiled up. >> no, the oil is heating up now. turn that up. >> the flour sticks on it? >> yep. >> the flour will create a crust. you want this nice, golden brown. >> beautiful. >> nice, hot oil. that's the key to the dish because you want that crust, it will make the dish. >> how long on each side? pretty quick? >> two minutes on each side and then it's ready. >> over here we have capers which will add some saltiness to the dish. it will give it color.
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>> we have our tasting table quiet. >> fantastic. >> the fish. the pasta is so good. >> excellent. >> chop these. >> chop them. rough chop. >> add them in. >> here another pan, cooking two minutes on each side. >> i'll flip it. >> now we'll do our sauce. we have extra virgin olive oil. capers. minced garlic. >> love it. >> chicken piccada. >> you can do chicken and fish. which is amazing. and like i said, it's a quick dish. so, for all the people that want, you know, a recipe where they can do it quick for their kids, i know you got kids at home. >> i do. by the way, you got two girls, expecting a third girl? >> yes, i am. >> congratulations, chef. >> met your beautiful wife. i have three girls as well. the girl vibe dad great. nothing better than the girl gang. >> you see how it's turning golden on the sides. >> yep. beautiful right there. >> boom. >> you're a chef, man. you're good.
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>> picatta going. >> you see how the garlic is turning translucent. you smell that? >> love it, yep. that's great. >> now we'll add white wine. some lemon juice. >> yep. >> and some chicken stock. so we'll let that cook on high heat. you want to reduce this by half. >> all right. >> turn off the heat. >> fish was done. pulled it out. >> yes. >> this is just the sauce. >> this is just the sauce. >> you do put the fish back in. >> finish it off. >> right now put the fish back in. throw cold butter in there. >> i got it. >> butter has to be cold to emulsify the sauce. you really want to thicken that sauce up because it looks too watery. >> beautiful, chef. >> finished product over here. >> i love that. i'll take a bite. walk us through the pasta. >> it is delicious. >> it's one of my favorite dishes. so simple. what are you starting with here? >> you have to toast the pepper corns which is one of the main ingredients. this dish is just liquid gold, i
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say all the time. starch water. >> fantastic. >> that's so good. >> toasted black pepper corns. not all chicken picatta is created equal. when you do it right, it's unbelievable. >> simple. >> don't complicate food. made with love. that's it. so this we're toasting the pepper corns. >> this opens them up. aromatic. >> smell it. >> got it. love it. >> as soon as they start popping like popcorn, they're ready. you see it. smoking. so that's good. >> pull this fish off. >> over there, take that out. >> yeah. just -- i don't want to ruin it. >> that's beautiful. >> perfect. >> put it right here. >> so these are ready. >> yep. >> come over here. >> yeah. got my wine. your wine. i'll take it. >> get my wine, too. >> you will pull out pasta water and use it? >> yes. >> what we'll do is we got our cooked spaghetti here. this dish, three ingredients. you got the pepper corns. lower that.
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that's ready. >> another great example, so simple, just so good when it's done right. >> yes. we'll take the pasta water, right? >> yeah. >> and always keep pasta water on hand. >> that looks watery to me but it's not. the cheese going to suck that up. >> you'll see right now. so keep adding cheese. there you go. grate it up. nice and fine. do it over here, too. >> little more. >> more cheese the better, guys. more cheese. more cheese, please. >> look at all that cheese. >> beautiful. >> so over here, what we'll do is you'll stake it and emulsify it. >> we have to run but it's delicious, chef. congratulations on ft. lauderdale. and the baby coming as well. chef anthony. this recipe is incredible. you saw it. simple. easy. go to uncle al? >> hey, here we go. some birthdays to celebrate. today's batch of smucker's jars extra cute. first up, happy first birthday so isla shulman.
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loves dancing and chasing her dog doug around the house. sienna sylvia from new jersey is 1 year old. you can't pass this little one without giving her a high five. happy birthday to amaria smith. this 1-year-old loves playing with her big sisters. happy first birthday to keanu farmer from nashville, tennessee. miles is 1 years old from burke, virginia. loves blowing raspberries on your arm. a smucker's fan all away from across the pond. ma tilda windsor from london is 1. despite the last name and her being her family's princess, she is not related to the royals. i think our first international birthday. >> oh, i like that. >> cheers. smucker's going international. we're back with our third and fourth hours, including chip and joanna gains on their newest fixer upper.
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but first your local news. make this at home tonight. it is delicious. cheers. to you, too. ♪
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good morning. it is 856 on marcus washington. investigators are still piecing together why a wrong-way driver triggered a head-on crash. this is killing a san jose woman and her young passenger on board. this is the northbound highway 85. now dash cam video right here, capturing the image of that white truck. the chp says that it slammed into a tesla shortly before 4 p.m. yesterday. a 47 year old woman and her 14 year old passenger died in the tesla. authorities are not saying if the two were related. happening now. chp says that the 39 year old driver of that pickup has a prior history of dui, and it was cited earlier this year for driving without a license. they also say t
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every shelter pet deserves a second chance, and you're making it possible for thousands of them, every day. because every time you feed your pet hill's you help feed a shelter pet which helps make them healthy and happy and more adoptable. changing their life forever so they can change yours. (♪♪) science did that. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today! this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," two of the nations biggest super market chains push


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